[HN Gopher] Shelf - open-source asset management software
       Shelf - open-source asset management software
       Author : CarlosVirreira
       Score  : 243 points
       Date   : 2023-07-10 14:10 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | 1z4n4g1 wrote:
       | What's the best way to get involved in the development of Shelf?
       | Looks like a fun project to contribute to!
       | Daviey wrote:
       | Visually, it looks GREAT. Thanks for sharing this. I do care more
       | about the feature set than the UI tho', so I have some questions.
       | AM to me is the foundational part of any security management. I
       | care about 3 main things:                 1) API support (for
       | custom tooling)       2) Integration with other tools (Jira,
       | Salesforce, etc)       3) Relationships/Dependencies with other
       | assets (to determine the blast radius if there is an incident, or
       | if this asset can be deco'd and what the impact would be)
       | Assets are more than just devices, are these catered for?
       | The feature set looks like it steps into EDM, which is a totally
       | different problem space to AM IMO.
       | oldandtired wrote:
       | Unfortunately, both shelf and snipe are limited asset management
       | systems that do not cover the broader asset management situations
       | and issues.
       | Having worked in asset management at one time, the field has some
       | quite difficult aspects that are often missed by these relatively
       | simple systems.
       | I am not disparaging what either of these systems do. There is a
       | lot of time and effort that has been put into them. However, full
       | blown asset management is a much bigger area than most people
       | understand or have built systems for.
       | One asset class that can act as a test case for any asset
       | management system that you might like to try your hand at
       | building is a multi-story multi-use building. Once you get into
       | the weeds on this one, you begin to see just how complex asset
       | management is.
       | One feature of asset management is the oft forgotten maintenance
       | sequences and forecasting of maintenance and refurbishment.
       | A number of other comments here have commented on such aspects
         | m-p-3 wrote:
         | Agreed, asset management isn't only about knowing and tracking
         | what the business possesses. A good system
         | 1. Separates, but inter-connect the Asssets and CI. An asset
         | will never change during its lifecycle. A CI is the actual
         | configuration(s) of an asset. It could be a simple laptop
         | (asset) with a standard OS (CI, one-to-one relationship), or it
         | could be a server (asset) with multiple virtual machines (CI,
         | one-to-many relationship)
         | 2. Will handle the entire lifecycle of the equipment.
         | 3. Will be an integral part of the purchasing, receiving and
         | decommission process.
         | 4. Will allow you to predict and plan the replacement of old
         | assets with a high level of confidence.
         | The product presented by OP only touches a sliver of what asset
         | management is. For some it might be just enough, but most don't
         | realize how complex it can become.
           | metisto wrote:
           | These are fantastic insights!
           | I'm aware of Snipe-IT, but could you recommend any other
           | open-source solutions?
           | I have a hunch that the scope and requirements of such
           | software are often tailored exclusively to enterprises, which
           | only comes with a price tag.
             | m-p-3 wrote:
             | On the open-source side I'm ot aware of any solution that
             | covers everything like this from one end to the other.
       | robinhood wrote:
       | Looks beautiful. Also, congrats on shipping it with a MIT
       | license, which is great.
       | One downside: the blog entries look like it was written by
       | ChatGPT or similar.
       | xupybd wrote:
       | Can anyone recommend a warehouse management system that's open
       | source?
       | viraptor wrote:
       | This looks great - I was looking for something like this and
       | other solutions are split into pretty much a) way too expensive
       | for a small business using it casually b) very basic systems
       | without mobile support. Ended up just using Airtable directly
       | with the mobile app - not amazing, but also not bad at all.
       | One thing I couldn't figure out from the website/GitHub - can I
       | attach more than one image to the item? For example I'd like to
       | save both the photo and the pdf of the invoice.
       | CarlosVirreira wrote:
       | Hopefully someone can gain value from this!
         | figassis wrote:
         | I will definitely use this to manage both my personal and
         | business assets. Thank you for sharing, this is great work.
       | browningstreet wrote:
       | Click through
       | Look for screenshot
       | Don't find
       | Close tab
         | mindw0rk wrote:
         | There is a link to a product home page...
           | feoren wrote:
           | Is there? I scrolled through the readme 4 times looking for
           | one and couldn't find it.
             | spiderice wrote:
             | It is in the "About" section of the repo. https://shelf.nu
       | sneak wrote:
       | The database backing this, Supabase, describes itself as "stable
       | enough for most non-enterprise use-cases".
       | I suppose that means this tool is "stable enough for most non-
       | enterprise use-cases", which means I can't use it despite wanting
       | to.
         | kiwicopple wrote:
         | I assure you that you're not going to reach the level of
         | enterprise we're talking about there (where some sort of
         | sharding strategy becomes important).
         | Basically - if you would run it on RDS, you can run it on
         | Supabase
         | spiderice wrote:
         | The capabilities of Shelf are going to be the limiting factor
         | to enterprise use far before Supabase/Postgres will be.
         | alostpuppy wrote:
         | On the pricing page, the paid plans are "production ready." I
         | wonder how they define an enterprise.
         | makestuff wrote:
         | Supabase uses PostgreSQL and they support offboarding from
         | Supabase so you probably could make this enterprise ready.
       | edgarvaldes wrote:
       | The other day I was looking for a Windows desktop app for
       | managing home assets (Where is this tool? What is inside my box
       | A1 located in room B?)
       | There is very little software like that. Everything is a website
       | or a smartphone app. I want a Windows desktop program.
         | CarlosVirreira wrote:
         | We will be releasing a desktop app for this. However, it will
         | require internet access.
         | atoav wrote:
         | For electronics or manufacturing I can recommend inventree.
         | https://inventree.org/
         | It can even do things like defining projects that are made of
         | sub-components that are made of parts you may or may not have
         | on stock (and if you added a prize for each of the parts it
         | will spit out a total cost). It can handle prize brackets etc.
         | For a most basic system or hobbyist needs this might be total
         | overkill tho.
         | Why not start an excel sheet with everything you have and put
         | an location next to the thing? The major work with such systems
         | tends to be first entry and then keeping things up to date, so
         | starting on a small subset of things and trying it out would be
         | a wise way to go about it.
           | hommelix wrote:
           | From lurking in the German mikrocontroller.net forum there
           | are a few hobby alternatives like - EleLa :
           | http://www.mmvisual.de/elela/ [ _] - PartDB
           | :https://github.com/Part-DB/Part-DB-server
           | The page on the forum wiki is https://www.mikrocontroller.net
           | /articles/Elektronik_Lagerver... [_] and it speaks mostly
           | about EleLa.
           | [*] these links are in German.
           | EleLa is a desktop app for Windows and Linux written in
           | FreePascal with Lazarus PartDB isa PHP server for self
           | hosting
         | vorpalhex wrote:
         | Honestly, some version of a sqlite database and form maker is
         | probably all you need.
         | If Docker is an option and you only need it for a single
         | machine, maybe NocoDB?
       | insouciance586 wrote:
       | Another great open source asset management system to check out is
       | Snipe-IT. https://github.com/snipe/snipe-it
       | I have used it for years both self hosted and with them hosting
       | and it's been a great low cost solution for asset management.
         | batrat wrote:
         | We have more than 6k assets, 2k+ users, hundreds of licences,
         | component's, and it's still fast. LDAP, api, tons of filters
         | and exports possibilities, selfhosted. Best solution IMO.
       | atentaten wrote:
       | Nice! I was thinking of building something like this at some
       | point.
       | m-p-3 wrote:
       | I tried the hosted demo and IMO it feel way too barebone.
       | * No basic fields like a serial number, model, etc * You can't
       | change the color of a category once created * It lacks the
       | ability to make assets templates * No obvious ways to create
       | custom fields
         | Solvency wrote:
         | No custom fields is a wild oversight. Yowza.
         | ckluis wrote:
         | Having worked with EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) & CMMS
         | (Computerized Maintenance Management Software) for 13+ years. I
         | agree completely. It also completely misses the "management"
         | part by not having any type of maintenance schedules,
         | tasklists, & safety/PPE information.
       | _joel wrote:
       | IT wise, It's been a fair few years since I've been in a
       | department that does asset management, we used to use GLPI with
       | it's warts and all, which got replace with
       | https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox
       | deckar01 wrote:
       | Replacing QR stickers with a visual tagging model seems like it
       | could reduce the friction of data entry dramatically.
       | nektro wrote:
       | and not a single screenshot in the readme
       | edit: oh its only on the website
       | 725686 wrote:
       | What do you guys use for managing digital assets, and by that I
       | mean what software is installed where, what usernames/passwords
       | are required for operating (databases, 3rd party API, etc), which
       | versions, etc?
         | whyfor_butToBe wrote:
         | [dead]
         | tomjakubowski wrote:
         | Those are notes in my big digital notebook (currently managed
         | by Obsidian)
         | 9dev wrote:
         | Notion. I have a network of related databases and knowledge
         | base style articles, interlinked as much as possible so as to
         | allow clicking through. This works pretty well for us.
       | poidos wrote:
       | Is there something like this but for "home" usecases? What's in
       | my pantry, how much of y do I have left in my medicine cabinet,
       | etc.
         | unixhero wrote:
         | A wiki or a spreadsheet
         | brunoqc wrote:
         | maybe grocy
           | majkinetor wrote:
           | OMG ... information horder in me will resist this temptation.
         | emmo wrote:
         | Homebox (https://github.com/hay-kot/homebox) is one I've been
         | looking at recently. Haven't actually set it up yet though, so
         | YMMV.
         | gffrd wrote:
         | Yes. They're on your face right now, above your nose.
         | jabroni_salad wrote:
         | It's only really good for groceries, but if you use Paprika's
         | shopping list it will track what you have at home and subtract
         | from it as you complete recipes.
         | malermeister wrote:
         | https://grocy.info/
         | This is what you're looking for.
         | tristor wrote:
         | Same question, but more focus on home electronics. I'd love to
         | track my appliances and home lab setup better than I do today
         | in just a spreadsheet. It'd be nice to get depreciation /
         | warranty tracking, diagrams which show tags/position in the
         | rack for my home lab. Basically similar to enterprise asset
         | management just on a much smaller scale and without needing to
         | operate a full ITIL shop + deploy enterprise scale.
         | I once, many moons ago, barcode asset tagged all my stuff and
         | was scanning it into an app that could track where it was in
         | your house on a basic 2d wireframe home, which let you report
         | for insurance scheduling purposes. Besides just tracking
         | generally, knowing what stuff you have that is valuable,
         | depreciable, and could be stolen/destroyed is very useful data
         | even for individuals.
         | WheatMillington wrote:
         | As anyone who has done inventory management could tell you, the
         | admin involved in keeping your pantry inventory up to date
         | would massively outweigh any utility you'd get from this.
           | joshstrange wrote:
           | Yeah, I wrote a simple pantry manager that used both barcodes
           | on the food items (used an api to lookup and pre-fill basic
           | info) and then small QR codes that I added to the item (to
           | track the individual instance), it was my "pandemic project".
           | It was cool but not the most user friendly (unsurprising,
           | UI/UX are not my strong suits) and it was a little tedious.
           | It was relatively easy to write through and I enjoyed working
           | on it. I was also tracking things like expiration with the
           | intention to have a list of things I should focus on using
           | first.
           | At the end of the day I abandoned it but the tech stack and
           | the hardware I bought (small Dymo label printer) actually led
           | to me building a side business on top of some of the basic
           | ideas behind it which has grown steadily since.
           | brunoqc wrote:
           | Maybe it could be worth it for only some items that you
           | always forget to use before they expire. or if it's for
           | saving money by waiting for stuff to get on sale, maybe only
           | for items that are really worth it.
             | winphone1974 wrote:
             | I built this for my chest freezer years ago (including the
             | domain chowcaster.com), which used a barcode scanner to
             | add/remove items. It worked better than a pantry because 1.
             | Less items and typically higher cost, 2. You usually make a
             | trip to your freezer and 3. It's hard to know what's in
             | there. It basically replaced the clipboard my mom still
             | uses to track her freezer inventory.
               | brunoqc wrote:
               | Good point. Nice.
       | [deleted]
       | iFire wrote:
       | https://github.com/Shelf-nu/shelf.nu/blob/main/LICENCE
       | License MIT <3
       | thetinymite wrote:
       | Seems interesting. It would be nice if a user could record
       | maintenance events. For example: rotate tires, change oil. Also,
       | I would like to upload user manuals - not just hyperlinks.
         | SoftTalker wrote:
         | Request Tracker is an older ticket system that also does asset
         | management and can associate tickets with assets.
         | It can be rather tedious to configure, as I recall, but it can
         | do almost whatever you want. Hope you know some perl. Have not
         | used it in at least 5 years.
         | https://bestpractical.com/request-tracker
       (page generated 2023-07-10 23:00 UTC)