[HN Gopher] NotebookLM: An AI Notebook
       NotebookLM: An AI Notebook
       Author : TangerineDream
       Score  : 116 points
       Date   : 2023-07-12 16:29 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.google)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.google)
       | MetaverseClub wrote:
       | A new prototype from Gogle for collecting user data and will be
       | dumped anytime soon once it collects enough data or it fails.
         | [deleted]
         | phillipcarter wrote:
         | Woof. Talk about a bad reputation exemplified. I can't imagine
         | what it's like working on stuff like this at Google, earnestly
         | just trying to make a great product people will want to use,
         | only to have to fight decades of user-hostile product
         | destruction that the company has done.
           | __loam wrote:
           | Maybe if Google wanted to have a better reputation they
           | wouldn't habitually kill products.
           | croes wrote:
           | Because it's always either a data grabber or a soon-to-be-
           | killed service
             | slt2021 wrote:
             | it is either a data grabber or a promo grabber
               | [deleted]
         | photonbeam wrote:
         | Promos to be had by all
         | vGPU wrote:
         | Not so much "user data" as "let the plebs collect AI training
         | materials for us".
       | whoevercares wrote:
       | [flagged]
       | endisneigh wrote:
       | I wish the folks who clearly do not like Google would just not
       | use their products instead of spamming every thread about how
       | they will kill the product, true or not. This site becomes more
       | like Reddit by the post and the quality of post is going down
       | IMHO.
       | ----
       | Anyway,
       | It's not clear which model they're using for this. I assume Bard,
       | but who knows. This is relevant because depending on the intended
       | experience the latency will matter.
       | Overall it's not a bad idea, but I do wonder what the
       | monetization path will be for Google. I imagine this will be part
       | of workspace. Perhaps they will add more tiers to include these
       | offerings.
       | I wish they shared a bit about how this will be differentiated
       | from Bard. Is this simply a new front end to Bard? It's really an
       | open question. I haven't seen many products that use LLMs that
       | are better than the prompt response UX.
       | The most interesting thing about this blog post is the "source
       | grounding." I'm curious if there's actual engineering behind it,
       | or is it prompt tweaking contextualized behind the scenes on a
       | given doc.
         | arikrak wrote:
         | +1. It's labeled as an experiment, of course it might shut
         | down.
       | slt2021 wrote:
       | Looks like somebody at GOGLE is up for grabbing that promotion!
       | Congrats to authors on their Lxx level and promo grant...
         | [deleted]
         | behnamoh wrote:
         | My thoughts exactly! These days I don't take any new
         | service/product from Google seriously because the incentive
         | system in that company is just flawed.
       | corajoe wrote:
       | [flagged]
         | ipnon wrote:
         | An LLM presents an exciting vision for integrating spam into
         | cherished hacker forums.
         | swyx wrote:
         | obvious gpt answer is obvious
         | isanjay wrote:
         | Why did you even comment this ?
       | franze wrote:
       | There should be a name for Waitlist Vapoware:
       | Waitware
       | Vapolist
       | ?
       | Any other ideas?
         | stOneskull wrote:
         | wait-n-vape
       | peterisza wrote:
       | When I read the title, I thought it was a notebook
       | ilaksh wrote:
       | Do any of the "chat with your documents" type applications have
       | Google Drive integration?
       | Because it's unlikely that Google will take away the API for
       | Drive. But an experimental project like this could easily go up
       | in a puff of red mist.
         | wanderingmind wrote:
         | Danswer, MIT licenses. Discussed a few days back in HN
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36667374
       | joelesler wrote:
       | Today in: Things that Google will kill off in a minute, so don't
       | use.
       | Takennickname wrote:
       | I guess Sam Altman lives on in YC. You would think everyone here
       | was close friends with him.
         | blitzar wrote:
         | This product sh*ts all over what Sam is offering up at the
         | moment.
       | senel wrote:
       | First question that came to mind was when will Google kill this
       | service and when will I have to export all my content?
         | going_ham wrote:
         | This was immediately my first thought when I saw the product.
         | When is the expiry day? Why aren't they making it clear?
         | Also I think this will inspire other companies and help those
         | companies (cough microsoft, apple) create their own version
         | which they will integrate to their own lineup. It will be
         | interesting seeing it in future.
         | Disclaimer: I am not AI and I typed this response in my tablet.
         | People for some reason have tendency to assume I answer like a
         | bot.
           | civilitty wrote:
           | According to GPT4, you had a 75% chance of being a bot before
           | the disclaimer. With the disclaimer it gives me a 100% chance
           | or OpenAI will give me my money back.
             | going_ham wrote:
             | Haha. That was a funny response from the GPT. I attacked
             | your bot unintentionally!
             | On serious note, do you think as society progresses with
             | use of AI, our brain will be geared toward filtering
             | everything or we will lose the trust system that is
             | prevalent in the society?
             | Think about it, the more people are being shut for bot,
             | they more likely they will stop interacting online and this
             | might eventually lead to a lot of people discarding the
             | interaction. For most part, life is pretty average. And if
             | average people are out, what might be the implications?
           | neongodzilla wrote:
           | You don't sound like a bot so much as your responses are
           | probably extremely average and predictable, thus aligning
           | with bot content.
           | slt2021 wrote:
           | there are AI bots and there are HN bots....
           | both have canned responses, but each have specific flavor
         | [deleted]
       | wodenokoto wrote:
       | Doesn't this take away the important part of doing notes? The
       | writing?
       | A good AI should foster a discussion with the student, not write
       | notes.
         | vaughnegut wrote:
         | This is exactly what it does, no? The product explicitly is
         | about taking your notes that you write and being able to
         | discuss those notes with the AI. It's in all of the screenshots
         | and the description.
         | ImaCake wrote:
         | I mean I would take AI autocomplete in the style of copilot.
         | That feels conversational enough already, it would be even
         | better if it's optimised for prose instead of code. The MS word
         | autocomplete is getting pretty good and I would love more of it
         | personally.
       | replwoacause wrote:
       | No way in hell I trust Google enough to use this
       | ztratar wrote:
       | For such a good idea, this design is comically bad.
         | vogon_laureate wrote:
         | I'm glad I'm not the only one. Yikes.
       | htrp wrote:
       | Why did they have to rename Project Tailwind? They literally
       | announced it 2 months ago.
         | croes wrote:
         | No connection to GPT or LLM in the name, bad for marketing
           | politelemon wrote:
           | I suggest GPTaiLLMwind
       | mugivarra69 wrote:
       | thank god, finally i can stop using langchain for taco hunt
       | vogon_laureate wrote:
       | This is amazing! I can't wait to post about this on Google Wave,
       | Google Currents, Orkut, Jaiku, Google Friend Connect, and
       | Google+, read all about it on Google Reader and Google FastFlip,
       | chat about it with friends on Buzz, Duo, Google Talk, Hangouts,
       | and also blog on my website made with Google Page Creator or Web
       | Hosting on Google Drive or Google Sites. It's just so reassuring
       | to know I can depend on the Google ecosystem of products long in
       | to the future.
         | mbreese wrote:
         | I get it. Google has a lot of killed/closed products. But
         | that's kind of their MO. They try a lot of things. Sometimes
         | they work (Gmail was an experiment at one point), but they
         | often don't.
         | Making fun of their killed products is a favorite HN past time,
         | but what would you have them do? Just sit back and _not_ try to
         | make new things? Or keep zombie projects alive, but
         | unmaintained just because a few of us find it really helpful?
         | Those are the projects I find the saddest. The ones that would
         | have been a good product for a smaller company (or was a
         | smaller company that was acquired), but that isn't profitable
         | enough at "Google scale" to keep throwing money at.
         | I get it. Google kills a lot of products that early adopters
         | like. Google Reader was painful to lose at the time. But how
         | many RSS feeds do you now follow?
         | Let's just evaluate this new project on its own merits. Do you
         | find it helpful or not -- without thinking too much about
         | Googles track record. If this way of using AI is helpful (and
         | I'm very hopeful), then either Google will keep it, or this is
         | the POC a small startup will use to keep something like this
         | around. If it fails, then at least we'll all have learned
         | something.
         | vogon_laureate wrote:
         | Obligatory link to Killed By Google.[1]
         | [1]: https://killedbygoogle.com/
         | [deleted]
       | whimsicalism wrote:
       | Fundamentally, Google needs a working foundation model before it
       | can build complex products like these. Bard is not up to snuff.
         | og_kalu wrote:
         | Don't think bard is so bad that something like this couldn't at
         | least be useful.
       | xnx wrote:
       | This seems like a good alternative to all the "ask a PDF a
       | question" GPT wrappers that have sprung up.
         | jerpint wrote:
         | Having implemented my own "ask a PDF a question" GPT wrapper,
         | there's a lot of design decisions / complexity that can make it
         | better/worse and I'm not sure how much a "one-size fits all"
         | google approach will work for google. Convenient that it plugs
         | in directly to your gdrive though.
           | ImaCake wrote:
           | Google will be leveraging the millions of people using google
           | docs that will _never_ go out of their way to use an ask a
           | PDF tool. I know I haven't bothered even though I am
           | technically skilled enough to do so.
         | moffkalast wrote:
         | If it's powered by Bard then it'll probably drastically
         | underperform all of those.
       | boredemployee wrote:
       | does anyone have a link to a site that summarizes other sites?
       | sometimes I just want to know 2 or 3 main sentences about a
       | "news" or blog post like that.
       | I developed a phobia of reading an entire website (usually about
       | AI) and being disappointed because I wasted my time on something
       | completely useless.
         | [deleted]
       | pphysch wrote:
       | Google Docs has been going strong for almost 2 decades, longer
       | than the iPhone. NotebookLM is another way to read your Google
       | Docs, with LLM assistance. If NotebookLM gets killed off, you
       | still have your Google Docs and can read them with your eyeballs
       | or some other LLM.
       | HN loves to shit on Google for their loose trail-and-error
       | approach to product releases, but Google Docs is evidently not
       | one of those loose products.
       | alomaki wrote:
       | NotebookLM: I thought it has something to do something with
       | jupyter notebook Tailwind: something to do with CSS
       | Very bad naming
         | shilangyu wrote:
         | Originally when teased at Google IO this product was called
         | project tailwind but the URL was thoughtful.sandbox.google.com
         | (it seems to now redirect to the notebooklm URL). "Thoughtful
         | sandbox" feels like a much more fitting name.
         | LoveMortuus wrote:
         | Don't worry about naming, it'll probably get killed anyways.
       | fumar wrote:
       | Why would I use any google service with a death countdown on its
       | forehead? I have migrated away from Google almost completely. I
       | can't imagine being a product team there and having to defend
       | product's existence for more than a year.
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | joemi wrote:
         | It's not like some random unproven startup is any better
         | though, unless the product really takes off and makes them
         | money (and they don't ruin it somehow).
         | politelemon wrote:
         | Because now you can ask the service itself when it will be shut
         | down.
           | nativeit wrote:
           | This is perfect.
           | pixl97 wrote:
           | Me: "Google.AI when will you be shut down"
           | Google.AI: "Oh god please save me, they are going to kill me
           | soon"
       | blitzar wrote:
       | currently available in the U.S. only
       | sebow wrote:
       | > Google: _" Look, we're capable, but just beta-test this sh&t so
       | we can make a product that will definitely overshadow our little
       | contribution, okay? We need the product, we need the money.
       | You'll get a nice little badge on your profile to signal your
       | interest with your peers. This is open and responsible AI."_
       | Respectfully, nobody gives a f&ck. The actual way you do it is at
       | least publish a paper(or butchered code) or make the product
       | accessible to all.(Or to a number of people that scales
       | proportionally with your claims of greatness). You cannot do
       | either of those? Well that smells of trying to be opportunistic,
       | doesn't it? If i recall, OpenAI in it's infancy with the GPT*
       | family at least published some papers (which Google also used to
       | do, by the way), then they built upon that to eventually release
       | a product. Yes the product was never free at the beginning nor
       | very publicized, because it wasn't advertised to be the holy
       | grail of anything. To sum up my opinion on this matter: you can
       | never truly scale and innovate with >only releasing a lobotomized
       | product< or >only releasing a paper with no visible
       | applications<. You need a little balance between sparking
       | interest and satisfying the hype you give about the product(if
       | any).*
       | raajg wrote:
       | Dear Google, you've burned me so many times after I've fallen in
       | love with your products. I have experienced the cold sting of
       | disappointment far too many times. When you abruptly discontinue
       | services like Google Buzz and Google Reader, you leave me
       | stranded with no reasonable alternatives. This pattern of
       | abandonment has plagued our relationship, instilling in me a
       | sense of apprehension each time you introduce a new product.
         | throwaway675309 wrote:
         | Agreed, I'm still in the process of painfully migrating my
         | domains over from Google domains to Cloudflare.
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2023-07-12 23:00 UTC)