[HN Gopher] Synit - A Reactive Operating System
       Synit - A Reactive Operating System
       Author : gjvc
       Score  : 90 points
       Date   : 2023-07-15 11:35 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (synit.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (synit.org)
       | tonyg wrote:
       | Author, AMA
         | patterns wrote:
         | Another question, Smalltalk related.
         | What I noticed in various Smalltalk systems is that there is a
         | lot of code duplication for handling UI interactions (such as
         | dragging or selecting objects in various kinds of views).
         | Garnet, for instance, addresses that problem with Interactors
         | and constraints [1].
         | Also, in Smalltalk, you will find countless instances of re-
         | implemented tree data-structures e.g., package trees, class
         | trees, UI component trees, which increases maintenance effort
         | and makes the system less uniform than it perhaps could be.
         | Could Syndicate address these problems?
         | [1] https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/67449.67512
           | tonyg wrote:
           | Syndicate certainly lets you factor out some kinds of
           | repeated behavioral patterns: I discussed in my dissertation
           | (chapter 9 [1]) examples around cancellation, around state-
           | machines, around observers, and around demand-matching.
           | Besides these examples, the general facets-plus-
           | conversational-context idea lets you factor out composable
           | behavioral _traits_. Which word reminds me of the Traits of
           | Scharli /Nierstrasz/Ducasse [2]: _those_ Traits have proven
           | benefits for improving reuse and reducing redundancy and bugs
           | in Smalltalk systems. So perhaps in general what we 're
           | looking for are new perspectives on old problems - new ways
           | of isolating and composing ideas.
           | Strictly on the example of dragging objects, I actually have
           | a little demo GUI that factors out object draggability into a
           | composable facet of behavior that can be "mixed in" to an
           | actor representing a graphical object. See [3] and, for
           | detail, [4].
           | [1] https://syndicate-lang.org/tonyg-
           | dissertation/html/#CHAP:PAT... [2]
           | https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1119479.1119483 [3]
           | https://git.syndicate-lang.org/syndicate-lang/syndicate-
           | gui-... [4] https://git.syndicate-lang.org/syndicate-
           | lang/syndicate-gui-...
           | tonyg wrote:
           | Thanks for the link to Interactors, by the way, I will enjoy
           | having a look at that paper!
             | patterns wrote:
             | My pleasure! I found it to be a refreshing read. Thank you
             | very much for your response. I will study your examples and
             | read up the parts in your dissertation.
         | convolvatron wrote:
         | I dug around for a little bit. Can you link to something that
         | points to intent rather than the implementation?
           | tonyg wrote:
           | Yes! I think the project page for the NLnet-funded part of
           | the project brings across some of the intent:
           | https://syndicate-lang.org/projects/2021/system-layer/
           | Deeper background would be something like "build something
           | that is to the Syndicated Actor Model as OTP is to Erlang",
           | because I believe the SAM is a great way to build interactive
           | programs.
         | ryanjshaw wrote:
         | Do you have any plans around GUIs? I caught the capabilities
         | bug about 25 years ago and as far as I can tell this is still
         | the big blocker for a capabilities-based desktop OS .
           | tonyg wrote:
           | I'm not there yet, no. I think the existing research on ocap
           | GUIs is promising, and I have ideas for UI in general (think:
           | cloud shells) that might stretch to GUI as well.
         | ssivark wrote:
         | Thanks for the AMA.
         | - Any comments/references on the potential applications where
         | the Syndicated Actor Model is going to be a particularly good
         | fit? (I'm curious, for example, about the potential in
         | robotics)
         | - Are you targeting any of these with Synit, or is it meant to
         | be a proof of concept?
           | tonyg wrote:
           | Proof of concept, to be sure. So far. It's currently on the
           | back burner because I have to eat : - )
           | Re applications, anything interactive and somewhat loosely
           | coupled. Particularly good for internet scale stuff, I
           | suspect, though again I've not rigorously explored this yet.
           | Tightly coupled control isn't a great fit. I suspect some
           | aspects of robotics could work well with it, but not the very
           | realtime parts. I'm not experienced in robotics.
         | ducktective wrote:
         | More in the "anything" category, but what do you think of Lisps
         | and Common Lisp in particular? Practical to write an OS in it?
           | tonyg wrote:
           | I'm an old Schemer (well, middle-aged) who has gone apostate
           | in favour of Smalltalks : - ) Schemes and Lisps are fine
           | systems and I enjoy working with them. And yes, practical to
           | write an OS in, but (and this won't surprise you at all)
           | probably even better if you add SAM support to them first! I
           | have done so for Racket thus far.
         | klabb3 wrote:
         | "Reactive programming" is promising. I've not looked at OSs,
         | but for other things, like databases, I've come to the
         | conclusion that our typical mixed-paradigm languages themselves
         | are clunky and likely need some changes. There's a lot of
         | boilerplate and callback indirection and so on to build
         | primitive things.
         | Did you get this feeling as well? More generally, how invasive
         | is the "mental model" in relation to existing stuff? Can you
         | benefit from it when mixed with "non-reactive systems", or do
         | you get the "worst of both worlds"?
           | tonyg wrote:
           | Good question. Yes, I get that feeling too.
           | I find that re-presenting existing systems in terms of
           | syndicated state and conversational contexts, like you're
           | using an FFI, makes everything fit together fairly well. Lots
           | of systems offer a reactive interface of _some_ kind, so it
           | 's often a matter of just filling in the gaps; even where
           | nothing "reactive" is available, one can always get by with
           | polling for changes! For example, adding a thin reactive
           | layer to Caddy would get you a nice pluggable systemwide HTTP
           | service. Or, as in synit, wrapping eudev and netlink gets you
           | reasonably coherent interfaces to plug-and-play and to
           | ambient network environment changes.
           | It's not quite embrace-extend-extinguish, it's more
           | encapsulate-embed-embody. You write "drivers" that
           | encapsulate non-SAM things, embed them in larger systems, and
           | over time take on functionality from the encapsulated
           | componentry as appropriate.
         | patterns wrote:
         | In your dissertation you mention that "program" internals such
         | as Exceptions should not be asserted as facts and pollute the
         | data-space; only relevant facts/knowledge about the domain
         | should be shared.
         | I understand this point, but what if you want to express
         | knowledge on how to adapt the technical parts of a system and
         | its infrastructure, not just the "problem" domain? I imagine
         | that Syndicate and its abstractions could be very helpful in
         | this regard.
         | What are your thoughts?
         | Edit: For example, you may want to delegate the diagnosis of
         | critical Exceptions to engineers, perhaps suggest resolutions,
         | patches. Would you use a dedicated syndicate network for this?
         | What would be your approach?
           | tonyg wrote:
           | Great questions.
           | Yes, that's fine: if your domain is _implementation detail of
           | the system itself_ , then using Syndicate to allow different
           | program components to have conversations about that domain is
           | totally OK.
           | The point I was trying to make about exceptions and polluting
           | the dataspace is as a point about unnecessary coupling:
           | exceptions per se are _not_ in most domains, so
           | communications mechanisms that include exceptions as part of
           | the transport are in some sense wrongly factored. Likewise
           | transports that include sender information at the point of
           | delivery of each received message. The point isn 't that
           | sender information or exception details aren't useful, but
           | that they're not something to _bake in_.
           | Concretely wrt your example: you could use a dedicated
           | dataspace for such things, yes, or you could design the
           | language of discourse for a large shared dataspace to allow
           | multiple ongoing conversations at once on unrelated or
           | semirelated topics.
             | patterns wrote:
             | I see. Thanks for the clarification!
         | toomim wrote:
         | Hi! I have a few questions:
         | 1) What are the benefits of the reactive operating systems? Do
         | you have any example use-cases that this does better than
         | traditional approaches?
         | 2) Do you find this related to functional reactive programming
         | at all?
         | 3) Since this is a model of concurrency with eventual
         | consistency, do you see it benefitting from eventually-
         | consistent OT or CRDT data types?
         | I am asking because I am working on what might be a related
         | model: https://braid.org and https://stateb.us. We are building
         | a "distributed state abstraction", that we envision will end up
         | in three places:
         | a) HTTP will upgrade from a state _transfer_ to a state
         | _synchronization_ protocol
         | b) Applications will be separated into UIs on top of a "web of
         | state" (see https://stateb.us/static/statebus-demo-3-31.mp4 )
         | and transition from _web apps_ to _app webs_
         | c) Operating Systems will replace file systems with state
         | systems; where local variables in memory can persist to disk
         | without explicit read/write calls, and can be read/written
         | across processes without programming overhead.
         | So I am asking these questions because I wonder if we are all
         | looking at the same programming abstraction, but from different
         | perspectives!
           | tonyg wrote:
           | Thanks for the questions.
           | 1. Applying the same tools used in the SAM for managing
           | concurrency and interactivity "in the small" to "larger"
           | aggregations of components, and starting to get insight into
           | the semantics of operating systems, if you like. For
           | examination of the advantages and drawbacks of the SAM, see
           | https://syndicate-lang.org/tonyg-dissertation/html/.
           | 2. Loosely, but only loosely. My dissertation (linked just
           | above) discusses FRP a little, but in a nutshell, the SAM has
           | ambition that covers more area than FRP.
           | 3. Yes, absolutely. I've done some experimentation, but
           | nothing rigorous yet.
           | From the points you mention, I think there might indeed be
           | some common underlying _thing_ here we 're looking at from
           | different perspectives!
             | toomim wrote:
             | Thank you! Hm, so is it safe to say that this is an
             | experiment for you in applying the SAM to a real operating
             | system, to see how the model works in practice?
               | tonyg wrote:
               | Yep. And so far, so good. I think it works well.
       | PAPPPmAc wrote:
       | It took me several minutes of clicking to determine that it's an
       | init/process lifetime management/IPC thing for Linux, that uses
       | the "Syndicated Actor Model" for dependencies and IPC.
       | They've chosen some interesting terminology that's a little
       | different than everyone else.
       | If it had been around by 2010 (which predates a lot of the
       | research it's based on, so no) when many Linux folks were looking
       | at SMF/SRC/launchd and thinking they wanted something like that,
       | it would be more likely to be relevant, but I think we're going
       | to be stuck with the systemd/dbus stack for some time due to
       | network effects and its all-or-nothing design, whether or not
       | someone comes up with a technically superior solution.
       (page generated 2023-07-15 23:00 UTC)