[HN Gopher] What differentiates front-end frameworks
       What differentiates front-end frameworks
       Author : thunderbong
       Score  : 141 points
       Date   : 2023-07-19 19:00 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (themer.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (themer.dev)
       | emorning3 wrote:
       | Totally disagree with this.
       | Change detection is nothing but a hack to get around the fact
       | that interacting directly with the browser DOM is very slow and
       | blinky.
       | Imagine a world where interacting directly with the browser DOM
       | didn't suck, then none of these libraries would exist.
       | The crux of the problem is that the browser immediately reflects
       | changes to the DOM to the screen. And when you make a bunch of
       | changes to the DOM you immediately see a bunch of changes happen,
       | with portions of the screen being blanked out, and layout changes
       | happening, and a whole bunch of other nasty stuff happening
       | _immediately_ , which all sucks. And updating a physical screen
       | is _slow_ too, double sucky. Change detection is a technique for
       | minimizing updates to the DOM to avoid the suckiness.
       | I implemented word processors, and I've used a technique called
       | 'double buffering' to rerender complete pages off-screen, fast.
       | And then update the screen smoothly. If we used a proper word
       | processor engine to display our UIs instead of a browser engine
       | then we'd have no need for React etc... After decades, Chrome
       | finally has a rational equivalent to this technique called the
       | View Transitions API.
       | My hope is that the days of doing change detection are numbered
       | and we can finally leave all this change detection crap behind
       | us.
         | spankalee wrote:
         | > the fact that interacting directly with the browser DOM is
         | very slow and blinky.
         | This is not really true, or at least hasn't been for many
         | years.
         | Change detection's primary purpose is to let other code know
         | when something has changed, and what changed. You could
         | theoretically re-render all your DOM based on that information,
         | and in many cases that works much better than people expect.
         | But the DOM is stateful, and truly large trees of 1000s of
         | nodes are too slow to update, so frameworks try to also do
         | minimal DOM updates.
         | > The crux of the problem is that the browser immediately
         | reflects changes to the DOM to the screen. And when you make a
         | bunch of changes to the DOM you immediately see a bunch of
         | changes happen, with portions of the screen being blanked out,
         | and layout changes happening, and a whole bunch of other nasty
         | stuff happening immediately, which all sucks
         | This is also not really true. The browser doesn't update the
         | screen until an animation frame. Anything you do synchronously
         | is _not_ rendered to the screen until code yields to the event
         | loop. Even many async things, done on the microtask queue,
         | block the next animation frame giving us visually atomic
         | updates.
         | Lit, for instance, uses this to get async, batching rendering
         | without unintended partial renders of the screen.
         | JohnFen wrote:
         | > I've used a technique called 'double buffering' to rerender
         | complete pages off-screen, fast.
         | I'm absolutely not a web dev (as this comment will make clear),
         | but I'm very surprised that browsers haven't been doing this
         | all along. I just assumed that they did.
         | cloogshicer wrote:
         | I don't know... even if the DOM was super fast, would it really
         | be ergonomic to keep all your state in the DOM tree and only
         | work with that?
         | I kinda doubt it.
         | So then you'd have to store some state in JS, and some in the
         | DOM, and again you get a syncing problem, since you lost your
         | single source of truth.
         | Or did I misunderstand your comment?
           | hinkley wrote:
           | At peak jquery, I argued successfully for storing the
           | metadata on DOM, because then you have a system of record,
           | upon which you can build a straightforward source of truth.
           | React does a ton of work to solve that architectural puzzle
           | another way.
           | The thing I have run into over and over again is that when we
           | try to pretend the system is Y when it is in fact X,
           | inevitably the impedance mismatch results in 1) bugs that
           | should be easy to reason about but are difficult to fix, and
           | 2) a form of pulling the ladder up behind you.
           | If I want to continue to work on interesting things I have to
           | be able to carve out chunks of my code to gift to #3 on the
           | bus number list, so I have the bandwidth to double down on
           | some other topic or expand into another.
           | I know which side my bread is buttered on. Many don't. Which
           | is why I have a more consistent supply of mentees than many
           | of my peers.
             | hombre_fatal wrote:
             | > I argued successfully for storing the metadata on DOM
             | Who did you convince?
             | stickfigure wrote:
             | Data comes from the server as JSON. Data comes from the
             | user as DOM events and changes. There's always going to be
             | an impedance mismatch.
             | The DOM API sucks, so React et al went all in with state-
             | as-objects. IMO it was the right call.
               | hinkley wrote:
               | I just don't think DOM->JSON->server->microservice->DB->m
               | icroservice->server->JSON->DOM is sustainable long term.
               | It's had a good run, but it's a big part of the reason
               | I'm looking at Phoenix for a personal project. React is
               | predicated upon solving the wrong problem.
               | Talk about impedance mismatches.
         | lincon127 wrote:
         | So what are you disagreeing with? Are you disagreeing that
         | change detection is what mostly diffentiates the front-end
         | frameworks? If so, what is that important factor that
         | differentiates them if not the mechanism that modifies when
         | change is detected? Why do you have such a strong belief that
         | this factor isn't it?
           | travisjungroth wrote:
           | They're disagreeing with change detection being the most
           | important part of a frontend framework by suggesting that the
           | browser API change dramatically so that we fix the important
           | problem of... change detection in frontend frameworks. Yeah
           | it's not the most consistent.
         | naasking wrote:
         | Change detection has nothing to do with the speed of DOM
         | updates, it's about directly encoding dataflow dependencies to
         | avoid code duplication and redundant UI updates. You could
         | paper over the lack of dataflow updates by just updating the
         | whole screen every time, but you still need to preserve various
         | state, like scroll positions, highlighted text, etc. which
         | still means only some state changes and other state does not.
         | hinkley wrote:
         | With the exception of list comprehension, which is IMO not only
         | the best feature of jquery but almost enough of a reason to use
         | it on its own, browsers have copied most of the features at
         | this point. Do you (or anyone else here) see an opportunity to
         | copy features from React into the browser?
         | I know there have been earlier tricks to pop elements off the
         | DOM, modify them heavily and then pop them back on. I wonder if
         | it would be better to a) provide a way to mark a node and it's
         | children as suspended reflow, or b) provide a virtual view
         | where you can do operations on off-DOM nodes including ones
         | that typically trigger reflow. c) something else entirely
         | NewEntryHN wrote:
         | In all cases you're going to store and manage your state some
         | place. What you describe is managing the state using the DOM
         | itself, which would indeed be easier if the DOM wasn't directly
         | tied to the screen, but which would still be very cumbersome
         | because of the lack of appropriate APIs for managing the DOM as
         | an application state.
         | If you were to go in this direction, you would eventually make
         | the DOM less DOM-ish, and the painting mechanism more DOM-ish,
         | effectively shifting everything one place and going full circle
         | back to the frameworks.
         | boxed wrote:
         | That's not nearly all there is to it. If the DOM was fast and
         | you could control redraws, it would still be horrible.
         | A performant big pile of mud is still a big ball of mud.
           | crooked-v wrote:
           | For example, there's the way it's _still_ impossible to pass
           | data between native Web Components without stringifying it
           | first.
             | spankalee wrote:
             | This is an absolutely stunningly false and ignorant
             | statement. I can't believe it's still being repeated.
             | Web components are objects and they have properties that
             | can be set. The entire web components community - which
             | includes the developers of apps like Photoshop, Reddit,
             | Chrome, Firefox, and a lot more - passes properties down
             | through trees of web components _all the time_.
             | WickyNilliams wrote:
             | Not via html attributes. But it's never been a problem to
             | pass data via JS properties:
             | someWebComponent.data = { foo: "bar" }
           | [deleted]
         | jeremyjh wrote:
         | You want to store your application state in a widget tree? This
         | was the part about the old bit 'o jquery approach that drove me
         | absolutely batshit. The logical state of your UI is strewn
         | about in Dom objects and their listeners, closures etc. There
         | is no one place you can go to see what state is relevant to
         | this component.
         | infogulch wrote:
         | We need DOM transactions.
         | nwienert wrote:
         | I think your idea of speeding up the DOM is the right one, but
         | the view transitions API has almost nothing to do with it.
         | That's more for whole page changes, and doesn't solve the main
         | issues which is that the DOM simply does way too much and is
         | bloated to all hell, and that JS is single threaded.
         | I'd like to see a new mode introduced ala "use strict". I know
         | the big brains at the top hate this but we need a way to shake
         | off some legacy especially in the DOM. A few changes to its
         | semantics could dramatically speed it up. And then the second
         | part would be a way to share events and DOM across workers so
         | we can put React essentially off the main thread. These two
         | changes together would make websites able to feel like native
         | apps.
         | tabtab wrote:
         | DOM wasn't meant for real GUI's and trying to trick it into
         | being one seems a fool's errand. It was meant for static
         | documents. DOM is the wrong tool for the job.
         | Time for a new state-ful GUI markup standard so we don't have
         | to rely on the whacky DOM to get expected and common GUI
         | idioms.
         | Maybe build the "engine" on top of the Tk or Qt kits to avoid
         | starting from scratch.
         | garganzol wrote:
         | DOM changes are only a part of the story. Another part is a
         | component model that allows to build complex software from tiny
         | and sometimes messy individual pieces.
         | robear wrote:
         | I don't see it that way. The main need for change detection in
         | my opinion is to remove the need to update parts of the DOM in
         | an imperative manner. It is fine to do that for smaller
         | projects but when a project gets large, it becomes difficult to
         | reason about the myriad of changes happening without a system
         | to handle that. I find any one of the examples in the linked
         | post way more easy to reason about than manual DOM updates.
           | emorning3 wrote:
           | I agree with you that going back to the JQuery days of
           | unmaintainable imperative code would not be a good thing.
           | But with JQuery I was able to create adaptive UIs by applying
           | 'transforms' to the DOM, I really miss that. Think of the way
           | that 'tag helpers' can apply cross-cutting transforms to
           | Razor Page applications, I used to do things like that with
           | JQuery.
           | React et al cuts me off from _both_ the browser DOM _and_ it
           | 's own virtual DOM, so this I can no longer do this. I have
           | to do everything the React way. Developing with React is far
           | less powerful than JQuery. I still find modern frameworks to
           | be a kind of straight-jacket. I hope to have my transforms
           | back in a rational way someday.
       | ramesh31 wrote:
       | Unpopular opinion, but I just simply don't care about performance
       | benchmarks between frameworks at all. If thats something you're
       | actually faced with, you should be writing your own perf specific
       | code. The only thing I care about is support. Can I hire people
       | that know this? Is it easy to onboard? Is there a ton of really
       | solid open source plugins and packages compatible with it? Is
       | there an LTS version? These are the only things that really
       | matter day to day.
       | AceJohnny2 wrote:
       | Offtopic:
       | The cursive italics are apparently a feature of the Victor Mono
       | [1] font used for the full page. While it'd be amusing in Tumblr
       | context (where cursive is used for hyperbolic emphasis), I can't
       | fathom why one would consider it in a code context, but to each
       | their own...
       | You can change it (at least on Safari) by going into developer
       | tools, clicking any node, and removing "Victor Mono" from --font-
       | family
       | [1] https://rubjo.github.io/victor-mono/
         | andrewl-hn wrote:
         | Victor is also an extremely narrow font. The author of the font
         | motivates it as means to squeeze more code per line. Not only
         | it would make longer lines more tolerable, but also for short
         | lines it reduces the eye movement needed to scan the line.
         | However, I personally find the narrowness more tiring for the
         | eyes to the point that it is even more distracting than the
         | cursive.
         | jbs55 wrote:
         | This also threw me off
         | 8organicbits wrote:
         | One of the first things I do on a new browser install is to
         | disable web fonts. I've never seen a site where they improve
         | things, often they flicker in after page load, which is
         | jarring.
       | timcavel wrote:
       | [dead]
       | colordrops wrote:
       | Worthless article if it doesn't include Web Components or Web
       | Component-based frameworks like Lit. Google, Adobe, Netflix,
       | SpaceX, and many other companies use standards-based components,
       | so it's not some niche thing. Funny that the "framework" that
       | will probably outlast everything in the article isn't even
       | mentioned.
       | jasmer wrote:
       | [dead]
       | jbs55 wrote:
       | I'm not technical enough for this. I thought a front end was
       | about the user.
         | jfengel wrote:
         | It is. But the hardest thing about the user is interacting with
         | them. When the user does something, something in the program
         | changes, and you have to change the screen to match. Or
         | updating the screen when some information comes in from outside
         | (like an API call).
         | That's basically what the article is about: keeping state in
         | synch with the user interface. There are a bunch of different
         | ways to do it. TFA compares a few of them.
         | A front end has to do a lot of other things, and it's kinda
         | overstating it to say that state is "the single most important
         | factor". But maybe not by much.
       | ngFanboi45 wrote:
       | > Angular's change detection is a disaster. The developer gets
       | two suboptimal choices: (1) the slow and naive default
       | implementation, or the complexity of managing change detection
       | manually.
       | This is completely wrong. The "naive" approach is the one you
       | should always use, with the onpush strategy reserved for breaking
       | certain cascading situations manually. But the default approach
       | works perfectly fine, it is performant enough, and even more when
       | compiled for production, as it runs only once (as compared to
       | twice in the debug mode). The author is incorrectly assuming that
       | the change detection is slow because it is automatic. That's the
       | entire point of the framework btw.
       | austin-cheney wrote:
       | That is putting the cart before the horse. Frameworks solve for a
       | fundamental business problem well before ever approaching any
       | technical problems. A front-end framework is an architecture in a
       | box, a pre-designed composition. There are a couple of business
       | reasons for that:
       | 1) Provides a common externally defined abstraction, so that
       | developers require less training and are more disposable.
       | 2) Supplement skills of unskilled developers
       | The reason frameworks do not primarily solve for change
       | detection, is because the browsers already provide that.
       | Frameworks provide an additional solution riding on the browser's
       | solution as an abstraction. Framework don't even really solve for
       | a common set of standards either, because the browser provides
       | that too. I really want to say that major frameworks provide for
       | a more narrowly construed set of APIs and design approaches, but
       | the APIs on modern frameworks are absolutely massive, so I cannot
       | say that either.
       | So... frameworks are really just an abstraction to achieve a
       | particular design approach, whether good or bad.
         | whatshisface wrote:
         | 3) Saves you from having to rewrite dataflow and state
         | management code with every project. (Saving time is a business
         | factor.)
           | austin-cheney wrote:
           | Those are trivial to solve for and then once you do solve for
           | it its just a matter of copy/paste from project to project
           | with about 10 minutes of rewiring. That costs dramatically
           | less than spinning up a large framework project to project,
           | but frameworks save on training time because most developers
           | cannot solve for these problems on their own.
             | [deleted]
             | quest88 wrote:
             | You're describing an inhouse framework
               | austin-cheney wrote:
               | That is called Affirming the Consequent. Something like:
               | all frameworks are composed of code so therefore all code
               | eventually forms frameworks. It's a common form of
               | nonsense.
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affirming_the_consequent
               | shigawire wrote:
               | What is the difference between code you've written that
               | you use from project to project and a framework?
               | If it is just about the knowledge then wouldn't it be
               | valid to just gain that same knowledge about a framework?
       | onion2k wrote:
       | I don't agree, because in my experience every framework is _fast
       | enough_ unless you 're either past what it's capable of (you
       | probably aren't) or you're using it wrong (you probably are). It
       | is _far_ more important to fine a framework that you like and
       | that you understand, because then you 'll write good code that
       | the framework can run fast.
         | mianos wrote:
         | I agree. Of course there is no 'single factor' for almost
         | anything.
         | So, going with the themes of attention seeking hyperbole, I
         | would say the 'single biggest factor', is the ability to find
         | and keep skilled developers in any of these top 10 frameworks.
         | The differences mean _nothing_ when the bigger picture is
         | considered.
       | alana314 wrote:
       | The problem I have with react is that if I set a variable using a
       | hook, it's asynchronous and not immediately available in my code.
       | It's nice for updating the DOM but causes me lots of race
       | conditions.
         | boringuser2 wrote:
         | This is an issue of you not understanding how to properly
         | manage the state of your application, not React.
         | It's very likely that you're using effects improperly.
         | joshribakoff wrote:
         | This is by design, the race conditions are caused by your
         | implementation not complying with the constraints it was
         | designed for you to stay within.
         | Use a local variable (not react state) if you need to store a
         | value and read it back synchronously. Use a useEffect hook if
         | you need side effects to run when react state changes, and
         | finally useMemo if you need derived react state
       | dezmou wrote:
       | React is not reactive at all, the "state" management is you
       | calling a function "setState" to re-render the component.
       | And I find manual render very usefull and once you do it, you can
       | have a global state as simple as a global object, no need to use
       | useState anymore.
       | https://github.com/dezmou/useRender
         | boringuser2 wrote:
         | This is extremely inadvisable for numerous reasons and goes
         | against the entire design philosophy of React.
         | In short, injecting a naive render function over the react
         | virtual dom calculation is wildly inefficient.
           | dezmou wrote:
           | This piece of code only rerender the component as if you do a
           | setState, in fact it does a setState under the hood, maybe
           | the word "render" is missleading.
       | [deleted]
       | yakshaving_jgt wrote:
       | So the single most important factor that differentiates front-end
       | frameworks is DOM diffing performance?
       | Well, IIRC, Elm is faster than all the examples given, and yet
       | front-end developers find Elm to be weird and frightening.
       | So I'm not sure I agree with the premise of the article.
       | I also don't agree that there can be so many valid answers to
       | "Find a change detection paradigm that fits the needs of your
       | application". Surely everyone just needs the one that is most
       | efficient and least broken.
         | mark38848 wrote:
         | Don't you find a language without higher-kinded types or type
         | classes frightening, too?
           | yakshaving_jgt wrote:
           | Funny :)
           | I'm not sure how to answer this question. Any serious answer
           | would spoil the joke.
       | croes wrote:
       | What about Solid.JS?
         | grayrest wrote:
         | Solid works differently in that the output is implemented as a
         | side effect of a subscription to a piece of state. Simplified,
         | think of a signal as an event emitter and a variable with a
         | getter and a setter. Using the getter adds its downstream
         | effects-most notably adding/modifying DOM nodes-as an event
         | listener. Using the setter updates the state and triggers the
         | event listeners.
         | Most other frameworks here (all? not sure about Vue) will
         | invalidate and rebuild an entire component subtree if a piece
         | of state in them changes. The solid runtime doesn't care about
         | components so changing a piece of state high in a subtree will
         | only update the piece of the DOM directly depending on that
         | state and not any nodes that were authored as sub-components.
       | MauranKilom wrote:
       | Not a frontend person, and unlikely to become one anytime soon,
       | but maybe someone can shed some light into the downsides of
       | Svelte? The article fails to mention any (it's apparently "win-
       | win"). Presumably if Svelte were the be-all-end-all of front-end
       | frameworks, it would dominate soon enough?
         | tl wrote:
         | React:
         | - had a 3 year head start on Svetle (2013 vs. 2016)
         | - has major engineering orgs behind it. Facebook started it.
         | Microsoft makes it work with Typescript.
         | - is easier to get started with. While JS-compilation is
         | common, it's required for Svetle.
         | Svelte isn't free of pain points. Like any form of magic, it
         | has edge cases. It's better but not "better enough" to de-
         | throne React.
         | boringuser2 wrote:
         | My experience:
         | JSX is the best templating language.
         | Svelte hides complexity and this can bite you in tracking down
         | issues.
         | React just feels better to me for a professional project,
         | though I like Svelte.
         | simlevesque wrote:
         | > maybe someone can shed some light into the downsides of
         | Svelte
         | The automatic handling of dependencies and recomputing means
         | you have less control over how updates work.
         | Also I think it is important to understand the mutations going
         | on in your ui. Having them explicit like in Vue makes it easier
         | to understand what is gonna happen by looking at the code
         | versus the implicit way that Svelte uses.
         | grayrest wrote:
         | > maybe someone can shed some light into the downsides of
         | Svelte
         | Svelte trades off runtime size for component size. It was
         | created in the context of infographics for the New York Times
         | online and for projects that roughly line up with that it's
         | pretty much the technically best option.
         | I like the Svelte authoring experience and introduced it for a
         | few components in a React based low-code platform. The reason I
         | phased it out was a chat component that was ~600 LoC and
         | 50-something reactive variables in a moderately complex chain
         | blew up into ~5k LoC of output. I also ran into what seemed to
         | be some transient invalidation issues. I was short on time to
         | debug this and engage with the Svelte community so I rewrote it
         | in React to match the rest of the system. It's possible I was
         | doing something wrong but I don't have enough confidence to bet
         | on 3.x again. I'll take another look when 4.x comes around.
         | > Presumably if Svelte were the be-all-end-all of front-end
         | frameworks, it would dominate soon enough?
         | There's significant network effects around the established
         | frameworks. Nobody gets fired for picking React. I personally
         | think Solid is the best overall technically but the ecosystem
         | and mindshare is smaller and that matters to a company making a
         | business and not necessarily technical decision.
           | boringuser2 wrote:
           | Why do you care about compilation output?
           | Also, your component sounds cumbersome.
             | kabes wrote:
             | Because the article makes it sound like your application
             | code will be smaller because you don't need to ship the
             | change detection library/framework. But in a big enough
             | application, the explicit change detection code added by
             | the compiler adds up to more lines of code than most
             | frameworks.
             | i-use-nixos-btw wrote:
             | I'm mainly a C++ developer, not a frontend developer
             | (though I dabble), and when I have a choice of multiple
             | approaches the first thing I do is go to godbolt.org,
             | implement MWEs and compare the assembly.
             | I also do a lot of code generation, and my absolute goal is
             | to have it write code that I'd write if I were doing it by
             | hand. That's pretty key for me. If the output is better,
             | then good. If the output is doing a bunch of stuff it
             | doesn't need to be doing because it's taking my specific
             | use case and making it conform with its own model for doing
             | generic things, I don't like it.
             | I was a web developer back when tables for layout, HTML
             | attribute soup for styling, and applets for interactivity
             | were going out of fashion. Semantic HTML and CSS for layout
             | and styling and JS for interactivity were coming into
             | fashion. Divs for layout, class soup for styling, and JS
             | frameworks for interactivity hadn't yet become mainstream
             | when I stopped.
             | So my default is lean HTML, lean CSS, raw JS. Maybe JQuery
             | if needs be. It's an outdated default, but it's mine. The
             | thing is, I get great load times and performance for what I
             | need. What I need is normal dashboard stuff - though
             | because of the nature of the field I work in, it condenses
             | a lot of information onto a page and that information is
             | updating many times per second.
             | I don't seem to get enough performance from the frontend
             | frameworks I've tried. I don't know if it comes from code
             | bloat, or deep call stacks through god knows how many
             | levels of indirection, the way DOM updates are issued, or
             | something else - but it has just never seemed worth the
             | learning curve to end up with something I can't do myself
             | with admittedly a lot of work.
             | As such, I find this review helpful. Svelte has caught my
             | attention and I want to give it a go, but if the output is
             | bloaty then that's a red flag for me. If it's bloaty
             | because it isn't doing backflips through the call stack,
             | but is inlining code - that's familiar territory and
             | certainly something I can deal with.
         | pmarreck wrote:
         | The problem is, there is no panacea in technology, only
         | tradeoffs. Svelte does look pretty sweet though.
         | satvikpendem wrote:
         | You need to learn a custom DSL for logic instead of using just
         | Javascript. This makes it worse for TypeScript as well as other
         | tools like for linting, etc. Personally I'll never learn
         | another DSL after JSX.
         | Implicit 2 way data binding which makes logic hard to follow in
         | larger projects, same with their reactivity model.
         | Aerbil313 wrote:
         | Well it is very new. React has a massive inertia, so it
         | dominates for now. I do FE work and see Svelte is gaining
         | popularity.
           | bobolino123 wrote:
           | 2016 is not very new
             | boringuser2 wrote:
             | Actually, that's very old in frontend years.
             | karaterobot wrote:
             | Probably as much as the 3 year difference is the fact that
             | Facebook made and evangelized React. I know I didn't hear
             | about Svelte until 2018-2019, but I knew about React within
             | a few days of its release.
             | [deleted]
       | bob1029 wrote:
       | > There are tons of blog posts on the internet about how
       | frameworks differ and which one to pick for your next web
       | project.
       | You can also just not pick one.
       | MDN is my anti-framework.
         | kaishiro wrote:
         | MDN has a great series of guides on front end frameworks :)
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Tools_and_tes...
       | nsxwolf wrote:
       | You know what I've always wanted in a front end framework, as a
       | back end developer that sometimes is forced to work on front end
       | tickets? I want a development build mode that generates some kind
       | of project metadata where I can just point to something on the
       | screen and get a report of all the interesting files in the
       | project that are responsible for what I'm seeing:
       | * API calls
       | * Templates
       | * CSS
       | * Controllers, etc.
       | My usual technique of finding some text content, looking for an
       | i18n file and working my way backwards is tedious.
         | MatekCopatek wrote:
         | Most of the major frameworks (I'm 100% sure about Vue and
         | React) have browser extensions that give you extremely powerful
         | dev tools. It's not _exactly_ what you're asking for, but
         | pretty close. You can actually click on a random thing, see
         | which component it is, what kind of state it's holding
         | internally etc.
         | frio wrote:
         | You may be looking for `sourcemap`s, which store a record of
         | the transpilation that has happened and let you work backwards.
         | Your browser's tools should fetch them by default if they're
         | available, but depending on your frontend stack, they may not
         | be generated by default.
         | RandallBrown wrote:
         | Apologies if you're aware of this already but every browser has
         | a web inspector built in where you can point and click on
         | something and at least see the HTML and CSS associated with it.
           | rubinlinux wrote:
           | And vuejs has a browser plugin which can sort-of show you
           | which components call which components to get there.
           | commotionfever wrote:
           | and you can also click on a request in the network tab and
           | find out the line of code triggered it, including callstack
           | also with react dev tools you can click somewhere on the page
           | and see the react component, it's props, etc. similar tools
           | are available for other frameworks
       | jchook wrote:
       | VanJS[1] seems to have a somewhat different approach.
       | The entire framework is surprisingly simple and easy to
       | understand. In benchmarks I've seen it perform well, even better
       | than SolidJS.
       | 1. https://vanjs.org/
       | gatvol wrote:
       | Not a single mention of URLs, statefulness ...
       | r_singh wrote:
       | This website loads staggeringly fast (much faster than HN and my
       | own static site which uses Gatsby and is hosted on Cloudfront).
       | What's the reason for this?
         | hbn wrote:
         | It flashes a dark theme for a half a second before switching to
         | light
         | sambroner wrote:
         | Really impressive stuff. Seems to have slowed down slightly now
         | that it's on the front page, but blazing fast when I first
         | opened it.
           | 8organicbits wrote:
           | Interesting. I'm seeing something slower. Pagespeed shows 2.7
           | seconds:
           | https://pagespeed.web.dev/analysis/https-themer-dev-blog-
           | the...
             | lelandfe wrote:
             | FCP is limited by transform.js, whatever that is. It looks
             | pretty chunky. https://www.webpagetest.org/result/230719_Bi
             | DcSR_DDD/1/detai...
             | sambroner wrote:
             | Even just an eye-test shows it's much faster than that for
             | me.
             | Pagespeed shows .6 for desktop, but locally I'm seeing
             | frames loaded under 350ms. I would have guessed much
             | faster, but I guess the devtools don't lie.
               | esrauch wrote:
               | I think devtools can lie in the sense that it can be
               | slower when devtools is open in some circumstances.
           | rustybolt wrote:
           | Impressive? This is the default. You have to actively do
           | stuff to make it slower.
             | travisjungroth wrote:
             | You have to actively do stuff to make a house messy, but it
             | can still be impressive when it's clean.
               | dylan604 wrote:
               | I find it the opposite. You have to actively clean a
               | house, but do nothing and it won't be clean
             | [deleted]
         | formerly_proven wrote:
         | Served from a service worker after the first load
         | NewEntryHN wrote:
         | 52ms for me. Pretty standard for an HTML page.
         | suralind wrote:
         | Served via service worker, but still Cloudflare serves it
         | faster than my very minimalistic static blog. Perhaps it uses
         | paid Cloudflare plan?
       | beebeepka wrote:
       | The way we do SPA is kinda nonsensical because we're fighting the
       | browser. It would be great if we could simply change a value then
       | see the result on the screen at the next tick. DOM is great but
       | not ideal for truly dynamic stuff with lots of things going on,
       | which is pretty much the worst case for the tech.
       | Really dynamic apps can be really fast with canvas but I am not
       | we have the tools to replace DOM websites just yet. Maybe in a
       | decade.
       | franey wrote:
       | It is something that distinguishes them, certainly. As someone
       | who switched from using Vue to React at my day job, dev tooling &
       | editor support have been the things that stand out the most to
       | me. React works well with Vite, which has helped make it easier
       | to use, and I've been migrating projects away from Webpack + Jest
       | to Vite + Vitest, which saves a lot of dependency maintenance. I
       | definitely miss Vue 3's VS Code extension when I work in React,
       | though.
       | spankalee wrote:
       | Svelte isn't a strict win-win. It requires a compiler, and forks
       | of JavaScript and HTML.
       | And it isn't actually very different from React or Vue anyway,
       | and in fact quite a bit more limited than Vue (not necessarily
       | bad).
       | Saying:                 "I'll figure it out for you at compile
       | time." --Svelte
       | is just a non-technical, basically non-meaningful statement.
       | You need to know _what_ it figures out exactly. What state and
       | what state changes are observable? These things matter more than
       | whether it's done at compile time or runtime.
       | And I think the author is ascribing far more power "compile time"
       | than what's actually happening. Svelte is not doing some kind of
       | sound data flow analysis on your JS code to figure out what could
       | change and rewriting your code to be observable (something not
       | really possible anyway). It's using specific syntax conventions
       | to make some variables into shallowly observable properties. And
       | it adds "store" concept, which is more-or-less Signals as
       | popularized in Solid, now Preact, and soon Lit and Angular.
         | lnenad wrote:
         | > Svelte isn't a strict win-win. It requires a compiler, and
         | forks of JavaScript and HTML.
         | These points weren't touched upon by the author. He compared
         | the frameworks from one perspective and one perspective only.
       | sublinear wrote:
       | > Instead, we'll go directly to the crux of the main problem
       | front-end frameworks set out to solve: change detection, meaning
       | detecting changes to application state so that the UI can be
       | updated accordingly. Change detection is the fundamental feature
       | of front-end frameworks, and the framework authors' solution to
       | this one problem determines everything else about it: developer
       | experience, user experience, API surface area, community
       | satisfaction and involvement, etc., etc.
       | I disagree. Sure that's at the core of how a framework is
       | written, but all the developers really care about are the
       | interfaces. The user doesn't care at all unless it doesn't work
       | or is annoying to use.
       | If your interfaces are dictated by the way the event loop is
       | written, there's something wrong that needs to be decoupled.
       | Events should be generic and interfaces should be arbitrary to
       | what developers want.
         | phailhaus wrote:
         | Since it's at the core of how a framework is written, it
         | affects what the developers must handle and therefore the
         | interfaces that are possible. If you know how a framework
         | handles change detection, you already know something about the
         | interface it must expose.
       | dadsquad wrote:
       | can't forget library support.
       | 12_throw_away wrote:
       | Interesting to compare these with the results on the js-
       | framework-benchmark page [1] (with the usual caveats about
       | benchmarking). Without actually running the numbers,
       | qualitatively it looks like there are 3 performance tiers:
       | VanillaJS (fastest); Vue, Svelte and Elm (often close to
       | vanilla); and Angular and React (sometimes comparable, sometimes
       | much slower).
       | [1] https://krausest.github.io/js-framework-
       | benchmark/current.ht...
       | avereveard wrote:
       | Nyeh. The most important factor in a framework is debuggability
       | if the stack trace is messed up and the frames are polluted by a
       | hodge podge of state variables I want nothing to do with it.
       | The rest is nice to have.
       | ChrisArchitect wrote:
       | From June since no date on it
       | Shared by the dev https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36403909
         | pmarreck wrote:
         | Technical blog posts without a date should be illegal
           | pc86 wrote:
           | But how will I drive traffic to my evergreen course funnel
           | with publication dates all over my articles?
           | The FA actually _doesn 't_ do this, but a lot of things
           | (including those that do very well on HN) do for exactly this
           | reason.
             | exac wrote:
             | Using the current date for the article /s
             | There must be a browser plugin that offers the date a
             | website was first indexed.
               | pc86 wrote:
               | I seem to recall a (non-technical) blog getting called
               | out for basically generating a random date within the
               | past month or so for a lot of its content, but that might
               | just be a false memory.
               | pmarreck wrote:
               | That's a brilliant idea, if someone else hasn't already
               | implemented it
       | mgaunard wrote:
       | There is only one important factor: the frameworks others wrote,
       | and the ones you wrote yourself.
       | rubymamis wrote:
       | QML wins with bindings and signal and slots! (In this example the
       | the _text_ property of the Text componenet is binded to _count_ ,
       | so whenever count changes the text changes).
       | ```
       | property int count: 0
       | Button { onClicked: { count--; } }
       | Text { text: count.toString(); }
       | Button { onClicked: { count--; } }
       | Button { onClicked: { incrementLater.start(); } }
       | Timer { id:incrementLater interval: 1000 onTriggered: { count++;
       | } }
       | ```
       | Better in so many ways.
       | tashoecraft wrote:
       | Haha, the anti angular bias in this is so strong. From getting
       | things just wrong to presenting their own feelings as fact. Makes
       | me discredit the rest.
       | heisenbit wrote:
       | I find looking at component level change detection without giving
       | equal space to the store change detection and the integration
       | between the two insufficient.
       (page generated 2023-07-19 23:00 UTC)