[HN Gopher] Lit: Simple, fast web components
       Lit: Simple, fast web components
       Author : tambourine_man
       Score  : 67 points
       Date   : 2023-07-20 21:05 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (lit.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (lit.dev)
       | downvotetruth wrote:
       | Defaulting to v2 instead of v3 for the documentation selector in
       | the upper right seems odd, especially considering the extent of
       | the changes.
         | aranw wrote:
         | v3 appears to be pre-release version? Surely that makes sense
         | to not default to pre-release code for the docs?
           | downvotetruth wrote:
           | The upgrade is claimed to be seamless when running Lit 2.x
           | with no deprecation warnings; defaulting to deprecated API
           | documentation is a bit counterproductive.
             | spankalee wrote:
             | v2 documentation is not deprecated. v3 isn't released yet.
               | downvotetruth wrote:
               | If v3 is "not released" then having it accessible with
               | the other 2 releases is contradictory - this "prerelease"
               | is still a form of release; no claim was made that the
               | entirety of the v2 documentation was deprecated.
       | donmcronald wrote:
       | Does anyone know if the social icons on that site are from a set
       | somewhere?
       | hbcondo714 wrote:
       | One scenario for using Lit is with a PWA; it comes pre-built with
       | Microsoft-founded PWABuilder's starter kit:
       | https://docs.pwabuilder.com/#/starter/adding-content?id=addi...
       | formerly_proven wrote:
       | > Tiny footprint, instant updates
       | I can see that, the website re-renders only three times on load
       | (text - image - fonts).
       | samwillis wrote:
       | Lit looks really good, I keep trying to find an opportunity to
       | try it out. I feel like web components and the tooling around
       | them has finally got there. Major front end frameworks like
       | React, Vue and Svelt finally also have good support for them.
       | What I really want is a good set of _unstyled_ web components
       | implementing many of the common UI controls that we all end up
       | either building ourselves or finding an implementation of in our
       | framework of choice. Things like drop down menus, select boxes,
       | and tool bars. They could then be used with any of the common
       | front end toolkits.
         | sublinear wrote:
         | At my workplace we only ever used it once to build a skinnable
         | white label customer support widget for about a dozen of our
         | client's websites.
         | It's a webcomponent that gracefully degrades to es5 + polyfills
         | for IE (this was years ago).
         | Getting the rollup build to work correctly was a bitch and a
         | half, but it turned out nice and it's still in use today.
         | psygn89 wrote:
         | Agreed. I get excited to see "headless components" until I read
         | the fine print that it's locked into framework x (usually
         | React). I wish there was a robust headless AND framework-
         | agnostic component library (preferably relying on Lit or
         | Stencil).
           | samwillis wrote:
           | Think thing is that Ionic have proven this can work with the
           | massively underrated Ionic Framework (built with Stencil,
           | which they also built). I just wish they expanded a little
           | further into desktop UI components and provided an no/low
           | styled variant - I dislike Material as a base style, it's too
           | opinionated.
           | They are 50% of the way to building a universal mobile+
           | desktop ui toolkit.
           | Do the same with Ionic Capacitor, make a desktop version, and
           | that would be an incredible improvement over Electron - it
           | uses the OS supplied web view.
           | commanderkeen08 wrote:
           | Nobody wants Shadow DOM though. Using ::part is always clunky
           | and we're all lying to ourselves when we say "oh no that's
           | the feature".
           | The whole shadcn/tailwind philosophy of having you own your
           | components is the future.
             | jakelazaroff wrote:
             | Wait, but that _is_ the feature. My issue with Shadow DOM
             | is that  "base" styles (like fonts and colors applied to
             | tag selectors) don't come through, not that I can't
             | override any given style from outside.
             | I'm not really sure what you mean by "own your own
             | components"?
             | johne20 wrote:
             | You don't need to use Shadow DOM though?
         | e111077 wrote:
         | unstyled web components: look into ING Lion Web Components
         | (Lit-based) or @generic-components/components (vanilla)
       | UnixSchizoid wrote:
       | Sounds pretty lit, Edit:Dang you guys really hated that
       | atarian wrote:
       | I think web components were almost a good "built-in" way of doing
       | React/Vue. Where it lost me was the Shadow DOM. I get that it's
       | supposed to encapsulate the contents of a component and restrict
       | JS/CSS to itself, but it's overkill IMO. It's basically like
       | having a bunch of iframes and makes it much harder to query
       | things, which is very much unlike the rest of the DOM. I don't
       | need guard rails to tell me how to do encapsulation.
         | benno128 wrote:
         | I think framing it this way can lead to real gripes with the
         | interface. Web Components are a great way to build _individual_
         | components that can be reused across an app, website, or shared
         | as part of a library. They are like helper functions for HTML.
         | They don't work as well for building apps, sure you can do it,
         | but tools like React/Vue/Svelte are much better at building a
         | whole app experience. Particularly when you consider meta-
         | frameworks and the ecosystem around them.
         | acedTrex wrote:
         | poorly designed web components are so painful because of that
           | e111077 wrote:
           | Yeah, this is not an issue for very well-designed WCs like
           | https://shoelace.style or in cases where it's not necessary
           | like https://modelviewer.dev/
         | spankalee wrote:
         | Encapsulation might be overkill for a single developer, but it
         | very much matters for teams and using third-party components.
         | If you want to drop in a calendar component into your page from
         | npm, it helps if that component's styles don't leak into the
         | page, and if page scripts don't accidentally mess with
         | component internals.
         | lcnPylGDnU4H9OF wrote:
         | > makes it much harder to query things
         | This seems overstated. It's different but not really harder.
         | document.querySelector('my-lit-element').elementIWant
         | class MyLitElement extends Lit {         get elementIWant() {
         | return this.renderRoot.querySelector(...);         }       }
         | Though, maybe one doesn't like querying twice. I'm not sure of
         | performance implications there, to be honest, but I'd expect it
         | to be negligible in most cases.
       | no_wizard wrote:
       | I've used Lit. For what it is, its pretty decent.
       | One of my complaints with Lit and others[0] is they're most
       | definitely becoming something of an "Angular Lite". Heavy on
       | decorators if you want developer ergonomics, but yet they embrace
       | none of the advanced toolchain things you get with angular-cli.
       | Due to this, it can feel very clunky to build apps using web
       | component frameworks like this. The community as a whole seems
       | very anti-tooling and I think its to the long term detriment of
       | the ecosystem.
       | The only exception is Stencil[1] that I can find.
       | They're also missing first class concerns you get handled with
       | other frameworks, like SSR, compiled templates etc. There's no
       | web component equivalent to Next.js that I am aware of.
       | I don't like using them for design systems. You bail on your
       | framework of choice rendering model, and that's problematic to
       | me.
       | [0]: https://www.fast.design/
       | [1]: https://stenciljs.com/
         | spankalee wrote:
         | Lit doesn't require decorators, and if you do use them they
         | only require a pretty standard TypeScript or Babel compile.
         | Are decorators the only thing making Lit like Angular? Angular
         | is not the only project that uses decorators, and decorators
         | are standardized in JS now.
         | Stencil is good, but requires a compiler where Lit doesn't.
         | What tooling are you looking for? We have template type
         | checkers and eslint plugins. Starter kits. Prettier works for
         | formatting...
         | https://lit.dev/docs/tools/development/
           | no_wizard wrote:
           | I am aware you don't need decorators, this isn't what I was
           | saying. I said its the only way to use Lit with any measure
           | of good developer experience.
           | Decorators are not the only thing that make it like Angular.
           | The way templates work, template helpers (directives),
           | controllers are all very Angular like in practice.
           | Tooling is much more than linters, eslint plugins and starter
           | kits.
           | Unit & e2e testing helpers, build tools, HMR / dev server
           | support. These all matter too and its important that they
           | keep up to date with expectations of developers in what they
           | expect out of these experiences. Even better when it is all
           | rolled up in a nice CLI interface.
           | Not to mention it would be nice to have optimized convenience
           | features, like Vue style SFCs for authoring components and
           | templates.
           | Stencil requiring a compiler is not a negative. It makes it
           | an end to end solution and thats very popular for a reason
           | (Next.js, Nuxt, Sveltekit are all very popular for a reason).
           | I believe strongly that projects need to provide these things
           | as 1 party concerns. I think the Vue community is proof
           | positive of how strong this can be for the ecosystem.
           | I'm certain between Google, Microsoft, Ionic, and many others
           | there could be real solutions for all this. After all, the
           | biggest advantage of using web components is they are a
           | shared interface
         | yesimahuman wrote:
         | Stencil does have SSR but requires compatible framework tooling
         | https://stenciljs.com/docs/hydrate-app
           | no_wizard wrote:
           | Thats why i called it out as an exception to what I've seen
           | otherwise
       | andrewstuart wrote:
       | I took an interest in Lit at one point and I gave up when I
       | discovered that its core functionality is ungoogleable.
       | At the heart of Lit are components named "html" and "css".
       | Confusion reigns, search engines cower, beginners try to grasp
       | the conceptual different between html and actual html and css and
       | actual css. You'd think the authors would have gone to the
       | trouble of naming those critical components something like
       | lithtml and litcss to give them a little searchability and to
       | deconfuse them, but it seems not.
         | colordrops wrote:
         | Lit doesn't use any special dialect of HTML or CSS. It's just
         | HTML and CSS.
           | [deleted]
           | ssss11 wrote:
           | I think they're referring to Lit naming components 'html' and
           | 'css' - if you go to the tech docs here the very first
           | example imports 'html' and 'css'.
           | https://lit.dev/docs/components/overview/
           | I agree that those are odd choices and the arguments provided
           | seem reasonable I.e. they're likely ungoogleable, and
           | beginners would be confused.
             | [deleted]
             | spankalee wrote:
             | In Lit `html` and `css` are template tags, not components.
             | Those names are well supported by editors and enable syntax
             | highlighting. If we named them anything else it wouldn't
             | work without extras tools.
               | andrewstuart wrote:
               | The fact that you are explaining this to me reinforces my
               | point.
               | One of my primary criteria in choosing a technology to
               | work with its how accessible is community support,
               | documentation, third party articles and writing.
               | It had better be a compelling technology that names its
               | main things exactly the same as the biggest concepts in
               | web development, thereby making it a battle to resolve
               | questions and issues and adding unnecessary confusion.
               | I do use a nodejs library called "Postgres" which
               | provides a Postgres SQL driver but I really hate the fact
               | that searching for documentation/issues is essentially
               | impossible. I use it because I feel I had no choice, it's
               | the best possible technical solution.
               | Names matter.
               | Searchability matters a huge amount.
               | hmcdona1 wrote:
               | So your gripe is essentially you don't like reading the
               | documentation of the libraries you use, just, in general?
               | Template literals are just a feature of javascript, it's
               | not even anything that bespoke. That's why it's called
               | "lit". The output of those tag functions are just
               | rendered with standard DOM features too.
               | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
               | US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Refe...
               | [deleted]
               | mirekrusin wrote:
               | It's like complaining that sql library has tagged
               | template function called sql - of course it will and it
               | makes perfect sense.
         | jonny_eh wrote:
         | Surely just adding "lit" to your query helps narrow down the
         | search.
         | [deleted]
         | bobmaxup wrote:
         | https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/main/packages/lit-html
       | benno128 wrote:
       | I've been using lit in side projects (e.g. runno.dev) and really
       | enjoyed it. Just like any framework it can be a bit confusing
       | learning the primitives but I've found it as productive as React,
       | Vue or Svelte.
       | The thing I like most about lit is that it embraces web
       | standards. Sometimes that means the ergonomics are a bit strange.
       | But it also means it gets performance benefits, and
       | interoperability bonuses. Plus it feels like you're learning
       | something about the underlying platform while you're using it.
       | The best example is that it uses reactive data binding via
       | attributes for passing data down the tree, and native DOM events
       | for passing data up the tree. That allows you all the same safety
       | that a framework like React offers, but also means your component
       | can be used by any other framework, or by vanilla JS (because
       | they all support the DOM).
       | imadj wrote:
       | Seems like it lacks support for SSR? I'm wondering if it's ready
       | or make sense to replace web framworks or what is its optimal use
       | case
       | superkuh wrote:
       | There's nothing simple about custom-html element defined by
       | javascript. It may be "Interoperable & future-ready" but it sure
       | isn't interoptible with pretty much everything from 1995 to 2019.
         | benno128 wrote:
         | This is just plain wrong. Web Components work in every browser
         | that matters. They are standard DOM elements and can be written
         | in plain HTML server-side or via legacy front-end libraries.
         | I'm using web components in production to help interoperability
         | between 2012 era Handlebars/jQuery/Backbone and modern tools
         | like React and Prosemirror.
       | djbusby wrote:
       | I was looking for comparison and found this post
       | https://webcomponents.dev/blog/all-the-ways-to-make-a-web-co...
       | Which puts 61 of web-component libraries side-by-side. Sadly my
       | favorite, RiotJS, is not on the list.
         | dsissitka wrote:
         | > Sadly my favorite, RiotJS, is not on the list.
         | Looks like it might be in the "Wrapped into a custom-element"
         | category.
       | superchris wrote:
       | Been using Lit for a few years now, it just keeps getting better.
       | It does what it does, and stays out the way. Please don't call it
       | a framework though, the best part of Lit is that is basically
       | some (very lovely!) sugar over standards built into your browser.
       | And as browsers keep improving (at an amazing pace IMO) Lit keeps
       | getting smaller, which might be my favorite thing about it.
       | spankalee wrote:
       | Maintainer of Lit here!
       | A few of the unique things I try to emphasize when talking about
       | Lit because it's so different from a framework:
       | Lit is just helpers to make web components. It's implementation
       | detail. On the outside the components are just standard HTML
       | elements.
       | Because of that, Lit makes no assumption that other elements
       | you're using in your components are made with Lit. This low
       | coupling preserves interop, and makes it easy to incrementally
       | adopt Lit, and incrementally leave it if you wish. Low lock-in is
       | an important principle for us.
       | Because of the low coupling, Lit doesn't have any centralized
       | scheduling, diffing, etc. Each component is its own independent
       | render root and schedules its own updates in microtasks. This has
       | some great upsides - it's very easy to modify scheduling per
       | component, and decouple costly subsections of a page to limit
       | jank.
       | And we get great performance from the emergent global properties
       | of independent roots. We check for data changes in the property
       | setters for each component, so data updates only cause component
       | updates along the paths in the tree that both use that data and
       | see a change. Then lit-html, the template system, doesn't use
       | VDOM, but remembers where data is bound to the DOM and only
       | updates that if the data changed. It's very efficient.
       | Also, Lit requires no compiler to toolchain. You can use it from
       | a CDN, or with import maps, or with a tool that resolves JS
       | modules import specifiers. You can use decorators with
       | TypeScript, or not. You can bundle or not. We do have TypeScript
       | and ESLint plugins for working with templates.
       (page generated 2023-07-20 23:00 UTC)