[HN Gopher] Show HN: Gogit - Just enough Git (in Go) to push its...
       Show HN: Gogit - Just enough Git (in Go) to push itself to GitHub
       Author : benhoyt
       Score  : 55 points
       Date   : 2023-07-29 20:34 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (benhoyt.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (benhoyt.com)
       | Smaug123 wrote:
       | Personally I soldiered on to to the point of being able to
       | extract objects from packfiles, before I realised just how
       | monstrously and tediously complex `git rev-parse` is, and gave
       | up. It's foundational to pretty much every porcelain command, so
       | it's not really something you can leave out if you want a semi-
       | functioning `git`. See https://git-scm.com/docs/git-rev-
       | parse#_specifying_revisions and
       | https://github.com/git/git/blob/ee48e70a829d1fa2da82f1478705... ;
       | `git` really is an edifice.
       | diarrhea wrote:
       | The other day I was trying to work with git LFS. I was very
       | surprised to find out git-lfs, as in the binary, CLI application
       | is the _only_ (open) implementation in existence. There is
       | nothing else. And even it itself does not offer itself up as a
       | library; so even native Go code (the implementation language) has
       | to fall back to shelling out to the CLI git extension! Not even
       | bindings are possible. Such a painful loss of interoperability:
       | IPC via return codes and parsing stdout /stderr.
       | It seems a similar story with the rest of git. I have hopes for
       | gitoxide aka gix, and think the approach of library-first is
       | correct going into the future. A CLI is then simply a thin
       | wrapper around it, mapping argv to library operations basically.
         | 38 wrote:
         | > it itself does not offer itself up as a library
         | yeah, it does:
         | https://godocs.io/github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/v3
           | diarrhea wrote:
           | I don't know what that is, but their docs very prominently
           | and strongly say this:
           | > However, we do not maintain a stable Go language API or
           | ABI, as Git LFS is intended to be used solely as a compiled
           | binary utility. Please do not import the git-lfs module into
           | other Go code and do not rely on it as a source code
           | dependency.
           | https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs#limitations
             | 38 wrote:
             | > I don't know what that is
             | its a standard output from `go doc`, rendered as HTML. if
             | you dont recognize that, then you aren't really in a
             | position to be commenting on the topic. nothing is stopping
             | anyone from pinning to a tag:
             | https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/tags
             | or even a commit and relying on a specific version of the
             | software. yes upgrades might be painful but a module IS
             | available.
               | IggleSniggle wrote:
               | It is a module. It is available. It does not offer itself
               | up as a library.
               | 38 wrote:
               | > It is a module.
               | > It does not offer itself up as a library.
               | in Go code, those are the same thing.
               | IggleSniggle wrote:
               | A library and a module are the same. Having an open and
               | available module does not make it "offered up as a
               | library," was the point I was trying (and failing,
               | evidently), to make.
               | Brian_K_White wrote:
               | You made the point perfectly. So did the docs in the
               | first place. It's not on you that someone decides not to
               | agree the sky is blue because they use their own
               | definition of blue.
               | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
               | That you technically have the ability to call into an
               | internal module does not in any way constitute it
               | "offering itself up as a library", and doesn't make it
               | _effectively_ useful in that way.
       | zdgeier wrote:
       | Nice work!
       | c7DJTLrn wrote:
       | >The verbosity of Go's error handling has been much-maligned.
       | It's simple and explicit, but every call to a function that may
       | fail takes an additional three lines of code to handle the error
       | Putting error nil checks into a function is an anti-pattern in
       | Go. There is no need to worry about the LOC count of your error
       | checking code.
       | inb4 this ends up on pcj
         | 38 wrote:
         | agreed. when I see people talking about LOC my eyes roll. its
         | verbose for a reason, the language designers WANT YOU to pay
         | attention to the errors, not ignore them.
           | pmarreck wrote:
           | That's exactly why every other language took the wiser
           | decision of actually having runtime errors.
           | To force you to pay attention to them before your application
           | state went into an unknown configuration, thus making it
           | nearly impossible to troubleshoot or even pretend to be
           | deterministic.
           | I still have no idea how any programmer thinks this is OK.
           | Nondeterminism and unknown/un-considered application state
           | are _literally the source of all bugs_. I much prefer (and
           | honestly believe it makes a ton more sense) to do what Erlang
           | /Elixir does, which is to fail, log, and immediately restart
           | the process (which only takes a few cycles due to the
           | immutability-all-the-way-down design).
           | If you hit my Phoenix application with a million requests in
           | 2 seconds and each throws a 500 error, my webserver will keep
           | chugging along, while every other technology's webserver will
           | quickly exhaust its pool of ready-to-go webserver processes
           | and fall over like a nun on a bender.
       | lopkeny12ko wrote:
       | Why would someone use this instead of git? The value add is not
       | clear to me.
       | > This is going to be a short section, because I don't care about
       | speed in this program, and the Go version is likely as fast or
       | faster than the Python version.
       | That's...fine I guess, but it is disingenuous to compare the
       | performance of this git client to another git client written by
       | the same author but in a different language. As a reader and
       | someone trying to understand how and why gogit would fit into my
       | development workflow, I don't care how it stacks up against
       | "pygit," I care how it stacks up against _git_.
       | > Conclusion > When used with panic-based error handling, Go is
       | good for writing quick 'n' dirty command line scripts.
       | Decent conclusion for the author himself, but no one else cares--
       | the question of "why should someone migrate to this over git?" is
       | still painfully unanswered.
         | patmorgan23 wrote:
         | People build things for practice all the time and then write up
         | their experience and what they learned.
         | tedunangst wrote:
         | I don't think you're expected to use a git client that's
         | missing just about every wanted feature.
           | lopkeny12ko wrote:
           | Exactly why I find this article so confusing.
             | Matl wrote:
             | Why do you comment on Hacker News? After all there are many
             | other commenters with insightful comments people presumably
             | want to read.
             | If you answered; 'for fun', 'to learn something' etc. then
             | you know why this blog post exists.
         | zeroxfe wrote:
         | Feels like you're missing the spirit of the article. Nobody's
         | advocating it as a git replacement -- the author is just
         | posting thoughts about something they built.
         | Chico75 wrote:
         | Nowhere does the author advocates for using its tool instead of
         | git. Not everything is about self-promotion, sometimes it's
         | simply knowledge sharing.
         | egypturnash wrote:
         | The second paragraph explains why this exists, and it's _not_
         | to provide a useful implementation of Git.
         | > I wanted to compare what it would look like in Go, _to see if
         | it was reasonable to write small scripts in Go_ - quick 'n'
         | dirty code where performance isn't a big deal, and stack traces
         | are all you need for error handling.
         | It's a toy problem that's just big enough to be interesting.
         | Comparing it to Hoyt's earlier Python implementation of the
         | same problem lets him evaluate how _Go_ would fit into a
         | certain place in his development workflow.
       | 38 wrote:
       | I have been wanting something like this, but with a few more
       | features such as "git diff". I took a crack at it, but the
       | popular (and maybe only) Go Git implementation has some issues:
       | https://github.com/go-git/go-git/issues/700
         | anacrolix wrote:
         | Are you 1268? Are you creating identities on platforms by
         | bruteforcing the lowest available cardinal? Because that is a
         | great idea
       (page generated 2023-07-29 23:00 UTC)