[HN Gopher] The Reluctant Sysadmin's Guide to Securing a Linux S...
       The Reluctant Sysadmin's Guide to Securing a Linux Server
       Author : WallyFunk
       Score  : 115 points
       Date   : 2023-07-30 17:59 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (pboyd.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (pboyd.io)
       | teddyh wrote:
       | I would instead suggest the _official_ guide; the _Securing
       | Debian Manual_ <https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-
       | debian-manual/>
         | nemo8551 wrote:
         | It might be a bit corporate now but a few years back I found
         | the security aspects of the redhat admin training to be decent
         | enough for most folk.
       | Sparkyte wrote:
       | Meh, just do it like me get hardened image and container. Deploy
       | stuff as a gold image without elevated permissions and or
       | container. Then just make sure everything is behind a proxy or
       | intelligent load balancer that restricts any crazy input.
       | Overcomplicating work means slower response times to solving
       | problems.
       | andai wrote:
       | Wouldn't it be easier to use OpenBSD?
         | rs_rs_rs_rs_rs wrote:
         | Nice try.
       | jeffbee wrote:
       | It's weird to begin such an exercise without stating what the
       | point of "the server" is supposed to be. Is it a ... web server?
       | Interactive unix logins for developers? Mail relay? What does it
       | do? This is the key point of the analysis because "securing" a
       | server consists in making it incapable of doing anything not in
       | the set of things it is meant to do. Notably, starting from this
       | side of the problem can lead you away from "standard machine
       | image". Starting with a kitchen-sink Linux distro like Ubuntu is
       | _not_ the road to hardness.
         | linuxdude314 wrote:
         | It's really not weird, that's not how security works.
         | What the application is doing is relevant to application
         | security, but the whole point of securing the OS is to
         | eliminate the necessity for "trusting" the application.
         | When you are securing an operating system, you must assume the
         | application that is exposed to the operating environment (be
         | that the internet, local LAN, even simply user logged into the
         | workstation in the case of a GUI or CLI app) is compromised.
         | The primary goal of most security measures is preventing and
         | detecting privilege escalation and lateral movement within the
         | OS or network.
         | There are a lot of best practices that apply in general to
         | securing an operating system. If you want to dig deeper, one of
         | the best resources for this information is provided by CIS
         | (Center for Internet Security).
         | CIS has hardening standards for most OS's yes even including
         | Ubuntu. https://www.cisecurity.org/benchmark/ubuntu_linux
         | These are standards that many security conscious organizations
         | apply to their servers. The US government takes it a step
         | further with DISA's STIGs.
         | DISA STIG's are similar to CIS's benchmarks, but result in an
         | even more locked down environment and place extreme
         | restrictions on which crypto libraries are allowed to be used.
         | In short, securing the OS is a standard best practice that all
         | organizations should be doing. Unfortunately most startups lack
         | engineers with the expertise in building custom linux images so
         | a lot of folks are quite unfamiliar with hardening procedures.
         | You should absolutely NOT use a non-standard OS because you
         | think it will be more secure. It's a much better idea to use
         | known industry standard security benchmarks on supported Linux
         | distributions than trying to bake your own standard some non
         | Debian/RHEL based bistro.
           | doublepg23 wrote:
           | IME the checklists and guides can be a useful resource but
           | are mostly "cover your a$$" documentation, often time falling
           | into cargo cult suggestions just to add more check-boxes.
             | linuxdude314 wrote:
             | You must be using the wrong 'checklists' (they aren't
             | checklists, they are implementation guidelines). CIS
             | benchmarks and DISA STIGs provide concrete actions that
             | lead to a more secure system. Sure some of them might not
             | apply specifically to your environment, but in general they
             | are an excellent starting point.
             | Some of the line items can be a bit arcane or not as
             | relevant in cloud environments, etc... but that's a far cry
             | from calling them CYA.
             | Nothing cargo cult about enabling SE Linux, restricting
             | access with IP tables, configuring AuditD and AIDE.
               | generalizations wrote:
               | > Nothing cargo cult about enabling SE Linux, restricting
               | access with IP tables, configuring AuditD and AIDE.
               | These are great ways to massively overcomplicate your
               | system. Generally speaking, having encountered these
               | tools, do not use them unless you're willing to dedicate
               | about 2x the time you would otherwise spend administering
               | the system.
         | wnevets wrote:
         | The second sentence
         | > But I write software for the web
         | I'm going to guess it's a web server but it's just a guess.
         | jauntywundrkind wrote:
         | Almost every server sits on the internet and has one or two
         | (sometimes a couple more) ports open listening for their apps
         | internet traffic.
         | What the traffic is seems irrelevant to 99.99% of servers out
         | there, imo. Yes there's some questions of what deployments look
         | like and what capabilities operators have but those are details
         | outside the general concern of being safely online. IMO.
         | j45 wrote:
         | 2nd and 3rd sentence
         | " But I write software for the web, which means I'm never far
         | from a server, and sometimes I'm the only one around.
         | So even if I didn't want the job, I have it, and I need to take
         | the security of these hosts seriously."
         | Basic Linux server hardening is not a bad idea or skill to
         | learn. Learning the basics manually help feed into
         | understanding and using higher level solutions.
           | linuxdude314 wrote:
           | 100%
           | As long as you are using Debian, RHEL, Ubuntu, or CentOS
           | implementing a basic minimum security baseline is as simple
           | as following the CIS or DISA STIG guides for your OS.
           | There are plenty of scripts on GitHub that do this (AUDIT
           | THEM FIRST), or you can even just use premade images from CIS
           | in the cloud provider of your choice.
       | DyslexicAtheist wrote:
       | securing from what? this thing is pointless mid-90ies advise
       | without a threat-model.
         | thewanderer1983 wrote:
         | This guy gets it. Your first question should be around your
         | threat model. Are you protecting against random scans and
         | script kiddies or the various APTs?
         | Maybe then look at the MITRE ATT&CK framework, Cyber Kill Chain
         | etc.
         | I really hate to suggest them as it appears they have deviated
         | in weirds ways from their original goal of protecting critical
         | infrastructure from cybersecurity attacks, but CISA has many
         | relevant documents.
       | gazby wrote:
       | There's a reason guides like this are a dime a dozen - there is
       | no way to generalize server configuration this broadly.
       | But as long as we're doing it anyway - the only thing that
       | locking the root account gets you is assurance that if you ever
       | bork the user you created in this guide (or sudo functionality as
       | a whole) you'll have no way to recover without booting into
       | another environment.
       | Perhaps one ought not take sysadmin advice from a blog post with
       | a first sentence that reads "I'm not a sysadmin, and I don't want
       | to be".
         | alsobrsp wrote:
         | > Perhaps one ought not take sysadmin advice from a blog post
         | with a first sentence that reads "I'm not a sysadmin, and I
         | don't want to be".
         | That's just perfect.
         | Sparkyte wrote:
         | The biggest rules about securing things is don't be in
         | security. Just do your diligence to put your hosts several
         | layers away from public access and make all images and
         | containers hardened with no elevated permissions. Sure
         | vulnerabilities will still exist... if the only thing that can
         | access the container is through a narrowed proxy you are not
         | going get some dumb levels of attacks on your systems.
         | AWS allows you to ssh into your hosts from within AWS. You just
         | manage that security. NO ONE needs public ssh access, no one
         | needs vpn ssh access just AWS ssh access. DON'T OVER COMPLICATE
         | THINGS!
         | I agree with you. I am not gonna say don't follow a system
         | engineers advice. I say follow everyone's advice but pick out
         | the things that seem most reasonable. If it is extra work then
         | you're doing it wrong, simplify everything so that the time
         | spent on resolving issues is faster. Faster resolution means
         | faster security fixes.
           | fmitga wrote:
           | When you say "no one needs vpn ssh access" vs "AWS ssh
           | access", what is the difference between the two ?
             | mrkstu wrote:
             | As mentioned you then just need to lock down AWS, rather
             | than AWS AND outside access to servers via VPN. Lessen the
             | attack surface.
             | Sparkyte wrote:
             | The console in AWS allows access within its system. There
             | is no point increasing the access area to the hosts. More
             | surface area the easier it is to be penetrated by ssh
             | vulnerabilities. You also shift fault to AWS rather than
             | your company and team. You did your diligence, you just
             | have to access control and nothing more. IF AWS has a
             | security breach that access to your systems completely on
             | AWS and you can demand compensation.
             | What you want to do is avoid fault, improve tolerance, but
             | extend liability to the provider.
         | ozim wrote:
         | You shouldn't need root, you should have another person with
         | admin rights as a backup plan.
         | It is a vm so if you do something that would break sudo or all
         | your users you should have a vm snapshot at your fingertips
         | ready to restore from AWS interface.
         | Even if you are running bare metal you should setup snapshots
         | first but nowadays no one runs bare metal web servers it is
         | still som hyper visor with bunch of vm-s that are easy to
         | backup restore or just delete and create fresh.
         | strzibny wrote:
         | That's not true. It's not obvious what user you have that could
         | do sudo. Thus it does improve security. I advice the same in my
         | book (Deployment from Scratch) and I suggest that for both the
         | host system and containers. There is little cost to not
         | primarily using root.
         | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
         | > the only thing that locking the root account gets you is
         | assurance that if you ever bork the user you created in this
         | guide (or sudo functionality as a whole) you'll have no way to
         | recover without booting into another environment.
         | As opposed to borking the root user and being equally locked
         | out? Assuming your sudo config is a "configure it once and then
         | leave it forever" deal - which seems common IME - I can't see
         | any way it would be different.
         | (Mind, this cuts both ways - once you force only key-based SSH,
         | I generally don't see a problem with direct root access
         | either.)
           | vbezhenar wrote:
           | Just don't set root:toor and you'll be alright. Keys are
           | good, but passwords are good as well.
       | jesprenj wrote:
       | > You should not log in directly as root.
       | Why not?
       | mmsc wrote:
       | I like the changing of the default umask, although it probably
       | shouldn't be 077.
       | Is acl needed over, say, chown?
         | aesh2Xa1 wrote:
         | No, there's no need to use `setfacl` over `chown/chmod` in the
         | author's example.
         | The reason that the author uses umask 077 and ACLs is, I think,
         | just a mindset. By using 077, the file is restricted to only
         | the owner, and the sysadmin does not need to think about group
         | memberships. By extending read access using an ACL, this theme
         | is continued; additional usernames will be appended as ACLs,
         | but no group set of usernames needs to exist.
         | A file named "alfred" would, presumably, only ever needed to be
         | read by root and alfred, but that's just the narrow case for
         | the author's scheme.
         | chris_st wrote:
         | Why not 077?
           | [deleted]
         | cutler wrote:
         | If not 077 then what?
           | linuxdude314 wrote:
           | 077 is a bit too restrictive for a lot of workloads. 027 is
           | recommended by CIS for servers and 022 for desktop.
           | If you are sure you can use 077 without stuff breaking,
           | awesome, but that's not always the case. Typically on systems
           | using 077 you will find yourself using chmod a lot.
       | politelemon wrote:
       | > If you're on Windows, PuTTYgen should work
       | If you're on Windows you can `wsl --install` and work with Linux
       | (eg Ubuntu 2204).
       | You can also install Git Bash which comes with ssh and ssh-
       | keygen.
       | Either way , same instructions.
         | cjcampbell wrote:
         | And on up-to-date versions, OpenSSH client and tools are
         | available from powershell or cmd.
           | pxc wrote:
           | You can also install the Microsoft port of OpenSSH on older
           | versions yourself.
       | [deleted]
       (page generated 2023-07-30 23:00 UTC)