[HN Gopher] Akin's Laws of Spacecraft Design
       Akin's Laws of Spacecraft Design
       Author : filiph
       Score  : 97 points
       Date   : 2023-08-09 09:45 UTC (13 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (spacecraft.ssl.umd.edu)
 (TXT) w3m dump (spacecraft.ssl.umd.edu)
       | karaterobot wrote:
       | I have a subset of these printed out and tacked to a cork board
       | in my office, and I refer to this website a few times a year.
       | Very, very good stuff.
       | This one in particular was a big influence on me when I moved
       | from engineering to design. It expressed what I'd felt but hadn't
       | put into words. Not just the look, but nearly every aspect of a
       | project is _de facto_ path dependent, so you want to be as far
       | upstream as possible. It 's also why I volunteer to write a lot
       | of documents I'm not strictly responsible for:
       | > 30. (von Tiesenhausen's Law of Engineering Design) If you want
       | to have a maximum effect on the design of a new engineering
       | system, learn to draw. Engineers always wind up designing the
       | vehicle to look like the initial artist's concept.
       | AnimalMuppet wrote:
       | > 8. In nature, the optimum is almost always in the middle
       | somewhere. Distrust assertions that the optimum is at an extreme
       | point.
       | This rings true in politics as well.
         | firewolf34 wrote:
         | More succinctly stated as "Only the Sith deal in absolutes."
         | pdhborges wrote:
         | Isn't a Pareto optimal solution always at the edge of the
         | feasible space?
       | GlenTheMachine wrote:
       | Hi. I'm Henshaw of Rule 37. AMA.
         | starkparker wrote:
         | Who doesn't love grapplers?
         | carabiner wrote:
         | What work are you doing these days?
         | Rebelgecko wrote:
         | What's the backstory, was there a situation where you were the
         | blamee (or the blamer?)
         | mmaunder wrote:
         | Thanks for the clear line of blame.
         | aredox wrote:
         | Well, you can tell us about the event/project that led you to
         | coin that rule and how it panned out...
         | xNeil wrote:
         | What's a line of blame?
           | innrautha wrote:
           | I took it to mean clearly delineated responsibilities (i.e.
           | who gets blamed when a part / aspect doesn't work).
           | If there are unclear boundaries between responsibilities,
           | things will fall through the gaps when one group assumes
           | another will take care of something.
             | firewolf34 wrote:
             | Furthermore, when people are held responsible for quality
             | completion of a task, they are often more driven to achieve
             | the task at-quality. This must be balanced with not over-
             | taxing them, but that's a given.
           | e40 wrote:
           | I take it to mean when blame is being aimed you are not in
           | the line of fire.
             | Eduard wrote:
             | interesting - I understand it differently, namely as in:
             | "at a project's beginning, define rules such as 'if
             | component X explodes, it is team ABC's fault'".
             | context:
             | > 37. (Henshaw's Law) One key to success in a mission is
             | establishing clear lines of blame.
       | jameshart wrote:
       | I don't feel like a field that has in its entire history only
       | produced a handful of actual successful designs at all can
       | possibly rate this kind of 'world weary cynicism' style of
       | writing.
       | Nobody has the experience or ability to be able to say 'trust me
       | I've built a few spaceships, this is the hard won truth of how it
       | is'. There are exactly _nine_ spacecraft that humans have ever
       | flown in. Only the Mercury /Gemini/Apollo programs really
       | accumulated any kind of experience and that experience was
       | extremely specific to a particular place and time and
       | organization.
       | So sure, some general engineering truisms in here have the ring
       | of wisdom to them and us non-spacecraft engineers can nod at them
       | and quote them with the cachet they get from being associated
       | with NASA.
       | But 'trust me I have been teaching people to design spacecraft
       | for decades' doesn't really count for much when during those
       | decades no new spacecraft designs were actually getting made and
       | launched.
       | firewolf34 wrote:
       | In Shute Norway's autobiography, _Slide Rule_ , he describes the
       | design and construction of the
       | [R100](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/R100), an airship of which
       | he was one of the leading engineers.
       | The R100 design was "competing" with the design for the R101;
       | both design teams were simultaneously tasked with constructing a
       | viable airship to make a long-range trip (in the case of R100,
       | crossing the Atlantic in 78 hours, which was a remarkable
       | achievement for the time). The difference was that the R101
       | project was state-owned whereas the R100 was privately-owned.
       | R101 crashed and burned in France, en route to India on 5th of
       | October, 1930, likely due to structural issues damaging the
       | airships gasbags, of which the only survivors were those lucky
       | enough to be in the engine cars.
       | In the autobiography, Norway describes how the difference in
       | program management led to the disaster. There are a lot of
       | factors that led to the crash, as you might imagine, but one of
       | the points he makes is that the publically-owned project was not
       | held to strict requirements in its design process. The privately-
       | owned R101 had a strict contract that they needed to complete,
       | with a tight budget to complete it. They had _constraints_.
       | Whereas the public-sector project was allowed to continually
       | revise their design as they went, making many successive rewrites
       | and changes without much structure. In particular, they cut the
       | ship in half and rebuilt it at one point in it 's development.
       | And when they arrived at the end of their development cycle, they
       | had no leeway to maneuver because they had a lot of public money
       | wrapped up in the project, along with a lot of public visibility
       | and responsibility, pressuring them into rushing the launch
       | without complete trust in their design, and into terrible weather
       | conditions.
       | *13. Design is based on requirements. There's no justification
       | for designing something one bit "better" than the requirements
       | dictate.*
       | Decide/envision your outcome, and set your constraints
       | correspondingly early on in development, aligned with realistic
       | expectations of resources, folks.
       | To underline my point, here's a quote from the Wikipedia page.
       | "Shortly before R101's flights in June 1930, the Cardington
       | [R101] engineers tentatively suggested that the long flights to
       | Canada and India might be postponed until 1931 on the grounds
       | that neither of the two airships was fit to make a lengthy flight
       | at their current developmental stage. The R100 team replied that
       | their airship was perfectly capable of flying to Canada, _and
       | that the Canadian flight was a part of their contract._ "
       | R101 did not have a contractual obligation to meet, but did not
       | want to outright state they needed more time, lest admit defeat.
       | R100 had requirements that they needed to meet, which they were
       | ready to meet, as they had them written from the start in clear.
       | R100 launched successfully. R101 was forced to launch to compete
       | before it was ready, due to this "spontaneous requirement". R101
       | burned for it.
       | freitzkriesler2 wrote:
       | > 3. Design is an iterative process. The necessary number of
       | iterations is one more than the number you have currently done.
       | This is true at any point in time.
       | I'm going to agilely build a space craft! /S
         | carabiner wrote:
         | Funny thing is SpaceX is known for applying Agile to its
         | aerospace engineering workflows. Boeing etc. are much slower
         | because they use waterfall.
           | Balooga wrote:
           | Oh, I'm pretty sure someone(s) manages a massive GANTT chart
           | over on the SpaceX side.
         | datadrivenangel wrote:
         | It's the only way a spacecraft has ever really been built!
       | avmich wrote:
       | This is definitely the wisdom of ages, but some points do show
       | some age.                   39. (alternate formulation) The three
       | keys to keeping a new human space         program affordable and
       | on schedule:            1)  No new launch vehicles.            2)
       | No new launch vehicles.            3)  Whatever you do, don't
       | develop any new launch vehicles.
       | Recent SpaceX developments, Starship in particular, put some
       | doubts on this one.
         | idlewords wrote:
         | Let's put this comment in the comment cellar for a few years,
         | to fully develop the tannins, and then see how it has aged.
         | Starship progress is a little ways away from proving this adage
         | wrong.
           | bryanlarsen wrote:
           | It could be argued that Dragon has already proven this wrong.
           | Falcon 9 was developed in the form it was specifically to
           | launch Dragon. SpaceX's original next rocket was going to be
           | a Falcon 5 until they got the Dragon contract from NASA. Yes,
           | the original Dragon was a cargo vehicle rather than a human
           | spaceflight vehicle, but both Falcon 9 and Dragon were
           | developed with the intention of eventually human rating.
             | inamberclad wrote:
             | Both were late, and I wouldn't say that Falcon was built
             | expressly for humans. It spent a decade proving itself
             | before it flew with people. That's not a _new_ launch
             | vehicle.
               | bryanlarsen wrote:
               | A decade is a short period of time by human-rated-
               | spaceflight standards.
               | hannasanarion wrote:
               | So? Falcon wasn't a human spaceflight program during that
               | time, and it was also over-schedule and over-budget
               | anyway.
               | The advice isn't "no new launch vehicles should ever be
               | invented ever", it's "if you want your human spaceflight
               | program to be on time and on budget, don't include a new
               | launch vehicle in the plan"
               | avmich wrote:
               | > Both were late
               | What was the "determined" date to have them ready? How do
               | you know they were late? Judging by Elon's estimates?
               | > I wouldn't say that Falcon was built expressly for
               | humans
               | You know of course that requirements for the rocket to
               | launch people are different from the rocket to launch
               | only cargo? There were cases when non-human-rated rocket
               | became human rated (at least Proton), but these days it's
               | better to plan ahead, like teams working on Arian-5 (and
               | also Dream Chaser, not a rocket) do. I'd assume Flacon-9
               | developed from the beginning in such a way so at least
               | human-rating would be possible - if not built-in already.
               | > It spent a decade proving itself before it flew with
               | people. That's not a _new_ launch vehicle.
               | I'd agree regarding Falcon-9. Starship is another story.
               | inamberclad wrote:
               | > What was the "determined" date to have them ready? How
               | do you know they were late? Judging by Elon's estimates?
               | Crew Dragon was approximately 3 years late, from the
               | original planned launch date of 2017 to the actual date
               | of 2020. Given that the contract for the missions were
               | awarded in 2014, it's a miracle that things have
               | proceeded at the pace they have.
               | > You know of course that requirements for the rocket to
               | launch people are different from the rocket to launch
               | only cargo?
               | I'm well aware of the differences. I work in this
               | industry. That said, SpaceX made the wise decision to cut
               | their teeth and prove their design on cargo first. That's
               | not a new launch vehicle by definition. They were
               | launching rockets regularly for years before they put
               | people on the pointy end. Most other human-rated rockets
               | in recent history have _only_ launched humans. I'm
               | neglecting older, converted ICBMs like Redstone and
               | Titan. The only standout from this list is probably Soyuz
               | (the R-7 derivative launch vehicle), which has been kept
               | going through sheer inertia.
               | > I'd agree regarding Falcon-9. Starship is another
               | story.
               | I suspect that Starship will be years behind schedule
               | before it even launches cargo. I suspect that it will
               | miss NASA's planned lunar landing date, but it won't be
               | at fault because other parts of the program will suffer
               | even worse schedule slips. I understand that people are
               | hopeful that this really will revolutionize spaceflight,
               | and I count myself in that group too! Reality has a way
               | of intruding eventually though. I want SpaceX to build,
               | fly, and trash as many unmanned Starships as it takes to
               | make it reliable. That will cause some level of delay
               | because they'll find something new in the testflights
               | that will necessitate a redesign before it kills someone.
               | dylan604 wrote:
               | >I suspect that it will miss NASA's planned lunar landing
               | date, but it won't be at fault because other parts of the
               | program will suffer even worse schedule slips.
               | Could you imagine if NASA mandated that SpaceX be the
               | launch platform for Boeing's capsule?
               | bryanlarsen wrote:
               | Congress didn't pay SpaceX the agreed upon amounts for
               | the first 3 years of the contract, and Crew Dragon was 3
               | years late. Coincidence?
         | Zandikar wrote:
         | Err, what? Keyword there: "New".
         | SpaceX still faces large costs and delays in developing new
         | launch vehicles, including starship, which is delayed and
         | unfinished btw, so no matter how you try to spin it, Starship
         | is not (currently) a good example of SpaceX being an exception
         | to the adage. Artermis 3 isn't exactly cheap afterall, and if
         | you don't know what that is but know what Starship is, that
         | proves the adage this one is refering to:
         | > 39[a]. Any exploration program which "just happens" to
         | include a new launch vehicle is, de facto, a launch vehicle
         | program.
         | The whole point of these two adages is that reusing an existing
         | design is better than a new one. SpaceX's REUSABLE rockets are
         | great for a number of reasons yes, but by definition, those are
         | not NEW launch vehicles. And when they were new, well, lots of
         | delays and setbacks and costs as they kept accidentallying
         | rockets trying to land them. Not a slight against SpaceX btw,
         | that's part of rocket science and innovation, but again, not
         | cheap or quick.
         | If anything, SpaceX's entire business model is EMBRACING that
         | adage, not disproving it or an exception to it.
         | EDIT: clarified
           | avmich wrote:
           | > The whole point of these two adages is that reusing an
           | existing design is better than a new one.
           | Yes, and that's put in doubt. Starship aims to improve on
           | previous designs - in terms of affordability, that is, making
           | human flights cheaper. This cheapness can't be realized with
           | existing designs, so a new design becomes better in that
           | regard.
           | > SpaceX's REUSABLE rockets are great for a number of reasons
           | yes, but by definition, those are not NEW launch vehicles.
           | I don't know how good definition can exclude reusable rockets
           | from being new. Was Shuttle ever new? Delta Clipper? Reusable
           | Falcon-9? Falcon Heavy? I think this is not a good
           | definition, if, according to it, reusable rockets can't be
           | new.
           | > And when they were new, well, lots of delays and setbacks
           | and costs as they kept accidentallying rockets trying to land
           | them.
           | Do you know the difference between designing and using? In
           | software it's rather clear, and nobody would expect a half-
           | written program to function according to specs. Neither it's
           | the case in aerospace - while Falcon reusability was being
           | designed and tested, nobody should expect it to perform
           | flawlessly as when used "in production". Not cheap, agree
           | (actually, quite cheap by aerospace standards, but still not
           | some typical household-sized money), but I'd argue that was
           | rather quick - just a few years to put reusable first stage
           | into production starting from announcing the idea and
           | building the first "Grasshopper". So, while 39[a] may stand
           | here, your comment doesn't provide a good justification to
           | it.
           | > If anything, SpaceX's entire business model is EMBRACING
           | that adage, not disproving it or an exception to it.
           | SpaceX benefited immensely from using proven solutions, but
           | the results they are showing are still disproving the idea of
           | this law. The ambitions of SpaceX are high compared to the
           | rest of the world launching industry, but so are the results,
           | and we also have genuine "firsts", like putting the reusable
           | first stage into production, or flying reusable spacecrafts
           | to space station, TKSes and Shuttles notwithstanding.
           | Let me try to explain again my main point: SpaceX aims to
           | make human spaceflight significantly cheaper, and the opinion
           | is that it can't be done without radical redesign from
           | scratch. It was attempted several times in the past, with
           | e.g. Shuttle and Energiya, and it still isn't done today, but
           | if you want to risk being put on the "you're currently here"
           | list of SpaceX achievements(1), which were doubted and then
           | happened, I'd at least propose you to think from the basic
           | assumptions and find out why SpaceX won't actually achieve
           | cheaper human spaceflight this time.
           | (1) In Russian that list looked like this before reusable
           | Falcon:
           | https://meduza.io/impro/0ZWeCgCXA4nsWv7dj7CHbSIrsURgOh-
           | qpiUh...
             | singleshot_ wrote:
             | > In software it's rather clear
             | In software, I perceive there to be almost no separation
             | whatsoever between design and use. I'm using windows 11
             | right now, and sometime in the next few days it will
             | silently download software patches that were designed over
             | the last few days to address situations not considered in
             | the original design of windows 11. Software goes back and
             | forth from the design process to active use pretty much
             | continuously these days.
             | Just an alternate perspective to think about.
             | Alupis wrote:
             | None of this is put in doubt though. Your points about
             | SpaceX's potential for future cost savings and efficiencies
             | are hardly realized today - particularly when considering
             | the length of time that has been spent without a capable
             | manned vehicle. If, fast forward a decade or two and SpaceX
             | is still using today's designs (albeit, upgraded) and
             | actually realized massive savings - then we can talk.
             | However, I'd bet they're going to re-design and build brand
             | new models along the way...
             | There's a reason military aircraft tend to have extreme
             | service lives. It's far cheaper and effective to upgrade
             | and refit/improve existing airframes with modern technology
             | than it is to start from scratch - every single time.
             | Look at the F-35 program. It's not exactly fair because the
             | design goals are vastly different - but upgrading aging
             | F-15's has kept them on the battlefield for 47 years[1],
             | and today they're still a seriously potent air superiority
             | fighter. The F-15's of today are only similar in shape to
             | the originals, however.
             | [1]
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonnell_Douglas_F-15_Eagle
             | Swizec wrote:
             | The "No new launch vehicles" adage reads to me as "Don't
             | develop a new browser when you make a website"
             | That doesn't mean we never need or want a new browser. It
             | just means that developing a browser is a separate project
             | and if your fancy websites requires a new browser, it is in
             | fact a browser development project, not a website project.
         | inamberclad wrote:
         | That's still going to be late and over-budget.
           | avmich wrote:
           | Late comparing to what? Maybe SpaceX will not make it ready
           | for NASA's return to the Moon flights as it was planned.
           | However those dates don't look too serious to me - what's the
           | justification for them? I suspect they were specified fully
           | understanding they can easily slip right.
           | Over-budget - what's the planned budget? I suspect Elon Musk
           | himself doesn't have pre-approved specific budget to develop
           | Starship, which makes sense, as e.g. it's rather hard to
           | pinpont. As for the overall idea for how much Starship
           | development would cost - how do you know it's missed already
           | or going to be missed?
             | [deleted]
         | bryananderson wrote:
         | Falcon 9 (plus Dragon) is the definitive counterexample. The
         | jury on Starship remains out.
           | avmich wrote:
           | I'd consider development of Crew Dragon to be rather fast -
           | because, in the condition of a private development, it wasn't
           | done before. Comparing to other spacecraft developments, in
           | late 1950-s there was a race, USA vs. USSR, to put a man in
           | space "soonest", and it took Soviets ~3.5 years from the
           | launch of the Sputnik to send Gagarin to orbit. So, just a
           | few short years... and a large government backing.
           | Still, given that Crew Dragon was developed by a private
           | company and is quite modern judging by performance, I think
           | it's a good result.
             | dylan604 wrote:
             | Compare the budget of SpaceX to NASA's up to and through
             | Mercury. NASA's experience was one of something never
             | having been done before compared to the experience of
             | SpaceX seeing many others doing it just needing to tweak
             | the formula to make it affordable. Also, without NASA's
             | burden of being a government pork/jobs program rather than
             | being a streamlined process
           | vannevar wrote:
           | Far from being a counterexample, Falcon 9 is a great example
           | of the adage's truth. It flew for 10 years before being used
           | for human missions.
       | filiph wrote:
       | I knew #36 and have used it in the context of software
       | engineering. But much of the rest is similarly applicable.
       | > #36 Any run-of-the-mill engineer can design something which is
       | elegant. A good engineer designs systems to be efficient. A
       | _great_ engineer designs them to be effective.
         | belter wrote:
         | Good rules, despite the page background choice going against
         | rule 20: "...A good design with a bad presentation is doomed
         | immediately..."
         | Eduard wrote:
         | how is this rule meaningful beyond platitude?
         | "boss, I have finished the task. But this time, I activated
         | _great engineer mode_ , hence the result is not only elegant,
         | but efficient and effective."
           | wmanley wrote:
           | I think you've misunderstood the quote. The solution that the
           | great engineer produces is effective, but may not be
           | efficient nor elegant if it doesn't need to be. The point is
           | that solving the problem (and maybe stopping there) is more
           | important than producing something that is fast or beautiful
           | that doesn't solve the problem.
           | I think there's some overlap with:
           | > 13. Design is based on requirements. There's no
           | justification for designing something one bit "better" than
           | the requirements dictate.
           | dakr wrote:
           | I take this progression to mean that the novice will design a
           | part or subsystem that is good by itself. The more
           | experienced engineer is thinking bigger by taking into
           | account the effect of the larger design on the portion they
           | are working on. The great engineer is thinking holistically
           | and so also considers how the part affects the whole design.
           | The same thing applies, I think, to anyone who works on a
           | team. The beginner thinks of the problem by itself. The more
           | experienced member thinks of how the system will influence
           | what they are building or doing. The senior member will think
           | about how the thing they are doing/building will in turn
           | affect the whole (and weigh the consequences).
       | moffkalast wrote:
       | > 33. (Patton's Law of Program Planning) A good plan violently
       | executed now is better than a perfect plan next week.
       | Ah yes, unfortunately it's only halfway through the execution
       | that you realize it wasn't a good plan, wasn't even an okay plan
       | but a straight up terrible one.
       | Razengan wrote:
       | By the way, since you need to apply thrust from any direction to
       | maneuver flexibly in 3D space (without wind or gravity), wouldn't
       | spherical/disc(saucer) shaped spacecraft be the most efficient?
         | dmbche wrote:
         | The space between things in space is quite large, so you're
         | going in a single direction for a while. The thrust from the
         | spacecraft is also used to exploit gravitational energy
         | (slingshoting around planets) for the most part, from my
         | understanding.
         | In Sci-fi, it's generally understood that very fast crafts
         | (0.1c and up) will need to reverse and apply thrust opposite
         | their direction to slow down for a very large part of the
         | voyage (up to more than half) - so could be a good idea to be
         | able to flip around and apply thrust the other way too.
           | 0cf8612b2e1e wrote:
           | Plus, without deflector shield voodoo, a skinny tube design
           | minimize your cross sectional area and how much debris you
           | will impact.
         | icegreentea2 wrote:
         | Only if instantaneous large accelerations in arbitrary
         | directions is amongst your primary performance requirements.
         | You'd need to have thrusters ready to fire in arbitrary
         | directions as well. A spherical (specifically) spacecraft would
         | also have more heat dissipation challenges.
         | carabiner wrote:
         | There are 1,000 other requirements that do not demand maximum
         | 3D rotation efficiency.
         | pdonis wrote:
         | No. Such a craft would either need to have full thrust engines
         | pointing in every possible direction (way too costly and
         | overbuilt) or would have to have some way of rotating its full
         | thrust engines to be at any arbitrary angle relative to the
         | ship (which then means you have to transfer all the thrust
         | through gimbal mounts or whatever you're using to be able to
         | rotate the engines, and those things won't be able to withstand
         | that kind of stress). It's much easier and simpler to point
         | your full thrust engines in one direction (out the back of the
         | ship), so the thrust gets transferred through the entire ship's
         | fixed structure, and then have smaller thrusters to rotate the
         | _ship_ to point in the direction you want to go.
       | JoeAltmaier wrote:
       | Number 13. Design is based on requirements. There's no
       | justification for designing something one bit "better" than the
       | requirements dictate.
       | Isn't that the margin for error? I want to go up in a ship that's
       | a little better than the absolute minimum.
         | rahimnathwani wrote:
         | Then specify that in the requirements.
         | dylan604 wrote:
         | >There's no justification for designing something one bit
         | "better" than the requirements dictate.
         | Are the Martian rovers outliers to this rule?
         | >I want to go up in a ship that's a little better than the
         | absolute minimum.
         | This makes me think of the "this was built by the lowest
         | bidding contractor" quote
         | whats_a_quasar wrote:
         | This is the only one I have reservations about. It is also part
         | of the engineer's job to understand the customer, understand
         | what they need, and negotiate the requirements (within reason).
         | It's hard (impossible?) for the customer to fully design
         | exactly what they need, and it works much better to the
         | engineers to build something with continuous customer input
         | than to build rigidly to a spec sheet
           | firewolf34 wrote:
           | You're describing the (albeit quite common) situation where
           | requirements were not conclusive enough and need to be
           | revised throughout lifetime of development, which can be
           | natural as you begin to understand the problem space as you
           | work within it. But the key is that the requirements should
           | be as conclusive and accurate to resolving your problem as
           | they possibly can be, at any given point in time.
           | In the "frictionless environment, ideal world" scenario -
           | requirements should always be completed as close to the
           | letter as possible and no further.
           | In the practical scenario, requirements should be _written_
           | as close to perfect as can be achieved where perfect is
           | defined as what is necessary to resolve your problem space,
           | limited by your understanding of the problem space.
         | firewolf34 wrote:
         | Requirements set constraints which guide the development
         | process. Without them set early on, you risk not understanding
         | completely what you're setting out to do, you risk differing
         | expectations/assumptions between members of your team, and you
         | risk creep as the project goes on which means you will diverge
         | from your intended outcome.
         | In any project, resources (time, money, etc) are limited so the
         | most successful project will be one that uses resources most
         | efficiently. So good explicit requirements _allow you_ to
         | determine the most efficient manner to achieve them as they
         | codeify the problem and give you goalposts to optimize within.
         | This all _relies_ on you being able to set good requirements
         | from the outset, which can be done by _understanding_ what you
         | 're setting out to achieve (the problem you're trying to
         | solve).
         | I have a comment in this thread which discusses the
         | consequences of this rule specifically.
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37069168
         | imoreno wrote:
         | Margin of error should be calculated at the design stage, not
         | as an afterthought during implementation.
       (page generated 2023-08-09 23:00 UTC)