[HN Gopher] This isn't the way to speed up Rust compile times
       This isn't the way to speed up Rust compile times
       Author : cpach
       Score  : 63 points
       Date   : 2023-08-26 12:55 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (xeiaso.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (xeiaso.net)
       | lamontcg wrote:
       | > However, this means that the most commonly used crate is
       | shipping an arbitrary binary for production builds without any
       | way to opt-out.
       | The nokogiri rubygem has been shipping a prebuilt windows dll for
       | probably more than a decade. The sun has not imploded into a
       | black hole at any point in the meantime.
       | > If we're going to be trusting some random guy's binaries, I
       | think we are in the right to demand that it is byte-for-byte
       | reproducible on commodity hardware without having to reverse-
       | engineer the build process and figure out which nightly version
       | of the compiler is being used to compile this binary blob that
       | will be run everywhere.
       | I have some really, really fucking bad news about the O/S distros
       | most of you all use...
         | yw3410 wrote:
         | The author uses NixOS.
           | lamontcg wrote:
           | "Most of you all", addressing the HN audience, not the
           | author.
             | whatisyour wrote:
             | most distros are moving towards reproducible builds.
           | chungy wrote:
           | Debian and Fedora have likewise both been pushing
           | reproducible builds.
             | lamontcg wrote:
             | I used to use a FreeBSD desktop at work back in like 2002.
             | And that is a reasonable thing for those projects to try to
             | achieve.
             | Still we've been downloading binaries for decades and the
             | world hasn't ended, this issue never warranted people
             | treating it like nuclear war was imminent and hurling abuse
             | into Dtolnay's github issues like he was a child
             | pornographer. There's a way to have a discussion about this
             | being the wrong direction without doing that.
             | And I'd encourage everyone to take an honest audit of how
             | many precompiled binaries are in their lives, even if
             | they've switched to NixOS and how much stuff they trust
             | downloading from the internet. Very few people achieve an
             | RMS-level of purity in their technological lives.
               | jacquesm wrote:
               | This is all true, but even if you don't care about
               | reproducible builds that doesn't mean that _nobody_ cares
               | about reproducible builds. And the people that do care
               | about such things care about them very much. To the point
               | that if you don 't offer it to them that they'll go
               | somewhere else.
               | lamontcg wrote:
               | I didn't say not to try to get to reproducible builds,
               | though, but not to treat Dtolnay like he's a criminal.
               | There is a very real problem that he was trying to solve,
               | but the right way to do it will require core language
               | support. And his heart is certainly in the right place,
               | since "slow build times" is probably the #1 complaint
               | about Rust.
               | If you actually polled most Rust users they probably care
               | about their build times more than they care about this
               | issue, particularly if you designed the survey
               | impartially and just asked them to stack rank priorities.
               | They probably all would prefer "both" being the right
               | answer though.
               | Where the criticism really needs to be leveled is on the
               | core language design (although I appreciate that their
               | job is also extremely tough).
               | [And the one good thing to come out of this shitshow will
               | probably be getting people focused on solving this issue
               | the right way]
               | jacquesm wrote:
               | It's funny how opposed the 'Go' and 'Rust' eco systems
               | are, the 'Go' people optimized for compile speed from day
               | 1 but have trouble making things safe, the 'Rust' people
               | optimized for safety from day 1 but have trouble making
               | things fast.
               | Maybe they could learn a trick or two from each other?
               | _gabe_ wrote:
               | I don't program in Go, but this is the first I've heard
               | of it being unsafe. I thought Go was a GC language
               | implemented via the Go runtime and properly handles
               | memory safety (memory corruption and OOB access). Are you
               | using a different definition of safety here or is there
               | something else that I'm not aware of?
               | suby wrote:
               | The world hasn't ended, but I'd argue that the number of
               | malicious actors within the space is rising, as are the
               | consequences of being compromised. We're simply seeing
               | more and more malware make its way into open source
               | ecosystems, and I don't imagine the trend will be
               | reversing. For this reason alone we should be striving to
               | achieve full build reproducibility, though I agree with
               | you that demonizing (or threatening) Dtolnay is wildly
               | inappropriate.
         | ptx wrote:
         | With a distro we're trusting a single trustworthy source for
         | all the software, whereas with package managers for most
         | programming languages we're trusting hundreds of individual
         | developers, any one of which can suddenly decide to sell us
         | out.
       | alphanullmeric wrote:
       | The issue is the reliance on macros in the first place, which
       | half the time are just a shitty substitute for overloading,
       | variadics and inheritance that can't be nested, doesn't have
       | editor highlighting, and takes longer to compile. Macros should
       | be a last resort and not a first resort, "rust macros are better"
       | isn't a good counter argument. Rust's big government philosophy
       | of forcing design choices onto the programmer yet again comes
       | back to bite it.
         | pie_flavor wrote:
         | Please describe how you would implement the functionality of
         | the serde::Serialize macro with overloading, variadics, and
         | inheritance.
           | alphanullmeric wrote:
           | I'm referring to things like println, which isn't a macro in
           | any other language. If you want to stick with the serde
           | example, then look at the diy name mangling in the
           | deserializer trait:
           | https://docs.rs/serde/latest/serde/trait.Deserializer.html
           | Or the copy and pasting in Axum:
           | https://github.com/tokio-
           | rs/axum/blob/24f0f3eae8054c7a495cd3...
             | nightfly wrote:
             | Println is also much more complicated and expensive at
             | runtime in "any other language"
               | alphanullmeric wrote:
               | Except for C++.
               | pie_flavor wrote:
               | You mean the language which, in every major
               | implementation, that particular function is a _macro?_
               | alphanullmeric wrote:
               | What macro?
               | https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/print
               | plorkyeran wrote:
               | None of printf, iostreams, or std::fmt are macros in any
               | implementation I'm aware of.
               | pie_flavor wrote:
               | va_arg, which drives printf, is what I was referring to,
               | and is generally a macro, and printf is what I was
               | assuming alphanullmeric was referring to. iostreams
               | defeat the point, since Rust is just as capable of the
               | functionality and indeed the exact syntax, and
               | std::format uses the properties of templates that are
               | exactly like macros in both benefits and drawbacks,
               | templates being an unusual cross between macros and
               | generics.
             | SkiFire13 wrote:
             | I'm failing to see how this is relevant then. You say the
             | issue is with macros in the first place, but then it turns
             | out you're actually referring to other macros and have no
             | alternative to the macro that actually created the problem.
             | What am I missing in your reasoning?
               | alphanullmeric wrote:
               | The issue is with macros in general, and the problem is
               | present with macros in general, even if there's no better
               | solution in this specific case. If someone is willing to
               | take such drastic measures to combat the downsides of
               | macros when they are needed, what would they be willing
               | to do when they're forced to use macros when they
               | shouldn't be needed?
               | pie_flavor wrote:
               | The drastic measure is because of the large amount of
               | code serde generates. The features you describe, by
               | contrast, do not involve much code from a macro
               | standpoint and such macros would not benefit from
               | precompilation.
               | If you're complaining about something that TFA is not an
               | example of, it's a good idea to at least provide
               | something that _is_ an example of it, because otherwise
               | you 're just yelling at clouds.
       | [deleted]
       | say_it_as_it_is wrote:
       | [flagged]
         | dang wrote:
         | Please don't do this here.
       | titaniumtown wrote:
       | very different format to the blog with different characters
       | chiming in. interesting!
       | DisgracePlacard wrote:
       | > If we're going to be trusting some random guy's binaries, I
       | think we are in the right to demand that it is byte-for-byte
       | reproducible on commodity hardware
       | I don't think anyone has a right to demand _anything_ of the
       | project. The MIT license specifically has the whole  "THIS
       | SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS" spiel for a reason. Thinking that you
       | can demand anything of an open source developer who, afaik, has
       | no responsibilities in relationship towards you, is a rather
       | toxic mindset that should be kept out of open source.
         | pessimizer wrote:
         | The demands are provided "as is," too, so you have no right to
         | complain about them.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | That's not true. I can, for example, demand that an open source
         | project not bundle malware. The maintainer may not listen to me
         | but I reserve the right to demand it and I don't see how this
         | is toxic at all.
       | pie_flavor wrote:
       | If you skipped over the header, like I did originally, it bears
       | repeating: This change was reverted a couple days ago.
       | phamilton wrote:
       | The Pre-RFC that came out of this situation is pretty
       | interesting: https://internals.rust-lang.org/t/pre-rfc-sandboxed-
       | determin...
       | Some points I hadn't considered:
       | - Current compile times aren't too bad, but compile times are a
       | factor in how macros are developed. Making that less of an issue
       | will likely make the macro ecosystem richer and more ambitious.
       | - Precompiled binaries can be compiled with optimizations, which
       | anecdotally overcome the potential perf hit from running in WASM
       | - Nondeterminism in macros (especially randomness) has bit a lot
       | of people and a more controlled execution environment is very
       | beneficial
       | - Sandboxing doesn't have to be WASM, it's just the most capable,
       | currently available option.
       | - Comments on the pre-RFC are exploring solving this in
       | rustup/cargo instead of crates.io and that is also promising.
       | In general, I appreciate how this is creating awareness and
       | driving exploration of solutions. In particular I really like the
       | notion that there is currently implicit pressure on macro authors
       | to make them somewhat quick to compile and releasing that
       | pressure will enable innovation.
       | jeremyjh wrote:
       | Nothing personal Cadey, but I don't want to see your ads, or
       | anyone else's, regardless of how "ethical" they are. Even if they
       | are not tracking me (which I cannot confirm) they are
       | manipulating me. I found your message confusing, I thought it was
       | part of the article at first. Maybe pop that up unobtrusively if
       | you've seen me a few times before, or after I've been reading a
       | few minutes.
         | nightfly wrote:
         | What ad are you talking about?
           | jeremyjh wrote:
           | If you have an ad-blocker enabled, the first paragraph of the
           | page asks you to turn it off or donate. I have no problem
           | with creators being compensated for their work, or asking for
           | that compensation, but I found it confusing.
         | dang wrote:
         | " _Please don 't pick the most provocative thing in an article
         | or post to complain about in the thread. Find something
         | interesting to respond to instead._"
         | " _Please don 't complain about tangential annoyances--e.g.
         | article or website formats, name collisions, or back-button
         | breakage. They're too common to be interesting._"
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
       | galkk wrote:
       | Totally unrelated.
       | But generated picture at the beginning of the article, the one
       | with space needle, robs me very wrong way, as real landscape
       | doesn't look like it. It's like seeing Golden Gate Bridge in New
       | York.
         | xena wrote:
         | Author here. Yeah, the model I use (Anything v3) has a really
         | weird way of generating the Space Needle in particular. I'm
         | originally from Seattle and I really miss the pacific
         | northwest, so I like to put the Space Needle in my AI
         | generations because of how much it can stick out or clash with
         | the rest of the image.
         | In the future I'm gonna use more of my own photography like
         | this: https://pony.social/@cadey/110956174300162810, I'm just
         | building up a library of viable photos.
           | scubbo wrote:
           | What's the story behind "-amputee" in the arguments? Were
           | such images so common that it was necessary to exclude them!?
           | galkk wrote:
           | So in this case it did work as intended :)
       | KolmogorovComp wrote:
       | Note that the pre-compiled binary blob the blog post is referring
       | to has since been removed [0].
       | [0]: https://github.com/serde-rs/serde/pull/2590
         | xena wrote:
         | I thought I made that pretty clear in my article. Do I need to
         | bring back the blink tag or something to make it more obvious
         | in the future?
           | KolmogorovComp wrote:
           | I indeed missed the header, as other readers hear. I'd advise
           | against using the characters' bubbles to provide important
           | heads-up, as they're often used for additional insights or
           | humorous opinion, and so can be easily missed by quick
           | readers.
           | gpm wrote:
           | I missed it because the header to me looks like
           | > Something about ads
           | > Title
           | > Something I skipped
           | > Something about patreon
           | I dismissed it as "yet another part of the headers" and not
           | as "part of the article".
           | I mean, to be fair, I was already aware it was removed from
           | serde, but I'm pretty sure I didn't notice that box in the
           | article the first time I read through it.
           | capableweb wrote:
           | The top of the article looks like a screenshot of a chat,
           | where someone said something, then some text and then the
           | same person said something. I basically skipped that whole
           | part to look for the article beginning, and when I didn't
           | find the title, I skimmed back up.
           | The title is kind of hidden as it is right now, and the
           | "notice" on the top doesn't look like a notice. Maybe try
           | making it more different than other elements on the website,
           | and put it below the article title rather than above?
       | brigadier132 wrote:
       | I know a lot of people feel very strongly about this thing and
       | thankfully Dtolnay reversed course but if there is anyone out
       | there that has social media mob mentality please don't harass
       | him. A lot of the packages I use have his name associated with
       | them and if we get the classic "I'm leaving open source because
       | of the toxicity" and he is the author the rust community will be
       | screwed.
         | rewmie wrote:
         | Let's see if the Rust community learned anything from the
         | actix-web fiasco.
           | Dowwie wrote:
           | Rage blogging is never by contributors
           | [deleted]
       | Guvante wrote:
       | In case anyone missed the first line like I did this has been
       | resolved and no longer works like this.
       | jamamp wrote:
       | Swift's `Codable`[0] system seems very similar to serde in this
       | regard. Structs that you define can be marked with the Codable
       | protocol, and the Swift compiler automatically generates code
       | during compilation that encodes from and decodes to the structs
       | properties, with the option for you to customize it using
       | CodingKeys for different properties names or completely custom
       | coding behavior.
       | It seems built-in to Swift, as opposed to a dynamically executed
       | crate like with serde. I wonder how it's implemented in Swift and
       | if it leads to any significant slowdowns.
       | [0]
       | https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/archive...
         | itaiferber wrote:
         | Codable (along with other derived conformances like Equatable,
         | Hashable, and RawRepresentable) is indeed built in to the
         | compiler[0], but unlike Serde, it operates during type-checking
         | on a fully-constructed AST (with access to type information),
         | manipulating the AST to insert code. Because it operates at a
         | later stage of compilation and at a much higher level (with
         | access to type information), the work necessary is
         | significantly less. (It's difficult to compare Serde and
         | Codable in a way that isn't apples-and-oranges, but at the very
         | least, Codable makes use of information that the compiler has
         | done, and has already needed to do anyway; there's very little
         | manipulation it needs to do to achieve its aims.)
         | With ongoing work for Swift macros, it may eventually be
         | possible to rip this code out of the compiler and rewrite it as
         | a macro, though it would need to be a semantic macro[1] rather
         | a syntactic one, which isn't currently possible in Swift[2].
         | [0]
         | https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/main/lib/Sema/DerivedCon...
         | [1]
         | https://gist.github.com/DougGregor/4f3ba5f4eadac474ae62eae83...
         | [2] https://forums.swift.org/t/why-arent-macros-given-type-
         | infor...
         | raphlinus wrote:
         | Last I checked[1], Swift JSON performance was terrible, well
         | over an order of magnitude slower than serde. It's possible
         | it's been improved since then but if so I didn't find any
         | announcement.
         | [1]: https://github.com/xi-editor/xi-mac/issues/102
           | viktorcode wrote:
           | The problem wasn't Swift Codable, the problem was Apple's
           | implementation of JSONEncoder / Decoder on top of Obj-C
           | runtime, which created unnecessary round trips.
           | It was only fully addressed in Swift 5.9.
             | plorkyeran wrote:
             | Both are problems, and it's far from fully addressed in
             | Swift 5.9. The new Swift implementation of JSONEncoding is
             | "only" 2-5x faster than the old one, so while it's a big
             | improvement it's still very slow. Codable itself is also
             | very performance-hostile, and a no-op encoder which fully
             | walks the input but doesn't produce any output will be
             | slower than serde producing json.
       | dundarious wrote:
       | On topic: I agree that upstream-provided 3rd party binaries are
       | not a good solution to this particular problem. That is the type
       | of solution that works in a closed environment like a corporate
       | CI system, but it should not be the default.
       | Off topic: I don't understand why the article repeatedly says the
       | Rust compiler or procedural macros are already fast, even "plenty
       | fast". Aren't they slower or about as slow as C++, which is
       | notorious for being frustratingly slow, _especially_ for local,
       | non-distributed builds?
       | "Plenty fast" would mean fast enough for some simple use-case.
       | e.g., "1G ethernet is plenty fast for a home network, but data
       | centers can definitely benefit from faster links". i.e., fast
       | enough you won't notice anything faster when doing your average
       | user's daily activities, but certainly not fast enough for all
       | users or activities.
       | The Rust compiler is then in no way "plenty fast". It has many
       | benefits, and lots of hard work has gone into it, even optimizing
       | it, but everyone would notice and benefit from it being any
       | amount faster.
         | rewmie wrote:
         | > On topic: I agree that 3rd party binaries are not a good
         | solution to this particular problem. That is the type of
         | solution that works in a closed environment like a corporate CI
         | system, but it should not be the default.
         | Why?
         | I mean, OS distributions making available whole catalogs of
         | prebuilt binaries is a time-tested solution solution that's in
         | place for decades. What leads you to believe that this is
         | suddenly undesirable?
           | dundarious wrote:
           | I think there's a very obvious distinction between the kind
           | of "3rd party" that is your chosen OS distribution and the
           | kind of 3rd party that is "some person on github or
           | crates.io", and I didn't feel the need to clarify this as I
           | thought it was obvious.
           | I've clarified it to "upstream-provided 3rd party" in the
           | original post.
             | rewmie wrote:
             | > I think there's a very obvious distinction between the
             | kind of "3rd party" that is your chosen OS distribution and
             | the kind of 3rd party that is "some person on github or
             | crates.io"
             | That tells you more about crates.io than consuming prebuilt
             | binaries.
             | Some Linux distro ship both source code packages and
             | prebuilt binaries. This has not been a problem for the past
             | two decades. Why is it suddenly a problem with Rust's
             | ecosystem?
               | tyg13 wrote:
               | crates.io is just a platform for people to make their
               | Rust code distributable; it's not curated in any way
               | really (other than removing obvious malware). An OS
               | distribution is explicitly curated.
             | formerly_proven wrote:
             | Either way you're running their code, I don't understand
             | the outrage here, frankly. People who look at the code
             | they're running and the changes they're pulling in of
             | course noticed this, but I seriously doubt even 1% of the
             | rageposters are in that set of rust users.
               | dundarious wrote:
               | I'm not outraged. I dislike it, and it would be a "con"
               | when considering any use of the project.
               | Binaries are relatively inscrutable, and there are
               | massive differences in ease of doing something nefarious
               | or careless with OS binaries, and upstream checked in
               | source code, and upstream checked in binaries.
               | That's just one or two reasons why I think this approach
               | is not at all commonplace in open settings, and is
               | generally limited to closed and controlled settings like
               | corporate environments.
               | A more typical and reasonable approach would be having a
               | dependency on such a binary that you get however you
               | like: OS, build from upstream source, upstream binary,
               | etc., and where the default is not the latter.
               | And now if you allow me to get a bit off-topic again: to
               | me, having to "innovate" like this is a major sign that
               | this project knows it is very slow, and knows it's
               | unlikely to ever not be very slow.
           | bsder wrote:
           | Because it demonstrates a failure of the Rust ecosystem.
           | Proc macros have effectively become fundamental to Rust. This
           | is unfortunate, but, given that it is reality, they should
           | get compiler support. Part of what is making them so slow is
           | that they need to process a firehose of information through a
           | drinking straw. Placing proc macros into the compiler would
           | not only speed them up but also remove the 50+ crate
           | dependency chain that gets pulled in.
           | Serde, while slow, has a more fundamental Rust problem. Serde
           | demonstrates that Rust needs some more abstractions that it
           | currently does not have. The "orphan rule" means that you,
           | dear user, cannot take my crate and Serde and compose them
           | without a large amount of copypasta boilerplate. A better
           | composition story would speed up the compilation of Serde as
           | it would have to do far less work.
           | Rust has fundamental problems to solve, and lately only seems
           | capable of stopgaps instead of progress. This is unfortunate
           | as it will wind up ceding the field to something like Carbon.
         | maccard wrote:
         | > Aren't they slower or about as slow as C++, which is
         | notorious for being frustratingly slow, especially for local,
         | non-distributed builds?
         | Yes. Significantly slower. The last rust crate I pulled [0]
         | took as long to build as the unreal engine project I work on.
         | [0] https://github.com/getsentry/symbolicator/
           | rascul wrote:
           | I was curious about a couple numbers. Looks like symbolicator
           | has about 20k lines of rust code and 517 crates it depends on
           | (directly and indirectly).
           | forrestthewoods wrote:
           | Ehhhhhhhh. Are you talking full build or incremental? How
           | long did it take?
           | Clean and rebuild of Unreal Engine on my 32-core Threadripper
           | takes about 15 minutes. And incremental change to a CPP
           | takes... varies but probably on the order of 30 seconds.
           | Their live coding feature is super slick.
           | I just cloned, downloaded dependencies, and fully built
           | Symbolicator in 3 minutes 15 seconds. A quick incremental
           | change and build tool 45 seconds.
           | My impression is the Rust time was all spent linking. Some
           | big company desperately needs to spend the time to port Mold
           | linker to Windows. Supposedly Microsoft is working on a
           | faster linker. But I think it'd be better to just port Mold.
             | IAmLiterallyAB wrote:
             | Mold is ELF only. They'd have to rewrite it anyway. I don't
             | see much point in a Windows port
               | forrestthewoods wrote:
               | It's tentatively planned for 3.0.
               | https://github.com/bluewhalesystems/sold/issues/8
               | The file formats are indeed totally different. But the
               | operation of linking is the same at a high-level.
               | IAmLiterallyAB wrote:
               | Huh, interesting
             | maccard wrote:
             | My 32 core threadripper builds ue5 in 12 minutes on
             | Windows. Single file changes on our game are usually under
             | 10 seconds due to unity builds, and a good precompiled
             | header.
             | My first clone on symbolicator took the same length of time
             | on my windows machine. Even with your numbers, 4 minutes to
             | build what is not a particularly large project is bonkers.
             | I
               | forrestthewoods wrote:
               | Sounds like we're on basically the same page.
               | My experience across a wide range of C++ projects and
               | wide range of Rust projects is that they're roughly
               | comparable in terms of compilation speed. Rust macros can
               | do bad things very quickly. Same as C++ templates.
               | Meanwhile I have some CUDA targets that take over 5
               | minutes to compile a single file.
               | I feel like if Rust got a super fast incremental linker
               | it'd be in a pretty decent place.
               | izacus wrote:
               | Is using a 32-core CPU as a baseline for speed
               | comparisons some kind of satire in this thread?
         | delusional wrote:
         | I think there's a different kind of "plenty fast" that more
         | closely aligns with "as fast as it can be." If you develop some
         | code that runs at 90% of the theoretical throughput, I'd call
         | that plenty fast, even if the theoretical wait time was 100s of
         | seconds. The rust compiler does a lot of stuff that simpler
         | languages don't do. I would accept that level of checking to
         | take longer while still being considered "plenty fast". Making
         | that argument would require some serious benchmarking of the
         | rust compiler though.
       | incrudible wrote:
       | I like the Go style better. I probably will not ever care about
       | more than one or two encodings and being explicit is an upside in
       | that regard. I do however really care about compile times. If
       | performance really matters, I would not go for a generic
       | serialization approach in the first place.
       | charcircuit wrote:
       | >If we're going to be trusting some random guy's binaries, I
       | think we are in the right to demand that it is byte-for-byte
       | reproducible on commodity hardware without having to reverse-
       | engineer the build process and figure out which nightly version
       | of the compiler is being used to compile this binary blob that
       | will be run everywhere.
       | David Tolnay is not a random guy.
         | CUViper wrote:
         | Then extrapolate "random guy trying to follow dtolnay's lead."
           | IshKebab wrote:
           | Well then complain about _that_ , not this.
           | And anyway it doesn't really matter. As soon as you use
           | anyone's crates you're more or less completely trusting them.
           | It's not difficult to hide malware in a Rust crate even if
           | you don't ship a binary.
           | And... come on. David Tolnay came up with Watt. He's clearly
           | not intending to ship a binary forever - the long term
           | solution is WASM.
           | This author comes across as an annoying naysayer - everything
           | is impossible, even things that have already been done like
           | WASI.
         | badrequest wrote:
         | [flagged]
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2023-08-26 23:01 UTC)