[HN Gopher] Overthewire.org
       Author : ghostfoxgod
       Score  : 247 points
       Date   : 2023-08-27 11:53 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (overthewire.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (overthewire.org)
       | nickysielicki wrote:
       | It's cool to go through how much these challenges are
       | _irrelevant_ in 2023 due to things like ASLR, better compiler
       | warnings, etc.
         | LordShredda wrote:
         | They're irrelevant until you find a hospital cutting IT funding
         | and the devs don't know what they're doing.
       | jedimastert wrote:
       | Also adding an absolute classic (at least in my mind):
       | https://www.hackthissite.org/
         | d1str0 wrote:
         | I used to be a dev for them. HTS is how i got started with
         | computer science.
       | em-bee wrote:
       | i hate it when sites are posted with out any descriptive title
       | ;-) then i am curious, and end up getting drawn in.
       | now i want to run:                   ssh level0 command to read
       | pw1 | sshpass ssh level1 command to read pw2 | sshpass ssh level
       | 2 ...
         | ghostfoxgod wrote:
         | Hahaha hop aboard, I am currently ssh-ing as well ;)
       | rgovostes wrote:
       | Coincidentally I just found the lost sources to a binary reverse
       | engineering challenge I wrote in 2010. Compile it without peeking
       | (use the "modern" branch, follow README instructions for patching
       | bomb.c).
       | https://github.com/RPISEC/csci-4971-bomb
       | asicsp wrote:
       | See also:
       | * https://linuxsurvival.com/
       | * https://old.reddit.com/r/linuxupskillchallenge/
       | * https://github.com/learnbyexample/TUI-apps (written by me,
       | interactive exercises for grep, sed, awk, etc)
         | ghostfoxgod wrote:
         | Thanks for sharing these.
       | ghostfoxgod wrote:
       | I'm also planning to jot down the approach and strategy into
       | short form blogs as and when I keep solving them and publish it
       | on my blogging site [1]. This will help me keep coming back to it
       | and revise it more easily.
       | [1]: https://akashrajpurohit.com/
       | natrys wrote:
       | Some more: https://pwnable.kr/play.php
       | dijit wrote:
       | I've been sort-of adjacent to a lot of these groups when they
       | were in their infancy (hackr.org darkdevelopments.com ssgroup.org
       | etc;) and it's really cool how the majority of the kids who were
       | running those sites in the 2000's are now so keen to create
       | _better_ environments for others to learn.
       | Hackthissite and websec.fr are other excellent resources from the
       | same pedigree of people
       | jpfr wrote:
       | Nice. I recall there were .txt files in the filesystem where you
       | could leave your name and a shoutout after completing a level.
       | Mostly ,,Kilroy was here" equivalents. But it felt oh so 1337
       | hacker to add yourself. Quite the motivation boost for a
       | teenager. :-)
       | Also see https://microcorruption.com. You don't need Linux-
       | specific knowledge. It directly goes to MSP430 assembly. A nice
       | and compact introduction to exploiting binaries and embedded
       | systems.
       | dang wrote:
       | Related:
       |  _Wargames can help you to learn and practice security concepts
       | through games_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29724594 -
       | Dec 2021 (26 comments)
       |  _The Bandit Wargame_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29708304 - Dec 2021 (1
       | comment)
       |  _OverTheWire: Wargames to learn and practice security concepts_
       | - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16252873 - Jan 2018 (23
       | comments)
       |  _Wargames_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9878302 - July
       | 2015 (17 comments)
       | mrmincent wrote:
       | I recently completed a grad Cert in cyber security, and a large
       | initial part of the practicals were to just go through otw and
       | complete some of the lessons. It's a great resource, and had I
       | known about it before hand I probably wouldn't have bothered
       | paying so much for the course and just completed the otw
       | exercises instead :/
         | ghostfoxgod wrote:
         | Asking out of curiosity, have you completed otw completely? How
         | much of it do you feel it helped you in your course?
         | I'm already learning so much from the bandit exercises itself
         | (which I believe are for entry level folks) So completing all
         | of it would be so fascinating.
           | mrmincent wrote:
           | Nice! I certainly haven't completed all of them, just bandit,
           | the web based one, and one of the mediumish ones, and maybe
           | not even all of it, I can't remember which one tbh.
           | Definitely a fantastic learning resource, once my brain has
           | had a bit of downtime from the course I'm planning on going
           | back and doing more otw.
       | junkypuppet wrote:
       | Something similar for PowerShell:
       | https://underthewire.tech/wargames
       | eqmvii wrote:
       | happy to see this every time it comes around
       | throw1234651234 wrote:
       | I treat overthewire as a practical bash refresher, rather than
       | learning how to hack. I can't get past the easiest set of
       | problems without spending a ton of time on it, but it's good to
       | remember the basics now and again.
       | mettamage wrote:
       | I trained a lot at hackthebox.eu
       | dancosta0601 wrote:
       | I have played it some years ago, it's very good to start learning
       | about wargames and hacking competitions
       | beardedwizard wrote:
       | You can't talk about OTW without talking about smash the stack.
       | The best part of all of these communities was the accompanying
       | irc channels, which are mostly dead now. Jduck, spender, many
       | other known names hung out and you could really learn from the
       | best if you could handle the abuse. The scene exists in kind of a
       | zombie state now, the games are mostly up to date but ...
         | lilboiluvr69 wrote:
         | Know of any modern communities with a similar spirit and ethos
         | in the same scene?
           | archgoon wrote:
           | The ctf community is fairly active.
           | Http://ctftime.org
         | _def wrote:
         | > you could really learn from the best if you could handle the
         | abuse
         | Care to elaborate? I assume there was cliche rough tone and
         | elitism going on, but I don't know
           | beardedwizard wrote:
           | The price for saying something ignorant was usually pretty
           | high in the form of verbal abuse, and you had to be willing
           | to cater to that elitist attitude in many cases. Infosec had,
           | and continues to have a gate keeping problem. The strange
           | thing to me is that the scene pretty much died, but these
           | zombies live on, half alive but without a strong community
           | talking about them.
           | Btw not talking about spender or jduck here, just the scene
           | overall.
             | pooloo wrote:
             | That was pretty much any IRC community
               | psychphysic wrote:
               | There were always elitist channels but they'd be invite
               | only.
               | The rest you could lurk in however much you wanted.
               | stevehawk wrote:
               | lol, been in #linux in the last.. say.. twenty years?
       | ghostfoxgod wrote:
       | Came across this site which was suggested by a friend of mine.
       | After solving few of the problems, I have reached the moment of
       | "wow I did not know about this at all" and it's exciting to learn
       | more about Linux ecosystem in general.
       | Would highly recommend anyone who is keen to learn and explore
       | Linux.
       | Shoot me a DM [1] if you wish to form a small group to solve and
       | discuss these questions together once in a while.
       | [1] https://twitter.com/akashwhocodes
         | runnerup wrote:
         | I don't use X but I'd be interested nonetheless. Can email me
         | at HNrunnerup@protonmail.com
       | rs_rs_rs_rs_rs wrote:
       | Very good wargames! Learned a lot from them.
       | My suggestion for those wanting more is
       | https://exploit.education/
       (page generated 2023-08-27 23:00 UTC)