[HN Gopher] Teaching with AI
       Teaching with AI
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 245 points
       Date   : 2023-08-31 17:00 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (openai.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (openai.com)
       | jjcm wrote:
       | I've personally found AI to be a great help whenever I'm diving
       | into a topic that I'm less familiar with. Recently I used it to
       | help me prep for an interview as well. My partner uses it to help
       | explain STEM concepts that she didn't cover in her schooling.
       | I do wonder how far away we are from an actual Young Lady's
       | Illustrated Primer. Three years ago I'd say we were 50 years
       | away. Now it feels more like 10.
         | shepardrtc wrote:
         | The same for me, I love it for this sort of thing. I can bounce
         | ideas off of it and it'll give me a solid response without
         | getting tired of my questioning. And it'll explain in detail
         | why I'm wrong. I really can't express how useful this is for my
         | style of learning - I like to take things apart and figure out
         | how they go back together.
         | jeremyjh wrote:
         | > Three years ago I'd say we were 50 years away. Now it feels
         | more like 10.
         | I think those agents could actually reason though. LLMs do not
         | do any reasoning. They produce plausibly reasonable text.
         | yoyohello13 wrote:
         | I just don't know about this. I also find it answers great when
         | I'm not familiar with a topic. However, when I am familiar with
         | a topic I find all sorts of inconsistencies or wrong facts. I'm
         | concerned the same inconsistencies are there in the topics I'm
         | not familiar with, I just don't know enough about the subject
         | to spot them.
       | azertykeys wrote:
       | Anecdotally, my friend who's just starting out teaching high
       | school physics has used ChatGPT to generate worksheet questions
       | with mixed results, having to throw out the majority of what it
       | generates, but still saving time overall
         | pixl97 wrote:
         | Just asking it to make up 10 question isn't a great way of
         | doing it most of the time.
         | It turns out making a single question really is a bunch of
         | different questions in itself. You have to ask on each question
         | "How can this be misinterpreted", "Can the question be written
         | better", "Is this a challenging question that actually causes a
         | person to learn".
         | A lot of human generated question are just confusing hot
         | garbage in and of themselves. Quite often we encode cultural
         | biases in the questions. Or, if a person actually knows about
         | the topic they can get the question wrong, based if they are
         | only supposed to formulate the answer based on the paragraph
         | shown to the user.
         | The AI Explained channel on youtube just had an episode about
         | this in relation to the tests we're giving AI. Turns out a lot
         | of the questions just suck.
       | MostlyStable wrote:
       | Surprised not to see any discussion here of Khanmigo[0], which I
       | believe has been using GPT-4 as a tutor for quite a while now (in
       | a beta form). It's been long enough that I've actually been
       | (idly) trying to find any efficacy data. I'm sure that by now
       | Khan academy has it, but I haven't seen them release it anywhere.
       | The famous tutoring 2-sigma result (referenced elsewhere in the
       | comments), only took place over 6 weeks of learning, and Khanmigo
       | should have over 6 months (I believe) of data by this point
       | [0]https://www.khanacademy.org/khan-labs
         | rcarr wrote:
         | I don't understand why they've made it US only during the beta
         | period, seems like a weird decision.
       | j_gravestein wrote:
       | Finally OpenAI admits AI detectors are useless.
       | jheriko wrote:
       | [flagged]
       | dtnewman wrote:
       | I built a chrome plugin called Revision History [1] that I
       | released about 2.5 weeks ago, so I've been talking to a good
       | number of educators about this recently. I'd say the majority of
       | teachers are terrified of AI, because it means that they have to
       | completely change how they teach with only a few months' notice.
       | It's not easy to change your lesson plans or assignment
       | structures that quickly and it'll take time to see where this all
       | lands.
       | Some teachers are looking for ways _not to adapt_ , which is why
       | there's a surge of interest in AI detection (which doesn't work
       | well), but the sharpest educators I talk to are cognizant of the
       | fact that there is no going back. So the plan is to incorporate
       | AI into their curriculum and try to make assignments more "AI
       | proof". This means more in-class work (e.g., the "flipped
       | classroom" model [2]). Others are looking for ways to encourage
       | students to use AI on assignments, but to revise and annotate
       | what AI generates for them (this is what I am marketing my plugin
       | for). Either way, it's going to be very rough over the next few
       | years as educators scramble to keep us with a monstrous change
       | that came about practically overnight.
       | [1] https://www.revisionhistory.com. The plugin helps teachers
       | see the students' process for drafting papers, unlike many than
       | other plugins that are trying to be "AI detectors".
       | [2] https://bokcenter.harvard.edu/flipped-
       | classrooms#:~:text=A%2....
         | nomel wrote:
         | > because it means that they have to completely change how they
         | teach with only a few months' notice
         | Why? Doesn't it only mean they need to change how they _test_
         | understanding?
         | Wowfunhappy wrote:
         | I have to say, I think I would have _hated_ this growing up. I
         | have a tendency to become emotionally-invested in the quality
         | of my writing, and I don 't like people seeing it in a state I
         | don't consider presentable.
         | Maybe this tool would have forced me to get over that, I don't
         | know.
           | WhiteSabbath wrote:
           | Never know until you try
           | all2 wrote:
           | I had a college professor (English 101) tell the class on the
           | first day, "You're going to learn how to mutilate and kill
           | your babies." He was brutal in draft reviews, but he pushed
           | me to learn the process of drafting and writing. I produced
           | work in that class that I didn't think I was capable of.
           | dtnewman wrote:
           | Thank you for the feedback. My wife feels this way as well.
           | It's good to hear perspectives on it.
         | moffkalast wrote:
         | The fact that homework has become so prevalent that it takes
         | more than an hour each day (on top of already a full time job's
         | worth of classes) is a crime against childhood anyway, good
         | riddance.
           | TillE wrote:
           | Amen. I did great in school, except I _hated_ homework from a
           | very early age onwards. Tedious crap I already understood.
           | The occasional take-home project is probably fine, but
           | otherwise let school be school, and leave it at that.
           | wudangmonk wrote:
           | I was frustated with the sheer amount of essays I was helping
           | out my nephew with. It felt like every single week he had an
           | essay from multiple classes, and it was always the same b.s
           | for every single one. I just couldn't see the point of having
           | to do so many of the same type of "research" assignment over
           | and over again.
           | When chatgpt beta first became available I was overjoyed, it
           | worked wonders. It worked so well that I figured teachers
           | would have to let go of the essay crutch they had been
           | relying on so much.
             | AuryGlenz wrote:
             | My high school experience was largely teachers mentally
             | assuming that their homework was the only homework we were
             | assigned, and not realizing that the time we'd need to
             | spend on all of it was 6 or 7 times what they personally
             | did.
             | I had one teacher assign four separate (essentially busy-
             | work) assignments over Christmas break. Ridiculous.
         | Workaccount2 wrote:
         | I can't help but feel that people are completely missing the
         | forest for the trees with AI and education. Which isn't
         | particularly surprising when you realize most people haven't
         | ever made the connection that the primary point of education is
         | to make effective economic contributors in your society, rather
         | than just being something you do because it's just what we do.
         | We are going to use powerful AI to teach kids to do jobs that
         | AI will almost certainly do better in 10-20 years?
         | Like I get that there is a notion of "What else are we supposed
         | to do?", but it still just feels so silly and futile to go
         | along with. Like "Lets use AI to teach kids how to
         | program!"....uhhh, the writing is on the wall
           | spion wrote:
           | Its not certain we'll get to that point, and if we do we'll
           | probably need to rethink society as a whole. We have a lot of
           | training data on human knowledge, discussion and Q&A, but
           | very little on humans actually working and going through
           | their thought process, which I suspect is why projects like
           | AutoGPT aren't really that good [1].
           | [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/AutoGPT/comments/13z5z3a/autogp
           | t_is...
           | Relatively high fidelity and public data for some domains
           | does exist, however (think all github commits, issues,
           | discussions and pull requests as a whole). For those domains,
           | it indeed might be only a matter of time.
           | earthboundkid wrote:
           | It's been so long since calculators hit that I guess we all
           | forgot what that was like, but Wolfram Alpha can solve all of
           | the problems in a typical math textbook. Now writing based
           | classes have the same problems, but the solutions are pretty
           | similar:
           | - Make kids show their work (outlines, revision histories)
           | - Retool to focus on the things where the tools can't do all
           | the work (proofs, diagrams, word problems for math; research,
           | note gathering, synthesizing for writing)
           | - After kids learn the basics, incorporate the tools into the
           | class in a semi-realistic way (using a TI-whatever in the
           | last years of high school math education)
             | loandbehold wrote:
             | ChatGPT can also "show work". Requiring students to show
             | work doesn't prevent cheating.
               | throwuwu wrote:
               | Show work in the context of chatgpt means show each
               | prompt and response and any edits or collation that you
               | performed.
             | redox99 wrote:
             | > Wolfram Alpha can solve all of the problems in a typical
             | math textbook
             | I mostly disagree (and I used WolframAlpha thoroughly
             | during my engineering education). Wolfram can solve well
             | encapsulated tasks (solve for X, find the integral, etc).
             | Even then often it gives you a huge expression, whereas
             | doing it by hand you can achieve a much simpler expression.
             | It doesn't really handle complex problems, at least like
             | the ones you'd find in a college level math or physics
             | course. It can be a tool for solving certain steps within
             | those problems (like a calculator), but you can't plug the
             | whole thing into Wolfram and get an answer.
             | GPT4 is kinda OK at this, like 50%+ success rate probably,
             | highly dependent on how common the problem is.
           | danenania wrote:
           | "We are going to use powerful AI to teach kids to do jobs
           | that AI will almost certainly do better in 10-20 years?"
           | I think understanding how to work well with AI and what its
           | limitations are will be helpful regardless of what the
           | outcome is.
           | Even if silicon brains achieve AGI or super-intelligence, I
           | think it's highly unlikely that they will supersede
           | biological brains along every dimension. Biological brains
           | use physical processes that we have very little understanding
           | of, and so they will likely not be possible to fully mimic in
           | the foreseeable future even with AGI. We don't know exactly
           | how we'll fit in and be able to continue being useful in the
           | hypothetical AGI/super-intelligence scenario, but I think
           | it's almost certain there will be gaps of various kinds that
           | will require human brains to be in the loop to get the best
           | results.
           | And even if we _do_ assume that humans get superseded in
           | every conceivable way, AGI does not imply infinite capacity,
           | and work is not zero sum. Even if AI completely takes over
           | for all the most important problems (for some definition of
           | important), there will always be problems left over.
           | Right now, just because you aren't the best gardener in the
           | world (or even if you're one of the worst), that doesn't mean
           | you couldn't make the area around where you live greener and
           | more beautiful if you spent a few months on it. There is
           | always some contribution you can make to making life better.
           | isaacremuant wrote:
           | > make effective economic contributors in your society,
           | rather than just being something you do because it's just
           | what we do.
           | That's your utilitarian take that would eliminate many things
           | you would consider superfluous. Social sciences, history,
           | art, useful personal skills that might not be directly to the
           | economy (like home related stuff or questioning authority)
           | It should be about empowering citizens in many ways
           | regardless of how much they'll end up contributing to
           | society. As for historical examples, women and wealthy people
           | who studied and couldn't or didn't need to work still
           | studied.
           | If you subscribe to the purely resource exploitation view,
           | you end up on the road to optimize for the elites in power
           | through lobbying and corporate manipulation.
           | Having a population that thinks for themselves may actually
           | lead to more unrest and economic uncertainty of all the KPIs
           | that corporations usually love.
           | Of course, corps will want education to be a specialized
           | training ground for future human resource exploitation and
           | govs might want to create voters for their party (or nation
           | build through ideology and principles) but just because
           | either might get their way to a hig degree doesn't mean that
           | "the primary purpose" is what they get away with.
           | bbor wrote:
           | The purpose of education is not labor preparation :)
             | Workaccount2 wrote:
             | It absolutely, unequivocally is. People can romanticize it
             | anyway they want, but formal education is very different
             | than religion camp, painting class, or spiritual retreat
             | training.
             | I feel for people who don't get this or perhaps never
             | contemplated it, but the system is designed to breed good
             | workers and sort them into bins. And its not a bad thing
             | either. Sure there are non-economic self contained
             | benefits, but those are perks, not purposes.
               | A4ET8a8uTh0 wrote:
               | I think, and this does not directly contradict your post,
               | because I do think you are not far off, but formal
               | education is supposed to help a person find their place
               | in society. Not everyone becomes plumber, electrician,
               | lawyer, mba, or engineer. Some become artists, activists
               | or, heavens forfend, politicians.
               | sanderjd wrote:
               | It absolutely, unequivocally, is _one_ of the reasons
               | universal education to a general level is a valuable
               | investment for a society.
               | But it is not the _only_ reason, or (in my view) even the
               | most important reason.
               | Maybe before assuming people haven't contemplated what
               | you're saying, you could try to contemplate what else
               | general education might be buying us. Maybe by imagining
               | how it would look if school was actually just job
               | training starting in elementary school, rather than
               | covering all these other things.
               | lewhoo wrote:
               | I share your view on this. I guess it all hinges on
               | whether AGI is possible and if so then how fast is it
               | coming. If we won't achieve AGI then education is still
               | necessary to push knowledge further and since we don't
               | know who is going to achieve this it makes sense (right
               | now) to still push education for all as social
               | obligation.
               | [deleted]
               | saint_fiasco wrote:
               | It is one important purpose, but education has lots of
               | stakeholders who each have their own purposes.
               | The students want to learn things and socialize with
               | peers.
               | Teachers want to teach, earn a living, get respect of
               | society.
               | Parents want their children to be taught, but also want
               | their kids to be taken care of by other adults so they
               | can go to work in peace. Poorer parents in particular
               | also need their kids to be fed and sometimes schools have
               | to do that too.
               | Governments want an educated citizenry that is
               | productive, pays taxes, knows the basics of law, civics
               | and so on. They also want to monitor and protect
               | unfortunate children who have bad parents.
               | If schools only had one purpose you wouldn't see the
               | stakeholders fight each other so often. But in reality
               | parents fight governments over the curriculum, students
               | fight teachers over the amount of work, teachers fight
               | government/parents over their wage and so on.
               | cheonic7394 wrote:
               | > The students want to learn things and socialize with
               | peers.
               | No. Students want to socialize with peers or play
               | sports/video games. Not learn.
               | > Teachers want to teach, earn a living, get respect of
               | society.
               | This is correct
               | > Parents want their children to be taught, but also want
               | their kids to be taken care of by other adults so they
               | can go to work in peace. Poorer parents in particular
               | also need their kids to be fed and sometimes schools have
               | to do that too.
               | Also correct. Parents want schools to be daycare, or for
               | elite families, schools are networking opportunities
               | > Governments want an educated citizenry that is
               | productive, pays taxes, knows the basics of law, civics
               | and so on. They also want to monitor and protect
               | unfortunate children who have bad parents.
               | Correct. But a population can be productive while being
               | largely uneducated (see China)
               | But despite the different priorities of the groups, "the
               | student learning", is not one of them
               | conception wrote:
               | > No. Students want to socialize with peers or play
               | sports/video games. Not learn.
               | This is frightfully incorrect. Students definitely love
               | to learn. They do not like to be stuffed in a chair and
               | lectured at and forced to do rote activities. But who
               | does?
               | OkayPhysicist wrote:
               | > But a population can be productive while being largely
               | uneducated (see China)
               | China's a terrible example in trying to support your
               | point. If the pitch is "education makes better workers"
               | then you shouldn't be looking at GDP, you should be
               | looking at GDP per capita, aka "Are the workers more
               | productive in more educated countries?". And China has a
               | terrible GDP per capita. It ranks 64th in the world to
               | the US's 7th. Applying slightly more rigorous comparison
               | across the world, there's a clear correlation between
               | GDP/capita and average educational attainment.
               | And you have a very dismal view of students. In my area,
               | at least at the honors level, students were pretty well
               | engaged in learning. Now, that was mostly in order to get
               | into good colleges and appease their parents' desire for
               | them to learn, but they definitely were eager to have the
               | knowledge that was being taught. By the time you get to
               | college, a fair fraction of the students are truly
               | engaged with the material for the material's sake. Even
               | moreso in degrees that aren't glorified trade school
               | programs.
               | sanderjd wrote:
               | I don't think the population of China is "largely
               | uneducated" in the sense that began this thread. It is
               | not rare for Chinese kids to go to school, and those
               | schools are not only used for job training.
               | all2 wrote:
               | And most of that fighting goes away when parents assume
               | the responsibility of teaching their own children. This
               | particular responsibility is presently only available to
               | those who build their lives around the idea of a nuclear
               | family and home schooling. I used to think that one had
               | to achieve some middle/upper class financial status to
               | make this viable (and having money does make this
               | easier), but I've seen poor families manage home
               | schooling quite well. This requires community (a church
               | with others who are home schooling, a home school co-op)
               | because the kiddos will age out of your ability to teach
               | rather quickly (10-12 and suddenly they're doing math you
               | haven't touched in 2 decades, or more involved history or
               | literature that the average parent may not be equipped to
               | teach well, or electives that fall outside the experience
               | of the parents).
               | sanderjd wrote:
               | > _And most of that fighting goes away when parents
               | assume the responsibility of teaching their own
               | children._
               | No, because you've forgotten one of the important
               | stakeholders here, which is society at large, which has a
               | interest in ensuring a general level of shared education.
               | Which once again results in fighting, as parents who are
               | teaching their own children run up against government
               | requirements that they may not agree with.
               | tivert wrote:
               | >> The purpose of education is not labor preparation :)
               | > It absolutely, unequivocally is. People can romanticize
               | it anyway they want, but formal education is very
               | different than religion camp, painting class, or
               | spiritual retreat training.
               | No it isn't "absolutely, unequivocally." What _specific_
               | formal education are you talking about?
               | Especially in the past, but continuing somewhat into the
               | present-day, formal education has mainly been about
               | _enculturation_ , and not "labor preparation." That can
               | seen clearly by the former emphasis on dead classical
               | languages and the continued (though lessened) emphasis on
               | literature and similar subjects. There's zero value in
               | reading Shakespeare or Lord of the Flies from a "labor
               | preparation" standpoint.
               | However, I do see a modern trend where many people are so
               | degraded by economics that they have trouble perceiving
               | or thinking about anything except through the lens of
               | economics or some economics-adjacent subject.
               | ifyoubuildit wrote:
               | > There's zero value in reading Shakespeare or Lord of
               | the Flies from a "labor preparation" standpoint.
               | There is zero labor prep value in learning to extract
               | information from text (that you possibly have no interest
               | in reading)?
               | Workaccount2 wrote:
               | Enculturation is just to make it so people who otherwise
               | cannot bear much economic fruit can at least not be
               | producing negative value. Studying the classics, if
               | nothing else, should at least produce a well adjusted
               | human. That in and of itself has value.
               | But those are the fringes of the education system. The
               | core focus is on producing high value citizens that will
               | produce far more than they take. This is abundantly clear
               | if you look at the social valuations of high caliber
               | students with fruitful degrees.
               | lemmsjid wrote:
               | One of the initial proponents of public education in
               | America, Horace Mann, saw education in a two pronged
               | manner.
               | First, a functional democracy requires that the
               | citizenship be well informed and capable of critical
               | thinking: "A republican form of government, without
               | intelligence in the people, must be, on a vast scale,
               | what a mad-house, without superintendent or keepers,
               | would be on a small one."
               | He also saw the economic side, saying that education was
               | an equalizer for people in terms of helping them to reach
               | their full potential.
               | I quite agree with his assessment. In a system where
               | everyone has a vote, it becomes quite important that
               | everyone have a sense of things that extends beyond their
               | career vocation. His imagery of an uneducated republic
               | being a madhouse makes much sense from this perspective.
               | Insofar as we have given up any optimism about the
               | democratic enterprise, then certainly we could look at
               | education as purely to put people into economic bins, but
               | at least in my own public school education in the US,
               | every student did get significant doses of math, history,
               | science, etc., outside of their expected career
               | direction.
               | This to me suggests that there is a tension, not fully
               | resolved and HOPEFULLY never fully resolved, between
               | education-for-economics and education-for-democracy. I
               | think it's quite pessimistic though to give up the ghost
               | on the education-for-democracy aspect.
               | kaibee wrote:
               | > It absolutely, unequivocally is.
               | This is a category error. You're talking about the
               | education system as though it was designed from accurate
               | first principles towards a specific intended outcome.
               | Like, you can say that the absolute unequivocal purpose
               | of a nuclear reactor is to heat water. But when we're
               | looking at sociopolitical organizations, that have been
               | codified through various political forces over tens of
               | generations, through the demands of ever-shifting
               | stakeholders, etc this is not a useful framing.
               | > but the system is designed to breed good workers and
               | sort them into bins. And its not a bad thing either. Sure
               | there are non-economic self contained benefits, but those
               | are perks, not purposes.
               | I think a more accurate framing is that the system is
               | currently evolved into strongly emphasizing this mode of
               | behavior.
               | borroka wrote:
               | This is true, and it is puzzling how people think that
               | there are geniuses, evil or otherwise, who have planned
               | the educational system so as to achieve some sort of
               | results for the society at large that go beyond the
               | mundane.
               | Where the mundane is keeping young people out of the
               | streets, maybe teach them arithmetic and some grammar.
               | And the leaders, that is, the teachers, want, most of the
               | time, just to bring home a salary, not funnel the masses
               | from schools to office desks or assembly lines.
               | bbor wrote:
               | Ok it's hard to say anything "absolute" about the purpose
               | of education since it's a philosophical/political stance
               | and not a physical phenomenon, but I appreciate your
               | cynicism. I see how the rich and powerful have shaped our
               | public education institutions, and agree that American
               | schools at least often push students into rote labor-
               | focused paths.
               | That said, the discussion is about the purpose of
               | classrooms in a world of AI, and I think it's a good time
               | to remember the less economic purposes of education that
               | have always been there under the surface. I think few
               | teachers are more driven by bringing economic benefits to
               | their students than enriching/exciting/interesting them,
               | and secondary and post secondary education has always had
               | a huge variety of non-occupational courses, from ancient
               | history to obscure languages to nice math.
               | Overall, I imagine we agree on the most important thing:
               | if education does end up changing immensely as AGI gains
               | footing, we should change it to be less economic
             | bheadmaster wrote:
             | Depends on who you ask.
             | "Purpose" in an entirely subjective thing.
               | albumen wrote:
               | Workaccount2 beat me to it. But it's well documented,
               | e.g. https://qz.com/1314814/universal-education-was-
               | first-promote...
               | "Much of this education, however, was not technical in
               | nature but social and moral. Workers who had always spent
               | their working days in a domestic setting, had to be
               | taught to follow orders, to respect the space and
               | property rights of others, be punctual, docile, and
               | sober. The early industrial capitalists spent a great
               | deal of effort and time in the social conditioning of
               | their labor force, especially in Sunday schools which
               | were designed to inculcate middle class values and
               | attitudes, so as to make the workers more susceptible to
               | the incentives that the factory needed."
               | bbor wrote:
               | I really take issue with describing this as some sort of
               | well documented absolute fact that education is about
               | labor. It isn't the 1850s! Just because capitalists
               | interested in skilled labor were "some of" the biggest
               | supporters of English public schools in the 1850s doesn't
               | mean we should forever commit our society to their
               | designs.
               | From the Marxist paper backing that article:
               | England initiated a sequence of reforms in its education
               | system since the 1830s and literacy rates gradually
               | increased. The process was _initially motivated by a
               | variety of reasons_ such as religion, enlightenment,
               | social control, moral conformity, socio-political
               | stability, and military efficiency, as was the case in
               | other European countries (e.g., Germany, France, Holland,
               | Switzerland) that had supported public education much
               | earlier.15 However, in light of the modest demand for
               | skills and literacy by the capitalists, the level of
               | governmental support was rather small.16       In the
               | second phase of the Industrial Revolution, consistent
               | with the proposed hypothesis, the demand for skilled
               | labor in the growing industrial sector markedly increased
               | (Cipolla 1969 and Kirby 2003) and the proportion of
               | children aged 5 to 14 in primary schools increased from
               | 11% in 1855 to 25% in 1870 (Flora et al. (1983)).17
               | Sorry if I sound challenging or rude - just hurts my soul
               | to imagine people giving in to the capitalist's desire
               | for us to interpret our prison as a fact of nature
               | ctoth wrote:
               | Nah, POSIWID.
               | bheadmaster wrote:
               | Depends on how you define "purpose".
               | To me it means "the reason why <person> does <thing>", so
               | the phrase "purpose of a system" doesn't make sense
               | without a particular human subject who's interacting with
               | the system.
             | jimhefferon wrote:
             | Certainly a major purpose.
             | vlark wrote:
             | It is today. It used to not be. Blame Reagan when he was
             | governor of California:
             | https://www.chronicle.com/article/the-day-the-purpose-of-
             | col...
           | taneem wrote:
           | It's hard to stare in the face of the abyss.
           | sanderjd wrote:
           | I'm glad I learned how to figure out the shape of a function,
           | even though graphing calculators were already a mature
           | technology at the time I was learning that (and had been even
           | more obsoleted by jupyter notebooks by the time I entered the
           | workforce).
           | It's al very tricky to figure out what foundational knowledge
           | will be useful in 15 years (that's why we pay educators the
           | big bucks ... oh wait ...), but just because it's hard and
           | uncertain doesn't mean it isn't valuable to try to figure it
           | out.
           | sebzim4500 wrote:
           | >the primary point of education is to make effective economic
           | contributors in your society
           | I see zero evidence that this is true. This is not the stated
           | nor revealed preference of a significant portion of the
           | population.
             | [deleted]
             | atomicUpdate wrote:
             | People don't spend thousands of dollars and spend years of
             | their lives to get a degree because the process is
             | inherently fun. The reason to go to college is so you can
             | get a good job that pays more than if you stopped at high
             | school. Same thing with getting a high school diploma
             | (though, less so).
             | What more evidence than that do you need?
               | actionfromafar wrote:
               | I think you conflate economic contribution and good job
               | too much. They often don't overlap much.
         | geek_at wrote:
         | Good job!
         | Btw your site is exposing the .git directory
         | https://www.revisionhistory.com/.git/config
         | Might want to set a filter rule for that
           | imachine1980_ wrote:
           | there is any extension to do that or you manually do it, i
           | have adhd so this type of tools save y life, this happens to
           | me a few months back i kill the vm host and make new os,
           | maybe too overboard but i works.
             | geek_at wrote:
             | I'm using DotGit [1] which checks for .git and .env files
             | for every site you visit. You wouldn't believe the things I
             | randomly found (and reported)
             | https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dotgit/pampamgoih
             | g...
           | dtnewman wrote:
           | OMG... feedback like this is soooo helpful! Thank you.
           | Nothing concerning in the .git directory, but yeah, I
           | probably shouldn't be showing that. I will update my sync
           | process to exclude that. Thank you!
           | Edit: should be fixed now :)
             | HellsMaddy wrote:
             | You were just being true to your name, by offering _your_
             | revision history!
             | On a more serious note, this is a great example of how to
             | handle a vulnerability report - fix it, change your
             | processes, and say thank you! (geek_at could probably have
             | done better by disclosing this in private first, though)
               | geek_at wrote:
               | I figured there wouldn't be any secrets in the git and
               | also if your site is on hacker news (or top of a comment
               | thread on hn) you are glued to it so I thought they'd fix
               | it fast
         | floydianspiral wrote:
         | Just wanted to say I had this _exact_ same idea a week ago and
         | was googling around to see if anyone had done this yet. I guess
         | I don't have to build it now haha. Hopefully you can sell this
         | to universities/the right people and make some headway on it!
           | dtnewman wrote:
           | There are a bunch that purport to do "AI detection" and a few
           | others that are similar to mine (and more coming, I'm sure),
           | but I like to think that mine is the most convenient to use
           | :)
         | vlark wrote:
         | How does your extension differ from Draftback?(https://chrome.g
         | oogle.com/webstore/detail/draftback/nnajoiem...)
         | Just curious.
           | dtnewman wrote:
           | Not entirely different but built more specifically for
           | teachers, so that they get relevant information without
           | having to watch the video every time. Also, draftback doesn't
           | integrate with Google Classroom.
         | TechBro8615 wrote:
         | If you're not using the latest, best tools available to teach
         | your students - and if you're not teaching them about those
         | tools - then you are a bad teacher. Period.
         | Language models should be introduced in classrooms because
         | they're a part of society now, and they're here to stay. Kids
         | should learn about them - how they work, where they came from,
         | how to use them - just like they should learn how to type or
         | send an email.
         | It does remind me of my experience as a middle schooler in
         | 2002, when our class took a trip to the library, and the
         | librarian gave us a lesson on "how to use search engines
         | properly." In retrospect, the societal worry at the time was
         | about search engines replacing librarians, so it was perhaps
         | notable that this librarian had the humility to teach us how to
         | use her "replacement." Surely the same applies to teachers and
         | ChatGPT: a good teacher will not be worried about whatever
         | impact ChatGPT might have on them personally, but will instead
         | take the opportunity to teach their students about the new
         | horizons opened up by this technology.
         | (The funny part of that seminar in the library was that the
         | lesson emphasized the need to construct efficient, keyword-
         | based queries, rather than asking natural language questions to
         | the search engine directly - but twenty years later we've come
         | full circle and now you actually can just ask your question to
         | the language models.)
         | [deleted]
       | grozmovoi wrote:
       | That's how I've been using it for a week now to clarify certain
       | concepts from computer science that I always had little
       | confidence in and it has been excellent.
       | theprivacydad wrote:
       | The main issue that is not addressed is that students need points
       | to pass their subjects and get a high school diploma. LLMs are a
       | magical shortcut to these points for many students, and therefore
       | very tempting to use, for a number of normal reasons (time-
       | shortage, laziness, fatigue, not comprehending, insecurity,
       | parental pressure, status, etc.). This is the current, urgent
       | problem with ChatGPT in schools that is not being addressed well.
       | Anyone who has spent some time with ChatGPT knows that the 'show
       | your work' (plan, outline, draft, etc.) argument is moot, because
       | AI can retroactively produce all of these earlier drafts and
       | plans.
         | phalangion wrote:
         | I suspect it's not being addressed well because it's one of the
         | fundamental challenges of school in the first place. For many,
         | assessment and grades are the end goal, and any learning that
         | happens is secondary.
           | blueboo wrote:
           | The status quo is a miserable mess, but consider "assessment
           | and grades" is the best apparent evidence of ultimate-
           | goal-"learning". Is that not reasonable for people who pay
           | for education to ask for?
           | If it is reasonable, then the problem is likely the form of
           | evidence and not its requirement se de
         | jorgemf wrote:
         | I think your argument is similar to the one we had with the
         | calculators and later with Internet. I think ChatGPT is another
         | tool. For sure there is going to be lazy people who use it and
         | won't learn anything, but it also sure it is going to be a
         | boost for so many people. We will adapt.
           | bloppe wrote:
           | Calculators solve problems that have exactly one correct
           | answer. You cannot plagiarize a calculator. They are easy to
           | incorporate into a math curriculum while ensuring that it
           | stays educationally valuable to the students.
           | LLM's, the internet, even physical books all tend to deal
           | primarily with subjective matters that can be plagiarized.
           | They're not fundamentally different from each other; the more
           | advanced technologies like search engines or LLM's simply
           | make it easier to find relevant content that can be copied.
           | They actually remove the need for students to think for
           | themselves in a way calculators never did. LLM's just make it
           | _so easy_ to commit plagiarism that the system is starting to
           | break down. Plagiarism was always a problem, but it used to
           | be rare enough that the education system could sort-of
           | tolerate it.
             | argiopetech wrote:
             | I argue that calculators are overtly harmful to arithmetic
             | prowess. In summary, they atrophy mental arithmetic ability
             | and discourage practice of basic skills.
             | It pains me (though that's my problem) to see people pull
             | out a calculator (worse, a phone) to solve e.g., a
             | multiplication of two single digit numbers.
               | bloppe wrote:
               | Sure, calculators made people worse at mental arithmetic,
               | but arithmetic is mechanical. It's helpful sometimes, but
               | it's not intellectually stimulating and it doesn't
               | require much intelligence. Mathematicians don't give a
               | shit about arithmetic. They're busy thinking about much
               | more important things.
               | Synthesizing an original thesis, like what people are
               | supposed to do in writing essays, is totally different.
               | It's a fundamental life skill people will need in all
               | sorts of contexts, and using an LLM to do it for you
               | takes away your intellectual agency in a way that using a
               | calculator doesn't.
       | seydor wrote:
       | "Please teach our models how to replace you"
       | elashri wrote:
       | ChatGPT (and other LLMs) still cannot do (and probably never
       | will) well in any consistent manner in physics. I don't think
       | physics departments are worrying much about the AI. The only
       | thing that can help students in a more reliable way is some
       | coding projects. Which is okay because in most of these classes
       | (computational physics) students are encouraged to work together,
       | seek help and even ask on the internet (before ChatGPT...etc.) It
       | was always about how to explain and describe the thinking. AI (at
       | least in its current form) is very weak at the problem-solving
       | aspects and in understanding concepts.
       | On the other hand, as non-native English speaker, it save me much
       | time into paraphrasing my poorly thoughts and writing that I
       | would need an hour to express in a good formal manner. It can
       | guide you in some aspects of coding tasks, introduce you to some
       | APIs ...etc. This is actually a good tool that I agree that a
       | good student (researcher) would use wisely to gain some knowledge
       | and save sometime.
       | It will not help much with solving a cart on an inclined plane
       | with some friction and a pendulum hanging from the cart. No, it
       | will not be able to give you the normal modes.
       | This is just a personal experience and opinion, though. It might
       | be completely different in other areas.
         | witherk wrote:
         | Really? Granted LLMs might be a little weaker in physics than
         | other areas. If someone figures out get LLMs to use a
         | mathmatica API, and train it some more I can imagine some rapid
         | progress.
         | tipsytoad wrote:
         | Really? The only reason that ChatGPT is more adept at coding
         | problems is because there is vastly more training data. There's
         | nothing fundamentally different between problem solving a
         | coding problem and physics problem. Like all the others before
         | it, I don't think this comment will age too well.
         | chaxor wrote:
         | You should really think about making statements like "AI will
         | probably never do X well". Many formal linguists made very
         | strong statements about the impossibility of (__insert feature
         | here__, such as pragmatic implicature) to be learned by AI,
         | which they are now being shown to be wrong.
         | For instance, Miles Cranmers work on using GNNs for symbolic
         | regression is a start towards useful new discoveries in
         | physics. Transformers are just GNNs with a specific message
         | passing function and position embeddings. It's not hard to see
         | that either by a different architecture, augmentation, or
         | potentially even just more of the same, we can get to new
         | discoveries in physics with AI. The GNN symbolic regression
         | work is evidence that it's already happened.
         | As for grounding knowledge in the LLMs we have exactly just
         | this moment (a rather short-sighted view) there is plenty of
         | interest and work in the area, for which I expect will be
         | addressed in a multitude of ways. It's ability with grounded
         | physics knowledge is not perfect, but it's _very good_ w.r.t.
         | the common knowledge of a human off the street. External
         | sources alone make it much better, and that 's just the
         | exceedingly short-sighted analysis of what we have today.
       | Alupis wrote:
       | I can't be the only one thinking, given how much ChatGPT gets
       | confidently wrong, that it's _way_ too early to be talking about
       | funneling this into classrooms?
       | The internet is bursting with anecdotes of it getting basics
       | wrong. From dates and fictional citations, to basic math
       | questions... how on earth can this be a learning tool for those
       | who are not wise enough to understand the limitations?
       | OpenAI's examples include making lesson plans, tutoring, etc.
       | Just like with self driving cars - too much too quick, and many
       | are not capable of understanding the limits or blindly trust the
       | system.
       | ChatGPT isn't even a year old yet...
         | yieldcrv wrote:
         | Its probably the perfect time to be talking about it giving how
         | fast the advancements occur
         | They probably wont be using that model for another year, while
         | people will be using that website for many years
         | Zetice wrote:
         | It doesn't get the kind of things taught in most classrooms
         | wrong in the way it gets business applications wrong, because
         | there's a (mostly) correct response that isn't going to vary a
         | ton from source to source. The weighting will always push its
         | responses towards the right answer, though in moments of
         | relative uncertainty I guess if you had the temperature turned
         | super high you might get some weird responses.
         | It'll (mostly) always know about the Sherman Antitrust Act and
         | what precipitated its passage, for example.
         | That said, OpenAI repeatedly suggests verifying responses and
         | says, "make it your own" which IMO includes spot checking for
         | correctness.
           | Alupis wrote:
           | > It doesn't get the kind of things taught in most classrooms
           | wrong in the way it gets business applications wrong, because
           | there's a (mostly) correct response that isn't going to vary
           | a ton from source to source.
           | It's fabricated legal cases and invented citations to back up
           | it's statements.
           | The issue is, it can be difficult to know when it's wrong
           | without putting in a lot of effort. Students won't put in the
           | effort, and that assuming they're even capable of understand
           | when/where it's wrong in the first place.
           | Just like self driving cars - we can say "pay attention and
           | keep your hands on the wheel at all times"... but that's not
           | what everyone does and we've seen the consequences of that
           | already.
           | We need to be careful here. This tech is new. ChatGPT hasn't
           | even existed (publicly) for a year. Getting it wrong and
           | going too fast has consequences. In the education space in
           | particular, those consequences can be profound.
             | Zetice wrote:
             | This is nothing at all like self driving cars; firstly the
             | risks are not even in the same ballpark, and secondly every
             | piece of advice given includes, "check the response
             | independently." It says nothing about a tool like this if
             | people choose to misuse it.
             | At some point, using LLMs like ChatGPT recklessly is on the
             | user, not the tool.
         | [deleted]
         | spion wrote:
         | The internet is sampling the interesting samples, not
         | necessarily a realistic picture.
         | I'd love to see a good research study on this that shows the
         | actual error rate as well as a comparison with other non-human
         | alternatives (e.g. googling, using textbook only, etc) as well
         | as possibly human (personal tutor, group instructor, ...)
           | Alupis wrote:
           | > The internet is sampling the interesting samples, not
           | necessarily a realistic picture.
           | A tutor is expected to know the subject and guide the
           | student. If, say, 10% of the time it guides the student into
           | a false understanding, the damages are significant. It's very
           | hard to unlearn something, particularly when you have
           | confidence you know it well.
           | My personal adventures with ChatGPT are probably close to a
           | 50% success rate. It gets some stuff entirely wrong, a lot of
           | stuff non-obviously wrong, and even more stuff subtly wrong -
           | and it's up to you to be knowledgeable enough to wade through
           | the BS. Students, learning a subject in school are by
           | definition not knowledgeable enough to discern confident BS
           | from correctness.
           | Will ChatGPT be useful in the future? Yes, almost certainly.
           | But let's not rush this and get it very wrong. The
           | consequences can be staggering in the education space -
           | children or adults.
             | spion wrote:
             | I'm getting north of 95% success with GPT4, and while a
             | dedicated tutor or a group instructor would definitely be
             | better, none of the other non-human alternatives come
             | close. Searching the internet can also lead to wrong
             | information and false understanding - all self-directed
             | methods have this pitfall.
             | Still - a well designed study will give us a much better
             | picture of where we actually are. I think that would be
             | extremely valuable.
       | Der_Einzige wrote:
       | The reality is that effective LLMs, combined with some kind of
       | knowledge retrieval, are coming close to becoming the idealized
       | individual tutor. This is also a daily reminder that studies show
       | that individual tutoring is objectively the best way to educate
       | people:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom%27s_2_sigma_problem
         | swyx wrote:
         | [deleted because dont want to be drawn into flamewar]
           | maxbond wrote:
           | > [deleted because don't want to be drawn into flamewar]
           | Good on you. I'm not confident I would have the restraint.
           | empath-nirvana wrote:
           | Chatgpt does tutoring just fine, i've had it draw up a lesson
           | plan for me and execute with hardly any special prompt
           | engineering at all, just sort of like: "Please tutor me on
           | french adverbs, please start by asking me a few questions to
           | find out what I already know," and it dialed in fairly well
           | to my level.
           | BoorishBears wrote:
           | [flagged]
             | gojomo wrote:
             | As parent deleted, which tweet was being referenced?
               | BoorishBears wrote:
               | https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1697121327143150004
               | There was no need to delete except being so trivially
               | shown to be wrong, I didn't chase them to twitter or
               | something.
               | But that's the MO for the tech grifter:
               | - you herd the few people who are unsure and will listen
               | to any confident voice
               | - the people who know the most about <insert tech> tend
               | to not like that, but when the herd is small just defer
               | to their confrontations with humility and grace, and use
               | that show of virtue to continue herding
               | - the more people you herd, the easier it is to get
               | incrementally smarter people to follow: We're all subject
               | to certain blindspots in a large enough crowd
               | - the more people who follow someone who's clearly wrong,
               | the more annoyed people who are knowledgeable about
               | <insert tech> will get about the grifter
               | - This makes each future confrontation more heated, so
               | now the heated nature of the confrontation is
               | justification to disengage without deferring. Just be
               | confidence and continue herding
               | - rinse and repeat until people who don't follow the
               | grifter gospel are a minority.
               | --
               | The actual VC dollars start chasing whatever story their
               | ilk has weaved by then. And eventually it all collapses
               | because there was no intellectual underlying: just self-
               | enrichment.
               | That realization from the crowd exhausts any good will
               | that was left for <insert tech> and the grifters move on
               | to the next bubble.
               | gojomo wrote:
               | Thanks for ref!
               | I share your frustration at those who confidently &
               | prematurely write-off rapidly-changing AI tech based on
               | dated examples, cherry-picked anecdotes from the
               | unskilled, & zero extrapolation based on momentum. They
               | do a a double-disservice to those who trust them: 1st, by
               | discouraging beneficial work on ripe, solvable
               | challenges, and 2nd, encouraging a complacency about
               | rapid new capabilities that may leave vulnerable people
               | at the mercy of others who were better prepared.
               | But, not being familiar with the account in question, I
               | don't see those attitudes in that tweet. It seems more an
               | assessment "no one has quite nailed this yet" than
               | defeatism over whether it's possible.
               | BoorishBears wrote:
               | The tweet was just a reference in their comment:
               | > i have yet to see any ai system properly implement
               | individual level-adjusting tutoring. i suspect because
               | the LLM needs a proper theory of mind
               | (https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1697121327143150004)
               | before you can put this to practice.
               | But to be perfectly transparent, I'd _never_ respond so
               | harshly to someone for just that tweet, or even that
               | comment.
               | Instead it's the fact they're currently a synecdoche for
               | the crypto-ization of AI. This person doesn't usually
               | dismiss AI, instead they heavily amplify the least
               | helpful interpretations of it.
               | _
               | This is one of the largest voices behind the new "the
               | rise of the AI engineer" movement in which this author
               | specifically claimed researchers were now obsolete to AI
               | _due to the tooling they built_ :
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36538423
               | Like, I get wanting to make money by capturing value as
               | much as the next person... but basing an entire brand on
               | declaring that the people who are enabling your value
               | proposition are irrelevant _just to create a name for
               | yourself_ is pointlessly distasteful.
               | The only thing he gained by saying researchers don't
               | matter and understanding Attention doesn't matter is
               | exactly I described above: a wild opinion that attracted
               | the unsure, pissed off the knowledgeable, and served as a
               | wedge that he could then carve out increasingly large
               | slices of the pie for himself with.
               | Fast forward 2 months and now the process has done its
               | thing, the "AI engineer" conference is being sponsored by
               | the research driven orgs because they don't want to be on
               | the wrong side of the steamroller.
             | minimaxir wrote:
             | You are replying to swyx.
               | BoorishBears wrote:
               | Thank you, updated indirect references to direct: I know
               | it's un-HN but _Jesus christ_ am I tired of hearing this
               | person 's garbage quoted ad nauseam like a gospel
               | maxbond wrote:
               | Jeez bro. This is a pretty intense reaction to a lukewarm
               | and reasonable take. Personally I appreciate an "AI
               | influencer" being down to earth and being willing to say
               | that the technology isn't magic, amidst a huge amount of
               | hype. If you think people are parroting swyx uncritically
               | - that's hardly a criticism of swyx, is it?
               | I think you should keep reflecting on your realization
               | about how people got swept up in the cryptoasset hype.
               | You can believe this technology is promising and will
               | improve dramatically without being a fanatic. You can
               | disagree without going for the jugular.
               | rvz wrote:
               | Who?
               | It has been known that LLMs cannot reason transparently
               | nor can these black-boxes explain themselves without
               | regurgitating and rewording their sentences to sound
               | intelligent, but instead are confident sophists no matter
               | what random anyone tells you otherwise.
               | EDIT: This is the context before it was deleted by the
               | grandparent comment:
               | >> i have yet to see any ai system properly implement
               | individual level-adjusting tutoring. i suspect because
               | the LLM needs a proper theory of mind
               | (https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1697121327143150004)
               | before you can put this to practice.
               | My point still stands.
               | gojomo wrote:
               | Emphatic assertions "it has been known" are anti-
               | convincing.
               | BoorishBears wrote:
               | You're showing why I'm so annoyed by this perfectly!
               | It's malicious to rope theory of mind into justifying
               | that point because it's _just wrong enough_.
               | If the reader doesn't think deeply about why on earth you
               | would _ever_ to rope theory of mind into this, your brain
               | will happily go down the stochastic parrot route:
               | "How can it have theory of mind, theory of mind is
               | understanding emotions outside of your own, the LLM has
               | no emotions"
               | But that's a complete nerdsnipe.
               | --
               | If instead you distrust this person's underlying
               | motivations to not be genuine intellectual curiosity, but
               | rather to present a statement that is easily agreed to
               | even at the cost of being wrong... you examine that
               | comment at a higher level:
               | What is theory of mind adding here besides triggering
               | your typical engineer's well established "LLMs are over-
               | anthropomorphized" response? Even in psychology it's a
               | hairy non-universally accepted or agreed upon concept!
               | Theory of mind gives two things at the highest level:
               | inward regulation: which is nonsensical for the LLM, you
               | can tell it what emotion it's outputting as, it does not
               | need theory of mind to act angry
               | outward recognition: we've let computers do this with
               | linear algebra for over 2 decades. It's what 5 of the
               | largest companies in technology are built on...
               | --
               | Commentary like that accounts is built on being _just
               | wrong enough_ :
               | You calmly state wild opinions. There are people who want
               | to agree with any calm voice because they're seeking
               | guidance in the storm of <insert hype cycle>. They invent
               | a foothold in your wild statement, some sliver of truth
               | they can squint and maybe almost make out.
               | Then you gain a following, which then starts to add a
               | social aspect: If I don't get it but this is a figure
               | head, I must be looking it wrong. Now people are
               | squinting harder.
               | This repeats itself until everyone has their eyes closed
               | following someone who has never actually said anything
               | with any intention other than advancing their own
               | influence.
               | They don't care how many useful ideas die along the way,
               | there's no intellectual curiosity to entice them to even
               | stumble upon something more meaningful, it's just
               | draining the energy out of what should be a truly
               | rewarding time for self-thinking.
         | Madmallard wrote:
         | personal tutoring and coaching is basically mandatory for
         | mastery. name a professional concert pianist or athlete who
         | doesn't have one. I act as personal tutor for comp sci students
         | and I'm envious of them. I didn't have one and I think it
         | really limited my growth.
       | binarymax wrote:
       | My sister (who is a middle school teacher) and I developed a real
       | training program for teachers, and this "guide" from OpenAI is
       | quite underwhelming. It doesn't address 90% of the problems
       | teachers actually face with AI...this is mostly a brochure on how
       | to use ChatGPT to get info.
       | If you are a teacher or know a teacher who is struggling to adapt
       | this school year, I'd be honored to speak with them and see if we
       | can help.
         | miketery wrote:
         | Can you share some of the outline or problems your guide
         | solves?
           | binarymax wrote:
           | Sure thing! https://max.io/teacher-training.html
         | rmbyrro wrote:
         | I thought it gives good guidance.
         | Of course it's not a 4-hour in-person workshop, like what
         | you're proposing. But it already adds positive value.
         | It covers a good amount of the topics your course covers, I
         | think. Introductory-level, perhaps, but it's a start.
         | Honestly? I don't understand your comment - I read as negative
         | towards OpenAI (am I wrong?)
         | I'd expect someone like you to praise OpenAI's willingness to
         | contribute in this space.
           | chankstein38 wrote:
           | Yeah I read this and was repeatedly surprised and thankful
           | they finally put some of these things in writing. That
           | section about whether or not detectors work is going to be
           | hugely helpful to students wrongly accused of using AI to
           | generate their essays or something. Take that page and show
           | it to your teacher "Look! The publisher of the thing says
           | those detectors aren't accurate!"
           | I'm with you the parent seems more like an ad and negativity
           | towards OpenAI.
           | A4ET8a8uTh0 wrote:
           | << I'd expect someone like you to praise OpenAI's willingness
           | to contribute in this space.
           | Why would you assume OP position in this case? There are
           | multiple valid, albeit unstated reasons, why the company in
           | question may not be the best vessel for those efforts. And,
           | just to make sure that is not left unsaid, it is not like
           | openAI is doing it for altruistic reason.
           | I do agree that it is not a bad starting material, but I
           | think you will agree that it is clearly not targeted at group
           | that gathers at HN.
         | [deleted]
         | halflings wrote:
         | This looks like a promotional comment to sell some kind of paid
         | "AI Training" [1], doesn't address anything in the linked
         | article.
         | [1] https://max.io/teacher-training.html
           | qwertox wrote:
           | Oh, I think I just fell for it. I was asking them if they
           | could share their knowledge...
           | josh-sematic wrote:
           | Thanks for the detective work! On the one hand, I don't have
           | a problem with someone mentioning a helpful resource they
           | developed in a relevant thread, even if it's paid. But it
           | would be more honest to disclose that's what's being offered
           | rather than disguising it as an offer of a free resource.
         | fsloth wrote:
         | The prompt 4 "AI teacher" is pretty good for learning group
         | theory at least. (Just trying it right now on ChatGPT 4.0)
           | rmbyrro wrote:
           | I found lots of good value in their publication as well.
           | Especially for teachers, who I believe (most at least) have
           | no clue about prompt engineering and how to talk to an LLM.
             | fsloth wrote:
             | IMO 'Prompt engineering' is an implication that the LLM:s
             | are really immature technology. There is no intrinsic value
             | in prompt engineering - it's ok to wait a bit until LLM:s
             | get a proper product shell you don't need to walk on
             | eggshells over. I would not promote LLM:s as production
             | ready offerings until this aspect becomes better.
             | Using an LLM is like having a therapy session - where you
             | the user are the therapist. Humans should not need to learn
             | en masse become AI therapists, that's a the inverse of what
             | should happen :D
             | qwertox wrote:
             | I agree, most don't even know they can tell it how to
             | behave.
         | westurner wrote:
         | TIL about "CoderMindz Game for AI Learners! NBC Featured: First
         | Ever Board Game for Boys and Girls Age 6+. Teaches Artificial
         | Intelligence and Computer Programming Through Fun Robot and
         | Neural Adventure!" https://www.codermindz.com/
         | https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07FTG78C3/
         | Codermindz AI Curriculum: https://www.codermindz.com/stem-
         | school/
         | https://K12CS.org K12 CS Curriculum (and code.org, and
         | Khanmigo,) SHOULD/MUST incorporate AI SAFETY and Ethics
         | curricula.
         | A Jupyter-book of autogradeable notebooks (for AI SAFETY first,
         | ML, AutoML, AGI,) would be a great resource.
         | jupyter-edx-grader-xblock
         | https://github.com/ibleducation/jupyter-edx-grader-xblock ,
         | Otter-Grader https://otter-grader.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ ,
         | JupyterLite because Chromebooks
         | What are some additional K12 CS/AI and QIS Curricula resources?
         | qwertox wrote:
         | > If you are a teacher or know a teacher who is struggling to
         | adapt this school year, I'd be honored to speak with them and
         | see if we can help.
         | This is a worldwide issue.
         | I think it's great what you two did, maybe it would be more
         | effective if you did a small article or video on it?
         | Many would be honored to be able to get help from your
         | insights, it's needed. I see how teachers are struggling in
         | Germany, while they are still open to embrace this technology.
           | binarymax wrote:
           | Thanks for the kind words and I agree!
           | I prefer to do the teacher training workshop in person for
           | various reasons, but we have considered recording it.
           | I've also given 2 open lectures at different libraries (and
           | have been asked to do more) for the general public. I should
           | certainly record that, since it's more general audience.
         | [deleted]
       | nirmel wrote:
       | I made https://anylearn.ai, an education app built on OpenAI. if
       | you click the settings icon, then the teach tab, it will generate
       | a teaching guide on any topic. Try it!
         | burkaman wrote:
         | I put in "8th grade french" and it gave me a guide on how to
         | develop a teaching guide, not the teaching guide itself. Like
         | "Step 4: Prepare instructional materials", "Step 5: sequence
         | the lesson", etc., with generic instructions for each. The Test
         | Questions tab has questions about my knowledge of lesson
         | planning, not questions for French students.
         | "College-level calculus" was similar, just vague generic high-
         | level advice with no lesson plan or specific guide.
           | nirmel wrote:
           | Good catch. Will modify the prompts to make it produce the
           | desired content.
         | ineptitude wrote:
         | If there was a tab with a code example when the lesson is
         | related to programming, it would be perfect, as the chat
         | doesn't detect markdown's code block.
       | ajhai wrote:
       | > Building quizzes, tests, and lesson plans from curriculum
       | materials
       | Example prompts that OpenAI shared here are a great start.
       | However I think these use-cases are better served as micro apps
       | built on top of these prompts. For example, a teacher will keep
       | coming back to use this prompt with same/similar set of responses
       | most of the year. On top of that, enriching the context with
       | additional information pulled from local sources will quickly
       | become a need.
       | ChatGPT's custom instructions will help with not having to repeat
       | prompts but the interface falls short when it comes to repeat
       | narrow use cases. This is where imo LLM apps shine. A simple app
       | built with langchain or some low-code platforms and providing
       | local data from a vector store can be super powerful.
       | We recently open-sourced LLMStack
       | (https://github.com/trypromptly/LLMStack), a platform that allows
       | users to build these micro apps to automate their workflows. Our
       | goal is to make these workflows sharable so someone can download
       | a yaml file for this prompt and chain and start using it in their
       | job.
       | tomlue wrote:
       | somebody write a textbook chunker that generates context from
       | textbooks for LLMs to build anki cards please.
       | Extra credit if you build a new anki that dynamically generates
       | cards with different text and the same meaning to prevent answer
       | memorization.
       | wavesounds wrote:
       | The elephant in the room here is that these LLM's still have
       | problems with hallucinations. Even its only 1% or even 0.1% of
       | the time thats still a huge problem. You could have someone go
       | their whole lives believing something they were confidently
       | taught by an AI which is completely wrong.
       | Teachers should be very careful using a vanilla LLM for education
       | without some kinds of extra guardrails or extra verification.
         | csa wrote:
         | > The elephant in the room here is that these LLM's still have
         | problems with hallucinations. Even its only 1% or even 0.1% of
         | the time thats still a huge problem.
         | If you heard the bullshit that actual teachers say (both inside
         | and outside of class), you would think that "1% hallucinations"
         | would be a godsend.
         | Don't get me wrong, some teachers are amazing and have a
         | "hallucination rate" that is 0% or close to it (mainly by being
         | willing to say they don't know or they need to look something
         | up), but these folks are the exceptions.
         | Education as a whole attracts a decidedly mediocre group of
         | minds who sometimes (often?) develop god complexes.
         | cocoto wrote:
         | [flagged]
         | pixl97 wrote:
         | Damned, I'd have loved if my teachers only hallucinated 1% of
         | the time. Instead we had the southern Baptist football coaches
         | attempting to teach us science... poorly.
         | jheriko wrote:
         | in my experience, its sometimes 100% of the time, even after
         | repeated attempts to correct it with more specific prompts.
         | Even on simple problems involving divisions or multiples of
         | numbers from 1 to 10 with one additional operation.
         | chaxor wrote:
         | This is also the case if taught by any educator who happens to
         | trust the source they looked up as well. The internet, text
         | books, and even scientific articles can all be factually
         | incorrect.
         | GNNs (for which LLMs are a subclass of) have a potential to be
         | optimized in such a way that all the knowledge contained within
         | them remains as parsimonious as possible. This is not the case
         | for a human reading some internet article for which they have
         | not gained extensive context within the field.
         | There are plenty of people that strongly believe in strange
         | ideas that were taught to them by some 4th grade teacher that
         | was never corrected over their life.
         | While you're statements are correct in this miniscule snapshot
         | of time, it's exceedingly short-sighted to assert that language
         | modeling is to be avoided due to some issues that exists this
         | month, and disregard the clear future of improvements that will
         | come very soon.
       | vouaobrasil wrote:
       | Soon to be: teachers ARE AI.
       | You're all having fun now. But you'll regret using AI for
       | anything because soon humans will become mostly fit for manual
       | labour while AI concentrates the wealth of the world into the
       | hands of the tech elite.
       | Then, without a human connection in teaching, children will grow
       | up into psychologically damaged adults.
         | throwuwu wrote:
         | Or teachers focus more on helping kids with the fundamental
         | social and organizational skills necessary for learning and
         | cooperating while AI handles the individualized lesson plans
         | for each of the topics. The kids become much better adjusted
         | and much more knowledgeable and go on to use AI in their
         | working lives to create unimaginable amounts of wealth and
         | productivity.
         | In other words: you know what beats one elite with an AI? Ten
         | thousand well educated people each with their own AI.
         | r3trohack3r wrote:
         | > Soon to be: teachers ARE AI.
         | > soon humans will become mostly fit for manual labour
         | > without a human connection in teaching, children will grow up
         | into psychologically damaged adults.
         | If humans are only going to be doing manual labor, what will
         | the AI teacher be teaching? Do you need 16+ years of education
         | for manual labor?
         | Just taking your argument at face value, I don't understand how
         | "AI replaces nearly all human knowledge workers" leads to
         | "children become psychologically damaged adults."
         | It seems like it would free them from being strapped into a
         | chair for 16 years and denied the opportunity to be children in
         | an attempt to prepare them for a life of knowledge work? Unless
         | we just keep up the ruse of an entire childhood of classroom
         | based education for ... reasons?
         | To push past your argument, society and knowledge isn't zero
         | sum.
         | I'm not writing software because it's the single most important
         | thing in the universe for me to focus on right now. It's
         | actually pretty low on the list of important things on the
         | grand scale of important things. I'm writing software because
         | it's the work that needs to be done right now and there isn't a
         | replacement for me doing it.
         | I feel like you are asserting that plugging numbers into
         | spreadsheets as an accountant or doing string transformations
         | "at scale" to convert DB queries into HTML and JSON is both: 1)
         | A fulfilling life 2) The only thing humans could possibly be
         | doing of value right now; if you take this away there is
         | nothing left
         | There are a tonne of fundamental questions/problems about life,
         | the universe, interstellar travel, preservation of our species,
         | etc. that I _just don't have time for_ right now because I'm
         | over here trying to figure out how to take these bytes coming
         | over the wire from an SQL query and pack them into a JSON
         | object so a browser can hydrate this bit of HTML. And I'm
         | sorry, but, this isn't how I'd choose to live my life if there
         | was someone else I could put in this seat.
         | Please AI take my job so I can be free to focus on all of the
         | stuff that comes with the next layer of abstraction/automation.
         | snek_case wrote:
         | Seems like we could head towards a world where people go to
         | school from home, learn from AI, work remotely, get food
         | delivered, find entertainment in VR. Apartments get smaller and
         | smaller, until most people are essentially just renting a room
         | in a large dorm, which they almost never leave.
           | burkaman wrote:
           | Exactly the world described more than a century ago in The
           | Machine Stops, which I think should be required reading in
           | all CS curriculums. Free to read here: https://www.cs.ucdavis
           | .edu/~koehl/Teaching/ECS188/PDF_files/....
             | MandieD wrote:
             | I'm 10 pages in and think it should be required reading for
             | not only CS curriculums, and regret not having been exposed
             | earlier.
             | Thanks for sharing.
           | throwuwu wrote:
           | No. VR is to the WWW what the WWW was to the internet. It
           | will bring the rest of the world onto the net where
           | previously only print, video, and audio were. AI will be the
           | next UI medium. NLUI natural language user interface or SUI
           | spoken user interface, somebody will come up with a better
           | name.
       | lemmox wrote:
       | Interesting prompts! IME the quality of the answers the users
       | give to the ChatGPT questions in these prompts will make or break
       | the experience.
       | I played around with this use case in the spring when my teenage
       | daughter was looking for extra test prep materials. At first the
       | experience was interesting but there was an "AI uncanny valley"
       | shaped problem: the material just didn't _seem_ to fit. It _felt_
       | wrong.
       | This uncanny valley was significantly reduced, even eliminated in
       | some instances, by including the entirety of our school
       | district's online material about the course; information about
       | the core competencies (across communication, thinking, personal &
       | societal), the big ideas, the curricular competency & content
       | about the learning standards. Our district has a pretty good
       | website with all of this information laid out for each course and
       | grade level.
       | Including all of this information in the prompt context resulted
       | in relevant and harmonious content when asking to generate course
       | outlines, student study-prep handouts, and even sample study
       | session pre-tests (although ChatGPT wasn't strong at reliably
       | creating answer sheets for the pre-tests).
       | Context is key!
         | lemmox wrote:
         | An interesting trick I found here was to ask ChatGPT to produce
         | tables of concept definitions and include a metaphor for each
         | concept to help understanding. It was quite good at coming up
         | with metaphors and that actually felt kind of magical.
       | blibble wrote:
       | from their own FAQ linked from this page:                   Is
       | ChatGPT safe for all ages?              ChatGPT is not meant for
       | children under 13, and we require that children ages 13 to 18
       | obtain parental consent before using ChatGPT.
       | so in other words: no
       | it's grossly irresponsible to be pushing "Teaching with AI" in
       | this scenario
         | teacpde wrote:
         | Teaching doesn't prescribe students to be younger than 18.
         | catchnear4321 wrote:
         | you act like parental consent wasn't listed as a requirement.
         | though it may not be broadly recognized as such, that
         | requirement is an admission that it is foolish to hand a child
         | access without guidance.
         | you know, like in the form of a parent. parental guidance.
         | which starts with parental consent.
         | so in other words: it depends.
         | it's grossly irresponsible to treat a hammer as inherently
         | dangerous.
         | waffletower wrote:
         | I disagree. Ethical teachers audit and examine all content they
         | intend to be consumed by students -- it is their responsibility
         | regardless of what medium or agents are used to create them. It
         | is common for people to disregard that generative AI is
         | currently a tool without agency whose use requires a selection
         | process. Just as a camera needs to be aimed, AI does as well.
           | cdblades wrote:
           | can you prove to me in a verifiable way that no matter what
           | prompt I put into ChatGPT, it won't give me pornography back?
             | sebzim4500 wrote:
             | No, but then I can't prove that to you about Google either
             | and I don't see schools trying to ban that.
             | pixl97 wrote:
             | Can you prove in a verifiable way no matter what you prompt
             | to your teacher they won't give you pornography back?
             | jstarfish wrote:
             | > can you prove to me in a verifiable way that no matter
             | what prompt I put into ChatGPT, it won't give me
             | pornography back?
             | No, but if it's turning you away even when you're
             | explicitly asking for it, it's probably doing _good
             | enough_. Nobody held Yahoo, Lycos or Altavista to this
             | standard.
             | If accidental erotica is the worst outcome you can imagine
             | for the shortcomings of AI teaching, please leave worrying
             | about this to the professionals. Consider flawed chemistry
             | lessons, where it tells some kid to mix two things they
             | shouldn't. That will _actually_ cause material harm to
             | everyone around them.
             | waffletower wrote:
             | It is the teacher's responsibility to evaluate any
             | materials they present to students. If they are given an
             | output they interpret to be pornographic, they decide
             | whether to provide it or not to students. I imagine it is
             | possible that you might determine something to be
             | pornographic that a given teacher may not. Pornography is
             | an interpretation, which varies culturally and politically.
             | Regardless, it is definitely not my responsibility to prove
             | what ChatGPT will provide whatsoever, I don't work for
             | OpenAI.
         | whywhywhywhy wrote:
         | Can't imagine I'd have bothered engaging with any subject I
         | wasn't interested in if ChatGPT existed back then.
         | Always remember the glorious few months when I had Encarta at
         | home before too many students had it and before teachers
         | clocked on where homework became just printing the page on the
         | subject off after removing identifying bits.
           | harry8 wrote:
           | You make a strong case about lack of education quality and
           | make-work time-wasting foisted upon children.
           | Education is not a problem the human race has solved despite
           | progress made.
       | dustincoates wrote:
       | I'm ambivalent on LLMs, but I have found one really good use for
       | it: helping me with language learning. I'm now at a level (C1)
       | with my second language that it's really difficult to find
       | resources or even tutors to help refine it.
       | So what I've been doing is chatting with Claude and asking it to
       | correct whatever faults I make or asking it to give me exercises
       | on things where I need to focus. For example, "Give me some
       | exercises where I need to conjugate the past tense and choose the
       | correct form."
       | It's like a personal language learning treadmill.
         | Vinnl wrote:
         | Yeah, this Show HN convinced me:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36973400
         | Unfortunately it's no longer free to try, but it worked well.
         | PeterisP wrote:
         | Underresourced languages also are underresourced in terms of
         | training data for LLMs, and so for smaller languages LLMs do
         | have _significantly_ more problems with sometimes generating
         | something that 's completely weird and wrong not only in terms
         | of facts but also in terms of language, word choice or grammar.
         | isaacremuant wrote:
         | Just remember, that you have no guarantees that it will be
         | correct.
         | Use a combination of external sources to cross verify. Also
         | spoken form generation is very important if you plan to
         | interact with people.
         | Combining it with real conversation will definitely help.
         | But I can see how it can be absolutely awesome to play around,
         | as an extra tool.
         | Miraste wrote:
         | I'm surprised languages aren't more of a focus in the LLM hype.
         | They're like if Rosetta Stone ads were true. They translate at
         | state of the art levels, but you can also give and ask for
         | context, and they're trained on native resources and culture.
         | There hasn't been a jump in machine translation this big and
         | fast, ever.
       | minimaxir wrote:
       | I'm surprised OpenAI is encouraging large system-style prompts
       | for the main ChatGPT webapp where they are less effective there.
       | Now that the ChatGPT Playground is the default interface for the
       | ChatGPT API with full system prompt customization, they should be
       | encouraging more use there, with potential usage credits for
       | educational institutions.
       (page generated 2023-08-31 23:00 UTC)