[HN Gopher] Deno KV Is in Open Beta
       Deno KV Is in Open Beta
       Author : samuba
       Score  : 96 points
       Date   : 2023-09-05 16:34 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (deno.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (deno.com)
       | joshstrange wrote:
       | I continue to watch Deno with excitement. I haven't had a good
       | use case to play with it yet (all my free programming time has
       | gone into my side business and I'm not ready to chance it on Deno
       | yet) but I'll keep looking.
       | I find the way they handle secondary indexes very interesting. I
       | mean under the hood I think DynamoDB does pretty much the same
       | thing (stores the data multiple times) but instead of explicitly
       | writing the data multiple times you define fields on the data
       | that the secondary indexes use so the data is written there at
       | the same time it's written to the primary (I could be a little
       | mistaken, I'm working at a higher abstraction layer so I don't
       | think about that). I can't decide which approach I like more. I
       | will say that I don't think I'd need anything but my own
       | abstraction layer to work with Deno KV vs DynamoDB. That said I
       | still think DynamoDB is way more powerful overall.
       | As always I'm rooting for Deno to succeed.
         | gsuuon wrote:
         | Deno gives me hope for web development. The security model, no
         | bundler and general pace of progress is great. They've
         | drastically improved node interop but if they could close the
         | gaps (and sort out extension/less imports) so many more
         | projects could finally jump ship over to Deno.
       | simonw wrote:
       | I poked around with this a few months ago to figure out how it
       | works locally. The answer is SQLite:
       | https://til.simonwillison.net/deno/deno-kv
       | I'm finding the business model aspect of Deno KV absolutely
       | fascinating.                   const kv = await Deno.openKv();
       | That's a Deno core API. It works fine in the open source version
       | of Deno using a local SQLite database file.
       | But as soon as you deploy your application to their proprietary
       | hosted service, that core API feature gets massively more
       | powerful. It's no longer a SQLite database, it's now a globally
       | distributed key/value store backed by FoundationDB, replicated
       | around the world.
       | It looks like they've extended that idea further with the latest
       | version - you can now do this:                   export
       | DENO_KV_ACCESS_TOKEN="personal access token"
       | const kv = await Deno.openKv(
       | "https://api.deno.com/databases/your-database/connect",
       | );
       | And your local code is now able to manipulate that remote
       | FoundationDB database as well.
       | I'm having trouble thinking of a precedent for this - an open
       | source project that has a core API which is effectively a lead
       | generator for their proprietary cloud service.
       | I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it. I think I like it:
       | open source projects need a business model, and the openKv()
       | method is still a supported, useful part of the open source
       | offering.
       | Kind of fascinating pattern though.
       | UPDATE: I just found this page of docs
       | https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/be1fc754a14683bf640b7b... -
       | which describes the "KV Connect" protocol they are using. It
       | looks like this evens the playing field, in that anyone could
       | implement their own alternative backend to Deno Deploy if they
       | wanted to.
       | This firmly establishes me on the "I think this is cool" side of
       | the fence.
         | lobstrosity420 wrote:
         | > I'm having trouble thinking of a precedent for this - an open
         | source project that has a core API which is effectively a lead
         | generator for their proprietary cloud service.
         | Is this not Vercel's entire business model? I don't think they
         | invented it either.
           | lioeters wrote:
           | I suppose it's a variation on the "freemium" model.
         | decodr wrote:
         | NextJS / Vercel is not the same thing but shares similar
         | approach
         | ilrwbwrkhv wrote:
         | This is the enshittification of open source.
         | It has been happening for a while with a bunch of startups like
         | Supabase claiming to be "open source" and marketing themselves
         | as such but making it really hard to self host for a long time.
         | It wasn't just them either.
         | I would see with disgust a bunch of startups use "open source"
         | as their marketing tactic, no matter how hard it was to setup
         | or run without their hosted service.
         | It is also a peverse incentive: the harder the open source
         | system is to run and maintain, the more you will gravitate
         | toward their cloud. Supposedly open source companies raising a
         | ton of money from VC is also strangely contrary to the open
         | source ethos.
         | Deno KV is basically the next jump in that chain.
         | Richard Stallman was right once again, as usual.
           | LASR wrote:
           | > This is the enshittification of open source.
           | You can simply not use it, no?
           | I am not going to make any sweeping generalizations across
           | all products. But at least in the case of Deno KV, there
           | doesn't seem to be lock-in. So if you were running something
           | self-hosted for KV persistence, it will continue to work
           | unmodified.
           | > I would see with disgust a bunch of startups use "open
           | source" as their marketing tactic.
           | Again, not sure which bunch of startups. But I am not seeing
           | that with this product. Seems more like a survival strategy
           | to add some cashflow behind the developers.
           | I am curious what you think Open Source should be (or should
           | not be). I think it's fair that running a service in the
           | cloud should cost something. And self-hosting it, I think
           | it's fair that it requires a bit more effort than using the
           | hosted service.
             | Matl wrote:
             | One does not have to use/not use something to have valid
             | criticisms of it/opinions about it [1]
             | 1 - https://i.kym-
             | cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/036/647/Scr...
               | satvikpendem wrote:
               | That meme doesn't further your point because the peasant
               | is "using" society and understands the problems with it.
               | Matl wrote:
               | My point with the meme link is that you can respond to
               | any complaint about anything with a 'gotcha' argument
               | that's ultimately invalid.
               | satvikpendem wrote:
               | Seems like you can similarly respond to any complaint
               | with that meme too, which is also invalid. In reality,
               | there is a lot more nuance than can be described by
               | pithiness.
               | accoil wrote:
               | Isn't that the reverse? It's against the sentiment that
               | being a part of system means that you implicitly agree
               | with it, and any complaints you make about it are void.
           | simonw wrote:
           | Does this change your mind at all? https://github.com/denolan
           | d/deno/blob/be1fc754a14683bf640b7b...
           | It looks to me like they've documented the KV Connect
           | protocol they invented to support this feature, in enough
           | detail that anyone else could build an alternative backend
           | for it.
           | This has helped me feel completely OK with how they're
           | handling this. They get an advantage in that they've already
           | built an extremely robust proprietary backend, but I find
           | that acceptable given the documented protocol.
             | crabmusket wrote:
             | I think this is great, except I feel odd that it's just
             | hanging around on the Deno global instead of being e.g.
             | imported like any other database client.
             | import KV from "https://deno.land/kv" // for example
             | If their protocol is indeed open and usable with your own
             | backend, then that library should be able to work for
             | anyone. And if they need some fancy native performance then
             | maybe they could intercept that import when running code on
             | Deno Deploy?
             | Treating their hosted service as "part of the runtime"
             | which is what the Deno global tends to be for is the only
             | remaining ick factor for me.
           | phillipcarter wrote:
           | > This is the enshittification of open source.
           | I'm really confused by this statement. What exactly is being
           | degraded in their service? Or in their API? Or in the
           | underlying tech they are compatible with?
           | All I see here is an open source system that you can manage
           | and deploy yourself, with a 100% compatible API for a cloud
           | service that handles that for you, should you decide to pay
           | money to have that problem solved for you.
           | I find your comment to be quite dramatic.
         | explaininjs wrote:
         | Cloudflare KV is basically the exact same. Even the same name.
         | Cloudflare's pricing seems more reasonable, though a 1:1
         | comparison is impossible. Cloudflare reads and writes in every
         | region for the same price, Deno scales price with number of
         | replica regions. Also CF is billed per read/write operation
         | (and supports listing), this is billed per kB read/written.
         | That all said, if your values are bigger than ~2kB Cloudflare
         | is almost certainly cheaper. And the list (with metadata)
         | operation is quite powerful.
         | However, single-region means you don't have to care about
         | synchronization nearly as much, which can be quite annoying.
         | The end user experience will suffer in areas far from your
         | write zone though.
         | A better comparison might actually be Cloudflare D1, a hosted
         | SQL with per-kB fees, but that's still beta.
           | lucacasonato wrote:
           | Yes, Deno KV is much closer to D1 than to Cloudflare KV.
         | ramesh31 wrote:
         | Why does a KV store need SQLite? Does it provide
         | transactionality?
           | teacpde wrote:
           | SQLite is superb choice as a local storage solution, you
           | don't need a transactionality requirement to use it as a KV
           | store.
           | People choose NoSQL databases primarily for scaling reasons,
           | which is not the problem here.
           | simonw wrote:
           | What would you use instead?
           | By the time you've implemented even a basic key-value store
           | with on-disk storage you've probably written a bunch of code
           | that would be unnecessary if you had used SQLite.
             | crabmusket wrote:
             | LMDB?
         | ianbicking wrote:
         | I like this too... it's practical API but there's no way you
         | can actually provide this production API for free. So instead
         | of an open source project pulling back stuff you'd expect to be
         | free (because it has zero marginal cost), they are adding stuff
         | in that makes sense to be paid.
       | windowshopping wrote:
       | I don't know enough about this to make any real nuanced comments,
       | but I hope they clean up this import cuz this is ugly:
       | > import { Semaphore } from
       | "https://deno.land/x/semaphore@v1.1.2/semaphore.ts";
       | Should just be~
       | > import { Semaphore } from "deno/utils";
       | Or something like that.
         | brundolf wrote:
         | Deno has various mechanisms[0] for abbreviating your imports
         | if/how you want to, but I like the fact that the canonical
         | paths are plain, full URLs
         | [0] https://deno.land/manual@v1.36.4/basics/import_maps
           | blitz_skull wrote:
           | Yeah, it's actually a _feature_ if you've never been lost in
           | the shit show that is node_modules before. I highly prefer
           | Deno's style.
         | simonw wrote:
         | What syntax would you suggest for importing a specific version
         | of a library?
           | windowshopping wrote:
           | import ... from "dino@1.1/utils"
           | idk i just think there's many options besides a full url in
           | your code
       | [deleted]
       | paxys wrote:
       | Is "Deno KV" a feature of Deno the runtime or Deno the hosting
       | provider? The docs aren't clear about what it actually is, and
       | that makes me a bit wary when deciding to use it.
         | [deleted]
         | simonw wrote:
         | It's both. I wrote some notes on that here:
         | https://til.simonwillison.net/deno/deno-kv
       | sgammon wrote:
       | congrats to the deno team on launching this :)
         | lucacasonato wrote:
         | Thanks <3
       | dang wrote:
       | Related:
       |  _Deno KV_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35743446 -
       | April 2023 (11 comments)
       | debrateo wrote:
       | Congrats on the launch!
       | lucacasonato wrote:
       | I worked on some of this - happy to answer questions :)
         | simonw wrote:
         | Typo in your blog post: "first processed at the primary pegion"
         | neals wrote:
         | Is it like a businessmodel for Deno?
           | lucacasonato wrote:
           | Yes, the hosted KV solution built into Deno Deploy is one of
           | the ways Deno makes money.
         | dabeeeenster wrote:
         | What's the cost of additional read regions?
           | lucacasonato wrote:
           | Storage cost + write ops are multiplied by region count
         | simonw wrote:
         | When you run `kv = await Deno.openKv()` locally it opens a
         | SQLite database. On Deno Deploy it opens a connection to
         | FoundationDB. How does that mechanism work? Is it using the
         | same URL mechanism as the new Deno.openKv(URL) thing?
           | lucacasonato wrote:
           | Yes, sort of - on Deno Deploy the authentication doesn't come
           | from a token in env vars, but from intrinsic security tickets
           | baked into the Deno Deploy system. Also, it's a bit faster on
           | first connect, because compared to KV connect we can skip the
           | metadata exchange[1] because the information it provides is
           | already present in Deno Deploy through other means. Both the
           | backend service and frontend API (JS->KV) is the same though
           | :)
           | [1]: https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/be1fc754a14683bf64
           | 0b7b...
       (page generated 2023-09-05 23:01 UTC)