[HN Gopher] Linux network performance parameters
       Linux network performance parameters
       Author : dreampeppers99
       Score  : 285 points
       Date   : 2023-09-06 11:56 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | freedomben wrote:
       | Could anyone recommend a video or video series covering similar
       | material?
       | There lots on networking in general, but I've had a hard time
       | finding some on Linux specific implementation
         | 8K832d7tNmiQ wrote:
         | I'm also seconding this, but from microcontroller perspective.
         | I want to try developing a simple tcp echo server for a
         | microcontroller, but most examples just use the vendor's own
         | tcp library and put no effort explaining how to manually setup
         | and establish connection to the router.
           | patmorgan23 wrote:
           | Well you can always read the standard
         | [deleted]
       | mikece wrote:
       | How long until Linux reaches network performance parity with
       | FreeBSD (or surpasses it)?
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | dekhn wrote:
         | Linux has better network performance than FreeBSD over nearly
         | every use case I've seen.
         | nolist_policy wrote:
         | From every benchmark I've seen so far, Linux has always been
         | faster than the BSDs.
         | For example, look at these benchmarks from 2003[1]. Makes you
         | wonder where the myth comes from.
         | The newest benchmark I could find[2] points in the same
         | direction.
         | Does anyone have more recent data?
         | [1] http://bulk.fefe.de/scalability/ [2]
         | https://matteocroce.medium.com/linux-and-freebsd-networking-...
         | Thaxll wrote:
         | This is kind of an urban legend, do you think the multi
         | millions servers from Google, Amazon etc... have those
         | performance issues?
           | dijit wrote:
           | This is "appeal to authority" fallacy incarnate.
           | Google/Amazon "etc;" are likely happy to pay the cost because
           | it really is "good enough" and the benefits of Linux over
           | FreeBSD are otherwise quite considerable.
           | Google in particular seems blissfully happy to literally
           | throw hardware at problems; since hardware is (for them
           | especially) fundamentally extremely cheap.
           | Even multiple percentage gains in _throughput_ are not
           | necessary for most applications, and Linux is decent enough
           | with latency if you avoid having complex IP /NFTables rules
           | and avoid CONNTRACK like the plague.
           | as u/jeffbee says anyway, most of the larger tech companies
           | these days are using userland networking and bypass the
           | kernel almost completely for networking.
             | [deleted]
             | Thaxll wrote:
             | I know they bypass the kernel but my point still stands,
             | most of the servers on the internet runs on Linux, that's a
             | fact, so there was more money, time invested, man power on
             | that OS than any others.
               | dijit wrote:
               | Your point is that popularity means that it will improve.
               | This is true, to a point.
               | Counterpoint: Windows Desktop Experience.
               | EDIT: that comment was glib, let me do a proper
               | counterpoint.
               | Common area's are some of the most least maintained in
               | reality; I can think of meet-me-rooms or central fibre
               | hubs in major cities; they are expensive and subject to a
               | lot of the whims of the major provider.
               | Crucially, despite large amounts of investment, the
               | underlying architecture or infrastructure remains, even
               | if the entire fabric of the area changes around it.
               | _Most_ providers using these kind of common areas do
               | everything they can to _avoid touching_ the area itself,
               | especially as after a while it becomes very difficult to
               | navigate and politically charged.
               | Fundamentally the _architecture_ of Linux 's network
               | stack, really is, "good enough", which is almost worse
               | than you would originally think since "good enough" means
               | there's no reason to look there. There is an old parable
               | about "worse is better" because if something is truly
               | broken people will put effort into fixing it.
               | Linux's networking stack is _fine_ , it's just not quite
               | as good an architecture as the FreeBSD one. FreeBSD one
               | has a lot less attention on it but fundamentally it's a
               | cleaner implementation and easier to get much more out
               | of..
               | You will find the same argument ad infinitum regarding
               | other subjects such as Epoll vs IOCP vs kqueue (Epoll was
               | _abysmally terrible_ though and ended up being replaced
               | by IO_URING, but even that took over a decade)
               | [deleted]
               | Thaxll wrote:
               | Yes things improve where we're talking about multi
               | billions $ of infra cost.
               | Linux is not your "random on the side" feature that is
               | good enough.
               | dijit wrote:
               | To start with: it's not that much infra cost.
               | Especially since you don't even know what you're
               | attempting to optimise for.
               | Latency? p99 of linux is _fine_ , nobody is going to care
               | that the request took 300ms longer. Even in aggregate
               | across a huge fleet of machines waiting an extra 3ms is
               | totally, _totally_ fine.
               | Throughput? you'll bottleneck on something else most
               | likely anyway, getting a storage array to hydrate at line
               | rate for 100GBPs is difficult and _anyway_ you want to do
               | authentication and distribution of chunks and metadata
               | operations anyway? right?
               | You're forgetting that it's _likely_ an additional cost
               | of a couple million dollars per year in absolute hardware
               | to solve that issue with throughput, which is, in TCO
               | terms, a couple of developers.
               | Engineering effort to replace the foundation of an OS?
               | Probably an order of magnitude more. Definitely contains
               | a significant amount more risk, and the potential risk of
               | political backlash for upheaving some other companies
               | workflow that is weird.
               | Hardware isn't so expensive really.
               | Of course, you could just bypass the kernel with much
               | less effort and avoid all of this shit entirely.
             | tptacek wrote:
             | Do you know for a fact that Google primarily uses userland
             | networking, or does that just seem accurate to you?
               | drewg123 wrote:
               | Google makes heavy use of userspace networking. I was
               | there roughly a decade ago. At least at that time, a
               | major factor is the choice of userspace over kernel
               | networking was time to deployment. Services like the ones
               | described above were built on the monorepo, and could be
               | deployed in seconds at the touch of a button.
               | Meanwhile, Google had a building full of people
               | maintaining the Google kernel (eg, maintaining rejected
               | or unsubmitted patches that were critical for business
               | reasons), and it took many months to do a kernel release.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | Yes. I don't think anyone is disputing that Google does
               | significant userspace networking things. But the premise
               | of this thread is that "ordinary" (ie: non-network-
               | infrastructure --- SDN, load balancer, routing)
               | applications, things that would normally just get BSD
               | sockets, are based on userspace networking. That seems
               | not to be the case.
               | dijit wrote:
               | I can't honestly answer that with the NDA I signed.
               | However there is some public information on _some_
               | components that has been shared in this thread which
               | allows you to draw your own conclusion.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | Yes, the one link shared says essentially the opposite
               | thing.
               | dijit wrote:
               | You may have read it wrong.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | Did I? How?
               | dijit wrote:
               | For one by assuming the work that is done primarily for
               | microkernels/appliances is the absolute limit of
               | userspace networking at Google and that similar work
               | would not go into a hypervisor (hypervisors which are
               | universally treated as a vSwitch in almost all virtual
               | environments the world over).
               | And making that assumption when there are many public
               | examples of Google doing this in other areas such as
               | gVisor and Netstack?
               | tptacek wrote:
               | If you have information about other userspace networking
               | projects at Google, I'd love to read it, but the Snap
               | paper repeatedly suggests that the userspace networking
               | characteristics of the design are distinctive. Certainly,
               | most networking at Google isn't netstack. Have you done
               | much with netstack? It is many things, but ultra-high-
               | performance isn't one of them.
               | dijit wrote:
               | userspace networking will take different forms depending
               | on the use-case.
               | Which is one of the arguments of why to do it that way;
               | instead of using general purpose networking.
               | I haven't the time or inclination to find anything public
               | on this, nor am I interested really in convincing you.
               | Ask a former googler.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | OK. I did. They said "no, it's not the case that
               | networking at Google is predominately user-mode". (They
               | also said "it depends on what you mean by most"). Do you
               | have more you want me to relay to them? Did you work on
               | this stuff at Google?
               | Per the Snap thread above: if you're building a router or
               | a load balancer or some other bit of network
               | infrastructure, it's not unlikely that there's userland
               | IP involved. But if you're shipping a normal program on,
               | like, Borg or whatever, it's kernel networking.
               | dijit wrote:
               | I worked as a Google partner for some specialised
               | projects within AAA online gaming.
               | I continue in a similar position today and thus my NDA is
               | still in complete effect which limits what I can say if
               | there's nothing public.
               | I have not worked for Google, just very closely.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | Oh. Then, unless a Googler jumps in here and says I'm
               | wrong: no, ordinary applications at Google are not as a
               | rule built on userspace networking. That's not my opinion
               | (though: it was my prior, having done a bunch of
               | userspace networking stuff), it's the result of asking
               | Google people about it.
               | Maybe it's all changed in the last year! But then: that
               | makes all of this irrelevant to the thread, about FreeBSD
               | vs. Linux network stack performance.
           | ori_b wrote:
           | Do you think that (outside of a few special cases) they're
           | using anything near the network bandwidth available to them?
           | I would expect in the 1% to 10% bandwidth utilization, on
           | average. From my vague recollection, that's what it was at FB
           | when I was there. They put stupid amounts of network capacity
           | in so that the engineers rarely have to think about the
           | capacity of the links they're using, and that if their needs
           | grow, they're not bottlenecked on a build out.
           | To answer the original question, it's complicated. I have a
           | weird client where freebsd gets 450 MiB/s, and Linux gets 85
           | with the default congestion control algorithm. Changing the
           | congestion control algorithm can get me between 1.7 MiB/s and
           | 470 MiB/s. So, better performance... Under what
           | circumstances?
           | jeffbee wrote:
           | The big guys don't have the patience to wait for Linux kernel
           | networking to be fast and scalable. They bypass the kernel
           | and take over the hardware.
           | https://blog.acolyer.org/2019/11/11/snap-networking/
             | tptacek wrote:
             | _Over the course of several years, the architecture
             | underpinning Snap has been used in production for multiple
             | networking applications, including network virtualization
             | for cloud VMs [19], packet-processing for Internet peering
             | [62], scalable load balancing [22], and Pony Express, a
             | reliable transport and communications stack that is our
             | focus for the remainder of this paper._
             | This paper suggests, as I would have expected, that Google
             | uses userland networking in strategic spots where low-level
             | network development is important (SDNs and routing), and
             | not for normal applications.
               | jeffbee wrote:
               | "and Pony Express" is the operative phrase. As the paper
               | states on page 1, "Snap is deployed to over half of our
               | fleet of machines and supports the needs of numerous
               | teams." According to the paper it is not niche.
               | nolist_policy wrote:
               | Makes sense, they're probably using QUIC in lots of
               | products and the kernel can't accelerate that anyways, it
               | would only pass opaque UDP packets to and from the
               | application.
               | devonkim wrote:
               | Last I remember as of at least 7 years ago Google et al
               | were using custom NIC firmware to avoid having the kernel
               | get involved in general (I think they managed to do a lot
               | of Maglev directly on the NICs) because latency is so
               | dang important at high speed networking speeds that
               | letting anything context switch and need to wait on the
               | kernel is a big performance hit. Not a lot of room for
               | latency when you're working at 100 Gbps.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | Isn't Pony Express a ground-up replacement for all of
               | TCP/IP? It doesn't even present a TCP/UDP socket
               | interface.
               | jeffbee wrote:
               | Correct. That is my point. The sockets interface, and
               | design choices within the Linux kernel, make ordinary TCP
               | sockets too difficult to exploit in a datacenter
               | environment. The general trend is away from TCP sockets.
               | QUIC (HTTP/3) is a less extreme retreat from TCP, moving
               | all the flow control, congestion, and retry logic out of
               | the kernel and into the application.
               | An example of how Linux TCP is unsuitable for datacenters
               | is that the minimum RTO is hard-coded to 200ms, which is
               | essentially forever. People have been trying to land
               | better or at least more configurable parameters upstream
               | for decades. I am hardly the first person to point out
               | the deficiencies. Google presented tuning Linux for
               | datacenter applications at LPC 2022, and their deck has
               | barely changed in 15 years.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | At the point where we're talking about applications that
               | don't even use standard protocols, we've stopped
               | supplying data points about whether FreeBSD's stack is
               | faster than Linux's, which is the point of the thread.
               |  _Later_
               | Also, the idea that QUIC is a concession made to
               | intractable Linux stack problems (the subtext I got from
               | that comment) seems pretty off, since the problems QUIC
               | addresses (HOLB, &c) are old, well known, and were the
               | subject of previous attempts at new transports (SCTP,
               | notably).
             | corbet wrote:
             | That's funny ... the "big guys" are some of the biggest
             | contributors to the Linux network stack, almost as if they
             | were actually using it and cared about how well it works.
               | jeffbee wrote:
               | History has shown that tons of Linux networking
               | scalability and performance contributions have been
               | rejected by the gatekeepers/maintainers. The upstream
               | kernel remains unsuitable for datacenter use, and all the
               | major operators bypass or patch it.
               | eddtests wrote:
               | Do you have links on this? I've not heard anything about
               | it
               | tptacek wrote:
               | I believe they're paraphrasing the Snap paper, and also
               | that they're extrapolating too far from it.
               | sophacles wrote:
               | All the major operators sometimes bypass or patch it for
               | some use cases. For others they use it as is. For other
               | still they laugh at you for taking the type of drugs that
               | makes one think any CPU is sufficient to handle
               | networking in code.
               | Networking isn't a one size fits all thing - different
               | networks have different needs, and different systems in
               | any network will have different needs.
               | Userland networking is great until you start needing to
               | deal with weird flows or unexpected traffic - then you
               | end up either needing something a bit more robust and
               | your performance starts dropping because you added a
               | bunch of branches to your code or switched over to a
               | kernel implementation that handles those cases. I've seen
               | a few cases of userland networking being slower than just
               | doing the kernel - and being kept because sometimes the
               | what you care about is control over packet lifecycle more
               | than raw throughput.
               | Kernels prioritize robust network stacks that can handle
               | a lot of cases good enough. Different implementations
               | handle different scenarios better - there's plenty of
               | very high performance networking done with vanilla linux
               | and vanilla freebsd.
         | sophacles wrote:
         | Performance parity on which axis? For which use case?
         | Talking generally about "network performance" is approximately
         | as useful as talking generally about "engine performance". Just
         | like it makes no sense to compare a weed-eater engine to a
         | locomotive diesel without talking about use case and desired
         | outcomes, it makes no sense to compare "performance of FreeBSD
         | network stack" and "Linux network stack" without understanding
         | the role those systems will be playing in the network.
         | Depending on context, FreeBSD, Linux or various userland stacks
         | can be a great, average, or terrible choices.
           | circularfoyers wrote:
           | Can you provide some examples of different contexts where
           | Linux or FreeBSD might be better or worse choices?
             | sophacles wrote:
             | Sure:
             | Linux is a networking swiss army knife (or maybe a
             | dremmel). It can do a lot of stuff reasonably well. It has
             | all sorts of knobs and levers, so you can often configure
             | it to do really weird stuff. I tend to reach for it first
             | to understand the shape of a problem/solution.
             | BSD is fantastic for a lot of server applications,
             | particularly single tenant high throughput ones like mail
             | servers, dedicated app servers, etc. A great series of case
             | studies have come out of Netflix on this (google for
             | "800Gbps on freebsd netflix" for example - every iteration
             | of that presentation is fantastic and usually discussed
             | here at least once, and Drew G. shows up in comments and
             | answers questions).
             | It's also pretty nice for firewalling/routing small and
             | medium networks - (opn|pf)sense are both great systems for
             | this built on FreeBSD (apologies for the drama injection
             | this may cause below).
             | One of the reasons I reach for linux first unless I already
             | know the scope and shape of the problem is that the entire
             | "userland vs kernel" distinction is much blurrier there.
             | Linux allows you to pass some or all traffic to userland at
             | various points in the stack and in various ways, and inject
             | code at the kernel level via ebpf, leading to a lot of
             | hybrid solutions - this is nice in middleboxes where you
             | want some dynamism and control, particularly in multi-
             | tenant networks (and thats the space my work is in, so it's
             | what I know best)
             | Please bear in mind that these are my opinions and
             | uses/takes on the tools. Just like with programming there's
             | a certain amount of "art" (or maybe "craft") to this, and
             | other folks will have different (but likely just a valid)
             | views - there's a lot of ways to do anything in networking.
       | [deleted]
       | doctorpangloss wrote:
       | Does performance tuning for Wi-Fi adapters matter?
       | On desktops, other than disabling features, can anything fix the
       | problems with i210 and i225 ethernet? Those seem to be the two
       | most common NICs nowadays.
       | I don't really understand why common networking hardware and
       | drivers are so flawed. There is a lot of attention paid to
       | RISC-V. How about start with a fully open and correct NIC?
       | They'll shove it in there if it's cheaper than an i210. Or maybe
       | that's impossible.
         | jeffbee wrote:
         | i225 is just broken but I get excellent performance from i210.
         | 1gb is hardly challenging on a contemporaneous CPU, and the
         | i210 offers 4 queues. What's your beef with i210?
           | doctorpangloss wrote:
           | There are a lot of problems with the i210. Here's a sample:
           | https://www.google.com/search?q=i210+proxmox+e1000e+disable
           | Most people don't really use their NICs "all the time" "with
           | many hosts." The i210 in particular will hang after a few
           | months of e.g. etcd cluster traffic on 9th and 10th gen
           | Intel, which is common for SFFPCs.
           | On Windows, the ndis driver works a lot better. Many
           | disconnects in similar traffic load as Linux, and features
           | like receive side coalescing are broken. They also don't
           | provide proper INFs for Windows server editions, just
           | because.
           | I assume Intel does all of this on purpose. I don't think
           | their functionally equivalent server SKUs are this broken.
           | Apparently the 10Gig patents are expiring very soon. That
           | will make Realtek, Broadcom and Aquantia's chips a lot
           | cheaper. IMO, motherboards should be much smaller, shipping
           | with BMC and way more rational IO: SFP+, 22110, Oculink, U.2,
           | and PCIe spaced for Infinity Fabric & NVLink. Everyone should
           | be using LVFS for firmware - NVMe firmware, despite being
           | standardized to update, is a complete mess with bugs on every
           | major controller.
           | I share all of this as someone with experience in operating
           | commodity hardware at scale. People are so wasteful with
           | their hardware.
           | trustingtrust wrote:
           | There are 3 revisions of i225 and Intel essentially got rid
           | of it and launched i226. That one also seems to be
           | problematic [1] . Why is it exponentially harder to make a
           | 2.5gbps NIC when the 1gbps NIC (i210 and i211) has worked
           | well for them. Shouldn't it be trivial to make it 2.5x? They
           | seem to make good 10gbps NICs so I would assume 2.5gbps
           | shouldn't need a 5th try from intel ?
           | [1] - https://shorturl.at/esCNP
             | jeffbee wrote:
             | The bugs I am aware of are on the PCIe side. i225 will lock
             | up the bus if it attempts to do PTM to support PTP. That's
             | a pretty serious bug. You would think Intel has this nailed
             | since they invented PCIe and PCI for that matter.
             | Apparently not. Maybe they outsourced it.
         | elabajaba wrote:
         | > Does performance tuning for Wi-Fi adapters matter?
         | If you're willing to potentially sacrifice 10-20% of (max local
         | network) throughput you can drastically improve wifi fairness
         | and improve ping times/reduce bufferbloat (random ping spikes
         | will still happen on wifi though).
         | There's a huge thread https://forum.openwrt.org/t/aql-and-the-
         | ath10k-is-lovely/590... that has stuff about enabling and
         | tuning aqm, and some of the tradeoffs between throughput and
         | latency.
       | gjulianm wrote:
       | This is great, not just the parameters themselves but all the
       | steps that a packet follows from the point it enters the NIC
       | until it gets to userspace.
       | Just one thing to add regarding network performance: if you're
       | working in a system with multiple CPUs (which is usually the case
       | in big servers), check NUMA allocation. Sometimes the network
       | card will be in one CPU while the application is executing on a
       | different one, and that can affect performance too.
       | klabb3 wrote:
       | A random thing I ran into with the defaults (Ubuntu Linux):
       | - net.ipv4.tcp_rmem ~ 6MB
       | - net.core.rmem_max ~ 1MB
       | So.. the tcp_rmem value overrides by default, meaning that the
       | TCP receive window for a vanilla TCP socket actually goes up to
       | 6MB if needed (in reality - 3MB because of the halving, but let's
       | ignore that for now since it's a constant).
       | But if I "setsockopt SO_RCVBUF" in a user-space application, I'm
       | actually capped at a maximum 1MB, even though I already have 6MB.
       | If I try to _reduce it_ from 6MB to e.g. 4MB, it will result in
       | 1MB. This seems very strange. (Perhaps I 'm holding it wrong?)
       | (Same applies to SO_SNDBUF/wmem...)
       | To me, it seems like Linux is confused about the precedence order
       | of these options. Why not have core.rmem_max be larger and the
       | authoritative directive? Is there some historical reason for
       | this?
         | pengaru wrote:
         | net.ipv4.tcp_rmem max is a limit for the auto-tuning the kernel
         | performs
         | once you do SO_RCVBUF the auto-tuning is out of the picture for
         | that socket, and net.core.rmem_max becomes the max.
         | It's pretty clearly documented @ Documentation/networking/ip-
         | sysctl.rst
         | Edit: downvotes, really? smh
           | dekhn wrote:
           | And to add: the kernel autotunes better than you can, so
           | leave that enabled unless you're Vint Cert, Jim Gettys, or
           | Vern Paxton.
       | napkin wrote:
       | Just changing Linux's default congestion control
       | (net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control) to 'bbr' can make a _huge_
       | difference in some scenarios, I guess over distances with
       | sporadic packet loss and jitter, and encapsulation.
       | Over the last year, I was troubleshooting issues with the
       | following connection flow:
       | client host <-- HTTP --> reverse proxy host <-- HTTP over
       | Wireguard --> service host
       | On average, I could not get better than 20% theoretical max
       | throughput. Also, connections tended to slow to a crawl over
       | time. I had hacky solutions like forcing connections to close
       | frequently. Finally switching congestion control to 'bbr' gives
       | close to theoretical max throughput and reliable connections.
       | I don't really understand enough about TCP to understand why it
       | works. The change needed to be made on both sides of Wireguard.
         | drewg123 wrote:
         | The difference is that BBR does not use loss as a signal of
         | congestion. Most TCP stacks will cut their send windows in half
         | (or otherwise greatly reduce them) at the first sign of loss.
         | So if you're on a lossy VPN, or sending a huge burst at 1Gb/s
         | on a 10Mb/s VPN uplink, TCP will normally see loss, and back
         | way off.
         | BBR tries to find Bottleneck Bandwidth rate. Eg, the bandwidth
         | of the narrowest or most congested link. It does this by
         | measuring the round trip time, and increasing the transmit rate
         | until the RTT increases. When the RTT increases, the assumption
         | is that a queue is building at the narrowest portion of the
         | path and the increase of RTT is proportional to the queue
         | depth. It then drops rate until the RTT normalizes due to the
         | queue draining. It sends at that rate for a period of time, and
         | then slightly increases the rate to see if RTT increases again
         | (if not, it means that the queuing that saw before was due to
         | competing traffic which has cleared).
         | I upgraded from a 10Mb/s cable uplink to 1Gb/s symmetrical
         | fiber a few years ago. When I did so, I was ticked that my
         | upload speed on my corp. VPN remained at 5Mb/s or so. When I
         | switched to RACK TCP (or BBR) on FreeBSD, my upload went up by
         | a factor of 8 or so, to about 40Mb/s, which is the limit of the
         | VPN.
       | [deleted]
       (page generated 2023-09-06 20:00 UTC)