[HN Gopher] The SHA256 for this sentence begins with: one, eight...
       The SHA256 for this sentence begins with: one, eight, two, a,
       seven, c and nine.
       Author : isp
       Score  : 178 points
       Date   : 2023-09-11 10:08 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (twitter.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (twitter.com)
       | isp wrote:
       | $ echo -n "The SHA256 for this sentence begins with: one, eight,
       | two, a, seven, c and nine." | sha256sum
       | 182a7c930b0e5227ff8d24b5f4500ff2fa3ee1a57bd35e52d98c6e24c2749ae0
       | -
       | jph wrote:
       | Rust implementation...
       | The code searches permutations of increasing length. Benchmark is
       | 8 seconds on a MacBook Pro M1 to discover the match of 182a7c9.
       | The code is not yet optimized.                   use
       | std::time::SystemTime;         use itertools::Itertools;
       | use sha256::digest;              fn main() {             let
       | digits: [usize; 16] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
       | 13, 14, 15];             let chars = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4",
       | "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"];
       | let words = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five",
       | "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"];
       | let mut length = 2;             let start = SystemTime::now();
       | loop {                 for permutation in
       | digits.iter().permutations(length) {                     let
       | parts = permutation.iter().map(|x| words[**x]).collect_vec();
       | let sentence = format!(                         "The SHA256 for
       | this sentence begins with: {} and {}.",
       | &parts[0..(parts.len() - 1)].join(", "),
       | &parts[parts.len() - 1]                     );
       | let checksum: String = digest(&sentence);                     let
       | starts: String = permutation.iter().map(|x|
       | chars[**x]).collect();                     if
       | checksum.starts_with(&starts) {
       | println!("milliseconds: {:?}, {} ",
       | start.elapsed().unwrap().as_millis(), &sentence);
       | }                 };                 length += 1;             }
       | }
       | Output:                   milliseconds: 3, The SHA256 for this
       | sentence begins with: zero, b, six and two.
       | milliseconds: 54, The SHA256 for this sentence begins with: zero,
       | e, d, eight and f.          milliseconds: 8279, The SHA256 for
       | this sentence begins with: one, eight, two, a, seven, c and nine.
       | Repository:
       | https://github.com/joelparkerhenderson/sha256-sentence
       | bizzleDawg wrote:
       | It's way above my head mathematically as to if this is even
       | possible, but it is hilarious how screwed so many things would be
       | if sha256 was discovered to have a means to more quickly reverse
       | at least a partial hash. Just off the top of my head:
       | - SSL       - Bitcoin (bonus: unlimited money hack if you can
       | keep the discovery under wraps)       - Signed updates for
       | devices
       | Goodness only knows what I am missing, but that first one along
       | is enough to cause an unmitigated disaster.
       | I assume these tweets are effectively brute forced given the
       | fairly short prefix though and we're all safe
       | Ekaros wrote:
       | Now a SHA256 hash that hashes to itself would be more
       | interesting.
         | acchow wrote:
         | Fixed points? The sha256 algorithm makes it easy to compute
         | them
         | https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/48580/fixed-point...
       | rawling wrote:
       | > Was just verifying your tweet's hash, and then...omg!!! I
       | couldn't believe what I realised. The SHA256 of THIS tweet starts
       | with exactly the same 7 characters as your tweet's hash. What are
       | the chances of that?
       | As always, the real WTF is in the comments.
         | johndough wrote:
         | It's not too difficult. All you need is to generate many
         | variations of potential words and check whether the sha256 hash
         | matches the wanted leading characters. For example, check this
         | text.
           | stainablesteel wrote:
           | can we get this guy to pass a captcha? i've got questions
           | isp wrote:
           | $ echo -n $'It\'s not too difficult. All you need is to
           | generate many variations of potential words and check whether
           | the sha256 hash matches the wanted leading characters. For
           | example, check this text.' | sha256sum         182a7c9d2e9916
           | 2688aaaf3f97638edd7d06f8d295e456c7bb1f16abf3a8f70c  -
             | wppick wrote:
             | Isn't this kind of the same thing that crypto miners do?
               | acchow wrote:
               | Yes except Bitcoin does double SHA (a second round of SHA
               | on the first result)
         | isp wrote:
         | $ echo -n $'Was just verifying your tweet\'s hash, and
         | then...omg!!! I couldn\'t believe what I realised. The SHA256
         | of THIS tweet starts with exactly the same 7 characters as your
         | tweet\'s hash. What are the chances of that?' | sha256sum
         | 182a7c9c08b2f0f9333bf23828c5fbf47addf74e815b6a22ca10825450bc2ee
         | 1  -
         | Checks out(!)
         | Source:
         | https://twitter.com/benoconnor/status/1701057433131421935
           | rawling wrote:
           | I'm confused as to how they've done this. The original
           | message, sure, you can brute force the digits and hope you
           | get a collision, and try a new, plausible preamble if not.
           | But I don't see how they've found this collision without it
           | looking like anything is brute forced.
           | Is it using substitute Unicode characters or something?
           | E: no, just hand typed it and got the same...
             | JamesSwift wrote:
             | I think this is a really good usecase for chatGPT to
             | generate a massive number of variations that you then feed
             | into a validation function
             | petercooper wrote:
             | I just did an extremely lazy version of that and posted a
             | reply of "And the SHA-1 digest (in hex) of this tweet
             | starts BEEF" -
             | https://twitter.com/cooperx86/status/1701261047917633846
             | Basically I had several substitutions around words, case,
             | punctuation, etc. and just ran it until it found some hits.
             | Quite easy with just four characters though but was only a
             | proof of concept.
             | nstbayless wrote:
             | It's possible that the tweets were actually produced
             | together somehow. This might buy just enough search space
             | between the two of them.
             | devit wrote:
             | Presumably generated lots of variations of that sentence.
             | It's 28 bits, so you only need to have around 14 places
             | where 4 variations are possible.
             | For instance, it could start with "Was", "I was",
             | "verifying" could be "checking" or "computing" or
             | "testing", etc.
             | A bit tight, but it seems feasible with some work.
               | fbdab103 wrote:
               | Throwing a loop of numbers on the end seems far more
               | feasible. I put together a hasty Python implementation
               | which can immediately find three hits at 5 characters.
               | TQDM is reporting ~450k tries per second, so depending on
               | how lucky you are, would probably want to redo in a
               | faster language to solve for 7+                   import
               | hashlib         import itertools                  import
               | tqdm                  BLOCKS_SIZE = 5
               | sentence_prefix = "The SHA256 for this sentence begins
               | with:"                  itos = {0x00:"zero", 0x01:"one",
               | 0x02:"two", 0x03:"three", 0x04:"four", 0x05:"five",
               | 0x06:"six", 0x07:"seven", 0x08:"eight", 0x09:"nine",
               | 0x0a:"a", 0x0b:"b", 0x0c:"c", 0x0d:"d", 0x0e:"e",
               | 0x0f:"f"}         for nums in
               | tqdm.tqdm(itertools.product(itos.keys(),
               | repeat=BLOCKS_SIZE)):             sentence =
               | f"{sentence_prefix} {', '.join(itos[num] for num in
               | nums[:-1])}, and {itos[nums[-1]]}."             hash_true
               | = hashlib.sha256(bytes(sentence, "utf8")).hexdigest()
               | guessed_prefix = "".join(f"{n:x}" for n in nums)
               | true_prefix = hash_true[:BLOCKS_SIZE]             if
               | guessed_prefix == true_prefix:
               | print("collision")                 print(sentence)
               | print(hash_true)
               | aib wrote:
               | Indeed, this is how I did it. 2^28 is around 270 million.
               | With little more than a handful options, it should be
               | possible. Although I have to say, it turned out to be
               | more difficult than I'd initially thought. Maybe it's
               | better to think of it as 28 different boolean choices.
               | echo -n "Indeed. This is how I managed to do it. 2^28 is
               | around 300 million. With only a handful options, it's
               | possible. Although, I must say that it turned out to be
               | more difficult than I'd initially thought. Perhaps it's
               | better to think of it as 28 different alternatives." |
               | sha256sum
             | noctune wrote:
             | 7 digits of the hash makes for 16*7 possible hashes. I spot
             | 4 potential "filler" lines in that tweet, so if you find
             | log4(16*7)=14 candidates for each of those filler lines,
             | then one combination would be expected to yield that hash.
             | [deleted]
             | kazinator wrote:
             | You can generate sentences of the form "This sentence
             | begins with: " followed by seven comma-separated english
             | words denoting hex digits. Then search that space of
             | digits, until you get a hit.
             | For each digit combination, you can try it with multiple
             | variations of the sentence like "The SHA256 of this
             | sentence begins with", "The SHA256 hash of this text starts
             | with" and many more. That increases the search space
             | without increasing the number of digits that have to match,
             | making it more likely that a hit is found.
               | [deleted]
             | hinkley wrote:
             | All we are demonstrating here is why Sha256 is 256 bits and
             | not 32 bits. We have trivially identified collisions for
             | the first 28 bits of the output, which is only 11% of the
             | entire hash size.
             | Difficulty of collisions roughly doubles for each
             | additional bit. Imagine we had a SHA32, that would be 16
             | times harder to achieve a collision. SHA256 is 43 with 67
             | zeroes behind it more difficult than the examples here.
               | rawling wrote:
               | Yeah, I forgot how many bits were in a hex digit and made
               | it seem much harder than it really was to myself.
         | kazinator wrote:
         | What are the chances of that? From the perspective of one
         | specific sentence: one in 7 digits of hex: 16 * 7 =
         | 268,435,456.
           | archgoon wrote:
           | If we don't vary the sentence ("begins with, starts with, is
           | prefixed with" etc...) and only consider the final part, then
           | the number of english sentences is (unsurprisingly) equal to
           | the number of possible hashes.
           | So for each distinct sentence, we pick randomly from the n
           | different hashes, and we attempt to brute force this n times.
           | So the probability of _not_ getting this is:
           | (1-1/n)^n
           | As n increases, this will yield e^-1, so we have about a
           | 36.7% chance of this _not_ happening for any given length. So
           | this has a probability of _happening_ of 63.3%.
           | So there is a decent chance that there exists a sentence "The
           | sha256 of this sentence is ..." for even the full sha256. If
           | you are allowed to modify the sentence to be something like
           | "'Begins with', 'starts with', 'OMG guys, check this out':"
           | you can get this up to almost 1. Finding it would be mildly
           | hard though barring some novel discovery about sha256.
             | krackers wrote:
             | Fyi your comment was dead on arrival, and seems many of
             | your past ones are as well. I'd email dang and ask if
             | you've tripped some spam filter.
       | skilled wrote:
       | It appears to have been taken from here,
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19003644 (2019)
         | rawling wrote:
         | That makes the other collision even weirder. Someone took 4
         | years to find another plausible sentence that matched the same
         | 7 digits?
         | E: Ok, someone else in the tweet replies says it isn't that
         | hard. I'm going to stop reading and start thinking more about
         | how.
       | nneonneo wrote:
       | I bet you could hack hashcat (or just use CUDA) to find these
       | quickly for larger prefixes. Might make a fun (silly) challenge.
       | Hashcat can do 21B SHA256 hashes per second on an RTX 4090; this
       | translates into bruteforcing a 9-digit prefix in 4 seconds, a
       | 10-digit prefix in 52 seconds, or a 11-digit prefix in about 14
       | minutes.
       | kazinator wrote:
       | In this game, the rules should be that the digit 9 counts as
       | either "nine" and "quine".
         | jimmywetnips wrote:
         | ok bit whisperer
       | kjrose wrote:
       | Yay pigeon-hole principle combined with birthday attack.
         | atemerev wrote:
         | Explain this then:
         | https://twitter.com/benoconnor/status/1701057433131421935
         | anderskaseorg wrote:
         | No. The pigeonhole principle and the birthday attack both apply
         | to situations where you're looking for _two_ inputs with the
         | same hash as _each other_ , not where you're looking for _one_
         | input that describes its own hash.
       | PaulHoule wrote:
       | You have to try like what, 2^24 ~ 16 million sentences to make
       | that work?
       | fleekonpoint wrote:
       | Reminds me of this xkcd:
       | https://xkcd.com/917/
         | anon____ wrote:
         | Or this: https://xkcd.com/688/.
       | wholesomepotato wrote:
       | This is only 7 * 4 bits. That's really nothing.
       | olafalo wrote:
       | Well, this nerd sniped me... I made a quick Go tool for this. You
       | simply write a string {like|this}, and then it finds a hash with
       | the same prefix automatically. (Hash this comment, it's also
       | 182a7c9)
         | nielsole wrote:
         | $ echo -n "Well, this nerd sniped me... I made a quick Go tool
         | for this. You simply write a string {like|this}, and then it
         | finds a hash with the same prefix automatically." |sha256sum 9e
         | 9f6a7fba355220b4c999b29bd12a3f65ec40e7b03c7bfaf3f34a1524a232b6
           | olafalo wrote:
           | The whole comment:
           | $ echo -n "Well, this nerd sniped me... I made a quick Go
           | tool for this. You simply write a string {like|this}, and
           | then it finds a hash with the same prefix automatically.
           | (Hash this comment, it's also 182a7c9)"|sha256sum 182a7c9ba0f
           | 815f77542774dc5ad9ea34975bf3747635ed0768748bcd772ef43 -
       | Gunnerhead wrote:
       | I'm not sure I understand the significance. Can anyone explain?
         | sublinear wrote:
         | Another potential issue that comes to mind is the usage of
         | "short hashes" as an identifier instead of the full hash.
         | [deleted]
         | ursuscamp wrote:
         | SHA256 is a one-way hashing function. Which means that feeding
         | that sentence into SHA-256 and it starting with the characters
         | in that sentence is very unlikely chance.
         | They probably wrote a script that tacked on a bunch of random
         | letters and numbers to a sentence, then hashed it via brute
         | force until it returned a hash that started with the exact same
         | thing that the sentence said.
         | This is similar to how Bitcoin's proof of work algorithm.
         | kzrdude wrote:
         | It's self-referential and that makes it non-obvious how it's
         | accomplished. Changing the sentence changes the hash, which
         | also changes the sentence. So in any case it's an interesting
         | construction.
       | curtisf wrote:
       | A semi-useful variant of this technique was posted nine months
       | ago on Hacker News:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33704297
       | Generating sequential Git short commits! It's so pleasant looking
       | I'm tempted to try using it one of my projects, but deep down I
       | know it's not worth the hassle.
       | gtrubetskoy wrote:
       | The original from July 2019
       | https://twitter.com/humblehack/status/1088982929940848647
       | $ echo -n 'The SHA256 for this sentence begins with seven, seven,
       | f, zero, a, b, b and five.' | sha256sum
       | 77f0abb54cd09ad7b654bd5e762d7be58e7daffd1a0da6a56f5135bd667856a3
       | -
         | therein wrote:
         | We have come full circle.
         | I saw this on HN years ago from the original that linked here.
         | 2-3 days ago posted on 4chan's /g/ board that I remembered this
         | sentence but didn't remember its source and the hash it
         | contained.
         | Someone on /g/ found the post on HN and a large thread ensued
         | that expired and auto-deleted 12 hours ago or so. And then this
         | person posted it on Twitter and it got shared here.
         | Actually fascinating.
           | input_sh wrote:
           | So, a Twitter Blue user contributing nothing original and not
           | giving credit to the source? I'm shocked I tell you, shocked!
             | [deleted]
             | downvotetruth wrote:
             | Hides the source from other pirates by using X.
           | kurisufag wrote:
           | for the interested.
           | https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/95910112
       | oefrha wrote:
       | Since I'm slacking off, here's a straightforward, not at all
       | optimized Go implementation:                 package main
       | import (           "bytes"           "crypto/sha256"
       | "encoding/hex"           "fmt"       )              var (
       | _chars = []byte("0123456789abcdef")           _names =
       | []string{"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six",
       | "seven", "eight", "nine", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"}
       | _size  = len(_chars)       )              func main() {
       | hexsum := make([]byte, 64)           for i1 := 0; i1 < _size;
       | i1++ {               for i2 := 0; i2 < _size; i2++ {
       | for i3 := 0; i3 < _size; i3++ {                       for i4 :=
       | 0; i4 < _size; i4++ {                           for i5 := 0; i5 <
       | _size; i5++ {                               for i6 := 0; i6 <
       | _size; i6++ {                                   for i7 := 0; i7 <
       | _size; i7++ {                                       s :=
       | fmt.Sprintf("The SHA256 for this sentence begins with: %s, %s,
       | %s, %s, %s, %s and %s.", _names[i1], _names[i2], _names[i3],
       | _names[i4], _names[i5], _names[i6], _names[i7])
       | sum := sha256.Sum256([]byte(s))
       | hex.Encode(hexsum, sum[:])
       | prefix := []byte{_chars[i1], _chars[i2], _chars[i3], _chars[i4],
       | _chars[i5], _chars[i6], _chars[i7]}
       | if bytes.HasPrefix(hexsum, prefix) {
       | fmt.Printf("%s\n", s)
       | fmt.Printf("%s\n", hexsum)
       | }                                   }
       | }                           }                       }
       | }               }           }       }
       | Takes a few minutes on common consumer hardware. There's exactly
       | one hit.
       | (Easiest optimization is wrapping the loop body in a goroutine.
       | GOEXPERIMENT=loopvar really makes this nicer btw.)
       | The reply is obviously more interesting, need to come up with a
       | lot of variations.
         | vluft wrote:
         | another pretty easy optimization is swapping to
         | https://github.com/minio/sha256-simd, particularly if you're on
         | a process with the sha extensions.
         | versus just spawning a goroutine per attempt, it'll likely be
         | much faster as well to just split the search space into number
         | of cores and have one chugging away on each chunk of the search
         | space. (I have a thing to do vanity git commit hashes and
         | that's what I do for that; for 7 characters in the hash, it
         | takes well under a second on my CPU on average)
         | dvh wrote:
         | You can increase the odds by adding various suffixes, e.g "what
         | are the odds" or "imagine that" or "can you beat that" or "can
         | you do better" ....
           | drexlspivey wrote:
           | Why would that increase the odds? It's the same chance on
           | every iteration
             | krackers wrote:
             | you effectively have multiple chances to try to get a given
             | target hash (prefix)
               | mike_hock wrote:
               | Trying different prefixes doesn't take less time than
               | trying different sequences. Unless you're hellbent on
               | finding a match for a particular sequence.
               | I'd settle on a fixed prefix instead and try longer
               | sequences to make it look more impressive.
               | recursive wrote:
               | Every time you lengthen the sequence you increase the
               | "luck" requirement.
             | jrm4 wrote:
             | I think they mean "increase your possible search space?"
         | Karellen wrote:
         | Obvious variations include:
         | "SHA256" vs "SHA-256"
         | "begins" vs "starts"
         | ":" vs ""
         | "%s," vs "%s"
         | "%s and" vs "%s, and"
         | "." vs ".\n"
         | lun4r wrote:
         | not that difficult either. i wrote a script in 10 minutes and
         | had a result in under a minute:
         | https://twitter.com/schuilr/status/1701268438931460311
         | awegio wrote:
         | > There's exactly one hit
         | There are N possible sequences, and you try N times with a
         | success probability of 1/N each (because it is a good hash
         | function). This means the expected number of hits is 1.
         | andrewstuart2 wrote:
         | Yeah, I'm surprised how simple it is to find these.
         | The SHA256 for this sentence begins with: 1c0510f.
         | The SHA256 for this sentence begins with: 4, 5, b, a, a, 5 and
         | f.
         | Twirrim wrote:
         | Wrote up something in python that achieves similar, but for
         | increasing numbers of characters. Found a few hits fairly
         | quickly. pypy3 is pushing 420k evaluations a second on my
         | laptop.
         | e.g.
         | "The SHA256 for this sentence begins with: five, two, and d"
         | "The SHA256 for this sentence begins with: seven, e, and nine"
         | "The SHA256 for this sentence begins with: one, five, e, and
         | three"
         | My brain fart this morning was forgetting to account for the
         | newline, so I started out spitting out bad options.
           | Twirrim wrote:
           | You can wrap tqdm around the "permutations(TOKENS, k)" if you
           | want to measure progress. I haven't spent time trying to make
           | this particularly optimised, for example that dict lookup is
           | likely avoidable with a little bit of work via index lookup,
           | and maybe cheaper. I've also not attempted to parallelise it,
           | which would be fairly easy to do.
           | #!/usr/bin/env python              import string       import
           | hashlib       from itertools import permutations
           | WORD_DIGIT = {               "one":1,               "two":2,
           | "three":3,               "four":4,               "five":5,
           | "six":6,               "seven":7,               "eight":8,
           | "nine":9}       TOKENS = [               "one",
           | "two",               "three",               "four",
           | "five",               "six",               "seven",
           | "eight",               "nine",               ] +
           | list(string.ascii_lowercase)              SEPARATOR = ", "
           | STARTING_TEXT = "The SHA256 for this sentence begins with: "
           | for k in range(2, 6):           for perm in
           | permutations(TOKENS, k):               sha_start = ""
           | for char in perm:                   if char in WORD_DIGIT:
           | sha_start += str(WORD_DIGIT[char])                   else:
           | sha_start += char               test_string = STARTING_TEXT +
           | SEPARATOR.join(perm[:-1]) + ", and " + ''.join(perm[-1:]) +
           | "\n"               checksum = hashlib.new("sha256")
           | checksum.update(test_string.encode())               if
           | checksum.hexdigest().startswith(sha_start):
           | print(test_string)
         | H8crilA wrote:
         | This means there's quite a lot of solutions. Running the entire
         | 2^56 would take over 770 core-days if one core can achieve an
         | impossible 1 giga-iterations per second.
           | yuliyp wrote:
           | It's 2^28, not 2^56. A hex digit is 4 bits, and we have 7
           | such digits to match.
             | H8crilA wrote:
             | Ugh, you are right. That was a bit embarrassing :)
       | pontifier wrote:
       | This is similar to the vanity address generation for Bitcoin and
       | other cryptocurrency addresses.
       | nuancebydefault wrote:
       | It took some time for me to sink in why no explanation was
       | needed. Is there a general term for such a thing, self-reflection
       | or something the like?
         | yowzadave wrote:
         | https://autograms.net/
         | gokhan wrote:
         | Something like a recursive acronym. Like "GNU's Not Unix!".
         | knome wrote:
         | a partial cryptographic quine, perhaps?
       | narcindin wrote:
       | This is cool. Isn't finding these the same as minting a new block
       | of bitcoin? So definitially hard using our best understanding of
       | algorithms, math, etc.
         | spullara wrote:
         | bitcoin is relatively easy. you are just hashing/permuting the
         | block header until you get the lowest hash of all miners. it
         | isn't hard, just expensive.
         | https://www.mycryptopedia.com/bitcoin-algorithm-explained/
       | Someone wrote:
       | That's 28 bits. Loop through 256 million of these strings, and
       | you're bound to find a hit.
       | Bitcoin difficulty is at around 50 bits (https://ycharts.com/indi
       | cators/bitcoin_average_difficulty#:~....)
       | It also uses SHA256.
       | So, if my logic is right (is it? That seems awfully cheap to me),
       | this is about 2^22 times as easy as mining a bitcoin. Bitcoin is
       | at about $25k, so there are people who can find hits like this
       | one for way less than a cent.
         | tromp wrote:
         | > Bitcoin difficulty is at around 50 bits
         | The minimum bitcoin difficulty of 1 corresponds to 2^32 double
         | SHA256, so finding a block at difficulty 2^50 takes an insane
         | 2^83 hashes...
         | robertk wrote:
         | By the pigeonhole principle, there is a sentence that writes
         | out its entire SHA256 representation this way. Alternatively,
         | the map from these kinds of sentences with 256 terms to 2^256
         | given by SHA256 admits a fixed point.
           | anderskaseorg wrote:
           | The pigeonhole principle does not say that. It can be used to
           | show that there are two different sentences with the same
           | hash as _each other_ (among any collection of 2^256 + 1
           | sentences), but it tells you nothing about hashes that agree
           | with the _content_ of the sentence. The probability that a
           | random hash function on a collection of 2^256 sentences has a
           | fixed point is about 1 - 1 /e, and it approaches 1 as you add
           | more variations to grow the collection infinitely. But
           | SHA-256 isn't actually random, so the only way to know this
           | for sure would be to find an example.
           | TimWolla wrote:
           | I don't believe this is necessarily true. Unless I'm
           | misunderstand you, each of the possible variants of spelling
           | out 32 hexadecimal characters could theoretically SHA-256
           | into the spelled-out hash + 1 (looping around at ff...ff).
           | delecti wrote:
           | I don't see how pigeonhole principle applies to that
           | situation. It could well be that "zero" hashes to 1, "one"
           | hashes to 2... and "f" hashes to 0, extended out to the
           | hash's length.
       | matt3210 wrote:
       | Why is X covering code as "sensitive material"?
       | chriskw wrote:
       | I did something similar once (with a bit of a twist) for my bio
       | when I was a TA in college:
       | "Hi! I'm a senior studying CS. My hobbies include making semantic
       | paradoxes and my bio includes eight a's, seventeen e's, fourteen
       | i's, eight o's, six u's, and one wrong number"
       | [deleted]
       | kif wrote:
       | Whereas the SHA256 for this sentence begins with: five, three, e,
       | two, one, f and e.
       | danbruc wrote:
       | After picking some scheme to generate messages that predict n
       | bits of their hash in some form, the chance of finding at least
       | one message that correctly predicts its hash is 1 - (1 - 1/x)^x
       | where x is 2^n. This approaches 1 - 1/e = 63.2 % for large n. So
       | by trying a few different schemes, for example slightly varying
       | the prefix >>The SHA256 for this sentence begins with:<<, it
       | becomes quickly very likely to succeed. In the limit of large n,
       | for example only 5 different schemes will yield at least one
       | correct message with 99 %.
       | With 5 patterns, 24 bits and SHA-1.                 The SHA-1
       | hash of this text starts with 051E35.       The hash of this text
       | starts with A943BD.       The SHA-1 hash of this text starts with
       | B6640C.       The SHA-1 hash of this message starts with C3B03D.
       | The SHA-1 hash of this message starts with D93717.
       | Or the same as before but as patterns just padding the 6 hex
       | digits with zero zero to eight dots.                 0AF3DE..
       | 2AF7DF.......       3E0E50.       8EE84C.....       919025...
       | A57198....       B20775.....       DA525A........       ED20F4..
       | mgdm wrote:
       | Something that I'm not seeing mentioned in these comments (I may
       | just have missed it) is that you can precompute the hash of the
       | static part of the string and then extend it with the numbers in
       | a loop, saving some cycles. This is because the full hex
       | representation of a SHA hash gives you the entire internal state
       | of the algorithm. This can lead to security vulnerabilities:
       | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Length_extension_attack
       | nabla9 wrote:
       | Would you believe in God if sha256 of "I am God. My name is BOB "
       | would be
       | 4920616D20476F642E204D79206E616D6520697320424F4220202020202020
       | (the text in hex)?
       | [deleted]
       | omoikane wrote:
       | Related, here is a program that prints its own SHA-512 hash:
       | https://www.ioccc.org/years.html#2019_diels-grabsch2
         | AnotherGoodName wrote:
         | Heh at first i thought 'wait how did they get all 512bits in a
         | collision!?'
         | Then i realized the program just calculates it's own hash and
         | prints it. Simple as that. It'd be super interesting if the
         | program had the hash as a string internally and printed that
         | out but that's (within the realm of breaking cryptography)
         | impossible to pull off.
       (page generated 2023-09-11 22:00 UTC)