[HN Gopher] Shrinkflation Tracker
       Shrinkflation Tracker
       Author : samlader
       Score  : 251 points
       Date   : 2023-09-15 15:06 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.shrinkflation.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.shrinkflation.io)
       | lwansbrough wrote:
       | I would like to be able to sort by change delta. Cool site!
       | nowooski wrote:
       | I ticker arrows could use explanation. I assume green is good and
       | red is bad, but it's not immediately clear what the units are
       | ect.
       | karim79 wrote:
       | I would love to see something like this for tracking the sizes of
       | the content catalogs of streaming services like Netflix, D+, and
       | the other streaming services which go out of their way to create
       | the illusion of sitting on top of an infinite content library. To
       | see how those values change over time, while subscription fees
       | remain the same (at best) would be quite revealing.
       | alex_young wrote:
       | I don't really understand the recent focus on this. Shrinkflation
       | has always been a thing, and it seems like it shouldn't be
       | strongly correlated with actual inflation, since the critical
       | equation is something like how much material should a given
       | product contain to provide enough value to consumers, or in other
       | words it's equally advantageous to optimize the value of your
       | product in times of low or high inflation and thus optimize
       | margins.
       | Maybe we just care more about it when we see prices raising in
       | general? IDK.
         | prepend wrote:
         | It's not a recent focus, it's a continual focus.
         | Shrinkflation is important for understanding true price
         | increase. It's not enough to say "toothpaste went up 20%" in
         | price because you really want to know "toothpaste went up 35%
         | based on weight."
         | It's also frustrating because it's just another level of
         | bullshit to sift through when shopping. It would be nice if
         | manufacturers and retailers didn't do this.
       | IAmGraydon wrote:
       | The worst part of shrinkflation is restaurants who have reduced
       | the sizes of their meals, in my opinion. I've seen this quite a
       | lot in everything from fast casual places like Cava to locally
       | owned establishments.
         | jacquesm wrote:
         | That may not be a bad thing per se. In plenty of restaurants
         | the amount of food in a serving is way too large for me and the
         | alternative probably was to raise prices. In restaurants food
         | isn't usually the high margin product, that's alcohol.
       | kernx16 wrote:
       | itd be interesting if tracking price is also included, although I
       | can imagine that would be insanely difficult to keep track of for
       | many reasons. I love this idea and hope it continues to grow.
       | syassami wrote:
       | @samlader - now overlay the graphs with EPS growth * -1 to see
       | correlation
       | hhthrowaway1230 wrote:
       | Would be nice to have the actual owning organisations in there. i
       | bet these are largely subsidiaries of the same mother company.
         | karim79 wrote:
         | I remember using this app[0] on my phone years ago, I just
         | checked and they have an API. I'm not sure, but if I recall
         | correctly this allowed you to scan barcodes of things and warn
         | you if they are sub-brand or subsidiary of [evil company you
         | wish to avoid].
         | [0] https://www.buycott.com/api
           | doubled112 wrote:
           | Was it just based on that chart about the illusion of choice?
         | corinroyal wrote:
         | This was my reaction too. I'd like to see which conglomerates
         | and their divisions are the worst offenders. To break it down
         | by brands alone makes it hard to identify who to name and
         | shame.
       | sgu999 wrote:
       | Nice project, very clean etc.
       | Now about that shrinkflation thing... There isn't a single
       | product in that list that is actually healthy. Highly processed
       | food is horrible for us and our environment, and the gigantic
       | conglomerates making and selling them are a plague to our
       | economies.
       | Veggies at my local farmers' market didn't shrink in size, prices
       | went up slightly for some and it's very visible from the tag.
       | Same goes for the bread I buy at the bakery, and the pasta I get
       | in bulk in a small store nearby. If you have no choice but to
       | rely on these products bought in a supermarket, you've been
       | conned way before shrinkflation hit.
         | prepend wrote:
         | I don't rely on candy. I enjoy it a few times per year.
         | It sucks that Cadbury eggs get smaller and smaller. Not because
         | I need their nutrients to survive.
           | camhart wrote:
           | Did they get smaller or just fewer in the pack?
         | [deleted]
         | cactusplant7374 wrote:
         | Bread wouldn't be bread if it wasn't processed. We would be
         | eating the wheat kernels.
           | lq9AJ8yrfs wrote:
           | Not all bread has
           | * added sugar
           | * preservatives
           | * texturizers
           | Cut these out and you're on the right side concerning
           | processed foods.
             | cactusplant7374 wrote:
             | All bread cuts out most of the fiber of the wheat kernel.
             | That's more of a net gain than removing the items you
             | listed.
           | sgu999 wrote:
           | I wrote _highly_ processed, not processed
         | throwanem wrote:
         | Toothpaste and soap aren't healthy?
           | bumby wrote:
           | Some toothpaste can be a net-negative, like those with
           | abrasives. It's actually the mechanical aspect of brushing
           | that does most of the hygiene. Frothing and minty taste of
           | toothpaste are mostly marketing. Maybe there's a case for
           | fluoride, but there are other sources like tap water (and
           | that's a whole digression of it's own).
             | Sohcahtoa82 wrote:
             | > Some toothpaste can be a net-negative, like those with
             | abrasives
             | Yup. Those toothpastes with extra whitening are wreaking
             | havoc. It's effectively liquid sandpaper.
             | > Frothing and minty taste of toothpaste are mostly
             | marketing
             | The frothing, sure. The mint? I mean, I like _some_ kind of
             | flavoring. Mint is nice.
             | > Maybe there's a case for fluoride, but there are other
             | sources like tap water (and that's a whole digression of
             | it's own).
             | There's _definitely_ a case for the fluoride. Your tap
             | water isn 't enough.
               | bumby wrote:
               | > _The mint? I mean, I like some kind of flavoring. Mint
               | is nice._
               | I'm saying it's a subjective nice, it's not adding to the
               | hygienic effect of toothpaste. Its was added to _feel_
               | clean, not because it actually does any cleaning.
               | Fluoride works, but the concentration in toothpaste is
               | usually too low to be effective.
             | mauvehaus wrote:
             | Those of us on well water don't get fluoride in our
             | drinking water.
               | bumby wrote:
               | Hopefully you get it from a dentist visit because unless
               | you use a prescription toothpaste, it probably doesn't
               | have much effect.
             | cactusplant7374 wrote:
             | Mostly marketing or people actually enjoy these things and
             | they encourage good oral hygiene?
               | bumby wrote:
               | I guess, yes, from a behavioral change standpoint they're
               | effective, even if they don't objectively contribute to
               | hygiene themselves.
           | sgu999 wrote:
           | Fair enough, but let's not pretend this is what shrinkflation
           | is all about...
       | switch007 wrote:
       | Warning: rant about brands
       | The sadistic think about brands is that people are paying for
       | marketing team to continue to lie to them and brainwash them, to
       | convince them to continue buying their products!
       | Media is full of brands - gosh I wonder how they have all that
       | budget for expensive marketing campaigns !
       | It's so incredibly hard to wean someone off brands. I've been
       | campaigning my family for years, but they still seem allergic to
       | Aldi/Lidl etc.
       | Take cereal (eww):
       | Aldi Corn Flakes (500g) - PS0.75 ($0.93)
       | Kellogs Cornflakes (500g) - PS2.25 ($2.79)
       | 3x more expensive! THREE. (some people might be thinking that
       | $2.79 is _nothing_ but just think in relative terms)
       | Yes Kellogs Cornflakes taste a bit nicer but that's not the
       | comparison to make: a small serving of oats with some fruit is a
       | MUCH better breakfast meal. Oats are roughly same amount of
       | calories per gram but much more filling and less sugar, salt, fat
       | etc and double the protein. But we're all addicted to cereal
       | because the adverts brainwashed our parents in to thinking it's a
       | healthy meal to have in the morning.
       | (EDIT: oops guess I'm a hypocrite) And has anyone tasted a
       | McVities Digestive biscuit recently? (similar to a graham
       | cracker, a distant relative of the shortbread - very very popular
       | in the UK)? Absolutely vile. If you're still buying them you're
       | literally an idiot and COVID must have destroyed your taste buds.
       | Aldi own brand digestives taste like the old recipe of McVities
       | Digestives at 1/3 of the price!
         | ravenstine wrote:
         | But sugary cereal is heart-healthy!
         | Oh wait, that's horseshit that even Kellogg can't get away with
         | anymore.
         | https://thecounter.org/kellogg-sugary-cereal-healthy-label/
         | Breakfast cereal, namely corn flakes, is a mass psychosis. Have
         | them sometimes if you like as a treat, but even then you might
         | as well eat a bowl of ice cream. The idea of eating cornflakes
         | was invented by a guy who gave his "patients" yogurt enemas.
         | Why in 2023 are we still taking his advice?
         | hankchinaski wrote:
         | the choice as you say it's not between kellogs vs aldi cereals.
         | But between highly processed and industrially produced crap and
         | organic high quality raw foods. I personally don't buy any of
         | the products on this list. But for a lot of people, there isn't
         | a lot of choice but to go to a discount because that's
         | literally only thing they can afford unfortunately.
         | KomoD wrote:
         | > but that's not the comparison to make
         | It is one a lot of people make, also... you make that
         | comparison literally one line down.
           | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | jstanley wrote:
         | I also find the Lidl Ginger Nut biscuits are vastly superior to
         | the McVities ones, which taste burnt. I don't understand why
         | McVities aren't better.
           | switch007 wrote:
           | > I don't understand why McVities aren't better.
           | People pay McVities to brainwash them in to thinking they're
           | better, so they don't need to be better LOL
       | xwdv wrote:
       | I don't get it, would people rather pay higher prices up front?
       | A lot of times people don't even use the entirety of a product
       | they pay for. Shrinkflation can essentially just cut that part
       | out. Even if you eat 100% of something, your brain was probably
       | satiated after eating 80%, the rest is excess.
       | For stuff like candy you won't notice a missing gummy bear or
       | two. You'll get the same satisfaction.
         | waffleiron wrote:
         | If it's two gummy bears a year, a decade later it's an empty
         | bag.
         | daveoc64 wrote:
         | A lot of people resent how sneaky shrinkflation feels.
         | Manufacturers would gladly boast about increasing the size of
         | their product if they did so, but do everything they can to
         | hide when they've shrunk it.
         | Manipulative tricks like oddly shaped packaging or plastic
         | fillers to take up the space that was previously product are
         | examples of why people hate shrinkflation.
         | If something goes up in price but the quantity and quality
         | stayed the same, people wouldn't feel like they're being
         | tricked.
           | xwdv wrote:
           | They wouldn't feel tricked, but then they'd be pissed off at
           | the rising prices, which affects their ability to enjoy the
           | product.
           | If someone sells you a bag of chips but they've already eaten
           | two of the chips, your enjoyment of the bag will still be the
           | same as if you had the whole bag. If they reveal that fact to
           | you though, then your experience will be soured.
           | This is for the consumer's own benefit.
             | lotsofpulp wrote:
             | People just like to feel outraged, apparently.
       | spandextwins wrote:
       | Ronald Reagan used to have the misery index
         | DanHulton wrote:
         | I feel like Reagan used to _cause_ the misery index.
           | spandextwins wrote:
           | They all do
         | eppsilon wrote:
         | http://www.miseryindex.us/indexbymonth.aspx
       | not_the_fda wrote:
       | The idea is nice, but it seems to be tracking junk food, which
       | you probably shouldn't eat and can easily avoid.
       | I'd be more interested in home goods such as soap, detergent; and
       | food staples.
         | [deleted]
         | Koeniggimeno wrote:
         | There's a listing for soap on the front page, I don't think
         | it's confined to just junk food
           | KomoD wrote:
           | I searched soap and got no result
             | dfgasdgsd wrote:
             | I don't think the search works, but it's here:
             | https://www.shrinkflation.io/products/535
               | [deleted]
       | patrickwalton wrote:
       | We saw shrinkflation with our apartments when they went from a
       | central dumpster to expecting everyone in an 8-unit complex to
       | line up cans on the road
       | willio58 wrote:
       | I've definitely experienced this with colgate toothpaste and sure
       | enough it's on this list!
       | m3kw9 wrote:
       | For junk food which is what this mostly tracks, shrinkflation is
       | good for people's healths.
         | read_if_gay_ wrote:
         | >inflation is a good thing and here's why
           | corinroyal wrote:
           | Inflation Could Save Your Life! The reasons why may shock
           | you.
             | shmatt wrote:
             | Lipids HATE this one trick
               | read_if_gay_ wrote:
               | clickbait is not what i meant, why are we having a
               | reddit-tier comment chain?
               | rexpop wrote:
               | It's not lipids you should be worried about, it's
               | emulsifiers:
               | > celluloses, mono and diglycerides of fatty acids,
               | modified starches, lecithins, carrageenans, phosphates,
               | gums, and pectins. Some recent studies have indicated
               | that emulsifiers can disturb gut bacteria and promote
               | inflammation, potentially increasing susceptibility to
               | cardiovascular issues.[0]
               | 0. https://studyfinds.org/food-e-numbers-heart-disease/
         | drivers99 wrote:
         | To OP's point, would be interesting to have an option to filter
         | out junk food.
         | mitthrowaway2 wrote:
         | Good news everyone! You can't afford snacks anymore.
         | ilyt wrote:
         | Well, till you need to get 2 burgers instead of one to feel
         | full...
           | lotsofpulp wrote:
           | That is the point, people eat fewer burgers because they
           | cannot afford more.
             | chongli wrote:
             | This has not worked out so well for other products. I live
             | in Canada where cigarettes are enormously expensive due to
             | taxes. Yet I know people who continue to smoke.
             | They're a lot poorer now, and so they have less money to
             | spend on healthy food. So not only are they destroying
             | their health by smoking, they're stuck eating crappy food
             | as well.
             | tristor wrote:
             | Yes, GP is absolutely correct, all the people in the
             | developing world who can't afford food are much healthier
             | than those of us in the West, that live long enough and eat
             | enough to deal with diseases of obesity that primarily
             | affect one after 60 years of age. /s
               | seabass-labrax wrote:
               | You put /s, but that to an extent is sort of true.
               | Diseases can't be cured as effectively where remedies or
               | mitigations are too expensive, but the same first world
               | locations where medicine and care is most available also
               | have a litany of factors working against health.
               | I don't believe though that this is inevitable, and I
               | hope that the first world will continue to improve its
               | situation, and that less well-equipped areas will somehow
               | avoid making the mistakes and leapfrog these
               | uncomfortable middle periods. We see this for instance
               | with the Industrial Revolution, where those that can be
               | credited with facilitating it generally did pretty poorly
               | for themselves, but those who industrialised later were
               | substantially better off.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | The context is not affording junk food, not not affording
               | food. Most burgers qualify as junk food.
               | tristor wrote:
               | Sure. Starvation is more deadly than obesity however, and
               | globally more prevalent.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-
               | and...
               | >In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and
               | older, were overweight. Of these over 650 million were
               | obese.
               | >39% of adults aged 18 years and over were overweight in
               | 2016, and 13% were obese.
               | https://www.who.int/news/item/06-07-2022-un-report--
               | global-h...
               | >The number of people affected by hunger globally rose to
               | as many as 828 million in 2021
               | I would bet the obesity numbers have greatly increased
               | since 2016.
               | waffleiron wrote:
               | Another statistic from your source
               | > Around 2.3 billion people in the world (29.3%) were
               | moderately or severely food insecure in 2021
               | It's easy to talk on a forum like this, where the median
               | salary is massive compared to global/country median, that
               | poor people shouldn't be able to afford as much bad food.
               | I think when you do so you've lost touch with the average
               | person who is affected by things like shrinkflation.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | I never meant to imply poor people, as in starvation
               | poor, should not be able to afford as much bad food.
               | But generally, the people eating burgers in developed
               | countries have a choice of eating healthier foods, and
               | choose to eat burgers instead.
               | tristor wrote:
               | What wonder, we've nearly conquered hunger if obesity has
               | finally become more prevalent than starvation. I stand
               | corrected. Nonetheless, starvation is more directly
               | harmful/deadly. Obesity may kill you eventually,
               | starvation will kill you in relatively short order.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | Sure, but this thread is about the price of processed
               | junk foods going up, including burgers, the sat fat laden
               | mayo, and the bread enveloping it.
               | Price increases in healthy lentils, grains, nuts, fruits,
               | vegetables, dairy, and healthier meats/poultry/fish is a
               | concern for the global poor, but that is not what is
               | talked about here.
       | M3L0NM4N wrote:
       | I don't particularly care about shrinkflation. It gets calculated
       | in the CPI (obviously) and most of the time it's goods that are
       | unhealthy and overpriced to begin with.
         | cactusplant7374 wrote:
         | But a lot of us enjoy eating unhealthy foods. And as long as we
         | don't have diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc
         | then it's not a problem.
           | switch007 wrote:
           | I think it's just a wild theory at this stage, but some
           | doctors are saying that eating unhealthy food leads to
           | diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure
             | cactusplant7374 wrote:
             | If one is sedentary and obese, yes.
         | andy_ppp wrote:
         | Sure, most of these items also cost next to nothing to make too
         | and costs to actually make have barely risen (as a percentage
         | of the item cost). So mostly it's companies using inflation to
         | squeeze more money out of people.
           | M3L0NM4N wrote:
           | I agree that material cost is not a major component of the
           | cost in a lot of these products.
           | It's marketing, distribution, etc. I don't think inflation is
           | their excuse to squeeze more money out of you as it is to
           | spend more in other areas of the business, as they should.
         | phreeza wrote:
         | It's basically a dark pattern. Not illegal or anything, but
         | designed to mask relevant information from the consumer.
         | ClumsyPilot wrote:
         | > most of the time it's goods that are unhealthy and overpriced
         | to begin with
         | Like British housing, horribly overpriced and half of it has
         | mould.
       | zamadatix wrote:
       | For some reason the same product often shows up multiple times in
       | the list. And I don't mean "the product looks the same" I mean
       | "the URL it links is even the exact same" .
       | _aavaa_ wrote:
       | On mobile some of the prices show up as 8E210, which is a
       | hilarious bug
         | kardos wrote:
         | Or someone added a bogus 'observation'
         | jacquesm wrote:
         | Same on FF.
       | jqjqjqjq wrote:
       | Should be able to sort by highest to lowest. Name and shame'em!
       | furyofantares wrote:
       | I don't like that it's sneaky, but I would rather candy servings
       | get smaller rather than prices get higher, if those are the
       | options.
       | ShadowBanThis01 wrote:
       | Love the idea, but how far back do the data go?
       | And someone pointed out the preponderance of junk food; I want to
       | see core items that are often used in recipes. To me this is the
       | most offensive aspect of these scams: You know your favorite
       | recipe takes four cans of tomatoes, cans that have been the same
       | size for decades. Now... WHOOPS, your meal is messed up because
       | the manufacturer is too gutless to simply raise the price.
       | The one example I see on the site is butter:
       | https://www.shrinkflation.io/search?query=butter
       | These jagoffs reduced the quantity by 20%, which is definitely
       | enough to mess up recipes.
         | KomoD wrote:
         | > but how far back do the data go?
         | Anywhere from 1297 to 9248 apparently, I guess he must have
         | some kind of time traveler
       | pazimzadeh wrote:
       | Recently I noticed that the baguettes at Whole Foods (in St.
       | Louis) are about 2 inches shorter than before. They are the same
       | price.
       | Hard_Space wrote:
       | I have thought about developing this site for the last 3-4 years!
       | This is exactly what it would have looked like. Thanks for saving
       | me the trouble (if I ever had got round to it).
       | kepano wrote:
       | In a high-inflation environment your profits are constantly
       | shrinking. The problem also affects small and independent makers
       | of all kinds.
       | If you are an indie maker and priced your product at $10 in 2020,
       | you're now effectively making $8.38 USD[1]. Assuming inflation
       | will remain elevated and you want to maintain the same margins,
       | you need to either:
       | 1. increase prices
       | 2. reduce quality/quantity/features
       | 3. reduce supplier costs
       | 4. reduce service costs
       | Customers are very sensitive to increases in prices. This is a
       | case where none of the options are great.
       | [1]: https://twitter.com/kepano/status/1702401372661096477
         | imglorp wrote:
         | There's more malfeasance here.
         | 5. They expansively tier their product line with minor
         | variation to remove the idea of a standard offering. Eg there
         | are some 33 sizes of M&Ms so nobody could say "get me a bag of
         | M&Ms" any more. Forget comparing cell service plans.
         | * https://www.measuringhow.com/m-and-m-bag-sizes-guide/
         | 6. They generate different model names for sale at different
         | retailers to obstruct comparison shopping. The TV, appliance,
         | and mattress industries are dirty here.                   *
         | https://www.quora.com/Why-are-model-numbers-for-the-same-
         | appliance-all-different-in-each-store-you-visit?share=1
         | 7. They attempt to detect when comparison shopping is happening
         | and intervene.                   * https://www.washingtonpost.c
         | om/news/innovations/wp/2017/06/16/amazon-has-a-patent-to-keep-
         | you-from-comparison-shopping-while-youre-in-its-stores/
         | * https://www.patriotsoftware.com/blog/accounting/discouraging-
         | price-shopping/
           | masfuerte wrote:
           | Shoe and boot manufacturers also do 6.
           | consp wrote:
           | And onther method is offering a new product in the same
           | category with less content for a higher price, eventually
           | switch over all products and level the price, now you have
           | less at the same or higher prices for all products (looking
           | at you teisseire as a latest example)
         | dweinus wrote:
         | That's a good explanation, but problems with silently reducing
         | quantity are: - It attempts to trick the customer - As a
         | customer, it makes it harder to depend on your product or buy
         | predictably (a box of cereal used to last me through the week,
         | now suddenly it doesn't) - It is now harder for me to
         | comparison shop because I need to calculate cost per
         | volume/weight - It is often done at a rate higher than
         | inflation
         | This site is great, people need more transparency and companies
         | need to be called out
         | n8cpdx wrote:
         | Most of the products on the site appear to be candy/junk that
         | shouldn't be consumed in large quantities anyway. There is
         | probably substantial social good being done by making the
         | default portions of pringles and chocolate smaller.
         | ImPostingOnHN wrote:
         | this is an accurate description of shrinkflation, though not a
         | good justification of it
         | if companies were honest, they'd put _" 29% less, but the same
         | price! Inflation, you know?"_, and more-informed consumers
         | could make more-informed choices
         | indeed, _" Customers are very sensitive to increases in
         | prices"_ is a nicer way of saying "shrinkflation makes it
         | easier to hide from consumers that they are receiving less
         | value for their money"
         | Thank you for this site, if the author is here, it's something
         | I felt we needed to make markets more informed and more
         | efficient. I'll be submitting content.
           | kepano wrote:
           | I'm not defending CPG companies. I'm pointing out that if
           | you're an indie maker inflation is a problem you need to
           | contend with in your own pricing. Once you start thinking
           | about it from that perspective, you realize how difficult of
           | a problem it is to solve in a way that feels fair to
           | customers.
           | In theory software is easier because you could more easily
           | change your pricing every month. With CPG these products sit
           | on store shelves and the manufacturers have less direct
           | control over the pricing.
             | ImPostingOnHN wrote:
             | The issue most people have with shrinkflation isn't that
             | the manufacturers made a tough call when all the options
             | were tough, it's that manufacturers do so in a manner
             | deliberately calculated to hide information from the
             | consumer, and in some cases outright deceive them (if they
             | didn't, this shrinkflation tracker wouldn't exist)
             | To reiterate, a company honest with consumers would inform
             | them they were getting less for the same price, and try to
             | make the case you're making now: "hey, sorry about this,
             | but times are tough, and we can't raise prices"
             | Less scrupulous and deceptive companies don't
               | kepano wrote:
               | Not sure if this fits under shrinkflation, but the
               | practice of substituting quality ingredients for cheaper
               | ones is even worse IMO. When Nutella did it, it caused a
               | huge kerfuffle, but it's virtually impossible for a
               | consumer to track this across all the products they buy.
               | An upstream problem is the money printing that causes
               | some of these incentives in the first place.
               | robertlagrant wrote:
               | > To reiterate, a company honest with consumers would
               | inform them they were getting less for the same price,
               | and try to make the case you're making now: "hey, sorry
               | about this, but times are tough, and we can't raise
               | prices"
               | How do they do this? They make a chocolate bar that a
               | shop buys and puts on a shelf.
               | ImPostingOnHN wrote:
               | They have to alter the packaging to account for the
               | changes. They can either do so in a way that makes
               | apparent to the customers that they're receiving less
               | value for their money, making sure they're aware of it,
               | or they can do so in a way that attempts to deceive
               | consumers and hide this information.
               | An example of messaging for the former is described in
               | the quote you quoted. Another would be to use different-
               | looking packaging, to indicate that it is not what it was
               | before. If a consumer will still buy the item when
               | properly informed of the lower value, then this apparent
               | labeling should not have any effect on sales. If it does,
               | it means the information hiding was material, which makes
               | it bad.
               | tl;dr: companies hide this information because being
               | deceptive increases sales, if it didn't, they wouldn't
           | adamc wrote:
           | Being honest doesn't pay as well. If it did, they would just
           | raise the price.
           | They are hoping you don't notice.
       | ajsnigrutin wrote:
       | In an ideal world, one UPC code would identify only one product
       | with one set of ingredients and one weight. Want to make a "+20%
       | free!" package? New UPC! Want to change the contents from 16%
       | cacao to 14% cacao and some more sugar? Sure, new UPC.
       | The manufacturers would have to publish the contents for each UPC
       | in a machine readable format.
       | Then the retailers would have to publish daily prices, again in a
       | machine redable format.
       | ...and the world would be a much nicer place for the consumer.
       | Everyone could build apps on top of that, you could compare
       | retailers, comparable items could be crowdsourced (eg, 1L of 3.5%
       | fat milk and a list of all UPCs for that), shopping list apps
       | could calculate the cheapest options to choose the cheapest
       | store, or in cases with multiple stores in a cluster, tell you
       | what to buy where, etc.
       | And the best thing is, that nobody actually regulates any prices
       | or item sizes, just the consumer gets more informed.
         | Horffupolde wrote:
         | You are free to do that. UPC is a private standard.
       | imbusy111 wrote:
       | A lot of it looks like candy, so it could be a good thing.
       | maxbond wrote:
       | Very cool! Where are you sourcing data from?
       | phailhaus wrote:
       | Super cool! Very clean, nice font. Some UX things I noticed:
       | 1. In the scrolling feed on the homepage, a 0% change is shown as
       | negative with a red down arrow
       | 2. In the tracker page, 0% is grey (good!) but still with a down
       | arrow, which isn't accurate
       | 3. Might be a good idea to highlight egregious offenders over
       | small decreases. Maybe bold the value if it's greater than
       | 10-15%?
       | 4. Would be cool to be able to sort to see the worst offenders!
         | boxed wrote:
         | I wonder why 0% items are shown on the big list at all. Like
         | having a page of murderers with random innocent people with a
         | text label under "not a murderer" :P
           | herpderperator wrote:
           | It could be greater than 0% but less than 0.5%, ending up
           | rounded down when displayed. The value getting checked might
           | be against the raw value rather than the rounded one. Which,
           | of course, is a bug.
           | [deleted]
           | seabass-labrax wrote:
           | That would actually be beneficial to the innocent people if
           | it gave them indemnity to prosecution! It's better to be
           | cleared of a suspected crime than never prosecuted, in my
           | opinion*.
           | * assuming the availability of _pro bono_ legal aid as part
           | of social welfare, a key part of any judicial system.
       | elurg wrote:
       | Most of these products are extremely unhealthy so shrinking
       | portions should be considered a public service.
       | smath wrote:
       | % change is over what time frame? YoY?
       | ClumsyPilot wrote:
       | So is shrinkflation actually included in official inflation
       | numbers? If all bars of soap in the country become smaller by
       | 10%, does 'official' inflation number go up? Are the folks
       | tracking official inflation index equipped to measure all the
       | various products per kilo, etc?
         | vuln wrote:
         | "Inflation? There's no inflation, we've created millions of
         | jobs and pay has increased!" - Current Administration
           | vuln wrote:
           | The truth hurts more than the downvotes.
         | hankchinaski wrote:
         | in the uk we measure the price of a basket of goods, which
         | includes quantity adjustment. So packaging size is irrelevant.
         | https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/meth...
         | >The simplest form of direct adjustment is quantity adjustment,
         | which is used when there is a permanent size change in an item.
       | jacobsenscott wrote:
       | What's the problem? You want to keep everything the same size and
       | pay more? That's the other option. You know it works out to the
       | same amount of stuff for the same amount of money, right?
         | DoughnutHole wrote:
         | Yes, because it's easier to notice and adjust your purchasing
         | decisions accordingly.
         | The point of shrinkflation is to obfuscate the price increase
         | and hope that some consumers don't notice.
       | akomtu wrote:
       | Why does it track some irrelevant products? It should track
       | things that matter: milk, bread, meat, fish, fruits and so on.
       | Koeniggimeno wrote:
       | Great Idea! Perfectly executed, great site to give some awareness
       | to the average consumer.
       | purplecats wrote:
       | can you automate this with amazon parsing?
       | MikusR wrote:
       | In EU prices for food stuff have to also list price per KG.
         | cj wrote:
         | This is also common in the US.
         | Example below. Top row is blurry but bottom row shows "per
         | ounce" price on the bottom right. Tiny print and I imagine
         | barely anyone actually shops that way.
         | I'm guessing there must be some US requirement for this
         | otherwise I'm not sure why it's commonplace.
         | https://supersafeway.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Screen-S...
           | ericpauley wrote:
           | > I imagine barely anyone actually shops that way.
           | This feels so foreign to me; I largely ignore the overall
           | price and shop by unit prices within a reasonable size range.
             | belval wrote:
             | I think the commenter you are responding to does not have
             | enough faith in humanity. Most people I know (anecdotal and
             | biased sampling I know) do check that number when shopping,
             | especially for interchangeable items that don't have a
             | well-know brand such as flour or baking powder.
           | gen3 wrote:
           | Ancidotal, but myself and many of my friends shop this way.
           | I've found that sometimes the larger bottle isn't cheaper per
           | unit
         | Crunchified wrote:
         | Here in the US, while unit pricing is commonly displayed, I
         | frequently find that a store will use a wide variety of units,
         | thereby negating the ability to easily compare items in this
         | way. For the same type of product I may see cost per ounce,
         | cost per pound, cost per each, cost per dozen, etc. for various
         | sizes and brands. It's maddening, insulting, and probably in
         | most cases malicious.
           | ftyers wrote:
           | Yeah, this is insane e.g. I've seen cents/fl.oz,
           | dollars/litre, cents/ml, dollars/unit. For the same product.
           | And yes, totally malicious. Fresh Thyme does this. It's ugly.
         | sebazzz wrote:
         | Yes, but no history.
       | kamikaz1k wrote:
       | seeing "Do not know how to serialize a BigInt"
       | abeppu wrote:
       | Oddly, search only covers brand names?
       | https://www.shrinkflation.io/search?query=soap <- zero results
       | https://www.shrinkflation.io/search?query=dove <- result has
       | 'soap' in name
       | hinkley wrote:
       | I was just talking today to someone about how they don't like
       | food from a certain global coffee chain anymore because their
       | food has gotten kinda crappy.
       | Shrinkflation generally means same price for less product (grams,
       | fluid ounces), but enshitification by slowly decreasing the
       | quality of the ingredients is also a problem.
       | Do we put that under the shrinkflation umbrella or track it as a
       | separate problem? Since they are both unwanted solutions to the
       | same problem, seems like they should be kept together (to avoid a
       | Goodhart's Law fiasco)
       | I recall eating an Oreo after fifteen years of not having one. At
       | first I just thought I'd forgotten what they actually tasted
       | like, but the more I thought about it, the more I could see a
       | long chain of focus groups asking customers if cookie A and
       | cookie B taste the same, if one tastes better, and slowly
       | changing the formula to only alienate 0.2% of the customers each
       | time until one day I wander up and find I'm part of the 10%
       | they've cumulatively alienated.
       | See also how only some of us can taste certain artificial
       | sweeteners as sugary toxic waste instead of sugar (saccharin
       | tastes to me like drinking soda after licking a 9 volt battery)
         | aequitas wrote:
         | > but enshitification by slowly decreasing the quality of the
         | ingredients is also a problem.
         | Every time you see a package with "new and improved recipe" you
         | can bet it only improved their margins by using cheaper
         | ingredients, not the actual taste.
         | cogman10 wrote:
         | Just one more factor to consider, some ingredients are no
         | longer available.
         | Trans fats are a good example of this. They used to be the
         | prime replacement for saturated fats. Now, in the US, they are
         | effectively banned.
         | This hit oreos. [1]
         | [1] https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2006/01/02/manufacturers-
         | tri...
           | hinkley wrote:
           | Fair point. Were oreos always palm oil or were they lard back
           | in the day?
           | The fracking industry has made guar gum too expensive to use
           | as a food emulsifier. I know someone who reacts to xanthan
           | gum (which has all but replaced guar) and she's not a happy
           | camper, because it's in fucking everything.
             | skyyler wrote:
             | No, they were partially hydrogenated soybean oil back in
             | the day.
             | Palm oil is thick at room temp, like partially hydrogenated
             | oils are.
       | vmilner wrote:
       | Sainsbury's don't like changing the weights encoded in their urls
       | so although Cadburys 180g "Price locked" Fruit and Nut has been
       | shrinkflated for over a year the link is still:
       | https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/cadbury-dairy-mi...
       | ...www.Sainsbury's.co.uk/gol-ui/product/cadbury-dairy-milk-fruit
       | ---nut-200g
       | My
       | wppick wrote:
       | Another source of shrinkflation is changing ingredients.
       | Something that used to be 50% water is now 75% water as an
       | example. Another is changing from olive oil to canola or palm or,
       | and things like that.
         | purplecats wrote:
         | we need github tracking for the changes in metadata for
         | products, like we do for legislation or the terms of use (like
         | the one that unity deleted)
         | mkoubaa wrote:
         | I mind this much more than I mind shrinkflation
         | yoyoyo1122 wrote:
         | Yeah, people call it skimpflation:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shrinkflation#Skimpflation
         | bjfish wrote:
         | I think the toilet bowl cleaner used to be more viscous and
         | last a long time.
         | chongli wrote:
         | One of the worst offenders in this regard is packages of frozen
         | meat products such as chicken wings, chicken fingers, nuggets,
         | etc. They used to just contain the breaded meat with the net
         | weight printed on the box (usually 2 lb).
         | Now they've started including frozen sauce packets as well.
         | I've weighed some of these and found, for example, a 2 lb box
         | of chicken wings that comes with more than half a pound of
         | buffalo sauce. The net weight stays the same (2 lb) but if you
         | weigh the chicken you're getting less than 1.5 lb of meat! The
         | rest is all sauce!
       | atmanactive wrote:
       | Great idea! I'm afraid this would require at least a hundred
       | employees to keep it current and useful, though. But, as a
       | society, we definitely need this. Maybe if some government agency
       | could back it up?
         | sanitycheck wrote:
         | A ton of automated scraping is what it needs. Just the main UK
         | supermarket chains would do, as it seems rather British in the
         | choice of products even though there's no pricing actually
         | shown.
           | lozenge wrote:
           | The packages are changing so fast/often now that the shelf
           | labels, online sizes and unit prices are often out of date.
           | (Yes this is illegal, no nobody cares because it's PS0.05 per
           | product and they aren't doing it on purpose, they just don't
           | make it a priority to have correct data).
         | lotsofpulp wrote:
         | Why would this benefit society? Price per unit is a trivial
         | calculation, and most grocery stores already show it on the
         | price tag.
         | Change in price over time is irrelevant for making a decision
         | on whether or not something is worth the utility to price ratio
         | now. If you are trying to time the market on junk food, then it
         | is best to simply avoid it.
         | If, for some reason, you want to prevent Mondelez, or whichever
         | other manufacturer, from earning more profit margin than it
         | historically has, then you can look up their public financials
         | most of the time:
         | https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/MDLZ/mondelez/prof...
           | read_if_gay_ wrote:
           | i can't believe the sole use you could think of is timing the
           | market on junk food
             | [deleted]
           | eatsyourtacos wrote:
           | >Why would this benefit society?
           | To put factual and open information out there of how
           | companies consistently just fuck with all of us and get away
           | with every little thing they can because "profits!" and
           | "their duty to investors!". e.g., the biggest lies our
           | societies ever came up with
             | lotsofpulp wrote:
             | It is already open information that pretty much every
             | seller of everything in the whole world tries to sell for
             | as high of a price that they think can get.
             | And that purchasing power of currencies will go down over
             | time.
       | andymal wrote:
       | This is great! I wanted to add a product that I recently noticed
       | was smaller, but I no longer use Google, so I'm unable to go
       | through the submission process. Maybe if someone else sees this
       | you can add Kingsford charcoal. 4-5 years ago bags came in a pack
       | of 2x20 lb. Then 2022 they were 2x18lb. This year they are
       | 2x16lb. Can't wait until we can just buy a 2 pack of briquettes.
       | Ancalagon wrote:
       | Should probably complete the price point review prior to allowing
       | the data points to be shown. This dove bar has a price point from
       | the year 9999 and its messing with the whole graph:
       | https://www.shrinkflation.io/products/535
       | steine65 wrote:
       | Very cool. Looks like it could use some more controls to reduce
       | bad data. For example the Dove year 9999 data point.
       | I would love to see a list of Parent companies. Single brands
       | will be hard to remember.
       | robertheadley wrote:
       | Great, but manual input and seems to be focused on the UK. I
       | think someone needs to brute force this problem.
       | realjohng wrote:
       | Fabulous... I heart data
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