[HN Gopher] Running one's own root Certificate Authority in 2023
       Running one's own root Certificate Authority in 2023
       Author : jandeboevrie
       Score  : 65 points
       Date   : 2023-09-16 19:07 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (wejn.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (wejn.org)
       | obnauticus wrote:
       | I eventually need to publish an article about how to run an HSM
       | backed root CA on the cheap with m of n auth.
       | Using nitrokey and some glue scripts you can get the cost below
       | $500. If anyone is interested, let me know.
         | processunknown wrote:
         | Please do
         | dmayle wrote:
         | I've just started down that route. I've got the nitro key hsm2
         | in the mail, have heard the advice on using two levels (first
         | root in the Key, and intermediary on the Device for easier
         | revoking). I mainly want to issue client certificates so that I
         | can expose internal sites on the public Internet via proxy
         | without having to require a VPN for all of my users, though I'm
         | also interested in certificate based SSH
         | n0n wrote:
         | Yes, please! I would be interested. Currently i'm fiddling
         | around with vault as an ICA, so this sounds like a good next
         | step
       | marginallen wrote:
       | [dead]
       | NegativeK wrote:
       | I went with DNS based Let's Encrypt for internal certificates,
       | since I'm okay leaking my internal DNS names.
       | > An obvious downside of this is having to guard a bunch of
       | secrets and the need to rotate the host certificates yearly -
       | because Apple says so.
       | The guarding secrets thing makes me too uncomfortable with
       | managing my own CA. I'm sure it'd be fine, but since there are
       | other equivalent and safer ways to do it.. Name constraints are a
       | thing in the spec for restricting your CA to specific domains
       | (which is amazing,) but browser/etc support was crappy when I
       | looked at it and maybe getting better? I don't understand why
       | name constraints aren't implemented everywhere. Unless an
       | enterprise environment is doing TLS inspection, name constraints
       | are a way saner implementation.
         | aberoham wrote:
         | Did you use elliptic curve instead of RSA?
         | soraminazuki wrote:
         | > Name constraints are a thing in the spec for restricting your
         | CA to specific domains (which is amazing,) but browser/etc
         | support was crappy
         | It's well supported now. I use it and it works for OpenSSL,
         | Firefox, and Safari.
         | Personally, I don't think there's much to gain from using
         | public PKI for internal infrastructure. I already manage
         | secrets on my personal devices and this is no different. Also,
         | being able to issue certs for .home.arpa domains is nice too.
         | mirchiseth wrote:
         | I used to have my own local root CA as well but now trying the
         | Let's Encrypt with DNS-01. What is the easiest combination of
         | software to try it? I have failed miserably trying Opnsense +
         | ACME client plugin + Cloudflare DNS + HAProxy / NGinx. I would
         | get 100% ssllabs certs but somehow the reverse proxy won't
         | forward to internal services. Next I am gonna go caddyserver
         | for reverse proxy as it has SSL with LE inbuilt. Let's see.
           | wejn wrote:
           | A friend of mine runs dns01 thusly:
           | https://ipng.ch/s/articles/2023/03/24/lego-dns01.html
           | petronio wrote:
           | I've had a lot of success with https://github.com/dehydrated-
           | io/dehydrated . It exposes the different parts of the process
           | (deploy challenge to DNS, deploy cert to filesystem, etc) as
           | hooks, so it's pretty easy to integrate with anything and
           | however you want, if you don't mind writing a bit of bash.
           | There's a few scripts out there that use Cloudflare that you
           | can use as well.
           | taskforcegemini wrote:
           | do you use https/have a cert in your webserver as well, or
           | just on the proxy?
         | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
         | The one thing you can't do with Let's Encrypt is generate a
         | certificate with a CN of localhost which, since browsers are
         | getting really picky about mixed HTTP/HTTPS content, is a real
         | issue with local development using certain web features.
           | moondev wrote:
           | You also can't generate a cert for a double wildcard, like
           | mydomain . com . * . * Or an entire domain, although I'm
           | unsure if that is possible with your own CA as well
             | jeroenhd wrote:
             | You can generate the certificate but browsers don't like
             | multiple wildcards. Any application following the rules set
             | out by RFC 6125 should reject multiple wildcards as far as
             | I can tell.
             | Some browsers (notably Firefox) used to support multiple
             | wildcards, but then again it also trusted domain
             | certificates signed by other domain certificates for years,
             | so that's not much to go by. These days, I don't think a
             | single browser will accept _._.foo.bar.
           | sneak wrote:
           | Why not register a domain, get a cert for it, and point it at
           | Then nothing can complain.
             | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
             | The other advantage of running your own PKI is you can
             | intercept and decrypt arbitrary traffic on the network.
           | punkybr3wster wrote:
           | I've also struggled with this. Is there an elegant solution
           | that you're aware of? Everything I've tried feels really
           | rickety.
             | ceejayoz wrote:
             | For localhost, there's not much downside to a self-signed
             | cert.
               | unethical_ban wrote:
               | Browsers won't offer to save passwords on self signed
               | sites.
               | lozenge wrote:
               | You might be able to get around this using the Chrome
               | "flags" page, search for unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-
               | as-secure.
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | Chrome flags are pretty annoying to use, especially if
               | you use the same browser for regular browsing.
             | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
             | I've been using cfssl[1] to generate a root certificate + a
             | localhost certificate and then trusting the root.
             | [1]: https://github.com/cloudflare/cfssl
           | xg15 wrote:
           | > _is a real issue with local development using certain web
           | features._
           | Is it? I thought browsers treat localhost/127.0.0.*
           | specifically as if it were served over https, even if it
           | isn't - otherwise, you could basically forget developing
           | anything locally.
           | Is there any feature which doesn't treat localhost as a
           | secure origin?
           | I figure you can always buy a hostname, get a cert using the
           | DNS-01 challenge, then resolve the domain to though
           | - or getting back to the OP and running a custom CA.
             | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
             | I have a dashboard I run via nginx on localhost that makes
             | a bunch of requests to various https endpoints. It
             | definitely doesn't just work unless you have a trusted SSL
             | certificate and run localhost as HTTPS
               | xg15 wrote:
               | Huh, that's odd. Gonna test this as well then.
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | > I don't understand why name constraints aren't implemented
         | everywhere.
         | They have weird semantics, especially in scenarios with
         | multiple prospective validation paths: path `EE -> ICA' ->
         | ICA'' -> TA` might result in different name constraints than
         | `EE -> ICA' -> ICA''' -> TA`, resulting in hard-to-debug
         | validation errors (or successes) depending on the user's trust
         | store state.
         | (I don't believe that's why Chrome doesn't support them,
         | however. Chrome's stated reason[1] is that they don't support
         | them on user roots because RFC 5280 doesn't require them to,
         | which is IMO a correct reading of the spec.)
         | [1]:
         | https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=107208...
       | jiggawatts wrote:
       | "Cultural" technical issues are so frustrating to me. A
       | certificate is fundamentally just a type of credential, like a
       | password, but for historical reasons they're treated like getting
       | citizenship papers. There's always this _ceremony_ even in
       | scenarios where it makes zero sense -- such as internal-use
       | certificates used for a gRPC API server behind a load balancer.
       | Why - for the love of God why - can't I just obtain a cert like
       | this _directly_ out of a secret store such as an Azure Key
       | Vault!?
       | These things are already full hardware security modules (HSMs)
       | with all of the capabilities required to run just about anything
       | short of a public Root CA and maybe even that too.
       | But no.
       | NO!
       | Script it yourself. Make a root cert, "upload" it, make a cert,
       | sign it, upload it, link it, renew it, re-configure it, and on
       | and on. Oh... you wanted a CRL too? A 1kb file? Ha-ha! No. Make
       | it and host it yourself!!
       | It's absurd.
       | So many services depend on a simple CA->cert setup: VPNs, API
       | auth, load balancer back-ends, clusters, etc...
       | But my mark my words: no cloud will have a trivial turnkey
       | solution this decade.
       | This is because running a CA is _culturally accepted to be a hard
       | problem_. It is! If you're DigiCert. It isn't if you're building
       | a three-server internal use cluster. But the problem is _hard_ ,
       | you see? That accepted fact! Everyone knows it! _Ceremony is
       | required_. We can't just _hand_ your sever a 1kb credential file!
       | That would be... unconventional!
       | It's just not the way things are done, so stop asking.
         | stanleydrew wrote:
         | This is a decent rant, and I mostly share your frustration.
         | But At least GCP and AWS have certificate authority products
         | which essentially do work the way you want them to:
         | https://cloud.google.com/certificate-authority-service
         | https://aws.amazon.com/private-ca/
         | Azure may well have one too, I just don't use their service.
       | andrewstuart2 wrote:
       | I've done similar for something like 8 years with vault as my
       | intermediate issuer, almost exclusively using cert-manager once
       | that was mature enough, and my own little utility before that.
       | It's so nice getting certs for side projects or self hosting in
       | an instant and with an encrypted (pgp) offline (flash drive in a
       | safe) CA I'm never really worried about having to reroll.
       | Installing the CA is pretty trivial on most devices and means I
       | don't have to worry about CTLs or rate limits, which is
       | especially helpful when I'm hacking on a saas side project that
       | ends up requesting 10+ certificates every test run.
       | nemo wrote:
       | This is not really an Apple thing, it's an industry trend (and a
       | good one IMO). Apple's generally applying the same criteria
       | Chrome is:
       | https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/HEAD/net/do...
         | xg15 wrote:
         | Seems Chrome is specifically making an exception for custom
         | root CAs though:
         | > _This will only apply to TLS server certificates from CAs
         | that are trusted in a default installation of Google Chrome,
         | commonly known as "publicly trusted CAs", and will not apply to
         | locally-operated CAs that have been manually configured._
           | nemo wrote:
           | [delayed]
       | morpheuskafka wrote:
       | Doesn't the first Apple link specifically say the 398-day limit
       | doesn't apply to self-signed CAs?
       | > This change will affect only TLS server certificates issued
       | from the Root CAs preinstalled with iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS,
       | and tvOS.
       | > This change will not affect certificates issued from user-added
       | or administrator-added Root CAs.
       | The second link about the other restrictions (including <=825
       | days validity) does appear to apply to all CAs.
         | wejn wrote:
         | And yet, my homegrown root CA cert with 3650 days of validity
         | hums along just fine...
         | [edited: but since I also want to have host certs that are on
         | various internal servers, the short validity applies to them]
         | pxeboot wrote:
         | I am not sure if the same rules apply to 802.1x authentication,
         | but we use self signed certs with 2 year validity for EAP-TLS
         | and have never had any issues on iOS devices
       | c0l0 wrote:
       | Actually running a CA, even if only for private purposes, without
       | certain regret down the road involves more than creating an
       | OpenSSL cnf file, creating a root cert/key, and running with it.
       | That said, it's a starting point. If you're looking to use more
       | modern (i.e., faster) crypto than RSA keys, maybe check out my
       | sping on a CSR generator wrapping `openssl`, available at
       | https://johannes.truschnigg.info/code/tls_req_gen
       | If you need a self-signed cert instead, maybe try
       | https://johannes.truschnigg.info/code/tls_cert_gen
       | jordemort wrote:
       | I really like step[1] and step-ca[2] for this, it's a lot less
       | fiddly than having to drive OpenSSL directly.
       | 1. https://github.com/smallstep/cli
       | 2. https://github.com/smallstep/certificates
         | gclawes wrote:
         | And they support ACME. I've been running a smallstep CA off of
         | a Nitrokey HSM 2[1] w/ PKCS #11 for my homelab for a few years
         | now
         | 1. https://shop.nitrokey.com/shop/product/nkhs2-nitrokey-
         | hsm-2-...
         | wejn wrote:
         | That's really neat, thanks for the pointer. ;)
       | codetrotter wrote:
       | I run a squid proxy with TLS intercept on a raspberry pi, with my
       | own CA.
       | I have things set up so that the RPi connects to a WiFi, and then
       | a cable from the RPi goes to another WiFi router.
       | I connect my MacBook Pro to that other router.
       | This way the MacBook Pro cannot reach the internet.
       | Then I set the http and https proxy configs in Firefox so that it
       | goes via the squid on the RPi. And I have the root CA from the
       | RPi trusted in Firefox.
       | Additionally I have set some env variables and added my root CA
       | cert to some cert storages on the computer, so that git can clone
       | via squid, and I can install and update things with brew etc.
       | It works great :D
       | But then I tried to set up my iPhone to also connect to that
       | WiFi. I think I managed to trust my root CA on the phone. But I
       | couldn't manage to set up the http/https proxy on the iPhone and
       | so for now only the MacBook Pro can use it, and not the iPhone
         | denysvitali wrote:
         | You can use a transparent proxy to avoid this
         | lini wrote:
         | macOS uses certificate pinning for some _.apple.com_ and
         | _.itunes.com_ sites. If you pass all your traffic through the
         | proxy, some stuff like the app store will not work. Do you
         | bypass the proxy for those or just let them fail?
           | codetrotter wrote:
           | I do that on purpose. I don't want macOS itself to reach the
           | internet. Only Firefox, brew, etc
         | alexeldeib wrote:
         | I think iOS has http proxy settings in the wifi configuration
         | for a given network? Haven't tried recently.
       | JackGreyhat wrote:
       | Easy-rsa to the rescue. Been using it for a while, works great
       | and makes life easier :)
       | Link: https://github.com/OpenVPN/easy-rsa
       | Summary from that page:
       | easy-rsa is a CLI utility to build and manage a PKI CA. In
       | laymen's terms, this means to create a root certificate
       | authority, and request and sign certificates, including
       | intermediate CAs and certificate revocation lists (CRL).
       (page generated 2023-09-16 23:00 UTC)