[HN Gopher] NSA Backdoor Key from Lotus-Notes (2002)
       NSA Backdoor Key from Lotus-Notes (2002)
       Author : hosteur
       Score  : 281 points
       Date   : 2023-09-18 10:47 UTC (12 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.cypherspace.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.cypherspace.org)
       | Quentincestino wrote:
       | [flagged]
         | denysvitali wrote:
         | You probably meant: https://thebestmotherfucking.website/
       | dartvox wrote:
       | [dead]
       | leoh wrote:
       | Related: https://github.com/goshacmd/nsa_panel
       | consoomer wrote:
       | Wasn't the original backdoor in a code example the NSA provided
       | to companies interested in using cryptography? They gave an
       | example seed or whatever, and most companies copy/pasted it
       | instead of generating their own primes, so the NSA could break it
       | trivially.
       | My memory around this is fuzzy and I can't seem to find the
       | original source.
         | _def wrote:
         | This one? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_EC_DRBG
       | spzb wrote:
       | Dupe (2002!) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21859581
       | With no context, I don't know why this is front page news today.
       | Am I missing something?
         | dredmorbius wrote:
         | This would be a _repost_ rather than a dupe.
         | HN considers dupes to be stories _with significant discussion_
         | repeated within a year. (Items with little or no discussion can
         | be resubmitted a few times.)
         | Stories reshared _after_ a year are reposts, and are perfectly
         | fine, though its appreciated to have the item 's original
         | publication year included in the title.
         | <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37312416>
         | <https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html>
         | [deleted]
         | baby wrote:
         | Are you asking what reposts are?
           | ollemasle wrote:
           | Adding the date in the HN title would be better (it is not
           | present in the article)
           | spzb wrote:
           | No. I'm pointing out that (a) it's not marked as being from
           | 2002 and someone would therefore assume it was some newly
           | discovered backdoor and (b) there's no context or commentary
           | as to why it is relevant in 2023.
           | Also, on closer inspection the story is from 1997
           | https://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/19.52.html#subj1
             | dredmorbius wrote:
             | I've pinged mods to fix the year based on that, thanks.
             | boffinAudio wrote:
             | I'd wager that its still relevant today because the NSA is
             | still the worlds greatest wholesale violator of human
             | rights, at massive scale, and literally nothing effective
             | has been done about this situation - we are still
             | tolerating this repression, because we don't see it and
             | simply don't care enough about the human rights violations,
             | as a people, to reign in this out of control agency.
             | Bringing these articles to light is of great utility to
             | those of us who do not consider the NSA state of affairs to
             | be, in any way, tolerable.
               | FredPret wrote:
               | ... are you serious?
               | You don't think military invasions & communist
               | dictatorships constitute "wholesale violation of human
               | rights at a massive scale"?
               | If the NSA is spying on people, that's an invasion of
               | their privacy, but it is nothing in comparison to those
               | other violations
               | kmeisthax wrote:
               | The NSA violates privacy at scale - a lot of little
               | violations of civil liberties. It's the difference
               | between robbing a man for everything he has, versus pick-
               | pocketing 30 cents out of the pocket of every person on
               | the planet.
               | Furthermore, they're part of a larger intelligence
               | apparatus that has absolutely committed very large and
               | very harmful violations of civil liberties. The NSA's
               | sister org, the CIA, was overthrowing democratically
               | elected left-wingers in South America for decades,
               | replacing them with brutal dictators and tyrants that
               | gave both Hitler and Stalin runs for their money. The CIA
               | wrote the book on how to do so, arguably even moreso than
               | the KGB did. In fact, the reason why Russia today[0] is
               | so effective at information warfare and covert propaganda
               | is specifically because they learned from observation.
               | [0] Not(?) to be confused with Russia Today
               | tptacek wrote:
               | If you're thinking about overseas signals intelligence,
               | then, like the signals intelligence practice in every
               | industrialized state in the world, the chartered purpose
               | of NSA is to conduct those privacy violations. The
               | safeguards we're given against NSA --- take them as
               | seriously as you want --- are about domestic
               | surveillance.
               | acdha wrote:
               | > the NSA is still the worlds greatest wholesale violator
               | of human rights, at massive scale, and literally nothing
               | effective has been done about this situation - we are
               | still tolerating this repression
               | I don't approve of their actions but turning the
               | hyperbole up to 11 doesn't help. There are millions of
               | people in China who'd love to be only that repressed, for
               | example.
         | nonrandomstring wrote:
         | I think a Microsoft coder recently came clean about some pretty
         | funky stuff from the 90s and 00's. Hope I didn't hallucinate
         | that.
           | ranting-moth wrote:
           | Link?
             | qingcharles wrote:
             | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjkBAl84PJs
               | ranting-moth wrote:
               | Thanks!
           | EvanAnderson wrote:
           | I feel like you might be talking about Dave Plummer:
           | https://www.youtube.com/@DavesGarage
           | He recently have a good talk at VCF, too:
           | https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ig_5syuWUh0
       | [deleted]
       | thesuitonym wrote:
       | It's amazing to me that the folks at the NSA had enough self-
       | reflection to see that this is Big Brother behavior, but not
       | enough to realize why that's a bad thing.
         | masfuerte wrote:
         | I'd guess that was snark from the Lotus engineer who embedded
         | it.
       | gregw2 wrote:
       | It's worth reading Ray Ozzie's (Lotus Notes creator)'s comment on
       | this from a HN 2013 discussion:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5846189
       | Before the software was released, Ray Ozzie and Kauffman openly
       | described what they were doing at an RSA conference. This was not
       | a secret back door. It was compliance with export controls
       | everybody in the industry dealt with.
       | Also worth reading barrkel's comment a couple comments down...
         | grammers wrote:
         | Whether secret or not, it was a backdoor that could be/was
         | exploited. Today governments are asking for 'secret backdoors'
         | from tech companies, not seeing the immense risks. Crazy times.
         | ethbr1 wrote:
         | For people younger than ~37, I'd remind them that crypto before
         | 2000, especially in shipped commercial products, was playing
         | under substantially different government restrictions.
         | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypto_Wars
         | Effectively and in short, you were prohibited by the US
         | government from shipping strong encryption in any
         | internationally distributed product. Which generally meant
         | everything commercial.
         | Despite open source implementations of strong encryption
         | existing (e.g. PGP et al.).
         | Now, no one bats an eye if you ship the most secure crypto you
         | want. Then, it was a coin flip as to whether you'd feel the
         | full weight of the US government legal apparatus.
         | It was a crazy, schizophrenic time.
           | r3trohack3r wrote:
           | IIRC this is part of what shifted hardware manufacturing out
           | of the US.
           | If you wanted to build in the U.S. you had to produce two
           | versions of your product, one with "full encryption" and one
           | with encryption hobbled.
           | Or you could go build one version somewhere else and import
           | it into the U.S.
             | mike50 wrote:
             | Similar situation with space hardware. Even cots memory
             | chips hardened for radiation and space are ITAR export
             | restricted.
             | archgoon wrote:
             | I had never heard of this particular aspect of
             | demanufacturing, that's fascinating. Do you know of any
             | products where this was a deciding factor, or at least a
             | major consideration? (I recognize you probably can't easily
             | cite internal corporate documents)
           | UI_at_80x24 wrote:
           | For anybody who hasn't already read it, I highly recommend
           | the book: "Crypto" by Steven Levy. I was 30% of my way
           | through the book before I started recognizing real world
           | events, news stories, whispered computer secrets; and
           | realized that it wasn't a fictional book and was instead
           | talking about real history.
           | https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/984428.Crypto?from_searc.
           | ..
           | matheusmoreira wrote:
           | > It was a crazy, schizophrenic time.
           | Still is. To this day, we have to debate and justify
           | ourselves to these people. They make us look like pedophiles
           | for caring about this stuff. They just won't give up, they
           | keep trying to pass these silly laws again and again. It's
           | just a tiresome never ending struggle.
           | And that's in the US which is relatively good about this.
           | Judges in my country were literally foaming at the mouth with
           | rage when WhatsApp told them they couldn't provide decryption
           | keys. Blocked the entire service for days out of spite,
           | impacting hundreds of millions.
             | [deleted]
             | a1369209993 wrote:
             | [flagged]
               | tasty_freeze wrote:
               | I down-voted this and I'll say why. I'm pretty dang
               | liberal in my politics; my push back isn't because I'm
               | carrying water for right wing groups.
               | Q-Anon is a current right wing conspiracy group that
               | claims powerful democrats are trafficking children, the
               | "we must protect our kids from XYZ" justification crosses
               | political lines. But they aren't alone.
               | Back in the 90s there were a few years of "the satanic
               | panic", where there were wild claims made about daycare
               | centers doing unspeakable things to children, things that
               | beggar belief just from a logistical perspective _.
               | People spent years in prison over this. There was no
               | whiff then of it being a conservative cause -- it mixed
               | the usual conspiracy theory dynamics along with the
               | Christian moral panic dynamics.
               | Back in the 80s Tipper Gore, wife of then senator Al
               | Gore, drove a campaign to label and censor music to
               | "protect the children."
               | _ eg, children were coached into giving answers and
               | making up scenarios. for instance, one child claimed that
               | they were taken in an airplane and flown to a secret
               | location with clowns and sex, then flown back to the
               | class in time for their 2pm pickup. Stories about ritual
               | animal sacrifice in their daycare room, stories about
               | children being murdered even though none were reported
               | missing.
             | [deleted]
           | wkat4242 wrote:
           | It's not completely gone. If you implement crypto in an iOS
           | app you have to get an "export license" even if you're not
           | based in the US or publish your app there.
             | fullspectrumdev wrote:
             | I've had to sign ITAR related paperwork a few times for
             | commercial software specifically because it was made in the
             | US and being "exported" to the UK.
             | Really boils my piss given a lot of it, upon inspection,
             | just used OpenSSL under the hood.
           | snakeyjake wrote:
           | Windows 2000 came on a CD... and a floppy disk.
           | The CD was a globally-legal image, and export-controlled
           | strong crypto came on the floppy in countries where it was
           | allowed.
           | https://winworldpc.com/product/windows-2000-high-
           | encryption/...
             | LeifCarrotson wrote:
             | How hard would it have been for a "rogue state" to get a
             | copy of that floppy? I understand that times were
             | different, you couldn't just PGP encrypt it and attach a
             | 1.44 MB blob to an email, sending it at 24 kbps. You
             | couldn't just upload it to an anonymous filesharing site.
             | But today it seems fundamentally obvious that once a single
             | copy is leaked, it's all over... was that not true in 2000?
               | icedchai wrote:
               | It was. People were sharing pirated software on BBSes 40
               | years ago! Downloading a floppy might take an hour. In
               | the 90's, I knew kids who got jobs at ISPs just so they
               | could run warez FTP sites off of the T1.
               | fragmede wrote:
               | Oh man, a T1. That brings back memories.
               | Serial Port recently tried to set one up!
               | https://youtu.be/MEda7SQxh18
               | semi-extrinsic wrote:
               | Gnutella, including popular clients like LimeWire, were
               | released around the same time as Windows 2000. People
               | were doing decentralized filesharing of files larger than
               | 1.44 MB just fine in 2000.
               | Filesharing at that time was just wild, by the way. It
               | was far too easy to set up your client such that you were
               | _sharing the entire contents of your computer with the
               | whole internet_. More often than not, this was done by
               | the kids in the family on the same machine where mom and
               | dad had their work stuff plus their private finances.
               | So of course the files were leaked. If you were intending
               | to share something illegal to distribute outside the US,
               | you could easily get plausible deniability just by
               | sharing everything on your computer and feigning
               | ignorance.
               | NL807 wrote:
               | eDonkey and eMule was fire during those years.
               | hunter2_ wrote:
               | > a copy of that floppy
               | Mostly off-topic, but your use of rhyme is reminiscent of
               | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up863eQKGUI
               | rconti wrote:
               | We were sharing lots of 3-7MB files peer-to-peer at the
               | time :D Napster, Limewire, Audiogalaxy, etc. Plenty of
               | public FTP sites all over the place as well.
               | Even in the late 90s, 128kbps ISDN connections were not
               | unheard of, and 256kbps DSL was rolling out as well.
               | wmf wrote:
               | Of course all that stuff was leaked (and there were
               | anonymous filesharing sites). The whole export-grade
               | crypto thing was a legal fig leaf.
               | pdw wrote:
               | It was all extremely silly. Debian took a different
               | approach: before 2005, they put all crypto packages in a
               | separate "non-US" archive, hosted in the Netherlands.
               | American developers weren't allowed to upload there. That
               | way, Debian never exported crypto code from the United
               | States, it only ever imported it.
               | eastbound wrote:
               | There was a story of a hundred programmers taking the
               | program PRINTED ON PAPER to a conference in Sweden to
               | type it in again, because somehow export of binaries was
               | forbidden but not the printed version of it. Is it true?
               | Which event organized this?
               | wmf wrote:
               | The PGP source code was published as a book so that it
               | could be exported under the theory that the first
               | amendment beats ITAR.
               | https://philzimmermann.com/EN/essays/BookPreface.html
               | wmf wrote:
               | Yep, US export restrictions ended up spurring foreign
               | investment in crypto like Thawte (founded by Mark
               | Shuttleworth) and SSLeay (later forked as OpenSSL).
               | sillywalk wrote:
               | I believe OpenBSD (based in Canada) was in a similar
               | situation.
           | pkaye wrote:
           | Not just US but other countries had their own restrictions.
           | For example I think France didn't allow anything better than
           | 40-bit encryption without key escrow.
           | http://www.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9805/19/encryption/index.h.
           | ..
           | http://www.opengroup.org/security/meetings/apr98/french-
           | regu...
           | rozzie wrote:
           | "Now, no one bats an eye if you ship the most secure crypto
           | you want."
           | The most surprising thing to me is that, in speaking in the
           | past several years with younger entrepreneurs, they're not
           | even aware of the obligation to file for an export license
           | for any/all software containing crypto (such as that
           | submitted to the App Store).
           | I've not yet seen a case in which a mass market exemption
           | isn't quickly granted, but devs still need to file - and re-
           | file annually.
           | bo1024 wrote:
           | > It was a crazy, schizophrenic time.
           | Or, we are currently experiencing a brief oasis of freedom in
           | between extended periods of encryption lockdowns and
           | controls.
             | Jerrrry wrote:
             | Yup, networks with a neuron count above a certain threshold
             | (2+T?) will likely be on the IDAR restriction list again.
               | SkyMarshal wrote:
               | What's a neuron count?
               | bagels wrote:
               | Neuron in a neural network. Not sure if the parent is
               | talking about models, software or hardware though.
               | [deleted]
               | bagels wrote:
               | ITAR? Also, was there a time where there was a
               | restriction based on neuron count?
           | forgetfreeman wrote:
           | That this is no longer the case is a fairly strong indication
           | that The Powers That Be have durably resolved the issue of
           | decryption.
           | brudgers wrote:
           | _Now, no one bats an eye if you ship the most secure crypto
           | you want._
           | To me, there are only two plausible explanations for the
           | change:
           | 1. The three letter agencies gave up on backdooring
           | cryptography.
           | 2. The three letter agencies successfully subverted the
           | entire chain of trust.
           | Only one of them is consistent with a workforce consisting of
           | highly motivated codebreaking professionals available working
           | for many decades with virtually unlimited resources and
           | minimal oversight.
           | The other is what people want to believe.
           | https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rdriley/487/papers/Thompson_1984_Ref.
           | ..
             | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
             | I think a 3rd option is actually much more likely and
             | (semi) less conspiratorial:
             | 3. NSA realized that "frontal assaults" against encryption
             | were a lot less fruitful than simply finding ways to access
             | info once it has been decrypted.
             | Would have to search for the quote, but Snowden himself
             | said exactly that, something along the lines of "Encryption
             | works, and the NSA doesn't have some obscure 'Too Many
             | Secrets' encryption breaking machine. But _endpoint_
             | security is so bad that the NSA has lots of tools that can
             | read messages when you do. " And indeed, that's exactly
             | what we saw in things like the Snowden revelations,
             | Pegasus, and I'd argue even things like side-chain attacks.
             | Plus, I don't even know what "The three letter agencies
             | successfully subverted the entire chain of trust" means. In
             | the case of something like TLS root certificates that makes
             | sense, but there are many, many forms of cryptography (like
             | cryptocurrency) where no keys are any more privileged than
             | any other keys - there is no "chain of trust" to speak
             | about in the first place.
               | maqp wrote:
               | >I don't even know what "The three letter agencies
               | successfully subverted the entire chain of trust" means.
               | For one thing, they're interdicting hardware and
               | inserting hardware implants:
               | https://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/may/12/glenn-
               | greenwal...
               | wkat4242 wrote:
               | I think that's basically what the parent's #2 point
               | implies.
               | smolder wrote:
               | I've long (post-snowden?) estimated NSAs capabilities are
               | roughly what you imply. Lots of implementation-specific
               | attacks, plus a collection of stolen/coerced/reversed TLS
               | certs so they can MITM a great deal of web traffic. US-
               | based cloud represents another big backdoor for them to
               | everyone's data there, I think.
               | sethhochberg wrote:
               | They've presumably got a pretty vested interest in making
               | sure most communications are legitimately secure against
               | most common attacks - arguably good for national security
               | overall, but doubly good for making sure that if anyone
               | can find a novel way in, its them, and not any of their
               | adversarial peers.
               | There's a reason many corporate information security
               | programs don't go overboard with mitigations for
               | targeted, persistent, nation-state level attacks.
               | Security is a set of compromises, and we've seen time and
               | time again in industry that this sort of agency doesn't
               | need to break your encryption to get what they need.
               | knewter wrote:
               | Did you forget about NIST curve recommendations?
               | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
               | Not at all, considering that coincidentally just
               | yesterday I was having an HN discussion on an unrelated
               | topic about DJ Bernstein, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D
               | aniel_J._Bernstein#Cryptograp....
               | You're right though, I guess I didn't mean to say that
               | NSA would give up on or would not want back doors into
               | widely deployed crypto algorithms, but even with
               | Dual_EC_DRBG the suspicions were widely known and
               | discussed before it was a NIST standard (i.e. I guess you
               | could say it was a conspiracy, but it wasn't really a
               | secret conspiracy), and the standard was withdrawn in
               | 2014.
               | hutzlibu wrote:
               | When the NSA for example has access to the Intel ME or
               | AMDs version of it(and I think they do) then they surely
               | don't need to break any encryption. They don't even need
               | to hack. They just would have direct access, to most
               | Desktops/Servers.
               | smolder wrote:
               | Attacking machines directly over the network is dangerous
               | for them from the standpoint of detection, though. You
               | can bet that any ME/PSP remote access exploits are used
               | very carefully due to potential detection.
               | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
               | Even this is too conspiratorial for me. Not because I
               | believe the NSA wouldn't _like_ access, but because it 's
               | not the best approach. Convincing Intel or AMD to have a
               | hidden back door, and to somehow keep that it hidden, is
               | a nearly impossible task. Compare that with just hunting
               | for 0-days like the rest of the world, which the NSA has
               | shown to be quite good at.
               | Not saying there couldn't be a targeted supply chain
               | attack (that's essentially what was revealed in some of
               | the Snowden leaks, e.g. targeting networking cables
               | leased by big tech companies), but I don't believe there
               | is some widely dispersed secret backdoor, even if just
               | for the reason that it's too hard to keep secret.
               | maqp wrote:
               | >Convincing Intel or AMD to have a hidden back door, and
               | to somehow keep that it hidden, is a nearly impossible
               | task
               | Interesting, how would an X86 instruction with hardcoded
               | 256-bit key would be detected? IIRC it's really hard to
               | audit the instruction space for CISC architecture.
               | hutzlibu wrote:
               | Well sure, they would not use it for everyday standard
               | cases to limit exposure. Intel does have something to
               | loose, if this would became public knowledge.
               | But I cannot believe they resisted the temptation to use
               | that opportunity to get such an easy access to so many
               | devices.
               | ethbr1 wrote:
               | Parent's point is that its very _existence_ (not just
               | use, as this is hardware /firmware we're talking about)
               | in widely deployed form would be too risky.
               | Consequently, if there is an ME-subversion, it's only
               | deployed / part-replaced for extraordinary targets. Not
               | "every system."
               | hutzlibu wrote:
               | Huh? As far as I know every Intel ME has access to the
               | internet, can receive push firmware updates and write
               | access to everything else on the system. It does not need
               | a modified version, they can just use the official way,
               | the normal Intel ME on target devices, if they can cloack
               | their access of the official server, which I think could
               | be achieved of using just the key of the official server
               | and then use another server posing as the official
               | server.
               | But it has been a while that I read about it and I never
               | took it apart myself, so maybe what I wrote is not
               | possible for technical reasons.
               | toast0 wrote:
               | I don't think that's the case. Don't you need to have a
               | selected NIC, integrated properly to get the Intel ME
               | network features? Typically branded as "Intel vPro"
               | Otherwise, you need something in your OS to ship data
               | back and forth between the ME and whatever NIC you have.
               | bonzini wrote:
               | vPro, also known as AMT, is proprietary and it's for
               | professional desktop and laptop systems. ME instead is
               | based on IPMI and is for server-class systems.
               | ethbr1 wrote:
               | That's... definitely not how sensitive networks work. To
               | say nothing of airgapped ones.
               | This seems like as good a short-form intro as any:
               | https://blogs.cisco.com/learning/security-in-network-
               | design-...
               | hutzlibu wrote:
               | I would believe, really sensitive networks, have ME
               | deactivated anyway and need other, specialised
               | infiltration methods.
               | But when targeting a random individual in a hurry, I
               | think it would be handy to just use the build in
               | backdoor.
               | smolder wrote:
               | At a minimum, it's a thing that _certain security
               | conscious consumers_ (cough DoD) were able to get Intel
               | to include a hidden (not typically user accessible) bios
               | flag for disabling most features of the management
               | engine. So they 're at least concerned about it as a
               | security risk. That doesn't _necessarily_ mean they also
               | have backdoors into it, but it 's not crazy to think they
               | might. It's hard to be too conspiratorially minded with
               | respect to intelligence stuff, if you aren't making the
               | mistake of treating suppositions as facts.
               | dannyw wrote:
               | I have a workstation bought from eBay that has a "ME
               | DISABLED" sticker on the chassis.
               | Any analysis I could or should do?
               | mkup wrote:
               | Run Intel MEInfo utility, check if it reports "Alt
               | Disable Mode" or anything like that. Article for some
               | context: https://web.archive.org/web/20170828150536/http:
               | //blog.ptsec...
             | jraph wrote:
             | I see another plausible explanation: The NSA is concerned
             | with maintaining security of its own / the government's
             | infrastructure / is interested in finding breaches in
             | infrastructures of others.
             | (this is speculation, I have no actual knowledge on this)
             | lern_too_spel wrote:
             | Only one is consistent with the documents that have been
             | leaked since the change to export restrictions. The other
             | is what the marketing department at Reynolds Wrap would
             | like you to believe.
             | sandworm101 wrote:
             | They aren't backdooring modern open-source encryption. They
             | may have some elite knowledge about some esoteric corner of
             | the code that allows them to theoretically throw a data
             | center at the problem for a month or two, but the days of
             | easy backdoors to decrypting everything in real time are
             | gone imho. It is just too easy to implement mathematically-
             | strong encryption these days. Too many people know how to
             | do it from scratch. The NSA's real job is keeping american
             | systems safe. That is done through creating the best
             | encryption possible. They are very good at that job.
             | ethbr1 wrote:
             | IMHO, the IC gave up on the _feasibility_ of maintaining
             | hegemony over encryption, particularly in the face of non-
             | corporate open source. You can 't sue a book / t-shirt /
             | anonymous contributors.
             | Consequently, they still have highly motivated and talented
             | cryptanalysts and vast resources, but they're attacking
             | widely-deployed academically-sound crypto systems.
             | Hypothetical encryption-breaking machines (e.g. large
             | quantum computers) are too obviously a double-edged sword:
             | who else has one? And given that possibility, wouldn't you
             | switch to algorithms more secure against them?
             | In reality, the NSA's preference would likely be that no-
             | such machine exists, but rather there are brute-force
             | attacks that require incredibly large and expensive amounts
             | of computational resources. Because if it's just a money
             | problem, the US can feel more confident that they're near
             | the top of the pile.
             | Which probably means that their most efficient target has
             | shifted from mathematical forced decryption to
             | implementation attacks. Even the strongest safe has a
             | weakest point. Which may still be strong, but is the best
             | option if you need to get in.
               | chaxor wrote:
               | I don't know much about hardware, but is it not
               | _possible_ that there is a small part of a chip somewhere
               | deep in the highly complex systems we have that simply
               | intercepts prior to encryption and, if some condition is
               | met (a remote connection sets a flag via hardware set
               | keys), encrypts /sends the data elsewhere? Something like
               | that anyway. It seems possible, but idk how plausible it
               | is, and if things like the Linux kernel would be likely
               | to not report on it, if the hardware is not known enough.
               | Anyway, just suggesting something that wouldn't require
               | quantum cryptography.
               | ethbr1 wrote:
               | As pointed out by another comment above, exfiltration
               | then becomes the risky step.
               | If that did exist, you'd still have to get packets out
               | through an unknown network, running unknown detection
               | tools. Possible, but dicey over the intermediate term.
               | Who's to say they didn't just plug a box in, run a fake
               | workload on it, and put all network traffic it emits
               | under a microscope?
               | yomlica8 wrote:
               | Seems like you could just blast it out on one of the
               | endless Microsoft telemetry or update channels that are
               | chatting away all day and either intercept outside the
               | network or with Microsoft's help. Only way to protect
               | against that would be blocking all internet access.
               | [deleted]
             | hedora wrote:
             | Note that ACME (Let's Encrypt) means that anyone that can
             | reliably man-in-the-middle a server can intercept SSL
             | traffic (module certificate revocation lists, and pinning,
             | but those are mostly done by big sites with extremely broad
             | attack surfaces).
             | Similarly, most consumer devices have a few zero-days each
             | year, if not more, so if you really want to decrypt
             | someone's stuff, you just need to wait a few months.
             | I think that both your explanations are probably incorrect
             | though. It's a bit of "neither" in this case.
             | They continue to backdoor all sorts of stuff (they recently
             | were marketing and selling backdoored "secure" cell phones
             | to crooks), and most chains of trust are weak enough in
             | practice.
               | woodruffw wrote:
               | > Note that ACME (Let's Encrypt) means that anyone that
               | can reliably man-in-the-middle a server can intercept SSL
               | traffic (module certificate revocation lists, and
               | pinning, but those are mostly done by big sites with
               | extremely broad attack surfaces).
               | I don't understand why you think ACME means this. Can you
               | explain?
               | icedchai wrote:
               | Not the original poster, but if you can control responses
               | to and from a server (MITM) you can get a TLS/SSL
               | certificate issued for it easily. In the old days,
               | getting a cert was quite a hassle! You used to have to
               | fill out paperwork and perhaps even talk to a human. It
               | could literally take weeks.
               | woodruffw wrote:
               | I don't think a MITM would be sufficient to fool ACME. As
               | Let's Encrypt's guide explains[1], an attacker in the
               | middle would still fail to possess the target's private
               | key. As a result, the proof of possession check would
               | fail.
               | The attacker could sign with their own key instead, but
               | this is trivially observable to the target (they don't
               | end up with a correct cert, and it all gets logged in CT
               | anyways.)
               | [1]: https://letsencrypt.org/how-it-works/
               | fragmede wrote:
               | Would the target get notified by LetsEncrypt about this
               | scenario though? Let's say I setup Certbot on my server.
               | I'm not watching CT logs. How would I know about the
               | double issuance?
             | southernplaces7 wrote:
             | I don't buy that it has to be just one or the other.
             | Fundamentally, crypto is just very dense information and
             | once it became widely enough standardized by people who
             | could easily share and apply it commercially, getting even
             | the strongest crypto to the most basic user becomes
             | extremely easy.
             | Short of blocking the very essence of digital data spread
             | and transactions, the three-letter agencies and the giant
             | governments behind them realized that there was no way to
             | effectively put that particular genie back in the bottle
             | without fucking over too many other extremely well-
             | connected commercial interests.
             | Thus, while they didn't entirely give up on their bullshit,
             | and keep looking to find arguments for privacy subversion,
             | they realized that roundabout methods were a usable
             | practical course.
             | That's where we stand today: a world in which there's no
             | obvious way to block something that's so cheaply easy to
             | share and securely be applied by so many people, but
             | governed by technocrats who do what they can to subvert
             | meanwhile.
             | The fundamental math of crypto is secure, regardless of any
             | conspiracy theories. AES-256, for example, can't just be
             | broken by some secret Area 51 alien decoder ring. The
             | mathematics of good modern crypto simply crush any human
             | computing technology for breaking them regardless of
             | budget. However, the agencies also know that in a complex
             | world of half-assed civilian security and public habits,
             | they still have enough methods to work with without delving
             | into political firestorms.
               | ethbr1 wrote:
               | I've always thought the ratio of average residential
               | network bandwidth to average file size is
               | underappreciated as an arbiter of change.
               | The only true solution to distribution / piracy is for
               | the file to be so big as to be inconvenient.
               | Which is why mp3 was such a game changer.
             | intelVISA wrote:
             | Fighting against crypto is a public and costly affair, it
             | was deemed easier to twist Intel/AMD's arm a little on the
             | silicon level.
           | convolvatron wrote:
           | and I believe it was a major contributor to us having poor
           | infrastructure for PKI protocols today, since these
           | restrictions meant that it was pointless to try to bake them
           | into standards
           | hinkley wrote:
           | Except to Iran, Syria, North Korea...
           | Also you couldn't just ship products with a spot where crypto
           | went and remove the crypto. API designs had to go through
           | mental gymnastics to allow crypto without explicitly adding
           | crypto. Which is why you have odd constructs that take
           | strings as arguments and give you encryption back. Sometimes.
           | And since new languages copy patterns from old to remain
           | familiar, these APIs are still frequently some of the most
           | patience-testing.
         | CTDOCodebases wrote:
         | An ex Microsoft dev did a good breakdown video of NSAkey:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjkBAl84PJs
         | 13of40 wrote:
         | It was an interesting time. I forget the person's name, but I
         | talked briefly with the guy who implemented the crc32 and
         | encryption algorithms for ZIP, and he (almost apologetically)
         | said the encryption was designed to be exportable under those
         | laws. It's still not trivial to break, but you can test
         | millions of passwords on a ZIP archive entry in the time it
         | takes to try one on a modern Office document.
           | fullspectrumdev wrote:
           | Partial known plaintext attacks are very, very useful when
           | cracking ZIP "encryption".
           | I've mostly used this to unpack ZyXEL firmware updates
           | (reference below to this), but it also works on a lot of
           | other stuff if you can get a partial plaintext. Some file
           | formats headers might work.
           | https://www.fullspectrum.dev/the-hunt-for-
           | cve-2023-28771-par...
       | ChrisArchitect wrote:
       | (2002)
       | Some previous discussions all mentioning Lotus Notes in the
       | title:
       |  _4 years ago_
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21859581
       |  _8 years ago_
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9291404
       |  _10 years ago_
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5846189
         | dang wrote:
         | Thanks! Macroexpanded:
         |  _NSA 's Backdoor Key from Lotus Notes (2002)_ -
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21859581 - Dec 2019 (87
         | comments)
         |  _NSA 's Backdoor Key from Lotus Notes_ -
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9291404 - March 2015 (51
         | comments)
         |  _NSA 's Backdoor Key from Lotus Notes_ -
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5846189 - June 2013 (85
         | comments)
       | lelandfe wrote:
       | Good ole' "NOBUS." More fun NSA fumbles:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clipper_chip
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_EC_DRBG
         | kmeisthax wrote:
         | This and the Clipper Chip aren't NOBUS. The NSA doesn't want
         | you to know that the cryptosystem has law-enforcement access
         | capability. The FBI doesn't care if you know as the kinds of
         | criminals they are attacking don't do OPSEC.
           | sneak wrote:
           | NOBUS isn't just intentional vulnerabilities, it's any
           | vulnerability assumed to only be exploitable by US IC,
           | whether engineered or otherwise.
           | I think these qualify.
             | rvnx wrote:
             | Well, the article mentions backdoor in Dual_EC_DRBG mostly
             | targeting TLS/SSL communications, now we have Cloudflare, a
             | much more scalable solution
           | tptacek wrote:
           | Dual EC is sort of the archetypical NOBUS backdoor.
       | agazso wrote:
       | I wonder how difficult would it be to brute force the private key
       | for an RSA 760 bit public key from 1998. Does anyone know?
         | panki27 wrote:
         | Always depends on what resources you have (compute, time). It's
         | possible, but not easy.
         | https://crypto.stackexchange.com/a/1982
         | tgsovlerkhgsel wrote:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer_factorization_records and
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_numbers gives some pointers.
         | Specifically, the latter describes a 768 bit key being factored
         | "on December 12, 2009, over the span of two years", with CPU
         | time that "amounted approximately to the equivalent of almost
         | 2000 years of computing on a single-core 2.2 GHz AMD Opteron-
         | based computer".
         | Later, in 2019, a 795 bit key was factored with CPU time that
         | "amounted to approximately 900 core-years on a 2.1 GHz Intel
         | Xeon Gold 6130 CPU. Compared to the factorization of RSA-768,
         | the authors estimate that better algorithms sped their
         | calculations by a factor of 3-4 and faster computers sped their
         | calculation by a factor of 1.25-1.67."
         | So assuming the better algorithms transfer to smaller numbers,
         | someone who knows how to use them (factoring big numbers seems
         | significantly harder than just running CADO-NFS and pointing it
         | at a number and a cluster) could probably do it in a couple
         | months on a couple dozen modern machines.
         | For example, using the "795-bit computations should be 2.25
         | times harder than 768-bit computations" from the publication
         | accompanying the second factorization, we could assume 900/2.25
         | = 400 Core-years of the Xeon reference CPU (which is 6 years
         | old by now) would be needed to break the smaller key with the
         | modern software. Two dozen servers with 64 equivalently strong
         | cores each would need slightly over 3 months. Not something a
         | hobbyist would want to afford just for fun, but something that
         | even a company with a moderate financial interest in doing
         | could easily do, provided they had people capable of
         | understanding and replicating this work.
           | rocketnasa wrote:
           | Classic CPU hasn't held a candle compared to GPU on very
           | repetitive math calculations. AI this year has really shown
           | the same difference. In other words, it isn't just
           | graphics... https://www.spiceworks.com/it-security/identity-
           | access-manag...
             | tgsovlerkhgsel wrote:
             | I assume there is some reason why the past factorizations
             | weren't done with GPUs. It _could_ be just lack of a good
             | implementation and insufficient numbers of people
             | interested in the topic, but it could also be something
             | about the algorithm not being very suitable for GPUs.
         | 15457345234 wrote:
         | Oddly specific question, something in particular on your mind?
           | cmeacham98 wrote:
           | Presumably they are referring to the 760 bit RSA key this
           | entire post is about.
             | 15457345234 wrote:
             | But the header talks about a 64 bit key? I'm a bit lost
             | actually.
             | Edit: Okay, I see it now. 64 bits of cipher of which 24
             | bits of that cipher are set to a value derived from a 760
             | bit pubkey.
         | btdmaster wrote:
         | Someone has tried to factorize it before (2018)
         | http://factordb.com/index.php?query=444376527415060195687748...
       | [deleted]
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