[HN Gopher] The joys of maintenance programming (2011)
       The joys of maintenance programming (2011)
       Author : pramodbiligiri
       Score  : 69 points
       Date   : 2023-09-18 17:17 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (typicalprogrammer.com)
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       | hiAndrewQuinn wrote:
       | I love maintenance programming. I love legacy programming too. I
       | have a story where the two worlds collide.
       | At my last job I had to work with a PowerShell codebase that
       | `cloc`ed in at over 100,000 lines, and was absolutely ancient to
       | boot, having been added to in bits and pieces by sysadmin after
       | sysadmin over the course of 12 years total, in 3 different human
       | variables-and-comments languages, all of whom were Windows power
       | users with very clear ideas of what needed to be done, but also
       | all of whom were very clearly learning to program for the first
       | time, at least in the wonky PoSH paradigm. AKA: Classic big ball
       | of mud situation. Every new customer had to have their details
       | run through this codebase, however, and I saw the potential to
       | eventually boil this down to a simple 6- or 7-parameter cmdlet
       | (PoSH for "shell script"). I got my undersized chisel and toy
       | hammer and got to work.
       | In some ways starting work on the proj felt more like beginning
       | to dig into an ancient COBOL database in a System/360 mainframe
       | than anything resembling the state of the art in 2023, or even
       | 2011. There was a single VM that everything had to run on, and
       | the script couldn't even be called remotely via SSH because the
       | only way in was via a web browser based remoting session. The
       | connection was spotty and would often drop halfway through coding
       | in there in my dinky little Notepad++ session, requiring minutes
       | of reauthentication just to get back to work. Unit testing (which
       | PowerShell had a surprisingly good third party library for,
       | called Pester) was out of the question. And: There was no version
       | control! No wonder it got to 100k lines - most of the code was
       | being entirely unused! But what?
       | The first few Saturdays I spent didn't go very far. I was mostly
       | trying to figure out where the logic even began and ended in this
       | mess of spaghetti. But eventually I started to piece together an
       | overall structure for the thing. I made a pact to myself not to
       | delete any of the many, many files that had accrued over the
       | years until I knew every file that the code would touch first. I
       | started doing some lightweight encapsulation with the -WhatIf
       | flag, and with firebreaks (sticking `return` after each tiny
       | function) so I could work on one linear piece at a time, and
       | gradually tiptoe my way forward to the finish line. Eventually I
       | got there, and managed to strip the whole thing down to about
       | 1500 lines.
       | The joy of this kind of programming is that, even if you don't
       | start with regression tests or modern practices, you do know from
       | having ran through the original process a million times _exactly_
       | what the end product is supposed to look like. Since no one is
       | paying attention to your refactoring work in the first place, you
       | 're allowed to take your sweet time. To me it was obvious this
       | mess of code was going to become a blocker for the business at
       | the pace we were going: We were a SaaS, and yet we had to
       | manually provision customers behind the scenes like this, in a
       | process which took days to weeks? And we didn't even have a
       | proper CLI we could call for this? Jackpot!
       | I left the company about 2 months after wrapping this project up
       | and demoing it to my coworkers in search of better pay, but I'm
       | really glad I got the chance to take such a fearsome codebase and
       | tidy it up like that. There is just something satisfying about
       | that kind of work, it's like gardening. I also got really, really
       | good with Notepad++'s find and replace across all files
       | functionality. There is in fact a skill to it! (Mostly that you
       | should always, always find and replace the longest strings
       | first!) Although I think these days I'd probably reach for a
       | similar function in vanilla vim first, or even in bare `sed` if I
       | was feeling gutsy.
       | (I'd end with "If you, dear reader, are in a similar PowerShell
       | quagmire you need someone to pull you out of, I'm available for
       | consulting at $X00/weekend", but alas. My weekends for the next
       | few months are already sworn to another equally wonky project for
       | my current employer. At least I'm getting overtime this time. ;)
       | )
         | windock wrote:
         | I felt so much joy just reading this! Yeah, it is truly great
         | to just simplify.
       | [deleted]
       | stringtoint wrote:
       | Nice post. In the past I've had colleagues (also senior people)
       | who disliked touching "legacy" parts (e.g. Java based
       | microservices compared to newer Express.js or Kotlin based
       | microservices which don't provide half the value that the legacy
       | parts do). I also think that maintenance programming can be
       | rewarding. However, I do believe that it does not make sense to
       | throw entry-level engineers into the maintenance mess alone: they
       | still need some guidance in my experience. Then you'll be able to
       | reap the benefits such as getting better in debugging and
       | understanding more about the business problems that the software
       | is solving.
       | x1f604 wrote:
       | Do people understand code by line-by-line reverse-engineering
       | what the code is doing, or do they understand it by relating it
       | to what they've written before?
       | If the latter is the case, then you get better at reading code by
       | writing code. Writing lots of code puts those code-patterns into
       | your long term memory, and then when you see those code-patterns
       | again you'll recognize them.
       | For system design too - if you've designed lots of systems
       | yourself, then when you see a new system, you'll be able to
       | relate it to the systems that you've designed before.
       | So maybe building greenfield projects also makes you better at
       | maintaining existing projects?
       | It'd be great if someone could point me to some existing
       | literature on this topic. I've looked around and can't find any.
         | fatnoah wrote:
         | I haven't had to do it a lot, but in previous cases where I
         | came into a codebase blind and had to fix bugs or figure out
         | what's going on, I've always started by mapping the flow first
         | and then digging into the details of what's going on. When
         | looking at the flow, I go breadth-first through everything and
         | then dig in from there.
         | I maintain two major maps, which are what is the code logically
         | trying to do, but also what exactly it's doing. (i.e. Sanitize
         | inputs, check error conditions, do work, return result as a
         | logical model and then "ensure foo is < 0 and > -10" etc. as
         | the specific checks).
         | tivert wrote:
         | > So maybe building greenfield projects also makes you better
         | at maintaining existing projects?
         | I think it does, because it builds a higher-level sense of how
         | something "could" or "should" be and familiarity with thinking
         | at the system level.
         | I've had a lot of problems with people who (seemingly) only
         | have experience maintaining projects. They seem to have a
         | tendency to focus narrowly on "fixing" a bug close to its
         | source, and often lack understanding of a lot of fundamental
         | technologies (because they only attend to things that have
         | broken), and get stuck by a kind streetlight fallacy where they
         | fix things in more familiar areas. The end result is ugly
         | kludges and whack-a-mole bugs where a superficial "fix" in one
         | area causes a new bug to pop up in another.
           | ye-olde-sysrq wrote:
           | >> So maybe building greenfield projects also makes you
           | better at maintaining existing projects?
           | Only to an extent, i think.
           | > I've had a lot of problems with people who (seemingly) only
           | have experience maintaining projects.
           | And similarly I've had problems with people who (seemingly)
           | only have experience with starting a new project and then
           | simultaneously over-engineering and piling on tech debt.
           | I think "i've never bootstrapped a project before" is easier
           | to cure than "I don't have a good sense of what's expensive
           | vs what's cheap tech debt."
           | Some tech debt is basically 0% interest. Was this small hack
           | bad? Yeah. Will it need to be fixed, _eventually_? Yes, for
           | sure. But does it compound every day, or does it just sit
           | there being a little yucky? Very easy to determine in
           | hindsight. Very hard to predict as you write the hack. The
           | end result being the simultaneity in my example. People will
           | over-engineer things that won 't end up being problems and
           | under-engineer things that will turn out to require
           | compounding hacks and it would've been cheaper to just get it
           | right the first time.
         | darkhorse222 wrote:
         | >If the latter is the case, then you get better at reading code
         | by writing code. Writing lots of code puts those code-patterns
         | into your long term memory, and then when you see those code-
         | patterns again you'll recognize them.
         | Let's hope what you write the first time is a good practice.
         | rvba wrote:
         | There are lots of greenfield-only programmers who build
         | something (by glueing stuff together), then they proceed to
         | ship their barely working software to get that promotion /
         | bonus and they run away to the next project
         | They never have to maintain anything, some poor soul has to fix
         | the broken software.
         | They also dont even know what mistakes they made, since they
         | arent there to solve it.
       | swader999 wrote:
       | The joy of Greenfield is short lived. At some point, it becomes
       | too costly to fully refactor and you are stuck with what you
       | chose and edging closer and closer to legacy dev.
       | Some projects though just keep on trucking along and doing the
       | next part with the newest shiny thing. You end up with five ways
       | to access data, three ways to send emails and fifteen different
       | methods of report generation. Frankenstein architecture! This
       | architecture also emerges when you have leaders that don't make
       | decisions and peeps debating all day on slack and then doing
       | their own thing anyway because they didn't really want to offend
       | anyone and everyone's ideas are great.
       | jebarker wrote:
       | I'm currently on a sort of sabbatical from greenfield research
       | projects. I'm doing maintenance programming on a large widely
       | used open source project. It's been really refreshing. I didn't
       | realize how much I was feeling the pressures of 15+ years of
       | greenfield research. By contrast the maintenance programming is
       | clearly defined, easier to put down at the end of the day and
       | unambiguously useful. I'm also rapidly improving in my debugging,
       | code understanding, profiling and optimizing skills which will
       | make me a better programmer when I do return to writing new code.
         | aidos wrote:
         | I've described this to other programmers before. Greenfield
         | projects are fatiguing because you still have options--too many
         | options. Every layer is still open for you to rethink and
         | rework. Let the hand wringing commence!
         | As the months and years wear on though, things change. Each bug
         | has an obvious solution, and you'll take the path of least
         | disruption. Implementing new features is a matter of figuring
         | out which trade offs you're most ok with. Maybe you need to
         | refactor something first, but that's an obvious path itself.
         | You're painted in a corner. A beautiful corner where the only
         | safe thing to do is to tread carefully. But you don't mind,
         | because you know where you are and what you need to do to get
         | to where you want to go.
           | jebarker wrote:
           | Nicely put. I'd also add that for me being a researcher
           | became my identity and so my self-worth became tied to the
           | perception and adoption of the research. With an established
           | project (especially one I didn't write) there's already a
           | stable acceptance of it's value and so I'm free to just
           | maintain and improve it.
       | dang wrote:
       | Discussed at the time (of the article):
       |  _The joys of maintenance programming_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2267261 - Feb 2011 (29
       | comments)
       | vsareto wrote:
       | >Skilled programmers recognize what makes good code good, and
       | what makes bad code bad
       | You're still somewhat biased, so you can get put on projects
       | where the style is different from yours. If you happen to think
       | that style is bad, it won't be fun to work on.
       | You shouldn't want to change the style. Chances are you'll do it
       | incompletely (job change) or the time spent won't be worth it. If
       | someone else comes along and doesn't like your style, we're just
       | going to repeat this process.
       | There's been way too many different approaches that work for
       | developers to be unified on what styles are best.
       | JohnBooty wrote:
       | Maintenance programming for pay can be rewarding
       | _iffffffffffffffff_ management has a deep understanding of and
       | appreciation for the task. There can be a lot of joy and
       | satisfaction in adding tests, fixing edge cases, fulfilling user
       | needs,  "quality of life" improvements, optimizing. _Honing._
       | My experience is that this is almost never the case.
       | Generally, management does not understand or appreciate why it's
       | a slog, why you might want to refactor this or that, etc.
       | Obviously a lot of this falls upon the engineer. It's your job to
       | communicate and demonstrate. Helps if you have other engineers
       | backing you up and presenting a unified message. Also helps if
       | management is technical enough to understand what you're saying
       | instead of simply believing -- or _not_ believing -- you.
       | But maaaan. Uphill battle! I'm burnt out on it. I've decided I
       | need to seek greenfield stuff. Maybe forever. But definitely for
       | now.
         | jckahn wrote:
         | Agreed. Imagine you're a CEO: Why on earth would you want your
         | expensive engineers reworking something that already makes
         | money? It seems much more sensible to leave the working code
         | alone and focus on new revenue-generating opportunities.
           | riku_iki wrote:
           | > Imagine you're a CEO: Why on earth would you want your
           | expensive engineers reworking something that already makes
           | money?
           | CEO will start looking at this topic if app
           | performance/stability metrics will start making impact on
           | revenue stream, aka app is slow and stop working every day
           | and customers go away because of that.
             | esafak wrote:
             | Which happens if the CEO is conscientious enough to insist
             | on collecting and looking at those metrics.
               | pixelrevision wrote:
               | Heh. Going to be a lot less maintenance work if they are.
             | JohnBooty wrote:
             | True, but app performance/stability metrics are (often
             | extremely laggy) trailing indicators of code quality.
           | juliangamble wrote:
           | Security and risk. You can run several different
           | code/pom/package.json scanner tools that will articulate a
           | risk that will send your IT security department into a panic
           | attack, which you can sell as time you need to spend fixing
           | things.
           | bbbobbb wrote:
           | That's not what the post is about. They describe the process
           | as mostly fixing issues with existing software, so the
           | motivation is that something is broken or not working as
           | required anymore.
           | Refactoring it is just one of possible parts of the process,
           | much opposed to 'yeah this legacy code is broken dogshit and
           | needs to be rewritten even though the current software is
           | already written, proven and works for 99% of the stuff we
           | need' approach.
             | JohnBooty wrote:
             | [Refactoring] is not what the post is about.
             | Not directly, but kinda, at least in my experience.
             | Clients and management generally understand that old code
             | needs to be maintained. They don't love that reality, but
             | that's not generally a tough sell unless they're completely
             | clueless. And they're usually not _completely_ clueless.
             | The tension in my experience comes when an engineer wants
             | to perform something other than the fastest, sloppiest,
             | filthiest duct-tape post imaginable.
             | Management accepts the need for fixes, but often does not
             | have the technical/domain knowledge to understand the
             | short- and long-term merits of Proposed Fix A versus
             | Proposed Fix B. And naturally, incentives heavily push
             | management toward the quick fixes by default. Time is
             | money, after all. And managers are expected to meet
             | quarterly and annual OKRs. We don't have a good way to
             | quantify the long-term value of a "proper" fix versus a
             | "duct tape" fix. And so on.
             | So for me maintenance work is difficult to separate from
             | notions of longer-term software maintenance such as
             | refactors, dependency upgrades, etc.
           | whateveracct wrote:
           | CEOs tend to be short-sighted when it comes to engineering
           | management, that's true.
           | dagw wrote:
           | It is not at all obvious that trying to develop new revenue-
           | generating opportunities will actually bring in more revenue
           | long term compared to optimising and improving existing
           | revenue generating sources. And it's not like the old code
           | stops working once you start reworking it. Give your
           | engineers N months to rework the old code, and if it's not
           | better you don't have to deploy it.
           | Every larger company I've worked at had enough engineering
           | overhead that they could afford to have small teams working
           | on both reworking old stuff and creating new stuff, while the
           | main teams kept the working stuff generating revenue.
         | throw239487 wrote:
         | Does anyone have any tips on this beyond the additional "sales"
         | type stuff where you have to put in a ton of extra effort to
         | measure and sell your work?
         | I've found this to be true... to the point where some places
         | even prefer manual maintenance to spending (potentially) a
         | little more time on automation, even if that time would be paid
         | back over the next couple of years.
         | I'm not adept at planning, selling my work, doing the manual
         | maintenance, and doing the extra automation, as eventually that
         | work becomes homework unless you get a boss that's willing to
         | put in some effort here, which I haven't found yet.
       (page generated 2023-09-18 23:00 UTC)