[HN Gopher] Update on KDP Title Creation Limits
       Update on KDP Title Creation Limits
       Author : ilamont
       Score  : 199 points
       Date   : 2023-09-18 20:37 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.kdpcommunity.com)
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       | bern4444 wrote:
       | It seem that as a society we are coming to realize that enabling
       | anyone to do anything on their own and at anytime isn't the best
       | of ideas.
       | Verifiability and authenticity matter and are valuable. Amazon
       | has long had a problem of fake reviews. This issue with kindle
       | books seems an extension of that. Massive centralized platforms
       | like Amazon makes fraud more likely and is bad for the consumer.
       | The "decentralization" that we need as a society is not in the
       | form of any crypto based technical capability but simply for the
       | size of the massive players to be reduced so competition can
       | reemerge and give consumers more options on where and how to
       | spend their dollars. Other E-book stores may just pop up that
       | develop relationships with publishers and disallow independent
       | publishing if amazon were forced to be broken up.
       | I hope the FTC can begin finding a strategy to force some of
       | these massive corporations to split making it more likely for
       | there to be more competition.
       | willio58 wrote:
       | It seems Amazon cares more about polluting search results in
       | Kindle than polluting the search results in their own e-commerce
       | business. I think low-effort books generated by AI are much less
       | detrimental than sketchy physical products being shipped to your
       | door in 2 days or less.
         | crooked-v wrote:
         | It's probably about volume rather than quality. Sketchy copycat
         | product lines are still hard limited by the number of factories
         | and shipping operations in existence, while sketchy AI-
         | generated books can easily keep growing exponentially in number
         | for a while.
       | japhyr wrote:
       | It'll be interesting to see where this goes. Amazon has had ML-
       | generated garbage books for years now, and I assume they haven't
       | taken them down because they make money even when they sell
       | garbage.
       |  _Maybe_ there 's so much garbage coming in now that they finally
       | have to do something about it? I feel for people trying to learn
       | about technical topics, who aren't aware enough of this issue to
       | avoid buying ML-generated books with high ratings from fake
       | reviews. The intro programming market is full of these scam
       | books.
         | ehsankia wrote:
         | I thought it was more so filled with low quality mechanical
         | turk garbage books.
         | m463 wrote:
         | I was thinking about buying an air fryer. My search came up
         | with cookbooks specific to that air fryer, and I was intrigued.
         | I found a good 5-star book, but then I found that ALL the
         | 5-star reviews were submitted the same day.
         | I complained, but Amazon defended the book as legitimate, and
         | since I hadn't purchased it, they would not take any action.
         | (to be honest, I assume frontline customer service reps don't
         | have much experience or power)
         | So I purchased it, complained, got a refund and then they were
         | able to accept my complaint (after passing the complaint higher
         | in the food chain).
         | Seriously, how hard was it amazon? I guess they're starting to
         | notice.
         | Take a look at air fryer cookbooks - there are books specific
         | to most makes and models. But everything is ML copypasta all
         | the way up and down - the title, the recipes and the reviews
         | all seem to be generated garbage.
           | tiew9Vii wrote:
           | It's the same across all big tech. The size/volume for
           | complaint handling doesn't scale. It's either filtered out by
           | some machine learning algorithm or some poor person in a 3rd
           | world country getting paid next to nothing who reviews the
           | complaints so quality isn't of importance.
           | There been a recent influx of scammers on Facebook local
           | groups. Air con cleaning, car valeting, everyone's calling
           | out the scammers in the comments yet when you click report to
           | FB the response is we have reviewed the post and it has not
           | breached our guidelines, would you like to block the user.
           | japhyr wrote:
           | I'm the author of _Python Crash Course_ , the best selling
           | introductory Python book for some time now. Years ago,
           | someone put out a book listing two authors: Mark Matthes and
           | Eric Lutz. That's just a simple juxtaposition of my name and
           | Mark Lutz, the author of O'Reilly's _Learning Python_. The
           | subtitle is obviously taken from my book 's subtitle as well.
           | I assume the text is an ML-generated mess, but I haven't
           | bought a copy to verify that.
           | I used to comment on reviews for books like these explaining
           | what was happening, but Amazon turned off the ability to
           | comment on reviews a long time ago.
           | I've spoken with other tech authors, and almost all of us get
           | emails from people new to programming who have bought these
           | kinds of books. If you're an experienced programmer, you
           | probably know how to recognize a legitimate technical book.
           | But people who are just starting to learn their first
           | language don't always know what to look for. This is squarely
           | on Amazon; they have blocked most or all of the channels for
           | people to directly call out bad products, and they have
           | allowed fake reviews to flourish and drown out authentic
           | reviews.
             | nektro wrote:
             | i stopped frequenting the dev.to community because the
             | average quality of articles just got so low it stopped
             | being worth my time
               | quickthrower2 wrote:
               | Conversely if you post something sophisticated there it
               | will likely bomb. A bunch of emojis and explaining JS
               | closures for the hundredth time. Does well!
               | arrowsmith wrote:
               | dev.to is blocked on HN for this reason (try submitting a
               | dev.to link; it won't appear under New.)
               | There's an old thread where dang explains that it's
               | blacklisted (along with many many other sites) due to the
               | consistently poor article quality.
             | ocdtrekkie wrote:
             | I think the best way to recognize a legitimate tech book
             | is... visit a Barnes and Noble. If it's a publisher or
             | series you can find printed on the shelf, books are legit.
             | Unfortunately online market "platforms" are pretty much
             | widely untrustworthy for any sort of informational
             | purposes.
               | failTide wrote:
               | also, just doing your research on any platform other than
               | Amazon helps.
             | rmbyrro wrote:
             | Why don't beginners start at Python.org, though? It's such
             | a great resource to learn the language.
             | - it's free, unlike books
             | - always up-to-date, unlike even the best book after a few
             | months
             | - easy to choose: heck, there's only one official
             | documentation! No chance of making a mistake here!
               | Armisael16 wrote:
               | Are you suggesting people just go read the documentation
               | like an encyclopedia? I don't know a single person who
               | got their start programming by doing that - just about
               | everyone wants some sort of guide to help lead them in
               | good directions.
               | rmbyrro wrote:
               | I guess book authors don't like my perspective...
           | nanidin wrote:
           | If I don't get where I want to be with the front door
           | customer service within a decent amount of time, I have
           | always had good success contacting jeff@amazon.com. Their
           | executive support team gets back quickly via email or phone
           | and they really seem to care.
           | hinkley wrote:
           | Ugh. I hate the, "You're not a customer yet so our CRM system
           | won't let me talk to you."
           | And what happens when my problem is that your system won't
           | let me place an order?
             | me_again wrote:
             | I think that's a different issue. Amazon has thorny
             | problems with takedowns. Company A trying to get rival
             | company B's listing taken down probably happens 100's of
             | times a day. I believe Amazon uses "proof of purchase"
             | kinda like a CAPTCHA or proof of work - an extra hoop to
             | jump through to reduce the volume of these things they have
             | to adjudicate.
             | indymike wrote:
             | CRM should never mean Sales Prevention as a Service.
               | hinkley wrote:
               | The great thing about filtering is that you don't have to
               | hear the screams.
               | These accidents play out in slow motion until someone
               | corners you at a family reunion and asks why their
               | friends can't create accounts and when you ask them how
               | long they say "months".
             | blululu wrote:
             | False Negatives and False Positives are always connected.
             | On the other side of the equation, there are plenty of bad
             | actors who will casually flag their competitors to score a
             | quick win. Crime doesn't like to go uphill - raising the
             | stakes for feedback lowers the prevalence of bad actors.
           | onlyrealcuzzo wrote:
           | > Seriously, how hard was it amazon? I guess they're starting
           | to notice.
           | It's not hard. It's a cost center, and they're in the
           | business of making money - not providing the best service.
             | kristopolous wrote:
             | They're biggest risk has always been the perception they
             | peddle fraudulent simulacrums of worthy products. It's a
             | hard to shake perception but dangerously easy to acquire
             | given how they've set up their marketplace.
         | tetrep wrote:
         | > Maybe there's so much garbage coming in now that they finally
         | have to do something about it?
         | It seems like this is preventative action rather than
         | reactionary, as they say that there hasn't been an increase in
         | publishing volume, "While we have not seen a spike in our
         | publishing numbers..."
         | harles wrote:
         | > ... I assume they haven't taken them down because they make
         | money even when they sell garbage.
         | I'd be surprised if this is the case. The money they make is
         | probably a rounding error compared even just to other Kindle
         | sales. Much more likely is that they haven't seen it as a big
         | enough problem - and I'm willing to bet it's increased multiple
         | orders of magnitude recently.
         | throe37848 wrote:
         | I knew guy who made "generated" text books in 2010. He would
         | absorb several articles, and loosely stitch them into chapters
         | with some computer scripts and from memory. In a week he would
         | produce 400 pages on new subject. It was mostly coherent and
         | factual (it kept references). Usually it was the only book on
         | market about given subject (like rare disease).
         | Current auto generated garbage is very different.
           | plagiarist wrote:
           | I wouldn't even consider that generated. That's like where
           | useful content and copyright infringement overlap on a Venn
           | diagram.
             | Karellen wrote:
             | > That's like where useful content and copyright
             | infringement overlap on a Venn diagram.
             | That sounds like a description of LLM-generated content to
             | me ;-)
               | delecti wrote:
               | LLMs only ever accidentally generate useful content. They
               | fundamentally can't know whether the things they're
               | outputting are true, they just _tend_ to be, because the
               | training data also tends to be.
           | franze wrote:
           | explains the CouchDB Book from OReily from that time.
             | quickthrower2 wrote:
             | Do people still use CouchDB? Blast from the past!
         | miohtama wrote:
         | Garbage books are used for money laundering.
         | You buy books using stolen credit cards and such.
         | https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/apr/27/fake-books-sol...
           | hinkley wrote:
           | I wonder if that means the Feds made a phone call to Jeff on
           | his private line and said we need to have a little chat.
           | We can track money laundering when there are X fake books. We
           | can't when there are 10X fake books.
         | mortureb wrote:
         | In my opinion, all we learn over time is that we need
         | gatekeepers (publishing houses in this case). The general
         | public is a mess.
           | barrysteve wrote:
           | The standards for filtering internet data have dropped badly.
           | Amazon and Google both abuse their filtering systems on a
           | daily basis to effect social change.
           | We need new companies built with policies to keep the
           | filtering systems rigid, effective and unchanging. We need
           | filterkeepers.
             | mortureb wrote:
             | I'm good with Amazon and Google over some unknown. I don't
             | want some right wing shit to be my gatekeepers.
               | barrysteve wrote:
               | Yay, politics in my business soup. That'll generate a
               | quality outcome for my customers!
               | /s
               | The politics are ephemeral, the results matter.
           | chongli wrote:
           | I think what we're seeing here is a symptom of the broader
           | and more fundamental problem of trust in society. We've gone
           | from a very high trust society to a very low trust society in
           | just a few decades. We, as technology people, keep searching
           | (desperately) for technical solutions to social problems.
           | It's not working.
             | pixl97 wrote:
             | Because technology never was the solution for social
             | problems, it's a solution to the few people getting very
             | rich problem.
           | VancouverMan wrote:
           | Such systems just result in content that is terribly bland,
           | or worse, intentionally limited to push specific political
           | narratives.
           | I'd rather have a much more diverse and interesting set of
           | content to choose from, even if some of it might not be to my
           | liking, and even if I'd have to put some effort into
           | previewing or filtering before I find something I want to
           | consume.
             | ozfive wrote:
             | Some people value their time, energy, and money more. I can
             | appreciate that you do not as we all have choices but I
             | imagine that most people would disagree.
       | dzink wrote:
       | Strategically, AI generated content is a boon for platforms like
       | Amazon.
       | 1. The more content there is, the more you can't reliably get
       | good stuff without reviews, the more centralized distribution
       | platforms with reviews and rankings are needed. 2. Even if people
       | are making fake books for money laundering, Amazon gets a cut of
       | all sales, laundered or not.
       | Just like Yahoo's directory once upon a time though, and Movie
       | theaters, the party gets ruined when most people learn they can
       | use AI to generate custom stories at home and/or converse with
       | the characters and interact in far more ways than currently
       | possible. Content is going from king to commodity.
         | blibble wrote:
         | amazon's reviews and rating are completely garbage and have
         | been for some time
       | Supply5411 wrote:
       | While not exactly the same, the invention of the printing press
       | caused a lot of controversy with the Catholic Church. With the
       | printing press, people could mass produce and spread information
       | relatively easily. I'm sure a lot of it was considered "low
       | quality" (also heretical)[1]. Seems like we're going through
       | similar growing pains now. Yes I know it's different, but it
       | rhymes.
       | 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Index_Librorum_Prohibitorum
         | BarryMilo wrote:
         | You're implying that what is being produced has actual value,
         | the problem is they're acting in patently bad faith. Weep not
         | for the spammers.
         | Barrin92 wrote:
         | >similar growing pains
         | For what it's worth, these 'growing pains' took the form of the
         | wars of religion in Europe, which in Germany killed up to 30%
         | of the population, that's in relative terms significantly worse
         | than the casualties of World War I and II. So maybe the
         | Catholic Church had a point
           | lovemenot wrote:
           | >> So maybe the Catholic Church had a point
           | Is that really the take-away? If the Catholic Church had not
           | been so belligerent, those wars would not have been needed.
           | Now that we are past that time, we should surely be thanking
           | those combatants who helped disseminate knowledge in spite of
           | the Church whose interest was in hoarding it.
         | dougmwne wrote:
         | I really dislike the comparison. The printing press
         | democratized knowledge. The LLM destroys it. LLM output is
         | perfect white noise. Enough of it will drown out all signal.
         | And the worst part is that it's impossible to distinguish it
         | from real human output.
         | I mean think about it. Amazon had to stop publishing BOOKS
         | because it can no longer separate the signal from the noise.
         | The printing press was the birth of knowledge for the people
         | and the LLM is the death.
           | jedberg wrote:
           | If you asked the Church back then, they would tell you that
           | the printing press was the death of truth, because to them
           | only the word of god was truth, and only the church could
           | produce it.
           | It's all just a matter of perspective.
           | Yes, right now it looks like white noise, just like back then
           | it looked like white noise which could drown out the
           | religious texts. But we managed to get past it then and I'm
           | sure we'll manage now.
             | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
             | I'd argue that giving a group with unique thoughts and
             | ideas a voice is different than creating a noise machine.
               | jedberg wrote:
               | I think the jury is still out on whether an LLM produces
               | ideas any more or less unique than most humans. :)
             | duskwuff wrote:
             | This is an _astoundingly_ bad take. Surely you aren 't
             | trying to suggest that original, factual, human-authored
             | content has no more inherent value than randomly generated
             | nonsense?
               | rileyphone wrote:
               | That's Wittgenstein's argument.
               | jedberg wrote:
               | No not at all, I'm not sure why you would even think
               | that.
               | duskwuff wrote:
               | As I read it, your parent comment suggests that the
               | distinction in quality and utility between human-authored
               | and AI-generated content is merely "a matter of
               | perspective", i.e. that there is no real distinction, and
               | that they're both equally valuable.
               | If you actually meant something else, you should probably
               | clarify.
               | lovemenot wrote:
               | I am not the person to whom you replied. I understood
               | their comment to be about paradigms shifting through
               | social awareness of the limits and opportunities of new
               | technology.
               | It can be both true that _right now_ predominantly low
               | quality content emanates from LLMs and at some future
               | time the highest quality material will come from those
               | sources. Or perhaps even right now (the future is already
               | here, just unevenly distributed).
               | If that was their reasoning, I tend agree. The equivalent
               | of the Catholic Church in this metaphor is the
               | presumption human-generated content's _inherent_
               | superiority.
               | [deleted]
               | dambi0 wrote:
               | Suggesting clarification to suit your imaginary
               | inferences seems puzzling. The parent post pointed out
               | that perspectives on authorship have a historical
               | precedent, I didn't see the value judgement your reading
               | suggested.
               | rmbyrro wrote:
               | The discussion here is that we're not able to distinguish
               | them.
               | If we cannot distinguish, I'd argue they have similar
               | value.
               | They must have. Otherwise, how can we demonstrate
               | objectively the higher value in the human output?
               | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
               | If they were of similar value would there be a problem
               | with the deluge?
               | rmbyrro wrote:
               | Can't the deluge be delusional or an overreaction at
               | best?
               | snailmailman wrote:
               | They _can_ be distinguished. They are just becoming more
               | difficult to. Its slightly-more difficult, but also the
               | amount of garbage is _overwhelming_. AI can spit out
               | _entire books_ in moments that would take an individual
               | _months_ or _years_ to write.
               | There are lots of fake recipe books on amazon for
               | instance. But how can you _really_ be sure without trying
               | the recipes? It might _look_ like a recipe at first
               | glance, but if its telling you to use the right
               | ingredients in a subtly-wrong way, its hard to tell at
               | first glance that you won 't actually end up with edible
               | food. Some examples are easy to point at, like the case
               | of the recipe book that lists Zelda food items as
               | ingredients, but they aren't always that obvious.
               | I saw someone giving programming advice on discord a few
               | weeks ago. Advice that was blatantly copy/pasted from
               | chat GPT in response to a very specific technical
               | question. It _looked_ like an answer at first glance, but
               | the file type of the config file chat GPT provided wasn
               | 't correct, and on top of that it was just making up
               | config options in attempt to solve the problem. I told
               | the user this, they deleted their response and admitted
               | it was from chatGPT. However, the user asking the
               | question didn't know the intricacies of "what config
               | options are available" and "what file types are valid
               | configuration files". This could have wasted so much of
               | their time, dealing with further errors about invalid
               | config files, or options that did not exist.
               | rmbyrro wrote:
               | They can indeed distinguish them, I agree. So why the
               | fuss?
               | I think the concern is that bad authors would game the
               | reviews and lure audiences into bad books.
               | But aren't they already able to do so? Is it sustainable
               | long term? If you spit out programming books with code
               | that doesn't even run, people will post bad reviews, ask
               | for refunds. These authors will burn their names.
               | It's not sustainable.
               | geraldwhen wrote:
               | It's sustainable if you can automate the creation of
               | amazon seller accounts. Based on the number of fraudulent
               | Chinese seller accounts, I'd say it's very likely
               | automated or otherwise near 0 cost.
               | snailmailman wrote:
               | It doesn't need to be sustainable as one author or one
               | book. These aren't _real_ authors. Its people using AI to
               | make a quick buck. By the time the fraud is found out,
               | they 've already made a profit.
               | They make up an authors name. Publish a bunch of books on
               | a subject. Publish a bunch of fake reviews. Dominate the
               | search results for a specific popular search. They get
               | people to buy their book.
               | Its not even book specific, its been happening with
               | actual products all over amazon for years. People make up
               | a company, sell cheap garbage, and make a profit. But
               | with books, they can now make the cheap garbage look
               | slightly convincing. And the cheap garbage is so cheap to
               | produce in mass amounts that nobody can really sort
               | through and easily figure out "which of these 10k books
               | published today are real and which are made up by ai".
               | It takes time and money to produce cheap products at a
               | factory. But once these scammers have the AI generation
               | setup, they can just publish books on loop until someone
               | ends up buying one. They might get found out eventually,
               | and they will have to pretend to be a different author,
               | and they just repeat the process.
               | failuser wrote:
               | What's the fuss about spam? You can distinguish it from
               | useful mail? What's the fuss about traffic jams? You'll
               | get there eventually.
               | The LLM allow DDoS attack by increasing the threshold
               | needed to check the books for gibberish.
               | It's not like this stream of low quality did not exist
               | before, but the topic is hot and many grifters try LLMs
               | to get a quick buck at the same time.
               | emodendroket wrote:
               | I can't distinguish between pills that contain the
               | medicine that I was prescribed and those than contain
               | something else entirely. Therefore taking either should
               | be just as good.
               | rmbyrro wrote:
               | Really. Are you comparing a complex chemical analysis
               | required to attest the contents of a pill to reading
               | text?
               | emodendroket wrote:
               | It depends, is the text of a technical nature? How
               | exactly is one to know they're being deceived if, to take
               | one of the examples that has been linked in this
               | discussion, they receive a mushroom foraging guide but
               | the information is actually AI-generated?
               | rmbyrro wrote:
               | You first check who published it. Is the author an expert
               | in the matter with years, perhaps decades in the
               | industry?
               | Heck, we always did that since before GPT.
               | Good authors will continue to publish good content
               | because they have a reputation to protect. They might use
               | ChatGPT to increase productivity, but will surely and
               | carefully review it before signing off.
               | skydhash wrote:
               | I'm not a native English speaker, but ChatGPT answers in
               | each interaction I had with it sound bland. And I dislike
               | the bite-sized format of it. I'm reading "Amusing
               | Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman and while you may
               | agree or disagree with his take, he developed it in a
               | very coherent way, exploring several aspects. ChatGPT's
               | output falls into the same uncanny valley as the robotic
               | voice from text to speech software, understandable, but
               | no human does write that way.
               | ChatGPT as an autocompletion tool is fine, IMO. As well
               | as generating alternative sentences. But anything longer
               | than a paragraph falls back to the uncanny valley.
               | rmbyrro wrote:
               | I totally agree. So why are people so worried about books
               | being written by ChatGPT?
               | These pseudo-authors will get bad reviews, will lose
               | money in refunds, burn their names.
               | It's not sustainable. Some will try, for sure, but they
               | won't last long.
               | failuser wrote:
               | If you ask LLM something you know you can distinguish
               | noise from good output. If you ask LLM something you
               | don't know then how do you know if the output is correct?
               | There are cases where checking is easier than producing
               | the result, e.g. when you ask for a reference.
               | rmbyrro wrote:
               | Book buyers should give themselves primarily by who's the
               | author, I think.
               | Choose a book from someone that has a hard earned
               | reputation to protect.
               | mostlylurks wrote:
               | A piece of human-written content and a piece of AI-
               | written content may have similar value if we cannot
               | distinguish between them. But if you can add the
               | information that the human-written content was written by
               | a human to the comparison, the human-written content
               | becomes significantly more valuable, because it allows
               | for a much deeper reading of the text, since the reader
               | can trust that there has been an actual intent to convey
               | some specific set of ideas through the text. This allows
               | the reader to take a leap of faith and put in the work
               | required to examine the author's point of view, knowing
               | that it is based on the desires and hopes of an actual
               | living person with a lifetime of experience behind them
               | instead of being essentially random noise in the
               | distribution.
           | courseofaction wrote:
           | The LLM does democratize knowledge, but you have to be the
           | user of the LLM, not the target of the user of the LLM.
           | The LLM is the most powerful knowledge tool ever to exist. It
           | is both a librarian in your pocket. It is an expert in
           | everything, it has read everything, and can answer your
           | specific questions on any conceivable topic.
           | Yes it has no concept of human value and the current
           | generation hallucinates and/or is often wrong, but the
           | responsibility for the output should be the user's, not the
           | LLM's.
           | Do not let these tools be owned, crushed and controlled by
           | the same people who are driving us towards WW3 and cooking
           | the planet for cash. This is the most powerful knowledge tool
           | ever. Democratize it.
             | shitloadofbooks wrote:
             | Asking a statistics engine for knowledge is so unfathomable
             | to me that it makes me physically uncomfortable. Your
             | hyperbolic and relentless praise for a stochastic parrot or
             | a "sentence written like a choose your own adventure by an
             | RNG" seems unbelievably misplaced.
             | LLMs (Current-generation and UI/UX ones at least) will tell
             | you all sorts of incorrect "facts" just because "these
             | words go next to each other lots" with a great amount of
             | gusto and implied authority.
               | __loam wrote:
               | This happened to me looking up am obscure c library. It
               | just confidently made up a function that didn't actually
               | exist in the library. It got me unstuck but you can
               | really fuck yourself if you trust it blindly.
               | Supply5411 wrote:
               | My mind is blown that someone gets so little value out of
               | an LLM. I get over software engineering stumbling blocks
               | _much_ faster by interrogating an LLM 's knowledge about
               | the subject. How do you explain that added value? Are you
               | skeptical that I am actually moving and producing things
               | faster?
               | lxgr wrote:
               | My mind is also blown by how much people seemingly get
               | out of them.
               | Maybe they're just orders of magnitude more useful at the
               | beginning of a career, when it's more important to digest
               | and distill readily-available information than to come up
               | with original solutions to edge cases or solve gnarly
               | puzzles?
               | Maybe I also simply don't write enough code anymore :)
               | Supply5411 wrote:
               | I'm very far from the beginning of my career, but maybe I
               | see a point in your comment, because I frequently try
               | technologies that I am not an expert in.
               | Just yesterday, I asked if Typescript has the concept of
               | a "late" type, similar to Dart, because I didn't want to
               | annotate a type with "| null" when I knew it would be
               | bound before it was used. Searching for info would have
               | taken me much longer than asking the LLM, and the LLM was
               | able to frame the answer from a Dart perspective.
               | I would say that that information neither "important to
               | digest" nor "readily available."
               | pests wrote:
               | I agree with you but at what point does it change? Aren't
               | we all just stochastic parrots? How do we ourselves
               | choose the next word in a sentence?
               | __loam wrote:
               | God dammit please stop comparing these things to brains.
               | Stop it. It's not even close.
               | barrysteve wrote:
               | If you wish to make an apple pie, first you must make the
               | universe from scratch. (carl sagan)
               | We can generate thoughts that are spatially coherent,
               | time aware, validated for correctness and a whole bunch
               | of other qualities that LLMs cannot do.
               | Why would LLMs be the model for human thought, when it
               | does not come close to the thoughts humans can do every
               | minute of every day?
               | Aren't we all just stochastic parrots, is the kind of
               | question that requires answering an awful lot about the
               | universe before you get to an answer.
               | skydhash wrote:
               | We use languages to express ideas. Sentences are always
               | subordinate to the ideas. It's very obvious when you try
               | to communicate in another language you're not fluent in.
               | You have the thought, but you can't find the words. The
               | same thing happens when writing code, taking ideas from
               | the business domain and translating it into code.
               | [deleted]
             | ForHackernews wrote:
             | > and can answer your specific questions on any conceivable
             | topic
             | Yeah, I mean, so can I, as long as you don't care whether
             | the answers you receive are accurate or not. The LLM is
             | just better at pretending it knows quantum mechanics than I
             | am.
               | scarmig wrote:
               | Even if a human expert responds about something in their
               | domain of expertise, you have to think critically about
               | the answer. Something that fails 1% of the time is often
               | more dangerous than something that fails 10% of the time.
               | The best way to use an LLM for learning is to ask a
               | question, assume it's getting things wrong, and use that
               | to probe your knowledge which you can iteratively use to
               | prove the LLM's knowledge. Human experts don't put up
               | with that and are a much more limited resource.
             | halfmatthalfcat wrote:
             | > but the responsibility for the output is the user's, not
             | the LLM's.
             | The current iteration of the internet (more specifically
             | social media) has used the same rationality for its
             | existence but at a level, society has proven itself too
             | irresponsible and/or lazy to think for itself but be fed by
             | the machine. What makes you think LLMs are going to do
             | anything but make the situation worse? If anything, they're
             | going to reenforce whatever biases were baked into the
             | training material, of which is now legally dubious.
               | [deleted]
             | lxgr wrote:
             | For a librarian, they're confidently asserting factual
             | statements suspiciously often, and refer me to primary
             | literature shockingly rarely.
               | arrowsmith wrote:
               | In other words they behave like a human?
           | Supply5411 wrote:
           | You could argue that speech is literally noise that drowns
           | out the signals of your environment. If you just babbled, it
           | would be useless, but instead you use it intelligently to
           | communicate ideas. LLM output is a new palette with which
           | humans can compose new signals. We just have to use it
           | intelligently.
           | Prompt engineering is an example of this. A clever prompt by
           | a domain expert can prime an LLM interaction to yield better
           | information to the recipient in a way that the recipient
           | themselves could not have produced on their own.
           | woah wrote:
           | It used to be that a scribe would painstakingly copy a
           | manuscript, through the process absorbing the text at a deep
           | level. This same scribe could then apply this knowledge to
           | his own writing, or just understand and curate existing work.
           | The manual labor required to copy at scale employed many
           | scribes, who formed the next generation of thinkers.
           | With the press, a greasy workman can churn out hundreds of
           | copies an hour, for whichever charlatan or heretic palms him
           | enough coin. The people are flooded with falsehoods by men
           | whose only interest in writing is how many words they can fit
           | on a page, and where to buy the cheapest ink.
           | The worst part is that it is impossible to distinguish the
           | work of a real thinker from that of a cheap sophist, since
           | they are all printed on the same rough paper, and serve
           | equally well as tomorrow's kindling.
             | emodendroket wrote:
             | Where are the good AI-generated books that serve as the
             | positive side of this development?
           | __loam wrote:
           | People comparing the AI bullshit spigot to the printing press
           | are clowns.
           | [deleted]
           | rockemsockem wrote:
           | I really feel like you can't have used any advanced LLMs if
           | you legitimately think the out put "perfect white noise". The
           | results that you can get from an LLM like GPT-4 are
           | incredibly useful and are providing an enormous amount of
           | value to lots of people. It isn't just for generating phony
           | information to spread or having it do your work for you.
           | I get the most value out of asking for examples of things or
           | asking for basic explanations or intuitions about things. And
           | I get so much value from this that I really think the
           | printing press is the most apt comparison.
             | mostlylurks wrote:
             | What you say is not in conflict with AI-generated content
             | being white noise. Even if you find some piece of AI-
             | generated content useful, it is still white noise if it is
             | merely combining pieces of information found in its dataset
             | and the result is posted online or published elsewhere.
             | There is no signal being added in that process, and it
             | pollutes the space of content. Humans are also prone to
             | doing this, but with the help of AI, it becomes a much
             | larger issue.
             | "Signal" would mean new data, which is by definition not
             | possible via LLMs trained on publicly available content,
             | since that means the data is already out there, or new and
             | meaningful ideas or innovations beyond just combining
             | existing material. I have not seen LLMs accomplish the
             | latter. I consider it at least possible that they are
             | capable of such a feat, but even then the relevant question
             | would be how often they produce such things compared to
             | just rearranging existing content. Is the proportion high
             | enough that unleashing floods of AI-generated content
             | everywhere would not lower the signal-to-noise ratio from
             | the pre-AI situation?
             | softg wrote:
             | The problem is advanced LLMs are controlled by large
             | corporations. Powerful local models exist (in part thanks
             | to Meta's generosity oddly enough) and they're close to
             | GPT-3.5, but GPT-4 is far ahead of them and by the time
             | other models reach to that point whatever OpenAI or
             | Antropic, Meta etc. have developed behind closed doors
             | could be significantly better. In that case open models
             | will be restricted to niche uses and most people will use
             | the latest model from a giant corp.
             | So it is possible that LLMs will centralize the production
             | and dissemination of knowledge, which is the opposite of
             | what people think the printing press did. I hope I'm wrong
             | and open models can challenge/overtake state of the art
             | models developed by tech giants, that would be amazing.
               | courseofaction wrote:
               | Precisely. I spent weeks learning about cybersecurity
               | when GPT-4 first came out, as I could finally ask as many
               | stupid questions as I liked, get detailed examples and
               | use-cases for different attacks and defenses, and
               | generally actually learn how the internet around me
               | works.
               | Now it refuses, because OpenAI's morals apparently don't
               | include spreading openly available knowledge about how to
               | defend yourself.
               | Scary. I have also been using it to generate useful
               | political critiques (given a particular theoretical
               | tradition, some style notes, and specific articles to
               | critique, it's actually excitingly good). What if OpenAI
               | decides that's a threat? What reason do we have to think
               | that a powerful institution would not take this course of
               | action, in the cold light of history?
               | blibble wrote:
               | how do you know what you learnt wasn't completely made up
               | gibberish?
               | Supply5411 wrote:
               | The same way you know that the things you learn from a
               | person isn't made up gibberish: You see how well it
               | explains a scenario, how well it lines up with your
               | knowledge and experience, and you sample parts to verify.
           | [deleted]
           | mrighele wrote:
           | > Amazon had to stop publishing BOOKS because it can no
           | longer separate the signal from the noise.
           | That's because they are trying very hard not to check what
           | they are selling, hoping that their own users and a few ML
           | algorithms can separate the signal from the noise for them.
           | It seems to me that the approach is no longer working, and
           | they should start doing it by themselves.
           | pacman2 wrote:
           | I was told publishers dont promote a good book anymore these
           | days. They ask how many instagram followers do you have?
           | Maybe the self-publishing and BoD will decline in the long
           | term due to ML white noise and publishers are a sign of
           | quality again.
           | rmbyrro wrote:
           | > the worst part is that it's impossible to distinguish it
           | from real human output
           | Doesn't that make human content look bad in the first place?
           | If we can't distinguish a Python book written by a human
           | engineer or by ChatGPT, how can we demonstrate objectively
           | that the machine-generated one is so much worse?
             | mostlylurks wrote:
             | That argument might work for content which serves a purely
             | informational purpose, such as books teaching the basics of
             | programming languages, for instance, but it doesn't work
             | for art (e.g. works of fiction) because most of the
             | potential for a non-superficial reading of a work relies on
             | being able to trust that there is an author that has made a
             | conscious effort to convey something through that work, and
             | that that something can be a non-obvious perspective on the
             | world that differs from that of the reader. AI-generated
             | content does not have any such intent behind it, and thus
             | you are effectively limited to a superficial reading, or if
             | were to instist on assigning such intent to AI, then at
             | most you would have one "author" per AI model, which
             | additionally has no interesting perspectives to offer,
             | simply those perspectives deemed acceptible in the culture
             | of whatever group of people developed the model, no
             | perspective that could truly surprise or offend the reader
             | with something they had not yet considered and force them
             | to re-evaluate their world view, just a bland average of
             | their dataset with some fine tuning for PR etc. reasons.
             | Nashooo wrote:
             | The problem is not that no one can distinguish it. It's
             | that the intended audience (beginners in Python in your
             | example) can't distinguish it and are not able to easily
             | find and learn from trusted sources.
               | rmbyrro wrote:
               | Aren't there already bad Python books written by humans?
               | I bet ChatGPT can come up with above-average content to
               | teach Python.
               | We should teach beginners how to prompt engineer in the
               | context of tech learning. I bet it's going to yield
               | better results than gate-keeping book publishing.
               | rmbyrro wrote:
               | Another great contribution would be fine-tuning open
               | source LLMs on less popular tech. I've seen ChatGPT
               | struggling with htmx, for example (I presume the training
               | dataset was small?), whereas it performs really well
               | teaching React (huge training set, I presume)
               | nneonneo wrote:
               | There are, but it used to take actual time and effort to
               | produce a book (good or bad), meaning that the small pool
               | of experts in the world could help distinguish good from
               | bad.
               | Now that it's possible to produce mediocrity at scale,
               | that process breaks down. How is a beginner supposed to
               | know whether the tutorial they're reading is a legitimate
               | tutorial that uses best practices, or an AI-generated
               | tutorial that mashes together various bits of advice from
               | whatever's on the internet?
               | rmbyrro wrote:
               | Personally I don't subscribe to the "best practices"
               | expression. It implies an absolute best choice, which, in
               | my experience, is rarely sensible in tech.
               | There are almost always trade-offs and choosing one
               | option usually involves non-tech aspects as well.
               | Online tutorials freely available very rarely follow,
               | let's say, "good practices".
               | They usually omit the most instructive parts, either
               | because they're wrapped in a contrived example or
               | simplify for accessibility purposes.
               | I don't think AI-generated tutorials will be particularly
               | worse at this to be honest...
               | emporas wrote:
               | If beginners in Python programming are not capable of
               | visiting python.org, assuming they are genuinely
               | interested in learning Python, it would be very
               | questionable how good their knowledge on the subject can
               | really be.
               | rmbyrro wrote:
               | 100% agreed.
               | I've seen many developers using technologies without
               | reading the official documentation. It's insane. They
               | make mistakes and always blame the tech. It's
               | ludicrous...
           | vosper wrote:
           | > The printing press democratized knowledge
           | That's true, but it also allowed protestant "heretics" to
           | propagate an idea that caused a permanent schism with the
           | Catholic church, which led to centuries of wars that killed
           | who-knows-how-many people, up to recent times with Northern
           | Ireland.
           | (Or something like that, my history's fuzzy, but I think
           | that's generally right?)
             | [deleted]
             | bbarnett wrote:
             | I thought it was a king wanting a divorce, and as he
             | couldn't get it from the catholic church, created his own.
               | mmcdermott wrote:
               | Henry VIII created the Church of England in 1534 for the
               | purposes of granting himself an annulment. Most histories
               | count Martin Luther's 95 Theses as beginning of the
               | Reformation in 1517 (a crisp date for a less-than-crisp
               | event; Luther did not originally see himself as
               | protesting the Roman Catholic Church). The Protestant
               | Reformation was a heterogeneous movement from the
               | beginning.
               | TRiG_Ireland wrote:
               | Not really, no. It was Luther who kick-started
               | Protestantism. Henry VIII attempted to supplant the Pope,
               | and kind of slid into Protestantism by accident.
               | vladms wrote:
               | That was the case just for the anglican church, which is
               | only one "part" of the reformation.
               | verve_rat wrote:
               | Protestantism started in Germany with Martin Luther
               | nailing his theses to a church door. Henry's reproductive
               | problems came later and where only sort of related.
           | peab wrote:
           | I'm reminded of the Library of Babel
           | OfSanguineFire wrote:
           | > The printing press democratized knowledge.
           | Not for centuries. Due to the expense of the technology and
           | the requirement in some locations for a royal patent to print
           | books, the printing press just opened up knowledge a bit more
           | from the Church and aristocracy to the bourgeoisie, but it
           | did little for the masses until as late as the 1800s.
             | ls612 wrote:
             | A big part of this is that literacy didn't come to the
             | masses until the 1800s. But in England and the Netherlands
             | you had (somewhat) free press by the late 1600s and early
             | 1700s.
           | ben_w wrote:
           | > LLM output is perfect white noise.
           | Not even close to white noise. White noise, in the context of
           | the token space, looks like this:
           | auceverts exceptionthreat."<ablytypedicensYYY DominicGT
           | portaelight\\- titular Sebast
           | Yellowstone.currentThreadrition-zoneocalyptic
           | which is literally the result of "I downloaded the list of
           | tokens and asked ChatGPT to make a python script to
           | concatenate 20 random ones".
           | No, the biggest problem with LLMs is that the best of them
           | are simultaneously better than untrained humans and yet also
           | nowhere near as good as trained humans -- someone, don't
           | remember who, described them as "mansplaining as a service",
           | which I like, especially as it (sometimes) reminds me to be
           | humble when expressing an opinion outside my domain of
           | expertise, as it knows more than I do about everything I'm
           | not already an expert at.
           | Specific example: I'm currently trying to use ChatGPT-3.5 to
           | help me understand group theory, because the brilliant.org
           | lessons on that are insufficient; unfortunately, while it
           | knows infinitely more than I do about the subject, it is
           | still so bad it might as well be guessing the multiple choice
           | answers (if I let it, which I don't because that would be
           | missing the point of using a MOOC like brilliant.org in the
           | first place).
         | gamepsys wrote:
         | The rhyme has a lot to do with how existing power structures
         | handle a sudden increase in the amount of written text
         | generated. In this comparison, they both try to apply the
         | breaks. Banned books didn't work well for the Catholic Church.
         | I think increasing QA for Amazon might actually help their book
         | business. Of course, a book seller has a greater responsibility
         | to society than to make money.
       | neilv wrote:
       | This sounds like a commendable move by Amazon. I especially like
       | the idea of requiring disclosure of use of "AI".
       | corethree wrote:
       | How do we even know this entire comment thread isn't polluted
       | with AI?
       | Maybe it doesn't matter. The quality of the work matters more
       | than the process of actualization.
         | quickthrower2 wrote:
         | In a practical sense: AI generated stuff is crappy and often
         | subtly wrong and it can be generated faster than human
         | generated content. So it becomes untenable to even search for
         | good information.
         | DookieBiscuit wrote:
         | [dead]
       | fuddle wrote:
       | About time, YouTube is full of videos about making eBook's with
       | ChatGPT. e.g "Free Course: How I Made $200,000 With ChatGPT eBook
       | Automation at 20 Years Old"
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Annsf5QgFF8
       | hinkley wrote:
       | How do we...
       | I'm not entirely sure how to word this question.
       | How do we make sure that most of the people we talk to are at
       | least humans if not necessarily the person we expect them to be?
       | And I'm not saying that like a cartoonish bad guy in a movie who
       | hates artificial intelligence and augmented humans.
       | How do I not get inundated by AI that's good at trolling. How do
       | I keep the social groups I belong to from being trolled?
       | These questions keep drawing me back to the concept of Web of
       | Trust we tried to build with PGP for privacy reasons. Unless I've
       | solicited it, I really only want to talk to entities that pass a
       | Turing Test. I'd also like it if someone actively breaking the
       | law online were actually affected by the deterrence of law
       | enforcement, instead of being labeled a glitch or a bug in
       | software that can't be arrested, or even detained.
       | It feels like I want to talk to people I know to be human
       | (friends, famous people - who might actually be interns posing as
       | their boss online), and people they know to be human, and people
       | those people _suspect_ to be human.
       | I have long term plans to set up a Wiki for a hobby of mine, and
       | I keep getting wrapped around the axle trying to figure out how
       | to keep signup from being oppressive and keep bots from turning
       | me into an SEO farm.
         | timeagain wrote:
         | This is only a problem for someone terminally online. The vast
         | majority of people talk to their friends and coworkers in
         | person.
           | mostlylurks wrote:
           | > This is only a problem for someone terminally online.
           | Is it? Even those whose social life is entirely IRL, they
           | still have to increasingly interact with various businesses,
           | banks, healthcare providers, the government, and often more
           | distant collegues through online services. Do I want these to
           | go through LLM chatbots? No. Can I ensure that I'm speaking
           | to an actual human if the communication is text based? Not
           | really.
           | munificent wrote:
           | That was the solution that came to mind to me too, but it
           | doesn't work either.
           | Even if you're never online and only talk to people in
           | person... over time those people will be increasingly
           | informed by LLM-generate pseudo-knowledge. We aren't just
           | training the AIs. They're training us back.
           | If you want to live in a society where the people you
           | interact with have brains mostly free of AI-generated
           | pollution, then I'm sorry but that world isn't going to be
           | around much longer. We are entering the London fog era of the
           | Information Age.
           | invalidptr wrote:
           | This is a problem for anyone who is not actively vigilant
           | about the information they consume. A family member (who I
           | would not describe as "terminally online") came to me today
           | in a panic talking about how some major event had just
           | occurred and how social order was beginning to collapse. I
           | quickly glanced at the headlines on a few major news outlets
           | and realized that they just saw some incendiary content
           | designed to elicit that reaction. I calmed them down and
           | walked them through a process they could use to evaluate
           | information like that in the future, and they were a little
           | embarrassed.
           | The concern isn't necessarily for _you_. It 's for the large
           | swaths of people who are less equipped to filter through
           | noise like this.
           | hinkley wrote:
           | I don't trust my friends for medical advice. Some of them
           | trust me for plant advice, and they really probably
           | shouldn't. I am very stove-piped.
           | We have two and a half generations of people right now most
           | of whom think "I did the research" means "I did half as much
           | reading as the average C student does for a term paper, and
           | all of that reading was in Google."
           | And Alphabet fiddles while Google burns. This is going to end
           | in chaos.
         | vorpalhex wrote:
         | Meet people in real life. This problem is trivially solved by
         | just using meatspace.
         | Alternatively for sign ups, tell them to contact you and ask.
         | Chat with them a moment. Ask them about their hobbies and
         | family.
           | ethanbond wrote:
           | Using meatspace doesn't solve the problem, using meatspace
           | _exclusively_ solves the problem. And it 's not a great one
           | given, you know, how much of the world "happens" online now.
         | romseb wrote:
         | There is some irony in Sam Altman bringing us the cause (AI)
         | and purported solution (Worldcoin) for your problem at the same
         | time.
           | hinkley wrote:
           | It's what ad men do. Point out there's a problem, offer you
           | the solution.
       | Almondsetat wrote:
       | Livestreams where artists show their creative process and use the
       | streaming platform to immediately sell the thing they produced,
       | just to prove it had human origins.
       | This is the future
         | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
         | You're only kicking the can down the road.
         | edgarvaldes wrote:
         | We have realtime filters, avatars, translators, TTS, etc. Soon,
         | all of this will be "good enough" to mimic the proposed
         | solution.
       | gz5 wrote:
       | I think we will see tidal waves of 'not-so-good' AI-generated
       | content. Not that AI can't generate or help generate 'good'
       | content, but it will be faster and cheaper to generate 'not-so-
       | good'.
       | These waves will mainly be in places in which we are the product.
       | And those waves could make those places close to uninhabitable
       | for folks who don't want to slosh through the waves of noise to
       | find the signal.
       | And in turn that perhaps enables a stronger business model for
       | high quality content islands (regardless of how the content is
       | generated) - e.g. we will be more willing to pay directly for
       | high quality content with dollars instead of time.
       | In that scenario, AI could be a_good_thing in helping to spin a
       | flywheel for high quality content.
         | omnicognate wrote:
         | Except they shouldn't be islands. Unify/standardise the payment
         | mechanism, make it frictionless and only for content consumed.
         | There's no technical reason you shouldn't see an article on hn
         | or wherever, follow the link and read it _and pay for it_
         | without having set up and pay for a subscription for the entire
         | publication or jump through hoops. It should be a click at
         | most.
         | There will always be a place for subscriptions, but people want
         | the hypertext model of just following a link from somewhere and
         | there is absolutely no technical reason for that to be
         | incompatible with paying for content. The idea that ads are the
         | only way to fund the web needs to be challenged, and generative
         | AI might just provide the push for that to finally happen.
         | Or maybe there will be no such crisis and it'll just make the
         | whole thing even more exploitative and garbage-filled.
           | munificent wrote:
           | _> There 's no technical reason you shouldn't see an article
           | on hn or wherever, follow the link and read it and pay for it
           | without having set up and pay for a subscription for the
           | entire publication or jump through hoops. It should be a
           | click at most._
           | People have been saying this and building startups on this
           | and having those startups crash and burn for _decades_.
           | It's not a technical problem. It's a psychology problem.
           | Paying after you've read an article doesn't provide the
           | immediate post purchase gratification to make it an inpulse
           | purchase [0]. The upside of paying for an article you've
           | already read is more like a considered purchase [1]. But the
           | amount of cognitive effort worth putting into deciding
           | whether or not to pay for the article is often less than the
           | value you got from the article itself. So it's very hard for
           | people to force themselves to decide to commit to these kinds
           | of microtransactions. See also [2].
           | It's just a sort of cognitive dead zone where our primate
           | heuristics don't work well for the technically and
           | economically optimal solution. It's sort of like why you
           | can't go into a store and buy a stick of gum.
           | [0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impulse_purchase
           | [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Considered_purchase
           | [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bounded_rationality
           | pixl97 wrote:
           | >It should be a click at most.
           | Welcome to new and interesting ways to defraud people over
           | the internet for money school of thought.
           | At least with Amazon it's a "one and done shop" of who I
           | spent my money with when I bought something.
           | Imagine tomorrow with your click to pay for random links on
           | the internet you suddenly have 60,000 1 cent charges. They
           | all appear to go different places and to get a refund you
           | need to challenge each one.
             | bobthepanda wrote:
             | It sounds like the digital version of the CD scam.
             | https://viewing.nyc/nyc-scams-101-dont-get-fooled-by-the-
             | cd-...
         | rwmj wrote:
         | Assuming not too many people die eating mushrooms while we're
         | waiting:
         | https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/sep/01/mushroom-...
           | hinkley wrote:
           | Common foraging rhetoric is that you need two independent
           | sources asserting that a wild food is edible. Ones that cite
           | neither each other or the same chain of citations. And
           | preferably a human who says, "I've been eating these for
           | years and no problems." or scientists who did recent blood
           | work to make sure you aren't destroying your organs by eating
           | [1].
           | In a world with fake books, it would be quite easy for two
           | books to contain the same misinformation or mis-
           | identification (how many times have I found the wrong plant
           | in a google image search? More times than I care to count).
           | Two fake books putting the wrong mushroom picture next to a
           | mushroom because they were contiguous on some other page and
           | you have dead people.
           | [1] In the ten years since I started working with indigenous
           | plants, wild ginger (asarum caudatum), has gone from quasi-
           | edible to medicinal to don't eat. More studies show subtler
           | wear and tear on the organs (wikipedia lists it as
           | carcinogenic!) and it is recommended now that you don't eat
           | them at all, even for medicinal purposes. I'm not sure I own
           | a foraging or native species book younger than 5 years, and
           | many are older.
       | cellu wrote:
       | Why do people read contemporary books is something I can't really
       | get my head around. There're so many classics to keep people busy
       | for life - and are 100% guaranteed to be insightful and
       | pleasurable.
         | bwb wrote:
         | Contemporary books are just new classics. It is like asking why
         | read :)
         | rustymonday wrote:
         | Should people stop telling new stories? A century from now the
         | best books of today will be classics. Books can act as a time
         | capsule of a certain time and place and mode of life. And that
         | has value.
         | gamepsys wrote:
         | I think the risk of reading a suboptimal book is not greater
         | than the risk of not allowing myself to be exposed to different
         | voices.
         | OfSanguineFire wrote:
         | There's a distinct demographic in the contemporary-fiction-
         | reading community, as can be seen in corners of Goodreads or
         | Instagram, that demands new fiction to tell the stories of
         | groups not covered, or supposedly unfairly covered, in that
         | classic literature: LGBT, BIPOC, the working class, etc. In
         | fact, they might even deny that the classics are "insightful
         | and pleasurable" due to these social concerns.
           | timeagain wrote:
           | That's really weird. People are making all kinds of books and
           | stories. And stories are relevant to their time. The matrix
           | wouldn't be written in 1900, a tale of two cities wouldn't be
           | written in 1200, ...
           | It is true though that if you have a culturally diverse set
           | of friends and are open to their experiences and opinions, a
           | lot of "the classics" start to smell bad. Imagine being black
           | and reading Grapes of Wrath. You might think the situation of
           | the main characters as humorous or infantile, considering how
           | relatively fortunate they are.
         | Baeocystin wrote:
         | What's the name of the law where the longer something has
         | already been around, the longer it will likely stay around in
         | the future?
         | I've found that it definitely applies to books. Starting at a
         | ~20 year horizon is a surprisingly good filter for quality.
           | savoyard wrote:
           | > What's the name of the law where the longer something has
           | already been around, the longer it will likely stay around in
           | the future?
           | The Lindy effect.
         | carlosjobim wrote:
         | One of the best books I read last year was the story of the
         | rescue of the football team that was trapped in a flooded cave
         | in 2018 - written by cave diver Rick Stanton, who found the
         | team and led the rescue. How would that account have been
         | written into a book before it happened?
       | harles wrote:
       | The title of this story doesn't seem to match the content. This
       | seems like a proactive move to prevent individual publishers from
       | spamming many many submissions - and even then, they're willing
       | to make exceptions.
       | > While we have not seen a spike in our publishing numbers, in
       | order to help protect against abuse, we are lowering the volume
       | limits we have in place on new title creations. Very few
       | publishers will be impacted by this change and those who are will
       | be notified and have the option to seek an exception.
       | freediver wrote:
       | This is just a tip of the iceberg, compared to what we are
       | heading into with the web. Very concerning.
       | I would go long the value of genuine human writing, aka the
       | 'small web'.
       | adamredwoods wrote:
       | >> We require you to inform us of AI-generated content (text,
       | images, or translations) when you publish a new book or make
       | edits to and republish an existing book through KDP. AI-generated
       | images include cover and interior images and artwork. You are not
       | required to disclose AI-assisted content.
         | pcl wrote:
         | This is really interesting. I imagine that AI-generated art /
         | illustrations for books mostly-text is a pretty compelling
         | thing for authors, for all the same reasons that AI-generated
         | text is of value for non-authors. I wonder how this line will
         | work out in practice.
         | hiidrew wrote:
         | Their distinction:
         | >AI-generated: We define AI-generated content as text, images,
         | or translations created by an AI-based tool. If you used an AI-
         | based tool to create the actual content (whether text, images,
         | or translations), it is considered "AI-generated," even if you
         | applied substantial edits afterwards. AI-assisted: If you
         | created the content yourself, and used AI-based tools to edit,
         | refine, error-check, or otherwise improve that content (whether
         | text or images), then it is considered "AI-assisted" and not
         | "AI-generated." Similarly, if you used an AI-based tool to
         | brainstorm and generate ideas, but ultimately created the text
         | or images yourself, this is also considered "AI-assisted" and
         | not "AI-generated." It is not necessary to inform us of the use
         | of such tools or processes.
         | https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/G200672390#aicontent...
         | .
           | prvc wrote:
           | Allowing the use of tools to modify the contents erases any
           | clear distinction between the categories.
       | campbel wrote:
       | Gee, I sure hope people don't just lie about it...
         | skepticATX wrote:
         | It doesn't matter. It's garbage content and immediately
         | recognizable as being AI generated.
         | It is absolutely possible to write a good article or even a
         | good book with AI, but at least for now it's just as hard, if
         | not harder, than doing it without AI.
         | But of course people trying to make a quick buck won't put in
         | the required effort, and they likely don't even have the
         | ability to create great or even good content.
           | duskwuff wrote:
           | > It's garbage content and immediately recognizable as being
           | AI generated.
           | It's also recognizable by its sheer volume. An "author" who
           | submits several new books every day is clearly not doing
           | their own writing. The AI publishing scam relies on volume --
           | they can't possibly win on quality, but they're hoping to
           | make up for that by putting so many garbage books on the
           | market that buyers can't find anything else.
             | atrus wrote:
             | I'm not sure. Ghostwriting exists, and a person (or
             | organization) with enough money could easily pay enough
             | ghostwriters to output at a more than human pace.
               | duskwuff wrote:
               | Even at their most prolific, a ghostwritten author still
               | probably wouldn't publish more than one or two books a
               | month. Beyond that point, you're just competing with
               | yourself. (For instance, young adult series like
               | _Goosebumps_ , _The Baby-Sitters Club_ , or _Animorphs_
               | typically published a book every month or two.)
               | Publishing multiple books _per day_ is out of the
               | question. That 's beyond even what's reasonable for an
               | editor to skim through and rubber-stamp.
           | gamepsys wrote:
           | > It's garbage content and immediately recognizable as being
           | AI generated.
           | Yea, but the Turning Test is actively being assaulted. Soon
           | we won't know the difference between an uninspired book
           | written by an AI and an uninspired book written by a human.
           | mostlylurks wrote:
           | > It doesn't matter. It's garbage content and immediately
           | recognizable as being AI generated.
           | Is it? How do you immediately recognize a book as AI
           | generated before buying it, if the author isn't doing
           | something silly like releasing several books per day/month?
           | And even after you buy a book, how can you distinguish
           | between the book just being terrible and the book being
           | written with extensive use of AI? I don't believe AI can
           | write good books, but I would still like to distinguish those
           | two cases, since the former is just a terrible book, which is
           | perfectly fine, while the latter I would like to avoid. I
           | don't want to waste my limited time reading AI content.
           | tyingq wrote:
           | >It is absolutely possible to write a good article or even a
           | good book with AI, but at least for now it's just as hard, if
           | not harder, than doing it without AI.
           | How hard is it though, to create a shitty book with AI, that
           | Amazon can't detect was written with AI?
       | ilamont wrote:
       | See also: "Tom Lesley has published 40 books in 2023, all with
       | 100% positive reviews"
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35687868
         | ritzaco wrote:
         | I remember that one - interestingly the amazon link it goes to
         | shows only 3 books now, all that look real, not the 40 that I
         | remember seeing before.
         | So I guess Amazon is doing _something_ even though I regularly
         | hear complaints from authors that they allow blatant piracy all
         | the time
           | phh wrote:
           | Possibly it's the author removing them at the first one star
           | rating to keep their author score high?
           | kmeisthax wrote:
           | Amazon has no reason to give a shit about piracy on KDP: they
           | make money either way. But having a load of AI generated
           | garbage on your platform makes it far less valuable. You want
           | your stolen books to actually be good. :P
           | bragr wrote:
           | >shows only 3 books now
           | Those appear to be by different authors with similar names:
           | https://www.amazon.com/s?k=%22tom+lesley%22
       | cogman10 wrote:
       | Here's a pretty good article about the problem with AI generated
       | books. "AI Is Coming For Your Children" [1]
       | [1] https://shatterzone.substack.com/p/ai-is-coming-for-your-
       | chi...
       | el_benhameen wrote:
       | This doesn't seem surprising. Half of my YouTube ads these days
       | are for some kind of AI+Kindle-based get rich quick scheme.
         | NotYourLawyer wrote:
         | [flagged]
       (page generated 2023-09-18 23:00 UTC)