[HN Gopher] How many medical studies are faked or flawed?
       How many medical studies are faked or flawed?
       Author : PaulHoule
       Score  : 190 points
       Date   : 2023-09-19 16:31 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (web.archive.org)
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       | ponderings wrote:
       | Isn't this an issue with the reviews rather than the publication
       | attempts? Wouldn't the normal (if there is such a thing) approach
       | between people be to credit a reviewer with the quality of their
       | reviews or lack thereof? Basically, who signed off on it?
         | tcmart14 wrote:
         | That is my understanding. Papers can be wrong for different
         | reasons, some nefarious, some honest mistakes. The problem I
         | wouldn't say is with the paper itself. It more of people citing
         | it with a lack of peer review or lack of replication. And also
         | peer review being like a stereotypical "LGTM" approval on a
         | pull request.
       | PeterStuer wrote:
       | Tldr, most.
       | bjourne wrote:
       | We all know it is super-easy to cheat in science, but not much
       | can be done about it. Short of requiring replication for every
       | result published which isn't feasible if the study was costly to
       | produce. And the problem isn't confined to medicine either. How
       | many studies in hpc of the type "we setup this benchmark and our
       | novel algorithm/implementation won!" aren't also faked or flawed?
         | gmd63 wrote:
         | Plenty can be done about it. We can start by increasing the
         | standards for experimental proof past words on a piece of
         | paper.
         | Stream or record your experiment. If a 12 year old has the
         | ability to stream his gaming life on twitch, scientists should
         | be able to record what they are doing in more detail.
         | You could start a new journal with higher level of prestige
         | that only publishes experiments that adhere to more modern
         | methods of proof.
           | gustavus wrote:
           | This seems overly simplistic, I mean part of the reason so
           | many studies are so difficult is because they can happen over
           | the period of months or years. This isn't like your High
           | School chemistry experiment. These studies can be massive
           | longitudinal studies that take years to conclude and work on.
           | If the answers were easy I'm sure someone would've
           | implemented it already, it turns out those kind of things are
           | hard.
           | I'd recommend checking out the following article.
           | https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/04/28/the-control-group-
           | is-o...
             | gmd63 wrote:
             | I'm interested more in why it specifically would be hard to
             | just show people what you are doing (or did) instead of
             | telling them a story at the end of months or years.
             | Critical details and oversights can be lost in translation
             | between reality and LaTeX that could be easily pointed out
             | by third party observers.
               | MockObject wrote:
               | Maybe experiments can take thousands of hours.
           | sfink wrote:
           | > We can start by increasing the standards for experimental
           | proof past words on a piece of paper.
           | That is overly cynical. We are already well past that
           | standard.
           | We require words on a piece of paper that were written by
           | somebody from a recognizable institution, or by an AI
           | operated by somebody from a recognizable institution.
         | noslenwerdna wrote:
         | Require experimental analysis to be pre-registered? That is how
         | it's done in particle physics, and it works well.
         | michaelrpeskin wrote:
         | The "setup this benchmark" happens in medicine all of the time,
         | and it's super insidious and no one sees it. It's hard to tease
         | out.
         | For example, say you have a new (patentable) drug that you're
         | trying to get approved and replace an old (generic, cheap)
         | drug. You need to prove that the new drug is at least as safe
         | as the old one and/or more effective than the old one. Which
         | sounds reasonable.
         | Let's say that the old drug is super safe and that the new one
         | may not be. What you can do is set up your RCT so that you
         | surreptitiously underdose the control arm so the safe drug
         | looks less effective. And then you can say that your new drug
         | is more effective than the old one.
         | Peer review doesn't notice this because you can easily hide it
         | in the narrative of the methods section. I've seen it a couple
         | of times.
         | So you can easily have "gold standard RCTs" that get the result
         | you want just by subtle changes in the study design.
         | soperj wrote:
         | If the study is costly to produce, then it's even more
         | important to replicate it, otherwise you'd wasting a large
         | amount of money on a study with no real sense of whether it is
         | flawed or not.
           | mcmoor wrote:
           | I've read that the real reason why researches generated by
           | war crimes are worthless, is because we can't replicate it.
           | Using a result that its validity can't be checked is just a
           | way to disaster. And this is researches with the highest cost
           | (human lives) and we still can't use it.
           | Lots of "interesting" psychology experiments in the days of
           | yore turns out to have lots of damaging confounding variables
           | and we can't just redo the experiment because, well, we
           | shouldn't.
       | MockObject wrote:
       | When I first grasped how many fake papers are floating around, I
       | gnashed my teeth and called for heinous penalties upon the
       | fraudsters.
       | After a moment, I thought better, and decided that we should
       | actually offer incentive for fraudulent papers! Liars will always
       | have incentive to lie. When their lies are accepted by those who
       | ought to be more skeptical, it's an indictment of the system,
       | which should be more robust in detecting fraud.
       | dukeofdoom wrote:
       | The few times I visited a hospital I met people there with
       | complications from previous drugs. One with liver failure. Thanks
       | to that experience no covid shot for me, plus I actually read the
       | pfzier study the judge forced them to release. I now view drug
       | companies on the level of Cartels in Mexico with politicians in
       | their pockets.
         | alwayslikethis wrote:
         | > the pfzier study the judge forced them to release
         | Can you send a link to it?
           | dukeofdoom wrote:
           | Google made it impossible to find, found a link on yandex.
           | https://phmpt.org/wp-
           | content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarke...
       | febeling wrote:
       | I heard somewhere 11% of cancer research can be replicated. Does
       | anyone have numbers with sources for replicatability?
       | [deleted]
       | TZubiri wrote:
       | 37
       | rendang wrote:
       | I'm not nearly qualified to make this argument, but has anyone
       | ever suggested that we collectively do away with the principle
       | that one must publish original research in order to receive a
       | PhD? Maybe in something like entomology, there are enough
       | undescribed beetle species out there to supply myriads of
       | dissertations, but in other fields it seems like you are just
       | incentivizing trivial, useless, or fraudulent research.
         | obviouslynotme wrote:
         | That wouldn't fix anything at all. You still get that PhD to do
         | research and publish. The only fix for this is funded and
         | career-advancing randomized replication. We should lean harder
         | into the scientific method, not withdraw from it. Absolutely
         | nothing else will work.
         | 2482345 wrote:
         | As a completely unqualified laymen my initial question would be
         | "If you don't reward novelty why would anyone focused on career
         | building want to be novel?" Not that I doubt academia has
         | people who want to push the cutting edge forward (if anything
         | that seems to be the only reason to go into academia vs.
         | private industry usually) but if I was a fresh-faced PhD
         | aspirant I'd want to take the most reliable route to getting my
         | degree and treading ground someone else has already walked
         | seems like a much safer way to do that than novel research if
         | the reward at the end is the same.
         | But maybe that's a good thing? I can't actually say a reason I
         | think it'd be that terrible except for the profs doing novel
         | research that would lose their some of their student workforce.
         | bee_rider wrote:
         | IMO the problem might be more that in general we've got this
         | perception that there's a sort of "academic ranking," or
         | something like that, that puts:
         | Bachelors < Masters < PhD
         | Which, of course, not not really the case. A PhD in <field> is
         | a specialization in creating novel research in <field>. In
         | terms of actually applying <field>, a Masters ought to be as
         | prestigious or whatever as a PhD. That it isn't thought of that
         | way seems to indicate, I dunno, maybe we need a new type of
         | super-masters degree (one that gives you a cool title I guess).
         | Or, this will get me killed by some academics, but let's just
         | align with with the general public seems to think anyway: make
         | a super-masters degree, give it the Dr title, make it the thing
         | that indicates total mastery of a specific field (which is what
         | the general public's favorite Doctors, MDs, have, anyway) (to
         | the extent to which a degree can even indicate that sort of
         | thing, which is to say, not really, but it is as good as we've
         | got). Then when PhDs can have a new title, Philosopher of
         | <field>, haha.
       | 0cf8612b2e1e wrote:
       | Those are two wildly different things. Most things are flawed.
       | Deliberately fabricating results is anathema to advancing
       | science.
         | ftxbro wrote:
         | They mean flawed to the point of being useless in a way that
         | indicates incompetence or negligence or fraud. Not flawed like
         | they had a typo or a negative result or didn't use MLA
         | formatting in their citation.
         | rossdavidh wrote:
         | True that, but the article does distinguish between "flawed"
         | (44%) and "problems that were so widespread that the trial was
         | impossible to trust" (26%).
         | Really, though, how/why would we expect otherwise? There's
         | nothing in the system to prevent it, and plenty to incentivize
         | it. There's really no good reason to expect (under the current
         | system) that it would not happen (a lot). Without systemic
         | change, it will not get better.
         | Randomizer42 wrote:
         | [flagged]
         | acc_297 wrote:
         | Yes I work with these IPD spreadsheets every day and they all
         | have typos often in the time/date column (issues with midnight
         | and new years are very common) this can result in an erroneous
         | reporting of something like average drug exposure or clearance
         | if 1 or 2 subjects have uncaught errors in the reported data
         | I would expect 26% or more studies have these flaws but faked
         | data is a different thing entirely and 26% fake would be
         | incredibly worrying
           | rez9x wrote:
           | How many studies are faked and how many just have a
           | 'selective outcome'? Almost every nutritional study I read is
           | at some point sponsored by a group that would benefit from a
           | positive (or negative) outcome. I imagine several studies are
           | run and only the one where the conditions led to a desired
           | outcome are actually published. The researchers may know the
           | results are inconsistent and there is an error somewhere, but
           | it's not in their best interest to find the error and correct
           | it.
             | LudwigNagasena wrote:
             | That's why preregistration is important.
         | jovial_cavalier wrote:
         | How do you discern between a study that is flawed and one that
         | is faked? For instance, you could use some methodology that you
         | know to be flawed, and allow that flawed methodology to bias
         | your result in a pre-determined direction. If you're ever
         | caught, you just claim it was an honest error, but it functions
         | exactly the same as if you generated the data wholesale.
           | qt31415926 wrote:
           | He groups them together because ultimately the result is that
           | the science can't be trusted. He doesn't go so far to claim
           | that one was intentionally faked vs gross incompetence.
           | mcmoor wrote:
           | My interpretation is that "flawed" study usually have honest
           | data but wrong interpretation/analysis or wrong data
           | gathering design so to make the conclusion essentially
           | worthless. "Faked" study just fucking lie and may just
           | provide rigged data to support a flawless conclusion.
       | passwordoops wrote:
       | My PhD advisors wife's job at a big pharma company was in a
       | department that attempted to reproduce interesting papers. She
       | claimed they only had a 25% _success_ rate (this was early-mid
       | 2000s)
       | pella wrote:
       | 2 months ago: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36770624 ( 333
       | points )
       | Solvency wrote:
       | I often chuckle that same people who vehemently defend vaccine
       | safety studies also decry studies that show processed seed oils,
       | glyphosate, aspartame, and hundreds of other molecules or
       | compounds are unsafe over time. That's the beauty of medical
       | studies! Whether they're good or bad, your own biases mean you
       | can simply ignore the ones that don't align with your opinions.
       | Oh, before I forget! Red meat and saturated fat is terrible for
       | you! Wait, no, it's actually sugar that's evil. Vegetables are
       | great for you! Oh wait, most vegetables contain oxalates and
       | other defense, mechanisms and compounds that are actually bad for
       | you overtime.
         | rfrey wrote:
         | It's pretty easy to ridicule (and therefore feel superior to,
         | nice bonus!) an intellectual opponent if you get to invent
         | their views out of thin air.
         | johndhi wrote:
         | Hmm -- in usual fashion I haven't read the original post here,
         | but I'm guessing it didn't find that RCT trials that big pharma
         | do are quite as useless as most 'medical studies' generally.
         | Do you think well-funded RCTs (like those that support vaccine
         | safety) are just as weak as any old observational study?
           | johndhi wrote:
           | I've now read it.
           | But my question to the person saying it's problematic to
           | defend vaccine studies and attack food results is: isn't it
           | possible that you feel the research procedures used in one
           | are superior to those used in another?
           | For example: vaccine safety study looks at 200,000 people and
           | randomly assigns them to use or not use the vaccine.
           | Coffee/red wine study looks at 30 people and surveys them
           | about how they felt last week after drinking coffee/red wine.
           | Looking at these two, I think it's fair to put more trust in
           | the vaccine study.
             | misterdad wrote:
             | [dead]
         | paulddraper wrote:
         | > Red meat and saturated fat is terrible for you!
         | Red meat is a little bit bad for longevity. The majority of the
         | reported effect is correlative.
         | > it's actually sugar that's evil.
         | Sugar is bad but mostly because it's easy to overeat, and
         | obesity is all around terrible for health.
         | > Vegetables are great for you! Oh wait, most vegetables
         | contain oxalates and other defense, mechanisms and compounds
         | that are actually bad for you
         | Cooking removes most oxalates (tho vitamins too, to be fair).
         | But the overall effect of oxalates is relatively minor, except
         | in extreme cases.
         | ---
         | Every food source has advantages and disadvantages.
         | Not being obese is 75% of the health battle.
           | ifyoubuildit wrote:
           | This is all stated as if it is fact. It sounds believable to
           | me, but how do you (and the rest of us) know that the sources
           | you got this from aren't a part of the junk being called out
           | by the article?
             | paulddraper wrote:
             | Preponderance of the evidence of multiple studies.
             | Skepticism is reasonable.
         | vampirical wrote:
         | I think you're accidentally telling on yourself here. You're
         | looking at somebody getting a result which is surprising to you
         | but rather than being curious about how they might be on to
         | something you're turning off your brain and assuming they're
         | malfunctioning.
         | Something being in a category, such as "a study", doesn't tell
         | you much about a thing. If you read multiple studies on vaccine
         | safety critically and reason about them and what experts are
         | saying about them, IMO most functional human being are going to
         | reach the same general conclusion about vaccine safety. If you
         | do the same thing on studies about seed oils or aspartame
         | you're also going to come to the conclusion that they're safe!
         | If you're not reaching these same results it doesn't necessary
         | mean you're the one who is malfunctioning but you should
         | seriously consider it and try again to learn what you might not
         | know.
         | ifyoubuildit wrote:
         | I dislike "the same people who" comments, but I agree with the
         | sentiment. A lot of us have very little ability to determine
         | the validity of this study over that, but will confidently
         | voice an opinion anyway.
         | The only way (imo) to stay on firm ground is to acknowledge
         | that someone published a thing saying xyz, and maybe that you
         | are x% convinced by it. Can't get too far out over your skis
         | going that route.
         | the_af wrote:
         | I've never met one of those people. In general people who decry
         | vaccines (as a norm, not talking about the covid can of worms)
         | tend to fall into the "alternative medicine" bucket and
         | distrust all science studies, and those who trust vaccines tend
         | to also trust other scientific studies...
         | LordKeren wrote:
         | The central thesis of this comment is "all medical studies are
         | equal". They are not.
       | gustavus wrote:
       | I can't wait for it to get to the next level of meta.
       | "How many medical studies of medical studies are faked or flawed?
       | A meta report on meta studies."
       | https://xkcd.com/2755/
       | zackmorris wrote:
       | I'm not as worried about faked/flawed studies as I am about
       | pharmaceutical companies knowingly selling bad drugs to make
       | billions of dollars with no recourse from the FDA. I'll never
       | look at Big Pharma the same way again after watching Painkiller:
       | https://www.netflix.com/title/81095069
       | xhkkffbf wrote:
       | I'm sorry to say that I've personally witnessed some people in
       | the next lab commit fraud. It was investigated and someone was
       | fired, but I can believe that it is all too common.
       | jjslocum3 wrote:
       | > ...it would help if journals routinely asked authors to share
       | their IPD
       | Why couldn't a bad actor just fake the raw data? Isn't that what
       | Climategate was all about?
       | ketanmaheshwari wrote:
       | Pretty sure most studies about the effects of coffee and red wine
       | are flawed.
         | function_seven wrote:
         | That cynicism you have about those studies is probably because
         | you don't eat enough eggs. Or too many. I'm not sure...
           | PaulHoule wrote:
           | At least I get eggs from a neighbor and not "big egg"; I keep
           | thinking about getting my own chickens but that's not the way
           | I want to feed Mr. Fox who lives in my neighborhood too.
             | hellotheretoday wrote:
             | My neighbor had 7 chickens and a rooster and lost all of
             | them to mr. Fox. It was a tragedy, the eggs were so good.
             | the_af wrote:
             | Well, your free range chickens aren't truly free range if
             | they don't have to fend off the occasional (and free range)
             | fox!
             | Nothing is more natural and free range than the occasional
             | murder between animals.
               | johndhi wrote:
               | I like where this thread is going.
               | cratermoon wrote:
               | My free range chickens are protected by free range fox
               | predators that are communal with them. Sometimes they
               | will eat a chicken or two, but mostly they let the
               | chickens be because they keep the free range parasites in
               | check.
               | PaulHoule wrote:
               | I definitely count on stinging insects that live in holes
               | in my house (or that make holes) to keep other stinging
               | insects away.
               | What I've been told is that opossums are much worse than
               | foxes in the sense that a fox will usually eat a chicken
               | or two to survive but opossums seem to freak out and will
               | kill all the hens in a henhouse in one go.
               | I've often wished I could talk with my cats but more than
               | ever I wish I could ask them what they knew about the
               | fox. There is this lady
               | https://www.youtube.com/@debs3289
               | who meets them in the street, has them come to her door,
               | and feeds them chicken (!) Secretly I imagine that the
               | fox is really a
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitsune
               | and my wife is always reminding me that it has just one
               | tail, not nine.
               | the_af wrote:
               | I have to say that I find foxes beautiful. Then again,
               | I'm not a farmer nor do I keep chickens. I'm a city boy.
               | PaulHoule wrote:
               | The animals we're mostly concerned about at our farm are
               | horses and cats. I don't think there is anything left in
               | North America that can trouble a horse, unless you count
               | mosquito-transmitted infectious diseases. I hear foxes
               | are not dangerous to cats but I believe we've lost some
               | to coyotes.
               | Mostly we've had people around, either tenants or
               | neighbors, who keep chickens so we don't have to. I'll
               | say the eggs from a small scale chicken operation taste a
               | lot better than commercial eggs.
               | I definitely thought about trying to draw in the fox but
               | as much as that British lady makes it look easy on
               | Youtube Shorts the legends are that foxes can cause a lot
               | of trouble.
               | the_af wrote:
               | > _I believe we 've lost some to coyotes_
               | Am I out of place if I say I also like coyotes?
               | (Remember: city boy, so nothing is at stake for me here.
               | I also like wolves!)
               | And yeah, Japanese folklore has taught me that it's best
               | to avoid kitsune. Though they sometimes turn into magical
               | women who help you?
         | the_af wrote:
         | What!? Everyone knows a glass of wine once a day is good for
         | your heart, but also even a single glass a year is way too much
         | and causes irreversible damage ;)
         | The old adage applies: "everything nice is either illegal or
         | bad for your health". Or both, I would add.
           | willmeyers wrote:
           | Everything in moderation, including moderation
           | Clubber wrote:
           | Or will produce a baby.
           | zzo38computer wrote:
           | I think that something can have both good and bad effects.
             | the_af wrote:
             | Yes, of course. But have you read journalists reporting on
             | science findings? It's always an extreme "scientists now
             | claim one glass of wine a day is good for you!" and
             | "scientists discovered that even one glass of wine will
             | ruin your life forever".
             | Never the middle ground, it's always a shocking new finding
             | "by science" (spoiler: scientists seldom say the things
             | newspapers and pop-science/nutrition & health articles
             | claim they say).
           | jylam wrote:
           | I'm nice so your point doesn't stand. Or does it ? I'm not
           | illegal at least.
             | the_af wrote:
             | Well, _you_ would say so even if you were illegal!
           | sampo wrote:
           | > "everything nice is either illegal or bad for your health"
           | And is known to cause cancer in the State of California.
             | tarxvf wrote:
             | Well that's alright then, I'm in New Hampshire.
         | waihtis wrote:
         | why coffee and red wine specifically?
           | blfr wrote:
           | Popular subjects, soft disciplines, frequent contradicting
           | results.
           | Ekaros wrote:
           | It might be that those are common enough in shared datasets
           | or when datasets are collected. So it is easy to draw
           | interferences with them and various other measured factors.
           | PaulHoule wrote:
           | Both of those are substances that _should_ be harmful based
           | on the effects of the major ingredients: e.g. caffeine is
           | addictive and when I am deprived of it my schizotypy flares
           | up and I have paranoid episodes (I yell at my wife "why the
           | hell are you always standing where I want to go next?") I
           | have had two doctors tell me three other reasons why I should
           | quit.
           | Look in the medical literature and it seems outright spammed
           | by reports on the positive effects of caffeine and negative
           | reports on any of the harmful effects one would expect.
           | Similarly the main active ingredient of red wine (alcohol) is
           | harmful, red wine in particular causes a lot of discomfort,
           | dispepsia, hangovers and other unpleasant effects if you get
           | a bad vintage but look the literature and it is like it will
           | transport you to a blue zone and you will love forever.
           | And you find those kind of papers spammed in "real" journals,
           | not MDPI or "Frontiers" journals.
             | waihtis wrote:
             | Yes but that's not something you can automatically draw
             | inferences from. Exercise is harmful to you in a short
             | enough time interval but benefits you on the long run.
             | denimnerd42 wrote:
             | Furan content in coffee too. Very low amount but still.
             | Coffee prevents headaches for me so I'll always drink it.
             | And no it's not related to physical dependence although at
             | this point the withdrawal will guarantee a headache.
               | goosinmouse wrote:
               | I can relate. I never drank anything with caffeine and
               | would get headaches fairly often. Headaches were never
               | too bad or too often to need medical attention but was
               | just normal part of life. I started drinking coffee on
               | road trips and drives over 3 hours long and noticed that
               | my headache coming on would go away right after. Now i
               | drink coffee twice daily and i'll get a headache once a
               | month at most.
               | smazga wrote:
               | Yerba mate is my caffeine of choice and I suggested it to
               | my Dad who gets bad migraines. He claims that when he
               | feels a migraine coming on, he can drink a can and it
               | will result in a mild headache instead of forcing him to
               | lie down in a dark room for hours.
               | lurquer wrote:
               | I drank five or six cups of coffee a day for decades. I'd
               | even have a cup before going to bed -- that's how
               | tolerant I had become.
               | Got a mild flu/Covid/cold couple years ago. Better in a
               | week. But, during the illness and since, the slightest
               | bit of caffeine would make be incredibly wired to the
               | point of panic attacks. Had to quit cold turkey. I've
               | tried a cup now and again, and it's the same thing: 6
               | hours of overwhelming anxiety.
               | Wierd. It's like I became hypersensitive to caffeine.
               | Oddly, though, nicotine doesn't have that effect, and I
               | always figured the two stimulants were similar.
               | waihtis wrote:
               | Try yerba mate, like seriously. It gives you a very
               | smooth caffeine-induced motivation boost without any of
               | the anxiety effects.
               | I frequently switch between that and coffee (coffee has a
               | much more pronounced effect and sometimes you have to
               | grind)
               | MavisBacon wrote:
               | Interesting. I was at one point diagnosed with "tension
               | headaches" and prescribed a medication called Fioricet
               | which is a combination of caffeine, acetaminophen, and a
               | barbituate called butalbital. Incredibly effective. I'm
               | sure the harm profile of coffee alone is lower so if it's
               | totally eliminating headaches as a problem for you it's
               | perhaps a better solution, but thought i'd throw that out
               | there as it could be worth seeing a neurologist if the
               | problem becomes unmanageable for you
               | [deleted]
             | 99_00 wrote:
             | >caffeine is addictive and when I am deprived of it my
             | schizotypy flares up and I have paranoid episodes
             | Dose size matters.
               | PaulHoule wrote:
               | ... and I find it very hard to stay at a low dose. If I
               | quit entirely for a few weeks I could probably manage one
               | small coffee a day for a while but inevitably I'd have a
               | rough night and then I need a small and then another
               | small or maybe just a large and pretty soon I can be
               | drinking two whole carafe a day.
               | I have the same issue w/ cannabis. Right now I have a few
               | plants (legal) in the garden and also a bag that is going
               | to a friend and I don't care. If I had a little puff
               | though the next day I would want another little puff and
               | another and in a week or so I would be like the guy in
               | the Bob Marley song
               | https://genius.com/The-toyes-smoke-two-joints-lyrics
         | swalsh wrote:
         | I read a lot of studies about gout, there's a lot of studies
         | like "we found participants who consumed x cups of coffee
         | lowered their uric acid" all of them follow the same pattern.
         | They asked people to consume more liquids, and it lowered their
         | uric acids.
         | I think peeing more lowers your uric acid.
       | neilv wrote:
       | You know how (to use a familiar field) most of software
       | development has become going through the motions, churning
       | massive insecure bulk, doing nonsense rituals and making up myths
       | about process and productivity, hopping jobs frequently, cutting
       | corners and breaking rules, etc., and the purpose is usually not
       | to produce trustworthy solutions, but only to further career and
       | livelihood/wealth?
       | With everything we've been seeing in recent years on HN, about
       | science reproducibility and fraud, and the complaints about
       | commonplace fudging and fraud that you might hear privately from
       | talking with PhDs/students in various fields... I wonder whether
       | science has developed a similar alignment problem.
       | How many people in science careers are doing trustworthy science?
       | And when they aren't, why not?
         | diogenes4 wrote:
         | > You know how (to use a familiar field) most of software
         | development has become going through the motions, churning
         | massive insecure bulk, doing nonsense rituals and making up
         | myths about process and productivity, hopping jobs frequently,
         | cutting corners and breaking rules, etc., and the purpose is
         | usually not to produce trustworthy solutions, but only to
         | further career and livelihood/wealth?
         | Well furthering wealth is the reason why tech companies exist.
         | The incentives in academia are completely different. You might
         | be right, but i see no reason to expect similar behavior across
         | such drastically different situations.
         | [deleted]
       | [deleted]
       | somenameforme wrote:
       | "For more than 150 trials, Carlisle got access to anonymized
       | individual participant data (IPD). By studying the IPD
       | spreadsheets, he judged that 44% of these trials contained at
       | least some flawed data: impossible statistics, incorrect
       | calculations or duplicated numbers or figures, for instance. And
       | in 26% of the papers had problems that were so widespread that
       | the trial was impossible to trust, he judged -- either because
       | the authors were incompetent, or because they had faked the
       | data."
       | So, 70% fake/flawed. The finding falls in line with other large
       | scale replication studies in medicine, which have had replication
       | success rates ranging from 11 to 44%. [1] It's quite difficult to
       | imagine why studies where a positive outcome is a gateway to
       | billions of dollars in profits, while a negative outcome would
       | result in substantial losses, might end up being somehow less
       | than accurate.
       | [1] -
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis#In_medicine
         | SubiculumCode wrote:
         | I'd like to point out that the study [1] reported 16 trials
         | from the USA with just one "zombie/fatally flawed" trial. e.g.
         | 6%
         | Most of the studies that were problematic came from China and
         | Egypt.
         | In other words, nothing new here.
         | [1] https://associationofanaesthetists-
         | publications.onlinelibrar...
         | onlyrealcuzzo wrote:
         | As someone who works in Data Science at FAANG - if you look
         | hard enough - there is something questionably wrong in every
         | step of the data funnel.
         | And that's when I believe people do have a somewhat best effort
         | to maximize profits. There are plenty of people that only care
         | about career progression and think they can get away with lying
         | and cheating their way to the top. They wouldn't believe that
         | if it didn't work sometimes.
         | These medical studies are also run mainly to maximize profits,
         | also by some career climbers. They are not run virtuously for
         | the betterment of society.
         | So I would be astounded if they are as reliable as people might
         | like to believe.
         | Maybe I'm just being grossly skeptical. Actually, I'd feel
         | better if someone could convince me I'm completely unfounded
         | here.
           | verisimi wrote:
           | I don't think that's skeptical.
           | I do think there is an even worse issue - which is funding.
           | The money incentive means you can fund studies that support
           | whatever you want.
           | hotnfresh wrote:
           | I've literally never seen data-driven business decisions that
           | weren't using fatally flawed datasets or methods so bad that
           | you'd be a fool to believe you were getting anything but
           | gibberish out of them, except in trivial cases.
           | You quickly learn not to be the guy pointing out the problem
           | that means we'll need several people and months or years to
           | gather and analyze data that _would_ allow them to (maybe)
           | support or disprove their conclusion, though. Nobody wants to
           | hear it... because they don't actually care, they just want
           | to present themselves as doing data-driven decision making,
           | for reasons of ego or for (personal, or company) marketing.
           | It's all gut feelings and big personalities pushing companies
           | this way and that, once you cut through the pretend-science
           | shit.
           | "Yeah, that graph looks great ( _soul dies a little_ ) let's
           | do it"
           | ancorevard wrote:
           | "And that's when I believe people do have a somewhat best
           | effort to maximize profits."
           | Nope. I actually think that if you do scientific research as
           | a company (profit) it may make you less bad/less likely to do
           | fraud compared to academia (non-profit).
           | Reason is that there are more ways to punish you, employees,
           | board, investors, etc in a profit seeking vehicle, and as a
           | profit seeking vehicle being caught must be part of the
           | profit seeking calculation - in the end, the world of
           | reality/physics will weigh your contribution.
           | I believe there is evidence that there is more fraudulent
           | scientific research happening in non-profit
           | vehicles/academia. Take for example an area where there are
           | fewer profit seeking companies participating - social
           | sciences. It's dominated by academia. Now look at the
           | replication rate of social sciences.
             | screye wrote:
             | I have a simpler reason for the same belief.
             | You can fake everything except a well designed A/B test. At
             | FAANG scale, a statistically significant A/B test
             | requirement will stop the worst fraud before it hits the
             | user.
               | onlyrealcuzzo wrote:
               | And also - you can somewhat take care of bugs by evenly
               | distributing them to your test & control group.
             | spicymapotofu wrote:
             | All three points in last paragraph seem wholy unrelated to
             | each other and your larger point. I agreed with first half.
           | hackncheese wrote:
           | Objectivity and honesty can be hard to find if all someone
           | cares about is their reputation as a competent researcher or
           | climbing the ladder. What do you think a potential solution
           | would be for this? I feel like even in my own experience,
           | trying something out and it not working feels like failure,
           | when in fact to proclaim it a success or "fix" it is truly
           | what harms both the endeavor for truth and the people reliant
           | on the outcomes of these surveys
             | autoexec wrote:
             | > Objectivity and honesty can be hard to find if all
             | someone cares about is their reputation as a competent
             | researcher or climbing the ladder.
             | It seems like destroying the reputation and career of
             | people who fake science would be a great start. If you're
             | willing to fake data and lie to get results, there will
             | always be an industry who'd love to hire you no matter how
             | tarnished your reputation is. We need a better means to
             | hold researchers accountable and we need to stop putting
             | any amount of faith in any research that hasn't been
             | independently verified through replication.
             | Today the lobby for orange juice manufactures can pay a
             | scientist to fake research which shows that drinking orange
             | juice makes you more attractive, and then pay publications
             | to broadcast that headline to the world to increase sales.
             | We should have some means to hold publications responsible
             | for this as well.
               | cutemonster wrote:
               | > destroying the reputation and career of people who fake
               | science would be a great start
               | When so many reports are faulty and fraudulent, that
               | might instead be the great start of destroying the
               | careers of those who would have revealed the fraudulent
               | research?
               | I wonder what'd happen if researchers got compensated and
               | funding based on other things, unrelated to papers
               | published. But what would that be
           | shaburn wrote:
           | Really curious how a profitable industry like medical
           | research ranks against less profitible.
           | JacobThreeThree wrote:
           | >Actually, I'd feel better if someone could convince me I'm
           | completely unfounded here.
           | Unfortunately, your skepticism is not unfounded. Those in the
           | industry conclude the same. Take, for instance, the editor in
           | chief of The Lancet:
           | >The case against science is straightforward: much of the
           | scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.
           | Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects,
           | invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of
           | interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable
           | trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn
           | towards darkness.
           | https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6.
           | ..
         | cypress66 wrote:
         | You don't need "big pharma" for this. Researchers at
         | universities also do these kinds of things because it helps
         | them advance their careers.
           | smu3l wrote:
           | > Researchers at universities also do these kinds of things
           | because it helps them advance their careers.
           | This is a huge problem and in my opinion is mostly due to bad
           | incentive structures and bad statistical/methodological
           | education. I'm sure there are plenty of cases where there is
           | intentional or at least known malpractice, but I would argue
           | that most bad research is done in good faith.
           | When I was working on a PhD in biostatistics with a focus on
           | causal inference among other things, I frequently helped out
           | friends in other departments with data analysis. More often
           | than not, people were working with sample sizes that are too
           | small to provide enough power to answer their questions, or
           | questions that simply could not be answered by their study
           | design. (e.g. answering causal questions from observational
           | data*).
           | In once instance, a friend in an environmental science
           | program had data from an experiment she conducted where she
           | failed to find evidence to support her primary hypothesis.
           | It's nearly impossible to publish null results, and she
           | didn't have funding to collect more data and had to get a
           | paper out of it.
           | She wound up doing textbook p-hacking; testing a ton of post-
           | hoc hypotheses on subsets of data. I tried to reel things
           | back but I couldn't convince her to not continue because
           | "that's how they do things" in her field. In reality she
           | didn't really have a choice if she wanted to make progress
           | towards her degree. She was a very smart person, and
           | p-hacking is conceptually not hard to understand, but she was
           | incentivized to not understand it or to not look at her
           | research in that way.
           | * Research in causal inference is mostly about rigorously
           | defining the (untestable) causal assumptions you must make
           | and developing methods to answer causal questions from
           | observational data. Even if an argument can be made that you
           | can make those assumptions in a particular case, there is
           | another layer of modeling assumptions you'll end up making
           | depending on the method you're using. In my experience it's
           | pretty rare that you can really have much confidence that
           | your conclusions about a causal question if you can't run a
           | real experiment.
             | bigfudge wrote:
             | It's so interesting to hear you say that. I became
             | disillusioned with causal methods for observational data
             | for similar reasons. You can't often model your way to
             | interesting inferences without an experiment.
           | jermaustin1 wrote:
           | >helps them advance their careers
           | ... into the multi-billion dollar companies GP is talking
           | about.
             | Tenoke wrote:
             | A lot who stay purely in Academia do it as well, presumably
             | for the prestige.
               | Ilverin wrote:
               | Well you need peer reviewed papers in highish impact
               | journals to get tenure. For some people, the only way
               | they're getting that is by cheating.
               | BurningFrog wrote:
               | Doing research has a lottery element. You explore
               | something that might reveal an important discovery. And
               | sometimes it just doesn't.
               | That doesn't mean you're a bad scientist, just an unlucky
               | one. But it does mean you can't get tenure.
               | So it's easy to understand why people fake results to
               | secure a career.
               | autoexec wrote:
               | > That doesn't mean you're a bad scientist, just an
               | unlucky one. But it does mean you can't get tenure.
               | That sounds like a really easy problem to solve. Just
               | treat valid science as important regardless of the
               | results. The results shouldn't matter unless they've been
               | replicated and verified anyway.
               | vitalurk wrote:
               | Too easy. Define "valid" though.
               | autoexec wrote:
               | Valid as in meaningfully peer reviewed to avoid
               | flawed/badly designed studies as well as total garbage
               | (for example https://nerdist.com/article/fake-star-wars-
               | midi-chlorian-pap...) but the gold standard should be
               | replication.
               | We should reward quality work, not simply the number of
               | research papers (since it's easy to churn out trash) or
               | what the results are (because until they are verified
               | they could be faked).
               | autoexec wrote:
               | Peer review is a joke. Too often it's a rubber stamp
               | because there's no accountability for journals that fail
               | to do the job. Unless peer review means something, the
               | standard should change so that published papers only
               | count if they're independently replicated and verified.
               | lmm wrote:
               | It's worse than that: if enough people cheat, even the
               | best people can't make the grade without cheating.
               | rqtwteye wrote:
               | I would think a successful study is way better for your
               | academic career than a failed study.
               | ethanbond wrote:
               | Which is why you fake your data into looking successful,
               | and you don't even go through the effort of publishing
               | the failed studies (leading to its own _additional_
               | problems in understanding what's true and what we know)
           | LMYahooTFY wrote:
           | What's your point? We have "big pharma" for this.
           | Do you think CocaCola and the Sacklers had their own unique
           | ideas shared by no one else? That we've filtered all
           | scrupulous people out of industry?
           | Scruples are an abstraction at that scale.
             | smcin wrote:
             | Is the Coca-Cola mention about their campaign to influence
             | CDC research and policy [0], and pro-obesity astroturf
             | [1][2]?
             | [0]: Politico "Coca-Cola tried to influence CDC on research
             | and policy, new report states"
             | [https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/29/coke-obesity-
             | sugar...]
             | [1]: "Evaluating Coca-Cola's attempts to influence public
             | health 'in their own words': analysis of Coca-Cola emails
             | with public health academics leading the Global Energy
             | Balance Network"
             | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10200649/
             | [2]: Forbes: "Emails Reveal How Coca-Cola Shaped The Anti-
             | Obesity Global Energy Balance Network" https://www.forbes.c
             | om/sites/nancyhuehnergarth/2015/11/24/em...
         | paulusthe wrote:
         | It's more complex than just that. Sure, there's the people
         | trying to make a dollar who are willing to do bad science in
         | order to get the result they want. But there's also the general
         | publication bias against replication studies - who wants to
         | read them, and who wants to do them (they're not usually seen
         | as prestigious academically: most academics want to test their
         | ideas, not those of others.
         | And then there's cultural differences in which people sometimes
         | see a negative result as a "failure", don't publish it as a
         | result, and instead skew the data and lie their asses off in
         | order to gain prestige in their career. As long as nobody
         | double checks you, you're good.
           | autoexec wrote:
           | > ut there's also the general publication bias against
           | replication studies - who wants to read them, and who wants
           | to do them (they're not usually seen as prestigious
           | academically: most academics want to test their ideas, not
           | those of others.
           | Academia seems like the idea place for this. Why not require
           | a certain number of replicated studies in order to get a
           | degree? Universities could then be constantly churning out
           | replication studies.
           | More importantly, why do we bother taking anything that
           | hasn't been replicated seriously? Anyone who publishes a
           | paper that hasn't been verified shouldn't get any kind of
           | meaningful recognition or "credit" for their discovery until
           | it's been independently confirmed.
           | Since anyone can publish trash, having your work validated
           | should be the only means of gaining prestige in your career.
         | NotHowStatsWork wrote:
         | "So, 70% fake/flawed."
         | I think you miss read that section? Only were 44% fake or
         | flawed acording to this study.
         | The 26% that were very flawed is a subset of the 44% that were
         | flawed in general. So those precentages should not be added
         | together.
           | cycomanic wrote:
           | Oh the irony!
         | codingdave wrote:
         | > Carlisle got access to anonymized individual participant data
         | (IPD)
         | I'm not in the industry so my question might have an obvious
         | answer to those of you who are: How would one go about getting
         | IPD if you wanted to run your own analysis of trial data or
         | other data-driven research?
           | misterdad wrote:
           | You'll need to reach out to the study authors with a request.
           | If they are interested (you're going to publish something
           | noteworthy with a citation for them (low chance), you want to
           | bring them in on some funded research (better chance), etc)
           | then they'll push it to their Institutional Review Board (a
           | group of usually faculty and sometimes administrative staff
           | at a University/Hospital/Org) who will review the request,
           | the conditions of the initial data collection, legal
           | restrictions, and then decide if they'll proceed with setting
           | up some sort of IRB agreement / data use agreement. Unless
           | you're a tenured professor somewhere or a respected
           | researcher with some outside group then you probably won't
           | get past any of those steps. Even allegedly anonymized data
           | comes with the risk of exposure (and real penalties) not to
           | mention the administrative overhead (expense, time,
           | attention) that you'll need to be able to cover the cost of
           | through some funded research. That research, btw, will also
           | need to be through some IRB structure. You can tap a private
           | firm that acts as an IRB but that's another process entirely
           | and most certainly requires fat stacks of cash. Legal privacy
           | concerns, ethical concerns, careerism (nobody wants you to
           | find the 'carry the two' you forgot so you can crash their
           | career prospects), bloated expenses (somebody has to pay for
           | all of that paperwork, all those IRB salaries, etc) and etc,
           | etc, etc all keep reproducibility of individual data frozen.
           | Even within the same institution. Within the same team! You
           | have to tread lightly with reproduction.
         | [deleted]
         | waterheater wrote:
         | Two relevant perspectives to share:
         | "It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the
         | clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment
         | of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I
         | take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and
         | reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England
         | Journal of Medicine." -Marcia Angell
         | "If the image of medicine I have conveyed is one wherein
         | medicine lurches along, riven by internal professional power
         | struggles, impelled this way and that by arbitrary economic and
         | sociopolitical forces, and sustained by bodies of myth and
         | rhetoric that are elaborated in response to major threats to
         | its survival, then that is the image supported by this study."
         | -Evelleen Richards, "Vitamin C and Cancer: Medicine or
         | Politics?"
         | Zalastax wrote:
         | Is there not full or at least partial overlap between the 44 %
         | and the 26 %? Which would mean not 70 % but some smaller
         | number?
         | morelisp wrote:
         | > The finding falls in line with other large scale replication
         | studies in medicine, which have had replication success rates
         | ranging from 11 to 44%.
         | These numbers seem almost wholly unrelated. A perfectly good
         | study may be extremely difficult to replicate (or even the
         | original purpose of replication - the experiment _as described
         | in the paper_ may simply not be sufficient); and an attempt at
         | replication (or refutation), successful or not, is under the
         | same pressure to be faked or flawed as the original paper.
         | adasdasdas wrote:
         | I also see similar findings in tech where most experiment
         | results are "fudged". In some cases, people run the "same"
         | experiment 5+ times until one is stat sig.
         | qt31415926 wrote:
         | I don't think the statement reads that the 44% and the 26%
         | should be additive. Especially given the zombie graphic where
         | it looks like they overlap the 26 on top of the 44, where the
         | orange bar is the 26% and the remaining yellow bar is the 44%
         | costigan wrote:
         | I think you misread the article slightly. The 26% of zombie
         | papers are inside the 44% of papers that contained at least
         | some flawed data. Look at the figure just below this quote
         | where the blue bar, indicating papers he thought were ok,
         | covers more than 50%.
           | crazygringo wrote:
           | Which, ironically, just shows how easy it is to make mistakes
           | not just in complicated statistical methods, but in basic
           | interpretation of what numbers mean in the first place.
             | SubiculumCode wrote:
             | not to mention that everyone here forgets to mention that
             | the majority of submitted papers with suspected fraud came
             | from countries with known issues with fraudulent science
             | publishing. e.g. China. The USA, for example, looked much
             | better (although not perfect) at 6% zombie.
       | some_random wrote:
       | While we're on the subject, how many studies period are faked or
       | flawed to the point of being useless? It seems to me that the
       | scientific community's reaction to the replication crisis has
       | been to ignore it.
         | systemvoltage wrote:
         | > has been to ignore it
         | This is putting it very mildly.
         | treis wrote:
         | My internal filter is:
         | Sociology/Psych/Economics are almost all junk. Their
         | conclusions may or may not be correct.
         | Medical studies are mostly junk. There's way too much financial
         | incentive to show marginal improvement. Theraflu and anti-
         | depressents come to mind. Both show a small effect in studies
         | and launched billion dollar businesses.
         | Hard science stuff tends to be pretty good. Mostly just
         | outright fraud and they usually end up getting caught.
           | fnikacevic wrote:
           | Chemistry still has a ton of issues with people exaggerating
           | numbers that can't be contested like yield and purity of
           | reactions even among the top journals. Straight up fraud is
           | rarer yes.
         | RugnirViking wrote:
         | > the scientific community's reaction to the replication crisis
         | has been to ignore it
         | What can they do? It's an incredibly hard problem to solve.
         | It's like asking why the buisness community has done nothing to
         | adress the housing crisis.
         | Large scale culture changes, or the entire structure of the way
         | science is conducted and funded, would be the only solutions
           | colechristensen wrote:
           | If a university was actually in the business of seeking
           | truth, there is much they could do to solve this.
           | * working groups "red teams" whose whole job it is to find
           | weaknesses in papers published at the university
           | * post mortems after finding papers with serious flaws
           | exposing the problem and coming up with constructive
           | corrective actions
           | * funding / forcing researchers to devote a certain amount of
           | time to replicating significant results
           | * working groups of experts in statistics and study design
           | available to consult
           | * systems to register studies, methodologies, data sets, etc.
           | with the aim of eliminating error and preventing post-hoc
           | fishing expeditions for results
           | The whole-ass purpose of a university is seeking knowledge.
           | They are fully capable of doing a better job of it but they
           | don't because what they actually focus on are things like
           | fundraising, professional sports teams, constructing
           | attractive buildings, and advancing ranking.
           | Most universities would be better off just firing and not
           | replacing 90% of their administration.
             | jltsiren wrote:
             | Universities can't do that, because they lack the
             | expertise. Most of the time, the only people in a
             | university capable of judging a study are the people who
             | did it.
             | That's because universities are in the business of
             | teaching. Apart from a few rare exceptions, universities
             | don't have the money to hire redundant people. Instead of
             | hiring many experts in the same topic, they prefer hiring a
             | wider range of expertise, in order to provide better
             | learning opportunities for the students.
           | some_random wrote:
           | Maybe brush up on undergraduate statistics and experimental
           | design so that they don't execute and publish obviously
           | flawed studies? Perhaps they could apply such basic knowledge
           | to the peer review process which is supposed to catch these
           | things. They could stop defending their peers who publish
           | bogus research, stop teaching about obviously flawed nonsense
           | like the Stanford Prison "Experiment" and hold "scientists"
           | like Philip Zimbardo in contempt. It's like asking how
           | individual cops can make things better, of course they can't
           | fix systematic problems but that doesn't mean there's nothing
           | they can do.
           | LudwigNagasena wrote:
           | It doesn't have to be large scale. It can start with a single
           | journal, with a single university, with a single scientist.
           | Make peer review public. Weight replication studies more.
           | Make conducted peer reviews and replications an important
           | metric for tenure and grants. Publish data and code alongside
           | papers.
           | JacobThreeThree wrote:
           | >What can they do?
           | There's literally thousands of different things they could
           | do.
           | But why do anything when the real business of academia is in
           | the tax-free hedge funds they operate and the government-
           | subsidized international student gravy train? There's no
           | short-term incentive to change anything.
         | adamsb6 wrote:
         | The replication crisis is even a thing because of very strong
         | career incentives.
         | You might think that publishing about the replication crisis
         | itself would be great for your career, but perhaps not. Maybe
         | the incentives to be able to bullshit your way to a
         | professorship are so great that no one wants to rock the boat.
           | rqtwteye wrote:
           | "Maybe the incentives to be able to bullshit your way to a
           | professorship are so great that no one wants to rock the
           | boat."
           | Our whole economy is fueled by people bullshitting each
           | other.
             | wizzwizz4 wrote:
             | Our economy is fuelled by people doing actual work. Large-
             | ish, visible parts are _shaped_ by bullshitters, but that
             | 's a different thing.
         | thereisnospork wrote:
         | > It seems to me that the scientific community's reaction to
         | the replication crisis has been to ignore it.
         | They've always known so there hasn't actually been any new
         | information from which to spur action. In the academic circles
         | I've run in there has always been a strong mistrust of reported
         | results and procedures based on past difficulties with internal
         | efforts replicating results. Basically a right of passage for a
         | grad student to be tasked with replicating work from an
         | impossible paper.
           | HarryHirsch wrote:
           | That's the correct answer, but what is baffling is that this
           | is news to so many people frequenting this website. Most
           | everyone posting here has been though a university, but
           | hardly anyone has been involved in the pursuit of research.
         | onthecanposting wrote:
         | PIs may not be able to raise money for replication studies.
         | Some of this is a consequence of guidelines for federal funds
         | to prevent waste on duplication of effort.
           | some_random wrote:
           | This goes far beyond there not being enough replication
           | studies, the problem is that when replication studies are
           | done the results don't reproduce because the results were
           | bogus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis
             | whatshisface wrote:
             | If the replication studies were done at a reasonable rate
             | there would be no incentive to produce bogus results
             | because you'd be caught before you could go through an
             | entire career as a "successful scientist."
           | bee_rider wrote:
           | This points to the real problem and also where the
           | responsibility and interest ought to be to fix it.
           | There's no replication crisis for academics because they have
           | a meatspace social network of academics; they go to
           | conferences together and know each other. You can just ignore
           | a paper if you know the author is an idiot.
           | If medical studies are faked, is it a problem? Presumable
           | regulatory agencies are using these studies or something,
           | right? Looks like the FDA and NSF need to fund some more
           | replication studies.
         | tppiotrowski wrote:
         | > While we're on the subject, how many studies period are faked
         | or flawed to the point of being useless?
         | Or how many studies are useless, period? It's like publishing a
         | memoir to Amazon. You can now say "author" on your resume, or
         | when you're introduced or at cocktail parties but nobody finds
         | any value in what you have to say. You can also use ChatGPT
         | because people might not notice.
           | some_random wrote:
           | There is always value in expanding the breadth and depth of
           | human knowledge, even if it doesn't seem useful to you, right
           | now. That of course assumes that knowledge is true, which is
           | the crux of the problem now.
             | yellowcake0 wrote:
             | Unfortunately, the preponderance of very low value research
             | in the literature puts a significant burden on the
             | scientists who have to sift through a lot of garbage to
             | find what they're looking for. Even if the work is
             | ostensibly correct (much of it is not), it really doesn't
             | do anyone much good, except for the authors of course. But
             | now every undergraduate and every parent's little vanity
             | project at Andover wants a first author contrib., so here
             | we are.
       (page generated 2023-09-19 23:00 UTC)