[HN Gopher] Fixing for loops in Go 1.22
       Fixing for loops in Go 1.22
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 278 points
       Date   : 2023-09-19 19:34 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (go.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (go.dev)
       | assbuttbuttass wrote:
       | for _, informer := range c.informerMap {             informer :=
       | informer             go informer.Run(stopCh)         }
       | for _, a := range alarms {             a := a             go
       | a.Monitor(b)         }
       | Not sure what the difference could be, but let me take a guess.
       | In one case, the loop variable is a pointer, and in the other
       | case a value. The method call uses a pointer receiver, so in the
       | value case the compiler automatically inserts a reference to the
       | receiver?
       | Spiwux wrote:
       | I have such a love-hate relationship with this language. I use it
       | professionally every single day, and every single day there are
       | moments when I think to myself "this could be solved much more
       | elegantly in language X" or "I wish Go had this feature."
       | Then again I also can't deny that the lack of ""advanced""
       | features forces you to keep your code simple, which makes reading
       | easier. So while I hate writing Go, I like reading unfamiliar Go
       | code due to a distinct lack of magic. Go code always clearly
       | spells out what it does.
         | bvinc wrote:
         | "Love-hate relationship" were the exact words that I used when
         | I used go professionally every day.
         | I could complain all day about things the language does
         | obviously wrong, often in the name of simplicity. But after all
         | my complaints I still admit it's a very good choice for certain
         | kinds of software and software companies.
         | [deleted]
         | JyB wrote:
         | The first point cannot bother you after you've correctly
         | realized your second point. The more empathy you have for your
         | future-self or your peers, the clearer it becomes.
         | jamespwilliams wrote:
         | Go is the worst language, except all the others
       | noelwelsh wrote:
       | This was also an issue in Javascript (e.g.
       | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Refe...)
       | It's somewhat amusing to see Go rediscover old ideas in
       | programming language theory, given the stance against PLT that
       | the Go developers took in the early years of the language.
         | stouset wrote:
         | The entire story of go seems to be learning through repeating
         | the same mistakes as other languages, one at a time.
         | Nil being another big one. Even more impressively they doubled
         | down on this mistake with _typed_ nils. Even if you explicitly
         | do a comparison with nil you can still shoot yourself in the
         | foot because it was a different nil than the one you compared
         | against.
           | TwentyPosts wrote:
           | Wait what? Do you have an example or more information on
           | this?
             | Thaxll wrote:
             | op is confused with nil interface.
             | gwd wrote:
             | Basic example:                   func foo() *bar {
             | // ...           if something_wrong {             return
             | nil;           }         }                  var x
             | interface{}                  x = bar()                  if
             | x != nil {           // Dereference x         }
             | This will crash if `foo()` returns nil, because it's
             | checking if `x == interface{}(nil)`, which is false. What
             | you wanted to check was whether `x == *bar{nil}` or one of
             | the other nil types that implements the interface; which
             | must be done with `reflect.ValueOf(x).IsNil()`.
             | https://github.com/golang/go/issues/30865
             | Spiwux wrote:
             | e.g.                 var typeA Interface = (*TypeA)(nil)
             | println(typeA == nil)           // false
             | println(typeA == (*TypeA)(nil)) // true
             | Yes really https://go.dev/play/p/sz44kJW8OuT
         | akira2501 wrote:
         | Programming languages are an exercise in compromise, not pure
         | application of theory. Well, except maybe Haskell and it's ilk,
         | but this should be your expectation of most languages and
         | generally not a surprise.
           | noelwelsh wrote:
           | There's no need for compromise in this case. This issue is
           | something I learned about in the late 90s / early 2000s when
           | I started reading about programming language theory. It's
           | found in introductory textbooks.
           | FridgeSeal wrote:
           | I think OP's point is that given the go devs casual disregard
           | for every development in PL theory and design over the last
           | 30 years, it's amusing to watch them rediscover half the
           | issues from scratch.
             | skybrian wrote:
             | This meme is commonly repeated on HN, but I think it's
             | inaccurate or at least greatly exaggerated.
             | There's nothing _casual_ about Go 's approach to language
             | design, and I haven't seen any evidence that they're
             | _unaware_ of what other languages do.
             | I also haven't seen much criticism of languages other than
             | C++ or Java.
               | FridgeSeal wrote:
               | Sum/Product types. Generics/type-parameters. Bizarre
               | handling of nil in places. Error handling that's like
               | some deliberately crippled version of a Result<T,E>. The
               | absolutely unhinged decision about zero-value-defaults
               | for types. I'm sure other people can think of some more,
               | but that's the ones I can think of off the top of my
               | head.
               | Non PL theory but related: incorrect implementation of
               | monotonic clocks, and then refusing to fix it because
               | "just use google smear time bro".
               | skybrian wrote:
               | Everyone who disagrees with you is "unhinged." This is
               | just name-calling.
               | bobbylarrybobby wrote:
               | If they're aware of how other languages either handle
               | these issues or suffer the consequences of not handling
               | them, then it sure is odd that they consciously decided
               | to introduce the same issues into their own language,
               | only to fix them down the road.
               | skybrian wrote:
               | Given Go's success, it seems like fixing certain footguns
               | _much later_ actually worked out pretty well for them?
               | That doesn't necessarily mean it was right, but it was
               | perhaps not as big a deal as some people assume.
         | doctor_eval wrote:
         | It's also amusing to see someone talk about JavaScript and PLT
         | in the same sentence, given the practical origins of JS.
           | noelwelsh wrote:
           | It's not making any claims about the quality of design in JS
           | here. I'm literally not talking about them in the same
           | sentence for this reason. I'm, instead, merely noting that it
           | had the same issue. Looks like it was fixed in 2014:
           | https://nullprogram.com/blog/2014/06/06/ C# also had the same
           | issue, as noted elsewhere in the comments.
             | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | anderskaseorg wrote:
         | MDN goes into great detail, but the important point is that
         | JavaScript fixed this with let and const.                   > a
         | = []; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) a.push(() => i); a.map(f => f())
         | [ 3, 3, 3 ]         > a = []; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++)
         | a.push(() => i); a.map(f => f())         [ 0, 1, 2 ]         >
         | a = []; for (i of "abc") a.push(() => i); a.map(f => f())
         | [ 'c', 'c', 'c' ]         > a = []; for (const i of "abc")
         | a.push(() => i); a.map(f => f())         [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
           | zeroimpl wrote:
           | In contrast, Java would have a compile error so long as the
           | variable was not declared final.
           | ben0x539 wrote:
           | But isn't it _completely wild_ that the `for (let i =`...
           | version works like that? What does the loop  'desugar' into
           | if written as a while-loop?
         | biomcgary wrote:
         | Is this loop variable problem really a theory issue (if so,
         | does it have a label)? Or, primarily a practical one? Is there
         | a database of known and historical programming language
         | problems that are nicely tagged with "theory problem",
         | "frequent foot-gun", etc?
         | Could an LLM coupled with a constraint solver create the
         | perfect language (for particular domains, e.g., performance)?
         | Or, just use Rust ;-)?
           | noelwelsh wrote:
           | In contrast to the view of many, programming language theory
           | is very closely intertwined with programming practice. It
           | both drives practice and reacts to practice.
           | In this particular case I imagine the issue was uncovered
           | some time in the 1970s, which is when lexical scoping came to
           | the fore in Scheme (in the US) and ML (in Europe). It's a
           | fairly natural problem to run into if you're either thinking
           | deeply about the interaction between closures (which capture
           | environments) and loop constructs, or if you're programming
           | in a language that supports these features.
         | philosopher1234 wrote:
         | What stance against PLT are you referring to?
           | pseudonom- wrote:
           | Probably quotes like:
           | "It must be familiar, roughly C-like. Programmers working at
           | Google are early in their careers and are most familiar with
           | procedural languages, particularly from the C family. The
           | need to get programmers productive quickly in a new language
           | means that the language cannot be too radical."
           | And not including sum types despite having a sum-type-shaped
           | hole in the language (`if err != nil`).
           | And some of the discussion about "why no generics" seemed
           | kind of divorced from existing PL knowledge on the topic.
             | tensor wrote:
             | These were all intentional tradeoffs though, not any
             | ignorance of theory. Also, it's pretty rich for someone to
             | be complaining about Go while referencing Javascript of all
             | languages. Javascript's design flaws are legendary. And I
             | mean no disrespect to the creators of Javascript, they had
             | to deal with some crazy last minute change requests to the
             | language.
               | kaba0 wrote:
               | With all the crazy warts that JS has, it is at least a
               | lisp-like very dynamic language if you squint (a lot) at
               | it. Its greatest fault is probably leaving out integers
               | (I can't even fathom why they decided on that, floats
               | can't represent properly ints).
               | Go is just simply badly designed, relying on hard-coded
               | functionality a lot.
               | TwentyPosts wrote:
               | Ehhh, I see absolutely no evidence that the Go developers
               | were particularly _aware_ of theory. It really feels more
               | like they just were used to thinking in terms of C, and
               | built a language which is kind of like C.
               | Go also has some really weird stuff in it, such as named
               | return values.
               | Frankly, the lack of sum types hurts the most. The
               | language would just be a lot better with a unifying
               | Result type in the library. And don't give me any of that
               | "oh, they tried to keep the language simple!" stuff.
               | Intuitively, sum types are laughably simple. Everyone
               | understands "It's one of these possible values, so you
               | need to check which one it is and then handle that
               | situation." They are more simple than enums on a
               | conceptual level! Sum types are just not how
               | C-programmers think about the world.
       | scottlamb wrote:
       | I've written a tiny bit of Go and am aware of the general problem
       | this solves. I don't get their more subtle examples (the
       | letsencrypt one or "range c.informerMap" vs "range alarms".
       | When you do "for k, v := range someMap", is "v" of the map's
       | value type (and one binding for the whole loop, copied before
       | each iteration)? This would explain the problem, but I would have
       | expected "v" to be a reference into the map, and I couldn't find
       | the answer in a quick skim of the "For statements with range
       | clause" in the spec. I'm probably looking in the wrong place
       | because I touch Go rarely...
       | [1] https://go.dev/ref/spec#For_statements
       | edit: oh, the answer is in the "code block"-formatted table.
       | Guess I had banner blindness. "v" is the copied value, not a
       | reference. I'm surprised!
         | tedunangst wrote:
         | If you have a map of string to int, then v is of type int. It's
         | a value. It's not pointer to int.
           | scottlamb wrote:
           | Is the expectation that you simply won't create a
           | `map[...]expensivetocopyvalue`, but instead always do
           | `map[...]*expensivetocopyvalue`?
             | tedunangst wrote:
             | The expectation is the compiler does what you tell it? If
             | you want pointers in your map, you can do that too.
               | Arnavion wrote:
               | They're asking that, if the programmer wants the map to
               | store expensivetocopyvalue semantically but also doesn't
               | want to have iteration generate expensive copies, does
               | the programmer have to change the map to store
               | *expensivetocopyvalue instead?
               | Anyway I believe the answer is that expensivetocopyvalue
               | is not a type that exists in golang, because golang's
               | "copy" operation is always a simple bitwise copy ala C
               | struct copy / Rust's Copy trait, not like C++ copy ctor /
               | Rust's Clone trait that can be arbitrarily expensive.
               | morelisp wrote:
               | In Go, `expensivetocopyvalue` can still be achieved via
               | an enormous (e.g. multi-KB/MB) structure (which is most
               | literally expensive to copy) or something containing a
               | lot of pointers (which is not really expensive to copy
               | but will start to pressure the GC).
             | konart wrote:
             | No expectations whatsoever. You can use pointer or a
             | values. It's up to you.
               | scottlamb wrote:
               | That's silly. Language constructs and APIs are always
               | made with expectations for how they're used, stated or
               | not. You can write code that compiles without
               | understanding and matching those expectations but it
               | probably won't be good code.
               | I'm asking because I think if it were expected that folks
               | used large/expensive-to-copy map values, this construct
               | would return a reference instead of copying. In Rust for
               | example, the std library's "normal" [1] iterators return
               | references.
               | [1] not those returned by into_* or drain.
               | konart wrote:
               | Here an example: https://go.dev/play/p/He0lBEYZJ03
               | Value is always a copy. Either a copy of a struct (in
               | case of map[T]struct{}) or a copy of a pointer (in case
               | of map[T]*struct{})
               | morelisp wrote:
               | Returning references to storage within the map would be a
               | substantial footgun without borrowing.
               | scottlamb wrote:
               | Thanks, useful reply. I just realized that myself:
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37576558
               | The peer comments along the lines of "the expecation is
               | it does what it does" are not so helpful from a
               | perspective of learning to write code that is in harmony
               | with the language philosophy.
               | [deleted]
         | erik_seaberg wrote:
         | Go doesn't support pointers to map keys or values. It does
         | support pointers to array slots, but for-range copies each slot
         | rather than giving you a pointer to it.
           | scottlamb wrote:
           | I suppose that makes sense when I think about it for a bit.
           | My recent expectations come from work in Rust. There the
           | language prevents you from mutating a map while holding a
           | reference into it. Go doesn't have a mechanism to prevent
           | that (except the one you said, simply not supporting those
           | references at all). If you had a reference into a map that
           | was resized because of a subsequent mutation, your reference
           | would have to keep the whole previous map alive and point to
           | different memory than a reference acquired since then. Both
           | seem undesirable.
           | With array slots, the same issue is present but is a bit more
           | explicit because those resizes happen with `mySlice =
           | append(mySlice, ...)`.
             | erik_seaberg wrote:
             | I think the slice append semantics are very error-prone,
             | and it would have been better if a slice was a shareable
             | reference to a single mutable thing, like a map (or a list
             | from Python or Java or ...)
       | parhamn wrote:
       | > as a consequence of our forward compatibility work, Go 1.21
       | will not attempt to compile code that declares go 1.22 or later.
       | We included a special case with the same effect in the point
       | releases Go 1.20.8 and Go 1.19.13, so when Go 1.22 is released,
       | code written depending on the new semantics will never be
       | compiled with the old semantics, unless people are using very
       | old, unsupported Go versions
       | How does this work? If I pull in a package that decided to pin
       | 1.22 (as they should) and I compile with 1.18, would it compile
       | or error that I need to use the 1.22 compiler?
         | yankput wrote:
         | They way I understand this, with go 1.18, 1.22 module as a
         | dependency will compile and produce errorneous logic (!!) if it
         | depends on this feature
         | Thus it will be actively dangerous using go 1.18. I understand
         | it like that.
         | With go 1.19, you will get a compiler error.
         | But as go is not fixing security bugs in old releases and std
         | library, I think it is dangerous to use them anyway.
           | jerf wrote:
           | "But as go is not fixing security bugs in old releases and
           | std library, I think it is dangerous to use them anyway."
           | A bit of a harsh way to phrase that. In my experience, the
           | backwards compatibility promises have been very good, and the
           | way you stay up-to-date with security fixes and bugs in the
           | standard library is to upgrade Go.
           | I know that may strike terror in the hearts of developers
           | used to the nightmare that major version upgrades can be in
           | other languages, where a major version upgrade gets a multi-
           | week task added into the task tracker, but it's completely
           | routine for me to upgrade across Go major versions just to
           | get some particular fix or to play with a new feature. I
           | expect it to be a roughly five minute task, routinely.
           | The only thing that has bitten me about it is arguably not
           | even Go's fault, which is its continuing advances in TLS
           | security and the increasing fussiness with which it treats
           | things connecting with old-style certificates. I can't even
           | necessarily disagree... I would also like to upgrade them but
           | while it's my server, the clients connecting to it are using
           | certs that are not mine and it's out of my control.
             | yankput wrote:
             | > A bit of a harsh way to phrase that. In my experience,
             | the backwards compatibility promises have been very good,
             | and the way you stay up-to-date with security fixes and
             | bugs in the standard library is to upgrade Go.
             | I don't think we disagree? There is no reason to use old
             | version of go.
             | I speak about grandparent comment who wanted to still run
             | go1.18. It is not a good idea to still run go1.18, as it
             | doesn't get security updates.
         | packetlost wrote:
         | Yes.
         | jchw wrote:
         | Interestingly, though, if you use Go 1.21 and a module declares
         | a later version of Go, the default behavior is actually to go
         | fetch a newer toolchain and use it instead[1]. It's a pretty
         | cool feature, but I am a bit on the fence due to the fact that
         | it is surprising and phones home to Google-controlled servers
         | to fetch the binaries. That and the module proxy are for sure
         | two of the most conflicting features in Go and I'd feel a lot
         | better about them if Go was controlled by a foundation that
         | Google merely had a stake in. Alas.
         | edit: Actually, though, I just realized what I am talking about
         | is different than what you and your quote is talking about,
         | which is what happens when you have a dependency that declares
         | a different version, not the current module. Oops.
         | [1]: https://go.dev/blog/toolchain
         | tedunangst wrote:
         | You should get a compile error.
         | But your code, when compiled with go 1.22, will still have go
         | 1.18 semantics.
       | krackers wrote:
       | I think https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2019/go-internals-
       | capturing-lo... describes the problem in more detail?
         | davidw wrote:
         | That's a much better explanation for someone like me who isn't
         | very familiar with Go.
         | msteffen wrote:
         | This post was great--thanks for posting it!
         | Interestingly, the reason the old i := i trick works is not at
         | all what I thought!
         | The trick, for reference:                   for i := 0; i < 5;
         | i++ {          i := i  // the trick           go func() {
         | print(i)          }()         }
         | What I assumed happened:
         | - The escape analyzer sees that the new `i` is passed to a
         | goroutine, so it is marked as escaping its lexical scope
         | - Because it's escaping its lexical scope, the allocator
         | allocates it on the heap
         | - One heap allocation is done per loop iteration, and even
         | though the new `i` is captured by reference, each goro holds a
         | unique reference to a unique memory location
         | What actually happens:
         | - Go's compiler has heuristics to decide whether to capture by
         | reference or by value. One component of the heuristic is that
         | values that aren't updated after initialization are captured by
         | value
         | - The new i is scoped to the for loop body, and is not updated
         | by the for loop itself. Therefore it's identified as a value
         | that isn't updated after initialization
         | - As a result, the Go compiler generates code that captures `i`
         | by value instead of by reference. No heap allocations or
         | anything like that are done.
         | I recognize that the latter behavior is better, but if anyone
         | with intimate knowledge of Go knows why the former doesn't
         | (also) happen (is that even how Go works?) I would love to find
         | out!
           | xiaq wrote:
           | I don't think it's so complex. Without i := i, there's only
           | one i. With i := i, there's one i per iteration.
           | Closure captures are always by reference.
           | Heap vs stack allocation don't affect the language semantics.
       | [deleted]
         | MatthiasPortzel wrote:
         | JavaScript had a very similar problem. If the loop variable is
         | declared with the old `var` then it will not capture the
         | variable. "New-style" variables declared with `let` are scoped
         | to the loop. Although, I have to point JS started talking about
         | making this change almost 20 years ago. As a JS developer, it's
         | surprising to me to see Go having to make this change now.
       | wheelerof4te wrote:
       | Go never should have implemented closures.
       | You add them and the next thing people want are objects.
         | bagful wrote:
         | All you really need in an language is the former - closures
         | provide encapsulation (instance variables become bound
         | variables) and polymorphism (over closures with the same
         | function signature) all the same
       | kubb wrote:
       | Russ Cox and the Go team learned that the loop variable capture
       | semantics are flawed not by reflecting about how their language
       | works, but through user feedback.
       | This could have been prevented by having one person on the team
       | with actual language design experience, who could point this
       | issue out in the design process.
       | In this case, after 10 or so years, and thousands of production
       | bugs, they backpedaled. How many other badly designed features
       | exist in the language, and are simply not being acknowledged?
       | If you point it out, and you're right, will you be heard if you
       | don't have a flashy metric to point to, like a billion dollars
       | lost?
       | What if the flaw is more subtle, and explaining why it's bad is
       | harder than in this very simple case, that can be illustrated
       | with 5 lines of code? What if the link between it and its
       | consequences isn't that clear, but the consequences are just as
       | grave? Will it ever get fixed?
         | AaronFriel wrote:
         | Many languages have made this mistake, despite having engineers
         | and teams with many decades or centuries of total experience
         | working on programming languages. Almost all languages have the
         | loop variable semantics Go chose: C/C++, Java, C# (until 5.0),
         | JavaScript (when using `var`), Python. Honestly: are there any
         | C-like, imperative languages with for loops, that _don't_
         | behave like this?
         | That decision only becomes painful when capturing variables by
         | reference becomes cheap and common; that is, when languages
         | introduce lightweight closures (aka lambdas, anonymous
         | functions, ...). Then the semantics of a for loop subtly
         | change. Language designers have frequently implemented
         | lightweight closures before realizing the risk, and then must
         | make a difficult choice of whether to take a painful breaking
         | change.
         | The Go team can be persuaded, it's just a tall order. And give
         | them credit where credit is due: this is genuinely a
         | significant, breaking change. It's the right change, but it's
         | not an easy decision to make more than a decade into a
         | language's usage.
         | That said, there may be a kernel of truth to what you're
         | alluding to: that the Go team can be hard to persuade and has
         | taken some principled (I would argue, wrong) positions. I'm
         | tracking several Go bugs myself where I believe the Go standard
         | library behaves incorrectly. But I don't think this situation
         | is the right one to make this argument.
           | tuetuopay wrote:
           | I hate to be _that_ guy but this would not be possible with
           | rust, as the captured reference could not escape the loop
           | scope. Either copy the value, or get yelled at the lifetime
           | of the reference.
           | This is one of the things the language was designed to fix,
           | by people that looked at the past 50 years or so of
           | programming languages, and decided to fix the sorest pain
           | points.
           | jeremyjh wrote:
           | C# made the mistake not when they introduced loops, but when
           | they introduced closures, and it didn't become evident until
           | other features came along that propelled adoption of
           | closures. Go had closures from the beginning and they were
           | always central to the language design. C# fixed that mistake
           | before the 1.0 release of Go. But the Go team didn't learn
           | from it.
           | MatthiasPortzel wrote:
           | > JavaScript (unless using `for...of`)
           | The change in Javscript doesn't have anything to do with
           | for...of, it's the difference between `var` and `let`. And JS
           | made the decision to move to `let` because the semantics made
           | more sense before Go was even created (although code and
           | browsers didn't update for another several years). That's why
           | Go is being held to a higher standard, because it's 10+ years
           | newer than the other languages you mentioned.
             | AaronFriel wrote:
             | Ah, thanks for the correction! That's right. But:
             | 1. Did JS introduce this change after Go's creation? Yes.
             | (And also after C#.)
             | 2. Did arrow functions support precede let and const
             | support? Yes.
             | Answering the second question and finding the versions with
             | support and their release dates answers the first question.
             | Arrow functions    let and const         Firefox    22
             | (2013)          44 (2016)         Chrome     45 (2015)
             | 49 (2016)         Node.js     4 (2015)           6 (2016)
             | Safari     10 (2016)          10 (2016)
             | This places it nearly 10 years after the creation of Go.
             | And with the exception of Safari, arrow functions were
             | available for months to years prior to let and const.
             | This is somewhat weak evidence for the thesis though; these
             | features were part of the same specification (ES6/ES2015),
             | but to understand the origin of "let" we also need to look
             | at the proliferation of alternative languages such as
             | Coffeescript. A fuller history of the JavaScript feature,
             | and maybe some of the TC39 meeting minutes, might help us
             | understand the order of operations here.
             | (I'd be remiss not to observe that this is almost an
             | accident of "let" as well, there's no intrinsic reason it
             | must behave like this in a loop, and some browsers chose to
             | make "var" behave like "let". Let and const were originally
             | introduced, I believe, to implement lexical scoping, not to
             | change loop variable hoisting.)
           | adra wrote:
           | This isn't a bug in java. Java has the idea of "effectively
           | final" variables, and only final or effectively final values
           | are allowed to be passed into lambdas seemingly to avoid this
           | specific defect. Ironically, I just had a review the other
           | day that touched on this go "interaction".
           | The outcome of this go code in java would be as you'd expect,
           | each lambda generated uses a unique copy of the loop
           | reference value.
             | AaronFriel wrote:
             | Oh, today I learned. I think this was an issue in Scala
             | (with `var`), but this seems like a great compromise for
             | Java core.
             | I suppose Java had many years after C#'s introduction of
             | closures to reflect on what went well and what did not. Go,
             | created in 2007, predates both languages having lightweight
             | closures. Not surprising that they made the decision they
             | did.
             | Your comment inspired me to ask what Rust does in this
             | situation, but of course, they've opted for both a
             | different "for" loop construct, but even if they hadn't,
             | the borrow checker enforces a similar requirement as Java's
             | effectively final lambda limitation.
               | ncann wrote:
               | Newcomers to Java usually dislike the "Variable used in
               | lambda expression should be final or effectively final"
               | compiler error, but once you understand why that
               | restriction is in place and what happens in other
               | languages when there's no such restriction, you start to
               | love the subtle genius in how Java did it this way.
               | Macha wrote:
               | Go, designed between 2007 and 2009, certainly had the
               | opportunity to look at their introduction in C# 2.0,
               | released 2005, or its syntactic sugar added in C# 3.0,
               | released 2007.
               | AaronFriel wrote:
               | I think that's an ahistorical reading of events. They did
               | have the opportunity, but there were very few languages
               | doing what Go was at the time it was designed. My
               | recollection of the C# 3 to 5 and .NET 3 to 4.5 is a bit
               | muddled, but it looks like the spec supports a different
               | reading:
               | C# 3.0 in 2007 introduced arrow syntax. I believe this
               | was primarily to support LINQ, and so users were
               | typically creating closures as arguments to IEnumerable
               | methods, not in a loop.
               | C# 4.0 in 2010 introduced Task<T> (by virtue of .NET 4),
               | and with this it became much more likely users would
               | create a closure in a loop. That's how users would add
               | tasks to the task pool, after all, from a for loop.
               | C# 5.0 in 2012 fixes loop variable behavior.
               | I think the thesis I have is sound: language designers
               | did not predict how loops and lightweight closures would
               | interact to create error-prone code until (by and large)
               | users encountered these issues.
           | omoikane wrote:
           | This bug appears to be because Go captures loop variables by
           | reference, but C++ captures are by copy[1] unless user
           | explicitly asked for reference (`&variable`). It seems like
           | the same bug would be visually more obvious in C++.
           | [1] https://eel.is/c++draft/expr.prim.lambda.capture#10
         | scottlamb wrote:
         | Others have suggested that Rob Pike and Ken Thompson have some
         | language design experience, to state it mildly. I also want to
         | point out...
         | > Russ Cox and the Go team learned that the loop variable
         | capture semantics are flawed not by reflecting about how their
         | language works, but through user feedback.
         | I think "user feedback" isn't the whole story. It's not just
         | the Go team passively listening as users point out obvious
         | flaws. I've noticed in other changes (e.g. the monotonic time
         | change [1]) the Go team has done a pretty disciplined study of
         | user code in Google's monorepo and on github. That's mentioned
         | in this case too. This is a good practice, not evidence of
         | failure.
         | [1]
         | https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/master/design/12914-m...
           | kaba0 wrote:
           | > Rob Pike and Ken Thompson
           | They are huge names in the field, but honestly, they just
           | suck at language design itself.
         | badrequest wrote:
         | Are you suggesting Rob Pike has no experience designing a
         | programming language?
           | ziyao_w wrote:
           | I think the parent was trying to imply that Ken Thompson had
           | no experience in designing a programming language :-)
           | Seriously though, "having experience" and "getting things
           | right" are two different things, although Golang got a lot of
           | things right, and the parent is being unnecessarily harsh.
           | ranting-moth wrote:
           | Or Ken Thompson?
           | kubb wrote:
           | I should say language design knowledge.
         | randomdata wrote:
         | _> Russ Cox and the Go team learned that the loop variable
         | capture semantics are flawed not by reflecting about how their
         | language works, but through user feedback._
         | Since "Go 1" was deemed complete and the "Go 2" project began
         | in 2018, the direction of the language was given to the
         | community. It is no longer the Go team's place to shove
         | whatever they think into the language. It has to be what the
         | community wants, and that feedback showed it is what they want.
         | jacquesm wrote:
         | > This could have been prevented by having one person on the
         | team with actual language design experience
         | I thought you were serious, right up to that bit. Well played.
         | I hope.
         | alecbz wrote:
         | > This could have been prevented by having one person on the
         | team with actual language design experience, who could point
         | this issue out in the design process.
         | Instead of making a mistake, they could have simply not.
         | See also RFC 9225: Software Defects Considered Harmful
         | https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9225.html
         | akira2501 wrote:
         | > How many other badly designed features exist in the language,
         | and are simply not being acknowledged?
         | Very few.
         | > If you point it out, and you're right, will you be heard if
         | you don't have a flashy metric to point to, like a billion
         | dollars lost?
         | If you're right yet don't have a better idea then what do you
         | expect to occur?
         | > What if the link between it and its consequences isn't that
         | clear, but the consequences are just as grave?
         | The consequence is your developers must be careful with loop
         | variables or they will introduce bugs. That's not particularly
         | "grave" nor even especially novel.
         | I'll admit, it's not a good ivory tower language, but then
         | again, that's probably why I use it so often. It gets the job
         | done and it doesn't waste my time with useless hypothetical
         | features.
         | [deleted]
         | amomchilov wrote:
         | I can't find it now, but I remember some joke about "it's an
         | interesting language, but why did you ignore the last 50 years
         | of programming language design?"
         | I find Go quite frustrating in how it decries how over-
         | complicated some features are, and slowly comes around to
         | realize that oh, maybe people designed them for a reason (who
         | woulda thunk it?).
         | Patrickmi wrote:
         | So whats your point ?, old ideas never die ?, language design
         | is not language purpose and goal ?, they made a mistake
         | creating Go ?, refusing to find something suitable or just
         | break compatibility?
         | rsc wrote:
         | I answered some of this above:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37577312
       | dangoodmanUT wrote:
       | Thank god!!!
       | raydiatian wrote:
       | Can somebody please explain to me why this doesn't constitute a
       | major version due to a breaking change? Maybe I didn't read
       | precisely enough but it sure sounds like a breaking semantic,
       | esp. with the fact that "this will only work for versions 1.22
       | and later." Sounds like a version upgrade trap to me? What am I
       | missing?
       | Or is it just because it's Golang and they're "we'll never
       | release a go v2 even if we actually do release go v2 and call it
       | v1.x"
         | ben0x539 wrote:
         | Seems like a pragmatic decision where the breakyness of the
         | change is mitigated by the module versioning thing. Old code
         | gets the old behavior, code written in newly created or updated
         | modules gets the new behavior. Everybody is happy, compared to
         | the alternative where this ships in a mythical go v2 which
         | nobody uses while this sort of bug keeps sneaking people's
         | actual work.
       | fyzix wrote:
       | This will result in more memory allocations but it's well worth
       | it.
       | orblivion wrote:
       | For migrating, I wonder if there are any tools that could, let's
       | say, go through your codebase and add a "// TODO - check" to
       | every place that might be affected.
         | [deleted]
         | tgv wrote:
         | I think there's a linter for it, perhaps more than one, in
         | golangci-lint. It might be exportloopref and/or loopclosure.
       | AaronFriel wrote:
       | The C# language team encountered this as well, after introducing
       | lightweight closures in C# 4.0 it quickly became apparent that
       | this was a footgun. Users almost always used loop variables
       | incorrectly, and C# 5.0 made the breaking change.
       | Eric Lippert has a wonderful blog on the "why" from their
       | perspective: https://ericlippert.com/2009/11/12/closing-over-the-
       | loop-var...
       | I had a bit of trouble finding the original C# 5 announcement;
       | that's hopefully not been lost in the (several?) blog migrations
       | on the Microsoft domain since 2012.
         | hinkley wrote:
         | Java also had this problem with anonymous classes. The solution
         | is usually to introduce a functor. Being pass-by-value, it
         | captures the state of the variables at its call time, which
         | helps remove some ambiguity in your code.
         | If you try to do something weird with variable capture, then
         | any collections you accumulate data into (eg, for turning an
         | array into a map), will behave differently than any declared
         | variables.
         | Go is trying to thread the needle by only having loop counters
         | work this way. But that still means that some variables act
         | weird (it's just a variable that tends to act weird anyway).
         | And I wonder what happens when you define multiple loop
         | variables, which people often do when there will be custom
         | scanning of the inputs.
         | [deleted]
         | nerdponx wrote:
         | Meanwhile Python has received this same feature request many
         | times over the years, and the answer is always that it would
         | break existing code for little major benefit
         | https://discuss.python.org/t/make-lambdas-proper-closures/10...
         | Given how much of an uproar there was over changing the string
         | type in the Python 2 -> 3 transition, I can't imagine this
         | change would ever end up in Python before a 4.0.
         | Cue someone arguing about how bad Python is because it won't
         | fix these things, and then arguing about how bad Python is
         | because their scripts from 2003 stopped working...
           | travisd wrote:
           | It's worth noting that it's much less of a problem in Python
           | due to the lack of ergonomic closures/lambdas. You have to
           | construct rather esoteric looking code for it to be a
           | problem.                   add_n = []         for n in
           | range(10):             add_n.append(lambda x: x + n)
           | add_n[9](10)  # 19         add_n[0](10)  # 19
           | This isn't to say it's *not* a footgun (and it has bit me in
           | Python before), but it's much worse in Go due to the
           | idiomatic use of goroutines in a loop:                   for
           | i := 0; i < 10; i++ {             go func() {
           | fmt.Printf("num: %d\n", i) }()         }
             | hinkley wrote:
             | Everyone else solved this problem by using list
             | comprehensions instead. Rob has surely heard of those.
           | sneak wrote:
           | Somehow, Go managed to not break old code and also fix the
           | problem.
           | I think this is a good case of Python not fixing things,
           | given that a fix exists that solves both problems.
             | wrboyce wrote:
             | By letting you specify a language version requirement? Not
             | exactly backwards compatible (because it is explicitly not,
             | as per the article).
             | Python doesn't make breaking changes in non-major versions,
             | so as mentioned by the upthread comment the appropriate
             | place for this change would be in Python 4.
             | Given the above, I'm really not sure what point you think
             | you're making in that final paragraph.
               | carbotaniuman wrote:
               | This seems weird to given the number of breakages and
               | standard library changes I seem to run into every
               | version.
               | wrboyce wrote:
               | Really? I find that surprising. I don't write as much
               | code as I used to but I've been writing Python for a long
               | time and the only standard library breakages that come to
               | mind were during the infamous 2 -> 3 days.
               | What sort of problems are have you faced upgrading minor
               | versions?
             | pcl wrote:
             | _> To ensure backwards compatibility with existing code,
             | the new semantics will only apply in packages contained in
             | modules that declare go 1.22 or later in their go.mod
             | files._
               | IshKebab wrote:
               | Python could very easily have a similar mechanism. Hell
               | even CMake manages to do this right, and they got "if"
               | wrong.
               | The Python devs sometimes seem stubbornly attached to
               | bugs. Another one: to reliably get Python 3 on Linux and
               | Mac you have to run `python3`. But on Windows there's no
               | `python3.exe`.
               | Will they add one? Hell no. It might confuse people or
               | something.
               | Except... if you install Python from the Microsoft Store
               | it _does_ have `python3.exe`.
               | wrboyce wrote:
               | I've not run "python3" in years on my Mac, and I'm almost
               | certain I never type it into Linux machines either;
               | either I'm losing my mind, or there are some ludicrous
               | takes in this thread.
               | rat9988 wrote:
               | You are surely losing your mind then. Python3 isn't
               | something esoteric.
               | wrboyce wrote:
               | Entirely possible, but my point was I just type "python"
               | and Python 3 happens. Do modern OS even come with Python
               | 2 anymore?
               | I'm not claiming any mystery about Python, just disputing
               | how the modern version is invoked.
               | nerdponx wrote:
               | Right, and Go has the luxury of being a compiler that
               | generates reasonably portable binaries, while Python
               | requires the presence of an interpreter on the system at
               | run time.
           | orbisvicis wrote:
           | Is it a bug? I've always depended on late-binding closures
           | and I think even recently in a for loop, not that I'm going
           | to go digging. You can do neat things with multiple functions
           | sharing the same closure. If you don't want the behavior bind
           | the variable to a new name in a new scope. From the post I
           | get the sense that this is more problematic for languages
           | with pointers.
         | tester756 wrote:
         | It is crazy that such behaviour even gets deployed
         | It is so unintuitive...
           | wahern wrote:
           | It's unintuitive to users of the language, but it's very
           | intuitive from the perspective of those implementing the
           | language. Everybody seems to make this mistake. Lua 5.0
           | (2003) made this mistake, but they fixed it in Lua 5.1
           | (2006). (Lua 5.0 was the first version with full lexical
           | scoping.)
             | tester756 wrote:
             | >It's unintuitive to users of the language, but it's very
             | intuitive from the perspective of those implementing the
             | language.
             | It sounds like a lack of dogfooding, lack of review?
               | catach wrote:
               | To the degree the the implementers are also users they
               | carry their implementer understanding into their use.
               | Dogfooding doesn't help when your understanding doesn't
               | match that of your users.
           | gtowey wrote:
           | It's not crazy. It's just the difference between a pointer
           | and a value, which is like comp sci 101.
           | I think the main things that make it such a trap is that the
           | variable type definition is implicit so the fact that it's a
           | pointer becomes a bit hidden, and that easy concurrency means
           | the value is evaluated outside of the loop execution more
           | often.
             | tester756 wrote:
             | >It's not crazy.
             | No. Full disagree.
             | Array represents a concept of holding multiple values
             | (let's simplify) of the same type.
             | Loop (not index based) over array represents concept of
             | going *over* array's elements and executing some code body
             | for each of it.
             | Now, if the behaviour isn't that loop's body is executed
             | for each array element (let's forget about returns, breaks,
             | etc)
             | then the design is terrible (or implementation, but that'd
             | mean that it was a bug)
             | I have totally no idea how can you design this thing in
             | such a unintuitive way unless by mistake/accidentally.
               | jrockway wrote:
               | The loop semantics do not have anything to do with
               | arrays. The point of confusion is whether a new slot for
               | data is being created before each iteration, or whether
               | the same slot is being used for each iteration. It turns
               | out that the same slot is being used. The Go code itself
               | is clear `for i := 0; i < 10; i++`. `i := 0` is where you
               | declare i. Nothing else would imply that space is being
               | allocated for each iteration; the first clause of the
               | (;;) statement is only run before the loop. So you're
               | using the same i for every iteration. This is surprising
               | despite how explicit it is; programmers expect that a new
               | slot is being allocated to store each value of i, so they
               | take the address to it, and are surprised when it's at
               | the same address every iteration. (Sugar like `for i, x
               | := range xs` is even more confusing. The := strongly
               | implies creating a new i and x, but it's not doing that!)
               | Basically, here are two pseudocode implementations. This
               | is what currently happens:                    i =
               | malloc(sizeof(int))          *i = 0        loop:
               | <code>          *i = *i + 1          goto loop if *i < 10
               | This is what people expect:                    secret =
               | malloc(sizeof(int))          *secret = 0        loop:
               | i = malloc(sizeof(int))          *i = *secret
               | <code>          *secret = *secret + 1          goto loop
               | if *secret < 10
               | You can see that they are not crazy for picking the first
               | implementation; it's less instructions and less code, AND
               | the for loop is pretty much exactly implementing what
               | you're typing in. It's just so easy to forget what you're
               | actually saying that most languages are choosing to do
               | something like the second example (though no doubt, not
               | allocating 8 bytes of memory for each iteration).
               | Remember, simple cases work:                   for i :=
               | 0; i < 10; i++ {             fmt.Println(i) // 0 1 2 3 4
               | ...         }
               | It's the tricky cases that are tricky:
               | var is []*int         for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
               | is = append(is, &i)         }         for _, i := range
               | is {            fmt.Println(*i) // 9 9 9 9 9 ...
               | }
               | If you really think about it, the second example is
               | exactly what you're asking for. You declared i into
               | existence once. Of course its address isn't going to
               | change every iteration.
               | hinkley wrote:
               | If I understood the example, Java had this same problem.
               | I'm wondering if C# does as well.
               | mik1998 wrote:
               | I don't know much about Go but the design seems very
               | intuitive to me. You're doing something like (let ((i
               | variable)) (loop (setf i ...) ...body)), which if there
               | is a closure in the loop body will capture the variable i
               | and also subsequent mutations.
               | The fix is to make a new variable for each iteration,
               | which is less obvious implementation wise but as per the
               | post works better if you're enclosing over the loop
               | variable.
         | jerf wrote:
         | jaredpar on the C# team offered the very first comment on the
         | Github issue for this proposal:
         | https://github.com/golang/go/discussions/56010
         | I think it played a large part in helping get past the default-
         | deny that any language change proposal should have. The other
         | big one for me was the scan done over the open source code base
         | and the balance of bugs fixed versus created.
           | em-bee wrote:
           | as soon as i saw mention of c# going through the same thing,
           | i realized that this was discussed before:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33160236
       | nzoschke wrote:
       | Thank you Go team and project!
       | Go continues to be my favorite language and experience to build
       | and maintain in.
       | They got so much right from the start, then have managed to make
       | consistent well reasoned, meaningful and safe improvements to the
       | language over the years.
       | It's not perfect, nothing is, but the "cost" of maintaining old
       | code is so much lower compared to pretty much every other
       | language I have used.
         | devjab wrote:
         | Go is such a productive language to work with, it's absolutely
         | mind blowing how little adoption it has around where I live.
         | Well I guess Lunar went from node to java to go, and harvested
         | insane benefits from it, but a lot of places have issues moving
         | into new languages. Not that I think that you should
         | necessarily swap to a new hipster tech, I really don't, but Go
         | is really the first language we've worked with that competes
         | with Python as far as productivity goes. At least in my
         | experience.
         | We'll likely continue using Typescript as our main language for
         | a while since we're a small team and it lets us share resources
         | better, but we're definitely keeping an eye on Go.
           | rcv wrote:
           | I typically develop in Python, C++, and Typescript, and
           | recently had to implement some code in Go. So far I've found
           | it a pretty unpleasant language to use. It feels pedantic
           | when I don't need it to be, and yet I have to deal with
           | `interface{}` all over the place. Simple things that would be
           | a one-liner Python or TS (or even just an std::algorithm and
           | a lambda in C++) feel like pulling teeth to me in Go.
           | I'd love to hear of any resources that can help me understand
           | the Zen of Go, because so far I just don't get it.
             | vineyardmike wrote:
             | One of the big things that I've found helped is to "stop
             | being an architect". Basically defer abstraction more.
             | People, esp from a Java-esque class based world want class
             | inheritance and generics and all that jazz. I've found at
             | work like 50% of methods and logic that has some sort of
             | generic/superclass/OOP style abstraction feature only ever
             | has 1 implemented type. Just use that type and when the
             | second one shows up... then try to make some sort of
             | abstraction.
             | For context, I can't remember the last time that I actually
             | used "interface{}". Actual interfaces are cheap in go, so
             | you can define the interface at use-time and pretty cheaply
             | add the methods (or a wrapper) if needed.
             | If you're actually doing abstract algorithms and stuff
             | every day at work... you're in the minority so I don't know
             | but all the CRUD type services are pretty ergonomic when
             | you realize YAGNI when it comes to those extra
             | abstractions.
             | Edit: also f** one liners. Make it 2 or three lines. It's
             | ok.
             | badrequest wrote:
             | I write Go every day, and can count the number of times per
             | year I have to involve an `interface{}` literal on one
             | hand. Unless you're doing JSON wrong or working with an API
             | that simply doesn't care about returning consistently
             | structured data, I can't fathom why you'd be using it "all
             | over the place."
               | coffeebeqn wrote:
               | Me too. We have around a dozen go services and I have
               | maybe used or seen interface{} once or twice for a hack.
               | Especially after generics. I think the parent comment is
               | suffering from poor quality go code. It's like
               | complaining about typescript because things in your
               | codebase don't have types
             | Spiwux wrote:
             | You discovered the Zen of Go. There are no magic one
             | liners. It's boring, explicit and procedural.
             | Proponents argue that this forced simplicity enhances
             | productivity on a larger organisational scale when you take
             | things such as onboarding into account.
             | I'm not sure if that is true. I also think a senior Python
             | / Java / etc resource is going to be more productive than a
             | senior Go resource.
               | goatlover wrote:
               | Go seems like the antithesis to Lisp.
               | pharmakom wrote:
               | ... so the code ends up being really long then.
               | Spiwux wrote:
               | Yes, pretty much. It's a pain to write, but easy to read.
               | On a larger scale the average engineer likely spends more
               | time reading code than writing code
               | tuetuopay wrote:
               | I don't find go that easy to read. It is so verbose that
               | the actual business logic ends up buried in a lot of
               | boilerplate code. Maybe I'm bad at reading code, but it
               | ends up being a lot of text to read for very little
               | information.
               | Like a one-line list comprehension to transform a
               | collection is suddenly four lines of go: allocation, loop
               | iteration, and append (don't even start me on the append
               | function). I don't care about those housekeeping details.
               | Let me read the business logic.
               | pharmakom wrote:
               | I think that shorter code is easier to read - to a point!
               | on balance most code is too long, not too short.
             | gtowey wrote:
             | Go is the language that's not made for you, it's made to
             | make the life of the next guy who has to maintain your code
             | easier! :-)
           | hagbarth wrote:
           | One of the reasons I like Go is that it really doesn't try to
           | be a hipster language. It's kinda boring, which is great!
             | Philip-J-Fry wrote:
             | Boring is good when you want to build things that are
             | maintainable by 100s of devs.
             | Something we have experienced over and over is that devs
             | moving from languages like C# or Java just love how easy
             | and straight forwarding developing in Go is. They pick it
             | up in a week or two, the tool chain is just so simple,
             | there's no arguing around what languages features we can
             | and can't use.
             | Almost everyone I've spoke to finds it incredibly
             | productive. These people want to be delivering features and
             | products and it makes it easy for them to do so.
               | VirusNewbie wrote:
               | Maybe a 100 devs Go is fine, but it gets to be a
               | nightmare as you scale beyond that.
               | Language abstractions exist to prevent having developers
               | build their own ad-hoc abstractions, and you find this
               | time and time again in languages like Go. You can read
               | the Kubernetes code and see what I mean, they go out of
               | their way to work around some of the missing language
               | features.
         | [deleted]
         | kaba0 wrote:
         | > They got so much right from the start, then have managed to
         | make consistent well reasoned, meaningful and safe improvements
         | to the language over the years
         | In which universe? They have to constantly patch the language
         | up and go back on previous assumptions.
           | christophilus wrote:
           | Fast compiler, simple tooling, baked in fmt, simple cross
           | platform compilation, decent standard library, a tendency
           | towards good enough performance if doing things the Go way,
           | async without function coloring. They got some things right
           | and some things wrong. When tossing out orthodoxy, you'll
           | tend to get some things wrong. I think a lack of sum types is
           | my biggest gripe.
             | nzoschke wrote:
             | The std library is a big part of the magic. It's so
             | shocking to go to JS land and see that there are 10
             | different 3rd party libraries to make http requests, all
             | with wildly different ergonomics all within one code base
             | due to cross dependency heck.
             | In Go there's pretty much only the http package, and any
             | 3rd party packages extend it and have the same ergonomics.
             | For a while my biggest gripe was package management but
             | it's a dream where we are now.
           | 13415 wrote:
           | That's the _first_ language change that can in theory break
           | programs (in practice, it won 't). Everything else was just
           | additions to the existing language with full backwards
           | compatibility. That's the opposite of constantly patching the
           | language up.
             | kaba0 wrote:
             | You can patch things up without breaking backwards
             | compatibility.
             | But, going on a well-trodden path slower than the pioneers
             | is not a big achievement.
               | badrequest wrote:
               | Please point to when Go has broken backwards
               | compatibility.
               | kaba0 wrote:
               | That's not my point.
               | Smart men learn from the mistakes of others.
               | nzoschke wrote:
               | Obviously different perspectives in this thread.
               | Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson are
               | objectively smart men and pioneers and have learned from
               | lots of mistakes both they and the industry made.
               | Go embodied a lot of those learnings out of the gate.
               | If the bar is to be perfect out of the gate that's
               | impossible and I can't think of any language that could
               | pretend to be so.
               | Go was very good out of the gate and has slowly but
               | surely evolved to be great.
               | vlunkr wrote:
               | So how do you think they are "patching things up" more
               | than other languages?
       | sidewndr46 wrote:
       | This nonsense again? Where it is controlled per module,
       | effectively making it impossible to review code for correctness
       | without checking those controls. This is an anti-feature. If you
       | can't be bothered to make a local copy or reference the correct
       | variable, the problem is the developer. Not the language.
         | RadiozRadioz wrote:
         | The problem is the language when its ergonomics coerce most
         | developers to assume a construct works in a way it does not.
         | Programmers are often at fault when a language complex, but I'd
         | give them a pass when it's simply counterintuitive.
       | ravivooda wrote:
       | Similar: https://github.com/ravivooda/gofor
         | chen_dev wrote:
         | the 'fix' to the example in the README should be obvious, but
         | for reference:
         | - for _, e := range es {
         | - pumpUp(&e)
         | }
         | + for i := range es {
         | + pumpUp(&es[i])
         | }
       | timrobinson333 wrote:
       | I'll be the first to admit I know almost nothing about go, but
       | it's surprises me to find we're still inventing languages with
       | bobby traps like this, especially bobby traps that were well
       | known and understood in other languages at the time.
       | Actually it surprises me we're still inventing languages where
       | local variables can be mutated, which seems to be at the root of
       | the problem here
         | wrboyce wrote:
         | Completely unrelated to the point you're making, but the phrase
         | is "booby trap"; I believe it originates from pranks played on
         | younger schoolboys in 1600s England (the etymology of booby
         | being the Spanish "bobo").
         | mixmastamyk wrote:
         | > where local variables can be mutated
         | They aren't local, but belong to the outer scope. The
         | misconception in a nutshell.
         | tazjin wrote:
         | Go has a long list of booby traps like this and prides itself
         | on them. From outside of the Go team it looks like a small
         | cultural shift might slowly be happening, cleaning up some of
         | the obvious mistakes everyone's been telling them about since
         | the beginning. Rob Pike retiring and giving up some formal
         | power with that probably helps.
           | thiht wrote:
           | > Go has a long list of booby traps like this
           | Huh? Where's the list? From the top of my head I think this
           | is the only thing that repeatedly bit me, although I'm very
           | aware of the behavior of for loop scoping. Linters save me
           | nowadays at least.
           | Are there other things like that in the language that deserve
           | a fix? Maybe things to do with json un/marshaling?
             | the_gipsy wrote:
             | My number one is not having algebraic/sum/union types
             | leading to needing zero-values. Which is more like a never
             | idling foot gatling gun.
               | [deleted]
             | wazzaps wrote:
             | Copying a mutex by value (thus duplicating the lock,
             | causing deadlocks or worse) is far too easy
               | icholy wrote:
               | `go vet` catches this.
               | erik_seaberg wrote:
               | Is there a way to declare any type uncopyable? This is
               | something I always thought Ada got right.
               | icholy wrote:
               | There isn't.
               | smasher164 wrote:
               | you stick this in your struct                   type
               | noCopy struct{}         func (*noCopy) Lock()   {}
               | func (*noCopy) Unlock() {}
               | mhh__ wrote:
               | I use a tool called "type theory"
               | usefulcat wrote:
               | Wow, even c++ won't let you do that (without invoking
               | undefined behavior, anyway).
           | rsc wrote:
           | Speaking as the person Rob Pike handed the formal power to (8
           | years ago now), I don't think that change has much to do with
           | it.
           | We've known about the problem for a long time. I have notes
           | from the run up to Go 1 (circa 2011) where we considered
           | making this change, but it didn't seem like a huge problem,
           | and we were concerned about breaking old code, so on balance
           | it didn't seem worth it.
           | Two things moved the needle on this particular change:
           | 1. A few years ago David Chase took the time to make the
           | change in the compiler and inventory what it broke in a large
           | code base (Google's, but any code base would have worked for
           | that purpose). Seeing that real-world data made it clear that
           | the problem was more serious than we realized and needed to
           | be addressed. That is, it made clear that the positive side
           | of the balance was heavier than we thought it was back in
           | 2011.
           | 2. The design of Go modules added a go version line, which we
           | can key the change off. That completely avoids breaking any
           | old code. That zeroed out the negative side of the balance.
             | orblivion wrote:
             | What about let's say 5 years from now, someone digs up a Go
             | project from 2022, decides to get it up to speed for 2028,
             | updates the version line. Is there something that would
             | remind them to check for breaking changes, including this
             | one? Perhaps the go project initializer could add a comment
             | above the version line with a URL with a list of such
             | changes. Though, that wouldn't help for this change.
               | [deleted]
               | flakes wrote:
               | I think the key difference here is to consider toleration
               | vs adoption. Old code is able to tolerate the changes and
               | still work in new ecosystems. There is still work on
               | maintainers if they want to actually adopt the features
               | themselves. Allowing these two concepts to work together
               | is what allows iteratively updating the world, rather
               | than requiring big bang introduction of features.
               | As for validating your software, the answer is the same
               | as its always been... tests, tests and more tests.
         | smasher164 wrote:
         | > we're still inventing languages where local variables can be
         | mutated
         | Local mutability is probably one of the most common uses of
         | mutability. A lot of it is using local state to build up a more
         | complicated structure, and then getting rid of that state.
         | Getting rid of that use-case is just giving up performance.
         | [deleted]
         | zdimension wrote:
         | There is a recurring joke about Go's language design ignoring
         | many bits of the general language design knowledge collectively
         | acquired through decades of writing new languages. This change
         | is an example of why this joke exists.
       | kzrdude wrote:
       | I have run into this problem in Python too, but not recently. I'm
       | not sure if Python has changed or if I just caught on to the
       | problem.
       | This should be enough to show that it still can wind up as a
       | problem in Python:                   funcs = [(lambda: x) for x
       | in range(3)]         funcs[0]()  # outputs: 2
         | pulvinar wrote:
         | GPT-4 says: The behavior you're observing is due to the late
         | binding nature of closures in Python. When you use a lambda
         | inside a list comprehension (or any loop), it captures a
         | reference to the variable x, not its current value. By the time
         | you call funcs[0](), x has already been set to the last value
         | in the range, which is 2.
         | To get the desired behavior, you can pass x as a default
         | argument to the lambda:                  funcs = [(lambda x=x:
         | x) for x in range(3)]        funcs[0]() # outputs 0
         | paulddraper wrote:
         | That is correct.
         | Python used to be worse; it used to share scope _outside the
         | list comprehension_.
       | DonnyV wrote:
       | GO syntax is so hard to look at.
         | knodi wrote:
         | If you hate readability, sure.
         | guessmyname wrote:
         | > _GO syntax is so hard to look at._
         | What do you mean by "hard"?
         | I find Rust syntax challenging to grasp in a specific way. Rust
         | employs numerous symbols and expressions to convey statements,
         | which makes reading Rust code a process of constantly
         | navigating between different keywords, left and right. I have
         | to create a mental map of what certain statements are
         | accomplishing before I can truly comprehend the code.
         | In contrast, I find Go code relatively straightforward,
         | especially for those familiar with C-like programming
         | languages. This clarity is due to the deliberate verbosity of
         | the language, which I personally appreciate, as well as the use
         | of early return statements.
         | But don't get me wrong. I enjoy programming in both Rust and Go
         | when they are suitable for the task at hand, but I usually
         | spend more time grappling with Rust's syntax than with Go's,
         | because I often invest more time in understanding the structure
         | and logic of Rust programs compared to their Go counterparts.
           | tuetuopay wrote:
           | I guess it depends on the way the brain works. I have very
           | bad memory, but I prefer the expressiveness of Rust to the
           | verbosity of Go. I value much more having the whole context
           | on the screen that navigating countless words of boilerplate
           | code. I do agree that it gets a bit of getting used to, but I
           | find it easier to recognize by eye.
           | ShamelessC wrote:
           | At least part of the issue for me was that many
           | keywords/syntax rules don't match anything I'm familiar with,
           | even considering "C-like" languages.
           | I have similar issues with Rust actually. There's a lot of
           | sugar used that you have to grok and that takes some time.
           | On the other hand Python, C#, Java all stick with a set of
           | fairly familiar conventions. In terms of syntax (and only
           | syntax), the learning curve is more intense with Go; perhaps
           | similar to the initial alienation provided by JavaScript.
           | My experience has been that once you are being paid to learn
           | a language these problems mostly disappear. Alas, no one ever
           | paid me to learn Go.
       | campbel wrote:
       | Won't this end up breaking programs that depend on the current
       | behavior?
         | [deleted]
         | minroot wrote:
         | Some time spent with Go gives a strong indication that Go team
         | always has backwards compatibility in mind
           | jacquesm wrote:
           | They do. Go has avoided most of the pitfalls that other
           | language eco-systems have fallen for over the years
           | (backwards compatibility issues, soft forks masquerading as
           | language improvements, re-booting the whole language under
           | the same name, aggressively pushing down on other languages
           | etc). They've done _remarkably_ well in those respects, and
           | should deserve huge credit for it.
         | nerdponx wrote:
         | Python has the same problem (to the extent that it's actually a
         | problem, which you might or might not agree with), and this is
         | the #1 reason they won't change it.
         | omeid2 wrote:
         | I don't know why you're being down voted, but it is actually
         | breaking the Go1 compat promise. Which says:
         | It is intended that programs written to the Go 1 specification
         | will continue to compile and run correctly, unchanged, over the
         | lifetime of that specification. At some indefinite point, a Go
         | 2 specification may arise, but until that time, Go programs
         | that work today should continue to work even as future "point"
         | releases of Go 1 arise (Go 1.1, Go 1.2, etc.).
           | jacquesm wrote:
           | And they do. You can specify the precise logic to use on a
           | per-file basis.
           | wrs wrote:
           | Note the word "programs", not "files". If your program
           | doesn't declare go 1.22 in its go.mod, it will continue to
           | work (or not work!), unchanged.
             | robertlagrant wrote:
             | Isn't that "working with future point releases", though? If
             | I don't declare 1.22, am I not excluded from that point
             | release?
               | ben0x539 wrote:
               | I assume that if compiling with 1.22 or later, you still
               | get all the benefits from that version like other new
               | features, bug fixes or perf improvements, just not this
               | particular change.
               | mrkstu wrote:
               | No, the compiler will revert to the original behavior, it
               | only adopts the new behavior with the declaration.
           | freedomben wrote:
           | I upvoted the question to offset one of the downs because I
           | agree it's a fair question. However I would guess the
           | downvotes are because TFA addressed this issue directly and
           | comprehensively, so it's a clear "I didn't read the article"
           | indicator :-) Possibly also because the downvoters can't
           | imagine a scenario where this would be desirable behavior
           | (i.e. it's always a bug)
             | colejohnson66 wrote:
             | But if it's a bug, then the logic to not compile future
             | versions is wrong, IMO. If it's a feature change, then such
             | logic would make sense.
             | campbel wrote:
             | Yeah its fair, I didn't closely read that section.
             | Although, I'm not entirely convinced the approach is safe,
             | maybe its worth it to fix such a common pitfall.
             | [deleted]
           | campbel wrote:
           | I don't mind.
           | Yeah, I thought this kind of change wouldn't happen because
           | of this promise.
           | tgv wrote:
           | I think it was downvoted precisely because of that. It's a
           | bit of a contentious issue.
         | doctor_eval wrote:
         | To add to the other comments, in the run-up to go1.21 they
         | talked about how they'd analysed a very large corpus of Go code
         | to see what would be affected, and it was a very very small
         | number.
         | I remember thinking that the number of people who have created
         | inadvertent bugs due to this design (myself included) would be
         | significantly greater than the number of people affected by the
         | fix.
         | omginternets wrote:
         | Seems like yes, though hopefully that should be rare.
         | matthewmueller wrote:
         | It's only enabled for modules that run Go 1.22 and higher
           | badrequest wrote:
           | I also can't imagine a case where it is useful or even truly
           | intended to rely on this behavior.
             | ben0x539 wrote:
             | Yeah I don't think it's so much "we explicitly rely on this
             | behavior, how dare you change this" as "somewhere in our
             | mountains of maintenance-mode code that haven't seen the
             | sun shine through an editor window in years, this behavior
             | cancels out another bug that we never noticed". Tooling
             | should be able to detect when code relies on this, but it's
             | still gonna cost some non-zero amount of developer effort
             | to touch ancient code and safely roll out a new version if
             | it needs to be actively addressed.
               | rsc wrote:
               | If you have tests and they break with
               | GOEXPERIMENT=loopvar, then there is a new tool that will
               | tell you exactly which loop is causing the breakage.
               | That's a post for a few weeks from now.
             | omginternets wrote:
             | Yeah it's def a code smell ...
         | infogulch wrote:
         | > To ensure backwards compatibility with existing code, the new
         | semantics will only apply in packages contained in modules that
         | declare go 1.22 or later in their go.mod files. ... It is also
         | possible to use //go:build lines to control the decision on a
         | per-file basis.
           | sixstringtheory wrote:
           | Doesn't that mean that all code written so far can't take up
           | newer versions of the Go compiler for any other reason like
           | new features/bugfixes/optimizations/etc without a full audit
           | of codepaths involving for loops?
             | ericpauley wrote:
             | No, it does not. Packages can compile using 1.22 and gain
             | other benefits without opting into this change.
               | sixstringtheory wrote:
               | Ah, I didn't see the part about //go:build
       | matthewmueller wrote:
       | Anyone know how this will impact loop performance?
         | tedunangst wrote:
         | Nonexistent? It can still reuse the memory if you don't capture
         | it. And if you were capturing it "properly" it was already
         | making a copy.
         | jsmith45 wrote:
         | Most commonly no impact. It can require an additional heap
         | allocation per iteration if taking the address or capturing in
         | a closure, but even in those cases escape analysis may be able
         | to determine that the value can remain on the stack because it
         | will not remain referenced longer than the current loop
         | iteration. If that happens then this change has no impact.
         | I'm not sure how thorough Go's escape analysis is, but nearly
         | all programs that capture the loop variable in a closure and
         | are not buggy right now could be shown to have that closure not
         | escape by a sufficient thorough escape analysis. On the other
         | hand for existing buggy programs, then perf hit is the same as
         | assigning a variable and capturing that (the normal fix for the
         | bug).
         | Google saw no statistically significant change in their
         | benchmarks or internal applications.
         | https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/LoopvarExperiment#will-the...
       | mongol wrote:
       | Is this a common way to fix problems in language syntax? It seems
       | unintuitive to me. Now you need to know what version is declared
       | in one file to understand behavior in another file. I understand
       | they want to fix this but I did not know this way was allowed.
       | jjwiseman wrote:
       | I know there are much earlier examples, but the earliest warning
       | about this behavior I could find in 60 seconds of searching is
       | from the comp.lang.lisp FAQ, posted more than 30 years ago, in
       | 1992:                   Mar 21, 1992, 1:00:47 AM         Last-
       | Modified: Tue Feb 25 17:34:30 1992 by Mark Kantrowitz         ;;;
       | ****************************************************************
       | ;;; Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Lisp
       | ***************         ;;;
       | ****************************************************************
       | ;;; Written by Mark Kantrowitz and Barry Margolin         ;;;
       | lisp-faq-3.text -- 16886 bytes                  [...]
       | ----------------------------------------------------------------
       | [3-9] Closures don't seem to work properly when referring to the
       | iteration variable in DOLIST, DOTIMES and DO.
       | DOTIMES, DOLIST, and DO all use assignment instead of binding to
       | update the value of the iteration variables. So something like
       | (dotimes (n 10)         (push #'(lambda () (incf n))
       | *counters*))                  will produce 10 closures over the
       | same value of the variable N.
       | ----------------------------------------------------------------
       (page generated 2023-09-19 23:00 UTC)