[HN Gopher] Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - Polyfills gon...
       Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - Polyfills gone rogue
       Author : jviide
       Score  : 106 points
       Date   : 2023-09-21 19:31 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (marvinh.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (marvinh.dev)
       | e_y_ wrote:
       | > Polyfills that don't polyfill
       | This is what's sometimes called a "ponyfill". The idea is to
       | avoid messing with global scope (monkeypatching), which could be
       | problematic if you have multiple polyfills for the same API or
       | polyfills that don't perfectly match the native behavior.
       | This can be a good thing in some situations, but in general it's
       | probably best to leave polyfill decisions to the bundler so you
       | can decide which browsers you want to support. Or even produce
       | multiple versions, a lightweight one for modern browsers and one
       | with tons of polyfills that gets served to ancient ones.
         | mhagemeister wrote:
         | Author here.
         | Good point. Agree that the ideal scenario would be that the end
         | user (or the tools they use) have the final say in which
         | polyfills to load. It's a bit of a bummer that they are shipped
         | as part of npm packages without an easy way to get rid of them.
         | I wonder if our industry will move to publishing the original
         | source files to npm in the long run. Only the last piece of the
         | chain, the developer using these dependencies, knows what their
         | target environments are. So the bundler could then downlevel or
         | polyfill the code for the specified targets.
       | no_wizard wrote:
       | Marvin is doing wonderful work in the JS ecosystem around
       | performance. It has been largely focused on tools and node,
       | however, he did have an interesting set of things to say about
       | how they optimized performance in Preact as well on his website
       | that was really interesting too.
       | One thing I've noticed is the rampant duplication of polyfills
       | and babel helpers. To the point that I now have overrides setup
       | via pnpm and I re-write many imports of polyfills to point at my
       | own shims, which simply re-export existing functionality native
       | to the language, most of the time.
       | For smaller utility packages, I often simply clone the repo and
       | copy things over that we need, or copy the src right out of the
       | node_modules folder if possible, then I strip away all the
       | superfluous imports (and often convert from commonjs to ESM if
       | needed)
       | Saves so much headache, its better for users, smaller builds etc.
         | Dextro wrote:
         | That sounds awesome. I've dabled with something like that but
         | only for lodash (makings sure all different flavours get
         | aliased to a single thing) but I never went too far with all
         | the other stuff.
         | You wouldn't happen to have an example of what you're doing
         | laying around would you? I'd be genuinely curious to try stuff
         | like that out.
         | mhagemeister wrote:
         | Author here.
         | Thanks for the kind words! It's feedback like this that
         | encourages me to keep writing about it.
         | I share your experiences regarding babel helpers and haven't
         | found a good solution myself. Similar to you, I often patch
         | unnecessary stuff out via patch-package, but that approach
         | doesn't scale well.
       | romellem wrote:
       | There is some interesting [drama][1] with this, since this
       | article noticeably doesn't mention any PRs they opened to remove
       | some of these older polyfills.
       | The reason those PRs were never opened/merged is the maintainer
       | of many of those libraries [has a strong stance on "breaking"
       | changes][2] in software:
       | > I have developed an intense avoidance for breaking changes in
       | all of my packages, because I don't want to inflict hundreds of
       | millions of dollars of person-hour cost on the entire industry
       | unnecessarily.
       | IMO this argument avoids the _opposite_ claim, that people then
       | spend a ton of time (and money) trying to make old tech work with
       | newer tech since not everyone maintains to the same standards of
       | backwards compatibility.
       | But regardless, no one is required to stick to a particular way
       | of creating open source software, so the one benefit here is that
       | you are free to [fork the library][3] (assuming its license
       | allows for that) to remove some backwards compatibility that
       | isn't relevant to you.
       | [1]: https://twitter.com/ljharb/status/1704912065486618915
       | [2]: https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-
       | import/pull/2447#...
       | [3]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-outside-click-handler-
       | li...
         | potsandpans wrote:
         | Ljharb is harmful to the ECMAScript community
           | silverwind wrote:
           | I'm thankful for his work, but I do agree, this polyfill
           | madness has to stop.
         | gibolt wrote:
         | Is there not a config for minimum supported JS version? That
         | would appease everyone, while maintaining backwards
         | compatibility.
         | Docs should show the recommended version (modern) and show what
         | options are available to go deeper.
         | Obviously adding those settings for every pollyfill in non-
         | trivial, but burdening everyone with every pollyfill ever is
         | also suboptimal. If anything, this would make cleanup easier
         | going forward since it would all be classified
       | petetnt wrote:
       | I don't really care to comment about the practice itself, but the
       | "Polyfills that don't polyfill" section is missing the point: the
       | function is called directly instead of patching the global object
       | so that the global object is not polluted by an possibly non-
       | standard implementation. Additionally it does use
       | Object.defineProperty if available - furthermore it doesn't even
       | call itself a polyfill in the first place. If it's needed in 2023
       | is a valid point however.
         | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
         | I think it would be better to just expect the standardized
         | functions to be present and then document that the project
         | needs them (e.g. via peer dependencies), allowing users to
         | install them themselves as needed.
           | shpx wrote:
           | That's a lot more work than your library just working in more
           | places.
             | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
             | I don't think it's all that much more: basically every
             | bundler I've used uses browserslist to include polyfills
             | for the developer's target audience.
             | But, also, I think this sort of easy path inflicts a huge
             | cost on the ecosystem as a whole: writing to the standards
             | and expecting your users to supply a compliant environment
             | solves a lot of N*M problems in the dev process.
       | ComputerGuru wrote:
       | I maintain a few JavaScript libraries that I manually verify
       | compatibility against IE6 (and have lints to catch violations). I
       | manually polyfill a few necessities and quality-of-life
       | improvements up top in the script. Out of curiosity, I removed my
       | polyfills and tried swc and babel both, followed by an eslint
       | pass, and the results were absolutely atrocious. Everything gets
       | polyfilled, even stuff that has been supported in every IE
       | version ever. The usage-based detection is completely borked, and
       | is completely based off string searching property/function names.
       | Using toString() anywhere pulls in the polyfills for Date to
       | string, Regex to string, and Object to string. Using regex
       | anywhere pulls in a bunch of regex polyfills. It was a nightmare
       | and the size of my library increased by orders of magnitude!
       | (I tried opening an swc issue about optionally using typescript
       | ast info (via a plugin, not in swc core) to have more correct
       | usage-based polyfill detection, but that was closed as unlikely
       | to be acted upon.)
         | mhagemeister wrote:
         | Author here.
         | That mirrors my experience too on working in various projects.
         | The automatic polyfilling story is such a good thing in theory,
         | but reality isn't as rosy and much more polyfills than
         | necessary are included.
           | ComputerGuru wrote:
           | Thanks for writing your article and sharing! One thing I do
           | on my other libraries is also to polyfill a few heavier
           | things asynchronously instead of making everyone pay the
           | price upfront, so for example I detect if a JSON polyfill is
           | required before asynchronously loading that polyfill. I think
           | the expectation for most things is that the browser will
           | support them by default, and it's ok if all/any polyfills are
           | loaded separately and asynchronously.
         | spankalee wrote:
         | Why are you supporting IE6?
           | ComputerGuru wrote:
           | I replied to a sister comment to yours but it's an old
           | library that started off with IE6 support maybe 10 years ago
           | and just kinda never lost it.
         | H1Supreme wrote:
         | > I maintain a few JavaScript libraries that I manually verify
         | compatibility against IE6
         | Genuinely curious why anyone would target IE6 in 2023. Is it a
         | personal goal to have massive coverage for your library?
           | ComputerGuru wrote:
           | It was used in the checkout flow on our website and the
           | marginal cost of supporting IE6 wasn't worth a lost sale.
           | That was many years ago, and since then I don't think we have
           | anyone on less than IE8 due to TLS version issues with
           | CloudFront, but the code already supported IE6 and there
           | aren't many polyfills extra compared to IE10, so :shrug:
       | smallnamespace wrote:
       | The reason libraries call polyfills directly is because it's
       | impolite for a library to change global scope underneath you.
       | Usually it's the top-level application's author who chooses and
       | configures polyfills.
       | Now one may reasonably ask, why doesn't the library just call
       | Object.defineProperties directly, and tell the user to install
       | the appropriate polyfill?
       | I'm going to guess that a library that Just Works after an npm
       | install will see much better adoption than one that requires each
       | user to configure their babel/swc/etc. correctly, especially
       | since the library can be a dependency of another library.
       | There's currently no standardized mechanism in the npm ecosystem
       | to do the equivalent of "Install this library, and also configure
       | your environment to pull in all required polyfills" so that the
       | required functionality is available in global scope. One reason
       | is because the transpilers that automatically polyfill into
       | global scope are third-party tools.
       | Maybe a standard mechanism like this _should_ exist, but it doesn
       | 't today, hence the quite reasonable choice of library authors to
       | directly use polyfills because doing so:
       | 1. Avoids pollute the global namespace by avoiding applying a
       | polyfill globally
       | 2. Works as a dependency without additional configuration by the
       | user
       | 3. Preserve backwards compatibility
       | A somewhat cheap fix to at least reduce duplication of polyfills
       | would be for libraries that need polyfills to accept a wide
       | version range. That would give the package manager room to pick a
       | version that's compatible across call sites.
         | tedunangst wrote:
         | But why are we polyfilling a function that exists in every
         | version of node? When did this code _not_ just work after
         | installation that it required a polyfill?
       | [deleted]
       | azemetre wrote:
       | This series is great!
       | You should seriously think about consolidating them into a book.
       | Something I notice other engineers struggle with is how to
       | properly assess performance, read heap snapshots, or even
       | understand how to read a flamegraph for stack tracing tools. It
       | would be nice to point, or buy, them a resource showing this.
       | I'd definitely buy a copy.
         | bjnewman85 wrote:
         | Second that, I would definitely buy a book based on this
         | series.
           | mhagemeister wrote:
           | Thanks for the kind feedback! It's definitely something in
           | the back of my mind. I feel like I need to collect a little
           | more content to fill a whole book, but I'm enticed by the
           | thought of writing one nonetheless.
             | leipert wrote:
             | Part 3 send me down a debugging route of eslint performance
             | in the GitLab project and we were able to move from 25 min
             | of listing time in CI, down to 5. So, thanks for the
             | inspiration!
       | jluxenberg wrote:
       | For what it's worth; `eslint-plugin-react` has been around for a
       | long time and seems to support running in very old versions of
       | Node.JS (back to v4[1] apparently! tho I can't find anything
       | documenting that for sure.)
       | I was surprised to learn that Object.values is only supported in
       | Node >v7, Object.fronEntries was added in v12, etc. So for this
       | project maybe the polyfills are needed.
       | [1] https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-react/pull/1038
         | mhagemeister wrote:
         | Yeah, engines are a moving target. I'm all for backwards
         | compatibility, but I'm worried about promoting old node
         | versions with known unpatched security issues. Given that
         | eslint itself only supports node >= 12.22.0 it seems like it's
         | time to get rid of the polyfills.
         | I wish we as in the industry would find a better solution to
         | adapt to this. It's a bit unfortunate that the polyfills as
         | part of the library code itself, which makes it difficult to
         | get rid of them once they're not needed anymore.
         | gigel82 wrote:
         | Genuinely curious, are there people out there using newer
         | versions of this package with old / unsupported versions of
         | Node (in production)?
           | silverwind wrote:
           | Not really. Adoption of new Node versions is quite quick,
           | given their short support periods.
           | https://nodejs.org/metrics/summaries/version.png
       | cxr wrote:
       | You'll never get NPM apologists to acknowledge this. One of their
       | only skills is making non-specific appeals to the necessity of it
       | all (as essential infrastructure) and vague arguments that boil
       | down to "you need to trust the wisdom of the crowds" (and e.g.
       | the fact that it exists and everyone else is using it means that
       | anyone who disputes its value just doesn't understand it--bonus
       | points for them if they manage to work in a slight that's
       | designed to paint you, implicitly or explicitly, as a junior),
       | despite not being able to attest to any firsthand knowledge of
       | the real _why_ of anything they 're defending.
       | > The new dependencies were all polyfills for JavaScript
       | functions that have long been supported everywhere. The
       | Object.defineProperties method for example was shipped as part of
       | the very first public Node 0.10.0 release dating back to 2013.
       | Heck, even Internet Explorer 9 supported that. And yet there were
       | numerous packages in that dependend on a polyfill for it.
         | CharlesW wrote:
         | > _You 'll never get NPM apologists to acknowledge this._
         | How should NPM prevent archaic dependencies, or the "even more
         | bizarre" (author's words) problem of developers calling
         | polyfills directly instead of the function that the polyfill
         | fills?
           | whstl wrote:
           | The parent is not criticising NPM the tool/registry, but
           | rather the ecosystem and culture.
             | cxr wrote:
             | I'm happy to criticize NPM the tool. The whole thing is
             | designed as a second, crummier version control system that
             | lives in disharmony with and on top of your base-level
             | version control system (so it can subvert it). It's a
             | terrible design.
             | There's basically at most one reasonable use for npm: as a
             | glorified download manager, i.e. to quickly fetch a module
             | by name (right before you check it in to version control
             | with Git). This differs wildly, of course, from how it's
             | actually used, which is as a drug that sweeps mountains of
             | unaudited code under the rug so people can trick themselves
             | and others into thinking that none of it's really there on
             | the basis that it's not visible when anyone first clones
             | the repo.
             | To answer the other commenter's question, "How should NPM
             | prevent archaic dependencies": it shouldn't; it's okay for
             | programmers to be responsible for their work.
               | spankalee wrote:
               | How is npm a version control system?
               | npm is a fairly standard package manager, much like many
               | others, pretty good even.
               | I don't know of anyone who says that package managers and
               | source control solve the same problems. They both happen
               | to use the word and concept of "version" but to mean
               | _different_ things. Yes, some projects vendor in their
               | dependencies into their source control system, but they
               | must either manually verify package version compatibility
               | or use a package manager like npm to help them do it. And
               | vendoring doesn 't work for actual packages published to
               | the package repo. If they vendored dependencies then
               | every dependency would be duplicated always, defeating
               | the very purpose of a package manager!
         | cogman10 wrote:
         | Back in 2011ish or so when npm was just getting started and
         | Ruby on rails was all the rage. "Do not repeat yourself" was
         | seen as a gold standard for programming. The end result has
         | been a mess, particularly for npm. There were FAR too many
         | articles talking about how "there's no such thing as too small
         | a dependency" and talks given about how much a virtue it was to
         | create "is-odd" or "is-even" "look you saved 3 lines of code
         | that you don't have to test!"
         | Unfortunately, that compounded with browser of the era
         | (Internet explorer...) having basically 0 support for modern
         | javascript led to a proliferation of dependencies, polyfills,
         | etc that are nearly impossible to remove from the ecosystem.
         | I've not seen a lot of node apologists that are fine with the
         | current ecoystem. The problem is righting the ship is going to
         | be terribly hard. Either existing frameworks/libraries need to
         | go through the effort of saying "Ok, do I really need is-even,
         | let's remove it" or we need new frameworks/libraries to abandon
         | tools and the ecosystem in favor of fatter and fewer
         | dependencies.
         | I think the issue all stems from the fact that before 2010ish,
         | there was one library and one framework, jquery (Ok, there were
         | others... but were there really?) and that added a good 1mb to
         | any webpage. The notion was we do more with less if we had a
         | bunch of smaller deps that didn't need to be brought in.
           | no_wizard wrote:
           | I wonder if there would be any interest from folks for an
           | alternative npm registry that would automatically cleanup
           | dependency chains like this (among other things, possibly),
           | remove polyfills etc.
           | I always thought about something like this, with on the fly
           | manipulation of packages via SWC would be pretty fast I think
           | Klonoar wrote:
           | jQuery is the one that's outlasted them all, but yes - there
           | were absolutely other frameworks in use. It also discounts
           | the detour into the Backbone era before Angular and React
           | took off.
             | arbol wrote:
             | MooTools springs to mind
           | whstl wrote:
           | Most people fine with the problems of the ecosystem have
           | financial incentives.
           | Stating that you maintain 800 NPM libraries brings more clout
           | and money than maintaining a foundational one.
           | Even with foundational packages things tend to go wrong. Why
           | add features to an existing package if I can write several
           | plugins? Or even worse in some cases: why use the existing
           | configuration file if I can instead just ask users to install
           | dozens of dummy packages that only exist to trigger a feature
           | in my Core package?
           | josephg wrote:
           | > "Do not repeat yourself" was seen as a gold standard for
           | programming.
           | I remember this era. I've been using nodejs before npm
           | existed and so many silly things have happened in that time.
           | I think the core problem the JS ecosystem has always had is
           | that most JS developers are relatively inexperienced. (JS is
           | very beginner friendly and this is the price we pay). I still
           | vividly remember being at nodecamp in 2012 or something
           | listening to someone tell me how great it would be if the
           | entire OS was written in javascript. It didn't matter how
           | much I poked and prodded him, he couldn't hear that it might
           | not be an amazing idea. I think he thought it would be easier
           | to reimplement an OS kernel in JS than it would be to just
           | learn C. And there were lots of people around with a sparkle
           | in their eye and those sort of wacky ideas - good or bad. It
           | was fun and in hindsight a very silly time.
           | So yeah, of course some idiot in JS made is-even. And is-odd
           | (which depends on is-even). I see all of this as the
           | characteristic mistake of youth - that we go looking for
           | overly simple rules about what is good and bad (JS good! C
           | bad!) and then we make a mess. When we're young we lack
           | discernment about subtle questions. When is it better to pull
           | in a library vs writing it yourself inline? When is JS a good
           | or a bad idea? When should you add comments, or tests? And
           | when do you leave them out?
           | Most of the best engineers I know made these sort of stupid
           | philosophical mistakes when they were young. I certainly did.
           | The JS ecosystem just suffers disproportionately from this
           | kind of thing because so many packages in npm are written by
           | relatively new developers.
           | I think that's a good thing for our industry as a whole. But
           | I also get it when Bryan Cantrill describes JS as the failed
           | state of programming languages.
             | TeMPOraL wrote:
             | > _The JS ecosystem just suffers disproportionately from
             | this kind of thing because so many packages in npm are
             | written by relatively new developers._
             | I think it also suffers because it grew in the age of
             | Internet and Open Source, which made the problem
             | compounding. Programmers write a lot of stupid code when
             | learning, it's part of the process - but it used to be that
             | the stupidity was constrained to your machine and maybe a
             | few poor souls who ended up reading or using your code. In
             | JS ecosystem, all that stupidity gets published, and ends
             | up worming its way, through dependency chains, into
             | everything.
             | beepbooptheory wrote:
             | I thought is-even/is-odd were satirical? Granted, satire
             | echoing these same points... but, you know, just for-the-
             | record.
               | phire wrote:
               | It's hard to tell.
               | The author of both packages has since moved the github
               | repos to an organisation named "i-voted-for-trump" and
               | labelled the packages with the "troll-bait" tag.
               | But the author also claims those packages where created
               | when they were learning to program, and they seem to have
               | stuck with the idea of small libraries (just not quite
               | that small). The changes seem to be due to grief the
               | programming community has given him about those packages,
               | as some of the worst examples of the pattern.
               | I suspect the author was being slightly satirical by
               | choosing to do the simplest possible NPM library. But at
               | the same time they probably believed it was a useful
               | package, allowing new programmers (like himself) to
               | calculate the evenness/oddness of numbers without needing
               | to know or google the mod-2 trick. And if you are going
               | to learn how to create npm packages, might as well start
               | small.
               | If they were aiming to be slightly satirical, they were
               | not expecting that level of outrage.
               | It's worth pointing out that the libraries do slightly
               | more than just mod-2. It checks the argument passed in
               | was actually an integer, and throws descriptive error
               | messages if the argument is not a number or not an
               | integer.
               | pphysch wrote:
               | Those may be satirical, but `leftpad` is real.
               | https://qz.com/646467/how-one-programmer-broke-the-
               | internet-...
             | phire wrote:
             | _> I still vividly remember being at nodecamp in 2012 or
             | something listening to someone tell me how great it would
             | be if the entire OS was written in javascript._
             | That reminds me of Gary Bernhardt's "The Birth & Death of
             | JavaScript" talk[0], which one of the best comedy
             | programming talks. Despite the comedy, it's also a half-
             | decent idea.
             | [0] https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/the-birth-and-
             | death...
       (page generated 2023-09-21 23:00 UTC)