[HN Gopher] GitHub Actions could be so much better
       GitHub Actions could be so much better
       Author : woodruffw
       Score  : 282 points
       Date   : 2023-09-22 14:21 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.yossarian.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.yossarian.net)
       | rurp wrote:
       | It's hard for me to articulate exactly why but I really dislike
       | the information layout in GH Actions. Compared to other CI/CD
       | tools, it's harder to debug problems or get a sense of the state
       | of a pipeline. Part of the problem is the number of clicks it
       | takes to look at various step logs. Some of the controls are
       | unintuitive, but maybe that's just me.
         | whalesalad wrote:
         | This could be said for a lot of GitHub. The fact that you need
         | to open a disclosure menu to edit a PR is wild.
           | mock-possum wrote:
           | Their comment system just doesn't feel right compared to
           | Bitbucket's either - I think it's the distinction between
           | comments that are part of a review, versus comments that are
           | 'just' comments
       | kaikoenig wrote:
       | Been through that git commit; git push; repeat cycle too much as
       | well until i discovered https://github.com/mxschmitt/action-tmate
       | which gives a shell in between steps, which does not help with
       | all problems but sure it's makes it less painful at times.
         | justinclift wrote:
         | Thanks, that looks super useful. :)
       | vladaionescu wrote:
       | Founder of Earthly here - besides the build debugging difficulty,
       | I would add that modern CI/CD repeats a lot of steps:
       | downloading, installing and configuring dependencies, making
       | things much slower than they should be.
       | We built Earthly [1] to tackle these two problems specifically.
       | We're open-source (10k stars).
       | [1]: https://earthly.dev
       | solatic wrote:
       | GitHub Actions is a horrible CI/CD system. You cannot run steps
       | in parallel on the same VM; container-based workloads are a
       | second-class citizen. The first problem means that setting up
       | local credentials and other environment dependencies cannot be
       | parallelized (I'm looking at you, google-github-actions/setup-
       | gcloud, with your 1m+ runtime... grrr), the second makes it quite
       | difficult to put a Dockerfile in a repository to represent setup
       | of the CI environment, and have both (a) the CI rebuild the
       | container images when the image would change, pausing workflows
       | depending on that image until the image is rebuilt, (b) not
       | attempting to rebuild the image when its contents did not change,
       | and immediately running workflows inside that image, including
       | all dependencies already installed.
       | No, in GitHub Actions, you will attempt to repopulate from cache
       | on _every single run_. Of course, sometimes the cache isn 't
       | found, particularly because there's a 5 GB cache size limit
       | (which cannot be enlarged, not even for payment) which cycles out
       | FIFO. So if you go over the 5 GB cache, you might as well not
       | have one.
       | I _deeply_ miss Concourse. Too bad Pivotal dismantled the team
       | and it barely gets even maintenance work. Parallel tasks. Custom
       | pipeline triggers. SSH into the CI environment to debug. Run one-
       | off tasks in CI without needing to set up a pipeline. Transfer
       | directory contents from one job to another without needing to
       | create artifacts (which cost money to store if you 're not
       | careful about how long they should stick around for).
       | GitHub Actions is a bastardized toy CI/CD system that only got
       | popular because GitHub make it as simple as uploading a file to
       | .github/workflows in any repository - no additional signup, no
       | in-house ops required, everything you could want is just _there_.
       | So let 's be very clear about what GitHub Actions is good and
       | what it's bad at - it's good at getting people to sign up, but
       | it's not nearly powerful enough to be the "best" system once you
       | start to outgrow the early features.
         | couchand wrote:
         | > Of course, sometimes the cache isn't found, particularly
         | because there's a 5 GB cache size limit (which cannot be
         | enlarged, not even for payment) which cycles out FIFO. So if
         | you go over the 5 GB cache, you might as well not have one.
         | Looks like I can move on that "build caching mysteriously
         | broken" issue now. Thanks for the heads up!
       | nthState wrote:
       | Most of my problems would vanish if there was an official way to
       | run workflows locally, something like:
       | shell: run_workflow name=MyJob in=MyWorkflow.yml params={}
         | avtar wrote:
         | I guess you have to ask yourself what's in MyWorkflow.yml that
         | can't be in a script and run locally?
           | mason55 wrote:
           | Well, that's why the word "official" is in there. Obviously
           | you could mock up the entire github actions scaffolding
           | locally and have it inject environment variables and support
           | all the actions and everything, but keeping that up to date
           | will be a nightmare if you're doing it on your own.
           | Obviously you could put the whole CI/CD into a bash script
           | and not use any features or functionality provided by github
           | actions but there are plenty of nice things that it does and
           | it would be a shame to not use any of them.
             | avtar wrote:
             | I didn't mention it in my reply but I was referring to the
             | complaint in the article that the author wants to be able
             | to debug locally without having to push changes to GitHub
             | first. The top comment by MoreQARespect and others
             | highlight the benefits of scripting as much as possible so
             | that processes like builds and cutting releases can be run
             | and tested locally.
             | > Obviously you could mock up the entire github actions
             | scaffolding locally
             | Not sure if anyone's advocating for implementing GA
             | entirely. You can at least automate project-specific bits
             | as much as possible using scripts, and then have the CI
             | environment use the same automation. That allows for more
             | local debugging than overusing GA.
       | k8svet wrote:
       | I mean, it's _embarrassing_ how bad it is.
       | - (unrelated) build failures just randomly notifies the latest
       | maintainer who happened to merge something? (Imagine you finding
       | this out when your newly added maintainer pings you on Matrix and
       | tells you 1: about this behavior, and 2: _that your update
       | /builds have been failing for a week without you knowing?!?!_)
       | - The cache action is horribly, trivially observably broken with
       | seemingly no maintainer?
       | - Can't tail the build log of a step if their UI poops or your
       | tab unloaded after it started?
       | - The complete lack of abstraction that _might actually make
       | workflows portable across worker nodes_? pfft.
       | - the default image is a _travesty_. I thought it was obnoxious
       | how bloated it was and then I started digging in and realizing
       | "Oh, some Microsoftie that didn't know Linux was put in charge of
       | this". (saying this as a former FTE that knows). And there's no
       | effort to allow a more slimmed down image for folks that, you
       | know, use Nix? Or even just Docker?
       | I'm in the process of migrating off GitHub and it's mostly
       | because Actions shocked me to my senses. Too bad MS can't figure
       | out how to retain virtually any Linux talent, and not just their
       | cuffed-acqui-hires or Windows-devs-cosplaying. Even the well
       | compensated ones head for the door.
       | And I'll just say, I don't program in YAML because YAML is a
       | disgrace wrought upon us by Go+Yaml enthusiasts that don't know
       | any better fueled by senseless VC money shoveled at an overall
       | ecosystem incognizant of modern, actually useful technology.
       | edit: removing some of the blatantly identifying former-FTE
       | trauma. Knowing what I know I should sell all my MSFT, but the
       | market thinks differently.
       | chrissoundz wrote:
       | Struggling with this today, and numerous other days. It's so bad.
       | Stop trying to build an operating system out of YAML. I'll always
       | use and recommend Gitlab from now on.
       | And what the earth is an "actions" anyway? How on earth is simple
       | bash functions not just as suitable here? Instead you have some
       | weird YAML scripting language. It's so bad. Why. Somebody please
       | tell me. I'm losing my mind. It is a good reflection of the rest
       | of the world though and why the worlds infrastructure is
       | crumbling in many places.
         | giobox wrote:
         | Executing bash statements/scripts/functions is the thing I
         | struggle _least_ with in GH actions personally, it 's
         | remarkably easy to execute shell steps. If you really want your
         | entire build to be a shellscript the action executes, you can
         | do just that with very little YAML.
       | atomicnature wrote:
       | This is a _real_ problem. I think the problem stems from the
       | unasserted assumption that declarative YAML is not really coding
       | /debugging. The root problem is the assumption that
       | infrastructure specifications are second-class citizens when it
       | comes to managing a software ecosystem. Due to this, one rarely
       | sees any sort of strong tooling support for creating, updating,
       | debugging and extending various infrastructure activities. The
       | unpleasant truth is that we live in the dark primitive days of
       | infrastructure management.
       | elischleifer wrote:
       | Another tool that tackles GitHub Action debugging head on:
       | https://www.ci-debugger.io/
       | Wrap your GH Actions in a debugger breakpoint and connect into
       | the live broken GH Action to inspect the machine, re-run commands
       | etc..
       | At it's heart - realtime debugging for GitHub actions.
       | watermelon0 wrote:
       | My number one complaint is that they still don't have managed ARM
       | runners. Considering how overpriced runners are (compared to
       | cloud instances), I'm sure they would make a ton of money here.
       | My choices here are either to use a different CI solution (but I
       | quite like Actions, and they are better integrated in the Github
       | UI than alternatives), or to use custom self-hosted autoscaling
       | runners (but there doesn't appear to be a good solution available
       | at the moment, and I definitely don't want to managed infra for
       | CI.)
         | xjia wrote:
         | Check out https://dime.run/ they manage workers for you
       | varsketiz wrote:
       | It's not really context switching. Author is debugging github
       | actions, thats the context in which a few window changes seem
       | minor. Context switching would be to get dragged to meeting, or
       | getting asked by a colleague to explain how to set up github
       | actions for their project.
       | bob1029 wrote:
       | My experience with GitHub Actions is mostly managed by way of
       | certain Azure Portal interactions these days.
       | When I create a new Function app, it gives me the opportunity to
       | enable GitHub integration. The experience for this is flawless,
       | IMO. You provide your GH credentials, select the org/repo/branch,
       | and then it will create the workflow file for you and push it
       | automatically. It will _also_ update the secrets in your
       | repository settings to match what Azure expects on its end for
       | deployment.
       | By the time you get to look at your GitHub repo, the action is
       | already running and will 100% complete successfully if you
       | followed a standard/default project structure. The automatically-
       | generated workflow files aren't perfect, but they're so close
       | that it becomes trivial to tweak for additional build args or
       | project arrangements. Just getting the secrets & related
       | boilerplate configured makes the difference between me doing it
       | _right now_ vs maybe never. The consequence of always having
       | proper CI /CD from day zero, even for the most trivial projects,
       | seems profound to me.
       | There exist some really happy paths now wrt GH actions, but you
       | gotta be willing to get pretty hammered on the Microsoft koolaid
       | to explore them.
       | cwales95 wrote:
       | This is my normal CI/CD workflow -- even for GitLab. Debugging
       | why CI/CD doesn't work is one of the worst headaches you can
       | imagine.
       | ctoth wrote:
       | One thing that actually makes this slightly less horrible is the
       | Gh tool. You can use gh run watch to tail your logs in the
       | terminal and at least don't have to click through a million
       | things just to see output.
         | rane wrote:
         | I wrote a command-line tool that streamlines retrieving test
         | results from GitHub Actions even further. Essentially parses
         | jest/tsc/eslint errors in GHA jobs' logs for the current's
         | branch PR. https://github.com/raine/ghtool
       | nafizh wrote:
       | What's the technology behind the blog? It's clean, minimal and
       | beautiful.
         | junke wrote:
         | Jekyll
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | It's a Jekyll site. I originally built it off of a popular
         | theme (back in 2014 or so), but these days the theme is just a
         | custom thing that I've cobbled together.
         | (So, in a sense, there's no real technology "behind" it. It's
         | just Markdown with a little HTML templating, with Jekyll as the
         | SSG.)
           | nafizh wrote:
           | Thanks for the reply. Is the code available by any chance?
             | fooker wrote:
             | Right click -> view page source.
             | woodruffw wrote:
             | Unfortunately not -- it used to be in a public repo, but I
             | also track drafts and other things now that I don't want to
             | be public until they're ready.
             | I'll see if I can clean it up into a public repository, but
             | no guarantees :-)
       | kitallis wrote:
       | One of my biggest gripes with Actions is that it doesn't allow
       | you to trigger workflows for a specific SHA. Only the branch
       | HEAD.
       | This is pretty much possible in all other CIs.
       | joshstrange wrote:
       | I couldn't agree more with the pain of debugging a GH Actions
       | run. The /only/ tool you have is the ability to re-run with debug
       | on. That's it. I have so many "trash" commits trying to fix or
       | debug a pipeline and so much of it's just throwing stuff at the
       | wall to see if it sticks.
       | Very basic things, like having reusable logic, is needlessly
       | complex or poorly documented. Once I figured out how to do it it
       | was fairly easy but GitHub's docs were terrible for this. They
       | made it seem like I had to publish an action to get any
       | reusability or put it in a different repo. Turns out you can
       | create new yaml files with reusable logic but make sure you put
       | them in the root of the workflows folder or they won't work, go
       | figure.
       | It's just incredibly painful to work on GH Actions but once you
       | have them working they are such a joy. I really wish there was
       | some kind of local runner or way to test your actions before
       | committing and pushing.
         | hahn-kev wrote:
         | Check this out. It doesn't do everything but it's decent
         | https://github.com/nektos/act
         | pid-1 wrote:
         | If only competitors could do better...
         | https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/2797
           | hv42 wrote:
           | yeah... https://github.com/firecow/gitlab-ci-local is a good
           | workaround but should be built-in. How do developers at
           | GitLab/Github debug their workflows?
         | TeeMassive wrote:
         | I've tried running the GitHub runner image (or maybe an
         | imitation) and it was really painful to setup and to get _some_
         | things working. I just let it go after 2 days.
         | And it's not just Github. The others big CI platform are not
         | really better in terms of workflow and integration.
         | Now I just script everything to the maximum.
         | giobox wrote:
         | > I have so many "trash" commits trying to fix or debug a
         | pipeline and so much of it's just throwing stuff at the wall to
         | see if it sticks.
         | One tool is to use draft PRs for this - you can run changes to
         | your action YAML from the draft PR. When you are happy just
         | squash the commits as you see fit on a "real" PR to merge the
         | changes in without the mess.
         | I've found draft PRs for debugging/developing GH action logic
         | to be pretty reasonable.
           | lambda_garden wrote:
           | Since some action depend on the branch / tag you are on this
           | is not always possible.
             | secret-noun wrote:
             | Indeed. I have sometimes made release workflows, hardcoded
             | to the main branch.
             | You don't want to experiment too much on main because it
             | dirties your commit history with 20 "Fix typo"-esque
             | commits.
             | Or, if you try to emulate the main branch with a fake main
             | branch (so you can squash it later), you're still going to
             | have some test commits when do the find-replace back to
             | main.
             | Neither are great.
         | andix wrote:
         | If I'm fixing CI I always put it on a feature branch and do a
         | squash merge once I'm done. Because it's never just one quick
         | fix, it's always 3-10 commits.
           | kitallis wrote:
           | > If I'm fixing CI I always put it on a feature branch and do
           | a squash merge once I'm done. Because it's never just one
           | quick fix, it's always 3-10 commits.
           | The problem is GA also does not allow you to commit a new
           | workflow in a branch. It must first exist on your primary
           | branch and then you may tweak it in another.
             | [deleted]
         | vladaionescu wrote:
         | This is the main reason we built Earthly: run your builds
         | locally, and get consistency with the CI.
       | [deleted]
       | natbennett wrote:
       | For validating YAML I love CUE. It takes some work to define the
       | schema -- would def be nice if GitHub provided that.
       | I found Nektos act pretty usable for local testing when I was
       | doing a lot of GA work.
       | Pxtl wrote:
       | I mean GH Actions is basically a re-brand of Microsoft's "Azure
       | Pipelines". As somebody who used all previous incarnations of
       | TFS/VSTS/AzDO build and release pipelines: they are _not good at
       | this_. This is not a team with a record of success. That Azure
       | Pipelines is moderately usable only happened because they failed
       | literally every other approach they tried.
       | There was a project to allow you to run the pipelines locally so
       | you could do the edit-run-debug loop on your own private
       | environment without committing. It was, of course, canned.
       | https://github.com/microsoft/azure-pipelines-agent/pull/2687...
       | However, there are tools to improve QOL. For example:
       | https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-azure...
       | A vscode extension that's syntax-aware.
       | Now, I'll be a bit controversial: if they'd used XML instead of
       | YAML, you could have an xmlns declaration up-top that would give
       | you validation in most decent code editors _without_ user
       | intervention. XML is awful, but it has a lot of useful features
       | that we gave up when we threw the baby out with the bathwater.
         | ZeWaka wrote:
         | > GH Actions is basically a re-brand of Microsoft's "Azure
         | Pipelines"
         | Probably even moreso than most people think - a large portion
         | of the AzDo team got moved over after the acquisition to work
         | on GitHub Actions/Projects.
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | > I mean GH Actions is basically a re-brand of Microsoft's
         | "Azure Pipelines". As somebody who used all previous
         | incarnations of TFS/VSTS/AzDO build and release pipelines: they
         | are not good at this. This is not a team with a record of
         | success. That Azure Pipelines is moderately usable only
         | happened because they failed literally every other approach
         | they tried.
         | I was under the impression (which might be wrong!) that GHA was
         | an independent project within GitHub that was well underway
         | before the acquisition. Are you saying that GHA was rebuilt on
         | top of AzP, that it's just a relabeling of AzP, or something
         | else?
         | (I have no particular dog in it being one way or the other, but
         | I'm curious about the history here.)
           | Pxtl wrote:
           | They share a lot of code. My understanding is that it was an
           | MS project first, but I might have that backwards.
           | > GitHub Workflows execute on runners. The runner code is
           | essentially a fork of the Azure Pipelines code, so it's very
           | similar. It's also cross-platform and you can also use hosted
           | or self-hosted runners.
           | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-
           | us/dotnet/architecture/devops...
             | woodruffw wrote:
             | Thanks for the link -- I knew that GHA workflow runs ran on
             | Azure, but I didn't know the workflow runner itself was a
             | fork of Azure's runner/instrumentor. That's interesting
             | context!
               | evntdrvn wrote:
               | if you look at the source of the GHA runner, you can see
               | where they regex-replace all references to Azure
               | Pipelines with GitHub Actions lol
           | evntdrvn wrote:
           | the original GHA implementation was shitcanned
       | pxeger1 wrote:
       | I would like to give a strong recommendation for https://pre-
       | commit.ci (no relation, just a happy user).
       | The idea is that you write hooks (or use pre-existing ones) that
       | check (and fix, where possible) your code before you commit, and
       | then once you've pushed, the CI will check again, including
       | automatically committing fixes if necessary.
       | Anyway, it works brilliantly - unbelievably fast thanks to good
       | automatic caching, and using the exact same setup on your local
       | development machine to in CI negates a lot of these debugging
       | problems. It's free for open source.
       | It only does checks, not things like automatic releases, but it
       | does those them well.
       | ulizzle wrote:
       | More official or blessed packages for sure. I agree with that.
       | he0001 wrote:
       | We recently converted from Jenkins to GitHub Actions (complete
       | rewrite) build pipeline. Jenkins had its issues and warts, but
       | holy Beelzebub what a monster GitHub Actions is. It pure
       | downright evil and creates all sort of headaches. Opaque, zero
       | clues on what broke. Glacial slow even if you throw the biggest
       | instance at it. It's all enterprise and 1000s of repositories big
       | company.
       | I'm spending more time finding bugs in the build pipeline than
       | the time I spend doing other things. And it's all GitHub actions
       | fault. I hate it with a passion.
       | sitzkrieg wrote:
       | one thing to be aware of, if you use windows, and submodules in a
       | repo, ci will fail to clone over 50% of the time (with internal
       | retries) with early eof errors
       | it's apparently a fixed problem in upstream openssl beta that
       | isnt bundled yet, but i think a custom runner would be better too
       | (but not an option at my org)
       | still, some days it gets in a rut and quickly fails for 10+ runs
       | all billed at full rate. the entire eng group is severely annoyed
       | by it because we cross test all oses on each commit so its
       | becoming an expensive problem. basically 3x the billing on
       | windows ci
       | becurious wrote:
       | You'd think they could at least train GitHub Copilot to test run
       | the workflow and point out immediate issues.
       | We have to add an action to kill duplicate runs on triggers.
       | The caching is marginal, at least on Windows runners because it
       | takes forever to expand the tar ball. Not even sure from their
       | docs / issues on the cache action if they did finally move it to
       | use GNU tar.
       | Having some way to get an interactive shell on fail would be a
       | big step up for debugging issues. Otherwise we are back to print
       | debugging in the actions or uploading artifacts at each step so
       | we can inspect them.
       | riv991 wrote:
       | The feature I'd love is history.
       | I'd like to know if my builds are getting slower over time. I'd
       | be able to detect flaky tests automatically.
       | It seems basic, but I know third-party solutions exist for this.
       | It's out of the box in Circle CI and Buildkite and feels like it
       | should be here.
         | atomicfiredoll wrote:
         | I was with a team that moved from Jenkins to Actions. Jenkins
         | has a lot of issues, but if you knew what you were doing, at
         | least it was easy to see the history and at a glance know the
         | project pipelines were green/healthy. It was super useful for
         | seeing where flake was in tests or observing changes to
         | coverage over time.
         | After the team migrating to actions swept though, we ran
         | without this basic stuff for years because nobody had the time
         | to figure out what 3rd party tool to use, money to pay for it,
         | or capacity to re-implement the functionality. It made dealing
         | with test failures or flake that crept in awful.
       | kevmo314 wrote:
       | I wish individual actions could be specified as Dockerfiles
       | instead of yaml files. That would address a lot of issues that
       | I've run into around build environments being slightly different
       | than locally.
       | Yes, I can wrap it with a simple docker action. It would be cool
       | if that were automatic.
       | bingemaker wrote:
       | The current state of GA is much better than Jenkins. I don't like
       | yaml, but this is still better than mucking around Jenkins
       | configs. Fin
       | ZeWaka wrote:
       | re: `pull_request_target` and fork PRs - You can get around the
       | !Even More Fun! limitations this has (GITHUB_TOKEN being read-
       | only) by having a workflow called by another workflow.
       | For example, I wrote a set of workflows[1] to automatically apply
       | a label after 2 'review approvals'.
       | First, a 'dummy' workflow triggering off PRs (in that context)
       | that uploads an artifact: the PR number
       | Second, the 'real' workflow that runs in the context of the
       | actual repository, set to be `on: workflow_run: workflows: -
       | Final Review Labeler` - this pulls in the artifact, runs a
       | GraphQL query, and applies the label if applicable.
       | [1]:
       | https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/blob/master/.gith...
       | giobox wrote:
       | My personal wish is for the ability to attach HTML reports the
       | the action runs without having to use the current actions/upload-
       | artifact etc.
       | Particularly for test builds, I very often just want to quickly
       | view the output HTML report. The current approaches I am familiar
       | with are the aforementioned upload-artifact, or using GH pages,
       | but GH pages is not great when you have multiple different
       | reporting output for the same repo, or you wanna quickly view
       | historical reporting rather than latest.
       | I'd love a simple "attach-report" action that just put a link to
       | an HTML report on the job summary, and clicking on it renders the
       | html.
       | Other automated CI/CD style systems have much richer support out
       | of the box for dealing with HTML report capturing and viewing.
         | [deleted]
         | dmart wrote:
         | Granted, it's not HTML, but you can append Markdown output
         | directly to $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY without dealing with artifact
         | uploads etc.
           | giobox wrote:
           | Thanks, I'm aware of this option too, but if you say have an
           | HTML report with the results of 200 tests, no one has time to
           | write some logic to parse the results to a markdown summary
           | frankly. Just give me the link!
           | Similar too if the reporting captures video/screenshots of a
           | given bug - the original report UI is far easier to deal
           | with. Many test frameworks already natively put out an HTML
           | report UI etc, it's just harder to get to than it should be
           | with GH actions today.
             | pests wrote:
             | > an HTML report with the results of 200 tests, no one has
             | time to write some logic to parse the results to a markdown
             | summary frankly.
             | Not sure how GHA treats it, but markdown is a subset of
             | HTML so by default all HTML pages are valid Markdown
             | documents. No conversion required.
       | remram wrote:
       | Can I trigger a workflow from a different workflow yet? That
       | seems very basic, and last time I looked I had to create a token
       | that gives read/write access to every repo in every organization
       | to do this. And then it didn't work because the docs for the
       | trigger API is apparently wrong.
       | simse wrote:
       | A linter can catch some obvious errors:
       | https://github.com/rhysd/actionlint. But yes, I agree, it's not a
       | fun debugging experience.
         | bastardoperator wrote:
         | act would also be helpful here in terms of debugging and
         | development of Actions workflows.
         | https://github.com/nektos/act
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | Yep, actionlint is great! I've used it successfully both to
         | lint my own workflows, and to lint third-party workflows for
         | (basic) security issues.
         | Unfortunately, it can't lint actions themselves, only workflows
         | that _call_ actions[1]. This is a substantial deficiency,
         | especially for users (like me) who write and maintain a decent
         | number of actions.
         | [1]: https://github.com/rhysd/actionlint/issues/46
       | plonk wrote:
       | The best approach is to develop completely local build scripts
       | and add a few options to plug GitHub Actions' exclusive features
       | into them. Make a build script that can take a cache folder's
       | path as argument. Make it take a test report output path as
       | another argument. etc.
       | So your GHA workflow is: set up secrets (AWS and co.), set up
       | Python, download cache to path X if possible, run the build in X
       | and send reports to Y, publish reports in Y. And put as much work
       | as possible inside the build script. We have a whole Python
       | project for that.
       | This is truly painless after the first development effort.
       | andix wrote:
       | I'm really not sure if we are using CI correctly. Sometime i
       | think all those CI Templates should be replaced by just one
       | executable that does everything, like a modern alternative to
       | Makefiles (and there are a lot of build tools).
       | So the CI pipeline would only call the build tool, like "./build
       | containers push-to-registry release:1.0.0 run-tests"
       | Those scripts can be tested and debugged everywhere. Also
       | migrating to a different CI platform would be really easy.
         | gravlaks wrote:
         | https://dagger.io/
         | may be an alternative. You can run it in GitHub actions somehow
         | as well.
         | pixl97 wrote:
         | How does that integrate in with every else's tooling? At least
         | in enterprise there are a ton of things like "SCA, SBOM,
         | Compliance report, etc" that tie in with plugins and such.
         | Also, why would a large commercial CI want to have their
         | environment too open?
           | andix wrote:
           | They don't want to have their environments too open, that's
           | why we are at this point.
           | Those enterprise tools i know (like sonarqube for example)
           | are mostly cli tools in their core. Can be integrated
           | everywhere.
         | WirelessGigabit wrote:
         | While this is totally possible you lose a lot of the things
         | that make GitHub Actions nice. Nice logs, annotations,
         | individual steps that went wrong. Being able to see the status
         | at a glance. Seeing 10 steps where 1 fails and 13 pass is nice.
           | andix wrote:
           | All those things the custom build tool would need to handle.
           | It needs more or less the same functionality as GitHub
           | actions and the marketplace. It would also need to integrate
           | with different CI platforms to some extent for reporting and
           | user interactions.
       | kathlam wrote:
       | It's clear we've all wrestled with GitHub actions and Jenkins in
       | some shape or form. Debugging them can feel like being in an
       | escape room, without any clues.
       | I work at Trunk.io and we have a tool called CI Debugger. It
       | helps you understand your workflows. Instead of getting lost in
       | logfiles and commits, you can pinpoint where things are bogging
       | down or going haywire. It can give you a clearer picture of
       | what's happening under the hood. Like having a heat map for the
       | CI/CD processes.
       | tao_at_garden wrote:
       | The git commit, push, wait loop is terrible UX. Users deserve
       | portable pipelines that run anywhere, including their local
       | machines. I understand Act [1] goes some way to solving this
       | headache but it's by and large not a true representation.
       | There are many pipelines you can't run locally, because they're
       | production, for example, but there's no reason why we can't
       | capture these workflows to run them locally at less-critical
       | stages of development. Garden offers portable pipelines and then
       | adds caching across your entire web of dependencies. Some of our
       | customers see 80% or higher reductions in run times plus devs get
       | that immediate feedback on what tests are failing or passing
       | without pushing to git first using our Garden Workflows.
       | We're OSS. [2]
       | [1] https://github.com/nektos/act
       | [2] https://docs.garden.io
         | baggachipz wrote:
         | Act's incompleteness has had me barking up the wrong tree many
         | times. At this point I've temporarily abandoned using it in
         | favor of the old cycle. I'm hoping it gets better in time!
           | frodowtf wrote:
           | I don't get why GitHub doesn't adopt it and make it a
           | standard. Especially the lack of caches is annoying.
         | sakopov wrote:
         | We need Terraform for build pipelines and God help you if you
         | use Bitbucket lol
         | andrewstuart2 wrote:
         | Yeah, it seems like we lost a lot of the "CI shouldn't be a
         | snowflake" when we started creating teams that specialize in
         | "DevOps" and "DevOps tools." Once something becomes a career, I
         | think you've hit the turning point of "this thing is going to
         | become too complicated." I see the same thing with capital-A
         | Agile and all the career scrum masters needing _something_ to
         | do with their time.
         | candiddevmike wrote:
         | If folks just had actions target make or bash scripts instead
         | of turning actions into bash scripts none of this would be an
         | issue. Your CI/CD and your devs should all use the same
         | targets/commands like `make release`.
           | taeric wrote:
           | I'm actually confused and scared on how often this isn't the
           | case? What are people doing in their actions that isn't
           | easily doable locally?
             | ghayes wrote:
             | A huge portion of my actions are for things like caching or
             | publishing artifacts, which are unique to actions itself.
               | taeric wrote:
               | I'd assume you would be able to publish and deploy
               | locally before setting up actions. Such that those are
               | likely targets in your build system?
               | Caching, I can mostly understand as unique there. Though,
               | I think I'm living with whatever the default stuff in
               | actions is. Slow for builds that don't happen often, of
               | course, but not so slow that I care.
               | duped wrote:
               | Why should caching in the cloud be any different than
               | caching locally?
               | baq wrote:
               | There isn't any _locally_ in GHA after the runner exits
             | baq wrote:
             | It's the cloud. Runners are ephemeral (pretend, but still)
             | with no persistent storage. This makes you either rebuild
             | everything in every release stage (bad) or put artifacts in
             | s3 or whatever (also bad) - this is especially painful for
             | intermediate artifacts like dependency bundle caches etc.
             | As much as I like make it just doesn't work with the
             | typical cloud stateless by default configs. If it works for
             | you, your project is small enough and try to keep it this
             | way.
               | ZeWaka wrote:
               | > with no persistent storage
               | There's https://github.com/actions/cache though?
               | dcow wrote:
               | They're saying that unless you use actions, you don't get
               | the cohesive cache and artifacts support. That
               | replicating that in the cloud or locally is a PITA. Thus
               | people are using the GH actions vendor specific tooling
               | in that way.
               | taeric wrote:
               | Rebuilding at every stage shouldn't be too bad, with
               | pinned dependencies. I can see problems with it, of
               | course. That said, using a private code publishing
               | location seems the correct path? That isn't too difficult
               | to setup, is it?
               | That said, I'm still not clear on what difficulties folks
               | are worried about. I'm also not clear I care on the mess
               | of commits getting things working. The initial commits of
               | getting anything working are almost always a mess. Such
               | that worrying about that seems excessive.
               | plonk wrote:
               | Just run the GitHub cache action on your build directory
               | and then run make inside it?
             | ramraj07 wrote:
             | All the linting checks and end to end tests I don't want to
             | bother setting up locally for every repo I touch.
               | taeric wrote:
               | Aren't these just other targets in whatever build system
               | you are using, though?
       | jusonchan81 wrote:
       | We moved our CI to this orchestrator called Netflix Conductor.
       | It's highly customized internally with workers capable of running
       | different kind of tasks etc. But since we did this, CI has been a
       | wonderful experience. Things run smoothly and history can be
       | tracked and easy to build variants by modifying or creating new
       | workflows. We aim to open source this extension soon.
       | eviks wrote:
       | Very good points, especially re. the security footguns
       | samiam_iam wrote:
       | [dead]
       | Nezteb wrote:
       | This is why I want projects like Earthly to succeed:
       | https://github.com/earthly/earthly
       | I want to be able to run my all of CI workflows on my local
       | machine.
       | I agree with other commenters that most of what CI does should be
       | abstracted out into scripts or other non-CI tools. Unfortunately
       | it's not easy to do that for large pre-existing CI setups,
       | especially if a different team is the one maintaining your CI
       | workflows.
       | numbsafari wrote:
       | > Because GitHub fails to distinguish between fork and non-fork
       | SHA references, forks can bypass security settings on GitHub
       | Actions that would otherwise restrict actions to only "trusted"
       | sources (such as GitHub themselves or the repository's own
       | organization).
       | How is this not resolved?
       | Easily bypassing security controls is a major security issue.
       | Yes, you need to convince someone to use your SHA, but social
       | engineering is usually the easy part.
       | lijok wrote:
       | People really need to stop writing scripts in yaml. Not to be
       | dismissive but the issues outlined in this article, aside from
       | that security footgun, are non-issues as soon as you start using
       | github actions only for what it should be used - to invoke your
       | scripts in parallel in response to an event. We've banned all but
       | actions/checkout in our org and have a very healthy dev
       | experience as a result. People are naturally guided towards
       | writing scripts that they can run locally instead of for github
       | actions specifically.
       | Some real issues with github actions:
       | 1. MacOS runners have ridiculously inconsistent IO performance
       | causing 200x slowdown in some cases
       | 2. Getting charged to the nearest minute is asinine and punishes
       | highly parallelised (fast) workloads
       | 3. GitHub OIDC endpoints constantly timing out
       | theideaofcoffee wrote:
       | As someone who has recently sunk a considerable amount of time in
       | modernizing some pipelines, workflows, what have you, I feel this
       | deep in my bones. The commit-test-fail-recommit test loop is
       | painful and something I've experienced all too well. Trying to
       | work around product limitations brought about by whoever
       | concocted the system on GitHub's side to save customers from
       | themselves and declared it good is painful. Trying to debug
       | simple issues is painful. I'm glad I'm not alone.
       | MoreQARespect wrote:
       | There are two types of github actions workflows you can build.
       | 1) Program with github actions. Google "how can I send an email
       | with github actions?" and then plug in some marketplace tool to
       | do it. Your workflows grow to 500-1000 lines and start having all
       | sorts of nonsense like conditionals and the YAML becomes
       | disgusting and hard to understand. Github actions becomes a
       | nightmare and you've invited vendor lock in.
       | 2) _Configure_ with github actions. Always ask yourself  "can I
       | push this YAML complexity into a script?" and do it if you can.
       | Send an email? Yes, that can go in a script. Your workflow ends
       | up being about 50-60 lines as a result and very rarely needs to
       | be changed once you've set up. Github actions is suddenly fine
       | and you rarely have to do that stupid push-debug-commit loop
       | because you can debug the script locally.
       | Every time I join a new team I tell them that 1 is the way to
       | madness and 2 is the sensible approach and they always tepidly
       | agree with me and yet about half of the time they still do 1.
       | The thing is, the lack of debugging tools provided by Microsoft
       | is also really not much of a problem if you do 2, vendor lock in
       | is lower if you do 2, debugging is easier if you do 2 but _still_
       | nobody does 2.
         | jjice wrote:
         | Absolutely agreed. Well said and I'll be stealing this
         | explanation going forward. Hell, just local running with
         | simplicity and ability to test is a massive win of #2, aside
         | from just not dealing with complex YAML.
         | EddTheSDET wrote:
         | How DO you debug your actions? I spend so long in the commit-
         | action-debug-change loop it's absurd. I agree with your point
         | re: 2 wholeheartedly though, it makes debugging scripts so much
         | easier too. CI should be runnable locally and GitHub actions,
         | while supported with _some_ tooling, still isn't very easy to
         | work with like that.
           | MoreQARespect wrote:
           | Using the same commit-push-debug loop you do. It just isnt
           | painful if I do 2.
           | edgyquant wrote:
           | I too wish I could find a nicer way than this to debug.
           | somehnguy wrote:
           | Act works pretty well to debug actions locally. It isn't
           | perfect, but I find it handles about 90% of the write-test-
           | repeat loop and therefore saves my teammates from dozens of
           | tiny test PRs.
         | dmtryshmtv wrote:
         | Good perspective. Unfortunately (1) is unavoidable when you're
         | trying to automate GH itself (role assignments, tagging, etc.).
         | But at this point, I would rather handle a lot of that manually
         | than deal with GHA's awful debug loop.
         | FWIW, there's nektos/act[^1], which aims to duplicate GHA
         | behavior locally, but I haven't tried it yet.
         | [^1]: https://github.com/nektos/act
           | dlisboa wrote:
           | > Unfortunately (1) is unavoidable when you're trying to
           | automate GH itself (role assignments, tagging, etc.)
           | Can't you just use the Github API for that? The script would
           | be triggered by the YAML, but all logic is inside the script.
           | But `act` is cool, I've used it for local debugging. Thing is
           | its output is impossibly verbose, and they don't aim to
           | support everything an action does (which is fine if you stick
           | to (2)).
             | plorkyeran wrote:
             | Yeah, I've done quite a bit of Github scripting via octokit
             | and it's pretty simple. Using GHA's built-in functionality
             | might turn a five line script into a one-liner, but I think
             | being able to run the script directly is well worth the
             | tradeoff.
             | The main thing that you can't decouple from GHA is pushing
             | and pulling intermediate artifacts, which for some build
             | pipelines is going to be a pretty big chunk of the logic.
         | lambda_garden wrote:
         | Option 1 is required if you want to have steps on different
         | runners, add approval processes, etc.
         | I always opt for option 2 where possible though.
         | xeromal wrote:
         | Github actions calling make commands is my bread and butter.
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | This is a great perspective, and one I agree with -- _many_ of
         | the woes associated with GitHub Actions can be eliminated by
         | treating it just as a task substrate, and not trying to program
         | in YAML.
         | At the same time, I've found that it often isn't sufficient to
         | push everything into a proper programming language: I _do_
         | sometimes (even frequently) need to use vendor-specific
         | functionality in GHA, mark dependencies between jobs, invoke
         | REST APIs that are already well abstracted as actions, etc. Re-
         | implementing those things in a programming language of my
         | choice is _possible_ , but doesn't break the vendor dependency
         | and is (IME) still brittle.
         | Essentially: the vendor lock-in value proposition for GHA is
         | very, very strong. Convincing people that they should take
         | option (2) means making a stronger value proposition, which is
         | pretty hard!
           | MoreQARespect wrote:
           | No, you're right it's not necessarily a good idea to be anal
           | about this rule. E.g. If an action is simple to use and
           | already built I use it - I won't necessarily try to
           | reimplement e.g. upload artifacts step in code.
           | Another thing I noticed is that if you do 1 sophisticated
           | features like build caching and parallelization often becomes
           | _completely_ impractical whereas if you default to 2 you can
           | probably do it with only a moderate amount of commit-push-
           | debug.
         | progmetaldev wrote:
         | Your advice is sane and I can tell speaks from experience.
         | Unfortunately, now that Github Actions are being exposed
         | through Visual Studio, I fear that we are going to see an
         | explosion of number 1, just because the process is going to be
         | more disconnected from Github itself (no documentation or
         | Github UI visible while working within Visual Studio).
         | riquito wrote:
         | I agree overall, but you oversimplify the issue a bit.
         | > can I push this YAML complexity into a script?
         | - what language is the script written in?
         | - will developers use the same language for all those scripts?
         | - does it need dependencies?
         | - where are we going to host scripts used by multiple github
         | actions?
         | - if we ended up putting those scripts in repositories, how do
         | we update the actions once we release new version of the
         | scripts?
         | - how do you track those versions?
         | - how much does it cost to write a separate script and maintain
         | it versus locking us in with an external github action?
         | These are just the first questions that pop in my mind, but
         | there is more. And some answers may not be that difficult, yet
         | is still something to think about.
         | And I agree with the core idea (move logic outside pipeline
         | configuration), but I can understand the tepid reaction you may
         | get. Is not free and you compromise on some things
           | peteradio wrote:
           | If build scripts or configuration is shared it might be one
           | of the only times a git submodule is actually useful.
           | c-hendricks wrote:
           | This is a whole lot of overthinking for something like
           | #!/usr/bin/env bash         set -ex              aws send-
           | email ...
           | umvi wrote:
           | Default to bash. If the task is too complex for bash, then
           | use python or node. Most of these scripts aren't going to
           | change very often once stable.
             | wry_discontent wrote:
             | Default to babashka.
           | plorkyeran wrote:
           | I think you are still envisioning a fundamentally incorrect
           | approach. Build scripts for a project are part of that
           | project, not some external thing. The scripts are stored in
           | the repository, and pulled from the branch being built.
           | Dependencies for your build scripts aren't any different from
           | any other build-time dependencies for your project.
           | tomtheelder wrote:
           | I think they framed it accurately and you are instead over
           | complicating. Language for scripts is a decision that
           | virtually every team ends up making regardless. The other
           | questions are basically all irrelevant since the scripts and
           | actions are both stored in repo, and therefore released
           | together and versioned together.
           | I think the point about maintenance cost is valid, but the
           | thesis of the comment that you are responding to is that the
           | prebuilt actions are a complexity trap.
         | chubot wrote:
         | Exactly, I showed here how we just write plain shell scripts.
         | It gives you "PHP-like productivity", iterating 50 times a
         | minute. Not one iteration every 5 minutes or 50 minutes.
         | https://lobste.rs/s/veoan6/github_actions_could_be_so_much_b...
         | Also, seamlessly interleaving shell and declarative JSON-like
         | data -- without YAML -- is a main point of
         | http://www.oilshell.org, and Hay
         | Hay Ain't YAML -
         | https://www.oilshell.org/release/0.18.0/doc/hay.html
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | hk1337 wrote:
         | 1 is to build utilities for 2, IMO. It shouldn't have
         | repository specific information inside and should be easily
         | useable in other workflows.
         | pjc50 wrote:
         | I've reached the same conclusion with Jenkins. It also helps if
         | you ever have to port between CI systems.
         | A CI "special" language is almost by definition something that
         | can't be run locally, which is really inconvenient for
         | debugging.
         | jahnu wrote:
         | The main reason I aim for (2) is that I want to be able to
         | drive my build locally if and when GitHub is down, and I want
         | to be able to migrate away easily if I ever need to.
         | I think of it like this:
         | I write scripts (as portable as possible) to be able to
         | build/test/sign/deploy/etc They should work locally always.
         | GitHub is for automating me setting up the environments where I
         | can run those scripts and then actually running them.
         | MenhirMike wrote:
         | Option 2 also makes it easier for developers to run their
         | builds locally, so you're essentially using the same build
         | chain for local debugging than you do for your
         | Test/Staging/Prod environments, instead of maintaining two
         | different build processes.
         | It's not just true for GHA, but for any build server really:
         | The build server should be a script runner that adds history,
         | artifact management, and permissions/auditing, but should
         | delegate the actual build process to the repository it's
         | building.
           | hk1337 wrote:
           | Locally or if for some reason you need to move off of Github
           | and have to use Jenkins or some other CI tool.
         | intelVISA wrote:
         | Turns out the real SaaS is Scripts as a Service.
         | rayhu007 wrote:
         | Totally get what you're saying. I once switched our workflow to
         | trigger on PRs to make testing easier. Now, I'm all about using
         | scripts -- they're just simpler to test and fix.
         | I recommend making these scripts cross-platform for
         | flexibility. Use matrix: and env: to handle it. Go for Perl,
         | JavaScript, or Python over OS shells and put file tasks in
         | scripts to dodge path issues.
         | I've tried boxing these scripts into steps, but unless they're
         | super generic for everyone, it doesn't seem worth it.
         | wbond wrote:
         | I have a few open source projects that have lasted for 10+
         | years, and I can't agree more with approach #2.
         | Ideally you want your scripting to handle of the weird gotchas
         | of different versions of host OSes, etc. Granted my work is
         | cross-platform so it is compounded.
         | So far I've found relying on extensive custom tooling has
         | allowed me to handle transitions from local, to Travis, to
         | AppVeyor, to CircleCI and now also GitHub Actions.
         | You really want your CI config to specify the host platform and
         | possibly set some env vars. Then it should invoke a single CI
         | wrapper script. Ideally this can also be run locally.
       | jurassic wrote:
       | Most of my frustrations with GHA arise when doing something
       | useful conflicts with someone's idea of security. For example,
       | branch protection rules intended to stop devs from yoloing
       | commits blocking me from pushing a version bump commit during a
       | release workflow.
       | syndicatedjelly wrote:
       | gitlab-runner allows you to run scripts locally for GitLab, but
       | even that is lacking (any env secrets stored in GitLab? Script is
       | going to fail).
       | I really, really wish there was a way to clone the GitHub Actions
       | or GitLab runner environment, spin up a runner locally and test.
       | That would shave off 95% of the wait time
       | artursapek wrote:
       | GitLab's CI is so much better than GH it's not even funny
       | gchamonlive wrote:
       | I am thinking about porting my ci/cd pipelines from Jenkins to
       | GitHub actions to leverage autoscaling self-hosted runners, which
       | I don't think there is an exact equivalent for Jenkins nodes, at
       | least not one that is already implemented where I work.
       | The pipelines though, are all configured using ansible. Applying
       | the same principle I did to Jenkins, using it strictly for
       | execution automation, logs, permission and the likes, and leaving
       | the heavy lifting to a more trusty tool, I think I can avoid both
       | major vendor lock-in and idiosyncrasies and nonsenses from the
       | language.
       | It boggles my mind how unrefined the GitHub actions flow is. It
       | doesn't offer a good experience by a long shot.
       | bysja wrote:
       | Github Actions has been a pleasant introduction to CI/CD for me.
       | I used to build locally and then git push and/or rsync everything
       | directly to a VPS (Digitalocean Droplets in my case). But for
       | collaboration, this workflow breaks down. Then, using Github as
       | the "origin" repository becomes compelling, and Github Actions
       | fit very nicely with that workflow.
       | darepublic wrote:
       | I don't see how you love something that makes you jump through
       | these hoops:
       | > In this particular case, it took me 4 separate commits (and 4
       | failed releases) to debug the various small errors I made: not
       | using ${{ ... }}5 where I needed to, forgetting a needs:
       | relationship, &c
         | vegardx wrote:
         | There's tools like Act[0] that tries to solve this, but this
         | has been an issue with CI systems since they were invented.
         | [0] https://github.com/nektos/act
           | 5e92cb50239222b wrote:
           | Also reused by gitea for their CI runner. I was quite
           | impressed by that feat, pretty neat.
           | https://gitea.com/gitea/act_runner
         | hanniabu wrote:
         | Isn't that just programming? That's not much different than
         | saying you forgot a bracket and had to make another commit to
         | make it work. Granted, it would be nice if they had some
         | linter.
           | matthewaveryusa wrote:
           | This is a usecase where chatgpt works great! I usually pass
           | this kind of ops DSL in gpt and it will find my mistakes.
           | Github actions and graphanaQL code, oof, they just click for
           | me.
             | chc wrote:
             | I'm not gonna post my employer's proprietary code into
             | ChatGPT.
               | matthewaveryusa wrote:
               | Don't fixate on the details, fixate on the larger point.
               | your specific situation of having code self-hosted and an
               | employer that cares deeply about their proprietary code
               | is a detail beside the point. LLMs shine at fixing up
               | DSLs that you're unfamiliar with. chatgpt to llm is
               | kleenex to facial tissue.
           | 5e92cb50239222b wrote:
           | Generally programming these days does not require you to
           | submit build jobs or jump through other hoops to catch
           | trivial mistakes. Although it depends on what you do,
           | embedded developers and game programmers writing for consoles
           | might disagree.
           | It really feels like a throwback to the punch card era.
           | I too don't enjoy writing CI scripts (despite knowing Linux
           | administration and shell scripting quite well), it always
           | takes an inordinate amount of time, but it also saves much
           | more over the long term.
         | garciasn wrote:
         | We use Github Actions and we just don't have any issues with it
         | outside the first time we set it up for each repo. Then we make
         | 100s of commits a week and it does its thing and our work goes
         | live a few seconds later. That's why I love it.
         | Could things be better? Of course; that's how software is--and
         | this should resonate with most folks on this site. But just
         | because some product isn't infallible doesn't mean we can't
         | love it too.
           | neuromanser wrote:
           | > we just don't have any issues with it outside the first
           | time we set it up for each repo
           | But that's exactly what a lot of commenters complain about.
           | moralestapia wrote:
           | >Then we make 100s of commits a week and it does its thing
           | and our work goes live a few seconds later.
           | Wow, computers doing what they're supposed to do. Pretty
           | impressive ...
           | The UX on GH actions is crap, other CI/CD solutions give you
           | way more control and tooling. GH really needs to step up
           | their game on this one.
             | garciasn wrote:
             | I am not sure why you're being so snarky, but I did address
             | that it could be better.
             | The thing for us is that we're already paying for GitHub
             | and Actions are included. I know, for a fact, GH is/was
             | working with stakeholders using their software to get
             | feedback on what could be better. So they are trying!
             | I'm not here being a fanboy by any means; I'm just saying
             | it does what I need it to do and I'm an active user who is
             | pleased with the service provided.
             | YMMV.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | Yeah, I wouldn't want to use any automation that you can't also
         | easily and quickly test locally.
           | Pxtl wrote:
           | Fun fact: Microsoft had a plan to provide that!
           | They canned it.
           | https://github.com/microsoft/azure-pipelines-
           | agent/pull/2687...
           | bdcravens wrote:
           | Act can do most of it locally
           | https://github.com/nektos/act
       | ris wrote:
       | The single thing that I most detest about GitHub Actions is how
       | they, by design, completely miss the point of containers. Having
       | "actions" that are just "install language foo" is barely better
       | than just publishing shell scripts or even the days of Travis.
       | As a result, few GitHub workflows benefit from the immutability
       | or reproducibility guarantees that can be provided by containers,
       | and most workflows I interact with spend more than half their
       | time running ridiculous installer scripts.
         | brabel wrote:
         | Are you unaware that GH Actions can run jobs in containers??
         | https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-jobs/running-jobs-i...
       (page generated 2023-09-22 23:00 UTC)