[HN Gopher] Show HN: Anything World - AI for 3D auto-rigging and...
       Show HN: Anything World - AI for 3D auto-rigging and animation
       Author : mov
       Score  : 49 points
       Date   : 2023-10-02 17:32 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (anything.world)
 (TXT) w3m dump (anything.world)
       | mashlol wrote:
       | I'll be curious how it compares to mixamo's auto rigging. How
       | does it perform on humanoid models? Seems from the marketing the
       | focus is on non-humanoids.
         | mov wrote:
         | Hi, one of the ML Engs here. Yes you're right, we have lots of
         | non-humanoids, which is something that Mixamo has been missing
         | for a long time! But we also support humanoids. You can try
         | yourself right now (we just launched our autorigging tool) and
         | give us your feedback, we would love to hear it:
         | https://app.anything.world/animation-rigging
       | oniony wrote:
       | Can someone make an AI to get rid of the website cookie pop-ups?
         | capableweb wrote:
         | Pff, typical that people try to shoehorn AI where it doesn't
         | belong!
         | Install Ublock Origin, then activate the "Annoyances" lists
         | under the "Filter lists" and you'll get rid of them, and many
         | other annoyances.
           | LollipopYakuza wrote:
           | I think it makes sense.
           | A blocklist will never block every script and snippet. AI, on
           | the other hand, should be pretty efficient at detecting
           | prompts to automate its removal.
             | capableweb wrote:
             | > A blocklist will never block every script and snippet
             | Yeah, it probably won't, but collaboratively, we can block
             | a lot :) Also, naive uBlock method will probably be more
             | efficient in terms of resource usage for some time forward.
             | In this case, I never saw any cookie banners and it seemed
             | to have blocked what I wanted to have blocked
             | automatically. Here is the log:
             | https://i.imgur.com/rteXlAC.png
       | seabass-labrax wrote:
       | Very impressive! I suspect I'm not alone among the HN crowd in
       | being curious to know how this AI works; I presume it is some
       | kind of ANN?
       | It's clearly not perfect when compared to rigging and skinning by
       | a skilled artist, but it's pretty good. As someone who has done a
       | large amount of 3D computer graphics myself, I think one would
       | need close to a year of experience to be able to consistently
       | produce something as good as what this tool can.
         | mov wrote:
         | Hello! One of the ML Engineers of Anything World here. I'm
         | really glad that you appreciated the tool and I trully hope
         | that it can be part of your stack and help you on your design.
         | We can't say all the details about what's under the hood, but
         | you guessed it right. We indeed use ML models that we trained.
         | It's part of a multi-step end-to-end ML pipeline that analyses
         | not only the original mesh you upload, but also the texture and
         | even semantics from the object it represents. Based on that we
         | generate rigging and animations using also proprietary ML
         | models.
         | Like you said, it's not perfect, but our ML models are learning
         | every day and we just started! I really invite you to use the
         | tool and see that it can be used as a starting point even by
         | skilled artists to have an initial sketch and work from it.
         | Hope to have helped on your questions, and if you need more
         | details, please feel free to reach out to us!
         | quadrature wrote:
         | I don't know how the rigging works, but the animation might
         | follow some principles from learned motion matching
         | https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/studio/laforge/news/6xXL85Q3bF...
         | I don't think it can handle arbitrary models, they likely have
         | a library of bipedals and quadrapeds.
         | capableweb wrote:
         | I'm guessing since the website says "We have developed
         | proprietary Machine Learning algorithms" they won't really
         | share any fun technical details :(
         | > but it's pretty good
         | Yeah, seems alright in order to bootstrap something. Like many
         | of these new AI/ML workflows, I don't think they'll replace any
         | professionals, as the results are still lacking without human
         | intervention, but I think many (including this) is a huge time-
         | saver for professionals who can use it as a starting point and
         | then modify it from there, rather than doing everything from
         | scratch.
       | FractalHQ wrote:
       | Unrelated, but there's a gnarly CSS bug on your menu that causes
       | the weirdest behavior on iOS. The native scroll bar appears much
       | taller than it should be and visibly reacts to scrolling, but the
       | content on the page does not (so I can't reach the bottom of the
       | menu).
       | Might be a fixed parent element missing `overflow-y: none;` but
       | the lack of devtools on mobile means I can't check (even more
       | tangentially, if anyone knows a way to access something like
       | devtools in iOS, I would be thrilled to hear about it).
         | [deleted]
         | mov wrote:
         | Thank you so much for the feedback! I already sent your comment
         | to our web dev team!
       | verifo wrote:
       | I see you have unreal support and an unreal plugin. Does that
       | mean you actually rig humans/humanoids to the specific unreal
       | mannequin skeleton?
       | I'm going to assume you don't since that would be more work, but
       | regardless this looks very impressive.
       | jowday wrote:
       | Reminds me of Mixamo, which is entirely procedural.
       (page generated 2023-10-02 23:01 UTC)