[HN Gopher] Working on Multiple Web Projects with Docker Compose...
       Working on Multiple Web Projects with Docker Compose and Traefik
       Author : globular-toast
       Score  : 48 points
       Date   : 2023-10-03 19:46 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (georgek.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (georgek.github.io)
       | nickjj wrote:
       | The article mentions:
       |  _> What if that compose.yaml file is checked in as part of the
       | project? Does the whole team have to agree on a set of port
       | numbers to use for each project?_
       | That's only if you choose to use hard coded values. You can use
       | environment variables instead.
       | You can change `- "8000:80"` to `-
       | "${DOCKER_WEB_PORT_FORWARD:-}:${PORT:-80}"` and now
       | any developer can customize the forwarded port however they see
       | fit in a git ignored `.env` file. This is what I've done in all
       | of my example Docker web apps at:
       | https://github.com/nickjj?tab=repositories&q=docker-*-exampl...
       | No Traefik or override file is needed, at least not for allowing
       | a user to customize the forwarded port.
       | I like the override file and used it for years but I stopped
       | using it entirely about 6 months ago. It's too much of a headache
       | to commit a `docker-compose.override.yml.example` file to version
       | control and then have folks copy that to a git ignored `docker-
       | compose.override.yml` file. You end up with serious config drift,
       | especially if you have a team with a few developers. It's been a
       | source of so many "oh yeah, I forgot to update my real file" type
       | of issues.
       | Between environment variables and Docker Compose profiles[0] you
       | can have a single committed `docker-compose.yml` file that is
       | usable in all environments for all users.
       | [0]: https://nickjanetakis.com/blog/docker-tip-94-docker-
       | compose-...
       | theK wrote:
       | Seriously, don't put traefik in front of your localdev if.you
       | don't explicitly have to. It is way too much complexity and
       | introduces an added layer of noise to bedug.
       | Also, does local host subdomain resolution work on all OSes OOB
       | now? Iirc this was an apple exclusive feature in the past.
         | folmar wrote:
         | > local host subdomain resolution
         | Works fine on current ubuntu, both with systemd stub-nameserver
         | and even if I replace it with a real one in /etc/resolv.conf.
         | CGamesPlay wrote:
         | Note that the article uses http://traefik.me/, one of those
         | sites that resolves all subdomains to localhost (like lvh.me,
         | http://readme.localtest.me/, or http://local.gd/), so you don't
         | need any "localhost subdomain resolution".
       | lux wrote:
       | This seems like an improvement over my current solution in that
       | it can keep multiple projects open simultaneously and route to
       | each of them, but does add more complexity to the setup.
       | I'm using Dnsmasq (https://thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html) to
       | map anything at .lo to the currently running project, like so:
       | brew install dnsmasq       sh -c 'echo
       | "address=/.lo/\naddress=/.lo/::1\n" >
       | /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf'       sudo mkdir -p /etc/resolver
       | sudo sh -c 'echo "nameserver\n" > /etc/resolver/lo'
       | sudo brew services start dnsmasq
       | Would love to expand on that to route to specific projects, but
       | since it's working "well enough" I probably won't touch that for
       | the foreseeable future.
       | Jnr wrote:
       | I run some (20+) services using docker compose on my home server,
       | and Traefik is great.
       | Cloudflare manages my domain and it allows Traefik to get
       | letsencrypt certificates even for internal services not exposed
       | to the outside world.
       | I also have multiple Traefik entrypoints for internal and
       | external services. And cloudflared tunnel container set up to
       | manage access to the public resources.
       | Then on the home router level I set/override DNS entries for
       | internal services so they would connect directly to Traefik,
       | instead of going through Cloudflare.
       | Incredibly these Cloudflare services cost exactly 0$ for now.
       | But I do not use compose overrides, don't really see the
       | benefits.
         | slig wrote:
         | I thought that the Cloudflare tunnel was the very expensive
         | pay-per-gb "argo route". Really nice to know that they offer a
         | simple and free reverse proxy, thanks!
         | 6LLvveMx2koXfwn wrote:
         | As per the article I guess the benefit is specifically for
         | managing compose files across teams through git.
       | CGamesPlay wrote:
       | You can set this up with even less customization. Here's my
       | snippet for doing so [0]. In this way, the default rule for all
       | containers that are part of compose projects gets assigned a
       | subdomain (service.compose-stack.lvh.me). Note that we also
       | expose the traffic admin interface on `lvh.me`, which is perhaps
       | a little more convenient than using `traefik.me`.
       | However, even with my tweaks, the overall solution is still
       | limited. Because it's not on "localhost", the browser considers
       | it an "insecure context" unless you also set up local HTTPS.
       | [0]
       | https://github.com/CGamesPlay/dotfiles/blob/13659d19ca899cea...
       | creativenolo wrote:
       | Nit: the justification of the text on mobile makes this straining
       | to read.
       | One source:
       | https://www.powermapper.com/products/sortsite/rules/accwcag2...
       | flurdy wrote:
       | If Traefik is not your thing Im happily using
       | https://github.com/nginx-proxy/nginx-proxy and sslip.io for local
       | docker compose development.
       | And then even plain nginx under that to proxy to non docker
       | services...
       | (And ipv6 for really short urls. example.com.--1.sslip.io etc)
       | ravenstine wrote:
       | I've been using Yggdrasil to achieve something similar.
       | Basically, my docker compose file includes a service for
       | Yggdrasil that is configured to join the host Yggdrasil network
       | listening at host.docker.internal. The service uses socat to
       | forward ports from each of the other services. The end result is
       | that each docker-compose.yml gets its own IPv6 address, and all
       | the ports can be kept the same. No need for Let's Encrypt, unless
       | maybe you want the network to be exposed publicly.
       | It just so happens that I wrote a gist recently that explains how
       | to do this.
       | https://gist.github.com/Ravenstine/707180ef29e9d37a8f816e019...
       | teekert wrote:
       | I used traefik a lot, but man those labels get tedious. I still
       | don't get all the middleware stuff. I switched to using caddy, a
       | caddyfile feels like a huge improvement. Much less lines for the
       | same results. No routers no middleware just define a port mapping
       | to the container:port.
       | If you go to a server you get https for free, no extra config.
         | apt-get wrote:
         | I personally use a file provider for the dynamic traefik
         | configs (yaml files) loaded from a bind mount in the same
         | folder I keep my compose. Auto-reload on changes, and it makes
         | it clear what I'm routing to and from by having proper
         | indentation for my router, service, and middleware fields. And
         | since everything is in the same network, I can just define the
         | container name as hostname -- the DNS entries are automatically
         | created.
         | patapong wrote:
         | I have had a great experience with using this:
         | https://github.com/lucaslorentz/caddy-docker-proxy
         | It combines caddy with docker-compose labels, making it super
         | easy to spin up new projects that can immediately be exposed.
         | GabeIsko wrote:
         | I do something similar, but even managing a separate
         | configuration just for the reverse proxy gets tiring. I have
         | plans to move to something kubernetes based and use an ingress
         | controller to automatically set up everything based on a
         | deployment chart, but I never get around to it...
         | Jnr wrote:
         | Being able dynamically configure Traefik routes from docker
         | compose labels is the whole point. It is a very useful feature.
         | In most cases I get full overview in a single compose file, and
         | I do not have to configure or restart the http proxy
         | separately, `docker compose up -d` does everything.
       | theK wrote:
       | Compose overrides are quite cool but can get very involved.
       | An easier way is to make the port range dynamic by adding a
       | prefix variable in .env/example.env. So, once configured, the
       | whole localdev binds to ports in the prefix range, eg: 342xx.
       | Experience shows that localdevs will need that env file anyway
       | and adding this config step to the readme is quite effective.
         | dennisy wrote:
         | Could you elaborate a little more here please?
           | melolife wrote:
           | Edit: see TheK's answer, which is virtually identical.
           | theK wrote:
           | Well, the idea is that your port mappings in the docker
           | compose look roughly like this
           | ```
           | ports:
           | - "${PORT_PREFIX}01:80"
           | ```
           | This means that devs can drive the port range that the
           | project bind to by editing their .env file.
             | nerdponx wrote:
             | I like this a lot. It works well alongside setting the
             | compose project name.
             | However I'd suggest at least specifying a default value so
             | developers don't need to mess with version-controlled .env
             | files to customize their local setups.
       (page generated 2023-10-03 23:00 UTC)