[HN Gopher] The AI research job market
       The AI research job market
       Author : sebg
       Score  : 155 points
       Date   : 2023-10-12 14:18 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.interconnects.ai)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.interconnects.ai)
       | softwaredoug wrote:
       | I just watched The Big Short
       | I felt a bit eery how much the groupthink around mortgages
       | matched todays AI hype. The unwillingness to listen to critical
       | advice. To question the value. Data science depts who measure
       | such things are often vilified.
       | It's a kind of depressing job landscape in this way. You either
       | go with the, often top down, groupthink against the face of
       | measured evidence, or you're labeled a cynical naysayer and your
       | career suffers.
         | chasd00 wrote:
         | just use your skills, i.e. mop, and soak of the cash.
         | sillysaurusx wrote:
         | Well, don't be cynical about it. One thing that I think a lot
         | of us could benefit from is learning how to present a point in
         | a way that people will listen. The key is to harness that hype
         | -- use your point to unlock some pent up energy for a new
         | direction, rather than merely try to say it can't work.
         | A lot of endeavors can work, even if only a little. Find some
         | aspect of it that can, and flip the problem around. Even if the
         | whole thing is mostly bogus, is there a small part that isn't?
         | Latch onto that.
         | Or go elsewhere. The wonderful part about AI is that the whole
         | world's problems are up for grabs. Part of why there's so much
         | unfounded hype is because of how many real advances have
         | recently become possible. This period in history will never
         | come again.
         | It's also a rare time in history that an individual can make
         | lots of progress. Most of us need to be a part of big groups to
         | do anything worthwhile, in most fields. But in this case lone
         | wolves often have the upper hand over established
         | organizations.
           | x86x87 wrote:
           | Yes. Don't tell the emperor that he has no clothes. Instead
           | innovate and introduce a hybrid between his current clothes
           | and old fashion textiles. Who know? In time they may end up
           | covering their junk.
           | softwaredoug wrote:
           | To be clear, I'm mostly excited. But I also think its
           | reasonable to be skeptical and try to educate stakeholders on
           | the realities of the situation.
           | My controversial take on AI is its actually a better time to
           | take things slow, experiment, study, see what works. Not dump
           | TONS of money and cash and get too distracted. Because nobody
           | (besides big tech) has fully figured out how to make a
           | product that makes a profit. Its not clear users want a
           | chatbot (aside from ChatGPT)... But things could change.
             | chung8123 wrote:
             | I think the issue is, right now AI is a race. We have the
             | Microsoft, Google, Meta, Apple, and Amazon's of the world
             | with their massive compute and bankrolls racing to see who
             | can build the biggest moat around an AI service. The
             | massive upfront spending is hoping to hit the winning
             | lottery ticket and spending slowly may leave you out of the
             | drawing.
             | As compute costs and requirements come down LLMs will be
             | ubiquitous everywhere.
               | akomtu wrote:
               | It's the Manhattan Project 2.0. The AI, once created,
               | won't be that hard to replicate, but those who fail to
               | create it early, will be sidetracked later. The race
               | among big tech is the american way of doing such
               | projects: fund a few companies, let them compete and pick
               | the winner.
           | tayo42 wrote:
           | > It's also a rare time in history that an individual can
           | make lots of progress. Most of us need to be a part of big
           | groups to do anything worthwhile, in most fields. But in this
           | case lone wolves often have the upper hand over established
           | organizations.
           | I'm curious why you think this is true? My feeling as a broke
           | individual trying to catch up on ml is that there are some
           | simple demos to do. But scaling up requires a lot of compute
           | and storage for an individual. Acquiring datasets and
           | training are cost prohibitive. I'm only able to play around
           | with some really small stuff because by dumb luck a few years
           | ago I bought a gaming laptop with a nvidia gpu in it. The
           | impressive models that are generating the hype are just a
           | different league. Love to hear to how I am wrong though?
             | sillysaurusx wrote:
             | It's true that you need compute to do large experiments,
             | but the large experiments grow out of small ones. If you
             | can show promising work in a small way, it's easier to get
             | compute. You can also apply to TRC to get a bunch of TPUs.
             | They had capacity issues for a long time but I've heard
             | it's improved.
             | Don't focus on the hype models. Find a niche that you
             | personally like, and do that. If you're chasing hype you'll
             | always be skating towards the puck. My original AI interest
             | was to use voice generation to make Dr Kleiner sing about
             | being a modern major general. It went from there, to image
             | gen, to text gen, and kaboom, the whole world blew up. I
             | was the first to show that GPTs can be used for more than
             | just language modeling -- in my case, playing chess.
             | Wacky ideas like that are important to play around with,
             | because they won't seem so wacky in a year.
               | tayo42 wrote:
               | Thats interesting, at a glance the TRC thing looks more
               | altruistic and impactful than what I had in mind for
               | learning or making money. I'll have to keep it in mind if
               | I do, do something share worthy ever. Thanks!
             | jebarker wrote:
             | Another area where there's potential for an individual to
             | make lots of progress is in theory and mechanistic
             | interpretation. Although it's not where the money is, it's
             | probably not rapid progress and it's really hard.
             | satvikpendem wrote:
             | There's API access for GPUs you can rent, as well as model
             | specific APIs like for Stable Diffusion or GPT 4. You can
             | do a lot as a solopreneur now.
             | For example, Tony Dinh made a macOS GPT wrapper and makes
             | like 40k a month from it, just utilizing OpenAI's APIs:
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37622702
             | dmbche wrote:
             | I'm not in ML - here a quick take
             | In a gold rush, sell shovels! The ML pipeline has a lot of
             | bottlenecks. Work on one, get _useful and novel_ expertise,
             | and have a massive impact on the industry. Like maybe you
             | could find a way to optimise your GPU usage? Is there a way
             | to package what you feed it more efficiently?
             | The point not being of competing with OpenAI, but to solve
             | a problem that everyone in the field has.
           | diogenes4 wrote:
           | > The wonderful part about AI is that the whole world's
           | problems are up for grabs.
           | Most of the world's problems aren't technological,
           | unfortunately for us in tech. There's little it can do
           | against the momentum of capital tearing this globe apart.
         | mrtksn wrote:
         | IIRC, the movie ends with a joke on how those responsible were
         | punished only to reveal that they walked away with the loot.
         | You almost never see a group punishment, unless you lost as a
         | group against another organization.
         | So, if all the AI stuff goes bust in a year or two those who
         | benefited from the bubble will keep their benefits. Also,
         | there's a possibility that it doesn't go bust and user us into
         | AGI era and win big.
           | gymbeaux wrote:
           | JS devs were/are paid the big bucks because !!"false" ==
           | !!"true" and so on.
             | mrtksn wrote:
             | Decided to remove the JS part, lots of people made their
             | fortune on battling its oddities.
         | epups wrote:
         | What is the measured evidence that AI is hype right now?
           | 7thaccount wrote:
           | Companies with massive valuations that have no product to
           | sell or aren't making any profit. This is what I've heard
           | anyway (not a stock guy). Some economic schools of thought
           | say that when interest rates are low and money is practically
           | free (historically speaking), you get a lot of bad/risky
           | ideas (boom & bubble) and an inevitable correction of a bust.
           | The bust is accelerated when all of a sudden you have to rise
           | the interest rates to fight inflation and the money is no
           | longer easy to get. All those companies being held afloat by
           | the free money start collapsing.
           | Again, we should make statements on data and I'll just be
           | upfront that I haven't done much research in this area, but
           | considering the sheer amount of AI startups and jobs and
           | conferences and so on with very few transformative
           | products...I would eventually expect a market correction in
           | the form of another AI winter like what happened in the 80s
           | when all the massive government acts defense research dollars
           | dried up. The difference is it'll be far less severe. You'll
           | still have plenty of AI research at the universities and
           | large companies, but maybe not hundreds of questionable
           | startups. This is all just conjecture on my part though.
             | nightski wrote:
             | That and even established companies with other
             | products/services but who have seen massive market cap
             | increases due to AI hype.
             | andrewmutz wrote:
             | > Companies with massive valuations that have no product to
             | sell or aren't making any profit
             | That's not enough to demonstrate that AI is just hype.
             | Every technological breakthrough has opportunists trying to
             | make a buck riding along the hype. In the 90s, Pets.com and
             | webvan didn't prove that the internet was just hype.
             | I am one of the people who is completely bought in to the
             | idea that AI in general (and LLMs in particular) are going
             | to lead to products that are extremely useful to the world.
             | I absolutely think that most of the gen AI startups will
             | fail and that valuations are too high, but I still believe
             | that massively impactful/useful products will also be born.
               | Jensson wrote:
               | Nobody here said AI is just hype today.
               | norir wrote:
               | > That's not enough to demonstrate that AI is just hype.
               | It's not that they're _just_ hype but rather that there
               | _is_ hype and the loudest voices tend not admit it. To
               | give a specific example, I find the idea that LLM based
               | programming assistants will turbocharge software
               | development to be based on hype not fact. It is very much
               | in the interest of Microsoft/Google/Meta, etc. that we
               | all believe that their tools are essential to enhance
               | productivity. It is classic FOMO. Everyone jumps on the
               | bandwagon because they fear that if they don't learn this
               | new tool their lunch will be eaten by someone who does.
               | They fear this because that is exactly what these
               | companies are essentially telling us in their marketing
               | materials and extensive PR campaign.
               | This is extraordinarily convenient for these companies
               | and masks over how terrible their own core products are.
               | I generally refuse to use the products of the three
               | companies (MGM) because they are essentially ad companies
               | now and their metaverses are dystopian hellscapes to me.
               | Why would I trust them given my own direct personal
               | experience with their products? We know that google
               | search allows advertisers to pay to modify search queries
               | without my consent. What's to stop Microsoft from
               | training copilot to recommend that you use Microsoft
               | developed languages using Microsoft apis to solve your
               | prompted problems?
               | > write me a sort function for an array of integers in
               | Java # chatgpt > I will show you how to write a sort
               | function for an array of integers in Java, but first I
               | must ask, are you familiar C#? It is similar to Java but
               | better in xyz ways. In C# you would sort an array like
               | this:
               | ... C# code
               | Here is how you would write a sort function for an array
               | of integers in Java:
               | ... Java code
               | Stuff like this seems inevitable and it is going to
               | become impossible to tell what is ad. Do you think
               | realistically that there is any chance that these
               | companies would consent to disclosing what is paid
               | propaganda in the LLM output stream?
               | I see many echos of the SBF trial in the current ai
               | environment. Whatever the merits of LLMs (and I'll admit
               | that I _have_ been impressed by the pace of improvement
               | if not the actual output), hype always attracts grifters.
               | And there is a lot of hype in the air right now.
               | epups wrote:
               | > To give a specific example, I find the idea that LLM
               | based programming assistants will turbocharge software
               | development to be based on hype not fact
               | We already have empirical results suggesting this is not
               | just hype: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ai-
               | programmers-productive/
           | softwaredoug wrote:
           | Depending how we define "AI" -
           | Aside from 4-5 companies, who is building a product that is
           | profitable? Not clear anyone is right now. People are running
           | into fundamental, hard technical problems. For example its
           | hard to evaluate chat interface, and even harder when you
           | augment it with context from a retrieval system (ie RAG).
           | Who is augmenting existing UI paradigms with LLMs? This seems
           | a more reasonable model that meets users where they want to
           | be.
             | iwonthecase wrote:
             | > who is building a product that is profitable?
             | Just my experience from being on the job market, but a lot
             | of places I've interviewed at have traditional ML models
             | (network security, ecommerce, image tagging) that are now
             | rebranding as AI, without much of an actual change.
               | softwaredoug wrote:
               | Logistic regression rebranded as ML now rebranded as AI
               | :)
             | epups wrote:
             | That's a weird bar to clear. How many companies are
             | offering a search engine that are profitable, "aside from
             | 4-5 companies"?
             | I don't see any fundamental technical problems at the
             | moment, I see constant and tangible improvement at a very
             | fast pace. I don't think that supposed challenges in
             | context augmentation or chat interface evaluation qualify
             | as arguments against AI hype.
       | AndrewKemendo wrote:
       | Very similar to my experience- modulo my role more in the AI in
       | production, operations side, aka MLOps
       | MLOps leads/lags research depending on your application patterns
       | so it's an extremely dynamic place to be to see what's happening
       | I'd argue based on what I'm seeing with implementations, and
       | importantly how FLEXIBLE transformers seem to be, this is the
       | most true part of this article:
       | "we're going to get way further with the Transformer architecture
       | than most ideas in the past"
         | tayo42 wrote:
         | > AI in production, operations side, aka MLOps
         | How did you get into this? Seems like a lot of places are stuck
         | on the idea if you didn't do it in the past you cant do it now
           | rg111 wrote:
           | This is closer to traditional SWE than AI research.
           | Take some courses and get some certifications. And also make
           | some serious projects where you demonstrate your capabilities
           | with cutting edge tools.
           | This is more focused on tools and use of said tools.
           | Take some trained models, and demonstrate how well you can
           | use them.
           | Some ideas:
           | 1. Take a cats vs. dogs model, deploy it online. Design an
           | API around it. Document the API well. Create a mechanism to
           | show confidence score, and store low confidence score
           | examples in a database that you can later manually label and
           | retrain the model with.
           | 2. Take a smallish LLM, design a VS code extension that
           | documents your functions based on docstring.
           | Just demonstrate your basic knowledge in ML, and really good
           | software engineering skills, learn the vocabulary well, and
           | then start applying for jobs. It's much better if you have a
           | CS/EE degree.
             | alfalfasprout wrote:
             | As someone in this space I could not disagree more.
             | Certifications will do nothing for you. The harsh reality
             | is only real world experience doing this stuff at scale
             | will help you understand all the complexity involved. There
             | are tons of people trying to hop onto this train after
             | taking a few online courses and it's making it hard to
             | filter down candidate pools.
           | AndrewKemendo wrote:
           | rg111 below does a good job explaining how to go from scratch
           | For me, my work in software and AI specifically predates 2012
           | - blood sweat and tears of going from non-big data
           | statistical forecasting programs (Bayes nets) to big data
           | forecasting (R, Python stat packages) to geometric vision
           | (SURF, HOG etc) to big data CNN & MDP image processing for
           | CNNs (tensorflow) etc...
           | Like I said, blood sweat and tears
       | FrustratedMonky wrote:
       | Hype doesn't mean it isn't real.
       | There was hype with the Internet, and lots of scams, and
       | naysayer, and bogus money, and real money.
       | I remember reading a Java 1.0 Book, and someone just casually
       | saying "why learn that, that internet thing isn't going to last,
       | it's all hype."
         | JohnFen wrote:
         | I think the internet is a poor analogy because by the time it
         | started to enter the awareness of the general public, it had
         | already been around and subjected to refinement for years. Its
         | value and usefulness was proved before the average joe had
         | access to it at all.
           | ska wrote:
           | > awareness of the general public, it had already been around
           | and subjected to refinement for years.
           | And how is that different than "AI" ? It's not like these
           | techniques sprang out of the ether in the 2000s.
           | __rito__ wrote:
           | AI research essentially started in 1940s, and not the 2010s
           | like you might think.
           | I read a ton of AI research papers written in the 80s and
           | 90s.
           | Lack of AI hype is was because the lack of data and compute.
           | The actual field is here for a very long time.
       | Xcelerate wrote:
       | Unlike previous hype cycles, the potential value of this one is
       | extraordinary if it's actually unlocked (I mean, what was the
       | theoretical upper limit on the benefit of cryptocurrency for the
       | world? Probably not that much.) Previous attempts at AI/AGI have
       | been constrained by computational resources. It's quite possible
       | that we already have sufficient computational power and the
       | necessary data for AGI--all we need are the right algorithms.
       | Even if for some bizarre reason we've already tapped the maximum
       | potential of transformer architectures and all of this money goes
       | nowhere, compared to all the other ways that society wastes
       | money, I would be fine with calling this a big bet for humanity
       | that didn't pay off. It doesn't mean that it wasn't worth the
       | attempt though.
         | brucethemoose2 wrote:
         | Any correlation between current models and AGI is, IMO, hype.
         | GenAI is a remarkably useful tool, but its not one step away
         | from an AGI.
           | anonyfox wrote:
           | depends on how you define "step". Engineer a 10x/100x version
           | of what we have in terms of LLM (either by being more
           | efficient and/or more/specialized hardware) and let this
           | thing build novel attempts for AGI algorithms 24/7 in a
           | evolutionary setting.
           | I guess the challenge is more to agree on a fitness function
           | to measure the "AGI"-progress" against, but thats a different
           | topic. But in general scaling up the current GenAI tech and
           | parallelize/specialize the models in a multi-generational way
           | _should_ be a safe ticket to AGI, but the time scale is
           | inknown of course (since we can't even agree on the goal
           | definition)
             | staticman2 wrote:
             | _" depends on how you define "step". Engineer a 10x/100x
             | version of what we have in terms of LLM (either by being
             | more efficient and/or more/specialized hardware) and let
             | this thing build novel attempts for AGI algorithms 24/7 in
             | a evolutionary setting."_
             | The current LLM's get stuck in loops when a problem is too
             | hard for it. They just keep doing the wrong thing over and
             | over. It's not obvious this sort of ai can "build novel
             | attempts" at hard problems.
             | somestag wrote:
             | I like this comment because I think it highlights the exact
             | difference between AI optimists and AI cynics.
             | I think you'll find that AGI cynics do not agree at all
             | that "engineering a 10x/100x version" of what we have and
             | making it attempt "AGI algorithms 24/7 in an evolutionary
             | setting" is a "safe ticket" to AGI.
         | Jensson wrote:
         | > I mean, what was the theoretical upper limit on the benefit
         | of cryptocurrency for the world
         | The value of potential bank scams that are otherwise illegal
         | was enormous to investors though. Lots of people got extremely
         | wealthy thanks to crypto scams. Then when the legal holes were
         | covered crypto was forgotten extremely quickly since the hype
         | was mostly kept alive by scams.
         | AI doesn't have nearly as lucrative scams, so I doubt you will
         | see the same investor frenzy.
         | dragonwriter wrote:
         | > Unlike previous hype cycles, the potential value of this one
         | is extraordinary if it's actually unlocked
         | That was also true, in AI, of the expert-system hype cycle. And
         | the actual value unlocked was extraordinary, just not at the
         | scale people saw as the potential.
         | Actually, it was seen as true of all of the hype cycles
         | _during_ the hype cycle, that 's what makes it a hype cycle.
         | > (I mean, what was the theoretical upper limit on the benefit
         | of cryptocurrency for the world? Probably not that much.)
         | If you believed the people that were as breathless about it as
         | you are about the current AI hype cycle, basically infinite,
         | unlocking ways human potential and interactions, economic and
         | otherwise, are held back by centralized and/or authoritarian
         | systems.
         | That's what made it a hype cycle.
         | > It's quite possible that we already have sufficient
         | computational power and the necessary data for AGI--all we need
         | are the right algorithms.
         | Yeah, but that's always been true. If software-only AGI is
         | possible, we've always had the data in the natural world, and
         | with no strong theoretical model for the necessary
         | computational power, its always been possible we had enough.
         | What we clearly lacked were the right algorithms (oh, and any
         | reason to believe software-only AGI was possible.)
           | somestag wrote:
           | I think I agree with basically your whole comment but I'm
           | wondering if you could explain what you mean by "software-
           | only AGI". Obviously all software runs on hardware, and
           | creating specialized hardware to run certain types of
           | software is something the computing industry is already very
           | familiar with.
           | In the far far future, if we did crack AGI, it's not
           | impossible to believe that specialized hardware modules would
           | be built to enable AGI to interface with a "normal" home
           | computer, much like we already add modules to our computers
           | for specialized applications. Would this still count as
           | software-only AI to you?
           | I've held for a long time that sensory input and real-world
           | agency might be necessary to grow intelligence, so maybe you
           | mean something like that, but even then that's something not
           | incredibly outside the realm of what regular computers could
           | do with some expansion.
             | dragonwriter wrote:
             | There's some discussion of embodiment as an important
             | factor in intelligence such that it would defy pure
             | software implementation. I'm personally of the opinion that
             | even to the extent this is true, it probably just means the
             | compute capacity required for software is higher than we
             | might otherwise think, to _simulate_ the other parts,
             | alternatively, with the right interfaces and hardware, we
             | don 't need that cheat. But "everything involved can be
             | simulated in software at the required level", while I
             | believe it, somewhat speculative.
               | dmbche wrote:
               | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portia_(spider)
               | This spider could be evidence of "software based
               | intelligence" in biological brains - it exhibits much
               | more complex behaviors than other animals it's size, more
               | comparable to cats and dogs.
               | What I mean is that some believe that their brain is
               | "emulating" all parts of the larger "brain", but one at a
               | time, and passing the "data" that comes out of one into
               | the next.
               | Just a cool thing.
         | mjr00 wrote:
         | > (I mean, what was the theoretical upper limit on the benefit
         | of cryptocurrency for the world? Probably not that much.)
         | According to the crypto-faithful at the time: solving
         | territorial disputes (Gaza Strip? blockchain solves this!),
         | identity management, bank transfers, payments over the internet
         | with no transaction fees, "the supply chain" (whatever that
         | means), etc. Not as interesting to a layperson as AGI, but if
         | all those (or ANY of those) ended up panning out, crypto would
         | have been a multi-trillion dollar industry and fundamentally
         | transformed vast swathes of modern society.
         | I do think LLMs are _far_ more useful than blockchain, but
         | claiming  "the potential value of this one is extraordinary" is
         | _exactly_ what people said in previous hype cycles.
           | yieldcrv wrote:
           | > crypto would have been a multi-trillion dollar industry
           | what metric would you like to use, specifically? double check
           | that its a metric that matches other industries
           | the market cap of the digital spot commodities? the marketcap
           | of the businesses that use the digital spot commodities? the
           | revenue of all participants and service providers? the volume
           | of all shares and futures and spot trades when sliced down to
           | a submetric that represents 'real' trades? all of the above?
           | > and fundamentally transformed vast swathes of modern
           | society
           | thats ... _a_... goal post. I 'm not sure if that's a goal
           | post I would have, its market microstructure plumbing. At
           | best, it modifies capital formation, letting different
           | ventures get funding, which it already has.
           | and then, what time frame? its a pretty good S-curve from
           | 2009. there is a pretty clear chronology of what delays what,
           | everything that has resulted in a seasonal bubble in crypto
           | comes from a software proposal being ratified that allows it
           | to touch another industry that it previously didn't. Many
           | overlapping similarities to IETF proposals for WWW, but I
           | understand this level of discussion might not reach your
           | circles, the point stands that there are _plenty_ of people
           | in the tech space that had the exact same observation and you
           | and chose to contribute to the proposals that make crypto now
           | more accessible to the next group.
           | There are plenty of proposals now in many different crypto
           | communities, even ones to make ratification more egalitarian
           | and collaborative.
           | some turn out to be hits for adoption.
           | I think it is interesting for people to then use that reality
           | to say crypto hasnt fulfilled any lofty idea they overheard
           | an enthusiast say, because it took too long.
           | Prior proposals and their ratification were necessary for the
           | reported market cap to reach $1bn, but I know I know "market
           | cap!? you cant sell it all at once!" Holding crypto assets
           | and industry to a separate higher standard than all other
           | industries on the planet.
           | lawlessone wrote:
           | > crypto would have been a multi-trillion dollar industry
           | The same people saying this are often the same ones betting
           | on sovereign currencies crashing.
         | ska wrote:
         | > Unlike previous hype cycles, the potential value of this one
         | is extraordinary if it's actually unlocked
         | That sounds exactly like most hype cycles, it's almost a
         | tautology that the perceived potential value is immense (at
         | least to enough people).
         | Consider e.g. the hype around "the internet" in early mid
         | nineties, which led to the dot.com collapse. Today the internet
         | has undeniably had a massive impact globally, so the naysayers
         | have been comprehensively proven wrong. On the other hand, the
         | most optimistic views have not begun to come to pass yet
         | (ever?) either. Lots of ideas that were floated in the 90s
         | didn't really work until 10, 15, 20 years later. Some things
         | that are now ubiquitous weren't really conceived of then, etc.
         | etc. As usual, it turned out the technology wasn't the really
         | hard part.
         | So far the current AI cycle seems to be following the usual
         | playbook.
         | 0xDEAFBEAD wrote:
         | The potential downside is extraordinary too
           | Xcelerate wrote:
           | Touche
       | Aurornis wrote:
       | From the other side of the table, the machine learning candidate
       | pool is also a clown show right now.
       | I did some hiring for a very real machine learning (AI if you
       | want to call it that) initiative that started even before the LLM
       | explosion. The number of candidates applying with claimed ML/AI
       | experience who haven't done anything more than follow online
       | tutorials is wild. This was at a company that had a good
       | reputation among tech people and paid above average, so we got a
       | lot of candidates hoping to talk their way into ML jobs after
       | completing some basic courses online.
       | The weirdest trend was all of the people who had done large AI
       | projects on things that didn't need AI at all. We had people
       | bragging about spending a year or more trying to get an AI model
       | to do simple tasks that were easily solved deterministically with
       | simple math, for example. There was a lot of AI-ification for the
       | sake of using AI.
       | It feels similar to when everyone with a Raspberry Pi started
       | claiming embedded expertise or when people who worked with
       | analytics started branding themselves as Big Data experts.
         | jvalencia wrote:
         | 100% this. ML has been very hyped for a while now and having it
         | was seen as a badge for the company. To be fair, ML is not also
         | something that was historically central to a degree, so many
         | people wanting to get into AI, even good engineers, did not
         | have the background in it. This too is changing though, but the
         | hype and the lack of an experienced pool doesn't help.
           | mikrl wrote:
           | I don't think the background is really that important tbh.
           | From physics I have a good theoretical grounding in how ML
           | works (optimizing a cost function over a high dimensional
           | manifold to reconstruct a probability distribution, then
           | using the distribution for some task) but I personally find
           | actually 'doing ML' to be rather dull.
         | hashtag-til wrote:
         | > The weirdest trend was all of the people who had done large
         | AI projects on things that didn't need AI at all.
         | I can relate to this a lot. In my company many things you can
         | sell as "AI" can really be solved with traditional data
         | processing.
         | MaxBarraclough wrote:
         | > We had people bragging about spending a year or more trying
         | to get an AI model to do simple tasks that were easily solved
         | deterministically with simple math, for example.
         | Fad-chasing often leads to silly technical decisions. Same
         | thing happened with blockchains when they were at the peak of
         | the famous hype cycle. [0]
         | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gartner_hype_cycle
         | sillysaurusx wrote:
         | > The weirdest trend was all of the people who had done large
         | AI projects on things that didn't need AI at all.
         | This is how people get experience with ML though. I don't think
         | that's a bad thing.
         | It sounds like you're looking for a candidate with current ML
         | experience. But I've seen so many people go from zero knowledge
         | to capable devs that this seems like a mistake. You'll end up
         | overpaying.
         | Just try to find someone with a burning ambition to learn. That
         | seems like the key to get someone capable in the long run. If
         | they point out something beyond Kaggle that makes you think,
         | pay attention to that feeling -- it means they're in it for
         | more than the money.
           | discmonkey wrote:
           | I have to agree. Especially given the very real possibility
           | that your ML project won't be cutting edge research grade. At
           | that point someone who doesn't have bias and is willing to
           | search for a reasonable looking approximation to the problem
           | and try a canned solution may actually be an optimal
           | candidate.
             | 0cf8612b2e1e wrote:
             | Considering the number of problems that could be plugged
             | into a random forest with good results, data proficiency
             | seems more important than strong ML experience.
               | uoaei wrote:
               | Depends heavily on the application once you get to more
               | specialized domains.
               | I wish there was an easier way to label roles differently
               | based on when you just need to throw X or Y model at some
               | chunk of data and when more specialized modeling is
               | required. Previously it was roughly delineated by "data
               | science" vs "ML" roles but the recent AI thing has really
               | messed with this.
           | htrp wrote:
           | >Just try to find someone with a burning ambition to learn.
           | That seems like the key to get someone capable in the long
           | run. If they point out something beyond Kaggle that makes you
           | think, pay attention to that feeling -- it means they're in
           | it for more than the money.
           | If you're teaching them, you shouldn't be paying them at the
           | AI expert rate.
             | outside1234 wrote:
             | But we do this in software engineering all of the time, why
             | is AI different?
               | __loam wrote:
               | Corporations love people with experience but they don't
               | want to actually invest in creating those people. If
               | nobody is supposed to hire people who have only taken
               | classes or done tutorials, how do you actually get people
               | who have that experience? Or are these guys expecting us
               | to bootstrap our own PhD before they deign to speak to
               | us?
           | chinchilla2020 wrote:
           | This reminds me of when I started learning spark (back in the
           | dinosaur days). It was considered this cutting edge
           | 'advanced' technology that only the top tier of 10x engineers
           | knew how to implement. The documentation was crap and there
           | were not many tutorials so it took forever to learn.
           | These days people can get an excellent introductory class to
           | spark and be just as good as I've ever been at it. I wouldn't
           | call them 'charlatans' like the poster above did. It's just
           | that the libraries used to implement spark have been
           | abstracted and people learn it faster.
           | That's just how it goes in tech. Anyone who wants to learn is
           | a treated like a poser. We over-index on academic credentials
           | which are really not indicative of actual hands-on
           | engineering ability.
           | PS. There are no AI/ML experts. There are LLM experts,
           | prediction model experts, regression experts, image
           | recognition experts.... If you are hiring a 'AI/ML expert',
           | you have no idea what you are hiring.
           | swatcoder wrote:
           | If you can make do with generalist techies who can ramp up in
           | a few weeks, you probably don't need to be paying them
           | $500k-$1M TCO. They're just a new technician.
           | But that doesn't mean that having people with actual
           | research/depthful expertise aren't essential and hard to find
           | amongst the noise.
           | The person you responded to is talking about would-be
           | technicians applying for researcher roles. That happens in
           | tech booms and opens amazing doors for lucky smart people,
           | but it's also a huge PITA for hiring managers to deal with.
           | garba_dlm wrote:
           | > it means they're in it for more than the money.
           | but isn't ALL of 'private' industry (i.e. not academia) in
           | anything at all ONLY for the money?
         | softwaredoug wrote:
         | Reminds me of the software hiring market during the dotcom
         | boom.
         | I think the hype on the field and the shitty candidate pool go
         | hand in hand. The shitty candidate pool will groupthink / cargo
         | cult the space without much critical thinking. The groupthink /
         | hype will cause people to jump into the field who don't have
         | any business being in the field.
         | TrackerFF wrote:
         | "The weirdest trend was all of the people who had done large AI
         | projects on things that didn't need AI at all. We had people
         | bragging about spending a year or more trying to get an AI
         | model to do simple tasks that were easily solved
         | deterministically with simple math, for example. There was a
         | lot of AI-ification for the sake of using AI."
         | I've seen two variants of this
         | 1) People that have worked for traditional (as in non-tech)
         | companies, where there's been a huge push for digitalization
         | and "AI". These things come from the very top, and you don't
         | really have much say. I've been there myself.
         | The upper echelon wants "AI" so that they can tick off boxes to
         | the board of directors. With these folks, its all about
         | managing expectations - but frankly, they don't care if you
         | implement a simple regression model, or spend a fortune on
         | overkill models. The most important part is that you've brought
         | "AI" to the company.
         | 2) The people that want to pad their resumes. There's no need,
         | no push, but no-one is stopping you. You can add "designed and
         | implemented AI products to the business operation blablabla" to
         | your CV.
         | These days, I've seen and experienced 1) an awful lot. It's all
         | about keeping up with the joneses.
         | haltist wrote:
         | What's hard about AI that requires special expertise? In many
         | ways it is much simpler than regular software engineering
         | because the conceptual landscape in AI is much simpler. Every
         | AI framework offers the same conceptual primitives and even
         | deployment targets whereas most web frameworks have entirely
         | different conceptions of something as simple as MVC so knowing
         | one framework isn't very useful for learning and understanding
         | another one but if you know how to use PyTorch then you can
         | very easily transfer that knowledge to another framework like
         | Tensorflow or Jax.
         | It should be possible for a competent software engineer to get
         | up to speed in AI in less than 6 months and much of that time
         | can be on the job itself.
           | Jensson wrote:
           | AI is much harder if you need competitive results, and if you
           | don't need competitive results you don't need to hire a
           | dedicated AI person. Just feed data into some library which
           | is typical software engineering and doesn't have anything to
           | do with AI.
             | haltist wrote:
             | The only metric that matters for a business is whatever
             | helps their bottom line. No one really cares about
             | competitive results if they can just fine tune some open
             | source model on their own data set and get good business
             | outcomes. So if there is good data and access to compute
             | infrastructure to train and fine tune some open source
             | model then the only obstruction to figuring out if AI works
             | for the business or not is just a matter of setting up the
             | training and deployment pipeline. That requires some
             | expertise but that can be learned on the job as well or
             | from any number of freely available tutorials.
             | I don't think AI is hard to learn. The fundamentals are
             | extremely simple and a competent software engineer can
             | learn all the required concepts in a few months. It's
             | easier if you already have a background in mathematics but
             | not required. If you can write software then you can learn
             | how to write differentiable tensor programs with any of the
             | AI frameworks.
               | Jensson wrote:
               | Yes, and those businesses don't need to hire an AI
               | person. This topic is AI research jobs, not for people
               | who sometimes has to call an ML library once in a while
               | in their normal software job.
               | Edit: You asked what it is about these jobs that requires
               | expertise. I answered: it requires expertise to create
               | competitive models. So companies that need competitive
               | models requires expertise.
               | haltist wrote:
               | Do you build competitive AI models?
               | Jensson wrote:
               | I worked on AI at Google, some would say Google isn't
               | competitive in the space but at least they try to be and
               | their business model depends on it.
               | Edit: Why do you ask? I don't see why it is relevant for
               | the discussion.
               | haltist wrote:
               | HN is often full of abstract argumentation so it helps to
               | know if someone has actual experience doing something
               | instead of just pontificating about it on an internet
               | forum.
               | Jensson wrote:
               | I thought what I said was common knowledge on HN, it was
               | last time I was in one of these discussions a few years
               | ago. But something seems to have changed, I guess the
               | "use ml library" jobs drowned out the others by now and
               | that colored these discussions.
               | haltist wrote:
               | People come and go so I don't know how much can be
               | assumed to be common knowledge but what changed is that
               | big enterprises figured out that ML/AI can now be applied
               | in their business contexts with low enough cost to
               | justify the investment to shareholders without anyone
               | getting fired if things don't work out as expected. Every
               | business has data that can be turned into profits and
               | investing in AI is perceived to be a good way to do that
               | now.
               | Jensson wrote:
               | Those jobs has been on the rise for over a decade now, it
               | was the majority of people talking a few years ago as
               | well, but at least there was more awareness of the
               | different kinds of jobs out there.
           | belval wrote:
           | > What's hard about AI that requires special expertise?
           | AI is ill-defined so the premise of your comment makes it
           | difficult to answer. For small well-known tasks (image
           | classification, object detection, sentiment detection) that
           | is train-once on a single dataset and deploy-once what you
           | are saying is true, but for more complex products there is a
           | lot of arcane knowledge that can go in
           | training/deploying/maintaining a model.
           | On the training side, you need to be able to define the
           | correct metrics, identify bottlenecks in your dataloader,
           | scale to multiple nodes (which is itself a sub-field because
           | distributing a model is not simple) and run evaluation.
           | Throughout the whole thing you have to implement proper
           | dataset versioning (otherwise your evaluation results won't
           | be comparable) and store it in a way that has enough
           | throughput to not bottleneck your training without
           | bankrupting the company (images and videos are not small).
           | Finally you have a trained model that needs to be deployed,
           | GPU time is expensive so you need to know about compilation
           | techniques/operator fusing, quantization and you need to be
           | able to scale. The requirements to do that are complex
           | because the input data is not always just text.
           | So yes all the above (and a lot more) require specific
           | expertise.
             | haltist wrote:
             | How long would it take for someone to learn all that?
               | skirmish wrote:
               | IMO you can only learn al that by doing a few successful
               | ML projects end-to-end. So, a few years?
               | haltist wrote:
               | Not that long then, especially if someone was motivated
               | enough to complete the projects as quickly as possible.
               | iaw wrote:
               | Is this a catch-22 then or is there a rational course to
               | self-study into the field for those that are competent?
               | skirmish wrote:
               | Well, these were senior level skills, a person who can
               | drive and complete a project. I don't know how you could
               | become senior via self-study and without practical hands-
               | on experience on a project (working with and learning
               | from somebody with experience).
               | belval wrote:
               | As with most topics in software engineering I'd say you
               | will be have to keep learning as you go. They keep coming
               | out with larger models that require fancier parallelism
               | and faster data pipelines. Nvidia comes out with a new
               | thing to accelerate inference every year. Want to use
               | something else than Nvidia? Now you need to learn TPU,
               | Trainium, Meta Accelerator (whatever its name is).
               | rg111 wrote:
               | 2-3 years of full time or near full time study.
               | I know cause I did it.
               | And I knew the math beforehand. I was a Physics major in
               | college with a CS minor.
           | kriro wrote:
           | I'd at least debate if it's much harder to learn a new web
           | framework and it's concepts or whatever is required to solve
           | the ML tasks at a company. If you know how
           | database+frontend+backend work (and are already used to
           | HTML/CSS/SQL//JS+another language), you can also on the job
           | learn a new framework.
           | Knowing the library is the least hard part about ML work just
           | like knowing the web framework is the least hard part about
           | webdev (both imo). It's much more important to understand the
           | actual problem domain and data and get a smooth data pipeline
           | up and running.
           | Scaling, optimizing inference, squeezing out better
           | performance and annoying labeling. There's a pretty solid gap
           | from applying some framework to a preexisting and never
           | changing dataset vs. curating said dataset in a changing
           | environment. And if we're talking about RL and not just
           | supervised/unsupervised then building a suitable training
           | environment etc. also become quite interesting.
           | If someone asked me "what's so hard about webdev" my answer
           | would be similar btw...it's fairly easy to set up a
           | reasonably complicated "hello world" project in any given
           | framework but it gets a lot harder when real world issues
           | like different auth worklflows, security, scaling and
           | handling database migrations etc. enter the picture.
             | haltist wrote:
             | These are good points to consider.
           | avn2109 wrote:
           | > "What's hard about AI that requires special expertise?"
           | Several years ago on HN there was a blog post which
           | (attempted to) answer this question in detail, and I have
           | been unsuccessfully trying to find it for a long time. The
           | extra facts I can remember about it are:
           | * It was by a fairly well known academic or industry
           | researcher
           | * It had reddish graphics showing slices of the problem
           | domain stacking up like slices of bread
           | * It was on HN, either as a submission or in the comments,
           | between 2016 and 2018.
           | If anybody knows the URL to this post, I would be stoked!
           | screye wrote:
           | Becoming an ML engineer is about 6 months of work for a
           | competent backend engineer.
           | But becoming an X-Scientist (Data/Applied/Applied Research)
           | is a whole different skill set. Now, this kind of role only
           | exists in a proper ML company. But, just acquiring the
           | Statistics & Linear Algebra 201 level intuition is about 6
           | months of fulltime study in its own right. You also need to
           | have deep skills in one of the Tabular/Vision/NLP/Robotics
           | areas and get hired into a role accordingly. Usually 1 year
           | intensive masters level is good enough to get your foot in
           | the door, with the more prestigious roles needing about 2
           | years of intensive work with some track record of State-of-
           | the-art results on 1 occasion.
           | Then you have proper researchers, and that might be the most
           | impossible to get in field right now. I know kids who have
           | only done hardcore ML since high school, who are entering the
           | industry after their masters or PhD. I would not want to be
           | an entry level researcher right now. You need to have
           | undergrad math-CS dual major level skills just to get
           | started. They're expected to have delivered state-of-the-art
           | results a few times just to be called for an interview. I'd
           | say you need at least 3 years of fulltime effort if you want
           | to pivot into this field from SWE.
             | haltist wrote:
             | Good to know.
           | rg111 wrote:
           | If your job is only calling the APIs' .fit() method, then
           | that is not a job at all.
           | If something is already done, i.e. a model is available for
           | your exact use case (which is never), then for using and
           | deploying that can be done by a good SWE and any ML/AI
           | specialist is not needed at all.
           | To solve any real problem that is novel, you need to know a
           | lot of things. You need to be on top the progress made by
           | reading papers and be a good enough engineer to implement the
           | ideas that you are going to have iff you are creative/a good
           | problem solver.
           | And to read those papers you need to have solid college level
           | Calculus and Stats.
           | If this is so easy, then why don't you do it, and get a job
           | at OpenAI/Tesla/etc?
             | haltist wrote:
             | It's a matter of opportunity cost. I don't think working in
             | AI would be the best use of my time so I don't work at
             | OpenAI/Tesla/etc.
           | light_hue_1 wrote:
           | There's no way even the smartest hard working expert engineer
           | will be competent in AI in 6 months.
           | I've been in industry and now I do research at a top
           | university. I hand pick the best people from all over the
           | world to be part of my group. They need years under expert
           | guidance, with a lot of reading that's largely unproductive,
           | while being surrounded by others doing the same, in order to
           | become competent.
           | Writing code is easy. You can learn to use any API in a
           | weekend. That's not what is hard.
           | What's hard is, what do you do when things don't work. Fine,
           | you tried the top 5 models. They're all ok, but your business
           | requirements need much higher reliability. What do you do
           | now?
           | This isn't research. But you need a huge amount of experience
           | to understand what you can and cannot do, how to define a
           | problem in a way that is tractable, what problems to avoid
           | and how to avoid them, what approaches cannot possibly work,
           | how to tweak and endless list of parameters, how to know if
           | your model could work if you spent another 100k of compute on
           | it or 100k of data collection, etc.
           | This is like saying you can learn to give people medical
           | advice in 6 months. Sure, when things are going well, you
           | could handle many patients with a Google search. But the
           | problem is what happens when things go badly.
         | MattGaiser wrote:
         | Hasn't that just been the tech market ever since software dev
         | appeared on the lists of best paid low stress jobs?
           | notsurenymore wrote:
           | I think it's not even about low stress, but low barrier to
           | entry. There are plenty of things I'd rather be doing than
           | software development (in fact I never planned on going into
           | this field professionally), but I just can't.
           | I'm also not surprised by the " _The number of candidates
           | applying with claimed ML /AI experience who haven't done
           | anything more than follow online tutorials is wild_". Just go
           | look at any Ask HN thread about "how do I get into ML/AI".
           | This is pretty typical advice. Hell it's pretty typical
           | advice given to people asking how to get into any domain. Now
           | sure we'll how it works outside of bog standard web
           | development though.
         | UncleOxidant wrote:
         | > The number of candidates applying with claimed ML/AI
         | experience who haven't done anything more than follow online
         | tutorials is wild.
         | Sure, I get this, but I suspect that the number of people who
         | have actual ML/AI experience is pretty small given that the
         | field is nascent. If you really want to hire people to do this
         | kind of work you're going to need to go with people who have
         | done the online tutorials, read the papers, have an interest,
         | etc. Yes, once in a while you're going to find someone who has
         | actual solid ML experience, but you're also going to have to
         | pay them a lot. That's just how things work in a field like
         | this that's growing rapidly.
         | archero wrote:
         | I'm genuinely curious, what is your expectation of candidates
         | looking to get into ML at the entry level?
         | You seem to look down on those who have
         | 1) learned from online courses
         | or
         | 2) used AI on tasks that don't require it
         | Isn't this a bit contradictory? Or you expect candidates to
         | have found a completely novel usecase for AI on their own?
         | I understand that most ML roles prefer a master's degree or
         | PhD, but from my experience most of the master's degrees in ML
         | being offered right now were spawned from all the "AI hype".
         | That is to say, they may not include a lot of core ML courses
         | and probably are not a significantly better signal of a
         | candidate's qualifications than some of the good online courses
         | out there.
         | So what does that leave, only those with a PhD? I think it's
         | unreasonable that someone should need that many years of formal
         | education to get an entry level position. Maybe I'm missing
         | something, but I'm really wondering, what do you expect from
         | candidates? I think a few years of professional software
         | engineering experience with some demonstrated interest in AI
         | via online courses and personal projects should be enough.
           | michaelt wrote:
           | It sounds like Aurornis was not, in fact, trying to hire
           | people at the entry level.
           | Most companies doing regular, non-ML development hire a mix
           | of junior and experienced engineers, with the latter
           | providing code reviews, mentorship and architectural advice
           | alongside normal programming duties.
           | It's understandable that someone kicking off a new ML project
           | would _hope_ to get the experienced hires on board first.
           | But there are a lot more junior people on the market than
           | senior people right now - as is the nature of a fast growing
           | market.
             | archero wrote:
             | Ok, that makes sense.
             | I agree, it's problematic that there are so many more
             | juniors than seniors in the industry right now. I feel like
             | many juniors are being left without mentorship, and then it
             | becomes much harder for them to grow and eventually become
             | qualified for senior roles. So that could help explain why
             | many candidates seem so weak, alongside with all the recent
             | hype.
             | I guess eventually the market will cool off and the hype
             | will die down since this stuff seems to be cyclical, and
             | the junior engineers who are determined enough to stick it
             | out and seek out mentorship will be able to grow and become
             | seniors.
             | But it definitely seems like the number of seniors is a
             | bottleneck for talent across the industry.
         | lawlessone wrote:
         | >We had people bragging about spending a year or more trying to
         | get an AI model to do simple tasks that were easily solved
         | deterministically with simple math, for example.
         | TBF theres whole companies doing this. It's a good way to learn
         | too, as you have existing solutions to compare yourself too.
         | BeetleB wrote:
         | A former colleague of mine (SW guy) took Andrew's Coursera
         | course, downloaded some Kaggle sets, fiddled with them, and put
         | his Jupyter notebooks online. He learned the lingo of deep
         | learning (no experience in them, though). Then he hit the
         | interview circuit.
         | Got a senior ML position in a well known Fortune 500 company.
         | Senior enough that he sets his goals - no one gives him work to
         | do. He just goes around asking for data and does analyses. When
         | he left our team he told me "Now that I have this opportunity,
         | I can actually _really_ learn ML instead of faking it. "
         | If you think that's bad, you should hear the stories he tells
         | at that company. Since senior leadership knows nothing about ML
         | practices, practices are sloppy to get impressive numbers.
         | Things like reporting quality based on performance on
         | _training_ data. And when going from a 3% to a 6% prediction
         | success rate, they boast about  "doubling the performance".
         | He eventually left for another company because it was harder to
         | compete against bigger charlatans than he was.
           | rg111 wrote:
           | > _" took Andrew's Coursera course"_
           | If he really did take those and did all the assignments
           | himself and understood all the concepts, that still puts him
           | at least in the 95th percentile among ML job seekers.
           | CamperBob2 wrote:
           | _If you think that 's bad_
           | (Shrug) I don't. Hustle gets rewarded, as usual. Sounds like
           | he contributed at least as much value as he captured.
           | confidantlake wrote:
           | I don't have any ML experience but I don't see what is wrong
           | with it. To me it seems like the equivalent of someone self
           | teaching software development. As long as they are interested
           | and doing a good job there background shouldn't matter much.
         | i1856511 wrote:
         | I have a background in computational linguistics from a good
         | university, and then I got sidetracked by life for the last
         | decade. What real experience did you look for that was a good
         | signal?
         | klyrs wrote:
         | > The weirdest trend was all of the people who had done large
         | AI projects on things that didn't need AI at all.
         | Yeah this is a major phenomenon. Everybody's putting "ai"
         | stickers on everything. So the job market screams "we need ai
         | experts!" in numbers far exceeding the supply of ai experts,
         | because it was a tiny niche until a couple years ago. Industry
         | asks for garbage, industry gets garbage.
         | paxys wrote:
         | This isn't unique to AI. Post any programming job and something
         | like 50-80% of applicants with seemingly perfect resumes won't
         | be able to pass a FizzBuzz test.
         | screye wrote:
         | It is getting doubly weird with the LLM/Diffusion explosion
         | over the last year.
         | The applied research ML role has evolved from being a
         | computational math role to a Pytorch role to a 'informed throw
         | things at the wall' role.
         | I went from reading textbooks (Murphy, Ian Goodfellow, Bishop)
         | to watching curated NIPS talks to reading Axriv papers to
         | literally trawling random discord channels and subreddits to
         | get a few month leg up on anyone in research. Recently, a paper
         | formally cited /r/localllama for their core idea.
         | > follow online tutorials
         | The Open Source movement moves so quickly, that running
         | someone's collab notebook is the way to be at the cutting edge
         | of research. The entire agents, task planning and meta-
         | prompting field was invented in random forums.
         | ________________
         | This is mostly relevant to the NLP/Vision world......but take a
         | break for 1-2 years, and your entire skill set is obsolete.
         | breakds wrote:
         | I had two successful hires who just graduate from college, with
         | no machine learning experience (major in accounting and civil
         | engineering). With 3 months training by working on real world
         | projects, they become quite fine machine learning engineers.
         | You probably do not need AI experts if you just need good
         | machine learning engineer to build models to solve problems.
         | akomtu wrote:
         | What motivates you and other ML researchers to do this work?
         | What's the end goal and why do you want it?
         | jsight wrote:
         | So having no experience is bad, but also going out of their way
         | to get experience is also bad? Isn't this presenting a bit of a
         | no-win scenarios?
         | Then again, that seems to be common with the job market.
         | benreesman wrote:
         | I've done heavy infra, serious model and feature engineering,
         | or both on all of FB Ads and IG organic before 2019, did a
         | startup on attention/transformer models at the beginning of
         | 2019, and worked in extreme multi-class settings in
         | bioinformatics this year.
         | And out of all the nightmare "we have so many qualified
         | candidates we can't even do price discovery" conversations in
         | 2023, the ML ones have been the worst.
         | If you're running a serious shop that isn't screwing around and
         | you're having trouble finding tenured pros who aren't screwing
         | around, email me! :)
       | dwroberts wrote:
       | > All of Google DeepMind's headcount is in the first two
       | categories, with most of it being in the first.
       | Does that mean that DM now does _no_ fundamental research - or
       | does it still happen and it has simply been rebranded /hidden
       | away?
         | aabhay wrote:
         | In the last year, they have developed what they call a
         | "product" focus. But they still do more basic research, good
         | luck getting a GPU allocation though.
       | agomez314 wrote:
       | Jeez it's kind of amazing to hear the kind of treatment you get
       | if you're lucky enough to be an AI researcher. Being in the right
       | industry in the right place seems to trump everything else.
       | I'd be happy just being a cog in the machine, work 9-5, and get
       | to have an upper middle class lifestyle with my family the rest
       | of the time. That's probs better than what 95% of people (in the
       | US) get to experience.
       | npalli wrote:
       | Good chance AI has winner-take-all dynamics. So while the field
       | itself might be very hot and valuable, only a few will make
       | massive bank and rest will get nothing. Like trying to be a
       | basketball or soccer star, much demand and prestige but the
       | average joe is not making millions or on TV.
         | aabhay wrote:
         | Hard disagree. My guess is that AI is actually a race-to-the-
         | bottom dynamic. Given the competition across all/every FAANG
         | and tons of startups, my guess is we'll have a wide range of
         | options for APIs across clouds and providers. On the consumer
         | side we'll have a range of options for chatbots, API
         | integrations, and more.
         | For most use cases of AI, there is a ceiling to how intelligent
         | it needs to be. I am guessing we'll be selecting from dozens of
         | models based on various sizes, context lengths, etc. Just like
         | we right-size VMs in the cloud.
           | vagab0nd wrote:
           | "Race-to-the-bottom" might lead to "winner-take-all"?
           | Eventually the profit margin is so thin that only the biggest
           | companies can survive.
           | In other words, once you have a "race-to-the-bottom"
           | situation, it's hard for newcomers to get in the game.
           | waveBidder wrote:
           | ml is entirely dependent on your access to relevant data,
           | which itself has strong network effects.
             | aabhay wrote:
             | Data access has weaker network effects than you would
             | expect. Generated chats / outputs are rarely good enough as
             | training data, the "best"/"cleanest" data is still expert-
             | created.
       | lawlessone wrote:
       | The below writing is just my opinion ,anecdotal and sour grapes.
       | Have been interested in this stuff for years. Did my CS project
       | with NN just before everyone started using GPU's ,and a short DS
       | course more recently. Seeing all the marketing people move into
       | space with their prompt cheat sheets on LinkedIn while many tech
       | people are ,ironically, locked out by blackbox recruitment
       | algorithms is maddening.(This particular problem goes far beyond
       | tech jobs though).
       | Some also seem to be mixing up DS and DE roles a bit, one of the
       | few times I got an interview I had end it and apologize as what
       | they were looking for was a data engineer.
       | Another was listed as a machine learning role ,when I got the
       | offer it was travelling tech support and paid less. With the
       | promise of undefined ML work later.
       | Some companies are just tacking irrelevant ML and AI stuff onto
       | job descriptions.
       | Also so many live coding tests , and that one weird recruiter
       | asking about "skeletons in closets"
         | rg111 wrote:
         | > I got an interview I had end it and apologize as what they
         | were looking for was a data engineer.
         | 100% happened to me once. Wasted hours of my time.
         | > Some companies are just tacking irrelevant ML and AI stuff
         | onto job descriptions.
         | Some of them do this deliberately. I have seen this practice in
         | companies targeting junior roles and fresh out of college
         | grads. They hire them with shit pay and promise them ML
         | experience, and then make them do non ML stuff.
           | lawlessone wrote:
           | Luckily in my case it was very short. The first tech question
           | they asked me was about the how to move all a companies data
           | from old gov systems to a data lake. We both got a quick
           | lesson really. All polite.
           | The second bait and switch example though went on a lot
           | longer. I had an off feeling about it from the first call.
           | One guy on call was stifling a laugh the whole time.
           | They made sure to emphasize they we're offering me a lot of
           | experience, doing me favor essentially.
           | When they gave me the offer they also requested I send them
           | over a professional photograph of myself. Maybe that's normal
           | in some countries but to me it was the red flag that finally
           | made me notice all the other red flags.
         | VirusNewbie wrote:
         | I had the opposite happen at a FAANG company. Did multiple
         | rounds of coding and data architecture interviews only for the
         | final round to be an ML round with me being quite surprised and
         | having to tell them "well, i'll do my best, but I actually
         | have...0 experience with AI/ML/DL"...
       | spatalo wrote:
       | Would you mind sharing your CV? As an AI researcher with PhD in
       | Europe, I am applying to multiple post-grad positions but can't
       | even get interviews. And I'm not even talking about the big
       | companies.
         | natolambert wrote:
         | Author here, you can find more on my website:
         | https://natolambert.com/cv Have been building RLHF systems at
         | HuggingFace since ChatGPT, with some other experience before.
       | sad_robot wrote:
       | Is it a good idea to pivot into ML/AI?
       | Would the bubble have burst before one can finish a PhD?
         | zffr wrote:
         | How do you personally define "good idea"?
         | If this is about your financial outcome, make sure to factor in
         | the opportunity cost of a PhD. It will require 5-7yrs where you
         | will make very little money.
       | dsign wrote:
       | It must be hard to get those experts out of the bushes. First,
       | there is the fact that not every expert out there is after the
       | money or working 60 hours a week, or even 40, or work at the
       | office. Second, there is this thing about how much of a shit-show
       | any hiring process is...
       | slowhadoken wrote:
       | The definition for "AI" is being blurred, it's a black box
       | buzzword lately. Bros will talk my ear off about AI and none of
       | them know basic graph theory.
         | constantly wrote:
         | These concepts are orthogonal so that's probably expected.
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