[HN Gopher] (learn 'scheme)
       (learn 'scheme)
       Author : josh-sematic
       Score  : 158 points
       Date   : 2023-10-29 14:30 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (jaredkrinke.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (jaredkrinke.github.io)
       | gus_massa wrote:
       | It's nice that the site can run the examples. Did you wrote the
       | interpreter?
       | schemescape wrote:
       | Pleasantly surprised to see this on HN! This is an old (and
       | incomplete) project of mine to reformat Structure and
       | Interpretation of Computer Programs into a browser-friendly
       | format, with a built-in code editor and interpreter [1].
       | I think today, you can use Racket in its special SICP mode to get
       | a much better experience. But maybe the HTML (Bootstrap)
       | formatting is a little nicer to read (and with the bonus that it
       | probably works on phones).
       | The interpreter was incomplete and written from scratch, as a
       | learning project [2]. This was done in the pre-WebAssembly days,
       | so I couldn't just recompile, say, a Scheme written in C for use
       | in the browser.
       | If I recall correctly, I took the SICP source files, ran a bunch
       | of regular expressions on them to convert the content into XML
       | [3], and then used XSLT to generate the web pages [1]. I was
       | really into XSLT at the time :)
       | Anyway, hope people find this useful! It's outdated and
       | incomplete, and the interpreter has an odd implementation, but it
       | was a fun project.
       | Source code links:
       | [1] HTML generator: https://github.com/jaredkrinke/learn-scheme
       | [2] Interpreter: https://github.com/jaredkrinke/jslisp
       | [3] SICP-to-XML converter: https://github.com/jaredkrinke/sicp-
       | reformatter
         | Zambyte wrote:
         | > This was done in the pre-WebAssembly days, so I couldn't just
         | recompile, say, a Scheme written in C for use in the browser.
         | If this is a direction you (or anyone else!) would like to
         | explore, GNU Guile has been having work done to port it to
         | WebAssembly under the Hoot project[0].
         | [0] https://gitlab.com/spritely/guile-hoot
           | sitkack wrote:
           | A cool hack was presented at the 13th Racket Con yesterday,
           | showing how to run PB (the Chez Scheme bytecode interpreter)
           | on Wasm.
           | Racket with Wasm-PB Chunk,
           | https://github.com/adamperlin/racket
           | Videos should be posted here shortly,
           | https://www.youtube.com/@racketlang/videos
           | https://con.racket-lang.org/
         | josh-sematic wrote:
         | Yeah, I went through it this weekend because I was curious
         | about Scheme, and was surprised when it ended so suddenly! It
         | was a good read though. Any more advanced free online Scheme
         | tutorials you can recommend? I'd like to get to continuations,
         | lazy evaluations, macros etc..
           | Jtsummers wrote:
           | The linked site's text comes from this source material:
           | https://mitp-content-
           | server.mit.edu/books/content/sectbyfn/b...
           | So you can continue to explore the rest of the book for free
           | (without the aid of the built-in interactive interpreter).
           | Check out Racket and its included support for the particular
           | Scheme used by SICP: https://docs.racket-lang.org/sicp-
           | manual/
           | schemescape wrote:
           | I switched over to Common Lisp, so I don't really have any
           | personal recommendations for Scheme, but this site was useful
           | for learning CL and it also has a section on Scheme:
           | https://www.linuxlinks.com/excellent-free-books-learn-
           | scheme...
           | segh wrote:
           | Here is another online SICP with built in interpreter.
           | http://xuanji.appspot.com/isicp/
             | schemescape wrote:
             | That one seems better!
             | Edit: wow, it even predates my attempt:
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4860370
         | easytiger wrote:
         | There are verbatim copies of SICP content in here. Is that
         | legal?
           | reikonomusha wrote:
           | > Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold
           | Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman is licensed
           | under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
           | International License by the MIT Press.
           | from https://mitp-content-
           | server.mit.edu/books/content/sectbyfn/b...
           | schemescape wrote:
           | Yes, and I even confirmed it with MIT Press prior to
           | publishing the project (many years ago):
           | https://mitp-content-
           | server.mit.edu/books/content/sectbyfn/b...
           | > Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold
           | Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman is licensed
           | under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
           | International License by the MIT Press.
         | DonHopkins wrote:
         | >I was really into XSLT at the time :)
         | We all have embarasing skeletons in our closets, and that's one
         | of mine, too.
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33728303
         | >My impression of XSLT is that there were representatives from
         | every different programming language paradigm on the XSLT
         | standard committee, and each one of them was able to get just
         | enough of what was special about their own paradigm into the
         | standard to showcase it while sabotaging the others and making
         | them all look foolish, but not enough to actually get any work
         | done or lord forbid synergistically dovetail together into a
         | unified whole.
         | >The only way I was ever able to get anything done with XLST
         | was to use Microsoft's script extensions to drop down into
         | JavaScript and just solve the problem with a few lines of code.
         | And that begs the question of why am I not just solving this
         | problem with a few lines of JavaScript code instead of inviting
         | XSLT to the party?
           | schemescape wrote:
           | I can't decide if I liked XSLT or just the out-of-the-box
           | thinking its convoluted solutions demanded.
           | XPath was a joy to use, and I thought XHTML made more sense
           | than HTML. But I was naive to think the "more logical"
           | technology would take over!
             | jrumbut wrote:
             | There is a unique satisfaction to solving a problem with
             | XSLT.
             | That said, it's a lot like that old joke about regular
             | expressions, "now you have two problems."
         | shortrounddev2 wrote:
         | Did you know SICP is in Javascript now?
         | mark_l_watson wrote:
         | Still a nice interactive web site!! I did something similar
         | when applets were added to Java 1.0 beta, so many years ago. I
         | had an AI tutorial powered by applets.
         | You mentioned Racket. Were you at Racket Con this weekend? I
         | attended remotely, and really enjoyed it.
         | Pardon the self-promotion, but speaking of Scheme/Racket you
         | can read my newly released (last Friday) book "Practical
         | Artificial Intelligence Development With Racket - Using Racket
         | Scheme for implementing many short AI examples including LLMs,
         | vector datastore, NLP, semantic web and non-AI utilities" for
         | free online. [1]
         | [1] https://leanpub.com/racket-ai/read
         | EDIT: my book is only 80% done. Example programs:
         | https://github.com/mark-watson/Racket-AI-book-code
       | DonHopkins wrote:
       | Here's Kent Pittman's :TEACH;LISP from ITS, which is a MACLISP
       | program that teaches you how to program in MACLISP. (That's "Man
       | And Computer Lisp" from "Project MAC", not "Macintosh Lisp".)
       | https://github.com/PDP-10/its/tree/master/src/teach
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incompatible_Timesharing_Syste...
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maclisp
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_Computer_Science_and_Artif...
       | Scheme or Lisp? Kent M Pitman explains the deep philosophical
       | differences:
       | https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/6fa5r/scheme_o...
       | https://groups.google.com/g/comp.lang.lisp/c/TEk4O4-zsA8/m/H...
       | >You should definitely learn both if you can afford the time.
       | They are not redundant with one another, in spite of their
       | superficial syntactic similarity.
       | >Others divide up this space differently than I, but for most
       | purposes, I personally regard them as distinct langauges, not
       | mere dialectal variations, although plainly they are from what I
       | would call the same language family.
       | >You will probably prefer to use one or the other in the end, but
       | they each have things to teach you. Even if you prefer to use
       | neither, you will use the things you learn from these languages
       | in your future thinking, becuase they will give you metaphors for
       | thinking about things that other languages do not.
       | This is like catnip for people interested in the sociological and
       | cultural aspects of programming language design:
       | Common Lisp: The Untold Story; Kent M. Pitman, HyperMeta Inc.
       | https://www.nhplace.com/kent/Papers/cl-untold-story.html
       | Here's a description of :TEACH;LISP that I posted to reddit 11
       | years ago:
       | https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/t4rre/comment/...
       | >xardox 11 yr. ago
       | >Kent Pitman's a great guy who's done a lot of pioneering work to
       | teach people Lisp.
       | >KMP wrote a Lisp program to teach MACLISP on the MIT AI Lab's
       | ITS systems called ":TEACH;LISP", which I used to learn Lisp (but
       | which Jerry Pournelle cited in a not-friendly light).
       | >KMP kindly took the time to personally teach me some LISP, by
       | challenging me to a dual! We both ran our own LISP processes, and
       | loaded a function called EVAL-IN-OTHER-LISP that used "core link
       | interrupts" to send s-expressions from one LISP to another, so we
       | could evaluate code in each other's LISP. That made it easy for
       | him to define and call functions in my LISP, which was quite fun,
       | but then he set my numeric output base to roman numerals! He won
       | that dual.
       | Core Link Interrupts (ITS's interprocess communication mechanism,
       | sending messages through actual core memory on a PDP-10):
       | https://web.archive.org/web/20110904184550/http://www.avanth...
       | How Jerry Pournelle got kicked off the ARPANET:
       | http://www.art.net/~hopkins/Don/text/pourne-smut.html
       | >From: Kent M Pitman <KMP at SCRC-STONY-BROOK.ARPA>
       | >Subject: Pourne
       | >Personally, I'd just turn off his account. It's not like it's
       | the first time, and he not only flaunts his use of our machines
       | but stabs us in the back with grumblings about why he doesn't
       | like this or that program of ours when he gets a chance. (Am
       | thinking particularly of an article he wrote which condemned Lisp
       | for reasons amounting to little more than his ignorance, but
       | which cited Teach-Lisp in a not-friendly light... The man has
       | learned nothing from his presence on MC and sets a bad example of
       | what people might potentially accomplish there. I'd rather
       | recycle his account for some bright 12-yr-old...)
       | Here's the source code to EVAL-IN-OTHER-LISP:
       | https://www.maclisp.info/pitmanual/system.html
       | The following is some sample code (complete with documentation)
       | that I found in my notes and thought might be helpful:
       | ;;; Notes about CLI interrupts:         ;;;         ;;; A CLI
       | interrupt is what happens when another job sends to yours. It is
       | ;;; normally the case that other jobs will send directly to a
       | user's HACTRN.         ;;; If, however, Lisp is interrupted by a
       | CLI message, it can elect to handle         ;;; handle the
       | interrupt in an arbitrary way.         ;;;         ;;; To define
       | a handler, two things must be done:         ;;;  [1] Place the
       | name of the handler function (function of one arg)         ;;;
       | in the variable CLI-MESSAGE.         ;;;  [2] Enable CLI handling
       | with (SSTATUS CLI T)         ;;;         ;;; The handler should
       | take a single argument which it probably should ignore
       | ;;; since I have no idea what it is likely to be.         ;;;
       | ;;; The handler should open the file "CLA:" in (CLA BLOCK) mode
       | and immediately         ;;; discard the first 8 characters which
       | will be garbage.         ;;;         ;;; The remainder of the
       | stream, until a control-C or an eof, will be the text         ;;;
       | of the message sent. It may be read with TYI, READ, etc. and
       | handled          ;;; however.              (eval-when (eval
       | compile)           (cond ((not (get 'iota 'version))
       | (load "liblsp;iota"))))              (defun handle-cli-msg
       | (ignore)           (iota ((stream '((cla)) '(cla block)))
       | (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i 8)) (tyi stream))             (do ((c
       | (tyi stream -1) (tyi stream -1)))                 ((or (= c -1)
       | (= c 3)))               (format t "~&~3,'0O ~@:C~%" c c))))
       | ;print out chars seen              (setq cli-message 'handle-cli-
       | msg)              (sstatus cli t)              ; --------
       | (defun eval-cli-msg (ignore) ;alternate handler           (iota
       | ((stream '((cla)) '(block cla)))             (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
       | ((= i 8)) (tyi stream))             (do ((f (read stream nil)
       | (read stream nil)))                 ((null f))
       | (errset (eval f) nil)))) ;Quietly evaluate forms...
       | ;; Assumes the other lisp will have EVAL-CLI-MSG as value of CLI-
       | MESSAGE              (defun eval-in-other-lisp (uname jname
       | s-expression)           (iota ((stream `((cli) ,uname ,jname)
       | '(out ascii block)))             (print s-expression stream)))
       (page generated 2023-10-29 23:00 UTC)