[HN Gopher] New models and developer products
       New models and developer products
       Author : kevin_hu
       Score  : 312 points
       Date   : 2023-11-06 18:17 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (openai.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (openai.com)
       | alach11 wrote:
       | There are a lot of huge announcements here. But in particular,
       | I'm excited by the Assistants API. It abstracts away so many of
       | the routine boilerplate parts of developing applications on the
       | platform.
         | gregorym wrote:
         | how so?
       | simonw wrote:
       | The new assistants API looks both super-cool and (unfortunately)
       | a recipe for all kinds of new applications that are vulnerable to
       | prompt injection.
         | burcs wrote:
         | Do you see a way around prompt injection? It feels like any
         | feature they release is going to be susceptible to it.
           | minimaxir wrote:
           | I suspect OpenAI's black box workflow has some safeguards for
           | it.
             | sillysaurusx wrote:
             | Still, safeguards are quite a lot less safe than if
             | statements. We live in interesting times.
             | I don't think there's any way to guarantee safety from
             | prompt injection. The most you can do is make a
             | probabilistic argument. Which is fine; there are plenty of
             | those, and we rely on them in the sciences. But it'll be
             | difficult to quantify.
             | CS majors will find it pretty alien. The blockchain was one
             | of the few probabilistic arguments we use, and it's
             | precisely quantifiable. This one will probably be empirical
             | rather than theoretical.
           | bluecrab wrote:
           | Use an llm to evaluate the input and categorise it.
         | alexander2002 wrote:
         | With great power comes great responsibility!
       | minimaxir wrote:
       | Most of the products announced (and the price cuts) appear to be
       | more about increasing lock-in to the OpenAI API platform, which
       | is not surprising given increased competition in the space. The
       | GPTs/GPT Agents and Assistants demos in particular showed that
       | they are a black box within a black box within a black box that
       | you can't port anywhere else.
       | I'm mixed on the presentation and will need to read the fine
       | print on the API docs on all of these things, which have been
       | updated just now: https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference
       | The pricing page has now updated as well:
       | https://openai.com/pricing
       | Notably, the DALL-E 3 API is $0.04 _per image_ which is an order
       | of magnitude above everyone else in the space.
       | EDIT: One interesting observation with the new OpenAI pricing
       | structure not mentioned during the keynote: finetuned ChatGPT 3.5
       | is now 3x of the cost of the base ChatGPT 3.5, down from 8x the
       | cost. That makes finetuning a more compelling option.
         | visarga wrote:
         | Mistral + 2 weeks of work from the community. Not as good, but
         | private and free. It will trail OpenAI by 6-12 months in
         | capabilities.
           | coder543 wrote:
           | OpenAI offering 128k context is very appealing, however.
           | I tried some Mistral variants with larger context windows,
           | and had very poor results... the model would often offer
           | either an empty completion or a nonsensical completion, even
           | though the content fit comfortably within the context window,
           | and I was placing a direct question either at the beginning
           | or end, and either with or without an explanation of the task
           | and the content. Large contexts just felt broken. There are
           | so many ways that we are more than "two weeks" from the open
           | source solutions matching what OpenAI offers.
           | And that's to say nothing of how far behind these smaller
           | models are in terms of accuracy or instruction following.
           | For now, 6-12 months behind also isn't good enough. In the
           | uncertain case that this stays true, then a year from now the
           | open models could be perfectly adequate for many use cases...
           | but it's very hard to predict the progression of these
           | technologies.
             | pclmulqdq wrote:
             | Comparing a 7B parameter model to a 1.8T parameter model is
             | kind of silly. Of course it's behind on accuracy, but it
             | also takes 1% of the resources.
               | coder543 wrote:
               | The person I replied to had decided to compare Mistral to
               | what was launched, so I went along with their comparison
               | and showed how I have been unsatisfied with it. But,
               | these open models can certainly be fun to play with.
               | Regardless, where did you find 1.8T for GPT-4 Turbo? The
               | Turbo model is the one with the 128K context size, and
               | the Turbo models tend to have a much lower parameter
               | count from what people can tell. Nobody outside of OpenAI
               | even knows how many parameters regular GPT-4 has. 1.8T is
               | one of several guesses I have seen people make, but the
               | guesses vary significantly.
               | I'm also not convinced that parameter counts are
               | everything, as your comment clearly implies, or that
               | chinchilla scaling is fully understood. More research
               | seems required to find the right balance:
               | https://espadrine.github.io/blog/posts/chinchilla-s-
               | death.ht...
               | danielmarkbruce wrote:
               | It's an order of magnitude comparison.
               | Let's just agree it's 100x-300x more parameters, and
               | let's assume the open ai folks are pretty smart and have
               | a sense for the optimal number of tokens to train on.
               | razodactyl wrote:
               | This definitely. Andrej Karpathy himself mentions tuned
               | weight initialisation in one of his lectures. The TinyGPT
               | code he wrote goes through it.
               | Additionally explanations for the raw mathematics of log
               | likelihoods and their loss ballparks.
               | Interesting low-level stuff. These researchers are the
               | best of the best working for the company that can afford
               | them working on the best models available.
               | razodactyl wrote:
               | Nah, it's training quality and context saturation.
               | Grab an 8K context model, tweak some internals and try to
               | pass 32K context into it - it's still an 8K model and
               | will go glitchy beyond 8K unless it's trained at higher
               | context lengths.
               | Anthropic for example talk about the model's ability to
               | spot words in the entire Great Gatsby novel loaded into
               | context. It's a hint to how the model is trained.
               | Parameter counts are a unified metric, what seems to be
               | important is embedding dimensionality to transfer
               | information through the layers - and the layers
               | themselves to both store and process the nuance of
               | information.
         | spankalee wrote:
         | A friend of mine is building Zep (https://www.getzep.com/),
         | which seems to offer a lot of the Assistant + Retrieval
         | functionality in a self-hostable and model-agnostic way. That
         | type of project may the way around lock-in.
         | davidbarker wrote:
         | Also, DALL*E 3 "HD" is double the price at $0.08. I'm curious
         | to play around with it once the API changes go live later
         | today.
         | The docs say:
         | > By default, images are generated at standard quality, but
         | when using DALL*E 3 you can set quality: "hd" for enhanced
         | detail. Square, standard quality images are the fastest to
         | generate.
         | https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/images/usage
         | faeriechangling wrote:
         | It's a good strategy. For me, avoiding the moat means either a
         | big drop in quality and just ending up in somebody elses moat,
         | or a big drop in quality and a lot more money spent. I've
         | looked into it and maybe the most practical end-to-end system
         | for owning my own LLM is to run a couple of 3090s on a consumer
         | motherboard at substantial running cost to keep them up 24/7
         | and that's not powerful enough to cut it and rather expensive
         | simultaniously. For a bit more expense, you can get more
         | quality and lower running costs and much slower processing from
         | buying a 128gb/192gb apple silicon setup and that's much much
         | much slower than the "Turbo" services that OpenAI offers.
         | I think the biggest thing pushing me away from OpenAI was they
         | were subsidizing the chat experience much more than the API and
         | this seems to reconcile that quite a bit. Quite simply OpenAI
         | is sweetening the pot here too much for me to really ignore,
         | this is a massively subsdizised service. I honestly don't feel
         | the switching costs in the future will outweigh the benefits
         | I'm getting now.
         | ebiester wrote:
         | I don't understand the lock-in argument here. Yes, if a
         | competitor comes in there will be switching cost as everything
         | is re-learned. However, from a code perspective, it is a
         | function of the key and a relatively small API. New regulations
         | outstanding, what is stoping someone from moving from OpenAI to
         | Anthropic (for example) other than the cost of learning how to
         | effectively utilize Anthropic for your use case?
         | OpenAI doesn't have some sort of egress feed for your database.
           | pclmulqdq wrote:
           | I sometimes wonder how much OpenAI pays for people to post
           | arguments about how great they are on HN, because it looks
           | like you are pretty much right. There isn't a ton about
           | OpenAI that is actually sticky.
             | minimaxir wrote:
             | I most definitely am not paid by OpenAI and am very
             | confused how my original (critical) comment could be seen
             | as astroturfing.
             | airstrike wrote:
             | _> Please don 't post insinuations about astroturfing,
             | shilling, brigading, foreign agents, and the like. It
             | degrades discussion and is usually mistaken. If you're
             | worried about abuse, email hn@ycombinator.com and we'll
             | look at the data._
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
           | minimaxir wrote:
           | > OpenAI doesn't have some sort of egress feed for your
           | database.
           | That's what they're trying to incentivize, especically with
           | being able to upload files for their own implementation of
           | RAG. You're not getting the vector representation of those
           | files back, and switching to another provider will require
           | rebuilding and testing that infrastructure.
         | vsareto wrote:
         | >The GPTs/GPT Agents and Assistants demos in particular showed
         | that they are a black box within a black box within a black box
         | that you can't port anywhere else.
         | This just rings hollow to me. We lost the fights for database
         | portability, cloud portability, payments/billing portability,
         | and other individual SaaS lock-in. I don't see why it'll be
         | different this time around.
         | activescott wrote:
         | I think it's more about finding places to add value than "lock
         | in" per se. It seems they're adding value with improved
         | developer experience and cost/performance rather than on the
         | models themselves. Not necessarily nefarious attempts to lock
         | in customers, but it may have the same outcome :)
       | crakenzak wrote:
       | The 128k context window GPT-4 Turbo model looks unreal. Seems
       | like Anthropic's day of reckoning is here?
         | infecto wrote:
         | Anthropic never even had a day. I said this before in another
         | Anthropic thread but I signed up 6 months ago for API access
         | and they never responded. An employee in that thread apologized
         | and said to try again, did it, week later still nothing. As far
         | as commercial viability, they never had it.
           | QkPrsMizkYvt wrote:
           | same here. I wonder why they are not opening it up to more
           | devs. Seems strange.
             | freedomben wrote:
             | Purely a guess, but having tried to scale services to new
             | customers, it can be a lot harder than it seems, especially
             | if you have to customize anything. Early on, doing a
             | generic one-size-fits-all can be really, really hard, and
             | acquiring those early big customers is important to
             | survival and often requires customizations.
           | og_kalu wrote:
           | Yeah i know this wasn't the case for everyone but i got gpt-4
           | access back in march the next day. Tried Claude and still
           | waiting. Oh well lol.
           | taf2 wrote:
           | I got access to Claude 2 - it's really good and have been
           | chatting with their sales team. Seems they were reasonably
           | responsive- but overall with OpenAI 128k context and price
           | anthropic has no edge
           | bluecrab wrote:
           | They can't even compete with open source since multiple
           | platforms have apis available.
         | a_wild_dandan wrote:
         | Anthropic's $20 billion valuation is buck wild, especially to
         | those who've used their "flagship" model. The thing is
         | insufferable. David Shapiro sums it up nicely.[1] Fighting
         | tools is horrendous enough. Those tools also deceiving and
         | lecturing you regarding benign topics is inexcusable. I suspect
         | that this behavior is a side-effect of Anthropic's fetishistic
         | AI safety obsession. I further suspect that the more one brain
         | washes their agent into behaving "acceptably", the more it'll
         | backfire with erratic and useless behavior. Just like with
         | humans, the antidote to harmful action is _more_ free thought
         | and education, not less. Punishment methods rooted in fear and
         | insecurity will result in fearful and insecure AI (i.e
         | ironically creating the _worst_ outcome we 're all trying to
         | avoid).
         | [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgwpqjiKkoY
         | machdiamonds wrote:
         | Anthropic doesn't care about consumer products. Their CEO
         | believes that the company with the best LLM by 2026 will be too
         | far ahead for anyone else to catch up.
       | topicseed wrote:
       | 128,000 token context, Assistants API, JSON mode, April 2023
       | knowledge cutoff, GPT 4 Turbo, lower pricing, custom GPTs, a good
       | bunch of announcements all-round!
       | https://openai.com/pricing
       | TIPSIO wrote:
       | That map/travel demo was insane. Trying to find the demo again.
         | topicseed wrote:
         | It was but most of that functionality was within the "function
         | calling", not really within the assistant as a top 10 of Paris
         | sights isn't really that crazy. Plotting these on a map is the
         | key part which is still your own code, not GPT-based.
           | rictic wrote:
           | Turning an airline receipt pdf into a well structured
           | function call is very nice.
             | dnadler wrote:
             | This might also be a bit easier than it seems. I've done
             | similar (though not nearly as nice of a UI) with
             | `unstructured`.
         | davidbarker wrote:
         | https://www.youtube.com/live/U9mJuUkhUzk?t=2006
         | (Timestamp 33:26)
         | Edit: updated the timestamp
           | brunoqc wrote:
           | ~~wat? the video is 45:35 long.~~
             | davidbarker wrote:
             | Oh! When I replied it was a lot longer -- it still had the
             | countdown from before the stream went live. I guess they
             | replaced it with the trimmed version.
               | brunoqc wrote:
               | Thanks!
         | WanderPanda wrote:
         | Yep I feel like they solved the problem that Apple never
         | managed to solve with Siri: How to interface it with apps.
         | Seems like this was an LLM-hard problem
           | freedomben wrote:
           | My guess is an LLM-based Siri is right around the corner.
           | Apple commonly waits for tech to be proved by others before
           | adopting it, so this would be in-line with standard operating
           | procedures.
             | singularity2001 wrote:
             | My guess is that LLM-Siri will be crippled by internal
             | processes and lawyers
       | glass-z13 wrote:
       | One step closer to augmenting day to day internet browsing with
       | the announcement of the GPT's
       | vineet wrote:
       | The Assistants API is really cool. Together with the retrieval
       | feature, it makes me wonder how many companies OpenAI killed by
       | creating it.
       | modeless wrote:
       | Whisper V3 is released!
       | https://github.com/openai/whisper/commit/c5d42560760a05584c1...
       | Looks like it's just a new checkpoint for the large model. It
       | would be nice to have updates for the smaller models too. But
       | it'll be easy to integrate with anything using Whisper V2. I'm
       | excited to add it to my local voice AI
       | (https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9NC624PBFGB7)
       | I assume ChatGPT voice has been using Whisper V3 and I've noticed
       | that it still has the classic Whisper hallucinations ("Thank you
       | for watching!"), so I guess it's an incremental improvement but
       | not revolutionary.
         | ianbicking wrote:
         | Do you also get those hallucinations just on silence?
         | I kind of wonder if they had a bunch of training data of video
         | with transcripts, but some of the video/audio was truncated and
         | the transcript still said the last speech, and so now it thinks
         | silence is just another way of signing off from a TV program.
         | IMHO the bottleneck on voice now is all the infrastructure
         | around it. How do you detect speech starting and stopping? How
         | do you play sound/speech while also being ready for the user to
         | speak? This stuff is necessary, but everything kind of works
         | poorly, and you really need hardware/software integration.
           | modeless wrote:
           | You're right, I think that's exactly what happened.
           | Silence is when you get the most hallucinations. But there is
           | a trick supported by some implementations that helps a lot.
           | Whisper does have a special <|nospeech|> token that it
           | predicts for silence. You can look at the probability of that
           | token even when it's not picked during sampling.
           | Hallucinations often have a relatively high probability for
           | the nospeech token compared to actual speech, so that can
           | help filter them out.
           | As for all the surrounding stuff like detecting speech
           | starting and stopping and listening for interruptions while
           | talking, give my voice AI a try. It has a rough first pass at
           | all that stuff, and it needs a lot of work but it's a start
           | and it's fun to play with. Ultimately the answer is end-to-
           | end speech-to-speech models, but you can get pretty far with
           | what we have now in open source!
         | Void_ wrote:
         | Too bad they didn't upgrade Whisper API yet. Can't wait to make
         | it available in https://whispermemos.com
         | dang wrote:
         | Related:
         |  _OpenAI releases Whisper v3, new generation open source ASR
         | model_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38166965
       | zavertnik wrote:
       | And here I was in bliss with the 32k context increase 3 days ago.
       | 128k context? Absolutely insane. It feels like now the bottle
       | neck in GPT workflows is no longer GPT, but instead its the
       | wallet!
       | Such an amazing time to be alive.
         | naiv wrote:
         | now with the prices reduced so much even the wallet might not
         | be the bottle neck anymore
         | in3d wrote:
         | For GPT-4 Turbo, not GPT-4.
           | dragonwriter wrote:
           | GPT-4-Turbo seems to be replacing GPT-4 (non-turbo); the
           | GPT-4 (non-turbo) model is marked as "Legacy" in the model
           | list.
           | EDIT: the above is corrected, it previously erroneously said
           | the non-turbo model was marked as "deprecated", which is a
           | different thing.
           | kridsdale3 wrote:
           | Yes, nowhere in the text today was there any assertion that
           | Turbo produces (eg) source code at the same level of
           | coherence and consistently high quality as GPT4.
         | marban wrote:
         | Comment will not age well.
         | Swizec wrote:
         | > 128k context? Absolutely insane
         | 128k context is great and all, but how effective are the middle
         | 100,000 tokens? LLMs are known to struggle with remembering
         | stuff that isn't at the start or end of the input. Known as the
         | Lost Middle
         | https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.03172
           | saliagato wrote:
           | sama said they improved it
       | robertkoss wrote:
       | Does anyone know when this will be coming to Azure OpenAI?
         | kasetty wrote:
         | I would be also interested in knowing when these show up in
         | Azure OpenAI offerings.
         | Onawa wrote:
         | If Azure's history when rolling out GPT-4 is any indication,
         | probably a couple months and/or a staged rollout.
           | robertkoss wrote:
           | Is Azure adoption really that slow? Ugh.
       | Zaheer wrote:
       | The playbook OpenAI is following is similar to AWS. Start with
       | the primitives (Text generation, Image generation, etc / EC2, S3,
       | RDS, etc) and build value add services on top of it (Assistants
       | API / all other AWS services). They're miles ahead of AWS and
       | other competitors in this regard.
         | gumballindie wrote:
         | And just like amazon they will compete with their own
         | customers. They are miles ahead in this regard as well since
         | they basically take everyone's digital property and resell it.
           | sharemywin wrote:
           | don't hate the player hate the game.
       | chipgap98 wrote:
       | The Assistants API and OpenAI Store are really interesting. Those
       | are the types of things that could build a moat for OpenAI
         | visarga wrote:
         | You think it is hard to export an agent? It's a master prompt,
         | a collection of documents and a few generic plugins like
         | function calling and code execution. This will be implemented
         | in open source soon. You can even fine-tune on your bot logs.
           | WanderPanda wrote:
           | Agreed, the moat are the models (as an extension of the
           | instruction tuning data)
       | chipgap98 wrote:
       | The Assistants playground doesn't seem to be available yet
         | singularity2001 wrote:
         | https://chat.openai.com/gpts/editor
         | you currently do not have access to this feature :(
       | cryptoz wrote:
       | For DALL-E 3, I'm getting "openai.error.InvalidRequestError: The
       | model `dall-e-3` does not exist." is this for everyone right now?
       | Maybe it's gonna be out any minute.
       | I see the python library has an upgrade available with breaking
       | changes, is there any guide for the changes I'll need to make?
       | And will the DALL-E 3 endpoint require the upgrade? So many
       | questions.
       | Edit: Oh I see,
       | > We'll begin rolling out new features to OpenAI customers
       | starting at 1pm PT today.
         | minimaxir wrote:
         | The documentation/READMEs in the GitHub repo was updated to
         | play nice with the new v1.0.0 of the package:
         | https://github.com/openai/openai-python/
           | cryptoz wrote:
           | Aha, makes sense, thanks :)
       | davio wrote:
       | Stream of keynote: https://youtu.be/U9mJuUkhUzk?t=1806
       | WanderPanda wrote:
       | Does anyone have an idea why they are so open about Whisper? Is
       | it the poster child project for OAI people scratching their open
       | source itch? Is there just no commercial value in speech to text?
         | htrp wrote:
         | speech to text is a relatively crowded area with a lot of other
         | companies in the space. Also really hard to get "wow"
         | performance as it's either correct (like most other people's
         | models) or it's wrong
         | teaearlgraycold wrote:
         | Everyone's got a loss leader
         | freedomben wrote:
         | I've been wondering this as well. I'm super glad, but it seems
         | so different than every _other_ thing they do. There 's
         | _definitely_ commercial value, so I find it surprising.
         | StanAngeloff wrote:
         | I personally use Whisper to transcribe painfully long meetings
         | (2+ hours). The transcripts are then segmented and, you guessed
         | it, entered right into GPT-4 for clean up, summarisation,
         | minutes, etc. So in a sense it's a great way to get more people
         | to use their other products?
       | htrp wrote:
       | We need some independent benchmarks (LLM elo via chatbot arena
       | etc) about how gpt4 Turbo compares to gpt4.
       | freedomben wrote:
       | Text to Speech is exciting to me, though it's of course not
       | particularly novel. I've been creating "audiobooks" for personal
       | use for books that don't have a professional version, and despite
       | high costs and meh quality have been using AWS.
       | Has anybody tried this new TTS speech for longer works and/or
       | things like books? Would love to hear what people think about
       | quality
       | dang wrote:
       | Related ongoing threads:
       |  _GPTs: Custom versions of ChatGPT_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38166431
       |  _OpenAI releases Whisper v3, new generation open source ASR
       | model_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38166965
       |  _OpenAI DevDay, Opening Keynote Livestream [video]_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38165090
       | QkPrsMizkYvt wrote:
       | Most of the API docs were updated, but none of the new APIs work
       | for me. Are other people experiencing the same?
         | davidbarker wrote:
         | They will start rolling out at 1pm PST today.
           | QkPrsMizkYvt wrote:
           | got it - thanks
           | QkPrsMizkYvt wrote:
           | nice it is live now!
       | willsmith72 wrote:
       | If they could roll back the extreme rate-limiting on dalle 3 in
       | gpt4, that would be great.
       | kelseyfrog wrote:
       | JSON mode is a great step in the right direction, but the holy
       | grail is either JSON-schema support or (E)BNF grammar
       | specification.
         | minimaxir wrote:
         | The function calling is JSON Schema support but extremely
         | poorly marketed. I am planning on writing a blog post about it.
           | danenania wrote:
           | Yeah I'm not sure I see the point of "JSON mode", in its
           | current iteration at least, considering function calling
           | already does this more effectively.
           | I suppose it could help to make simpler API calls and save
           | some prompt tokens, but it would definitely need schema
           | support to really be useful.
             | minimaxir wrote:
             | It makes it a bit easier to parse returned tabular data,
             | anyways.
             | I'll be curious to see if it can handle outputting nested
             | data without prompting.
       | Wherecombinator wrote:
       | Is this just for the API for now?
       | I just got premium the other day for ChatGPT 4 and have been
       | blown away. I'm wondering if I'll automatically get turbo when
       | it's released?
         | tornato7 wrote:
         | GPT-4 Turbo is already available by default in ChatGPT
           | kvn8888 wrote:
           | I can't find anything that says it's available in ChatGPT
             | dragonwriter wrote:
             | ChatGPT (at least in Plus) when using the GPT-4 model
             | selected (instead of GPT-3.5) currently consistently
             | reports the April 2023 knowledge cutoff of GPT-4-Turbo
             | (gpt-4-1106-preview/gpt-4-vision-preview) as its knowledge
             | cutoff, not the Sep 2021 cutoff for gpt-4-0613, the most
             | recent pre-turbo GPT-4 model release.
             | The most sensible explanation is that ChatGPT is using
             | GPT-4-Turbo as its GPT-4 model.
       | Topfi wrote:
       | I am very much looking forward to, but also dreading, testing
       | gpt-4-turbo as part of my workflow and projects. The lowered cost
       | and much larger context window are very attractive; however, I
       | cannot be the only one who remembers the difference in output
       | quality and overall perceived capability between gpt-3.5 and
       | gpt-3.5-turbo, combined with the intransparent switching from one
       | model to the other (calling the older, often more capable model
       | "Legacy", making it GPT+ exclusive, trying to pass of
       | gpt-3.5-turbo as a straight upgrade, etc.). If the former had
       | remained available after the latter became dominant, that may not
       | have been a problem in itself, but seeing as gpt-3.5-turbo has
       | fully replaced its precursor (both on the Chat website and via
       | API) and gpt-4 as offered up to this point wasn't a fully perfect
       | replacement for plain gpt-3.5 either, relying on these models as
       | offered by OpenAI has become challenging.
       | A lot of ink has been spilled about gpt-4 (via the Chat website,
       | but also more recently via API) seeming less capable over the
       | last few months compared to earlier experiences and whilst I
       | still believe that the underlying gpt-4 model can perform at a
       | similar degree to before, I will admit that purely the amount of
       | output one can reliably request from these models has become
       | severely restricted, even when using the API.
       | In other words, in my limited experience, gpt-4 (via API or
       | especially the Chat website) can perform equally well in tasks
       | and output complexity, but the amount of output one receives
       | seems far more restricted than before, often harming existing use
       | cases and workflows. There appears a greater tendency to include
       | comments ("place this here") even when requesting a specific
       | section of output in full.
       | Another aspect that results from their lack of transparency is
       | communicating the differences between the Chat Website and API. I
       | understand why they cannot be fully identical in terms of output
       | length and context window (otherwise GPT+ would be an even bigger
       | loss leader), but communicating the Status Quo should not be an
       | unreasonable request in my eyes. Call the model gpt-4-web or
       | something similar to clearly differentiate the Chat Website
       | implementation from gpt-4 and gpt-4-1106 via API (the actual name
       | for gpt-4-turbo at this point in time). As it stands, people like
       | myself have to always add whether the Chat website or API is what
       | our experiences arise from, while people who may only casually
       | experiment with the free Website implementation of gpt-3.5-turbo
       | may have a hard time grasping why these models create such
       | intense interest in those more experienced.
       | doctoboggan wrote:
       | In the keynote @sama claimed GPT-4-turbo was superior to the
       | older GPT-4. Have any benchmarks or other examples been shown? I
       | am curious to see how much better it is, if it all. I remember
       | when 3.5 got its turbo version there was some controversy on
       | whether it was really better or not.
       | tornato7 wrote:
       | A few notes on pricing:
       | - GPT-4 Turbo vision is much cheaper than I expected. A 768*768
       | px image costs $0.00765 to input. That's practical to replace
       | more specialized computer vision models for many use-cases.
       | - ElevenLabs is $0.24 per 1K characters while OpenAI TTS HD is
       | $0.03 per 1K characters. Elevenlabs still has voice copying but
       | for many use-cases it's no longer competitive.
       | - It appears that there's no additional fee for the 128K context
       | model, as opposed to previous models that charged extra for the
       | longer context window. This is huge.
         | taf2 wrote:
         | Does this mean OpenAI tts is available via api? I saw whisper
         | but not tts - maybe I'm missing it?
           | davidbarker wrote:
           | It is, indeed!
           | https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/text-to-speech
       | alach11 wrote:
       | There are a lot of huge announcements here. But in particular,
       | I'm excited by the Assistants API. It abstracts away so many of
       | the routine boilerplate parts of developing applications on the
       | platform.
       | og_kalu wrote:
       | The new TTS is much cheaper than eleven labs and better too.
       | I don't know how the model works so maybe what i'm asking isn't
       | even feasible but i wish they gave the option of voice cloning or
       | something similar or at least had a lot more voices for other
       | languages. The default voices tend to make other language output
       | have an accent.
       | Uh if turbo's the much faster model a few have had access to in
       | the past week, then pressing x on the "more intelligent than
       | legacy 4" statement.
       | obiefernandez wrote:
       | My profit margins at https://olympia.chat just got 3x better <3
         | saliagato wrote:
         | I think your startup just died
         | leobg wrote:
         | Elaine Jusk...lol
       | whytai wrote:
       | Every day this video ages more and more poorly [1].
       | categories of startups that will be affected by these launches:
       | - vectorDB startups -> don't need embeddings anymore
       | - file processing startups -> don't need to process files anymore
       | - fine tuning startups -> can fine tune directly from the
       | platform now, with GPT4 fine tuning coming
       | - cost reduction startups -> they literally lowered prices and
       | increased rate limits
       | - structuring startups -> json mode and GPT4 turbo with better
       | output matching
       | - vertical ai agent startups -> GPT marketplace
       | - anthropic/claude -> now GPT-turbo has 128k context window!
       | That being said, Sam Altman is an incredible founder for being
       | able to have this close a watch on the market. Pretty much any
       | "ai tooling" startup that was created in the past year was
       | affected by this announcement.
       | For those asking: vectorDB, chunking, retrieval, and RAG are all
       | implemented in a new stateful AI for you! No need to do it
       | yourself anymore. [2] Exciting times to be a developer!
       | [1] https://youtu.be/smHw9kEwcgM
       | [2] https://openai.com/blog/new-models-and-developer-products-
       | an...
         | Der_Einzige wrote:
         | Startups built around actual AI tools, like if one formed
         | around automatic1111 or oogabooga, would be unaffected, but
         | because so much VC money went to the wrong places in this
         | space, a whole lot of people are about to be burned hard.
           | throwaway-jim wrote:
           | damn hahaha it's oobabooga not oogabooga
         | atleastoptimal wrote:
         | There will be a lot of startups who rely on marketing
         | aggressively to boomer-led companies who don't know what email
         | is and hoping their assistant never types OpenAI into Google
         | for them.
         | yawnxyz wrote:
         | i'm excited for the open source, local inferencing tech to
         | catchup. The bar's been raised.
         | morkalork wrote:
         | If you want to be a start-up using AI, you have to be in
         | another industry with access to data and a market that
         | OpenAI/MS/Google can't or won't touch. Otherwise you end up
         | eaten like above.
           | ushakov wrote:
           | We just launched our AI-based API-Testing tool
           | (https://ai.stepci.com), despite having competitors like
           | GitHub Co-Pilot.
           | Why? Because they lack specificity. We're domain experts, we
           | know how to prompt it correctly to get the best results for a
           | given domain. The moat is having model do one task extremely
           | well rather than do 100 things "alright"
             | darkwater wrote:
             | Sorry to be blunt but they can be totally right, if you do
             | not succeed and have to shut down your startup.
               | ushakov wrote:
               | It certainly will be a fun experience. But our current
               | belief is that LLMs are a commodity and the real value is
               | in (application-specific) products built on top of them.
             | esafak wrote:
             | If you just launched it is too soon to speak.
               | ushakov wrote:
               | Of course! Today our assumption is that LLMs are
               | commodities and our job is to get the most out of them
               | for the type of problem we're solving (API Testing for
               | us!)
             | sharemywin wrote:
             | Time will tell
             | parkerhiggins wrote:
             | Domain specialization could be the moat, not only in the
             | business domain but the sheer cost of
             | deployment/refinement.
             | Check out Will Bennett's "Small language models and
             | building defensibility" - https://will-
             | bennett.beehiiv.com/p/small-language-models-and... (free
             | email newsletter subscription required)
           | renewiltord wrote:
           | Writer.ai is quite successful, and is totally in another
           | industry that Google+MS participate in.
         | colordrops wrote:
         | I haven't been paying attention, why are embeddings not needed
         | anymore?
           | lazzlazzlazz wrote:
           | OP is incorrect. Embeddings are still needed since (1)
           | context windows can't contain all data and (2) data
           | memorization and continuous retraining is not yet viable.
             | nextworddev wrote:
             | "yet"
               | coding123 wrote:
               | It's also much slower. LLMs are generating text token at
               | a time. That's not very good for search.
               | Pre-search tokenization however, probably a good fit for
               | LLMs.
             | zwily wrote:
             | But the common use case of using a vector DB to pull in
             | augmentation appears to now be handled by the Assistants
             | API. I haven't dug into the details yet but it appears you
             | can upload files and the contents will be used (likely with
             | some sort of vector searching happening behind the scenes).
           | emadabdulrahim wrote:
           | I believe their API can be stateful now:
           | https://openai.com/blog/new-models-and-developer-products-
           | an...
           | sharemywin wrote:
           | Retrieval: augments the assistant with knowledge from outside
           | our models, such as proprietary domain data, product
           | information or documents provided by your users. This means
           | you don't need to compute and store embeddings for your
           | documents, or implement chunking and search algorithms. The
           | Assistants API optimizes what retrieval technique to use
           | based on our experience building knowledge retrieval in
           | ChatGPT.
           | The model then decides when to retrieve content based on the
           | user Messages. The Assistants API automatically chooses
           | between two retrieval techniques:
           | it either passes the file content in the prompt for short
           | documents, or performs a vector search for longer documents
           | Retrieval currently optimizes for quality by adding all
           | relevant content to the context of model calls. We plan to
           | introduce other retrieval strategies to enable developers to
           | choose a different tradeoff between retrieval quality and
           | model usage cost.
             | sjnair96 wrote:
             | Really cool to see the Assistants API's nuanced document
             | retrieval methods. Do you index over the text besides
             | chunking it up and generating embeddings? I'm curious about
             | the indexing and the depth of analysis for longer docs,
             | like assessing an author's tone chapter by chapter--vector
             | search might have its limits there. Plus, the process to
             | shape user queries into retrievable embeddings seems
             | complex. Eager to hear more about these strategies, at
             | least what you can spill!
         | lazzlazzlazz wrote:
         | Embeddings are still important (context windows can't contain
         | all data + memorization and continuous retraining is not yet
         | viable), and vertical AI agent startups can still lead on UX.
           | Finbarr wrote:
           | Context windows can't contain all data... yet.
         | ren_engineer wrote:
         | depends on how much developers are willing to embrace the risk
         | of building everything on OpenAI and getting locked onto their
         | platform.
         | What's stopping OpenAI from cranking up the inference pricing
         | once they choke out the competition? That combined with the
         | expanded context length makes it seem like they are trying to
         | lead developers towards just throwing everything into context
         | without much thought, which could be painful down the road
           | keithwhor wrote:
           | I suspect it is in OpenAI's interest to have their API as a
           | loss leader for the foreseeable future, and keep margins slim
           | once they've cornered the market. The playbook here isn't to
           | lock in developers and jack up the API price, it's the
           | marketplace play: attract developers, identify the highest-
           | margin highest-volume vertical segments built atop the
           | platform, then gobble them up with new software.
           | They can then either act as a distributor and take a
           | marketplace fee or go full Amazon and start competing in
           | their own marketplace.
         | baq wrote:
         | Checking hn and product hunt a few times a week gives you most
         | of that awareness and I don't need to remind you about the
         | person behind hn 'sama' handle.
         | bluecrab wrote:
         | Vector DBs should never have existed in the first place. I feel
         | sorry for the agent startups though.
           | m3kw9 wrote:
           | How does this absolve vectordbs
             | danielbln wrote:
             | It doesn't, but semantic search is a lot less relevant if
             | you can squeeze 350 pages of text into the context.
             | dragonwriter wrote:
             | If you are using OpenAI, the new Assistants API looks like
             | itnwill handle internally what you used to handle
             | externally with a vector DB for RAG (and for some things,
             | GPT-4-Turbo's 128k context window will make it unnecessary
             | entirely.) There are some other uses for Vector DBs than
             | RAG for LLMs, and there are reasons people might use non-
             | OpenAI LLMs with RAG, so there is still a role for
             | VectorDBs, but it shrunk a lot with this.
         | echelon wrote:
         | We don't want Open AI to win everything.
         | blibble wrote:
         | HN is quite notorious for _that_ Dropbox comment
         | I suspect that video is going to end up more notorious, it's
         | even funnier given it's the VCs themselves
           | arcanemachiner wrote:
           | More context, please.
           | EDIT: I guess it's this:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8863#9224
             | blibble wrote:
             | that's the one
         | bilsbie wrote:
         | Why don't you need embedding?
         | riku_iki wrote:
         | > - vectorDB startups -> don't need embeddings anymore
         | they don't provide embedings, but storage and query engines for
         | embeddings, so still very relevant
         | > - file processing startups -> don't need to process files
         | anymore
         | curious what is that exactly?..
         | > - vertical ai agent startups -> GPT marketplace
         | sure, those startups will be selling their agents on
         | marketplace
           | make3 wrote:
           | they definitely do provide embeddings,
           | https://openai.com/blog/new-models-and-developer-products-
           | an... ctrl+f retrieval, "... won't need to ... compute or
           | store embeddings"
             | riku_iki wrote:
             | I mean embeddingsDB startups don't provide embeddings. They
             | provide databases which allows to store and query computed
             | embeddings (e.g. computed by ChatGPT), so they are
             | complimentary services.
         | larodi wrote:
         | Well, if said startups were visionaries, the could've known
         | better the business they're entering. On the other hand - there
         | are plenty of VC-inflated balloons, making lots of noise, that
         | everyone would be happy to see go. If you mean these startups -
         | well, farewell.
         | There's plenty more to innovate, really, saying OpenAI killed
         | startups it's like saying that PHP/Wordpress/NameIt killed
         | small shops doing static HTML. or IBM killing the... typewriter
         | companies. Well, as I said - they could've known better.
         | Competition is not always to blame.
         | karmasimida wrote:
         | TBH those are low-hanging fruits for OpenAI. Much of the value
         | still being captured by OpenAI's own model.
         | The sad thing is, GPT-4 is its own league in the whole LLM
         | game, whatever those other startups are selling, it isn't
         | competing with OpenAI.
       | schrodingerscow wrote:
       | I'm confused by the pricing. Gpt-4 turbo appears to be better in
       | every way, but is 3x cheaper?!
         | dragonwriter wrote:
         | The same as true of GPT-3.5-turbo compared to the GPT-3 models
         | which preceded it.
         | They want everyone on GPT-4-turbo. It may also be a smaller (or
         | otherwise more efficient) but more heavily trained model that
         | is cheaper to do inference on.
       | tornato7 wrote:
       | According to [1], the new gpt-4-1106-preview model should be
       | available to all, but the API is telling me "The model
       | `gpt-4-1106-preview` does not exist or you do not have access to
       | it."
       | Anyone able to call it from the API?
       | 1. https://help.openai.com/en/articles/8555510-gpt-4-turbo
         | anotherpaulg wrote:
         | Same. I am eager to run my code editing benchmark [1] against
         | it, to compare it with gpt-4-0314 and gpt-4-0613.
         | Edit: Ha, I just re-read the announcement [2] and it says 1pm
         | in the 5th sentence:                 We'll begin rolling out
         | new features to OpenAI customers starting at 1pm PT today.
         | [1] https://aider.chat/docs/benchmarks.html
         | [2] https://openai.com/blog/new-models-and-developer-products-
         | an...
         | naiv wrote:
         | rumours on x are that it will be available 1pm san francisco
         | time
           | tekacs wrote:
           | > We'll begin rolling out new features to OpenAI customers
           | starting at 1pm PT today.
           | ^ It says exactly this in the linked article.
             | naiv wrote:
             | oh, totally overread this :D
       | reqo wrote:
       | Didn't the tickets to Dev Day cost around 600$? They basically
       | took that money and gave it back to developers as credits so they
       | can start using their API today! Pretty smart move!
       | longnguyen wrote:
       | Awesome. Adding GPT-4 Turbo and DALL*E 3 to my ChatGPT macOS
       | client[0]
       | [0]: https://boltai.com
       | gwern wrote:
       | > We're also launching a feature to return the log probabilities
       | for the most likely output tokens generated by GPT-4 Turbo and
       | GPT-3.5 Turbo in the next few weeks, which will be useful for
       | building features such as autocomplete in a search experience.
       | This is very surprising to me. Are they not worried about people
       | not just training on GPT-4 outputs to steal the model
       | capabilities, but doing full blown logit knowledge-distillation?
       | (Which is the reason everyone assumed that they disabled logit
       | access in the first place.)
         | leobg wrote:
         | How many GBs worth of logits would you need to reverse engineer
         | their model? Also, if it's a conglomerate of models that
         | they're using, you'd end up in a blind alley.
         | danielmarkbruce wrote:
         | I thought the same thing.... My guess is they did a lot of
         | analysis and decided it would be safe enough to do? "most
         | likely" might be literally a handful and cover little of the
         | entire distribution % wise?
       | saliagato wrote:
       | You can now [1] pay from $2 to $3 million to pretrain custom
       | gpt-n model. This has gone unnoticed but seems really neat.
       | Provided that a start-up has enough money spend on that, it would
       | certainly give competitive advantage.
       | [1] https://openai.com/form/custom-models
       | Edit: forgot to put the link
       | llmllmllm wrote:
       | While this makes some of what my startup https://flowch.ai does a
       | commodity (file uploads and embeddings based queries are an
       | example, but we'll see how well they do it - chunking and
       | querying with RAG isn't easy to do well), the lower prices of
       | models make my overall platform way better value, so I'd say
       | overall it's a big positive.
       | Speaking more generally, there's always room for multiple
       | players, especially in specific niches.
         | mediaman wrote:
         | Their system also does not seem to support techniques like
         | hybrid search, automated cleaning/modifying of chunks prior to
         | embedding, or the ability to access citations used, all of
         | which are pretty important for enterprise search.
         | Could just mean it's coming, though.
       | aantix wrote:
       | Can I pay someone to have my ChatGPT transcripts searchable?
       | raylad wrote:
       | So with 128K context window, if you actually input 100K it would
       | cost you:
       | Input: $0.01 per 1K tokens * 100 = $1.00
       | $1.00 per query?
       | Given that each query uses the entire context window, the session
       | would start at $1 for the first query and go up from there? Or do
       | I have it wrong?
         | minimaxir wrote:
         | It would be $1 for each individual API call, if you were
         | continuing the conversation based on the same 100K input.
         | ChatGPT is stateless.
           | raylad wrote:
           | Right, so that adds up very fast.
         | 0xDEF wrote:
         | If it truly is GPT-4+ with a 128K context window it's still
         | absolutely worth the high price. However if they are cheating
         | like everyone else who has promised gigantic context windows
         | then we are better off with RAG and a vector database.
       | shanusmagnus wrote:
       | This is kind of the wrong place for this, but given the burst of
       | attention from LLM-loving people: is there any open source chat
       | scaffolding that actually provides a good UI for organizing chat
       | streams and doing stuff with them?
       | A trivial example is how the LHS of the ChatGPT UI only allows
       | you a handful of characters to name your chat, and you can't even
       | drag the pane to the right to make it bigger; so I have all these
       | chats with cryptic names from the last eleven months that I can't
       | figure out wtf they are; and folders are subject to the same
       | problem.
       | Seriously, just being able to organize all my chats would be a
       | massive help; but there are so many cool things you could do
       | beyond this! But I've found nothing other than literal clones of
       | the ChatGPT UI. Is there really nothing? Nobody has made anything
       | better?
         | bluecrab wrote:
         | Also natural language search of the chat history would be
         | great.
         | nextworddev wrote:
         | Organize how?
           | sharemywin wrote:
           | tree structure. like email.
             | shanusmagnus wrote:
             | That would be one very obvious way and a big improvement
             | over the current state of affairs.
         | sharemywin wrote:
         | I agree why not vector search for history.
         | davidbarker wrote:
         | This may not be useful to you, but there are browser extensions
         | that add a bunch of functionality to ChatGPT.
         | The first that comes to mind:
         | https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/superpower-chatgpt...
           | shanusmagnus wrote:
           | No joy with the one you linked (can't see what problem that
           | one is actually solving), but I'll look through browser
           | extensions -- I hadn't considered that.
         | ryanklee wrote:
         | ChatGPT Keeper Chrome extension at least allows for search.
       | singularity2001 wrote:
       | did they break the api?
       | from openai import OpenAI
       | Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in
       | <module> ImportError: cannot import name 'OpenAI' from 'openai'
       | If so where is the current documentation?
       | ofermend wrote:
       | Excited to see GPT4-Turbo and longer sequence lengths from
       | OpenAI. We just released Vectara's "Hallucination Evaluation
       | Model" (aka HEM) today
       | https://huggingface.co/vectara/hallucination_evaluation_mode...
       | (along with this leaderboard:
       | https://github.com/vectara/hallucination-leaderboard). GPT-4 was
       | already in the lead. Looking forward to seeing GPT4-Turbo there
       | soon.
       | m3kw9 wrote:
       | How many startups got shafted today?
       | dangrigsby wrote:
       | Is there a special "developer" designation? I am a paying API
       | customer, but can't see gpt-4-1106-preview in the playground and
       | can't use it via the API.
         | danenania wrote:
         | Apparently they'll be granting access at 1pm PST. We'll see
         | what happens. Rate limits also don't seem to be updated yet to
         | reflect their new "Usage Tiers" -
         | https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/rate-limits/usage-ti...
         | karmajunkie wrote:
         | As other comments have noted it seems to be rolling out at 1pm
         | PST today
       | wilg wrote:
       | What context length will ChatGPT have on GPT-4-Turbo? It wasn't
       | using the full 32K before was it?
       | bluck wrote:
       | Copyright Shield
       | > OpenAI is committed to protecting our customers with built-in
       | copyright safeguards in our systems. Today, we're going one step
       | further and introducing Copyright Shield--we will now step in and
       | defend our customers, and pay the costs incurred, if you face
       | legal claims around copyright infringement. This applies to
       | generally available features of ChatGPT Enterprise and our
       | developer platform.
       | So essentially they are giving devs a free pass to treat any
       | output as free of copyright infringement? Pretty bold when
       | training data sources are kinda unknown.
         | fnordpiglet wrote:
         | It's not unknown to OpenAI, presumably? And I assume the shield
         | evaporates if their court cases goes against them.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | It probably also means having to remain a paying customer as
         | long as you want that protection to persist for any previous
         | output.
         | tyree731 wrote:
         | I am not a lawyer, but this doesn't seem quite "free". Note
         | that they aren't indemnifying customers for any consequences of
         | said legal claims, meaning that customers would seem to bare
         | the full brunt of those consequences should there be a credible
         | copyright infringement claim.
         | ShakataGaNai wrote:
         | For large-scale usage, it doesn't matter what the devs want. If
         | the lawyers show up and say "We can't use this technology
         | because we're probably going to get sued for copyright
         | infringement", it's dead in the water.
         | It's a logical "feature" for them to offer this "shield" as it
         | significantly mitigates one of the large legal concerns to
         | date. It doesn't make the risks fully go away, but if someone
         | else is going to step up and cover the costs, then it could be
         | worthwhile.
         | For large enterprises, IP is a big deal, probably the single
         | biggest concern. They'll spend years and billions of dollars
         | attempting to protect it, _cough_ sco /oracle _cough_ , right
         | or wrong.
       | conorh wrote:
       | We just changed a project we've been working on to try out the
       | new gpt-4-turbo model and it is MUCH faster. I don't know if this
       | is a factor of the number of people using it or not, but
       | streaming a response for the prompts we are interested in went
       | from 40-50 seconds to 6 seconds.
       | activescott wrote:
       | It is interesting that the updates are largely developer
       | experience updates. It doesn't appear that significant
       | innovations are happening on the core models outside of
       | performance/cost improvements. Both devex and perf/cost are
       | important to be sure, but incremental.
         | Davidzheng wrote:
         | presumably next model is coming next year?
         | danielmarkbruce wrote:
         | 128k context?
       | layer8 wrote:
       | The TTS seems really nice, though still relatively expensive, and
       | probably limited to English (?). I can't wait until that level of
       | TTS will become available basically for free, and/or self-hosted,
       | with multi-language support, and ubiquitous on mobile and
       | desktop.
       (page generated 2023-11-06 21:00 UTC)