[HN Gopher] Archive (2023-11-06) - Page 2
 (DIR) The first stable release of a memory safe sudo implementation
       293 points by goranmoomin (199 comments)
 (DIR) milliForth
       212 points by binarycrusader (54 comments)
 (DIR) A Video Game That Pays: Lessons Learned from Working Remotely
       160 points by dtransposed (113 comments)
 (DIR) Git rebase, what can go wrong
       189 points by kens (246 comments)
 (DIR) Who's Behind the Swat USA Reshipping Service?
       140 points by todsacerdoti (137 comments)
 (DIR) Ask HN: How do you start a research based company?
       54 points by mnky9800n (30 comments)
 (DIR) FFmpeg is getting better with multithreaded transcoding pipelines
       274 points by raybb (70 comments)
 (DIR) A new home and license (AGPL) for Synapse and friends
       112 points by regularjack (68 comments)
 (DIR) Regarding Proposed US Restrictions on RISC-V
       161 points by vitplister (95 comments)
 (DIR) The double representation of Goddess Nemesis
       14 points by alexahn (3 comments)
 (DIR) OpenAI introduces custom AI assistants called "GPTs" that play d...
       7 points by LinuxBender (1 comments)
 (DIR) Mastering DOM manipulation with vanilla JavaScript
       346 points by srirangr (116 comments)
 (DIR) Bay Area Tech Boss Announces Layoffs in 'Next Phase of Growth'
       10 points by hindsightbias (5 comments)
 (DIR) The SBF Case Was Easy
       8 points by feross (0 comments)
 (DIR) Volute Shaped Blower [video]
       53 points by thunderbong (21 comments)
 (DIR) Marijuana use linked with increased risk of heart attack, heart ...
       20 points by takoid (10 comments)
 (DIR) Lingua::Romana::Perligata - Perl for the XXIimum Century
       14 points by BerislavLopac (6 comments)
 (DIR) DuckDB performance improvements with the latest release
       173 points by vgt (72 comments)
 (DIR) Was Atlantis a Minoan Civilization on Santorini Island?
       121 points by petburi (149 comments)
 (DIR) USB-C cable with the bandwidth and USB type imprinted on the con...
       233 points by alphabettsy (198 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2023-11-06 21:01 UTC)