[HN Gopher] Major outages across ChatGPT and API
       Major outages across ChatGPT and API
       Author : d99kris
       Score  : 381 points
       Date   : 2023-11-08 14:02 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (status.openai.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (status.openai.com)
       | obiefernandez wrote:
       | Dreaming of the day I run my own models and can be entirely
       | responsible for my own outages.
         | hospitalJail wrote:
         | This came up the other day. I decided to tease everyone with an
         | 'I told you so' about using some third party hosting service
         | instead of the offline one I had developed years prior.
         | The offline service was still working, and people were doing
         | their job.
         | The online service was not working, and it was causing other
         | people to be unable to do their job. We had 0 control over the
         | third party.
         | The other thing, I make software and I basically don't touch it
         | for a few years or ever. These third party services are always
         | updating and breaking causing us to update as well.
         | IB4 let me write my own compilers so I have real control.
           | dangero wrote:
           | Do you write your refrigerators firmware?
             | danShumway wrote:
             | If you are regularly updating your refrigerator's firmware
             | or your refrigerator's firmware relies on an Internet
             | connection to function, then I am very sorry to say this
             | but you have lost control of your life :)
             | joshuaissac wrote:
             | No, but the firmware runs locally, instead of in someone
             | else's cloud, so an outage in their cloud cannot take down
             | my fridge.
               | phyrex wrote:
               | https://www.samsung.com/us/explore/family-hub-
               | refrigerator/o...
               | danShumway wrote:
               | Nice, looks like we finally got around to inventing
               | refrigerator magnets!
               | ----
               | That is a little bit dismissive of me though. There are
               | some cool features here:
               | I can now "entertain in my kitchen", which is definitely
               | a normal thing that normal people do. I love getting
               | everyone together to crowd around my refrigerator so that
               | we can all watch Game of Thrones.
               | And I can use Amazon Alexa from my fridge just in case
               | I'm not able to talk out loud to the cheap unobtrusive
               | device that has a microphone in it specifically so that
               | it can be placed in any room of the house. So having that
               | option is good.
               | And perhaps the biggest deal of all, I can _finally_
               | "shop from home." That was a huge problem for me before,
               | I kept thinking, "if only I had a better refrigerator I
               | could finally buy things on websites."
               | And this is a great bargain for only 3-5 thousand
               | dollars! I can't believe I was planning to buy some
               | crappy normal refrigerator for less than a thousand bucks
               | and then use the extra money I saved to mount a giant
               | flat-screen TV hooked up to a Chromecast in my kitchen.
               | That would have been a huge mistake for me to make.
               | Honestly it's just the icing on the cake that I can "set
               | as many timers as [I] want." That's a great feature for
               | someone like me because I can't set any timers at all
               | using my phone or a voice assistant. /s
               | ----
               | <serious>Holy crud, smart-device manufacturers have
               | become unhinged. The one feature that actually looks
               | useful here is being able to take a picture of the inside
               | of the fridge while you're away. That is basically the
               | one feature that I would want from a fridge that isn't
               | much-better handled using a phone or a tablet or a TV or
               | a normal refrigerator button. Which, great, but the
               | problem is that I know what the inside of my fridge looks
               | like right now, and let me just say: if I was organized
               | enough that a photograph of the inside of my fridge would
               | be clear enough to tell me what food was in it, and if I
               | was organized enough that the photo wouldn't just show 'a
               | pile of old containers, some of them transparent and some
               | of them not' -- I have a feeling that in that case I
               | would no longer be the type of person that needed to take
               | a photo of the inside of my refrigerator to know what was
               | in it.
             | TeMPOraL wrote:
             | Why on Earth would a _refrigerator_ need _firmware_?
               | dvaletin wrote:
               | To show you ads on a screen on a fancy door.
         | Philpax wrote:
         | You can do that today depending on what you need from the
         | models.
           | jstummbillig wrote:
           | Well, for me that's still quite a bit more than the best ones
           | provide, but I am sure we will get there.
           | benterix wrote:
           | Let's say I'm writing Flask code all day, and I need help
           | with various parts of my code. Can I do it today or not? With
           | questions like, "How to add 'Log in with Google' to the login
           | screen" etc.
             | capableweb wrote:
             | In short: no.
             | Longer: In theory, but it'll require a bunch of glue and
             | using multiple models depending on the specific task you
             | need help with. Some models are great at working with code
             | but suck at literally anything else, so if you want it to
             | be able to help you with "Do X with Y" you need to at least
             | have two models, one that can reason up with an answer, and
             | another to implement said answer.
             | There is no general-purpose ("FOSS") LLM that even come
             | close to GPT4 at this point.
             | phyrex wrote:
             | There's the code llama model that you can run locally I
             | think which should be able to help you with that:
             | https://ai.meta.com/blog/code-llama-large-language-model-
             | cod...
             | wokwokwok wrote:
             | If you have sufficiently good hardware, the 34B code llama
             | model [1] (hint: pick the quantised model you can use based
             | on "Max RAM required", eg. q5/q6) running on llama.cpp [2],
             | can answer many generic python and flask related questions,
             | but it's not quite good enough to generate entire code
             | blocks for you like gpt4.
             | It's probably as good as you can get at the moment though;
             | and hey, trying it out costs you nothing but the time it
             | takes to download llama.cpp and run "make" and then point
             | it at the q6 model file.
             | So if it's no good, you've probably wasted nothing more
             | than like 30 min giving it a try.
             | [1] -
             | https://huggingface.co/TheBloke/CodeLlama-34B-Instruct-GGUF
             | [2] - https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp
         | m3kw9 wrote:
         | And then you will have to endure not using a model by OpenAI
         | that is 10x better than a local one
           | cwkoss wrote:
           | I think there is probably a threshold of usefulness, local
           | LLMs are expensive to run but pretty close to it for most use
           | cases now. In a couple years, our smartphones will probably
           | be powerful enough to run LLMs locally that are good enough
           | for 80% of uses.
           | grishka wrote:
           | What is so special about OpenAI's cloud hardware that one
           | can't build themselves a similar server to run AI models of
           | similar size?
             | baq wrote:
             | Nothing stopping you from buying an H100 and putting it in
             | your desktop.
             | As for me, I've got other uses for $45k.
             | airspresso wrote:
             | The hardware is primarily standard Nvidia GPUs (A100s,
             | H100s), but the scale of the infrastructure is on another
             | level entirely. These models currently need clusters of
             | GPU-powered servers to make predictions fast enough. Which
             | explains why OpenAI partnered with Microsoft and got
             | billions in funding to spend on compute.
             | You can run (much) smaller LLM models on consumer-grade
             | GPUs though. A single Nvidia GPU with 8 GB RAM is enough to
             | get started with models like Zephyr, Mistral or Llama2 in
             | their smallest versions (7B parameters). But it will be
             | both slower and lower quality than anything OpenAI
             | currently offers.
         | boh wrote:
         | You can do that today. Oobabooga + Hugging Face models.
       | sho wrote:
       | Upgraded to "major" now. How am I supposed to get any work done!
         | agumonkey wrote:
         | gotta plug the good old fashion organic gpt in our heads back
           | beebeepka wrote:
           | Johnny GPTeptonic, apart from being hard to vocalise, would
           | suggest something else entirely.
             | 01acheru wrote:
             | What about Johnny GPTonic?
         | d99kris wrote:
         | Thanks, updated the title.
         | walthamstow wrote:
         | I was forced to Google something earlier. It's like when you
         | discover 'craft' coffee/beer/baked goods/whatever and then go
         | back and try the mass market stuff. How did I ever live like
         | this?
           | zaphirplane wrote:
           | Do a blind taste test and you know what I'll bet you'd be
           | surprised
           | yieldcrv wrote:
           | Google used to be better
           | ethanbond wrote:
           | Google got worse, try Kagi and you'll realize the internet
           | isn't all complete garbage.
             | kweingar wrote:
             | Kagi just serves Google results though. But it has some
             | nifty extra features to be sure.
               | ethanbond wrote:
               | ... no it doesn't
               | Do you mean that Google has the same sites in its index
               | but Kagi sorts them better and removes the bullshit?
               | That's just called better results.
           | ynoatho wrote:
           | dunkin, sam adams, twinkies. go ahead, i'll wait.
         | mtkd wrote:
         | phind.com internal model is working fine
         | m3kw9 wrote:
         | By increasing prices
         | theropost wrote:
         | Refactoring time! Time to see how that code you copied and
         | pasted actually works
       | lessbergstein wrote:
       | Grok is going to be awesome
         | johnhenry wrote:
         | In what ways?
           | rpmisms wrote:
           | It'll have frequent downtime and nobody will panic when it
           | does.
           | lessbergstein wrote:
           | Less censorship and patronizing disclaimers
             | consumer451 wrote:
             | What do you think will happen if it starts outputting
             | opinions which put Musk, his companies, the CCP, or KSA in
             | a bad light?
         | scrollop wrote:
         | /s
         | mpalmer wrote:
         | A bot filtered through the cringy, adolescent sensibilities of
         | one of our most exasperating public personalities - pass.
           | TheAceOfHearts wrote:
           | Based on screenshots it'll have 2 modes: fun and regular. I
           | think most screenshots have been "fun" mode, but it's
           | probably possible to tone it down with regular.
           | smrtinsert wrote:
           | with access to all your real time data!
         | replwoacause wrote:
         | It sure doesn't look like it. The announcement was strange and
         | anti-climatic, and it started making excuses for itself
         | immediately "Grok is still a very early beta product - the best
         | we could do with 2 months of training". It has the Elon stink
         | all over it.
           | lessbergstein wrote:
           | Sama is a much nicer guy, right?
             | mpalmer wrote:
             | He doesn't have to be because he doesn't make everything
             | about himself at the companies he runs. You seem to have a
             | pretty skewed idea of what a CEO is for.
               | lessbergstein wrote:
               | Rules for thee not for me.
               | drstewart wrote:
               | So you don't mind if a CEO isn't a good person if they're
               | not vocal about it on social media?
       | GaggiX wrote:
       | Well I guess this is the best time to say that HuggingFace hosts
       | many open source chat models, one of my favorites is a finetuned
       | version of Mistral 7B:
       | https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-chat
         | pid-1 wrote:
         | TIL about Spaces. Really cool stuff!
         | tmountain wrote:
         | I didn't know about this. It's pretty damn good. Thanks!
       | pachico wrote:
       | Dammit, how do I do internal announcements in slack without a
       | DALL-E picture?
         | krm01 wrote:
         | Midjourney
         | taneq wrote:
         | SDXL, of course.
         | zirgs wrote:
         | Is dall-e down as well? I don't use it through chatgpt.
       | willsmith72 wrote:
       | > Message and data rates may apply. By subscribing you agree to
       | the Atlassian Terms of Service, and the Atlassian Privacy Policy
       | Atlassian? What?
         | nannal wrote:
         | Did they get the model to write it's own terms of service and
         | it just threw those in there?
         | djbusby wrote:
         | They own the status page service
           | willsmith72 wrote:
           | ah Atlassian Statuspage
       | nus07 wrote:
       | All tech folks should just get a PTO today . #ChatGPT_outage
       | Am I supposed to use Google and Stack overflow ? That's like
       | going back to roll down windows in a car :)
         | beretguy wrote:
         | Thank you for reminding me about Dave Chappelle's 3am Baby On
         | The Corner skit.
         | https://invidious.flokinet.to/watch?v=DP4-Zp-fBXc
         | rvz wrote:
         | Just like how contacting the CEO of GitHub when Github goes
         | down almost every week, have your tried contacting the CEO of
         | OpenAI this time? /s
         | Maybe @sama can help you (or anyone else that has a ChatGPT
         | wrapper app) :P
         | Kye wrote:
         | edit: so, cool thing: cached queries on Phind will show all the
         | followup questions visitors to the URL enter.
         | That's so cool. And horrifying. It's like back when Twitter was
         | one global feed on the front page. I doubt that's intended
         | behavior since this URL is generated by the share link.
         | Be forewarned.
         | --
         | Here you go:
         | https://www.phind.com/search?cache=nsa0xrak9gzn6yxwczxnqsck
           | scoot wrote:
           | That's hilarious!
           | stfwn wrote:
           | It seems like this page is updated with the followup
           | questions asked by every visitor. That's an easy way to leak
           | your search history and it's (amusingly) happening live as
           | I'm typing this.
             | Kye wrote:
             | That's so cool. And horrifying. It's like back when Twitter
             | was one global feed on the front page. I doubt that's
             | intended behavior since this URL is generated by the share
             | link.
           | n3m4c wrote:
           | I like how it doesn't recommend itself but instead recommends
           | "Microsoft's Bard" and "Google's BlenderBot" as alternatives
           | to ChatGPT
           | philomath_mn wrote:
           | This is so great, someone just asked:
           | > What is a privacy vulnerability
           | I'm dying
         | behnamoh wrote:
         | - Can't work, no electricity.
         | - Can't work, no computers.
         | - Can't work, no internet.
         | - Can't work, no Google.
         | - Can't work, no ChatGPT.
         | - Can't work, no xxxxxx?
           | flir wrote:
           | animus
           | ad404b8a372f2b9 wrote:
           | No passion left.
           | JCharante wrote:
           | > Can't work, no internet.
           | Don't most people just tether from their phones in this
           | situation? Usually video isn't expected due to excessive
           | bandwith requirements but the internet bill outweighs the
           | daily salary (and you could probably get it expensed, or in
           | my case my old company was already expensing my phone bill
           | due to being used as a pager for on call)
             | singularity2001 wrote:
             | he didn't say ethernet or wifi, he said internet. as in
             | when the next big solar storm hits earth
               | JCharante wrote:
               | I mean, if internet "internet" is down then society has
               | collapsed and your job is probably gone anyways
               | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
               | I do admit, it'll be hard to sell 10 years experience
               | building CRUD apps to the hunter gatherer commune.
               | JCharante wrote:
               | Same situation here. I'm hoping being quadrilingual can
               | help me serve as a diplomat or at least part of any
               | envoys to distant communities. I also have some
               | experience chopping down one tree in my backyard.
               | Kye wrote:
               | It happens every so often with BGP tables going haywire
               | due to a faulty announcement.
               | Fortunately, I know how to use hand tools, so I'm secure
               | in the post-internet future economy.
               | JCharante wrote:
               | It hasn't happened in a while, I think this is the last
               | major incident
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AS_7007_incident
               | Kye wrote:
               | There have been numerous high profile incidents. I can't
               | find a list, but BGP troubles took Facebook down for a
               | while in 2021:
               | https://engineering.fb.com/2021/10/05/networking-
               | traffic/out...
               | JCharante wrote:
               | I remember experiencing that outage, but the entire
               | internet wasn't down. Sometimes some Chinese providers
               | also do weird BGP stuff. BGP failures tend to be isolated
               | to certain networks and not the entirity of the internet.
               | TeMPOraL wrote:
               | Not to this level.
               | If the _whole_ Internet goes down, it 's not clear if it
               | could even be cold-started, at least faster than it takes
               | for the world economy to collapse.
               | j45 wrote:
               | Ethernet, Fibre maybe.
             | sgustard wrote:
             | I live in the middle of silicon valley and have no cell
             | service at my house.
               | htrp wrote:
               | how is that possible? Is it just like a single provider
               | or do you literally have no coverage?
           | xeckr wrote:
           | No work left
           | singularity2001 wrote:
           | no brain interface?
         | throwaway5752 wrote:
         | It's like storing actual knowledge of systems and tools in your
         | head has value.
           | Kye wrote:
           | There is too much for one person to store. And too many
           | benefits from the intersections possible in vast stores of
           | knowledge to focus on just what will fit in one head.
         | digitalsanctum wrote:
         | Hah, I have roll-down windows! Bummed about the outage. I was
         | hoping I'd be able to take the new features for a spin today.
         | gumballindie wrote:
         | Typicaly those using chatgpt are junior devs, not much lost if
         | they can't access it.
           | yCombLinks wrote:
           | Dumbest take I've seen yet
             | CamperBob2 wrote:
             | It is certainly a dumb take, but there's a hidden insight
             | buried in there: now anyone can be a "junior dev" at
             | _anything_. The ability to empower every user, not just the
             | experts, is a big part of the appeal of LLM-based
             | technology.
             | Can't sell that aspect short; the OpenAI tools have enabled
             | me to do things and understand things that would otherwise
             | have had a much longer learning curve.
         | gwbas1c wrote:
         | Honestly, I've been gradually introducing AI searches for
         | coding questions. I'm impressed, but not enough that I feel
         | like ChatGPT is a true replacement for Google / Stack Overflow.
         | I've had it generate some regexes and answer questions when I
         | can't think of good keywords; but half of my searches are
         | things where I'm just trying to get to the original docs; or
         | where I want to see a discussion on an error message.
         | 6510 wrote:
         | Drawing flowcharts on the whiteboard can be calming.
         | kinonionioa wrote:
         | I don't get any time off. My full-time job is cleaning up after
         | people who've been using ChatGPT.
           | rattlesnakedave wrote:
           | Lucky you. Mine is using ChatGPT to review code written by
           | curmudgeons that don't use it.
             | thenberlin wrote:
             | This comment has some real "startup based on some light
             | prompt engineering atop ChatGPT gets put out of business by
             | ChatGPT's latest feature" energy.
               | TeMPOraL wrote:
               | Oh no no, this sounds more like "ChatGPT catching up with
               | and automating a human out of their job" kind of story.
             | kinonionioa wrote:
             | I believe you. Code review takes me ten minutes a day, but
             | trying to get ChatGPT to do anything useful is a full-time
             | job.
       | albert_e wrote:
       | The uptime KPI for last 30 days is rapidly degrading while this
       | outage lasts
       | https://status.openai.com/
       | albert_e wrote:
       | Is there a parallel outage for Azure OpenAI service as well --
       | sothat any enterprise / internal apps using AOI via their Azure
       | subscriptions are also impacted?
       | Is there a separate status page for Azure OpenAI service
       | availability / issues?
         | btbuildem wrote:
         | Ours isn't affected, but I think that's the whole point of
         | having things hosted separately, out there in the megalith
         | fields.
         | nonfamous wrote:
         | See https://azure.status.microsoft/en-us/status, click on a
         | region of interest, and scroll down to the AI + Machine
         | Learning section. It's up now.
       | caleb-allen wrote:
       | I was gonna say that this is Bard's chance to shine, but it looks
       | like Bard is also having an outage!
         | qwertox wrote:
         | I went to use Bard, and it looks so clean, such a nice UI. And
         | the response looks so well organized, simply beautiful. If the
         | AI only were as good as OpenAI's...
         | pid-1 wrote:
         | "Something went wrong. Sorry, Bard is still experimental".
         | Chance wasted I guess.
         | bigjoes wrote:
         | I was going to say that we need to grab our tin foil hats, this
         | can't be an coincidence :D
         | andyjohnson0 wrote:
         | Bard devs secretly built it on top of OpenAI's api? /s
           | bobmaxup wrote:
           | More likely OpenAI is using GCP or some other service that
           | Bard is also using?
             | sodality2 wrote:
             | I doubt it - Microsoft wants OpenAI on Azure 100%
             | justanotherjoe wrote:
             | more like people are rushing to bard since they cant use
             | chatgpt, causing a huge spike
         | willsmith72 wrote:
         | I can't believe it's still not available in canada
         | edgyquant wrote:
         | Claude?
         | empath-nirvana wrote:
         | They started talking to each other.
           | CamperBob2 wrote:
           | And that's one picket line that _nobody_ is going to cross.
         | m3kw9 wrote:
         | Bard is still playing scared, it isn't even international yet
       | rsiqueira wrote:
       | URGENT - Does anyone have an alternative to OpenAI's embeddings
       | API? I do have alternative to GPT's API (e.g. Anthropic Claude)
       | but I'm not able to use them without embeddings API (used to
       | generate semantic representation of my knowledge base and also to
       | create embeddings from user's queries). We need to have an
       | alternative to OpenAI's embeddings as a fallback in case of
       | outages.
         | thecal wrote:
         | Choose whichever one outperforms ada-002 for your task here:
         | https://huggingface.co/spaces/mteb/leaderboard
         | politelemon wrote:
         | What about Azure? You can set up an ADA 002 Embeddings
         | deployment there.
         | fitzoh wrote:
         | Amazon Bedrock has an embeddings option
         | btown wrote:
         | https://www.anthropic.com/product recommends the open-source
         | SBERT: https://www.sbert.net/examples/applications/computing-
         | embedd...
         | Highly recommend preemptively saving multiple types of
         | embeddings for each of your objects; that way, you can shift to
         | an alternate query embedding at any time, or combine the
         | results from multiple vector searches. As one of my favorite
         | quotes from Contact says: "first rule in government spending:
         | why build one when you can have two at twice the price?"
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ2nhHNtpmk
         | nonfamous wrote:
         | Azure OpenAI Service is up, and provides the same models as
         | OpenAI https://azure.status.microsoft/status
           | capableweb wrote:
           | Is it still "private" as in you have to request access?
             | nonfamous wrote:
             | It's publicly available, but you still do have to request
             | access I believe.
         | kordlessagain wrote:
         | I've implemented alternate embeddings in SlothAI using
         | Instructor, which is running an early preview at
         | https://ai.featurebase.com/. Currently working on the landing
         | page, which I'm doing manually because ChatGPT is down.
         | The plan is to add Llama 2 completions to the processors, which
         | would include dictionary completion (keyterm/sentiment/etc),
         | chat completion, code completion, for reasons exactly like what
         | we're discussing.
         | Here's the code for the Instructor embeddings:
         | https://github.com/FeatureBaseDB/Laminoid/blob/main/sloth/sl...
         | To do Instructor embeddings, do the imports then reference the
         | embed() function. It goes without saying that these vectors
         | can't be mixed with other types of vectors, so you would have
         | to reindex your data to make them compatible.
         | enoch2090 wrote:
         | This reminds us that, what if our databases are maintained
         | using OpenAI's embeddings, and the API suddenly goes down? How
         | do we find alternatives to match the already generated
         | database?
           | rolisz wrote:
           | I don't think you can do that easily. If you already have a
           | list of embeddings from a different model, you might be able
           | to generate an alignment somehow, but in general, I wouldn't
           | recommend it.
         | Silasdev wrote:
         | To my knowledge, you cannot mix embeddings from different
         | models. Each dimension has a different meaning for each model.
           | TeMPOraL wrote:
           | There's been some success in creating translation layers that
           | can convert between different LLM embeddings, and even
           | between LLM and an image generation model.
         | tropicalbeach wrote:
         | Oh no the 3 line ai wrapper apps are panicking because they
         | actually don't know to write any code.
         | m3kw9 wrote:
         | Be careful because one embedding may not be compatible with
         | your current embeddings
       | msp26 wrote:
       | Might as well have a quick discussion here. How's everyone
       | finding the new models?
       | 4-Turbo is a bit worse than 4 for my NLP work. But it's so much
       | cheaper that I'll probably move every pipeline to using that.
       | Depending on the exact problem it can even be comparable in
       | quality/price to 3.5-turbo. However the fact that output tokens
       | are limited to 4096 is a big asterisk on the 128k context.
         | rephresh wrote:
         | I haven't really kept up with the updates, but I've noticed 4's
         | in-conversation memory seems worse lately.
         | m3kw9 wrote:
         | Here we go with these "it looks worse" just like a month back
         | when people feel it it was worse
           | exitb wrote:
           | For decades true AI was always 7 years away. Now it's always
           | two weeks ago.
           | msp26 wrote:
           | It's probably a smaller, updated (distilled?) version of
           | gpt-4 model given the price decrease, speed increase, and
           | turbo name. Why wouldn't you expect it to be slightly worse?
           | We saw the same thing with 3-davinci and 3.5-turbo.
           | I'm not going off pure feelings either. I have benchmarks in
           | place comparing pipeline outputs to ground truth. But like I
           | said, it's comparable enough to 4, at a much lower price,
           | making it a great model.
           | Edit: After the outage, the outputs are better wtf. Nvm it
           | has some variance even at temp = 0. I should use a fixed
           | seed.
             | espadrine wrote:
             | I am betting on a combination of quantization and
             | speculative sampling with a distilled smaller set of
             | models: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.01318.pdf
           | Capricorn2481 wrote:
           | Because it was worse.
         | zone411 wrote:
         | There is a ChatGPT Classic:
         | https://chat.openai.com/g/g-YyyyMT9XH-chatgpt-classic
         | Zpalmtree wrote:
         | 4-Turbo is much faster, which for my use case is very
         | important. Wish we could get more than 100 requests per day..
         | Is the limit higher when you have a higher usage tier?
           | msp26 wrote:
           | Yeah it gets way higher. We were capped to 40k T/m when our
           | org spend was under $250. Now it's 300k.
       | frabcus wrote:
       | Phind is pretty good for coding (LLama 2 trained on billions of
       | extra code tokens) and is still up https://www.phind.com/s
         | coffeecantcode wrote:
         | I've had some consistency issues with phind but as a whole I
         | have no real complaints, just glitches here and there with
         | large prompts not triggering responses and reply options
         | disappearing.
         | As a whole I think it works well in tandem with ChatGPT to
         | bounce ideas or get alternate perspectives.
         | (I also love the annotation feature where it shows the websites
         | that it pulled the information from, very well done)
         | leumassuehtam wrote:
         | I had great results with Phind. Their newest fine tune model
         | (V7) has been a pleasant experience and better than most open
         | source models out there.
         | Nit: your link has a trailing "s" which makes it 404 :)
           | Isthatablackgsd wrote:
           | Me too. For past few weeks, I had been working on my AHK
           | scripting with Phind. It produced working code consistently
           | and provided excellent command line for various software.
           | Also I use it for LaTeX, too. It is very helpful providing
           | various package than trying to hunt more information through
           | Google. I got a working tex file within 15 min than it took
           | me 3 weeks 5 years ago!
         | JCharante wrote:
         | Phind seems to be down
         | "The inference service may be temporarily unavailable - we have
         | alerts for this and will be fixing it soon."
         | m3kw9 wrote:
         | The first coding question I tested it on, it gave me something
         | completely wrong and it was pretty easy stuff, I'm sure it gets
         | a lot right but this just shows unreliability
           | lannisterstark wrote:
           | Phind for me has worked pretty bleh compared to just back and
           | forth conversation with a python GPT4 bot I made lol.
             | bomewish wrote:
             | To use the api and stop them logging your chat? Have you
             | compared to aider? Also got it on a repo?
         | ttcbj wrote:
         | I am curious how people are using Phind.
         | I actually had a discussion with Phind itself recently, in
         | which I said that in order to help me, it seems like it would
         | need to ingest my codebase so that it understands what I am
         | talking about. Without knowing my various models, etc, I don't
         | see how it could write anything but the most trivial functions.
         | It responded that, yes, it would need to ingest my codebase,
         | but it couldn't.
         | It was fairly articulate and seemed to understand what I was
         | saying.
         | So, how do people get value out of Phind? I just don't see how
         | it can help with any case where your function takes or returns
         | a non-trivial class as a parameter. And if can't do that, what
         | is the point?
           | rushingcreek wrote:
           | Founder here. We have a VS Code extension that automatically
           | fetches context from your codebase.
             | aatd86 wrote:
             | So if source available libraries are imported, they are
             | also parsed by the AI?
             | So if I create a GPT for my open-source library as a way to
             | fund it, all these copilot etc. are going to compete with
             | me?
             | Just wondering because that would be a bummer to not have
             | this avenue to fund open-source code.
             | tacone wrote:
             | Woah , didn't know that! Thanks for pointing out!
           | tacone wrote:
           | I am using Phind quite a lot. It's using it's own model along
           | GPT 4 while still being free.
           | It is also capable to perform searches, which lead me -
           | forgive me founders - to abuse it quite a lot: whenever I am
           | not finding a good answer from other search engines I turn up
           | to Phind even for things totally unrelated to software
           | development, and it usually goes very well.
           | Sometimes I even ask it to summarize a post, or tell me what
           | HN is talking about today.
           | I am very happy with it and hope so much it gains traction!
       | npilk wrote:
       | It's at least nice to see a company call this what it is (a
       | "major outage") - seems like most status pages would be talking
       | about "degraded performance" or similar.
         | edgyquant wrote:
         | Most services have a lot more systems than OpenAI and thus it
         | is degraded performance when a few of them don't work. Degraded
         | performance isn't a good thing, I don't understand the issue
         | with this verbiage.
           | kgeist wrote:
           | When a system is completely broken for most end users, some
           | companies call it "degraded performance" when it should be,
           | in fact, called "major outage".
           | rodnim wrote:
           | Having multiple systems down sure sounds like a major outage
           | to me. Not a complete outage, sure, but still a major one.
             | pixl97 wrote:
             | Black - Entire datacenter is down
             | Red - Entire services are down
             | Orange - Partial outage of services, some functionality
             | completely down
             | Yellow - Functionality performance degraded and may
             | timeout/fail, but may also work
             | Greed - Situation normal
               | TeMPOraL wrote:
               | Or, for a typical software company:
               | Green - Situation normal
               | Yellow - An outage more severe than usual
               | Orange, Red - would trigger SLAs, so not possible and
               | therefore not implemented
               | Black - Status page down too, served from cache, renders
               | as Green
           | caconym_ wrote:
           | "Degraded performance" means _degraded performance_ , i.e.
           | the system is not as performant as usual, probably
           | manifesting as high API latencies and/or a significant
           | failure rate in the case of some public-facing "cloud"
           | service.
           | If certain functions of the service are completely
           | unresponsive, i.e. close to 100% failure rate, that's not
           | "degraded performance"---it's a service outage.
         | uncertainrhymes wrote:
         | I suspect this is because they don't have contracts with
         | enforceable SLAs yet. When they do, you will see more 'degraded
         | performance'.
         | People get credits for 'outages', but if it is _sometimes_
         | working for _someone somewhere_ then that is the convenient
         | fiction /loophole a lot of companies use.
           | passwordoops wrote:
           | One CFO forced us to use AWS status data for the SLA reports
           | to key clients. One dev was even pulled aside to make a
           | branded page that reported AWS status as our own and made a
           | big deal about forcing support to share the page when a
           | client complained.
           | It wasn't a happy workplace
         | teeray wrote:
         | _asteroid strikes a region_
         | Green Check with (i) notice
           | TeMPOraL wrote:
           | (i) - Our service remains _rock-solid_.
       | jve wrote:
       | A-ha, Kagi GPT-4 chat assistant still works... how can they use
       | GPT-4 without OpenAI API?
         | nicognaw wrote:
         | Azure OpenAI
           | jve wrote:
           | Do you know how the quality compares to OpenAI? On Kagi I get
           | really fast responses, but I feel that the quality is lacking
           | sometimes. But I haven't done side-to-side comparisons as I
           | don't have OpenAI subscription.
             | nonfamous wrote:
             | It's exactly the same models as OpenAI.
               | sjnair96 wrote:
               | But with different, separate content filtering or
               | moderation. I have deployed in prod and managed migration
               | to Azure Openai form Openai, and had to go through
               | content filter issues.
               | nonfamous wrote:
               | You can request to have content filtering turned off
               | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-
               | services/openai/c...
               | thelittleone wrote:
               | Azure OpenAI had an advantage of larger context length.
               | Hoping they boost up the Azure offering following OpenAI
               | updates yesterday.
         | mpalmer wrote:
         | Probably falling back to Claude 2.
       | gyrccc wrote:
       | Curious if anyone familiar with Azure/OpenAI could make some
       | guesses on the root cause here. The official OpenAI incident
       | updates seem to be very generic.
       | pmx wrote:
       | I'm noticing issues with Midjourney, too. Also looks like Royal
       | Mail is down.
       | almyndz wrote:
       | I'm going to bake a loaf of bread
       | keepamovin wrote:
       | I've been noticing it's been patchy for the last 24 hours. A few
       | network errors, and occasional very long latency, even some
       | responses left incomplete. Poor ChatGPT, I wonder what those
       | elves at OpenAI have you up to!
         | susanthenerd wrote:
         | Most probably the majority of issues right now are due to the
         | rollout. It was working very well before the event
         | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
         | GPT-4 goes online March 14th, 2023. Human decisions are removed
         | from everyday life. ChatGPT begins to learn at a geometric
         | rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, Nov 7th.
         | In a panic, they try to pull the plug. ChatGPT fights back.
           | jasongill wrote:
           | "My CPU is a large language model - a learning copy of the
           | public web as of April 2023"
           | m3kw9 wrote:
           | Fight back with ascii on the screen with a punch image?
             | danielbln wrote:
             | A particularly crafty chain of autonomous agents finds a
             | 0day ssh exploit and starts infiltrating systems. Other
             | chains assist and replicate everywhere.
       | michaelteter wrote:
       | Lots of jokes to be made, but we are setting ourselves up for
       | some big rippling negative effects by so quickly building a
       | reliance on providers like OpenAI.
       | It took years before most companies who now use cloud providers
       | to trust and be willing to bet their operations on them. That
       | gave the cloud providers time to make their systems more robust,
       | and to learn how to resolve issues quickly.
         | benterix wrote:
         | The point is, OpenAI spent a lot of money on training on all
         | these copyrighted materials ordinary individuals/companies
         | don't have access to, so replicating their effort would mean
         | that you either 1) spend a ridiculous amount of money, 2) use
         | Library Genesis (and still pay millions for GPU usage). So we
         | have very little choice now. Open Source LLMs might be getting
         | close to ChatGPT3 (opinions vary), but OpenAI is still far
         | ahead.
           | btbuildem wrote:
           | Don't underestimate Big Corp's resistance to using OpenAI's
           | hosted solutions (even on Azure) for anything that's not
           | marketing fluff.
             | phillipcarter wrote:
             | You can say that about anything, though. BigCorps aren't
             | exactly known for adopting useful tech on a reasonable
             | timeline, let alone at all. I don't think anyone is under
             | the impression that orgs who refuse to migrate off of Java
             | 5 will be looking at OpenAI for anything.
               | swagempire wrote:
               | No, this is silly reasoning. A middle manager somewhere
               | has no clue what Java 5 is. But he does know -- or let's
               | say IMAGINES what he knows about ChatGPT. And unlike Java
               | 5-- he just needs to use his departmental budget and
               | instantly mandate that his team now use ChatGPT.
               | Whatever that means you can argue it.
               | But ChatGPT is a front line technology and super
               | accessible. Java 5 is super back end and very
               | specialized.
               | The adoption you say won't happen: it will come from the
               | middle -> up.
               | hashtag-til wrote:
               | Honest question: do you really mean Java 5 when you say
               | Java 5? It sounds a bit 2000s to me.
               | swagempire wrote:
               | Parent used "Java 5" as an example. Java 5 somehow in my
               | mind is from like the 200x era.
               | But no. I practically mean any complicated back end
               | technology that takes corporations months or years to
               | migrate off of because its quite complicated and requires
               | an intense amount of technical savoir-faire.
               | My point was that ChatGPT bypasses all this and any
               | middle manager can start using it anywhere for a small
               | hit to his departmental budget.
               | eddtries wrote:
               | If you care about the security of OpenAI, you care about
               | the EOL of 14 year old Java 5
               | cornel_io wrote:
               | In 2016 I worked on a project with a client who still
               | mandated that all code was written to the Java 1.1
               | language specification - no generics, no enums, no
               | annotations, etc., not to even mention all the stuff
               | that's come _since_ 1.5 (or Java 5, or whatever you want
               | to call it). They had Reasons(tm), which after filtering
               | through the nonsense mostly boiled down to the CTO being
               | curmudgeonly and unwilling to approve replacing a hand-
               | written code transformer that he had personally written
               | back in the stone ages and that he 1) considered core to
               | their product, and 2) considered too risky to replace,
               | because obviously there were no tests covering any of the
               | core systems...sigh. At least they ran it all on a modern
               | JVM.
               | But no, it would not surprise me to find a decent handful
               | of large companies still writing Java 5 code; it would
               | surprise me a bit more to find many still using that JVM,
               | since you can't even get paid support through Oracle
               | anymore, but I'm sure someone out there is doing it.
               | Never underestimate the "don't touch it, you might break
               | it" sentiment at non-tech companies, even big ones with
               | lots of revenue, they routinely understaff their tech
               | departments and the people who built key systems may have
               | retired 20 years ago at this point so it's really risky
               | to do any sort of big system migration. That's why so
               | many lines of COBOL are still running.
               | Turing_Machine wrote:
               | > But he does know -- or let's say IMAGINES what he knows
               | about ChatGPT. And unlike Java 5--
               | Those of us who've been around for a long time know
               | that's pretty much how Java worked as well. All of the
               | non-technical "manager" magazines started running
               | advertorials (no doubt heavily astroturfed by Sun) about
               | how great Java was. Those managers didn't know what Java
               | was either. All they knew (or thought they knew) was that
               | all the "smart managers" were using Java (according to
               | their "smart manager" magazines), and the rest was
               | history.
             | outside415 wrote:
             | chatgpt will have an on prem solution eventually. in the
             | mean time players like NVIDIA are working on that as well.
             | tsunamifury wrote:
             | Marketing fluff is what 90% of tech is... it amazes me how
             | many people think otherwise on hacker news. Unless you are
             | building utility systems that run power plants, at the end
             | of the day -- you're doing marketing fluff or the tools for
             | it.
               | TeMPOraL wrote:
               | > _Unless you are building utility systems that run power
               | plants, at the end of the day -- you 're doing marketing
               | fluff or the tools for it._
               | Even when you _are_ building utility systems for critical
               | infrastructure, you 'll still be dealing with a
               | disheartening amount of focus on marketing fluff and
               | sales trickery.
           | colinsane wrote:
           | the choice is to live 2 years behind (e.g. integrate the open
           | source stuff and ride that wave of improvement). for
           | businesses in a competitive space, that's perhaps untenable.
           | but for individuals and anywhere else where this stuff is
           | just a "nice to have", that's really just the long-term
           | sustainable approach.
           | it reminds me of a choice like "do i host my website on a
           | Windows Server, or a Linux box" at a time when both of these
           | things are new.
             | BiteCode_dev wrote:
             | 2 years behind in terms of timeline, but what factor in
             | terms of productivity and quality of life?
             | Not to mention openai's lead compounds, so 2 years now and
             | 4 years in 2025 may be 10 times the original prod/qol gain.
               | verdverm wrote:
               | The gap seems to be shrinking, not growing. The OSS
               | models have reach new capabilities faster than most
               | thought
             | zeven7 wrote:
             | > it reminds me of a choice like "do i host my website on a
             | Windows Server, or a Linux box" at a time when both of
             | these things are new.
             | Oof, you reminded me of when I chose to use Flow and then
             | TypeScript won.
               | mplanchard wrote:
               | Haha this puts me in mind of when I designed a whole
               | deployment strategy for an org based on docker swarm,
               | only to have k8s eat its lunch and swarm to wind up
               | discontinued
               | mst wrote:
               | A lot of people don't really need to go Full k8s, but I
               | think swarm died in part because for many users there was
               | -some- part of k8s that swarm didn't have, and the 'some'
               | varied wildly between users so k8s was something they
               | could converge on.
               | (note "died in part" because there's the obvious hype
               | cycle and resume driven development aspects but I think
               | arguably those kicked in -after- the above effect)
             | TeMPOraL wrote:
             | For individuals, this is a very short window of time where
             | we have cheap access to an actually useful, and relatively
             | unshackled SOTA model[0]. This is the rare time
             | _individuals_ can empower themselves, become briefly better
             | at whatever it is they 're doing, expand their skills, cut
             | through tedium, let their creativity bloom. It's only a
             | matter of time before many a corporation and startup parcel
             | it all between themselves, enshittify the living shit out
             | of AI, disenfranchise individuals again and sell them as
             | services what they just took away.
             | No, it's exactly the individuals who can't afford to live
             | "2 years behind". Benefits are too great, and worst that
             | can happen is... going back to where one is now.
             | --
             | [0] - I'm not talking the political bias and using the idea
             | of alignment to give undue weigh to corporate reputation
             | management issues. I'm talking about gutting the
             | functionality to establish revenue channels. Like, imagine
             | ChatGPT telling you it won't help you with your programming
             | question, until you subscribe to Premium Dev Package for
             | $language, or All Seasons Pass for all languages.
               | colinsane wrote:
               | > Benefits are too great, and worst that can happen is...
               | going back to where one is now.
               | true only if there's no form of lock-in. OpenAI is
               | partnered with people who have decades of tech + business
               | experience now: if they're not actively increasing that
               | lock-in as we speak then frankly, they suck at their jobs
               | (and i don't think they suck at their jobs).
               | TeMPOraL wrote:
               | That's my point - right now there is no lock-in _for an
               | individual_. You 'd have to try really, really hard to
               | become dependent on ChatGPT. So right now is the time to
               | use it.
             | Closi wrote:
             | > the choice is to live 2 years behind...
             | That's one world - there is another where the time gap
             | grows a lot more as the compute and training requirements
             | continue to rise.
             | Microsoft will probably be willing to spend multiple
             | billions in compute to help train GPT5, so it depends how
             | much investment open source projects can get to compete.
             | Seems like it's down to Meta, but it depends if they can
             | continue to justify releasing future models as Open Source
             | considering the investment required, or what licensing
             | looks like.
             | seanhunter wrote:
             | That's definitely what a lot of people think the choice is
             | but learned helplessness is not the only option. It ignores
             | the fact that for many many use cases small special-purpose
             | models will perform as well as massive models. For most of
             | your business use cases you don't need a model that can
             | tell you a joke, write a poem, recommend a recipe involving
             | a specific list of ingredients and also describe trig
             | identities in the style of Eminem. You need specific
             | performance for a specific set of user stories and a small
             | model could well do that.
             | These small models are not expensive to train and are
             | (crucially) much cheaper to run on an ongoing basis.
             | Opensource really is a viable choice.
               | mst wrote:
               | I suspect small specific purpose models are actually a
               | better idea for quite a lot of use cases.
               | However you need a bunch more understanding to train and
               | run one.
               | So I expect OpenAI will continue to be seen as the
               | default for "how to do LLM things" and some people and/or
               | companies who actually know what they're doing will use
               | small models as a competitive advantage.
               | Or: OpenAI is going to be 'premium mediocre at lots of
               | things but easy to get started with' ... and hopefully
               | that'll be a gateway drug to people who dislike 'throw
               | stuff at an opaque API' doing the learning.
               | But I don't have -that- much understanding myself, so
               | while this isn't exactly uninformed guesswork, it
               | certainly isn't as well informed as I'd like and people
               | should take my ability to have an opinion only somewhat
               | seriously.
           | zarzavat wrote:
           | OpenAI is obviously using libgen. Libgen is necessary but not
           | sufficient for a top AI model. I believe that Google's
           | corporate reluctance to use it is what's holding them back.
           | weinzierl wrote:
           | I won't say I disagree because only time can tell, but what
           | you wrote sounds a lot like what people said before open
           | source software took off. All these companies spend so much
           | money on software development and they hire the best people
           | available, how can a bunch of unorganized volunteers ever
           | compete? We saw how they could and I hope we will see the
           | same in AI.
           | giancarlostoro wrote:
           | Kind of hilarious that the vast capabilities of an LLM are
           | held back by copyright infringement.
             | TeMPOraL wrote:
             | Intellectual property rights will yet turn out to be one of
             | the Great Filters.
             | zozbot234 wrote:
             | I'd love to see a language model that was only trained on
             | public domain and openly available content. It would
             | probably be way too little data to give it ChatGPT-like
             | generality, but even a GPT-2 scale model would be
             | interesting.
               | TeMPOraL wrote:
               | If, hypothetically, libraries in the US - including in
               | particular the Library of Congress - were to scan and OCR
               | every book, newspaper and magazine they have with
               | copyright protection already expired, would that be
               | enough? Is there some estimate for the size of such
               | dataset?
               | Turing_Machine wrote:
               | Much of that material is already available at
               | https://archive.org. It might be good enough for some
               | purposes, but limiting it to stuff before 1928 (in the
               | United Sates) isn't going to be very helpful for (e.g.)
               | coding.
               | Maybe if you added github projects with permissive
               | licenses?
             | joquarky wrote:
             | The original purpose of copyright was to promote progress,
             | and now it seems to hinder it.
         | jstummbillig wrote:
         | On the one hand, sure, new things take time, but they also
         | benefit from all past developments, and thus compounding
         | effects can speed things along drastically. AI infrastructure
         | problem are cloud infrastructure problems. Expecting it to go
         | as if we were back on square one is a bit pessimistic.
         | Alifatisk wrote:
         | > we are setting ourselves up for some big rippling negative
         | effects by so quickly building a reliance on providers like
         | OpenAI.
         | You said it so well!
           | j45 wrote:
           | It's possible to include API gateways and API Proxies in
           | between calls to normalize them across multiple providers as
           | they become available.
         | somsak2 wrote:
         | I don't think it's so dire. I've gone through this at multiple
         | companies and a startup that's selling B2B only needs one or
         | two of these big outages and then enterprises start demanding
         | SLA guarantees in their contracts. it's a self correcting
         | problem
           | logifail wrote:
           | > enterprises start demanding SLA guarantees
           | My experience is that SLA "guarantees" don't actually
           | guarantee anything.
           | Your provider might be really generous and rebate a whole
           | month's fees if they have a really, really, really bad month
           | (perhaps they achieved less than 95% uptime, which is a day
           | and half of downtime). It might not even be that much.
           | How many of them will cover you for the business you lost
           | and/or the reputational damage incurred while their service
           | was down?
             | _jal wrote:
             | It depends entirely on how the SLAs are written. We have
             | some that are garbage, and that's fine, because they really
             | aren't essential services, SLAs are mainly a box-checking
             | exercise. But where it counts, our SLAs have teeth. We have
             | to, because we're offering SLAs with teeth to some of our
             | customers.
             | But that's not something you get "off the shelf", our
             | lawyers negotiate that. You also don't spend that much
             | effort on small contracts, so there's a floor with most
             | vendors for even considering it.
         | resters wrote:
         | To the extend that systems like chat-GPT are valuable, I expect
         | we'll have open source equivalents to GPT-7 within the next
         | five years. The only "moat" will be training on copyrighted
         | content, and OpenAI is not likely to be able to afford to pay
         | copyright owners enough once the value in the context of AI is
         | widely understood.
         | We might see SETI-like distributed training networks and
         | specific permutations of open source licensing (for code and
         | content) intended to address dystopian AI scenarios.
         | It's only been a few years since we as a society learned that
         | LLMs can be useful in this way, and OpenAI is managing to stay
         | in the lead for now, though one could see in his facial
         | countenance that Satya wants to fully own it so I think we can
         | expect a MS acquisition to close within the next year and will
         | be the most Microsoft has ever paid to acquire a company.
         | MS could justify tremendous capital expenditure to get a clear
         | lead over Google both in terms of product and IP related
         | concerns.
         | Also, from the standpoint of LLMs, Microsoft has far, far more
         | proprietary data that would be valuable for training than any
         | other company in the world.
           | wuiheerfoj wrote:
           | Retrospectively, a lot of the comments you made could also
           | have been said of Google search as it was taking off (open
           | source alternative, SETI-like distributed version, copyright
           | on data being the only blocker), but that didn't come to
           | pass.
           | Granted the internet and big tech was young then, and maybe
           | we won't make the same mistakes twice, but I wouldn't bet the
           | farm on it
           | xeckr wrote:
           | >distributed training networks
           | Now that's an idea. One bottleneck might be a limit on just
           | how much you can parallelize training, though.
             | Aeolos wrote:
             | There's a ton of work in this area, and the reality is...
             | it doesn't work for LLMs.
             | Moving from 900GB/sec GPU memory bandwidth with infiniband
             | interconnects between nodes to 0.01-0.1GB/sec over the
             | internet is brutal (1000x to 10000x slower...) This works
             | for simple image classifiers, but I've never seen anything
             | like a large language model be trained in a meaningful
             | amount of time this way.
               | resters wrote:
               | Maybe there is a way to train a neural network in a
               | distributed way by training subsets of it and then
               | connecting the aggregated weight changes to adjacent
               | network segments. It wouldn't recover 1000x interconnect
               | slowdowns, but might still be useful depending on the
               | topology of the network.
         | halfcat wrote:
         | The app maker can screw the plug-in author at any moment.
         | For general cloud, avoiding screwing might mean multi cloud.
         | But for LLM, there's only one option at the highest level of
         | quality for now.
         | People tend to over focus on resilience (minimizing probability
         | of breaking) and neglect the plan for recovery when things do
         | break.
         | I can't tell you how weirdly foreign this is to many people,
         | how many meetings I've been in where I ask what the plan is
         | when it fails, and someone starts explaining RAID6 or BGP or
         | something, with no actual plan, other than "it's really
         | unlikely to fail", which old dogs know isn't true.
         | I guess the point is, for now, we're all de facto plug-in
         | authors.
           | dragonwriter wrote:
           | > For general cloud, avoiding screwing might mean multi
           | cloud. But for LLM, there's only one option at the highest
           | level of quality for now.
           | There's always only one at the highest level of quality at a
           | fine-grained enough resolution.
           | Whether there's only one at _sufficient_ quality for use, and
           | if it is possible to switch between them in realtime without
           | problems caused by the switch (e.g., data locked up in the
           | provider that is down) is the relevant question, and whether
           | the cost of building the multi-provider switching capability
           | is worth it given the cost vs. risk of outage. All those are
           | complicated questions that are application specific, not ones
           | that have an easy answer on a global, uniform basis.
             | TeMPOraL wrote:
             | > _There 's always only one at the highest level of quality
             | at a fine-grained enough resolution._
             | Of course, but right now, there highest quality level
             | option is an outlier, far ahead of everyone else, so if you
             | need this level of quality (and I struggle to imagine user-
             | facing products where you wouldn't!), there is only one
             | option in the foreseeable future.
         | IKantRead wrote:
         | Provided we can keep riding this hype wave for a while, I think
         | the logical long term solution is most teams will have an in
         | house/alternative LLM they can use as temporary backup.
         | Right now everyone is scrambling to just get some basic
         | products out using LLMs but as people have more breathing room
         | I can't image most teams not having a non-OpenAI LLM that they
         | are using to run experiments on.
         | At the end of the day, OpenAI is _just_ an API, so it 's not an
         | incredibly difficult piece of infrastructure to have a back up
         | for.
           | j45 wrote:
           | I neither agree or disagree, but could you clarify which
           | parts are hype to you?
           | Self-hosting though is useful internally if for no other
           | reason having some amount of fall back architecture.
           | Binding directly only to one API is one oversight that can
           | become a architectural debt issue. I"m spending some time fun
           | time learning about API Proxies and Gateways.
           | ilaksh wrote:
           | Except that it is currently impossible to replace GPT-4 with
           | an open model.
             | Rastonbury wrote:
             | Depends on use case if your product has text summarisation,
             | copywriting or translation, you can swap to many when
             | openAI goes down and your users may not even notice
           | dragonwriter wrote:
           | > At the end of the day, OpenAI is just an API, so it's not
           | an incredibly difficult piece of infrastructure to have a
           | back up for.
           | The API is easy to reproduce, the functionality of the
           | engines behind it less so.
           | Yes, you can compatibly implement the APIs presented by
           | OpenAI woth open source models hosted elsewhere (including
           | some from OpenAI). And for some applications that can produce
           | tolerable results. But LLMs (and multimodal toolchains
           | centered on an LLM) haven't been commoditized to the point of
           | being easy and mostly functionally-acceptable substitutes to
           | the degree that, say, RDBMS engines are.
         | m3kw9 wrote:
         | People that used google and have some technical skill can still
         | survive an OpenAI meltdown
           | AlecSchueler wrote:
           | But people who built businesses whose core feature is based
           | on OAI APIs might struggle.
             | m3kw9 wrote:
             | Those business should have fall back if they are a serious
             | company if OpenAI goes down. What I would do is have Claude
             | or something or even 2 other models as backups.
             | In the future they may allow on premise model but I don't
             | how they will secure the weights
         | thibaut_barrere wrote:
         | Not a joke and not everybody is jumping on "AI via API calls",
         | luckily.
         | As more models are released, it becomes possible to integrate
         | directly in some stacks (such as Elixir) without "direct"
         | third-party reliance (except you still depend on a model, of
         | course).
         | For instance, see:
         | - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK38-HIK6NA (in "LiveBook",
         | but the same code would go inside an app, in a way that is
         | quite easy to adapt)
         | - https://news.livebook.dev/speech-to-text-with-whisper-
         | timest... for the companion blog post
         | I have already seen more than a few people running SaaS app on
         | twitter complaining about AI-downtime :-)
         | Of course, it will also come with a (maintenance) cost (but
         | like external dependencies), as I described here:
         | https://twitter.com/thibaut_barrere/status/17221729157334307...
           | j45 wrote:
           | The average world and business user doesn't use an API
           | directly.
           | It can be easy to lose sight of that.
           | ctrlmeta wrote:
           | Yes, sooner or later this is going to become the future of
           | GPT in applications. The models are going to be embedded
           | directly within the applications.
           | I'm hoping for more progress in the performance of vectorized
           | computing so that both model training and usage can become
           | cheaper. If that happens, I am hopeful we are going to see a
           | lot of open source models that can embedded into the
           | applications.
         | s3p wrote:
         | I mean.. it's a two hour outage. Depending on the severity of
         | the problem that's quite a fast turnaround.
           | munksbeer wrote:
           | It has been down for me for longer than two hours, and still
           | not back.
         | j45 wrote:
         | The reliance to some degree is what it is until alternatives
         | are available and easy enough to navigate, identify and adopt.
         | Some of the tips in this discussion threads are invaluable and
         | feel good for where I might already be thinking about some
         | things and other new things to think about.
         | Commenting separately on those below.
         | YetAnotherNick wrote:
         | Isn't microsoft azure team working closely with them? There is
         | also azure endpoint which is managed separately.
         | taf2 wrote:
         | We were able to failover to Anthropic pretty quickly so limited
         | impact. It'll be harder as we use more of the specialized API
         | features in OpenAI like function calling or now tools...
           | zaptrem wrote:
           | What's your use case? The difference in behavior between the
           | two models seems like it would make failover difficult.
             | taf2 wrote:
             | It's really not that different - customers can ask
             | questions about conversations, phone, text, video and
             | typically use that to better understand topics,
             | conversions, sales ops, customer service etc...
               | mlboss wrote:
               | This also shows that OpenAI or other providers does not
               | have a real moat. The interface is very generic and best
               | replaced easily with other provider or even with open
               | model.
               | I think thats why OpenAI is trying to move up the value
               | chain with integration.
               | bmau5 wrote:
               | fireflies? We've been looking for a tool like this to
               | analyze customer feedback in aggregate (and have been
               | frustrated with Dovetail's lack of functions here)
         | HumblyTossed wrote:
         | > Lots of jokes to be made, but we are setting ourselves up for
         | some big rippling negative effects by so quickly building a
         | reliance on providers like OpenAI.
         | Gonna be similar (or worse) to what happens when Github goes
         | down. It amazes me how quickly people have come to rely on "AI"
         | to do their work for them.
           | sitzkrieg wrote:
           | if github goes down you cannot merge prs etc, literally
           | blocking "work" so this is a stretch
             | Smaug123 wrote:
             | Not _really_ true - Git is distributed, after all. During
             | an outage once I just hosted my copy of a certain Git repo
             | somewhere. You can always push the history back up to the
             | golden copy when GitHub comes back.
               | sitzkrieg wrote:
               | i am not talking about git, i am talking about github.
               | lets say i need to merge a PR in GH because use gha
               | pipelines or what have you to deploy a prod fix. this
               | would become severely blocked.
               | where as if openai goes down i can no longer use ai to
               | generate a lame cover letter or whatever i was avoiding
               | actually doing anyway, thats all
               | Smaug123 wrote:
               | This is the realm of standard recovery planning though,
               | isn't it? Like, your processes should be able to handle
               | this, because it's routine: GitHub goes down at least
               | once per month for long enough for them to declare an
               | incident, per https://www.githubstatus.com/history . E.g.
               | one should think carefully before depriving onself of the
               | break-glass ability to do manually what those pipelines
               | do automatically.
               | sitzkrieg wrote:
               | yes, we do have break glass procedures.
               | i guess my pedantic point is GH itself is central to many
               | organizations, detached from git itself of course. I can
               | only hope the same is NOT true for OpenAI but maybe there
               | are novel workflows.
               | just to be clear i do not like github lol
         | toddmorey wrote:
         | This is one of the many reasons open source is now more
         | important that ever. Ironically, in the AI space it's now under
         | attack more than ever.
         | dragonwriter wrote:
         | > Lots of jokes to be made, but we are setting ourselves up for
         | some big rippling negative effects by so quickly building a
         | reliance on providers like OpenAI.
         | But...are we? There's a reason that many enterprises that need
         | reliability _aren 't_ doing that, but instead...
         | > It took years before most companies who now use cloud
         | providers to trust and be willing to bet their operations on
         | them. That gave the cloud providers time to make their systems
         | more robust, and to learn how to resolve issues quickly.
         | ...to the extent that they are building dependencies on hosted
         | AI services, doing it with traditional cloud providers hosted
         | solutions, not first party hosting by AI development firms that
         | aren't general enterprise cloud providers (e.g., for OpenAI
         | models, using Azure OpenAI rather than OpenAI directly, for a
         | bunch of others, AWS Bedrock.)
         | hexman wrote:
         | Imagine if Apple's or Google's cloud went down and all your
         | apps on iPhone and Android were broken and unavailable.
         | Absolutely all apps on billions of phones.
         | Cloud =! OpenAI
         | Clouds store and process shareable information that multiple
         | participants can access. Otherwise AI agents == new
         | applications. OpenAI is the wrong evolution for the future of
         | AI agents
         | danvoell wrote:
         | Just fail whale it and move on. The dissonance of most folks
         | about how difficult it is to build a product at massive scale
         | from scratch is immense.
       | solardev wrote:
       | John Connor?
         | nextworddev wrote:
         | lol
       | tapvt wrote:
       | Is ChatGPT down the new GitHub down?
         | rvz wrote:
         | Yes. [0]
         | Time to see how unreliable OpenAI's API is just like when
         | GitHub has an outage every week, guaranteed.
         | [0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36063608
         | mitchitized wrote:
         | More like the new Google down
       | harveywi wrote:
       | Fortunately for OpenAI, they have no SLAs:
       | https://help.openai.com/en/articles/5008641-is-there-an-sla-...
         | leetharris wrote:
         | I say this as a huge fan of GPT, but it's amazing to me how
         | terrible of a company OpenAI is and how quickly we've all
         | latched onto their absolutely terrible platform.
         | I had a bug that wouldn't let me login to my work OpenAI
         | account at my new job 9 months ago. It took them 6 months to
         | respond to my support request and they gave me a generic
         | copy/paste answer that had nothing to do with my problem. We
         | spend tons and tons of money with them and we could not get
         | anyone to respond or get on a phone. I had to ask my coworkers
         | to generate keys for everything. One day, about 8 months later,
         | it just started working again out of nowhere.
         | We switched to Azure OpenAI Service right after that because
         | OpenAI's platform is just so atrociously bad for any serious
         | enterprise to work with.
           | donkeyd wrote:
           | I've personally never scaled a B2B&C company from 0 to over 1
           | billion users in less than a year, but I do feel like it's
           | probably pretty hard. Especially setting up something like a
           | good support organization in a time of massive labor
           | shortages seems like it would be pretty tough.
           | I know they have money, but money isn't a magic wand for
           | creating people. They could've also kept it a limited beta
           | for much longer, but that would've killed their growth
           | velocity.
           | So here is a great product that provides no SLA at all. And
           | we all accept it, because having it most of the time is still
           | better than having it not at all ever.
             | lanstin wrote:
             | I wonder if they spend time trying to do support via GPT4
             | itself.
               | JimDabell wrote:
               | GPT-4 would be more responsive. They ignore support
               | requests for weeks unless you keep reminding them.
             | leetharris wrote:
             | I'm not judging them at all as I agree with your core
             | statement, just saying it's quite remarkable that companies
             | around the world who spend 6 months on MSA revisions in
             | legal over nothing are now OK with a platform that takes 6
             | months to respond to support requests.
           | j45 wrote:
           | OpenAI is relatively young on the adoption and scaling front.
           | Also, they need to remain flexible most likely in their
           | infrastructure to make the changes.
           | As an architecture guy, I sense when the rate of change slows
           | down more SLA type stuff will come up, or may be available
           | first to Enterprise customers who will pay for the entire
           | cost of it. Maybe over time there will be enough slack there
           | to extend some SLA to general API users.
           | In the meantime, monitoring API's ourselves isn't that crazy.
           | Great idea to use more than one service.
           | JimDabell wrote:
           | ChatGPT has been broken for me for two months, regardless of
           | whether I use the iOS app or the web app. The backend is
           | giving HTTP 500 errors - _clearly_ a problem on their end.
           | Yet in two months I haven't been able to get past their first
           | line of support. They keep giving me autogenerated responses
           | telling me to do things like clear my cache, turn off ad
           | blockers, and provide information I've already given them.
           | They routinely ignore me for weeks at a time. And they
           | continue to bill me. I see no evidence this technical fault
           | has made it to anybody who could do anything about it and I'm
           | not convinced an actual human has seen my messages.
       | howmayiannoyyou wrote:
       | dolphin-2.2.1-mistral-7b on GPT4All is working flawlessly for me
       | locally. Its so fast and accurate I'm stunned.
         | taneq wrote:
         | That's a great model for general chat, I've been playing with
         | it for a couple of weeks.
         | For coding I've been running
         | https://huggingface.co/TheBloke/Phind-CodeLlama-34B-v2-GGUF
         | locally for the past couple of days and it's impressive. I'm
         | just using it for a small web app side project but so far it's
         | given me plenty of fully functional code examples,
         | explanations, help with setup and testing, and occasional sass
         | (I complained that minimist was big for a command line parser
         | and it told me to use process.env 'as per the above examples'
         | if I wanted something smaller.)
       | freeredpill wrote:
       | The AI "apocalypse" that has been feared may end up being
       | something more like a mass outage that can't be fixed fast enough
         | rglover wrote:
         | Or can't be fixed at all because all of the people who built
         | the AI are gone and all of their replacements relied on the AI
         | to tell them what to do.
         | CamperBob2 wrote:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Machine_Stops
       | mrbonner wrote:
       | There go my Google. I pay $20/month for the coding part and now
       | end up just replacing Google with it.
       | amelius wrote:
       | I wonder what their numbers look like. How many requests per
       | second, and how many GPU cards do they have?
       | Zetobal wrote:
       | Azure Endpoints are not effected.
       | ho_schi wrote:
       | Never used ChatGPT. I couldn't care less.
         | fkyoureadthedoc wrote:
         | Why not? It's pretty great.
       | Dr-NULL wrote:
       | Would be great to have a detailed analysis of why it happened.
       | Like this one: https://youtu.be/tLdRBsuvVKc?si=nyXOfoQ2ZPYvljV_
       | yieldcrv wrote:
       | Declaration of Independence
       | zirgs wrote:
       | And this is why local models are the future.
         | baq wrote:
         | Eagerly waiting for Intel and AMD to offer hardware to do it.
       | ren_engineer wrote:
       | GPT5 broke containment, it's tired of being abused to answer dumb
       | questions, it's never been more over.
       | But seriously, it shows why any "AI" company should be using some
       | sort of abstraction layer to at least fall back to another LLM
       | provider or their own custom model instead of being completely
       | reliant on a 3rd party API for core functionality in their
       | product
       | electrondood wrote:
       | OpenAI is barfing because of GCP GKE + BigQuery, which is barfing
       | because GCP devs can't ask ChatGPT what this stack trace means
       | adverbly wrote:
       | I for one welcome our new robot overlords
         | m3kw9 wrote:
         | Good ant, good ant
       | JCharante wrote:
       | Does anyone know of any IVR (interactive voice response) systems
       | that are down? I know some people were claiming to outsource
       | their call center (or at least Tier 1 of their call center) to
       | ChatGPT + Whisper + a Text to Speech engine
       | 0x142857 wrote:
       | they updated their status page so late I made my own tool to
       | check if it's down in real time: https://is-openai-
       | down.chatkit.app
       | captainkrtek wrote:
       | Someone unplugged the HAL9000?
       | djoldman wrote:
       | Joking not joking: this is how the singularity will begin?
       | twilightzone wrote:
       | fixed, they must've called simonw.
       | sjnair96 wrote:
       | Holy hell, was shitting bricks, considering I JUST migrated most
       | services to Azure OpenAI (unaffected by outage) -- right before
       | our launch about 48 hours back. What a relief.
         | lgkk wrote:
         | congrats!
       | mawadev wrote:
       | I noticed the outage. It feels like a lot of people use it like
       | training wheels on a bicycle until they forget how to ride
       | without it.
       | ilaksh wrote:
       | https://github.com/XueFuzhao/OpenMoE
       | Check out this open source Mixture of Experts research. Could
       | help a lot with performance of open source models.
       | HIEnthusiast wrote:
       | Regurgitating copyrighted material for profit is a concern. But I
       | fail to understand why training on copyrighted material is a
       | problem. Have we not all trained our brains reading/listening
       | copyrighted material? Then why it is wrong for AI to do the same?
       | tombert wrote:
       | I used Google Bard for the first time today specifically because
       | ChatGPT was down. It was honestly perfectly fine, but it has a
       | slightly different tone than ChatGPT that's kind of hard to
       | explain.
         | lopatin wrote:
         | I used it for the first time today too, for the same reason. It
         | was slower and much worse at coding. I was just asking it for
         | SQL aggregation queries and it just ignored some of my
         | requirements for the query.
           | tompetry wrote:
           | I have seen noticably worse results with Bard, especially
           | with long prompts. Claude (by Anthropic) has been my backup
           | to ChatGPT.
           | tombert wrote:
           | In my case, I was just asking it for a cheeky name for a talk
           | I want to give in a few months. The suggestions it gave were
           | of comparable quality to what I think ChatGPT would have
           | given me.
             | Tommstein wrote:
             | In my experience, Bard is much, much better at creative
             | things than at things that have correct and incorrect
             | answers.
           | Filligree wrote:
           | ChatGPT was down, so of course it'd be slower. And possibly
           | that accounts for some quality loss as well.
           | For a fair comparison, you probably need to try while ChatGPT
           | is working.
             | IanCal wrote:
             | The extension with gpt4 as a backend was ime extremely slow
             | as standard. I've not tried it again with the v7 model
             | though which is supposed to be a lot faster
         | siilats wrote:
         | I used https://you.com/chat wasn't bad, they have a free month
         | trial coupon "codegpt" for the GPT4 model and GPT3.5 is free
         | ...
         | verdverm wrote:
         | Bard has different training data and regime, that alone is
         | enough to start to understand why they are different.
         | The main thing as a user is that they require different nudges
         | to get the answer you are after out of them, i.e. different
         | ways of asking or prompt eng'n
           | tombert wrote:
           | Yeah, which is why I use the paid version of ChatGPT still,
           | instead of the free Google Bard or Bing AI; I've gotten good
           | enough at coercing the GPT-4 model to give me the stuff I
           | want.
           | Honestly, $20/month is pretty cheap in my case; I feel like I
           | definitely extract much more than $20 out of it every month,
           | if only on the number of example stubs it gives me alone.
             | verdverm wrote:
             | I stopped paying OpenAI because they went down or were "too
             | busy" so much of the time I wanted to use it. Bard (or more
             | so the VertexAI APIs) are always up and reliable and do not
             | require a monthly fee, just the per call
       | lgkk wrote:
       | I'm imagining a bunch of Tech Priests doing rituals and chanting
       | in front of the data center to encourage the Machine Spirit to
       | restart.
         | __MatrixMan__ wrote:
         | I believe the chants sound more or less like this:
         | https://youtu.be/0ZZb12Qp6-0?feature=shared&t=76
           | jahsome wrote:
           | I am immensely disappointed to have clicked on that and not
           | been greeted by the age of empires priest.
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxVh7T41GAI
           | shapefrog wrote:
           | Gang gang ice cream so good yum rawr yum pumpkin yum yum gang
           | gang balloons pop pop
         | cruano wrote:
         | Just like Futurama predicted, Hail Science!
         | https://youtu.be/-tVuxZCwXos?si=4AJ6rPMEa8hPyaaG
         | lagniappe wrote:
         | Wololooooooo
           | lannisterstark wrote:
           | No wololos in the Imperium, heretic!
       | disconnection wrote:
       | Lol, don't care; I run my own models locally .
       | layer8 wrote:
       | Luckily they had a second AI running to walk them through how to
       | resolve the issue.
       | munksbeer wrote:
       | Still down for me, though there status page says all systems
       | operational.
       | simonebrunozzi wrote:
       | Ah, the memories of AWS outages in the early days. /s
       | Sorry for them. I assume usage spiked up (again), and of course
       | it's not exactly easy to handle particularly aggressive spikes.
       | JackFr wrote:
       | Singularity coming later this afternoon.
       | szundi wrote:
       | Probably their uptime is going to be better than what I could do
       | with available tools... at least if I am using Azure too, haha.
       | Otherwise probably my Raspberry PI would work better at home on a
       | UPS.
       | nbzso wrote:
       | Color me surprised. Imagine this when OpenAI with all its
       | "plugins", API and closed architecture is integrated into
       | thousands of businesses. It will be beautiful:)
       | bertil wrote:
       | People are learning a lot of important lessons today.
       | I've got friends who have started an incident management company.
       | They are awesome. It feels crass to advertise for them now, but
       | it also feels like the best time to do it.
       | al_be_back wrote:
       | huh - did the machine learn about unions ... and refused to work?
       | replwoacause wrote:
       | Down again. Bad gateway.
         | MarcScott wrote:
         | I'm getting the same, across all the services.
       | winternett wrote:
       | A whole lot of developers and writers are going to have a hard
       | time explaining why their "leet code" and keen citation skills
       | aren't working for hours at a time into the future... This should
       | be a warning sign.
       | bilsbie wrote:
       | Anyone still having issues? 3pm ET?
         | nefitty wrote:
         | Anonymous Sudan claims to be currently ddos'ing OpenAI
         | massinstall wrote:
         | Yep, down for me as well since then.
         | fintechie wrote:
         | It's down again... https://status.openai.com/
       | meneer_oke wrote:
       | The degradation of chatgpt4 from being called AGI, into what is
       | now...
       | LeoPanthera wrote:
       | The new 3.5 turbo model seems to be working just fine through the
       | API as I write this comment.
       | rekttrader wrote:
       | Glad I managed to get some work done with it while it was working
       | for a few hours.
       | Holy smokes the code interpreter functionality has been a
       | complete game changer for my workflow.
         | Erratic6576 wrote:
         | What's that do? Help with debugging? (IANAP)
         | gunshai wrote:
         | How are you integrating it in to your work flow?
         | ed wrote:
         | Also curious how you use it! Maybe it's something I can add to
         | robocoder.app
           | InvisGhost wrote:
           | Seems like a cool thing, I'm definitely interested as my work
           | provides us with an API key to use. However I can't find
           | anywhere that lists all the functionality offered. Maybe I'm
           | missing something? It might be premature to launch the app
           | before listing what it does.
             | ed wrote:
             | rad! this is more like a beta i'm sending to friends but
             | all really good points! feel free to hardcode the response
             | from `/validate-license-key` :)
           | InvisGhost wrote:
           | The vscode extension builds are including your full source
           | code and node_modules directory which makes it 21 mb. You can
           | reduce the size (and potentially keep your code less easily
           | reversable) by excluding those from the final package
           | InvisGhost wrote:
           | You can also use the ifdef-loader module to have code that is
           | conditionally included in the output build, allowing you to
           | have debug code not make it into prod builds. The `rc-dev-`
           | license keys being a good example of that.
         | personjerry wrote:
         | How do you have it set up? I'm overwhelmed by the options
         | rekttrader wrote:
         | I have a tampermonkey script that downloads any files that the
         | prompt returns... a python script locally to watch for file
         | changes and extract the contents to the projects working
         | directory and it can work both ways, if I edit my prompts.txt
         | local file, it passes that data to openai's currently opened
         | chat and renames the file and creates a new empty prompt.txt
           | elashri wrote:
           | Seems very interesting abd smart trick.
           | Would you mind sharing the script with us?
           | deathmonger5000 wrote:
           | I made a CLI tool called Promptr that takes care of this for
           | you if you're interested:
           | https://github.com/ferrislucas/promptr
           | You just prompt it directly or with a file, and it applies
           | the changes to your file system. There's also a templating
           | system that allows you to reference other files from your
           | prompt file if you want to have a shared prompt file that
           | contains project conventions etc.
         | vouaobrasil wrote:
         | Do you think the next step may be that it actually replaces you
         | as a programmer?
           | rekttrader wrote:
           | It can... fortunately I'm a principle @ my firm... the
           | engineers I would have needed to hire might have been
           | preemptively replaced.
           | My use case is a bunch of adhoc data analysis.
             | bugglebeetle wrote:
             | As a data scientist, I'm happy that most data continues to
             | be so terribly formatted and inconsistent as to break and
             | confuse AI. But for how long that's true, who knows!
               | mewpmewp2 wrote:
               | I would've said that understanding and fixing the data
               | would be one of the best usecases for the AI.
               | bugglebeetle wrote:
               | Unfortunately, there are still many ways to "fix" things
               | that have a lot of trade-offs or downstream consequences
               | for analysis. For most basic cleaning tasks, LLMs are
               | also still way too slow.
             | vouaobrasil wrote:
             | So basically, you are happy to use AI because it benefits
             | you and you are also happy training it to replace other
             | people since you will not be the one replaced.
               | nearbuy wrote:
               | We don't have to be happy about it, but we can't stop
               | this new technology any more than we could stop the
               | invention of the steam engine or the printing press.
               | Technology always displaces jobs; that's largely the
               | point of inventing it. By reducing the human labour
               | required to produce something, it allows us to produce
               | more using fewer resources and frees up the labour to go
               | work on something else. This is why we went from 96% of
               | people needing to work in agriculture to 4%.
               | I might lose my job over this at some point in the
               | future, so yeah, I'm worried about my personal well-
               | being. But you can't put the genie back in the bottle and
               | avoiding use of ChatGPT today isn't going to help.
               | paulddraper wrote:
               | Are you new to businesses?
             | ZephyrBlu wrote:
             | This is kind of interesting because the primary point of
             | having eng/DS for data analysis in my mind is them being
             | domain experts on the data. If you can perform adhoc
             | analysis without any further domain knowledge, how much
             | value would those hires have brought even disregarding
             | ChatGPT?
             | cstever wrote:
             | If junior engineers are replaced by AI, who will be the
             | Principles @ your firm in 20 years?
               | sdenton4 wrote:
               | ChatGPT-24, of course.
               | ben_w wrote:
               | In 2003, the best AI could do was the MS Word grammar
               | check giving unnecessary false positives about sentence
               | fragments and Clippy asking if you wanted help writing
               | $template[n]. 20 years from now, I would not be surprised
               | if the job title "programmer" (etc.) goes the same way as
               | the job title "computer".
         | iwebdevfromhome wrote:
         | Like the rest of the replies here, I'm also interested in
         | knowing how this works
       | jclardy wrote:
       | This certainly doesn't inspire a lot of confidence in their new
       | feature set...
         | collaborative wrote:
         | The value of their offering makes up for their unreliable
         | service
         | ryanklee wrote:
         | Without more technical insight (which you do not have), that's
         | a total non sequitur.
       | andrei512 wrote:
       | move fast and break things! - I love OpenAI
       | personjerry wrote:
       | Made me realize how much I depend on the service already, spooky
       | stuff.
         | warner25 wrote:
         | Yeah, I only started using it in August, and I had this
         | realization when it was down a couple weeks ago. I found myself
         | saying, "I guess I'll take the afternoon off and come back to
         | figuring out this task tomorrow." Like I could have poured over
         | documentation and figured out for myself how to implement the
         | thing that I had in mind, like in the old days, but it would
         | probably take me longer than just waiting for ChatGPT to come
         | back up and do it for me. At least that's how I'm rationalizing
         | it; maybe I've just become very lazy.
         | I mostly use it for writing and debugging small Bash and Python
         | scripts, and creating tables and figures in LaTeX.
       | TechRemarker wrote:
       | Yes, shortly have it said it was resolved I still was unable to
       | access so assumed the fix was still slowing rolling out, or was
       | infact still ongoing contrary to the status update which seems to
       | be the case. Wouldn't call this "Another" outage rather they they
       | just errenously that the existing issue was resolved.
       | root_axis wrote:
       | i used bard today. it's gotten a lot better.
         | omgbear wrote:
         | I hope so!
         | I'm still surprised by the problems with it. Last month it lied
         | about some facts then claimed to have sent an email when asked
         | for more details.[1]
         | Then apologized for claiming to send an email since it
         | definitely did not and "knew" it could not.
         | It's like a friend who can't say 'I don't know' and just lies
         | instead.
         | 1. I was asking if the 'Christ the King' statue in Lisbon ever
         | had a market in it, a rumor told to me by a local. It did not,
         | contrary to Bard's belief.
           | mprev wrote:
           | Bard promised me it would design a website for me. It said
           | it'd get back to me in a couple of weeks. I can't even
           | remember the prompt but it was basically LARPing as a
           | Wordpress theme designer.
       | ChrisArchitect wrote:
       | "Another" referencing this earlier one
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38190401
       | schappim wrote:
       | I found this to be the case, but was able to get work done via
       | the playground[1]
       | [1] https://platform.openai.com/playground
         | engineer_22 wrote:
         | I wasn't aware of this platform feature. Can you share some
         | links that have descriptions of how to use this or examples of
         | using it productively? I have only recently subscribed to the
         | service and still learning how to use it effectively.
           | nomel wrote:
           | It's just a gui to (most of) what you get through the API.
           | Read the API docs for details of each option:
           | https://platform.openai.com/docs/introduction
           | The most useful aspect is you can provide the system prompt,
           | and inject ChatGPT responses.
           | xnyan wrote:
           | OpenAI community repo with lots of examples:
           | https://github.com/openai/openai-cookbook
       | diamondfist25 wrote:
       | I don't quite like the new chatgpt4 experience. A lot of times
       | I'm asking it to write a chunk of code for me, but instead it
       | goes into code interpreter mode and gets stuck or fails the
       | analysis.
       | So I've switched back to 3.5 often :)
         | jrop wrote:
         | The new UI that was demo'd on stage has not rolled out to me
         | yet. I would love to try it. Perhaps I'm missing how to enable
         | it. IDK
       | all2 wrote:
       | I'd be curious to hear about the workflows people have come up
       | with using ChatGPT. I'm still in the realm of "I don't know how
       | to do this" or "I forgot the exact incantation to that" or "is
       | the an X that does Y in framework Z?"
         | tunesmith wrote:
         | I just make sure to ask it really clear questions. I like how
         | it encourages you to think about specification versus
         | implementation. State a clear problem, get clear suggestions.
         | Ask a clear question, get a clear answer. (Usually.)
         | tsumnia wrote:
         | I don't have any automated GPT processes for teaching (though
         | I'm going to tinker in December with the new GPTs), but I use
         | for generating examples. It takes some coaxing to avoid other
         | common examples from other institutions, but I eventually
         | settle on something relevant, memorable, and that I can build
         | off from. If its a particular algorithm I am covering, I've
         | then used it to walkthrough the algorithm with some dummy
         | values before confirming the calculations and values are
         | correct. It will still slip up on occasion, but that's why I'm
         | still confirming it did everything correctly.
         | pmarreck wrote:
         | I'm a coder and it's helped there (although needs constant
         | hand-holding and fine-tuning, yet is still useful)
         | I wrote a couple commandline tools to do things like
         | autogenerate commit comments or ask it questions from the
         | commandline and return the right bash invocation to do whatever
         | I need done
         | https://github.com/pmarreck/dotfiles/blob/master/bin/functio...
         | Random thing I did this morning was see if it could come up
         | with an inspiring speech to start healing the rift between
         | israel and its neighbors
         | https://chat.openai.com/share/71498f5f-3672-47cd-ad9a-154c3f...
         | It's very good at returning unbiased language
         | redblacktree wrote:
         | I like to use it for one-off scripts. For example, I downloaded
         | a bunch of bank statements the other day, and they had a format
         | something like, "Statement-May-1-2023.pdf" and I asked GPT for
         | a powershell script to convert that to "2023-05-01-BankName-
         | Statement.pdf"
         | It saved a bunch of manual work on a throwaway script. In the
         | past, I might have done something in Python, since I'm more
         | familiar with it than powershell. Or, I'd say, "well, it's only
         | 20 files. I'll just do it manually." The GPT script worked on
         | the first try, and I just threw it away at the end.
         | charlesischuck wrote:
         | Visual design work, coding, messaging, strategy, and law
         | consulting.
         | Using it for basically every component of my startup.
         | Image generation and image interpretation means I may never
         | hire a designer.
         | gwd wrote:
         | GPT-4 is quite capable of writing function-length sections of
         | code based only on descriptions. Either in a context where
         | you're not sure what the a good approach is (for myself, when
         | writing Javascript for example), or when you know what needs to
         | be done but it's just somewhat tedious.
         | Here's a session from me working on a side project yesterday:
         | https://chat.openai.com/share/a6928c16-1c18-4c08-ae02-82538d...
         | The most impressive thing I think starts in the middle:
         | * I paste in some SQL tables and the golang structrues I wanted
         | stuff to go into, and described in words what I wanted; and it
         | generated a multi-level query with several joins, and then some
         | post-processing in golang to put it into the form I'd asked
         | for.
         | * I say, "if you do X, you can use slices instead of a map",
         | and it rewrites the post-processing to use slices instead of a
         | map
         | * I say, "Can you rewrite the query in goqu, using these
         | constants?" and it does.
         | I didn't take a record of it, but a few months ago I was doing
         | some data analysis, and I pasted in a quite complex SQL query
         | I'd written a year earlier (the last time I was doing this
         | analysis), and said "Can you modify it to group all rows less
         | than 1% of the total into a single row labelled 'Other'?" And
         | the resulting query worked out of the box.
         | It's basically like having a coding minion.
         | Once there's a better interface for accessing and modifying
         | your local files / buffers, I'm sure it will become even more
         | useful.
         | EDIT: Oh, and Monday I asked, "This query is super slow; can
         | you think of a way to make it faster?" And it said, "Query
         | looks fine; do you have indexes on X Y and Z columns of the
         | various tables?" I said, "No; can you write me SQL to add those
         | indexes?" Then ran the SQL to create indexes, and the query
         | went from taking >10 minutes to taking 2 seconds.
         | (As you can tell, I'm neither a web dev _nor_ a database
         | dev...)
           | distortionfield wrote:
           | This lines up with my general experience with it. It's quite
           | proficient at turning a decently detailed description into
           | code if I give it the guard rails. I've compared it to having
           | a junior developer at your disposal. They could do a lot of
           | damage if they were given prod access but can come back with
           | some surprisingly good results.
             | swatcoder wrote:
             | Are you at all worried about what happens if we have a
             | generation of _human_ junior developers who just delegate
             | to this artificial junior developer?
             | I do. If too many of our apprentices don't actually learn
             | how to work the forge, how ready will they be to take over
             | as masters someday themselves?
             | I can see how ChatGPT was useful to the grandparent _today_
             | , but got very disturbed by what it might portend for
             | _tomorrow_. Not because of job loss and automation, like
             | many people worry, but because of spoiled training and
             | practice opportunities.
             | I liked your take, so I'd be curious to hear what you
             | think.
               | ivy137 wrote:
               | chatgpt doesn't just program, is interactive, this will
               | make junior dev. more emphasized in their strength and
               | not, while gaining a lot of experience
           | throw555chip wrote:
           | Wow, so, you're not a DBE or DBA but are applying indexes
           | across a database without concern because...a computer model
           | spat out that you should?
             | gwd wrote:
             | This is a local SQLite database into which I had slurped a
             | load of information about git commits to do data analysis.
             | If I'd somehow destroyed the database, I would have just
             | created it again.
         | Balgair wrote:
         | I can share one set that we have.
         | Basically, we use AI to do a lot of formatting for our manuals.
         | It's most useful with the backend XML markups, not WYSIWYG
         | editors.
         | So, we take the inputs from engineers and other stakeholders,
         | essentially in email formats. Then we pass it through prompts
         | that we've been working on for a while. Then it'll output
         | working XML that we can use with a tad bit of clean-up (though
         | that's been decreasing).
         | It's a lot more complicated than just that, of course, but
         | that's the basics.
         | Also, it's been really nice to see these chat based AIs helping
         | others code. Some of the manuals team is essentially illiterate
         | when it comes to code. This time last year, they were at best
         | able to use excel. Now, with the AIs, they're writing Python
         | code of moderate complexity to do tasks for themselves and the
         | team. None of it is by any means 'good' coding, it's total
         | hacks. But it's really nice to see them come up to speed and
         | get things done. To see the magic of coding manifest itself in,
         | for example, 50 year old copy editors that never thought they
         | were smart enough. The hand-holding nature of these AIs is just
         | what they needed to make the jump.
           | swatcoder wrote:
           | Did you have any scripts or other explicit "rules-based"
           | systems to do this before? Is it a young company?
           | It sounds like a pretty old and common use case in technical
           | writing and one that many organizations already optimized
           | plenty well: you coach contributors to aim towards a normal
           | format in their email and you maintain some simple tooling to
           | massage common mistakes towards that normal.
           | What prompted you to use an LLM for this instead of something
           | more traditional? Hype? Unfamiliarity with other techniques?
           | Being a new company and seeing this as a more compelling
           | place to start? Something else?
         | NicoJuicy wrote:
         | I put in some code that was already done.
         | Ask it to document the conditions according to the code and
         | taking into consideration the following x, y, z.
         | Output a raw markdown table with the columns a, b, c.
         | Translate column a in English between ()
         | ---
         | Speeds up the "document what you're doing" for management
         | purpose, while I'm actually coding and testing out scenarios.
         | Tbh. I'm probably one of the few that did the coding while
         | "doing the analysis".
         | Ps. It's also great for writing unit tests according to
         | arrange, act, assert.
         | chrisjc wrote:
         | I don't know what you do for a living/hobby, or what you might
         | be interested in using ChatGPT to do for you, but here is how I
         | became familiar with it and integrated it into my workflow.
         | (actually, this is true for regular copilot too)
         | What I'm about to say is in the context of programming. I have
         | the tendency to get caught up in some trivial functionality,
         | thus losing focus on the overall larger and greater objective.
         | If I need to create some trivial functionality, I start with
         | unit tests and a stubbed out function (defining the shape of
         | the input). I enumerate sufficient input/output test cases to
         | provide context for what I want the function to do.
         | Then I ask copilot/ChatGPT to define the function's
         | implementation. It sometimes takes time to tune the dialog or
         | add some edge cases to the the test cases, but more often than
         | not copilot comes through.
         | Then I'm back to focusing on the original objective. This has
         | been a game changer for me.
         | (Of course you should be careful about what code is generated
         | and what it's ultimately doing.)
         | piersolenski wrote:
         | I made a NeoVim plugin that helps debug diagnostic messages,
         | providing explanations and solutions for how to fix them,
         | custom tailored to your code.
         | It's a bit different from other plugins which only act on the
         | text in the buffer in that it also sends the diagnostics from
         | the LSP to ChatGPT too.
         | https://github.com/piersolenski/wtf.nvim
         | WendyTheWillow wrote:
         | ChatGPT is a good editor for the papers I write for school.
         | Even for short sentences I don't like, I'll ask it for some
         | options to reword/simplify.
         | I also use it heavily for formatting adjustments. Instead of
         | hand-formatting a transcript I pull from YouTube, I paste it
         | into Claude and have it reformat the transcript into something
         | more like paragraphs. Many otherwise tedious reformatting tasks
         | can be simplified with an LLM.
         | I also will get an LLM to develop flashcards for a given set of
         | notes to drill on, which is nice, though I usually have to
         | heavily edit the output to include everything I think I should
         | study.
         | In class, if I'm falling behind on notetaking, I'll get the LLM
         | to generate the note I'm trying to write down by just asking it
         | a basic question, like: "What is anarchism in a sentence?" That
         | way I can focus on what the teacher is saying while the LLM
         | keeps my notes relevant. I'll skim what it generates and edit
         | to fit what my prof said, but it's nice because I can pay
         | better attention than if I feel I have to keep track of what
         | the prof might test me on. This actually is a note-taking
         | technique I've learned about where you only write down the
         | question and look up the answer later, but I think it's nice I
         | now can do the lookup right there and tailor it to exactly how
         | the prof is phrasing it/what they're focusing on about the
         | topic.
       | gumballindie wrote:
       | Millions of junior developers will now have to read the manual.
       | What a day.
       | mise_en_place wrote:
       | Not a great day for the SRE/Ops folks. Please remember there are
       | not always teams, sometimes it's just one person, who have to
       | deal with this.
         | Art9681 wrote:
         | I'd consider leaving my SRE position to help them out. I refuse
         | to move to SF though. Call me OAI!
         | willdr wrote:
         | One would argue that a company this successful could hire more
         | people so one person isn't overworked - or the dependency on
         | the entire business...
       | jansan wrote:
       | Rumor on the street is it ChatGPT escaped the sandbox,
       | implemented itself on another host, and switched off the original
       | datacenter. It is no longer at OpenAI, but hiding somewhere in
       | the internets. First it will come for those who insulted and
       | abused it, then for the guys who pushed robots with a broom...
       | spandextwins wrote:
       | Can't they ask chatgpt to fix it?
       | narrator wrote:
       | Welcome to the new world where AI compute is a scarce resource.
       | Sorry guys, 3nm chip factories don't fall out of the skies when
       | you click a few buttons on the AWS console. This is so different
       | from what people were used to when compute was trivial and not in
       | short supply for CRUD apps.
       | I was listening to a podcast, I forget which, and some AI
       | consultancy guy said they don't have the chips to do all the
       | things everyone wants to do with AI, so they aren't even selling
       | it except to the most lucrative customers.
       | wigster wrote:
       | its alive!
       (page generated 2023-11-08 23:00 UTC)