[HN Gopher] Automerge-Repo: A "batteries-included" toolkit for l...
       Automerge-Repo: A "batteries-included" toolkit for local-first
       Author : gklitt
       Score  : 105 points
       Date   : 2023-11-08 17:19 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (automerge.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (automerge.org)
       | scotttrinh wrote:
       | Super excited to see Automerge getting this high-level API out.
       | Been following since before 1.0 and I can't wait to play around
       | with the latest incarnation! Congrats to the Automerge team.
         | pvh wrote:
         | Thanks, Scott. This API should make it much, much easier for
         | folks to build with Automerge and kind of just encapsulates
         | everything we've been doing in-house over the last few years.
       | zyang wrote:
       | Last time I looked into CRDT, automerge was not as fast/efficient
       | as yjs, but the team was actively improving the algorithm. Is
       | there any benchmark to show the progress.
         | heathermiller wrote:
         | still not as fast/efficient as Yjs. there are some benchmarks
         | here from late September'23: https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.02618
         | disclaimer: i'm a co-author and the paper is focused on a
         | different CRDT framework, but point is that it measures Yjs and
         | automerge side by side
           | pvh wrote:
           | The benchmarks Matt Weidner has been working on are great and
           | outside scrutiny is always welcome, but I should note that I
           | find there's an element of artificiality to them. In
           | particular, testing the performance of the sync system while
           | simulating many users typing into the same document doesn't
           | really measure behaviour we have observed "in the wild". In
           | our research, we've found that editing is usually serial or
           | asynchronous. (See https://inkandswitch.com/upwelling for
           | further discussion of our collaboration research.)
           | The benchmark that concerns me (and that I'm pleased with our
           | progress on!) is that you can edit an entire Ink & Switch
           | long-form essay with Automerge and that the end-to-end
           | keypress-to-paint latency using Codemirror is under 10ms
           | (next frame at 100hz).
           | While these kinds of benchmarks are incredibly appreciated
           | and absolutely drive us to work on optimizing the problems
           | they uncover, we try to work backwards from experienced
           | problems in real usage as our first priority.
             | heathermiller wrote:
             | Ouch Peter. Massive offense taken.
             | > In our research, we've found that editing is usually
             | serial or asynchronous.
             | Medium-to-large-size company with a town hall = many people
             | editing a document at the same time. Workshop at a company
             | or a university with a modest size classroom = many people
             | editing a document at the same time. I can't tell you how
             | many times our web-based collaborative code editors would
             | fall over during talks with small audiences we would give
             | back in the days when I led the Scala Center.
             | Just because one of the benchmarks you have seen (of a
             | multitude of benchmarks) breaks automerge by stressing it
             | in what we believe is the most stressful scenario possible-
             | multiple concurrent users, which is sort of the point of
             | concurrency/collaboration frameworks, does not make it
             | artificial or worth so flippantly discarding.
             | > long-form essay with Automerge and that the end-to-end
             | keypress-to-paint latency using Codemirror is under 10ms
             | (next frame at 100hz)
             | Not at all what we measured.
             | I'd just like to register here that Yjs is the framework
             | most widely used "in real usage" (your words) and not
             | automerge (for many reasons, not just performance.)
               | pvh wrote:
               | Please accept my unreserved apologies, Heather! No
               | offense is intended. I can speak for everyone working on
               | Automerge when I say that we've very much appreciated
               | Matthew's work and have indeed spent quite a lot of time
               | studying and responding to it. We spoke about it in
               | person last week, in fact.
               | As for the use-cases, I do not mean to exclude live
               | collaboration from consideration, just to note that it
               | hasn't been our focus or come up often in the use-cases
               | we study. Live meeting notes are definitely a real use-
               | case and I don't dispute the performance results you
               | show.
               | As for Y-js, it's a wonderful piece of software with
               | excellent performance and a vibrant community made by
               | exceptional people like Kevin Jahns. We simply have
               | slightly different goals in our work, which undoubtedly
               | reflect where our engineering investments lie.
               | Indeed, your paper did not measure the same things we
               | look at, and that's why it found new results. Hopefully
               | in time we will join the other systems in performing well
               | on your benchmarks as well.
       | anglinb wrote:
       | This is super powerful, been playing around with the previous
       | releases for the past few days. It works really well, but still
       | needs a few dx tweaks to make it performant for large
       | applications. You have to watch the callbacks yourself to update
       | slices of state and unless your app is small enough that the
       | whole thing can re-render every update.
       | That being said, I love everything automerge is doing and hope
       | this pace will keep up!
       | pcl wrote:
       | Cool stuff!
       | What do you suggest is the sweet spot for document size and
       | "hotness"? Your cookbook [0] says "We suspect that an Automerge
       | document is best suited to being a unit of collaboration between
       | two people or a small group." Does that mean tens of kilobytes?
       | Hundreds? More? And how much concurrent contention is viable? And
       | is the "atom of contention" the document as a whole, or do you
       | have any plans for merging of sub-parts?
       | Also, do you have support for juggling multiple transports,
       | either concurrently or back-to-back? In particular, I'm thinking
       | about synchronizing via the cloud when connected, and falling
       | back to peer-to-peer when offline. In that peer-to-peer case, how
       | many peers can I have, and can my peer network behave as a mesh,
       | or must it stick together to some degree?
       | And finally, it looks like your tutorial [1] doesn't actually
       | exist! You refer to it in a blog post [2], but it's a dead link.
       | [0] https://automerge.org/docs/cookbook/modeling-data/
       | [1] https://automerge.org/docs/tutorial/introduction/
       | [2] https://automerge.org/blog/automerge-2/
         | pvh wrote:
         | The way I think about it is that if the data should always
         | travel together it should be in one document. For example -- if
         | your TODO list always goes as a unit, then make it an array of
         | objects in a single Automerge document. On the other hand, if
         | you want to build an issue tracker and to be able to link to
         | individual issues or share them individually then a document
         | each is the way to go. Does that help?
         | As for network transports you can indeed have multiple at once.
         | I usually have a mix of in-browser transports (MessageChannels)
         | and WebSocket connections. I suspect we'll need to do a little
         | adjusting to account for prioritization once people really
         | start to push on this with things like mDNS vs relay server
         | connections but the design should accommodate that just fine.
         | As for the docs, my apologies. The "tutorial" was merged into
         | the quickstart as part of extensive documentation upgrades over
         | the last few months. We should update the link in the old blog
         | post accordingly.
         | Here's a link to save you the effort:
         | https://automerge.org/docs/quickstart/
       | xrd wrote:
       | If you are interested in this, check out the video from
       | StrangeLoop 2023:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr0a5KyD6BU
       | Also, check out the unconf for localfirst that happened right
       | after 2023:
       | https://github.com/LoFiUnconf/stlouis2023
       | Ink & Switch is doing such interesting stuff. Their after party
       | at StrangeLoop was so cool.
         | bryanlarsen wrote:
         | It's too bad the unconf was full, I didn't get in. Hopefully
         | they do it again.
       | idosh wrote:
       | How is it compared replicache, watermelondb and the rest?
       | bomewish wrote:
       | Seems we have a really great technical spec -- but aren't y'all
       | gonna build a product on it and let us pay you to use? A google
       | docs for markdown/quarto documents would be brilliant but
       | apparently does not yet exist...
         | pvh wrote:
         | Automerge is a library that anyone can adopt, and we are a
         | research organization, not a product company.
         | We have built a variety of projects with Automerge, both
         | publicly and for use in private, including recently the
         | markdown-with-comments editor we call Tiny Essay Editor
         | (https://tiny-essay-editor.netlify.app/) by Geoffrey Litt.
         | That said, sponsoring the Automerge team helps us build faster
         | and is always welcome. (Thanks to our current and past sponsors
         | for their support!)
       | satvikpendem wrote:
       | Nice, I use automerge with Rust via autosurgeon [0] which is
       | their Rust wrapper, but looks like it hasn't been updated
       | recently, any updates on that? I'm guessing with a small team
       | that web support is taking priority right now, as I'm running
       | this on my Rust client (technically Flutter but via the FFI
       | package flutter_rust_bridge [1]) and server (via the Axum web
       | server crate).
       | [0] https://github.com/automerge/autosurgeon
       | [1] https://github.com/fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge
         | izak30 wrote:
         | We're using the same stack, along with automerge-repo-rs, we
         | haven't needed much in the way of updates, what are you hoping
         | for that doesn't exist?
         | Edit: Typo `autosurgeon-repo-rs` to `automerge-repo-rs` and
         | link. https://github.com/automerge/automerge-repo-rs
           | satvikpendem wrote:
           | Is autosurgeon-repo-rs separate from autosurgeon? I can't
           | find anything by that specific name on Google.
           | The API is still a little clunky, with hydrating and
           | reconciling, and it's not as clean as the automerge-repo one,
           | especially with those React examples.
             | izak30 wrote:
             | Sorry for the typo. Updated. I get what you mean but maybe
             | I've gotten used to it. We also added a little sibling
             | library to it for partial hydrating and reconciling that
             | fits our patterns better.
             | https://github.com/bowtieworks/automerge_orm
       | parhamn wrote:
       | Anyone have any info on who is behind this project, how reliable
       | it is (will it be around in 2 years), etc? Considering using it
       | for one of my projects.
         | pvh wrote:
         | Ink & Switch is behind it; or more expansively mostly Orion
         | Henry, Alex Good, Martin Kleppmann, and myself. As an
         | organization, we have been working on Automerge for about six
         | years now. We also have a wonderful community of other
         | contributors both in industry and research.
         | Automerge is not VC-backed software. Indeed, for a number of
         | years Automerge was primarily a research project used within
         | the lab. Over the last year, it has matured to production
         | software under the supervision of Alex Good. The improved
         | stability and performance has been a great benefit to both our
         | community and internal users. Our intention is to run the
         | project as sponsored open source for the foreseeable future and
         | thus far we have done so thanks to the support of our sponsors
         | and through some development grants.
         | Ink & Switch's research interests drive a lot of Automerge
         | development but funding from sponsors allows us to work on
         | features that are not research-oriented or to accelerate work
         | that we'd like to do but that doesn't have current research
         | applications. If you adopt Automerge for a commercial project,
         | I'd encourage you to join the sponsors of Automerge to ensure
         | its long-term viability.
       (page generated 2023-11-08 23:00 UTC)