[HN Gopher] HTML First
       HTML First
       Author : tonyennis
       Score  : 496 points
       Date   : 2023-11-12 16:00 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (html-first.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (html-first.com)
       | ricardobeat wrote:
       | "Locality of behaviour" is such a poorly defined rule. It's just
       | an invented name for going against separation of concerns.
       | Calling CSS "spooky action at a distance" is a massive stretch
       | too. Good principles here but the arguments are quite weak and
       | could be much simpler.
         | Retric wrote:
         | The primary stated goal is "substantially widen the pool of
         | people who can work on web software codebases." That's very
         | different from typical advice for programmers.
         | Customization isn't required as long as defaults work. As such
         | the efficiency gains from CSS etc take a back seat to
         | simplicity.
         | 1shooner wrote:
         | Tailwind is a build step with just as much 'spooky action at a
         | distance'. If it wasn't, we'd just use inline CSS.
         | With Tailwind you're trusting a 3rd party library to abstract
         | the CSS spec for you, and for that abstracted quasi-spec to be
         | followed by your build configuration.
           | dartos wrote:
           | I think there are some other benefits of tailwind. Say you
           | have a set of css classes for different components.
           | Then say one component on one page now needs to be styled
           | differently.
           | You have 3 options: 1. Create a whole new class which
           | duplicates much of the previous class 2. Create a smaller
           | class which is intended to override some rules from the first
           | class 3. Factor out the common styles into smaller classes.
           | All have some maintainability concerns, but taking the 3rd
           | option to the extreme makes the problem non existent in the
           | first place.
           | That's the real strength of tailwind. Preventing a critical
           | mass of one off styles from making your whole css setup
           | unmanageable
             | 1shooner wrote:
             | Generally this makes sense to me, and if you are just
             | dropping markup onto the page, and don't need to worry
             | about repeating yourself when using that component, I think
             | that works well. Definitely better than your alternatives.
             | But if you've encapsulated the component at all, you're
             | going to need to manage that variant somehow. You can't
             | just have an 'extra tailwind classes' prop, since you can't
             | ensure your overrides will take precedence.
             | Why not expose the component's styles via component-level
             | tokens referenced through css variables? Then your new
             | variant is a single css class on the component root that
             | sets any new component token values that are then loaded by
             | the component's existing css.
               | dartos wrote:
               | I'm not entirely sure what you mean by component-level
               | tokens, but it sounds like tailwind's themes do what
               | you're saying.
               | Most of tailwind's classes use css variables under the
               | hood, so setting some of those variables in a class and
               | apply thing that class to the top level element of a
               | component will do the trick.
               | But you could have an "extraClasses" prop with tailwind.
               | Classes that appear later in a class attribute take
               | precedence over one's that appear earlier.
               | I also thing it's possible to mark tailwind classes as
               | important, though I don't like doing that.
               | 1shooner wrote:
               | A component level token would be if your `myCard`
               | component populated all of it's styles with component-
               | specific css-variables, e.g. "myCard-bg", "myCard-
               | padding". It's basically defining the styling api for
               | your component. If you have a new variant that needs to
               | style another property, then you should probably extend
               | your component's style api accordingly (by defining a new
               | component token and providing the default). As I say, I
               | haven't yet used this approach, but it does make some
               | sense to me. It's also useful if you're designing
               | components across tech, targeting other style languages
               | besides CSS.
               | >Classes that appear later in a class attribute take
               | precedence over one's that appear earlier.
               | This would be news to me, and it doesn't look like that's
               | the case in TW, based on some experimenting at
               | play.tailwindcss.com. If there are 2 classes on an
               | element with rules that resolve to the same priority and
               | define the same css styles, the last CSS rule to be
               | parsed wins. Presumably you don't have control over that
               | in TW.
           | mattlondon wrote:
           | Inline CSS is a total anti-pattern apart from the absolute
           | most basic pages IMO.
           | There is no harm in a plain CSS file, and applying classes at
           | the element level in the HTML.
           | If you put in-line CSS in the HTML is not only leads to
           | severe duplication, but is also a maintenance nightmare if
           | you want to change anything. It works fine if all you are
           | changing is a colour or whatever, but often there are
           | margins, paddings, letter spacings, font sizes etc etc which
           | lead to quite a lot of extra crap in each element on your
           | page. Repeating those all over each if your HTML files is a
           | real burden. Just use a single CSS file with sensibly named
           | classes - it doesn't need to be sass or anything, just plain
           | CSS is fine.
             | threatofrain wrote:
             | > Just use a single CSS file with sensibly named classes
             | IMO you no longer need an intelligent naming philosophy for
             | CSS classes due to how far CSS has come.
               | mattlondon wrote:
               | Well the point I was trying to make was to _not_ do what
               | the article says and name your class e.g.  "green", but
               | instead to name it something more sensible like
               | "approved" or "updated" or something about the _semantic_
               | nature of the style, rather than what the style actually
               | is.
               | The reasoning is that maybe today it is just "green" but
               | then what if one day the color in the CSS is changed, and
               | it is not actually green anymore? You now either need to
               | change the CSS class name everywhere, or leave it as
               | "green" and confuse everyone because it is actually blue
               | on-screen? This only scratches the surface - there are
               | all manner of other considerations to think about
               | (different display/print medias, dark/light preferences,
               | HCM etc)
               | iudqnolq wrote:
               | The core argument for tailwind is that it won't just be
               | "make the approved text white on blue instead of white on
               | green". Maybe you'll get "make the approved text a bubble
               | with a checkmark on the left and make the title two lines
               | where the second line is ..."
               | Frequently the change needed requires changing the html
               | as well as the css (or maybe awkward advanced css). So
               | you may as use a library/framework that lets you write an
               | Approved component. At that point it's better to have the
               | css and html for the Approved component in its own file
               | as when you're updating the style you'll need to change
               | some mixture of the html and css.
               | Without components tailwind is probably a bad choice.
               | zlg_codes wrote:
               | Could you expand on this? Class names in CSS are just as
               | important, if not moreso, than naming variables in
               | typical programming.
               | Back in the late 90s and early 2000s, the dominant
               | ideology is to use semantic class names, e.g. ".sidebar"
               | instead of ".blue_bar" or similar. Essentially, don't
               | describe how something _looks_ with its name.
               | Even when building JS apps, I use CSS classes
               | semantically with ".selected" ".menubar", etc.
               | I am interested in reading your philosophy on CSS
               | classes.
               | zztop44 wrote:
               | The exception is when using a framework which isolates
               | CSS at the component level, in which case your class
               | names don't matter anywhere near as much because you'll
               | only ever see them alongside the corresponding HTML.
           | mock-possum wrote:
           | It's hard for me not to see Tailwind as using the class
           | attribute to reproduce the style attribute - burying your
           | html tags under a pile of css classes doesn't feel that much
           | different than defining those styles inline.
             | aniforprez wrote:
             | Only people who haven't used tailwind say this. A lot of
             | tailwind classes aren't singular styles but a composite of
             | style attributes and mostly define behaviours rather than
             | just expose a single CSS attribute. And a lot of that
             | behaviour is applying styles on hover, on media queries, on
             | grouped elements and other extremely common user actions,
             | none of which are possible with inline styles
             | wildrhythms wrote:
             | The styles are already coupled to the component anyway, so
             | what's your problem with putting them in the markup? The
             | alternative is making up arbitrary class names and putting
             | the styles in a separate file: now you've added an extra
             | layer of mapping that the developer after you has to grok.
         | jbverschoor wrote:
         | Problems are multidimensional.
         | If we look at HTML as a document / presentation language, we
         | cannot deny styling. CSS is not only styling, but also adds
         | animation.
         | In any case, CSS can be seen as aspect oriented programming.
         | The real problem described here is the lack of great tooling
         | across languages / frameworks.
         | NortySpock wrote:
         | (coming from a C# shop with too many interfaces) I think it's a
         | natural counter-reaction to overly abstracted systems.
         | If "making the red-bouncy-plonk button instead become the blue-
         | wobble-thunk button" requires chasing through a maze of 3-to-7
         | interfaces and classes to find which classes need new
         | implementations and which can be reused... Suddenly what
         | sounded like a 10 minute change becomes half a day of swearing
         | under your breath at either the compiler or the previous
         | engineer.
         | Sure, abstract things, but make sure there's also a way to
         | bundle behavior together in one common spot, so I don't have to
         | touch 6 files to update one component.
         | https://htmx.org/essays/locality-of-behaviour/#conflict-with...
         | usrbinbash wrote:
         | > "Locality of behaviour" is such a poorly defined rule.
         | And "separation of concerns" isn't?
         | What should be separated? Along what lines? How do we determine
         | these lines? When does it make sense to pull some concerns out
         | into another class/framework/markup/whatever? When does it make
         | more sense to leave things stuck together?
         | The answer is: _" It depends"_.
         | Not separating anything leads to spaghetti. Separating as much
         | as possible, all the time, everywhere, leads to overly
         | abstracted code that is easily as hard to maintain as
         | spaghetti.
           | sodapopcan wrote:
           | Yep. I've said this often but whatever:
           | JS, CSS, and HTML aren't concerns, they are technologies that
           | have cross-cutting concerns.
       | pc86 wrote:
       | I want to agree with this based on the title, but why would you
       | do something like this:                   <div class="bg-green"
       | onlick="this.classList.add('green')">Click me</div>
       | if you're already using React? Yes the React code is a lot more
       | verbose and has a bunch of "cruft" for lack of a better word. But
       | you're already using it for the rest of your site, so you should
       | (IMO) continue using it rather than mixing and matching
       | approaches.
         | 8organicbits wrote:
         | I don't think you'd mix in React with this approach.
           | pc86 wrote:
           | Isn't it much easier to know you're going to use React (or
           | Svelte or Vue or anything else) and just start there?
           | Starting a build in HTML-first only to bolt on a JS framework
           | after the fact seems like a lot of wasted effort.
             | listenallyall wrote:
             | The whole point of this essay is to encourage developers to
             | avoid heavy frameworks like React, Vue, etc and use
             | "lightweight" tools, including vanilla JS and native HTML
             | features, instead.
               | pc86 wrote:
               | Sure, I'm just talking about that middle ground where
               | you're trying to go with this approach and find that you
               | now need a bunch of JS framework features.
               | listenallyall wrote:
               | are you trolling? 10 people in this thread have already
               | explained that the point is to avoid using a heavy
               | framework, yet you keep insisting that one is necessary.
               | zlg_codes wrote:
               | I think the GP is referring to when people misunderstand
               | the scope of their project, start without a framework,
               | and the complexity reaches a point where the framework
               | would actually help.
               | I'm not sure what that looks like, because if it gets
               | complex enough it's a sign I need to refactor, imo.
               | moritzwarhier wrote:
               | I once built a project-tailored combobox using Alpine.js
               | - this is about where it breaks down.
               | It worked, it was a lot of fun to write because it went
               | really fast, even with some bells and whistles. Whole
               | thing was my escape hatch when datalist attribute didn't
               | work. It also worked well.
               | Alpine JS feels like a simpler version of Vue 2 without a
               | build step and without any of the complex or confusing
               | stuff (and of course with a focus on HTML not rendered by
               | JS).
               | But when I saw what this turned into as a BE colleague
               | copied it to the next form, making some adjustments... oh
               | my, I prefer external and reusable JS (or a JS-first
               | approach to templating, like React) any day.
               | Still, Alpine is really awesome for minimal interactions
               | and simple JS.
               | When working outside React, it's hard not to miss it for
               | the simplicity of doing everyday stuff inline in the
               | HTML.
               | alethiophile wrote:
               | Alpine is primarily designed to be reused via server
               | templating. You use a single template per component to do
               | the in-HTML side, using the server template's facilities
               | to handle variations as necessary. Then you can factor
               | out complex common behaviors into Javascript using
               | Alpine.data.
               | It definitely does have a maximum size of project it's
               | suitable for. In particular, it's thoroughly individual-
               | component-based; changing anything outside the component
               | requires tacking on non-native hacks, and doing a full
               | interactive app with it would be a painful exercise. But
               | for adding simple interactivity to a primarily server-
               | rendered web page, I've found it to be quite useful.
             | evantbyrne wrote:
             | It might be easier to staff for. But developing a React
             | frontend takes way more time than just server rendering
             | HTML and layering in JS for the vast majority of use cases.
               | willsmith72 wrote:
               | that's just speculation. I can say also anecdotally from
               | my experience, developing a react frontend takes way less
               | time.
         | tambourine_man wrote:
         | >But you're already using it for the rest of your site
         | I'm not
         | DustinBrett wrote:
         | Also with "onlick" you have to lick it to trigger the event.
           | globalise83 wrote:
           | I see you are also a fan of lickable.js
             | debo_ wrote:
             | What are HNs policies around tongue-in-cheek comments?
               | tempodox wrote:
               | Tongue-in-cheek is OK after a lick.
         | seadan83 wrote:
         | I thought the point of the article was more to avoid react if
         | all you want to do is change background color. Thus more: don't
         | use react in the first place, rather than: here is how to use
         | less react.
       | 8organicbits wrote:
       | Does anyone have a good list of vanilla approaches? I'm a fan of
       | details/summary, but I'm sure there are more I don't know.
         | ChrisAntaki wrote:
         | These vanilla JavaScript features are pretty great IMO
         | - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
         | US/docs/Web/API/Document/qu...
         | - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
         | US/docs/Web/API/Document/qu...
         | - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
         | US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Refe...
         | - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
         | US/docs/Web/API/Element/ins...
         | - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
         | US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget...
         | - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API
           | calvinmorrison wrote:
           | Tbf they got better. Jquery basically existed because the js
           | builtins were hairy
         | HerrBertling wrote:
         | I like datalist quite a bit for ,,poor man's autocomplete" -
         | you can dynamically fill it via JS and will get the suggestions
         | shown in the completion fields above the keyboard on mobile
         | and... well, something (?) on desktop. Not as nice as an
         | autocomplete, but with way less issues re accessibility etc.
         | Edit: Forgot two things:
         | - You can disable the `fieldset` attribute to disable all
         | inputs within. So properly nest your forms and you'll have a
         | simpler way of controlling forms.
         | - Buttons can have a `value` attribute which works great to
         | differentiate between various action paths for e.g. list items
         | (delete, edit,...)
       | Dunedan wrote:
       | I'm a big fan of that approach, but it's kind of funny (and sad)
       | that such a simple page doesn't even look as intended with
       | JavaScript disabled, as there are some placeholders of
       | CloudFlare's Email Address Obfuscation visiable in some of the
       | code listings.
       | irrational wrote:
       | I love that people are finally coming around to abandoning the
       | build step.
       | corethree wrote:
       | React was designed to solve all these problems. Now these
       | problems are used to solve react.
       | Programming, like life, is a flat circle.
         | robinhood wrote:
         | No, it was designed to address problems that were not solvable
         | by the then-current state of simple technologies.
           | corethree wrote:
           | All the things React does is doable with plain javascript.
           | There aren't any extra features added.
           | React was designed to address complexities. It is an
           | abstraction.
           | Now we want to go backwards. Getting rid of the abstraction
           | to get rid of complexities. But getting rid of complexities
           | was the whole point of react.
             | evantbyrne wrote:
             | Agree to disagree. Building a React frontend is extremely
             | complicated compared to server rendering HTML with
             | progressive enhancement. It introduces state management to
             | the frontend for even the most basic tasks, which is not
             | something most web applications benefit from. When I built
             | my CI/CD platform (Beaker Studio), the React portion
             | probably added a solid 50% extra time to the project and
             | really did nothing for it functionally.
               | corethree wrote:
               | No you agree. You're just not understanding.
               | The purpose of react was to simplify the complexities of
               | front end web development. Just like the purpose of the
               | DOM was to do the same thing.
               | Now this article is pointing to going back to the DOM for
               | a similar purpose. The cycle on the great circle of life
               | occurs because we are repeatedly attempting and failing
               | to fulfill the singular purpose of building a clean API
               | for ui construction.
               | The dom was a failure, react was a failure. What do you
               | think going back to the DOM will do?
               | evantbyrne wrote:
               | > The dom was a failure, react was a failure. What do you
               | think going back to the DOM will do?
               | It'll give me that extra 50% effort back. Although I've
               | used React for years, I have never been on the bandwagon.
               | Having built many React SPAs with different teams at this
               | point I'm confident it has always been a step backwards.
               | corethree wrote:
               | Yeah but react was designed to address a problem. I don't
               | know if you recall but people were complaining a lot back
               | then. There were tons of frameworks attempting to solve
               | the issue. Only react came out in top.
               | By stepping back we are just going back to the same
               | problem.
               | The next abstraction will attempt to solve the same
               | problem again. Very likely in a similar way react failed,
               | the next abstraction will introduce new issues and there
               | will be another trend to go backwards again.
               | evantbyrne wrote:
               | I don't have fond memories of early React; It was
               | extremely verbose not having hooks until relatively
               | recently, build tools were necessary but a horrible mess,
               | and it was falsely advertised as being faster than
               | vanilla JS. Hype around Facebook carried React. It has
               | improved massively since then, but so has vanilla JS. I
               | don't see a transition away from React as a step back at
               | all. React made rendering new elements client-side and
               | attaching events cleaner, but that was never a hard
               | problem per se and we have web components now.
               | corethree wrote:
               | I never said a transition back from react is not an
               | improvement. Again you're not getting it.
               | I'm saying we had problems with vanilla js initially and
               | we've never moved forward. The fact that we are going
               | back to vanilla js is reopening all the old issues are a
               | sign that we are in stagnation.
               | Nothing has changed. It's a circle of attempting to
               | improve and failing.
               | infamia wrote:
               | > The dom was a failure, react was a failure. What do you
               | think going back to the DOM will do?
               | Facebook (rightly) said the VDOM was needed at because of
               | rough edges around the performance of DOM implementations
               | in assorted browsers. The DOM has improved over the past
               | 15 years or so to the point where things like HTMX and
               | AlpineJs are viable for more use cases. React and the DOM
               | have not failed, they are tools that have their uses and
               | limitations. Looking for one solution to rule them all is
               | ultimately an exercise in futility and disappointment.
               | Instead we should be looking at ways to integrate React
               | and hypermedia so they interoperate more smoothly (e.g.,
               | web components or similar solutions).
               | corethree wrote:
               | No. The entire front end ecosystem is simply cruft added
               | onto something that was fundamentally designed for
               | something else. The "improvements" are attempts at fixing
               | a flawed design while maintaining the old core design
               | Similar to the cruft on top of C++.
               | >Looking for one solution to rule them all is ultimately
               | an exercise in futility and disappointment
               | React and the dom were also exercises in futility and
               | disappointment. They didn't seem that way at the time but
               | as time went on it became clear what their problems were.
               | The same thing can be said of htmx and alpine and
               | whatever big framework that comes next.
               | Additionally who says their can't be one solution to rule
               | them all? You think if your quotation eludes to some
               | fictional story of lotr suddenly it makes sense? There is
               | nothing in reality or logic that says we can create a
               | design that can do better than all the apis that
               | currently exist.
               | This idea that you can only male tools that do one thing
               | well is fundamentally illogical. There are tons and tons
               | of tools that do multiple things well. Take your car. It
               | doesn't just get you from point a to point b. It air
               | conditions you, it plays music... It provides safety, it
               | gives you directions.
             | infamia wrote:
             | I think this is because HTML, CSS, vanilla JS, browser DOM
             | implementations, and networks have all gotten better.
             | Whereas the complexity/churn around JS tooling (and to a
             | lesser extent React) has grown. Additionally, the overuse
             | and abuse of React, to the point people are making largely
             | static sites with React, which is largely a total waste of
             | time. This has caused people to take a second look at their
             | options, which should be viewed as totally natural.
             | I don't think of it as "going backwards", so much as
             | reassessing and questioning the tools we are using and
             | using the best one at hand. I don't know of anyone who
             | suggests using hypermedia for all applications, just use it
             | where appropriate and use React when simpler technology
             | falls short.
         | pphysch wrote:
         | How was React designed to "avoid the build step" or "make View
         | Source useful"?
           | corethree wrote:
           | React was designed as an abstraction layer on top of the
           | source. Why?
           | Because the source was too complex.
           | Now we want to expose the source and get rid of the
           | abstraction... Why?
           | Because the abstraction is too complex.
           | Recurse and repeat.
             | pphysch wrote:
             | There won't be a repeat. WASM is a clearly better
             | compilation target than JS, and browsers have greatly
             | improved the "vanilla" DX.
             | TypeScript ecosystem is the Enterprise Java of this decade,
             | except it's built on shakier foundations, i.e. you can run
             | some ancient JVM, but good luck relying on an ancient
             | browser version & node dependencies. There will probably
             | still be tons of job-security in the next couple decades,
             | but it's not forward-looking technologically.
               | corethree wrote:
               | Building a language and a framework on top of wasm is
               | just another abstraction.
               | Ironically you mention the jvm which further proves the
               | existence of the flat circle.
               | We've done it before... We will do it again.
             | cphoover wrote:
             | Yes, I remember when Microsoft FrontPage was the go to
             | wysiwyg editor for web development along with Dreamweaver
             | most styles were added inline.
             | At some point wysiwyg editors fell out of favor as they
             | generated both unmaintainable styles and markup.
             | Style sheets took hold and the insanity that was inline
             | styles were dropped in favor of external style sheets.
             | Today we have tailwinds.css and inline styles are coming
             | back in vogue.
             | Wysiwyg editors are coming back in the form of code
             | generators that convert designs into react components.
             | This author is even a proponent of inline event handlers
             | which were the standard way of doing things before
             | JavaScript really became a powerful language and added
             | "addEventlistener".
             | Flat circle repeated over and over again.
             | Part of me wonders if these authors are just too young to
             | remember those days. Otherwise why wouldn't they mention
             | the historical context when writing these kind of articles?
             | It's funny when younger people espouse these new ideas as
             | new and revolutionary when really they are a return to
             | older patterns that fell out of style for whatever reason
             | and are now being resold with different packaging.
               | corethree wrote:
               | There's no theory behind program design and organization.
               | We have no formal definition about whether one design is
               | better than the other.
               | Thus, History is doomed to repeat itself as software
               | technology moves horizontally forever, with practitioners
               | never knowing if the current abstraction was better than
               | the previous one.
         | ativzzz wrote:
         | How poignant - another post on the front page -
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38236607
         | Top quote in the article
         | > I don't think computing is a real field. It acts like a pop
         | culture, it deals in fads, and it doesn't even know its own
         | roots. And worse than that it does not know about the really
         | good things that were done in the past. -- Alan Kay
       | hypertexthero wrote:
       | Not bad, and reminded me of Simple & Useful:
       | > Can html be styled well enough and simply enough so that anyone
       | can write for the web, using just a text editor, and share that
       | work with anyone else, regardless of the platform they are using,
       | the speed of their connection and any disabilities they may have?
       | https://s3.amazonaws.com/simpleuseful/index.html
       | From the old-school Introduction to Web Design:
       | https://web.archive.org/web/20210414030104/https://www.cours...
       | tithos81 wrote:
       | This is perfect for Svelte
       | apavlinovic wrote:
       | This is a blog spam post written by an author that has no
       | credibility in the space rather than creating an agency that
       | touts itself as "A software agency that doesn't suck.". How
       | bizarre.
       | Even more, the author uses every possible library under the sun,
       | from Tailwind to Framer, only to evangelise about raw HTML and
       | topics he provides no credibility on.
       | To add to that, even the links to learn more about their agency
       | all lead to Twitter, rather than LinkedIn, Clutch and Sortlist.
         | laurent123456 wrote:
         | I like how he concludes "The practices and principles described
         | on this site are still considered niche in the industry as a
         | whole". Like he's the only one out there who knows about the
         | details/summary tags, or who uses static HTML documents instead
         | of React.
           | graypegg wrote:
           | The details tag is a mainstay of the "You don't need JS"
           | genre. Every time I see it mentioned in one of these, it's
           | always presented like it's new, unknown, and maybe a bit
           | secretive. "OoOOoOo, bet you would write a component for this
           | right? Well aren't you feeling silly??"
           | I think it's showed up on every app I've worked on for the
           | past 5 years.
           | zlg_codes wrote:
           | Are the practices that the author wrote about common? Judging
           | from comments, frameworks are more common than plain JS, and
           | half of those using frameworks don't fully understand what's
           | possible without one.
           | I think it's fair to say a practice is niche if you don't see
           | it anywhere and appear to be one of the few talking about it.
           | Let's see your website.
         | mixmastamyk wrote:
         | Textbook ad-hominem mixed with a side order of appeal to
         | authority.
           | zlg_codes wrote:
           | Yeah, kinda gross. It takes zero effort to call someone's
           | writings "blogspam". Would love to see comment OP's website
           | so we can compare it to some random "agency".
           | Probably some "entrepreneur" chud.
       | Jtsummers wrote:
       | This one confuses me:
       | > Where libraries are necessary, use libraries that leverage html
       | attributes over libraries built around javascript or custom
       | syntax
       | And then they demo using _hyperscript [0] as encouraged. However,
       | that's a library built around a custom syntax. It's only using an
       | HTML attribute to encode a script that's in a new language you
       | need to learn. Is this serious?
       | [0] https://hyperscript.org
         | gbro3n wrote:
         | Alpine.js would have been a better recommendation according to
         | the authors advice as it is straight forward JS plus HTML
         | attributes.
         | dartos wrote:
         | I think hyperscript has some people trying to hype it up bc
         | it's related to HTMX, but imo is more of a fun novelty.
         | mattlondon wrote:
         | I would agree - the example of an an attribute of `_` and then
         | some obscure DSL statement as a value looks super weird and
         | confusing.
         | I would rather there was just an explicit `onclick` (or some
         | other event) in there with a vanilla JavaScript statement so I
         | know what is happening.
         | brennopost wrote:
         | Maybe the author swapped the encouraged and discouraged.
         | recursivedoubts wrote:
         | yeah, kinda.
         | source: I'm the creator of hyperscript.
           | Jtsummers wrote:
           | I'm not saying hyperscript isn't serious (I have no opinion
           | on it at all actually). I'm saying the claim "avoid DSLs"
           | followed by an example using a DSL is a sign of unseriousness
           | on the part of the author of _HTML First_.
           | Six principles and one of them is presented with an example
           | that blatantly violates that same principle. I could see a
           | mistake like this slipping through if there were many more
           | principles and examples, but this is a relatively short piece
           | for such an error to slip in.
         | athrowaway3z wrote:
         | I suspect this is a 'List of tips' written explicitly to
         | promote hyperscript.
         | Its example is also pretty weak. Vanilla solutions (Tip 1)
         | works just as well:
         | <div> <input type="text"
         | oninput="this.nextElementSibling.innerText = this.value"/> <div
         | id="output"></div> </div>
           | assimpleaspossi wrote:
           | note that the <input> tag does not use and does not need a
           | closing slash and never has in any HTML specification.
           | https://html.spec.whatwg.org/dev/embedded-
           | content.html#the-i...
             | josephg wrote:
             | Yep. It's one of a handful of _void elements_ along with
             | <img> and <br>.
             | Also using a slash to self close a tag is not part of the
             | html spec and it never has been part of the spec. The
             | browser doesn't know what that means on any tag. If you
             | write <div /> the browser ignores the slash and thinks you
             | still haven't closed your Div.
               | zlg_codes wrote:
               | I'm adding context to this because you're only telling
               | part of the story:
               | self-closing tags are necessary for void elements in XML
               | and XHTML, both technologies that are still supported on
               | the Web. Since XHTML processes HTML as XML, it forces it
               | to be well-formed. Unlike HTML, which has all sorts of
               | tag-soup and quirks modes and other things, because it's
               | lax in its syntax.
               | Void elements lacking the need for a closing tag or
               | closing slash is one of the weird edge cases in HTML.
               | While it's not in the HTML spec, it may still be seen in
               | the wild in XML and XHTML documents and is not
               | _universally_ bad or unsupported.
           | Jtsummers wrote:
           | Which makes the example even more egregious. There are
           | certainly better ones that:
           | 1. Can't be easily done with vanilla JS and so can justify
           | using a library.
           | 2. Don't need a library with a DSL in direct opposition to
           | the claimed principle (avoid DSLs).
       | graypegg wrote:
       | I love the ideas here, but honestly the examples are a bit weak
       | here.
       | > Where possible, default to defining style and behaviour with
       | inline HTML attributes
       | but their example wouldn't work.                 <div class="bg-
       | green" onlick="this.classList.add('green')">
       | should probably be                 <div
       | onclick="this.classList.add('bg-green')">
       | which I think makes it a little more clear how weird this could
       | get if you wanted to add more styles. You just keep growing the
       | params passed to the ClassList add method, in a string. I would
       | personally find                 <button></button>
       | button:active { background: green; }
       | to be much more readable, but the author seems to imply this is
       | complicated due to their approach of "Locality of Behaviour".
       | --
       | > Where libraries are necessary, use libraries that leverage html
       | attributes over libraries built around javascript or custom
       | syntax
       | I totally agree! But why is your example of a library not built
       | around javascript or a custom syntax feature:
       | <input type="text" _="on input put me into #output">       <div
       | id="output"></div>
       | That "on input put me into #output" I think is more jarring that
       | the library shown as the bad example. Even better, this could
       | just be some JS, without a framework at all.
       | --
       | > Prefer "naked" HTML to obfuscation layers that compile down to
       | HTML
       | Their example is to not use Rails ERB tag helpers, in your
       | templates. I don't think this is that big of an issue, these
       | helpers can actually handle a lot of things that will look messy
       | if you use the minimal amount of templating to write them. The
       | example leaves off unique dom ids, turbo tags (very HTML/no JS
       | focused!) and iteration.
         | tomrod wrote:
         | >> Where possible, default to defining style and behaviour with
         | inline HTML attributes
         | This was my critiquing point as well. Style configurations
         | should be separate from actions, with only references linking
         | the two. It's the only way that makes sense for anything
         | meaningful.
         | Yes, I could technically write a python app where all SQL
         | database connections have hardcoded SQL as one one long file,
         | but that is poor practice. This suggested principle seems the
         | same to me.
       | gemstones wrote:
       | Can the people that want this HTML-first world style it to look
       | the ways they want themselves?
       | My experience has been that proponents of HTMX and the like skew
       | heavily backend and never feel comfortable with CSS.
       | Why listen to UX thoughts from a population who are scared of UX?
         | paulryanrogers wrote:
         | This strikes me as a cynical take. Having floated between
         | backend and frontend a lot, frontends naturally tend to become
         | very complex; even before the web. And with three different
         | Turning complete stacks (HTML+JS+CSS) the web already feels
         | pretty heavy before adding in another stateful framework and
         | build tooling to support them.
         | Folks can disagree about how to keep the system simple when
         | looking at it from different points of view. All those opinions
         | are worthy of consideration.
           | gbro3n wrote:
           | JS frameworks seem inevitable. Any time I've worked with
           | native JS in a reasonable size projects, it becomes necessary
           | to create libraries and common conventions, that starts to
           | look like something approaching a small framework. A
           | framework is just common patterns for solving problems. I
           | think what a lot of developers object to is the stack of
           | build tools required to transpile, bundle and link code
           | together when using these frameworks, in addition to the
           | complexity that comes with dependency management, rather than
           | the use of the framework themselves.
         | weego wrote:
         | Having worked with it for 20+ years I've just been left
         | convinced that the biggest mistake frontend dev has made in
         | that time is to pretend that CSS is a language that should be
         | 'engineered' instead of a design flavour that should be build
         | up / torn down lightly on demand. It's esoteric corners should
         | have been fixed and simplified so designers could learn and
         | explore design through markup as needed, rather than double-
         | downed on to where we are now.
         | usrbinbash wrote:
         | I am very happily listening to UX thoughts from people who
         | specialize in UX.
         | What I am decidedly NOT happy with, is the frontend using as
         | much, or even more, internal logic, magic, and build steps as
         | the actual business logic.
         | To put this another way: I will happily listen to an interior
         | designer on his thoughts about the color of the drapes. But if
         | he tells me that this color means he has to bring his own crew
         | of stonemasons, carpenters, and electricians, because somehow
         | that color requires massive changes to the architecture and
         | power lines of the house, I am going to grab a piece of cloth
         | that vaguely has the color I want, and make the drapes myself.
           | gemstones wrote:
           | That applies to backends equally, but you don't get
           | thinkpieces on how that makes it a great idea for frontend
           | devs to avoid all those silly DTOs and design patterns that
           | complicate the server code.
         | ralmidani wrote:
         | I'm not able to make a page look nice (or even decent) without
         | a CSS framework. But I think I'm at least OK at understanding
         | how to make the interactions and workflows follow the
         | "Principle of Least Astonishment".
         | In other words, I'm not scared of UX in general, just not
         | confident in my current abilities in UI (which is just one
         | aspect of UX).
         | smallerfish wrote:
         | Here to bust your assumptions. I skew backend but love CSS, and
         | am one of the better UX engineers I know of. I also dislike
         | javascript a lot, and find that the htmx approach cuts a
         | significant amount of complexity out of your app (e.g. your
         | views can talk directly to your daos.)
           | gemstones wrote:
           | I've met enough people that aren't like you that your lived
           | experience, real as it may be, doesn't really change my
           | opinion much.
           | For every one of you who isn't scared of CSS there are like
           | 40 people into HTMX that make bad UXs even by the standards
           | of internal company tooling.
             | yyzzx wrote:
             | Similarly for every React/$oftheday dev who creates a
             | snappy, race condition free, spinner free, app that feels
             | almost as snappy as the web prior to React/$oftheday, there
             | are 40 who create sluggish, unmaintainable tyre fires.
             | zlg_codes wrote:
             | What literature exists on UI and UX that isn't
             | condescending or clueless in tone?
             | Interfaces are as unique as humans are. There's a reason we
             | have emacs, vim, _and_ Notepad.
               | kevlened wrote:
               | Refactoring UI fits those constraints. While it's by the
               | creators of tailwind, it doesn't make assumptions about
               | the css you use to achieve your desired UI.
               | https://www.refactoringui.com/
         | zlg_codes wrote:
         | To be fair, most UX "experts" are too busy chasing interfaces
         | that are "inclusive", i.e. built for toddlers.
         | Show me a powerful program with a "good" UI by modern standards
         | and I'll show you a mess. VS Code is a prime example.
       | m-a-r-c-e-l wrote:
       | I love the idea!
       | In my current company we started with HTML and embedded
       | JavaScript at the bottom and Styles at the top. Everything in one
       | file, very easy to find and understand.
       | It was "a little bit" slower. Pagespeed Insights didn't like it.
       | Now we are "modern" with CSS and JS in a build process. And
       | nobody knows which file to look at...
       | My new Projects will start with HTML first, again.
       | My credibility: 45 years, commercial web programming >25 years, 3
       | successful web companies founded as CTO
         | danielovichdk wrote:
         | Well. This was how we did web development before it turned into
         | so many abstractions that most comments either is too young to
         | know or simply not understanding that adding more abstraction
         | is not ideal.
         | People here say "show me this on a big project" well how about
         | they showed us how the thing they are doing on a big project
         | has turned out.
         | The cleanliness of HTML and CSS is astonishing. That's a
         | quality mark in my view. If you to move away from that you miss
         | out on certain aspects imo.
         | mostlylurks wrote:
         | Assuming your site doesn't literally have only a single page,
         | how do you handle reuse of styles and potentially behavior
         | across pages if you put everything into one HTML? I've tried
         | out the "everything in one file" approach in various contexts
         | where it has worked out fine, but a website seems like the one
         | place where it would quickly become an issue. I would at the
         | very least assume two reusable kept separately from the
         | .html(s): .js and .css.
           | m-a-r-c-e-l wrote:
           | You're absolutely right. We had additionally one common
           | JS/CSS file each.
           | Every approach has its pros and cons.
       | varun_ch wrote:
       | While I agree with most of the arguments here, this article feels
       | a little contradictory - it recommends Tailwind but also tells us
       | to 'stay clear of build steps'. Shipping massive CSS/JS resources
       | goes against the whole inclusivity principle - many people don't
       | have super fast internet connections or powerful enough
       | computers..
         | moritzwarhier wrote:
         | I don't use Tailwind anymore at the moment, but in my
         | experience, it does not lead to shipping massive CSS/JS
         | resources. In fact I don't know about any client-side JS at all
         | that is emitted by Tailwind (my last experience was 2.x, not
         | sure if anything has changed).
         | Regarding the CSS size, my experience was the opposite,
         | Tailwind output was usually a lot smaller than hand-written
         | CSS.
         | I have nothing against plain CSS either though; but it's at
         | least as easy to make a mess.
           | troupo wrote:
           | I think what the OP meant is: Tailwind requires a build step
           | to extract use classes. Otherwise you need to ship all of it.
           | graypegg wrote:
           | I think GP is talking about how, without the tailwind build
           | step, you ship all of tailwind, which is unquestionably a lot
           | of CSS that you aren't using.
           | Maybe if you use a CDN, so hopefully the user might have a
           | local cache of it from somewhere else, that can be avoided?
           | Still though, tailwind is pitched WITH it's build step
           | normally, making the author's point about avoiding a build
           | step a bit odd.
             | moritzwarhier wrote:
             | This was only the case in Tailwind 1 and heavily
             | discouraged by the documentation, except for development.
             | Tailwind requires a build step and shipping the 1.x
             | development build was explicitly not meant for production.
             | Trying to use tw 1 like this without a build step, you
             | can't even define a custom color scheme.
             | If this is what you want, I'd use a library that actually
             | supports this. Maybe tachyons? But tbh, without the build
             | step I'd consider using Tailwind at all a massive mistake.
             | Then I'd prefer handwritten CSS.
             | Custom properties should make sth like this a lot more
             | viable though. I'm sure there are libraries that better fit
             | this use case, if you want to use a CSS library.
             | JimDabell wrote:
             | > Maybe if you use a CDN, so hopefully the user might have
             | a local cache of it from somewhere else, that can be
             | avoided?
             | Browsers partition caches by origin now for privacy
             | reasons, so this is no longer possible. If the user doesn't
             | have it cached from your website, they don't have it
             | cached.
           | robinson7d wrote:
           | Did your experience involve the (recommended) build step? It
           | uses, at least last I checked, a purgeCSS step to remove
           | unused rules and decrease the css size.
         | epiccoleman wrote:
         | Tailwind has a standalone CLI which can be used for the build
         | step. I do sort of agree that it's a bit of an odd
         | recommendation in the context of this article, but the build
         | step can be extremely minimalistic, and another nice thing is
         | that the results are still inspectable CSS.
         | I use tailwind on my personal site, which is otherwise entirely
         | just vanilla HTML, and it doesn't feel very intrusive to run
         | the CLI in watch mode when I'm writing styles.
         | usrbinbash wrote:
         | The only thing a build step changes about CSS/JS resources of
         | this kind, is a minimization of the libs...which is entirely
         | achievable without building, by simply including the already-
         | minimized version.
         | I think what the article is about when it says to steer clear
         | of builds, is complex builds, where transpilations and similar
         | changes in format _have_ to happen, in order for the page to
         | work.
           | lolinder wrote:
           | > The only thing a build step changes about CSS/JS resources
           | of this kind, is a minimization of the libs...which is
           | entirely achievable without building, by simply including the
           | already-minimized version.
           | This isn't true, though--Tailwind's build step isn't just
           | stripping out white space, it removes unused selectirs, too,
           | which can't be done in advance.
             | usrbinbash wrote:
             | I wasn't aware of that, thanks :-)
         | kyleyeats wrote:
         | I made an atomic CSS library that doesn't need a build step, if
         | anyone wants one (spoiler, nobody does):
         | https://casscss.github.io/cass/
           | amenghra wrote:
           | Imho, bullet points on the border box seems weird to me
           | (https://ibb.co/d0sDsQ2).
             | kyleyeats wrote:
             | Thanks for the note! The left padding and margin situation
             | on the ul is the bane of my existence.
               | amenghra wrote:
               | Copy what other more popular frameworks are doing :P
               | I haven't looked at your css, but maybe changing the box
               | model could help?
         | rs_rs_rs_rs_rs wrote:
         | You don't ship Tailwind...
         | isodev wrote:
         | The OP was making a point that the build step should not be
         | required to run/display a web app.
         | For example, tailwind without a build step is just the entire
         | library. This means one can go a long way and even have a
         | functioning web application without introducing a build step.
         | I would say stripping unused CSS is in the same context as
         | optimizing images, fonts etc perhaps generally a "cleanup &
         | prepare assets for production" step.
           | tabacitu wrote:
           | I read it the same way, yes. Good point with the cleanup: -
           | it's one thing to need to run build for it to work; - it's
           | another thing to run build to make it smaller;
           | MrJohz wrote:
           | Tailwind doesn't exist without a build step (at least since
           | v2) -- the whole point of Tailwind is that it _is_ a build
           | tool, an alternative syntax for writing CSS.
           | There's a kind of development version where that build step
           | runs in the browser on page load, but it's still a build step
           | in the sense of generating all that CSS dynamically, and it
           | will produce a poor experience for a user if you try and use
           | it in production.
         | nathanfig wrote:
         | Deno Fresh uses Twind, which avoids the build step:
         | https://twind.dev/
         | But IIRC it doesn't offer quite everything full Tailwind does.
         | In general I was frustrated with Fresh for not being up-front
         | about the fact that it is largely built on Preact and Twind,
         | and you must buy into those libraries first.
       | audnaun252 wrote:
       | Article doesn't even have anchor tags
       | thiago_fm wrote:
       | The person who created that website should have a look at the
       | recent Rails updates :-)
       | Or check out DHH's most recent thoughts on minification etc.
       | ralmidani wrote:
       | Maybe I've already drunk the koolaid, but if I end up building a
       | new app from scratch, I would really like to experiment with
       | something similar to what the author describes:
       | Django for most (if not all) of the server-side code, Django
       | templates generating HTML, htmx handling most interactivity with
       | html attributes and, when necessary, hyperscript (for use cases
       | that can't be covered easily by htmx). I would probably stick
       | with downloading minified Bootstrap for styling (Tailwind
       | requires a build step, and I don't think I have done well in the
       | past when I waded into "class soup").
       | Has anyone here tried something along these lines for a non-
       | trivial app? How is it going?
         | ajayvk wrote:
         | I have used this approach for internal tools and it has been
         | great. It makes it much easier for one person to build the
         | whole app, frontend and backend, and makes ongoing maintenance
         | much easier.
         | I am working on https://github.com/claceio/clace which takes
         | this no build approach and makes it easy to build portable
         | applications, using Starlark running in go to configure the
         | backend.
         | 101008 wrote:
         | I used this exact approach: Django backend, Django templates
         | and htmx. It has been a delight.
         | npilk wrote:
         | This is what I've used for my last couple of projects,
         | including https://www.semiform.ai - not sure I'd call it "non-
         | trivial".
         | I've really enjoyed this stack. The structure just seems to
         | click in my head better.
       | LudwigNagasena wrote:
       | It is _so_ much easier and faster to build web apps using
       | TypeScript, Vite and React (or any other similar stack) rather
       | than vanilla JS. I find this "leveraging the extreme simplicity"
       | effort wholly misguided.
       | It's neither "enjoyable" nor "seamless" to manually synchronise
       | the backend, the frontend logic and the DOM of your app without
       | frameworks.
       | And maybe the trite talking point of helping young developers by
       | sending unoptimized unminimized comment-rich source code directly
       | to end-users held at least some weight in the 00s; nowadays we
       | have an abundance of tutorials, courses, conference talks and
       | open source projects that can help autodidacts to learn anything
       | related to web development.
         | dartos wrote:
         | It depends, I think.
         | For "apps" vanilla js isn't enough.
         | But for a blog with some animations or simple validation,
         | things like next or gatsby is WAY too much
           | treyd wrote:
           | My rule of thumb is that if you're building something
           | sophisticated enough that you want to reach for more
           | "advanced" js frameworks then you shouldn't be building it as
           | a _web_ app.
             | dartos wrote:
             | Why?
             | The web has moved far beyond a document sharing platform.
             | It's the largest, easiest (for users,) and most compatible
             | software development and publishing platform ever. By far.
             | It's not good for everything all the time, but it is good
             | for most UI focused software most of the time.
               | zlg_codes wrote:
               | Is there no appreciation for using the right tool for the
               | job?
               | When you build an app on Electron, you're forcing the
               | client to run another browser, alongside whatever other
               | browsers they're running. Due to the complexity of the
               | Web, running a browser now takes hundreds of megabytes of
               | RAM, sometimes a gig or two. Now imagine you have 8
               | different Electron apps you use. You have the system
               | resource use of 8 separate browsers now. Congrats.
               | Secondly, there's no integration between Web apps and the
               | OS. Only recently did things like light and dark mode get
               | OS-level support, so there's that much, but long story
               | short, Web apps don't integrate well with the system.
               | They tend to be shipped in containers, too, so while it
               | may be "good security" it results in a worse runtime
               | environment and uses more resources.
               | The Web _is_ a document platform, first and foremost. The
               | building of V8 and Node.js, the myriad frameworks, etc,
               | are the result of companies trying to turn an existing
               | protocol into a moneymaker. Tim Berners Lee never
               | intended the Web to be an application platform or a
               | vector for DRM. For-profit interests created all of that
               | extra complexity, and took over standards committees to
               | push their ideas through.
               | Web apps work best when they take advantage of some of
               | the Web's strengths. If your program needs to talk on the
               | network a lot and it's already working with HTML, then
               | yes maybe it should be a webapp.
               | The problem is everyone's ignoring the complexity,
               | resource use, and tangled knot of abstraction on the
               | client's end. It's "not a big deal", until it is, then
               | we'll go back to rediscovering how easy native
               | development is with a smart enough Makefile. All the
               | major UI toolkits are cross-platform, there's little
               | excuse.
             | ativzzz wrote:
             | I think you are totally correct- we should we building them
             | as electron apps instead :)
         | jonkoops wrote:
         | I agree in principle that HTML is the best option for a good
         | user-experience, but it quickly breaks down in terms of
         | developer-experience and maintainability. However, we don't
         | need to compromise on either by using a solution like Qwik[1].
         | Where the page progressively becomes more interactive with
         | JavaScript, and doing as much work as possible on the server
         | beforehand.
         | 1. https://qwik.builder.io/
         | zlg_codes wrote:
         | > nowadays we have an abundance of tutorials, courses,
         | conference talks and open source projects that can help
         | autodidacts to learn anything related to web development.
         | That method was horrible, as someone who struggled with poor
         | knowledge sources until HTMLDog and MDN became a thing.
         | ...Conference talks? lmao your class is showing, the average
         | self-taught hacker can't afford to go to those. Anyway, View
         | Source is a good way to learn how to do something you see for
         | the first time. It's a necessary feature to double-check what's
         | being sent to the browser when you're developing, too, and
         | keeps website operators honest by giving you a way to inspect
         | how they build their site.
         | Personally I think webapps are the wrong solution for a ton of
         | problems, but the industry won't accept that until the bottom
         | line is affected. I'm waiting for native apps that communicate
         | over the same commercialized protocol. QUIC but its own piece
         | of software instead of co-opting the Web.
       | xhrpost wrote:
       | > Where possible, default to defining style and behaviour with
       | inline HTML attributes
       | Wow, have we just come full circle after 25 years?
         | FFP999 wrote:
         | I literally--literally, not figuratively--facepalmed when I
         | read this.
           | vorticalbox wrote:
           | This comment or that part in the link?
         | croes wrote:
         | And it isn't even done in the example.
         | >class="bg-green"
           | laurent123456 wrote:
           | Thankfully he got the `onlick` attribute right.
         | amjnsx wrote:
         | These tailwinders are everywhere these days.
       | ilrwbwrkhv wrote:
       | HTML should have been improved by now. What is sad is that
       | fundamental things like a put request through a form can't still
       | be done by simply a method. Keeping html hobbled is literally a
       | conspiracy.
       | alib wrote:
       | I love this. Could you please consider changing the example from
       | a clickable div - which is an accessibility nightmare - to a
       | button?
         | tonyennis wrote:
         | Good catch - fixed.
         | zlg_codes wrote:
         | Why is a clickable div an accessibility nightmare when the
         | button element has a lot of browser-preset styles that are
         | harder to override? Assuming you put all the relevant state
         | styles into place like :hover and :active and whatnot, what's
         | the problem? Button elements are best used in a form. If you
         | aren't submitting a form, what's the button there for?
       | andai wrote:
       | The main thesis seems to be that the user should be able to press
       | View Source and understand what's going on. I agree, at least for
       | web _sites_. For web _apps_ , at least anything over 50 lines,
       | you are probably going to want to use a typed language. (Well,
       | you could technically use .js with TypeScript compiler and type
       | annotations in special comments but I did not find that very
       | pleasant.)
       | I used to be really big on this, though (and it makes me sad that
       | these days most sites are 1 big unreadable line of HTML). In
       | fact, I find a beauty and elegance in shipping the whole thing as
       | a single HTML file with no dependencies (1 network request!),
       | though I did eventually make a "build system" (my build system is
       | cat) so I could have a sane editing experience. Boom, self-
       | contained portable software in 1 human-readable file!
       | Along the same lines, I think the coolest thing about web
       | development is that you can make your first (interactive!)
       | programs with Notepad and whatever browser ships with your
       | machine. (Just drag the HTML file onto the browser!) It's magic!
       | Edit: Just found an unexpected benefit of self-contained HTML:
       | makes your software immune to bit rot. I tried loading an old
       | project of mine on Web Archive but it hadn't archived the
       | external JS file! Sad! Meanwhile, this one loads fine because all
       | the JS is in the HTML! Winning!
       | https://web.archive.org/web/20210508133239id_/https://andai....
       | This is my homage to the old SodaPlay Constructor. (Never made an
       | editor, sorry!) Feel free to view-source!
         | mlhpdx wrote:
         | I don't believe the author is advocating for single file
         | systems, but I don't want to speak for them.
         | xg15 wrote:
         | I'm sceptical on this: by now there are lots of ways to "peek
         | behind the curtain" in the developer panel: we have the DOM
         | view, network tab, heap view, built-in javascript prettifyer.
         | Sure, "view source" is still important, but I'd question if its
         | importance is still as absolute as the HTMX people make it out
         | to be.
       | cantSpellSober wrote:
       | <details> and <summary> are great, but animating them to _slide_
       | open instead of  "pop" is difficult to implement without JS when
       | the contents are not a fixed height.
       | Sliding open guides the user that something has changed, improves
       | the UX.
       | I've found that using the `open` attribute in CSS behaves
       | differently across browsers as well. Sometimes it doesn't even
       | work consistently in a single browser implementation.
       | gardenhedge wrote:
       | This seems like it came from a newbie/inexperienced dev.
       | > substantially widen the pool of people who can work on web
       | software codebases
       | This isn't a problem. There's already more people who can work on
       | web software than there ever was.
       | > A second goal of HTML First is to make it more enjoyable and
       | seamless to build web software
       | Subjective. If people enjoy it like this that is fine but these
       | shouldn't be touted as principles everyone should follow.
         | tonyennis wrote:
         | Not newbie or inexperienced, have built & managed multiple
         | large teams & been thinking about this for a long time
         | https://x.com/tonyennis/status/1139071584935637000?s=20
           | gardenhedge wrote:
           | There's a few reasons for the ratio mentioned in your tweet.
           | Rapid industry growth in the past decade and the fact that
           | junior devs are cheaper to have on a team. It's got nothing
           | to do with writing a website in HTML vs React.
       | codeptualize wrote:
       | This is fun in to theory and in simple examples, but show me a
       | big project that applies this and how it made a difference.
       | There are some bold objectives at the start that would be
       | wonderful, but I'm a bit disappointed by the advice. I really
       | don't see how these would work in anything other than very basic
       | scenarios, even less how they would achieve the objectives.
       | I'm all for using the web platform to the max, and I'm absolutely
       | for reducing complexity as much as possible, but I'm highly
       | skeptical these principles will achieve that and I would not be
       | surprised if it increases complexity by having multiple ways to
       | do something.
       | With peace and love but I can't see from this list if you
       | actually put these principles to the test or you just assumed it
       | will do what you hope it will.
         | philihp wrote:
         | For a frontend developer who is younger than jQuery, starting a
         | project following this advice would be a good opportunity to
         | learn why we do the things we do like build steps, and remember
         | how much development sucked before HMR.
         | I suspect the author hasn't actually done this on a project
         | with more than one person, supporting 99% of browsers in the
         | wild. I also suspect they didn't run their own code, because
         | either my screen is not as tasty, or "onlick" is not an handler
         | of div.
           | tonyennis wrote:
           | Your suspicion is incorrect. Currently running 10 or so
           | codebases with 8 devs using this approach. Thanks for
           | catching the typo
             | codeptualize wrote:
             | Thats great. Show us!! What projects, is it 8 devs per
             | project or total, what was the impact, any downsides?
             | Nothing is more convincing than real world success stories.
               | tonyennis wrote:
               | Coming soon
           | codeptualize wrote:
           | Good old times, I used to have a file watcher that would
           | refresh the page on change using a browser extension, not
           | anywhere near the convenience of HMR though haha.
           | I do agree with you, it's why I'm skeptical about the results
           | of following this advice. I vividly remember how much things
           | sucked, and obv the web has come a long way, but the tools
           | have gotten even further. If I see how much mileage I get out
           | of the tools I use on the daily, I would not be nearly as
           | productive without them, and produce a lot more buggy,
           | inaccessible, and shitty apps.
         | wheelerof4te wrote:
         | "I really don't see how these would work in anything other than
         | very basic scenarios, even less how they would achieve the
         | objectives."
         | Well, what are the objectives? If they are complex, so should
         | the code be complex. That's the nature of our job. By adding an
         | advanced framework you up the complexity by default. Instead of
         | adding more code, you add more build dependencies. This is
         | especially wasteful on websites.
         | In my opinion, people today are afraid of writing code.
         | Everyone wants some framework to write code for them. That is
         | not how we push our industry forward.
           | codeptualize wrote:
           | In some sense I agree, I am very mindful of the dependencies
           | I add and I am not afraid to write something custom if that
           | better fits the situation.
           | But this article is not showing me how to do that and the
           | things listed are not going to have an impact on the
           | complexity of my projects as these basic things are solved
           | quite well.
           | > By adding an advanced framework you up the complexity by
           | default
           | If you know your project will remain simple then by all
           | means. That's often not how it works though and then you end
           | up writing a framework yourself once the scope gets increased
           | and features are added.
           | Adding to that that using a framework gives you so many
           | things for free. There are so many aspects to a good website
           | and leaning on a group of people specialising in all those
           | things is often a smart move with better outcomes.
           | I think the initial complexity might be a little bit higher,
           | but there often is a big return on investment later on, and
           | also immediately in terms of productivity.
           | I'm not going to stop you from not using a framework, I think
           | it's great to experience it, have been there many times
           | before, got burned (badly), and now make different decisions.
           | jaapbadlands wrote:
           | No one is afraid of writing code, we're afraid of maintaining
           | code, and solving tedious and repetitive problems that
           | already have solutions. Frameworks abstract complexity, which
           | in practical terms decreases the complexity I personally have
           | to deal with, and shifts the complexity to the minds of a
           | team of open-source developers who support the framework or
           | library in parallel. Abstraction is exactly how we push the
           | industry forward, not by building less, more basic, and
           | shittier applications in a some faux-noble quest to use
           | inline event handlers.
             | wheelerof4te wrote:
             | "No one is afraid of writing code, we're afraid of
             | maintaining code, and solving tedious and repetitive
             | problems that already have solutions."
             | Then, enjoy maintaining React apps once React inevitably
             | bites the dust and ends up in the JS framework graveyard.
               | codeptualize wrote:
               | When there are so many projects that run on React, and so
               | many companies rely on React, it's inevitable that it
               | will be supported for a long time to come, even if it
               | would go out of fashion.
               | And speaking from experience maintaining React apps is
               | quite nice. React has great backwards compatibility, and
               | where it doesn't there are usually codemods available.
               | Dependencies can be tricky, but that's not exclusive to
               | React.
               | Also don't forget React evolves, backed by multiple #huge
               | companies, and still innovating.
               | pault wrote:
               | The chances of this happening before your project is
               | obsolete are pretty slim.
               | Edit: it depends on what you mean by "bites the dust". If
               | you mean "isn't cool anymore" then I'd say that's kind of
               | irrelevant. If you mean "isn't supported anymore", I
               | don't see that happening any time within the next decade
               | at least. Rails isn't cool anymore but it's still
               | supported and lots of people are still (more or less)
               | happily using it at their day jobs. React is so widely
               | used it'll be kept on life support long after it has been
               | supplanted by something better, if and when that happens.
               | codeptualize wrote:
               | Another good example is jQuery, the last release was 2
               | months ago, and there is plenty of activity on GH.
               | fsckboy wrote:
               | I love maintaining and cleaning up code (I will insist on
               | cleaning up according to my taste even if it already
               | works fine in production, just like when I carve the
               | turkey I eat some crispy and fatty pieces hot from the
               | oven) It takes a great weight off my short term memory
               | and ADD that I know that the code already worked, so if
               | it stops working, I did it, recently.
               | But here's the thing, hot-shot devs, and hot-shot dev
               | wannabes look down on maintenance; and humans are social
               | creatures, me included. So I'm not going to do a job for
               | you that you look down on, unless you carry me in (and
               | out) on a sedan chair.
               | Same for writing doc, I'm good at it and enoy it, but
               | there's no pleasure in doing something that other people
               | don't really value.
         | tabacitu wrote:
         | Why? Why does it need to be good for big projects in order to
         | be good practice?
         | I'm genuinely asking. I never understood this argument that
         | people bring.
         | In my view, the web is 95% small to medium projects. Most
         | technologies should be focused on that - simple solutions for
         | simple projectS. Add complexity later.
           | codeptualize wrote:
           | I'd be more than happy to see small or medium projects and
           | how these tips improved them. Any real world examples would
           | be great.
           | I would also add that a lot of us do work on the bigger
           | projects, which makes sense as bigger projects require more
           | people. So at least in my life, and I expect many others, it
           | is quite relevant.
           | I also don't believe the article qualifies that these tips
           | are only for small to medium projects, I'd read it very
           | differently if it did, but I would still like to see some
           | real world examples though.
           | xgb84j wrote:
           | Because in practice there is little value in making easier
           | things easier. While 95% on the web are small projects, 95%
           | of work is done on large projects.
           | Many developers also dislike using many different frameworks,
           | because that would require more learning. If you have to
           | choose one technology it's better to use one where you can do
           | everything. Not one where you can do 95% really fast, but 5%
           | not at all.
           | I personally always use "complex" frameworks like Angular or
           | React because sooner or later feature requests come in, where
           | those frameworks pay off. On average it saves time for me to
           | always use those frameworks. That might be different for you
           | depending on the work you do.
             | codeptualize wrote:
             | This. Even for basic websites you benefit from some form of
             | templating/components for example to get the nav & footer
             | on each page.
               | timeon wrote:
               | Even basic websites? It is developer vs user then.
               | I think otherwise. I.e.: blog shouldn't be web app just
               | because it's content management is.
               | codeptualize wrote:
               | Not at all. There are a lot of frameworks that support
               | static exports and/or pre-rendering. Often those produce
               | incredibly fast results, in many cases faster than hand
               | rolled solutions.
               | If you use a CMS you have already a templating situation
               | and dynamic content, using a framework, or jamstack like
               | situation is not that different, depending on the
               | specifics it might produce faster results.
               | zilti wrote:
               | You don't need a frontend framework for that. Fuck people
               | who do. They're the reason most websites are slow as
               | molasses on my three year old phone, despite them being
               | very basic sites. Just stuffed to the brim with
               | unnecessary bullshit.
               | MrJohz wrote:
               | While I agree that there is probably an overuse of
               | frontend rendering when templating in the backend would
               | be fine, I suspect most of the problems you see have
               | nothing to do with that. In my experience, the number one
               | issue with slow sites is an overuse of trackers and
               | advertising that drags everything down.
               | codeptualize wrote:
               | If you statically export you won't even notice, and when
               | navigating it will actually be a lot faster when only the
               | content is replaced..
               | Have you checked this is the reason? not slow network?
               | and not ads/analytics and blocking assets? That's not
               | exclusive to frameworks btw, and probably less likely as
               | most optimize these things for you.
               | The website that is linked originally has a bunch of
               | blocking assets.. lighthouse score is not amazing either.
               | Just like the original article, you might want to test
               | your assumptions a bit more.
             | squidbeak wrote:
             | Do you have any data to support that 95% claim? As big as
             | FAANG and other huge development teams are, it seems to me
             | it's still only the tip of the pyramid, with the
             | overwhelming majority of people in the industry working
             | full time on small or midsized projects. It'd be
             | interesting to see some concrete info on it.
               | josephg wrote:
               | I suspect even at Google a lot more than 5% of effort
               | goes into small to midsized projects. Bazel, ninja,
               | protobuf, grpc, the API documentation website for Gmail,
               | VP9, the Google transcode api, takeout, various corp
               | network tools & services and so on.
               | The big projects are of course important. But even chrome
               | needs a simple little website with a download link.
               | xgb84j wrote:
               | That's a good point. I personally always like Angular and
               | React, because even with most simple projects there is
               | this one feature that is so ridiculously complicated that
               | making it slightly easier to develop and maintain is
               | important to me. I'll gladly write thousands of lines of
               | boilerplate just so I make it easier for me to succeed in
               | developing this one endboss feature. If you do not have
               | at least this one insane feature, Angular and React are
               | definitely overkill.
               | xgb84j wrote:
               | The point where frameworks like Angular and React pay off
               | and what I think of as complex projects are those where
               | there is a some nontrivial feature. This coukd be a
               | project with 1 developer working on it for 6 months.
               | For example a static page with a booking process with
               | various entry points on the website, which slightly
               | change the booking logic. Also you can book as a new
               | user, as a logged in user, for somebody else etc. Also
               | the logic is changing at regular intervals, because the
               | business owner is trying different things out.
               | Using Angular with reactive forms makes this easier to
               | develop, maintain and hand off to other Angular devs.
               | While it makes writing the static parts of the website
               | more complicated, it makes developing the booking process
               | easier. And overly complicated business processes are
               | what is mentally challenging for me. This is where I want
               | all the help I can get. Writing static pages is something
               | I can do in any framework even when I am tired. Making
               | this part easier or reducing boilerplate is nice but
               | doesn't make me much happier. Being able to build
               | ridiculously complicated forms without my head exploding
               | does :) Of course if you work on projects with relatively
               | straight forward requirements there is 0 advantage in
               | using Angular or React for you. It always depends on the
               | type of work you do.
             | andybak wrote:
             | The "big" projects can do what the hell they want. They can
             | afford to throw a ton of money at a problem.
             | The small projects are where the people I care about are
             | struggling.
               | ceuk wrote:
               | Big project =/= Big company
               | e.g. WhatsApp back before the acquisition
               | Making it easier for people to build big, complex apps
               | doesn't favour large organisations with lots of
               | resources. The opposite in fact.
               | andybak wrote:
               | nb I'm not agreeing with your original hypothesis.
               | However I'm taking about even lower down the food chain
               | than this.
               | MrJohz wrote:
               | Are people really struggling at that level, though? It
               | has never been easier to write a complex page with
               | minimal Javascript - there are more and more HTML
               | elements that do what you expect (expandos and modals as
               | some recent examples), Javascript is cleaner and more
               | consistent across browsers (you really don't need jQuery
               | anymore), and CSS is more powerful but also so much
               | simpler (flex+grid solve so many problems).
               | Then if that's not enough, you've got things like HTMX if
               | you're keen on doing everything in terms of html
               | templating, you've got tools like Svelte if you want an
               | isolated chunk of dynamic UI in a mostly static page,
               | you've got bundlers like Vite that just work without any
               | configuration if you get to the point where you need a
               | build step, and you've got a multitude of lightweight
               | frameworks for the next step.
               | And on top of that, pretty much all the old ways still
               | work. The browser is an incredibly stable environment!
               | Outside of a handful of security-related removals, if it
               | got into a mainstream browser, without a feature flag or
               | an explicit "experimental" warning, it's pretty much
               | there for life. So if you want to go back to the old
               | ways, there's not much stopping you - but a whole bunch
               | of quality-of-life development improvements along the way
               | to make things even easier than they were back then.
         | hinkley wrote:
         | We have forgotten the old lessons. Backend first was a defense
         | mechanism against people who believe their eyes and not the
         | experts.
         | When you make a product that looks like it works but doesn't,
         | they don't understand. They put you on a path to overpromise
         | and underdeliver.
         | One of the lesser known features of unit tests are that they
         | give the code that management can't see more QA prior to being
         | wired up. They narrow that awkward window from first paint to
         | shipping.
         | csbartus wrote:
         | Agree.
         | I've created my first website in 1999 with plain HTML, CSS,
         | vanilla JS, hosted on Geocities.
         | Since then I've been using PHP/WordPress/Yii/Laravel,
         | Ruby/Rails/Sinatra/Jekyll, React/Typescript, ClojureScript to
         | create both sites and apps.
         | With React / TSX components / CSS-in-TS / Effects / Context I'm
         | home. Finally a fully fledged programming language for the web
         | / front-end. A language made explicitly for the front-end,
         | built om modern principles like functional, reactive
         | programming.
         | Now I can do software development. Before that, with HTML, CSS,
         | plain JS, PHP it was ... just hacking, nothing else. (Rails was
         | good for full-stack, was not shining on the front-end)
         | I'll skip frameworks when the web stack will be ready for the
         | apps, too. Now it's (perhaps) good enough for sites, I should
         | admit.
           | squidbeak wrote:
           | Perhaps web publishing shouldn't be presupposed to be
           | 'software development'?
             | zztop44 wrote:
             | But very often it is software development. And there isn't
             | always some bright line between them.
             | Like it or not, the web is an excellent platform for
             | delivering software applications to users, especially one-
             | off or infrequently used applications.
             | Let's use software development tools, rather than web
             | publishing tools, to develop that software.
               | zilti wrote:
               | Hopefully WASM will fill that area, and browsers can go
               | back to being browsers.
         | gijoeyguerra wrote:
         | The entire WWW is the example
         | ln_00 wrote:
         | Aem edge delivery service, Hey.com
         | selimnairb wrote:
         | Even if this isn't always practical for larger projects today,
         | I would argue that this should "ultimately" be the goal---at
         | some point the "standard" browser runtime should be expressive
         | enough to not require lots of tooling to make most apps.
           | MrJohz wrote:
           | I'm not sure that's always the case -- we don't expect
           | assembly to be a high-level language after all! The more
           | specific and batteries-included the browser becomes, the
           | harder it is to go off the beaten track. My standard example
           | here is date pickers -- theoretically it's just a simple
           | component, and yet there is no one-size-fits-all option. What
           | works for booking an appointment won't work as well for
           | putting in a date of birth. What works for a date of birth
           | won't work if you're trying to book a set of nights in a
           | hotel. You might want to include prices for individual days
           | directly in the date picker. You might want to show which
           | days are valid and which aren't. You might want to show
           | several months, you might want to show just a week.
           | I don't necessarily disagree that more components in browsers
           | is a bad thing (I've been very happy to use the new modal
           | element, for example), but I think the browser is working
           | better right now as a lower-level (albeit still fairly high-
           | level) platform that allows people to build a variety of
           | documents and applications on top.
         | jasonwatkinspdx wrote:
         | 37 Signals has adopted some of these ideas. Would their apps
         | qualify as "big" for you?
           | ativzzz wrote:
           | To be fair, 37 Signals (Basecamp) which is behind ruby on
           | rails, changes their front end philosophy with every new
           | major version of rails
           | And to be fairer, it's generally a pretty good philosophy for
           | greenfield apps at that particular point in time, but if I
           | started an app on rails 4 or 5 there's no way I'm updating my
           | front end every time they change their minds about how front
           | end should work
           | They believe this now, in 4-5 years it'll be XYZ next thing
             | mekoka wrote:
             | People buy into ideas and once they've paid the price, they
             | dislike when that investment is challenged with new
             | information. The resistance that I see in these thread to
             | the idea that going back to HTML might be enough, to me
             | looks very much like that.
             | Basecamp (formerly 37signals) has a track record of
             | challenging the status quo, whether in business or
             | engineering practices and to _actually_ be fair, they 're
             | not changing their front-end philosophy on a whim or to
             | simply follow a fad. They're trying to solve real problems.
             | In the past, their flagship product served as proof that
             | exposed many established counter-advices as merely baseless
             | beliefs. Over the years, they've demonstrated how many "bad
             | ideas" could actually work better for you, once you allow
             | yourself to become a bit more pragmatic.
             | They might not be BIG, but they're also not small. Imo,
             | what they say and do engineering-wise tends to matter much
             | more to average developers than what Facebook or Google
             | might recommend.
             | I think the question stands, is Basecamp a good enough
             | example?
         | meowtimemania wrote:
         | Most anything built with php or traditional SSR pages follows
         | these concepts to some extent.
       | tonyennis wrote:
       | OP Here. This got more engagement than expected, some of the bits
       | I've picked up in discussion:
       | "Recommends skipping build step then mentions Tailwind": We use
       | static-tailwind, a version with no build step, in development.
       | "Recommends hyperscript, a new non-js syntax" - Agree this isn't
       | perfect & would prefer something which uses js. Was going to use
       | Alpine but also have found that to be quite brittle in
       | production. Nor do I love any of the libraries on unsuckjs.com,
       | which has a good collection. We're working on something here
       | which we'll launch at some point.
       | "OP should look at the recent Rails updates" - Been using Rails
       | for 10+ years - everything we build is on top of Rails - I'll
       | write a post on HTML First Rails at some point. I think they'll
       | get there but currently all the named libraries (Turbo, Hotwire,
       | Strada, Stimulus etc) are 1. Rails specific, and 2. Have a high
       | learning curve. One of the points of HTML First is to _avoid_
       | framework lock-in.
       | "This is a blog spam post written by an author that has no
       | credibility in the space": Brutal
         | reidjs wrote:
         | Never read the comment section!
         | keepamovin wrote:
         | I like this. I share a philosophy similar to this: hew close to
         | the grain of the material. It's heartening to see articles like
         | this. I've created many expressions of my ideas on this in code
         | over the years: Brutal.JS, VanillaView, Bang/Good.html and I
         | recently created one that is even simpler and I'm very happy
         | with. It's similar to a unification of these ideas with Custom
         | Elements. You can check it out here:
         | https://github.com/00000o1/-
         | vlttnv wrote:
         | Personally, I am happy to see someone else thinking about
         | cutting down stuff and simplifying. Similar posts have started
         | popping up more frequently and as a fan of simplicity,
         | reliability and maintainability I am very happy! Don't get
         | discouraged.
         | x0x0 wrote:
         | Well, also, you make some claims that could be interesting then
         | provide zero proof or even discussion at all.
         | The entire world: interesting in eng being more productive and
         | interested in more maintainable software. So the first 2
         | sections are interesting.
         | You then chase them with a list of assertions with zero
         | discussion as to how they make eng more productive, or lead to
         | more maintainable software. Also without even a hint of why
         | people eg prefer not defining styles inline (protip: fun at
         | first. Now try changing one of them... have fun reviewing 3000
         | inline bits of css.) Like the industry settled on certain
         | things for a reason, and you don't even attempt to engage with
         | that reason.
         | You also cite dhh when you like his reasoning and ignore him
         | when you don't. about which, well...
           | tonyennis wrote:
           | "list of assertions with zero discussion as to how they make
           | eng more productive" - this is fair. Initial versions of the
           | post had much more of this but I felt it added noise to the
           | core principles. I will be following up with some more posts
           | and real world examples though. "Like the industry settled on
           | certain things for a reason" - In my experience An industry
           | "settling" on something hasn't been a great indicator of its
           | effectiveness. Industries tend to settle on practices that
           | increase the value of its practitioners and increase barriers
           | to non-practitioners. The legal industry, for example, is
           | still remarkably expensive, laborious and bureaucratic, and
           | while outsiders recognise this, there are few people within
           | the industry who seek to change it. Thanks for the feedback
         | graypegg wrote:
         | Congrats on the big post!
         | Though I do think some of your ideals are worth challenging
         | either because I think you're making an incorrect assumption or
         | holding too close to some particular dogma, it's always good to
         | hear people pushing for simplicity in the space. Keep pushing
         | :)
         | wheelerof4te wrote:
         | Do you believe someone in the future will actually create a
         | complex web application using pure
         | HTML+CSS+Javascript/Typescript?
         | Is that even possible at this point?
         | Thanks.
         | codeptualize wrote:
         | > We use static-tailwind, a version with no build step, in
         | development.
         | So you do use a build step for production? Or are you shipping
         | a bunch of unused styles?
       | jokoon wrote:
       | I made some web app with the least amount of logic in the JS, and
       | almost all of it in a flask server, with a few ajax calls.
       | I have to admit that managing asynchronous js callbacks is really
       | a pain to deal with.
       | JS is really an awful, awful language.
       | lincon127 wrote:
       | Relying on simpler frameworks when you can make sense. But the
       | notion of getting rid of build steps is a complete lark, just be
       | more efficient with build steps, and if necessary, don't include
       | them in production. Also why would you want to prioritize adding
       | your attributes to HTML? Are you making a document and hosting it
       | as a website? In what other world is that preferred? CSS isn't
       | hard to navigate, if anything one should be encouraging better
       | CSS practices. Yes, frontend scripts can obfuscate styling, but
       | perhaps just don't rely on that if you don't need to, which is
       | already a no-brainer, since it's harder to give an attribute via
       | some JS rather than shoving it into a style document.
       | Some of these make sense and are obvious, like using only what
       | you need (which is preached for half of the article). But the
       | rest of it confusing, if not outright ridiculous. Why are we even
       | assuming that being able to copy an entire HTML page is a good
       | thing? Frankly I don't care, and it's not like there are
       | literally millions of resources to use to learn HTML even if you
       | can't view a few pages' HTML.
       | Idk man, kind of a head scratcher
         | SuaveSteve wrote:
         | A lot of this stuff is a response to the worship of complexity
         | by the webdev industry.
       | TheCycoONE wrote:
       | A return to unsafe-inline? That feels like a bit step backwards
       | when it comes to cross site scripting attack surface. Content-
       | Security-Policy forces you to opt into unsafe for good reason.
         | sawmurai wrote:
         | I was about to comment that but luckily stopped to search if
         | someone else already did. In our company this is taken pretty
         | seriously and would trigger some raised eyebrows from the
         | security department :)
           | Jiocus wrote:
           | While I agree that the article overlooks the security aspects
           | of inline scripting[1], we do have content security policy[2]
           | at our disposal using CSP _nonce_ [3] and _hash_ [4] keywords
           | to allow inline script and CSS. On the other hand, the
           | articles ease-of-use argument of inlining doesn't really hold
           | up after factoring in CSP.
           | In my opinion, it's consideration as _unsafe_ isn 't intended
           | literally. It has more to do with:
           | - The human error aspect of understanding and tightly
           | implementing CSP,
           | - Separating style and JS into their own files provides some
           | security as is (and allows ignorance of CSP to continue even
           | though it has it's use case here as well).
           | Now, if your company takes this pretty seriously, they likely
           | require that CSP should be part of your security process
           | already. If that's the case, any use of unsafe inline in your
           | markup will be blocked by default until concrete steps are
           | taken to have _nonce_ or _hash_ in place.
           | Edit: I did not intend to sound harsh - just wanted to chip
           | in about the nuances about the possibilites we are provided
           | :)
           | ---
           | [1]: https://web.dev/articles/csp#inline_code_is_considered_h
           | armf...
           | [2]: https://www.w3.org/TR/CSP/
           | [3]: https://content-security-policy.com/nonce/
           | [4]: https://content-security-policy.com/hash/
           | [5]: https://web.dev/articles/csp#use_case_3_ssl_only
             | TheCycoONE wrote:
             | Neither of those work for the inline event handlers
             | proposed by this article. You need unsafe-inline or unsafe-
             | hashes.
       | mattlondon wrote:
       | I get the sentiment of this, but I struggle to recommend it (not
       | least for the spelling mistakes, especially in the code examples)
       | My main criticism is that you cannot really advocate for "View-
       | Source Friendly" HTML with the view of widening the pool of
       | people who can work on it, and then simultaneously recommend that
       | people use libraries like HTMX or Hyperscript that have their own
       | unique syntaxes that aim to be compact and concise, but actually
       | are just confusing and unfathomable unless you are already
       | familiar with them. This flies totally in the face of the main
       | goal of this site because you're advocating for people to use
       | niche and sparsely-used custom DSLs for coding part (...yes only
       | part!) of your site's business logic.
       | I also don't really see the value in trying to aim for view-
       | source compatibility on a page-by-page basis - a better approach
       | might just be a link to your source repo in Github (or elsewhere)
       | that contains your entire project along with e.g. README.mds etc.
       | And if you expect people to "view source" to learn, how can you
       | expect people to do that when you have inscrutable non-HTML/non-
       | JS nonsense like `_="on input put me into #output"` in there? I
       | get it - I learnt HTML originally back in the day by looking at
       | the yahoo pages source code, but we are not in the early 90s now:
       | people can learn HTML from other places these days that offer a
       | better experience than looking at a sites source in a vacuum
       | (e.g. Github but also so many more ways now than those early days
       | - there are millions of decent online courses, youtube videos,
       | bootcamps that teach the syntax (i.e. all you get viewing source)
       | _as well_ as the rationale and the reasoning for decisions made
       | and approaches used)
       | I would modify this guide and offer some different/additional
       | advice:                 - Use vanilla JS + vanilla Web APIs
       | (Element, Fetch, Promises/async-await etc) for all business
       | logic, and split code into modules (e.g.
       | https://byexample.xyz/javascript/ECMAScript2015/modules/ ) so
       | that your code is simple, has fewer dependencies, and is
       | understood by 100% of web developers (unlike HTMX, Hyperscript et
       | al that no one understands without having to go specifically
       | learn it specially)       - Use HTML-based Forms validation
       | rather than custom-logic wherever possible.       - Structure
       | your DOM logically and use the correct semantic HTML elements for
       | their intended purpose (e.g. use <button>, don't use <div
       | onclick="...">) so that your page is accessible and easily
       | navigated by keyboard users ("power users" and otherwise)       -
       | Either add CSS classes directly via inline handlers, or do it via
       | javascript, but whatever you do make sure you are consistent
       | within the same project.
       | Good luck with your project.
         | somishere wrote:
         | I was going to comment, but you've done it for me. Your
         | additional advice is spot on. But I actually think, "do
         | whatever you like, the web is designed to be flexible".
         | The most crucial (half made) point here is that if you want
         | your website to be useable beyond the output, document it ...
         | include comments, make your reasoning explicit and not implied.
         | And yeah, a repo is probably a great place for this. It doesn't
         | even need to be linked on the visible part of your site (I
         | mean, who's the primary audience here), just do the old "we're
         | hiring " trick and print a link to the site's GH in the
         | console. The docs will probably solve a few problems for you
         | too when you need to change things down the line (I constantly
         | read and improve my own comments during refactors, and usually
         | kick myself when I haven't made them).
       | kuon wrote:
       | There is a valid philosophy behind this, but the arguments are a
       | bit flawed. For ezample CSS is not only styling (as in theming)
       | it is important for GPU animations and is hard to sync with app
       | state ans JS without some tooling.
       | shadowgovt wrote:
       | I don't think I buy the premises under the goals here.
       | > The main goal of HTML First is to substantiall widen the pool
       | of people who can work on web software codebases.
       | Fair goal.
       | > A second goal of HTML First is to make it more enjoyable and
       | seamless to build web software.
       | Also a fair goal.
       | > The way we achieve these goals is by acknowledging that HTML is
       | very easy to understand, and thus using HTML as the bedrock of
       | our product - not only to define content and structure, but also
       | to set styling and behaviours.
       | It's not. It's a large, heterogeneous collection of behaviors
       | based on the arrangement of various tags with coupling between
       | the tags defined by hundreds upon hundreds of pages of individual
       | tag descriptions. And that's before we even consider that there's
       | a matrix of browser compatibility layered atop that.
       | If I code up some complex behavior in React (such as the details-
       | summary example here), the result is obvious, shows up in the
       | deubgging tools, and works on every browser that supports React.
       | Most importantly, the knowledge is composable: that approach to
       | showing and hiding content works regardless of the content being
       | a "details" and "summary" or a shopping cart contents pane or a
       | modal dialog. With vanilla HTML, every aspect of the default
       | behavior is dictated by the browser, and very few pieces compose
       | with each other sanely (what happens when I nest <details> tags?
       | I have to try it to find out; if it's a React component, I can
       | read the JavaScript and know).
       | I'm not saying one shouldn't use vanilla HTML or should only use
       | <div> with style for the whole layout or anything like that;
       | there are semantic concerns that make using HTML where possible a
       | good idea. But I'm not going to trip over myself to memorize
       | every behavior and interaction of the declarative HTML model if
       | it's easier to build things like collapsible details tags in
       | React.
       | R1321020101 wrote:
       | Raul Gurru Miau {Miau} 8
       | sylware wrote:
       | I would add that for noscript/basic (x)html version of web sites,
       | 2D "semantic" HTML documents are not harmful, and table
       | navigation is ok for screen readers if not done too weirdly.
       | Of course, I am not talking about the abomination of "semantic
       | web" we had a decade ago.
       | didip wrote:
       | I like the spirit of the article.
       | My personal preference is server side templating using as much
       | default HTML as possible with JS as progressive enhancement
       | (using HTMX or something similar).
       | willsmith72 wrote:
       | > If a developer who has familiarity with HTML but not with your
       | backend framework looks through your view files, they should
       | still be able to understand 90%+ of what they see
       | I don't see why this is beneficial
       | "<button onclick="this.classList.add('bg-green')"> Click Me
       | </button>"
       | I don't like this at all
       | anon23432343 wrote:
       | I'm not a big fan of JSX...
       | But that trend to put everything back into HTML were possible is
       | also wrong...
       | Yeah this may work for static websites with some forms but I
       | don't see Discord being build like that or any other bigger app.
       | Its like people want back the HTML version of Gmail. Its a nice
       | experience when a big part of your screen flashes /s
       | What about i18n? or a10y? The examples of the form don't support
       | any of that.
       | Have fun writing the right input every time without a well
       | abstracted text input that does the hard and annoying stuff for
       | you.
       | We switched to components for a reason but it seams like people
       | forgot.
       | And yes not every blog or form needs to be writen in nuxt or some
       | other big framework.
         | mock-possum wrote:
         | Also not a fan of JSX. VUE's component definitions are slightly
         | better - at least it's using actually HRML tags and
         | <template>s. Personally, my favorite is Lit's approach, writing
         | HTML in tagged template literals. It's still mixing your HTML
         | with your JavaScript, but it feels much cleaner, closer to the
         | vanilla experience of marking up content.
       | mro_name wrote:
       | doesn't the inline JS (onlick="this.classList.add('green')")
       | harm/complicate CSP headers?
         | lol768 wrote:
         | Yes, it all flies in the face of accepted strict Content-
         | Security-Policy best practice.
           | zlg_codes wrote:
           | I've not seen the reasoning for this in the thread.
           | Best practices are generally called that for a reason.
       | zelda-mazzy wrote:
       | In theory these principles are really good concepts from an
       | education standpoint. Where I teach, we teach students vanilla
       | javascript and HTML as much as possible before moving on to
       | frameworks that make things easier.
       | Some of these points I'm a bit confused on... is the point behind
       | "Where possible, maintain the right-click-view-source affordance"
       | supposed to be to make the learning barrier lower? While I
       | understand the sentiment behind this, tools like React or Angular
       | have significantly lowered the barrier to entry in their own
       | ways.
         | max_ wrote:
         | Have you used HTMX?
         | I am yet to find a reason for using frameworks like React
         | instead of HTMX.
           | silentguy wrote:
           | I have used HTMX with Flask and Jinja. It makes the process
           | much simpler to do the frontend development as a backend
           | developer. But I can see its limitations. It's not suitable
           | for anything bigger than a hobby project. Also, it doesn't
           | help with keeping the frontend and the api totally separate.
           | You have to return the html object from API which has its own
           | set of problems.
             | max_ wrote:
             | I would like to know more about these limitations. I
             | haven't used HTMX on more than a hobby project myself.
             | >You have to return the html object from API which has its
             | own set of problems.
             | If you mean that HTMX can't consume JSON. Can't you just
             | create a separate end point for JSON responses?
             | recursivedoubts wrote:
             | _> It 's not suitable for anything bigger than a hobby
             | project._
             | This is patently false. It is being used in multiple
             | significant production systems:
             | https://www.commspace.co.za/
             | https://zorro.management/
             | https://www.contexte.com/
             | https://turboscribe.ai/
             | and many more. There are times where htmx isn't the right
             | choice, but the idea that its not useful for anything more
             | than a hobby project is simply false.
               | ativzzz wrote:
               | The middle 2 links are by solo developers - I wouldn't
               | call those significant production systems. Generally
               | tools like React are helpful for managing complexity
               | across large systems where nobody understands the whole
               | app and layers of of features, bug fixes and
               | optimizations have been baked in over the years and
               | nobody understands the whole app anymore
               | max_ wrote:
               | The reason "nobody understands the app anymore" is due to
               | the complexity of React and not the application.
               | HTMX tries to reduce the complexity.
               | ativzzz wrote:
               | No, nobody understands the app because it is simply
               | impossible to hold in your head 5-10 years worth of
               | development by 100+ people across a complex product with
               | complicated use cases and customer need (unless you were
               | there the whole time and you are a very hard worker)
               | By the time you create the correct abstractions, customer
               | needs and the market will have changed and thus your
               | abstractions are now incorrect
               | recursivedoubts wrote:
               | contexte is a (small & now full stack, after using react)
               | team:
               | https://htmx.org/essays/a-real-world-react-to-htmx-port/
               | David-Guillot wrote:
               | To be accurate in the past year we went from 3 to 7 in
               | that team, and I think everyone has been using htmx at
               | least once, and 4 of us are using it on a regular basis.
           | robertoandred wrote:
           | What's the reason to use a framework like HTMX instead of
           | React?
             | David-Guillot wrote:
             | Cost.
             | React will require you to hire a React dev to handle all
             | the complexity.
             | htmx will be mastered by your "back-end" devs (who actually
             | are web devs) in less than a week.
               | mostlylurks wrote:
               | React is so simple to use that you definitely don't need
               | to hire a "react dev" to "handle all the complexity".
               | Like >95% of the effort is just understanding the basics
               | of standard front end technologies (HTML, JS, and CSS),
               | something that "back-end" devs (especially ones that
               | label themselves as such) are by no means guaranteed to
               | understand, which is an issue, since you'll have to
               | understand these things even when working with htmx.
               | robertoandred wrote:
               | What kind of web dev can't handle React? Meanwhile, htmx
               | uses clunky, non-standard attributes that rely on logic
               | and templates that are split up in a million different
               | places. Plus it requires a context switch to do anything
               | client side.
             | max_ wrote:
             | It reduces development complexity.
             | - No complex build set-up (just link the script & use it)
             | - Less congitive load when reading the code. Especially if
             | it's not yours.
             | - Very decent learning curve.
               | robertoandred wrote:
               | But all it is is fancier fetch()s. It can't remotely
               | approach the functionality of React, so it just shifts
               | any complexity to different places.
           | mostlylurks wrote:
           | React makes it fairly easy to implement your app in a way
           | that makes it easily portable to different platforms. With
           | things like HTMX, you'll more or less have to rewrite
           | everything if you ever end up in a situation where you'd like
           | to release the application on mobile, or as a desktop app,
           | especially if you want it to work when you can't rely on the
           | user having a stable internet connection.
       | alfonsodev wrote:
       | The main feature that introduces the need of a build step is
       | having a template engine in order to reuse blocks of code, like
       | footer, header, menu, etc..
       | I think Dreamweaver MX introduced something like template files,
       | and it would make a "build" step that would copy the files from
       | template to actual html files. Then it started to get complex,
       | with data sources and generating pages in the backend. (php, asp,
       | cold fusion?)
         | ndriscoll wrote:
         | Browsers have had built-in templating engines (xslt) for
         | decades.
           | zlg_codes wrote:
           | That's cute, now show me someone who's made something modern
           | and usable with that tech.
           | I used XSLT and XML to build a video game collection tracker.
           | Just a page that could display things. It was a nightmare. I
           | later spent a weekend building it in Python, added "export to
           | JSON" and then made a tiny SPA with vanilla JS to do the job.
           | It's very powerful and can do some neat things, but it's
           | taught poorly and not easy to teach yourself.
       | TheRealPomax wrote:
       | If you're creating a web page, use HTML. If you're creating an
       | application interface, use a UI framework like React.
       | Don't use React for web pages, don't use plain HTML for
       | application interfaces. But don't pretend that web pages and
       | application interfaces are the same thing just because they both
       | use the browser, or because "the application runs on the web".
       | tannhaeuser wrote:
       | What's the opinion on re-introducing HTML attributes for style
       | properties, eg. <div width=40pct color=red> (possibly with
       | additional enumerated attributes usable in short value-only
       | syntax as in <div disabled>) rather than <div style="width: 40%;
       | color: red">? I mean, introducing a secondary syntax for item-
       | values, like CSS did, quite never made sense to me personally
       | even though it was nevertheless thoroughly defended ([1]). I
       | guess it doesn't make sense to me coming from an SGML background
       | which had style sheets capable of stateful/automaton-based
       | assignment of attributes for ages. But now with tailwind so
       | popular and little more than inline styling with sane defaults
       | perhaps, and this manifesto expressing a strong preference for
       | markup attributes, isn't it time to come to the realization that,
       | whatever point CSS had when it was new, surely is driven ad
       | absurdum by its obscene syntax proliferation and extreme
       | redundancy (something even W3C CSS WG's chairman/staff contact
       | already was warning against over ten years ago [2])?
       | Personally, I don't care for web "apps", seeing the unique value
       | of HTML rather as authoring format for web "docs". For mere apps
       | where JavaScript is obligatory anyway, I think I'd actually
       | prefer CSS-in-JS.
       | [1]: https://wiumlie.no/2006/phd/css.pdf
       | [2]: https://www.w3.org/People/Bos/CSS-variables
         | timeon wrote:
         | For me, it does not matter if it is inline CSS, style
         | attributes or Tailwind. I do not like them.
       | catlifeonmars wrote:
       | The majority of web pages fall into one of two categories: long-
       | form content where the primary interaction is reading, and
       | applications (consoles, editors, tools). I do not think the
       | latter benefits from an HTML-first approach as outlined in the
       | featured article.
       | 3cats-in-a-coat wrote:
       | It seems the author was trying to apply KISS to web sites here,
       | but being unnecessarily dogmatic they added additional complexity
       | over mundate aspects such as whether you call your CSS
       | /dist/output.css or /styles.css. This is completely irrelevant.
       | HTML is a presentation layer, as such it's 99% the output of some
       | other layer. HTML first therefore is the wrong mindset.
       | You can't have an HTML first CMS for example, that's a recipe for
       | spaghetti disaster. You need to define clear, constrained models
       | that then you can adapt for given media.
       | I feel almost weird arguing with this site, because _in general_
       | I also prefer simple HTML where possible, and I can 't stand
       | overdesigned JS-generated framework monsters.
       | But going from one extreme to another is not smart. No simple
       | rule is a substitute for "intelligence first", and intelligence
       | has lots of subtle rules and relies on rich context to make the
       | right decisions for that context.
       | Nice domain name though.
       | hwc wrote:
       | I agree.
       | I also really like writing software that builds HTML to be served
       | as a static page. E.g.
       | https://gist.github.com/HalCanary/61276afbab042e204e54268f6a...
       | Then that complexity is hidden from the client.
       | xixixao wrote:
       | Specifically on the "use libraries that leverage html attributes"
       | point:
       | I find this "dishonest" to the overarching ideals of this
       | manifest: If you want to follow standards, and allow view source,
       | you can absolutely write vanilla JS, and end up with more
       | idiomatic and approachable source than                   _="on
       | input put me into #output"
       | And then as you grow out of the simple examples you'll probably
       | adopt a library like React which will restrict you less than
       | these html attribute "abusing" alternatives.
       | Of other points, I especially like the "no built step". A native
       | support for JSX would really smooth out the path from vinalla to
       | React.
       | xg15 wrote:
       | I'm missing a bit "if you have to use javascript, use vanilla
       | javascript where possible" here.
       | HTML attributes are no silver bullet. You can still have a
       | bloated framework that puts some ill-fitting, homegrown data
       | model over your code and drowns the codebase in "magic", even if
       | all the interaction with that magic is through HTML elements and
       | attributes.
       | Generally, I think there is lots of good advice here, but I don't
       | really understand the "messianic" attitude of the HTMX crowd. Why
       | all the effort to actively discourage any other approach?
       | gemstones wrote:
       | I get real confused by these.
       | Imagine if an iOS developer posted a blog about the specifics of
       | files backing UIViews and how the XML configuration language was
       | underutilized.
       | Wouldn't that be kind of a weird blog post? The declarative
       | syntax of various UI frameworks is an implementation detail. The
       | hard part is in CSS on the web, or style properties in native
       | frameworks. Business logic as well. Presumably encapsulated in a
       | component, which React does well and web technologies are
       | catching up to.
       | Why should I care about this, any more than I should care about
       | XML config files on Android? It's a markup language that is an
       | artifact of the runtime we're using. I don't care about that in
       | other contexts, and it's the least interesting thing in a web
       | development setting too.
       | pech0rin wrote:
       | I'm sorry but what? This is terrible advice. I have never
       | understood the desire to keep the web "inclusive". Is the web not
       | already inclusive? Can someone not already build a website with
       | simple html/css?
       | The web has evolved and taken the place of desktop apps by and
       | large. That is what SaaS has done. These websites are built to be
       | fully functioning pieces of complex software. Using some tiny
       | tools to markup html is never going to work for these types of
       | applications.
       | I find this hand wringing over the complexity of the web so
       | strange. Can we all just move on? The web has changed. I have
       | been programming for over 15 years professionally. Yeah its
       | changed. yeah frontend frameworks are a pain in the ass a lot of
       | the time. So lets make it better, not fall backwards to a
       | "simpler" time.
         | codeptualize wrote:
         | This is a very good point. I would also look in different
         | directions for inclusivity.
         | We now have Framer, Webflow and all the others, you don't have
         | to write any code to make amazing websites.
         | tonyennis wrote:
         | "fully functioning pieces of complex software" - in my
         | experience a majority of software is simply not that complex.
         | And the few places where it is are not on the view layer. To
         | make sure we're not talking past each other, can you give
         | examples of the kinds of software you're talking about? We do
         | quite a lot of react work too, but it's ~20% of the projects we
         | work on, when advanced frontend interactivity is needed.
           | codeptualize wrote:
           | > "Not that complex"
           | Even if you have a fully static website you generally have a
           | navigation bar and footer that needs to be on multiple pages.
           | Things don't need to get very complex to benefit from
           | frameworks and tooling.
             | zlg_codes wrote:
             | Are you really advocating for using frameworks as a
             | glorified #include directive? Frameworks are necessary when
             | the job you're doing is highly abstract and you're not
             | totally picky about the result. They shine at those things,
             | but they are overkill for a static website. Something like
             | Pelican or Hugo would be better suited for that. Shit, you
             | could roll your own SSG in a weekend.
               | codeptualize wrote:
               | So pelican and hugo are not frameworks? How is a static
               | site generator any different from statically exporting
               | next.js/nuxt.js or similar?
               | I've used all the things mentioned, and I quite like the
               | ergonomics of frameworks for static websites. Added
               | benefit is that I can make static sites dynamic if
               | necessary.
               | And to be clear, these static exports are incredibly fast
               | and performant.
               | > you could roll your own SSG in a weekend
               | Sure, I could do that, or I could build my app/website in
               | that weekend..
               | zlg_codes wrote:
               | I can't speak for Hugo but no, Pelican is not a
               | framework. It's a static site generator. I cannot make
               | general purpose, dynamic websites with Pelican. I can
               | fake a few things, I can hook it up to cron to mimic it,
               | but Pelican itself is concerned primarily with your data
               | store, your theme, and generating static files to upload
               | directly to your webspace.
               | Sure, you can make plugins for Pelican to make it
               | generate things the way you want, but it's still just a
               | generator/builder using Jinja templates and Markdown or
               | some other text transformation tool.
               | Also, there's no real indicator that I used Pelican to
               | build my site. There's no cruft I'm including in my
               | <head> element or anything else. It outputs regular-ass
               | HTML.
               | I'm sure it's nice to be able to swap into dynamic web
               | app mode if you decide a project's going differently than
               | expected, but I don't run into that much with the things
               | I design. I usually know from the beginning which tech
               | I'll need to achieve the goal.
               | Frameworks force the dev into specific ways of doing
               | things, so if a program fits into that architecture, go
               | nuts. I'm curious what you guys need on your sites that
               | require so much JS.
         | zlg_codes wrote:
         | I'm sorry, but the majority of the change has been inflicted by
         | for-profit outfits who EEE'd the W3C to get what they wanted.
         | None of us asked for a Javascript-dominated Web where you
         | download megabytes of code before you see the first page.
         | You make it better by separating concerns or finding better
         | ways to do the same thing.
         | By this point, QUIC and HTTP should fork instead of QUIC
         | insisting on taking over HTTP.
         | We can make this space better by pushing out complex "web"
         | applications to their own protocol they can fuck up on their
         | own instead of pushing the system requirements of a browser up
         | every year.
       | stanislavb wrote:
       | For the sake of being precise - the "form_with" is not equivalent
       | to the presented HTML. The form_with helper injects an additional
       | hidden input element that makes sure that the form cannot be
       | submitted "illegally".
         | codeptualize wrote:
         | I think this is a great example of all the small details we
         | take for granted in the tools we use, and we would miss without
         | realising when following these tips.
           | tonyennis wrote:
           | That hidden CSRF field can be added without form_with though,
           | and Rails still protects against not including it. I left it
           | out of the example as it didn't seem relevant
       | andrewstuart wrote:
       | Meh.
       | I say build software in the way that you like. Or the way the
       | boss says.
       | miggu wrote:
       | thanks I'll use it on my auntie's cupcake website
       | joaomeloplus wrote:
       | I think the recommendation to use tailwind and avoid build steps
       | and incompatible.
       | zlg_codes wrote:
       | The Web was never meant to have an interactive scripting layer.
       | It got there by accident. Microsoft's XmlHttpRequest paved the
       | way for page loads without page loads, and it became an
       | accidental standard due to how it worked.
       | We can go back and replace Javascript with whatever we want, or
       | expand the <script> element to be able to handle more than one
       | language type.
       | Not really sympathetic of big web apps having to adjust to such
       | an environment. I already don't consider them truly part of the
       | web. They're something you can make with the Web but don't
       | actually represent the values or accessibility that the basic Web
       | already provides.
       | I only use JS when absolutely required.
       | toldyouso2022 wrote:
       | My theory is that now that central banks money run out we're
       | going back to sanity. The end of centralbanking-driven-
       | development is coming
       | rndmize wrote:
       | I get the idea - using the build-in capabilities of html is nice,
       | clean, and simple. But that wasn't viable ten years ago, and it
       | isn't today - and I don't particularly feel that htmx etc. is a
       | better solution than something heavier like react.
       | My go-to questions with anything like this are: how do things
       | look if I want a dropdown? Multiselect? Datepicker? If we use
       | <input type="date" /> do we get a datepicker across browsers?
       | (Looks like yes.) Is the look/feel/controls consistent across
       | browsers? (No.) Can we style them to get there? (Also no.)
       | Multiselects are similar - shift/control-clicking to get multiple
       | things is a flat no-go from a UX perspective - but at my last
       | check, this is still how the default elements work, and it can't
       | be changed. Similarly, the look/feel of multiselects (and even
       | selects!) is terrible and largely cannot be changed.
       | There's a reason third-party components for this kind of thing
       | get built for any new framework. The built-in stuff just doesn't
       | get it done. It's the same reason 90% of my projects still have
       | lodash as a dependency, even though the list of built-in stuff on
       | MDN's Array page grows year by year. It's better than it was 10
       | years ago for sure - but its still not there.
         | c-fe wrote:
         | Quick thought regarding date pickers, specifically:
         | > Is the look/feel/controls consistent across browsers? (No.)
         | Can we style them to get there? (Also no.)
         | Assuming you design this website for users. Each users may use
         | a different browser, but they probably use this same browser
         | for all websites they visit. Hence IMO its more important that
         | date pickers are consistent across all websites on 1 browser,
         | then across 1 website on all browsers. (Its of course a
         | different story if you need custom functionality.)
           | zeroCalories wrote:
           | The optimal date picker depends heavily on the platform too.
           | Don't want your crusty custom date picker over my platform
           | specific date picker that I know well.
           | mmcnl wrote:
           | The default date picker is laughable. For example there is no
           | way to control the format in which the date is displayed.
             | ckolkey wrote:
             | Unless I'm mistaken, it's shown in a format localised to
             | the user, so... i'd much rather you keep your hands off
             | that, and I'll enjoy my DD.MM.YYYY
           | ssss11 wrote:
           | Yes but companies don't think that way. Companies have a
           | style that they want to apply to their product regardless of
           | which browser renders it.
             | _a_a_a_ wrote:
             | Well fuck them.
               | guhcampos wrote:
               | Thanks.
           | divbzero wrote:
           | This applies beyond date pickers too. To me, usability trumps
           | consistency when your users access the website across a
           | variety of platforms: mobile vs. desktop, touch vs. mouse,
           | _etc._
           | MrJohz wrote:
           | I find I'm in the opposite position - I would rather the date
           | picker is not consistent, because different date pickers have
           | different purposes. The date picker I want to use to put in
           | my date of birth is different to the one I want to use to add
           | an appointment to my calendar, and that's different to the
           | one I want to use to browse prices for different days, and
           | that's different to the one I want to use to be able to
           | select a range of dates, and even that's often different to
           | the one I want to use to select the two dates of a return
           | journey.
           | Of the classic form controls, choosing a date is probably the
           | one that has the most application-specific needs, and
           | therefore the one that I would most expect to vary between
           | applications.
         | RoddaWallPro wrote:
         | "shift/control-clicking to get multiple things is a flat no-go
         | from a UX perspective" - Do you mean that this is NOT how you
         | should do multiselects? If that is what you mean, then how _do_
         | you do them? If I have a list of items and I want to select 10
         | or 15 of them in a row, I currently don't know of a better UI
         | to do that with than shift+click.
         | andirk wrote:
         | <Aside> from the rest of the discussion, `input` element is
         | infamously shitty for having vastly different ways of
         | interacting with it, whereas most other HTML elements have one
         | signature.
       | sethkim wrote:
       | I built something recently with the same ideas in mind:
       | https://github.com/sethkimmel3/tailgate. It allows people to
       | build generative-AI applications without any of the complication
       | of setting up a backend, and in the simplest cases only requires
       | adding HTML attributes.
       | I originally learned to code with HTML, CSS, and JS, and I think
       | it's still the easiest way to experience the magic of shipping a
       | working application to others. We should keep encouraging more
       | patterns and tooling that lower the barriers of entry to those
       | just starting out.
       | adriangrigore wrote:
       | Been doing this with mkws and on https://mkws.sh since day one!
       | moron4hire wrote:
       | I think of myself as a very "semantic, HTML-forward" guy when it
       | comes to front-end work and I found myself disagreeing with the
       | vast majority of this.
       | firecall wrote:
       | Amen to that!
       | The popular pattern of constructing React components with
       | Organism, Atoms, Molecules and so on, makes following an
       | unfamiliar codebase a nightmare!
       | JSX is hard to use in my eyes.
       | At first I thought it must be me, but I'm glad there is a
       | movement to reject all this front end React based madness.
       | Building API layers with GraphQL and React on the front end just
       | for a few business forms is madness!
       | azangru wrote:
       | In other words, return to web development practices from the
       | early 2000s? Isn't this just the pendulum swinging the other way?
       | Haven't there been genuine problems with that style of authoring
       | websites that the last twenty years in web development have been
       | trying to solve?
       | wayfinder wrote:
       | Writing your code in a way that makes sense to someone else is a
       | skill.
       | If someone writes the bonkers code in the article's bad examples,
       | I guarantee their "HTML-first" code will be just as bad.
       | omerws wrote:
       | I agree completely, but hiccup rather than html.
       | Zpalmtree wrote:
       | aka make your website look like shit because half the default
       | elements can't be styled
       | meatjuice wrote:
       | I agree with everything but inline javascript
       | <button onclick="this.classList.add('bg-green')"> Click Me
       | </button>
       | This is going to be problematic when it comes to debugging. I
       | still think scripts should be in a file and loaded in the header.
         | quickthrower2 wrote:
         | It is going to be problematic when it comes to refactoring.
         | "Can you make the button's parent container green" request
         | comes in. Now you are hunting through CSS selector going up and
         | down the tree. "Can you put the button that goes green into
         | this page". Now bam! The CSS selector you used breaks as there
         | is another element to confuse the query.
       | bmon wrote:
       | Does anyone else find that blue tint on the top of the page makes
       | it really hard to read? I guess I usually scroll the text I'm
       | reading to the top...
       | mirkodrummer wrote:
       | I strongly believe that no one would hate or love to hate the
       | build step if we didn't have to mess around with so many
       | unmaintanable configs, dependencies and pipelines of translations
       | like typescript -> js with commonjs or es modules and so on.
       | Still, for me, which ever code I write I want it to be
       | compiled/translated by a machine, that given a "browserlist"
       | knows better than me how to output code that works for the most
       | system around. And that's especially true if you have a
       | successful product with a lot of customers. I agree on rolling
       | back most of the abstraction madness we built so far, but surely
       | I can't remember how to write es5 compatible code anymore, should
       | be a no brainer for me. Lastly, I can't disagree more on
       | improving inclusion with "html first", whatever approach you
       | choose it's still super hard to have a web app that has: perfect
       | audit score, adpative ui for all screens, accessibility, print(!
       | what id customers demand that each app page should be printable?)
       | and more I can't think of now. This job is hard, it's not for
       | everyone and going back to first principle won't save us from
       | hardwork anyways
       | tarikjn wrote:
       | This whole post is an anti-pattern and bad advice. It read as
       | from someone who didn't go through the growing pains of building
       | complex websites.
       | This is how we started building websites until things started to
       | break with side effects, conflicting class names, bad
       | introspection etc. and React came to the rescue.
       | The pattern you want is progressive enhancement and your output
       | to be clean, compact html that's augmented by JS. Which means
       | build step. Everything opposite to this article's advice.
       | guhcampos wrote:
       | Isn't this just Unobtrusive Javascript all over again?
       | We lost that war once, I don't see why we would win now. I'm
       | saying "we" because I am particularly for this approach, too.
       | Don't get me wrong: I absolutely hate React, and am very cinical
       | about the whole "server side rendering" fad (well, we've been
       | doing server side rendering for 30 years, right?). Still, I think
       | the overall web community simply does not care enough, so I've
       | kind of given up.
       (page generated 2023-11-12 23:00 UTC)