[HN Gopher] Typst - Compose Papers Faster
       Typst - Compose Papers Faster
       Author : iNic
       Score  : 86 points
       Date   : 2023-11-20 20:44 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (typst.app)
 (TXT) w3m dump (typst.app)
       | iNic wrote:
       | I like the "Why should I use Typst instead of ..." section on the
       | webpage. Tells me immediately what I want to know. More websites
       | should have this.
         | kitchi wrote:
         | Conspicuously missing a comparison to Overleaf, arguably the
         | most similar in nature to what this is trying to achieve. Cool
         | project, nevertheless.
           | sestep wrote:
           | Could you clarify what you mean? They explicitly compare
           | against LaTeX, on which Overleaf is built, and I don't see
           | any points in their comparison which are mitigated by
           | specifically using Overleaf.
             | kitchi wrote:
             | Overleaf solves a lot of the same problems as Typst,
             | although since it's still within the LateX ecosystem. For
             | example changes are immediately visible (or immediately
             | after a recompile, but practically I almost never notice)
             | and Overleaf tries it's best to parse and simplify the
             | dense error messages. So some of their points against LateX
             | have been partially/entirely solved.
             | Typst looks cool, and I'm probably going to check it out at
             | some point, but a comparison to similar web-based LateX
             | solutions would be more useful than what they have at the
             | moment is all I'm saying.
               | sestep wrote:
               | Right, my understanding was that by "immediately" they
               | meant "way faster than LaTeX". You make a good point
               | about consolidated errors though, I hadn't thought about
               | that before.
               | TT-392 wrote:
               | That is not what typst is though, it really is just a
               | language and a compiler which you can just run in your
               | commandline (and a fast one at that). There is that
               | flashy web interface, but that is separate from typst
               | itself, but you don't need to use that, it really is a
               | latex replacement.
       | JohnKemeny wrote:
       | 1. Why not use Markdown-compatible syntax?
       | 2. Why would we want to observe changes in real time? Do you want
       | this when coding too?
       | My workflow (that I share with co-authors) is to write everything
       | in Markdown (using Pandoc to get PDF output). When we are almost
       | finished, we export (again with Pandoc) to LaTeX.
       | We collaborate on Git, because, just as when programming, I don't
       | want my co-authors to witness my crappy thought process. That's
       | just noise. Git allows us to use different Git-branches for the
       | arxiv version, the conference version, and the journal version.
       | We also use tags to indicate different submissions.
         | huijzer wrote:
         | 1. Why not use Markdown-compatible syntax?
         | I'm not an Typst author, but I don't get your point. How are
         | you going to specify a 2 column outlay, for example? Markdown
         | is not very expressive. You can always compile (less
         | expressive) Markdown to Typst.
         | 2. Why would we want to observe changes in real time? Do you
         | want this when coding too?
         | You prefer to debug by looking at the code only?
           | JohnKemeny wrote:
           | 1. Using `classoption: twocolumn`
           | 2. I see that I wasn't completely clear. I meant: why do we
           | want to see our collaborators' changes in real time? To me,
           | that would be very disturbing.
         | Ar-Curunir wrote:
         | > My workflow (that I share with co-authors) is to write
         | everything in Markdown (using Pandoc to get PDF output). When
         | we are almost finished, we export (again with Pandoc) to LaTeX.
         | That's your (and my) workflow. However, there is clearly demand
         | for a collaborative workflow, as demonstrated by Overleaf and
         | ShareLaTeX before that.
       | behnamoh wrote:
       | I'm afraid the ship has sailed and people will use latex for ever
       | (I personally use Word but with lots of customizations).
       | why use latex (and this is coming from someone who prefers Word
       | to latex):
       | - much better tooling than any other format
       | - much more discussion on various problems you'll hit.
       | - much more training data for chatgpt and other LLMs, so your
       | personal assistant can help you with latex syntax. good luck
       | getting that level of support for typst or any other new
       | programming language.
       | - network effect -- if your professor only knows latex, you can't
       | use typst. and professors are slow/reluctant to adopt new shiny
       | tech. if it has worked in the past 50 years, why change it?
         | JohnKemeny wrote:
         | You can get really far today with Pandoc Markdown, which has
         | many benefits over LaTeX. So, just wait until a generation has
         | grown up with Markdown as a universal text language. Indeed,
         | with the exception of the journal's template, you can write a
         | full paper in Pandoc Markdown and nobody would spot the
         | difference.
           | Ar-Curunir wrote:
           | tbqh, any serious paper writing requires formatting
           | considerations that Markdown cannot express.
           | Like, if you care at all about how your paper looks, Markdown
           | is insufficient.
             | contravariant wrote:
             | I think with pandoc there's very little you can't do, but I
             | never tested it to its limits. Nowadays I only use LaTeX if
             | I really need the nitty gritty formatting capabilities, at
             | which point adding an extra layer of indirection is
             | pointless.
           | throw_pm23 wrote:
           | Can you link a scientific article or book pdf that was
           | written in Markdown?
             | esafak wrote:
             | https://quarto.org/docs/gallery/#books
           | IshKebab wrote:
           | You can get quite far... but really if you're writing a big
           | technical document with a Markdown style format you
           | _definitely_ want Asciidoc, not Markdown.
         | huijzer wrote:
         | I'm not affiliated to Typst and still think LaTeX at this point
         | in time is one of the worst things to deal with as an academic.
         | Errors can be extremely unclear.
         | And yeah sure many discussions for all kinds of packages and
         | backends except for that one backend or package that you are
         | running.
         | Ar-Curunir wrote:
         | tbqh IME using Copilot for LaTeX has been pretty hit or miss,
         | so I'm not sure the AI point is as pertinent.
         | The network effect aspect is very real, but I've been seeing
         | Typst pop up in my academic circles.
       | huijzer wrote:
       | I've been using Typst in production to generate a PDF on the fly
       | and it has been amazing. Much smaller dependencies than LaTeX and
       | it was also extremely fast. The syntax takes a bit of getting
       | used to but compared to LaTeX I can't complain. It looks like a
       | powerful syntax.
         | JohnKemeny wrote:
         | I would recommend testing Markdown and Pandoc. It's open
         | source, and it can export to pdf (via latex), html, latex,
         | doc(x), odt, rst, wiki, ...
           | huijzer wrote:
           | I needed a pretty PDF with headers and footers. Markdown was
           | not expressive enough.
             | tonyarkles wrote:
             | As of late I've been using restructuredtext and
             | rst2latex.py and have been quite happy with it. I'm quite
             | used to LaTeX for writing equations and RST handles most of
             | the other boilerplate. If you do need to do fancy TeX
             | things you can still just drop that inline and it generally
             | works pretty good.
               | IshKebab wrote:
               | RestructuredText is pretty awful in my experience. Barely
               | documented and unreliable.
               | Asciidoc is much much much better.
       | rochak wrote:
       | Time to rewrite my resume using this. If anyone knows any similar
       | tools, please share them.
         | legobmw99 wrote:
         | Related: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38047224
       | renewiltord wrote:
       | This is very cool. What's the pricing you anticipate?
         | TT-392 wrote:
         | The compiler is open source, and written in rust. The web
         | interface is free, and I think it will stay that way? (I think
         | they run on donations). They could really use some clearer
         | marketing on the front page...
       | ThePhysicist wrote:
       | This was built initially by two PhD students in Germany if I
       | remember correctly, they then spun it off into a company. Super
       | impressive given how difficult typesetting is. And it's written
       | in Rust as well!
         | drsir wrote:
         | I believe they were masters students not PhD students.
       (page generated 2023-11-20 23:00 UTC)