[HN Gopher] How Godel's proof works (2020)
       How Godel's proof works (2020)
       Author : ljosifov
       Score  : 96 points
       Date   : 2023-11-23 11:52 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.quantamagazine.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.quantamagazine.org)
       | pfarrell wrote:
       | Veritasium has an excellent video explaining the proof and the
       | historical context.
       | https://youtu.be/HeQX2HjkcNo
         | grondilu wrote:
         | You beat me to it. It is indeed a fantastic Veritasium video.
         | One of his best, in my opinion.
         | cubefox wrote:
         | I remember this video containing some major inaccuracies in his
         | presentation of Hilbert's program (which is understandable, he
         | is not an expert), so you might want to take the rest of the
         | video with a grain of salt as well.
           | pfarrell wrote:
           | I look at videos like these as gateways to get someone
           | excited about a subject, not as scholarly works. What you say
           | is good to keep in mind on any video. You can't get the full
           | depth of anything complicated in 30 minutes, but it can make
           | you want to learn more.
           | Kranar wrote:
           | What is the major inaccuracy? Usually when I hear claims like
           | these and ask for an elaboration it turns out it's not a
           | major inaccuracy at all, just a pedantic disagreement over
           | what mostly amounts to style.
           | At any rate I'd definitely be interested in to know what is
           | such a major inaccuracy presented that the entire video can
           | be dismissed on that basis.
             | bmitc wrote:
             | Not speaking to any inaccuracies as I haven't watched the
             | video, but my main hesitancy is that he's not a
             | mathematican, his videos aren't reviewed prior to
             | publication, and Godel's work is very subtle and often
             | misunderstood.
               | ThrowawayTestr wrote:
               | You should watch the video before commenting on it
               | bmitc wrote:
               | I didn't comment on the video. My point is that there
               | isn't much draw to it over more accepted and reviewed
               | sources.
         | passion__desire wrote:
         | I liked this explanation of Godel's theorem from programming's
         | perspective.
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpSxqde0af4
       | hprotagonist wrote:
       | John Conway's lectures are quite good.
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSx63Uy-gn0
       | scrim wrote:
       | For a true dive into this subject I highly recommend the book
       | Godel, Escher, Bach.
         | demondemidi wrote:
         | I have never finished that book. I've started it a dozen times
         | since 1990. I die about 60% of the way through it. Does it ever
         | get to the theorem?
         | Edit: thanks for the recommendations, but I have several books
         | that discuss the proof. I was just asking if GEB gets to it.
           | drivebyadvice wrote:
           | There's better resources if you just want to know about
           | Godel's Incompleteness Theorem tbh. GEB is neat because of
           | all the other ideas he ties into it.
           | markisus wrote:
           | I think so. But there are much shorter and more rigorous
           | proofs in textbooks.
           | tshaddox wrote:
           | If you're not entertained throughout I don't think there's
           | any reason to stick with it. It's not like there's some huge
           | payoff at the end where "it all clicks." It's a fairly
           | meandering journey across several disciplines with a lot of
           | experimental literary techniques, and while it's certainly
           | intellectually challenging and rewarding, if you're not
           | enjoying the process there's no reason to stick with it!
           | scubbo wrote:
           | I don't have an answer for you (I last read it so long ago
           | that I can't actually recall the specific content - though
           | I'd be surprised if it didn't, given the title!), but just
           | echoing that, although I _adore_ GEB (actually, I'm over-due
           | for a re-read!), I've tried-and-failed multiple times to get
           | through "Le Ton Beau De Marot", by the same author. Certain
           | books just don't click with some people, and that's OK!
             | demondemidi wrote:
             | I lost track of the equations and theorems, but if when I
             | put it down and come back to it, I've lost momentum! lol.
             | Like "Gravity's Rainbow"... someday I'll make it through
             | that without getting utterly lost.
           | krukah wrote:
           | It "gets to the theorem" without offering a formal proof, but
           | having read both, I find that Hofstadter's short stories and
           | intuitions have done more for my understanding of Godelian
           | logic than any formal proofs have.
           | bananaflag wrote:
           | Yup the theorem gets proven in the book. It's very very
           | verbose but the content is clearly there.
           | "I am a Strange Loop" elaborates a bit on the parts which may
           | have been confusingly explained, notably both in the proof of
           | the theorem and in the author's AI philosophy.
         | passion__desire wrote:
         | Not related but I have been recommending Douglas's new popular
         | book "Surfaces and Essences: Analogy as the Fuel and Fire of
         | Thinking". He has few lectures on youtube on this topic in case
         | you want to explore the content of the book before jumping in.
         | > Analogy is the core of all thinking. This is the simple but
         | unorthodox premise that Pulitzer Prize-winning author Douglas
         | Hofstadter and French psychologist Emmanuel Sander defend in
         | their new work. Hofstadter has been grappling with the
         | mysteries of human thought for over thirty years. Now, with his
         | trademark wit and special talent for making complex ideas
         | vivid, he has partnered with Sander to put forth a highly novel
         | perspective on cognition. We are constantly faced with a
         | swirling and intermingling multitude of ill-defined situations.
         | Our brain's job is to try to make sense of this unpredictable,
         | swarming chaos of stimuli. How does it do so? The ceaseless
         | hail of input triggers analogies galore, helping us to pinpoint
         | the essence of what is going on. Often this means the
         | spontaneous evocation of words, sometimes idioms, sometimes the
         | triggering of nameless, long-buried memories. Why did two-year-
         | old Camille proudly exclaim, "I undressed the banana!"? Why do
         | people who hear a story often blurt out, "Exactly the same
         | thing happened to me!" when it was a completely different
         | event? How do we recognize an aggressive driver from a split-
         | second glance in our rearview mirror? What in a friend's remark
         | triggers the offhand reply, "That's just sour grapes"? What did
         | Albert Einstein see that made him suspect that light consists
         | of particles when a century of research had driven the final
         | nail in the coffin of that long-dead idea? The answer to all
         | these questions, of course, is analogy-making--the meat and
         | potatoes, the heart and soul, the fuel and fire, the gist and
         | the crux, the lifeblood and the wellsprings of thought.
         | Analogy-making, far from happening at rare intervals, occurs at
         | all moments, defining thinking from top to toe, from the
         | tiniest and most fleeting thoughts to the most creative
         | scientific insights. Like Godel, Escher, Bach before it,
         | Surfaces and Essences will profoundly enrich our understanding
         | of our own minds. By plunging the reader into an extraordinary
         | variety of colorful situations involving language, thought, and
         | memory, by revealing bit by bit the constantly churning
         | cognitive mechanisms normally completely hidden from view, and
         | by discovering in them one central, invariant core--the
         | incessant, unconscious quest for strong analogical links to
         | past experiences--this book puts forth a radical and deeply
         | surprising new vision of the act of thinking.
       | demondemidi wrote:
       | Hash mapping without a computer since 1921.
         | acchow wrote:
         | Except the Godel encoding is 1:1
           | demondemidi wrote:
           | A perfect hash table.
       | cubefox wrote:
       | I find the section about substitution too quick and consequently
       | confusing. For example, the author didn't clearly explain the
       | meaning of sub(x,y,z).
         | rssoconnor wrote:
         | Maybe my link at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38395058
         | will help? Though even I kinda gloss over how to define sub. It
         | is, in my experience, the most technically challenging part of
         | the proof to actually formally define. I'm happy to try to go
         | over details with you. There is also Section 5.3.1 of my thesis
         | at https://r6.ca/thesis.pdf which probably goes into more
         | detail than you would like.
       | rssoconnor wrote:
       | I have a blog post that does a somewhat deeper dive into how to
       | build a self-referential sentence @
       | https://r6.ca/blog/20190223T161625Z.html where I attempt to
       | answer the question:
       | > I never understood the step about how a system that can do
       | basic arithmetic can express the "I am not provable in F"
       | sentence. Does anyone have an ELI30 version of that?
       | thereticent wrote:
       | Nagel & Newman's _Godel 's Proof_ is an excellent book on how the
       | proof works. It doesn't have all the tie-ins and fun asides that
       | GEB has, but it's stronger for it.
       | st-34-lth wrote:
       | https://youtu.be/5LWQPGjAs3M?si=WBu6C6mWCZ88pH-K
       | Any takes on this ? Spreads doubts over godels proofs
         | jamiek88 wrote:
         | What a lazy comment.
         | What doubt does it spread?
         | What's the key take away?
         | Is it just a crank video?
         | A famous proof published in 1931 that has had much discussion
         | and testing is debunked and disproved on YouTube!
         | No way of telling except to click through and watch a 15 minute
         | video that isn't even vouched for or elaborated on by the
         | commenter posting it.
           | Kranar wrote:
           | I watched the video and the video does not in any way attempt
           | to debunk Godel's proof.
           | I think moreso it just shows that Godel's proof is not as
           | significant or as relevant as many people make it out to be,
           | and on the whole I'd say I agree with that.
         | rssoconnor wrote:
         | I didn't watch the video, but FWIW I have personally formally
         | verified the First Incompleteness Theorem (Goedel-Rosser
         | variant) within the Coq proof assistant.
           | abrenuntio wrote:
           | Hey I know your proof, the 2005 paper is on my desk :-) If
           | you were to code this in Coq again today, would you do things
           | different in some way?
         | smokel wrote:
         | This does not cast doubt on Godel's proofs.
         | The strengthened liar paradox discussed in the video is "This
         | statement is not true", whereas Godel constructed a
         | mathematical statement that says something along the lines of
         | "This statement is not provable". Proving something is a
         | different process than stating something.
       | kkylin wrote:
       | I thought this writeup was quite good. Anyway, anyone interested
       | in this is also likely interested in Rosser's theorem:
       | https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=710
       | bmitc wrote:
       | Does anyone know of any material linking Godel, Turing, and John
       | McCarthy's work, beyond their individual publications?
       | It's also my understanding that Godel did not like publishing.
       | Has his unpublished work ever been combed through and published
       | in some form? Did he primarily write in English or German? Who
       | has his personal papers?
         | cwzwarich wrote:
         | Godel's collected works (including much unpublished work and
         | correspondence) have been published by Clarendon Press, with
         | more work (including translations from German) put into them
         | than pretty much any other mathematician's collected works.
           | bmitc wrote:
           | I didn't realize that. Thank you! Volume III seems exactly
           | what I'm looking for.
       | gregfjohnson wrote:
       | Everyone has their own way of stumbling through to a
       | breakthrough, where suddenly things that had been confusing and
       | complex suddenly seem clear, beautiful, and intuitive.
       | Here are a couple of thoughts on Godel's incompleteness theorem
       | that helped me get there.
       | First, a description of the idea; consider the following two
       | statements:
       | "There exists a formula with Godel number M that has the property
       | that neither the formula nor its negation has a proof."
       | "Oh, by the way. The Godel number of the above formula is M."
       | "M" in the above is an actual number. In the first statement, one
       | has an arithmetic expression (i.e., "3 + 4*5 + 12^100000 + ...")
       | that is short but that evaluates to a really large number.
       | After developing the idea of mapping formulas and proofs of
       | first-order logic to integers, Godel needed to use his new tool
       | to come up with some way to express self reference. (The formula
       | above has to have an embedded arithmetic expression "M" that
       | unwraps and and evaluates to the Godel number of the entire
       | formula.)
       | Godel devised what we would today recognize as exactly the Y
       | combinator, expressed in first order arithmetic.
       | This was a shocking realization when it dawned on me, and it
       | enabled me to gain an insight to the magnificent subtlety of
       | Godel's mind.
       | I am personally comfortable with lisp, functions as first-class
       | objects, lambda calculus, etc., as is certainly the case for many
       | Hacker News readers.
       | So, at least for me, the above connection helped an awful lot to
       | really understand the heart of Godel's insight.
         | pyinstallwoes wrote:
         | Take this with the most non-serious mode: In the methods used
         | by Gematria and various arts, there is a similar mechanism at
         | play is there not? Transforming words into quasi-hash
         | coordinate space that is computable and thus able to see what
         | is related or equal?
       | calimoro78 wrote:
       | From a newbie here, Aside from the one (and sufficient) self
       | referential formula, have we come up with other examples of non
       | decidable propositions that are meaningful?
         | Sharlin wrote:
         | Well, famously the halting problem is undecidable.
         | As a consequence (via Rice's theorem [1]), _all_ nontrivial
         | semantic properties of computer programs are undecidable. That
         | is, there 's no algorithm that can answer "does program x have
         | property y?" for all programs, although obviously it's possible
         | to prove propositions about many _individual_ programs.
         | Because Turing completeness is a fairly low bar to clear, there
         | are infamously a lot of systems that were not designed (or
         | indeed designed not) to be Turing-complete but nevertheless
         | turned out to be so [2]. As such, things like the Java type
         | system is undecidable - in principle there exist Java programs
         | that the compiler can neither reject nor accept.
         | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rice%27s_theorem
         | [2]
         | https://beza1e1.tuxen.de/articles/accidentally_turing_comple...
         | kkylin wrote:
         | A well known example (mentioned in the article) is the
         | Continuum Hypothesis (CH;
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuum_hypothesis). Godel
         | proved CH is consistent with Zermelo-Fraenkel (ZF) set theory;
         | Paul Cohen proved that CH is independent of ZF, and hence CH
         | cannot be decided on the basis of the ZF axioms.
         | By now there are numerous others; this is one of the earliest &
         | best known examples in mathematics.
       | krukah wrote:
       | I'm always fascinated by how Godel's incompleteness theorems,
       | Cantor's diagonalization proof, Turing's halting problem, and
       | Russel's paradox all seem to graze the boundaries of logic.
       | There's something almost terrifying about how everything we know
       | seems to "bottom out" and what we're left with is an
       | embarrassingly small infinite set of truths to grapple with.
       | It really feels to me as if the distinctions between countable vs
       | uncountable; rational vs irrational; discrete vs continuous; all
       | represent the boundary between physics and mathematics - an idea
       | I wish I could elaborate more precisely, but for me stands only
       | on a shred of intuition.
       | I've been interested lately in Stephen Wolfram's and Scott
       | Aaronson's writings on related ideas.
       | Aaronson on Godel, Turing, and Friends:
       | https://www.scottaaronson.com/democritus/lec3.html
       | Wolfram on computational irreducibility and equivalence:
       | https://www.wolframscience.com/nks/chap-12--the-principle-of...
         | acchow wrote:
         | Physics only seems to be continuous when you "zoom out".
         | I do agree that Godel's incompleteness is effectively a
         | statement about integers. As is our model of computation
         | (lambda calculus and church-Turing thesis)
           | pyinstallwoes wrote:
           | All boundaries are anthropomorphic in bias and nature. Humans
           | excel at edge detection, all labels are artificial.
         | andrewgleave wrote:
         | You may find Constructor Theory interesting. An attempt to
         | express physical laws solely in terms of possible and
         | impossible transformations.
         | "These include providing a theory of information underlying
         | classical and quantum information; generalising the theory of
         | computation to include all physical transformations; unifying
         | formal statements of conservation laws with the stronger
         | operational ones (such as the ruling-out of perpetual motion
         | machines); expressing the principles of testability and of the
         | computability of nature (currently deemed methodological and
         | metaphysical respectively) as laws of physics; allowing exact
         | statements of emergent laws (such as the second law of
         | thermodynamics); and expressing certain apparently
         | anthropocentric attributes such as knowledge in physical
         | terms."
         | https://arxiv.org/abs/1210.7439
       | racl101 wrote:
       | I've only had one math prof be able to articulate Godel's
       | Incompleteness Theorem for me in a way that I could really
       | understand (on a superficial level of course).
       | She was such a great math prof. Weird how one person can make you
       | love a subject even after years of not so great teachers.
       | gcanyon wrote:
       | Has anyone done work on finding undecidable math beyond self-
       | referential statements? Meaning: beyond variations of "who shaves
       | the barber," do we have a sense that the undecidable statements
       | are all pathologically long, or are there (we think) undecidable
       | statements a human can comprehend that are undecidable that don't
       | rely on self-reference?
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