[HN Gopher] Elixir at Ramp
       Elixir at Ramp
       Author : judicious
       Score  : 114 points
       Date   : 2023-11-24 15:20 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (engineering.ramp.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (engineering.ramp.com)
       | sb8244 wrote:
       | This is from 2021. I'd be curious if Elixir is still in use, or
       | has expanded at all.
       | Side note: Pablo's blog posts are always quite good.
         | thibaut_barrere wrote:
         | I also wondered about this but could not find anything
         | definitive on that.
         | They seem to be a bit "stealth" about the technologies in use
         | at least based on reading their job offers:
         | https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/ramp/6a5108f4-8605-4a67-9446-ea05f1...
         | > Proficiency in Python, Go, or Java
           | paulbgd wrote:
           | I'm not sure why, but the internship role seems to be the
           | only one listed that has an accurate list of our tech: https:
           | //jobs.ashbyhq.com/ramp/29663a4b-c457-4a38-bbdf-069f18...
           | The article goes into a little more detail too, we haven't
           | significantly changed anything in the last 2 years.
         | judicious wrote:
         | Yeah, I'm definitely curious too. From what I know Ramp is
         | primarily a Python shop on the backend.
         | I just love to see functional programming being used in
         | industry and seeing the thought process behind it.
         | Also, I agree. I'm a big fan of Pablo's posts.
         | paulbgd wrote:
         | Yep it's still being used as our card authorizer service! The
         | features have expanded, although the primary backend monolith
         | is still in python.
           | judicious wrote:
           | Do you foresee a larger scale migration to Elixir in the
           | future?
           | Or would you say that Elixir lends itself to some services
           | and Python others?
             | jstummbillig wrote:
             | And if so: Why is that? Sometimes I read a glowing review
             | and wonder "Why not Elixir everything?" What's the catch?
               | srpablo wrote:
               | Author here; I have a lot of other posts in my personal
               | blog about this, but: the current trends in VC-backed
               | tech companies are about minimizing risk and following
               | fashion, rather than any technical merit or
               | experimentation. Said another way: if an Elixir company
               | dies, it's "damn, shouldn't have picked Elixir!" If a
               | Python company dies, it's "startups are hard," with no
               | investigation behind what Python cost you.
               | I go into it a bit here
               | https://morepablo.com/2023/05/where-have-all-the-hackers-
               | gon... and here https://morepablo.com/2023/06/creatives-
               | industries.html
               | Elixir has real technical downsides too, but honestly
               | they never come up when someone advocates against it. And
               | this is fine, building companies and engineering culture
               | is a social game at the end of the day.
           | codesnik wrote:
           | offtopic, but are your "remote" positions available for
           | developers outside of US?
         | srpablo wrote:
         | Thanks for the kind words! Another comment mentions it, but
         | last I checked Elixir is still powering the Authorization
         | service.
         | You might be interested in a "making of" post I wrote on my
         | personal blog, going into the intentions and crafting of this
         | https://morepablo.com/2023/03/technical-storytelling-making-...
           | judicious wrote:
           | I loved reading the "making of" post. I'm very interested in
           | getting into technical writing and your post, really helped
           | me understand your thought process behind "Elixir at Ramp".
       | colesantiago wrote:
       | (2021)
       | Unfortunately Brex doesn't use Elixir anymore
       | https://medium.com/brexeng/building-backend-services-with-ko...
         | judicious wrote:
         | Kotlin, definitely an interesting choice for backend
         | development. But I love to see idiosyncratic language choices
         | being made.
           | vvpan wrote:
           | Doordash uses Kotlin for backend as well. I suppose they want
           | FE/BE to be in the same language. And when your main product
           | is a native app Kotlin starts to make sense.
             | ceras wrote:
             | Neither the iOS app nor the web app use Kotlin at DoorDash.
             | Kotlin was picked for other reasons (consistency with the
             | Android app wasn't mentioned):
             | https://doordash.engineering/2021/05/04/migrating-from-
             | pytho...
           | brink wrote:
           | Having spent considerable time in both Java and Elixir, I
           | would also choose Kotlin (or Java) over Elixir as a backend
           | language.
           | I worked in Elixir for over a year, and frankly was quite
           | disappointed with it. Elixir has a lot of good ideas, but
           | falls short in some crucial points in execution. Relying on
           | shapes instead of types to identify results / objects, weird
           | syntax choices (You use both <%= %> and {} to interpolate in
           | phoenix templates, depending on where you are), no ability to
           | write custom guards, a lot of language concept overlap - for
           | example behaviors / protocols should be one implementation
           | instead of two separate ideas.. Elixir is an okay language,
           | but I think it's just a fad, not good enough to have staying
           | power. I think a better language written on the BEAM will
           | come along and be the language that Elixir should have been.
           | Just my personal opinion.
             | vvpan wrote:
             | This one is quiet actively developed but it seems like by
             | only one person https://gleam.run
             | benzible wrote:
             | Types are coming...
             | * https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36311875
             | * https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35766126
             | Re: "You use both <%= %> and {} to interpolate in phoenix
             | templates, depending on where you are" - no need for EEx
             | anymore for web development, just use HEEx, which has
             | standardized on {}. You can use HEEx for LiveViews and
             | "DeadViews" (server-side rendered Phoenix)
             | tessierashpool wrote:
             | I remember when Jose Valim first came up with it. I thought
             | it might just be a fad, or a toy language to test out some
             | ideas.
             | that was in 2012.
             | davidw wrote:
             | > custom guards
             | I don't recall 100%, but I think this is a BEAM feature
             | that exists because they don't want to run arbitrary code
             | as part of guards that could have side effects, delays and
             | so on. I don't remember the specifics.
             | bostonvaulter2 wrote:
             | Since Elixir 1.6 it is possible to create custom guards
             | with `defguard`:
             | https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Kernel.html#defguard/1
               | elbasti wrote:
               | It's true that you can create custom guards, but they are
               | still _very_ limited, and they can only be made of a
               | small list of allowed expressions [0].
               | [0]: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.6.6/guards.html#list-of-
               | allowed-...
           | PhoenixReborn wrote:
           | It's likely that they just chose Kotlin as "better Java" -
           | many companies do this and I can understand why.
         | benzible wrote:
         | "Moving to Kotlin first" is a long way from "doesn't use
         | anymore". I suspect that they're still running a lot of Elixir
         | code in production. This was the case more than a year after
         | this announcement, per a conversation with one of their
         | engineers.
       | Dowwie wrote:
       | Ramp and Divvy (Bill), both in the expense management space,
       | chose Elixir for a portion of their payment systems.
       | sesm wrote:
       | When I worked with Erlang outside of Ericsson, I've heard the
       | following from our tech lead: OTP built-in distributed process
       | and failover mechanisms assume much lower latencies than usually
       | exist between datacenter VMs and the underlying protocols consume
       | a lot of bandwidth. I didn't dig deep enough to verify this, but
       | I can confirm that typical Ericsson hardware is several boards
       | connected with high bandwidth 'backplane' and OTP failover was
       | designed for this environment. VMs communicating through LAN is a
       | different environment, and VMs living in different data centers
       | are very far from this. I wonder if anyone else tried using OTP
       | outside of Ericsson and what is their experience.
         | throwawaymaths wrote:
         | You should probably reach for something like ra for anything
         | but trivial stuff. If latency is not a concern, global module
         | is probably fine but double check the quorum membership.
           | rhodin wrote:
           | ra for those interested: https://github.com/rabbitmq/ra ("A
           | Raft implementation for Erlang and Elixir that strives to be
           | efficient and make it easier to use multiple Raft clusters in
           | a single system.") Used by RabbitMQ for quorum queues +
           | Khepri (the new metadata store)
         | toast0 wrote:
         | Welp, my browser ate my longer response. But in short, when I
         | was at WhatsApp, dist worked fine over WANs, I think the WA
         | contributed pg addresses the issues we saw with pg2. It was
         | obviously not ideal, or normal, but sometimes our WAN
         | connections would get bandwidth limited due to congestion or
         | other issues, and things would generally keep going without
         | unexpected problems: replication got behind when the change
         | stream was more than available bandwidth and there's no
         | separation of dist traffic, so if replication has minutes or
         | hours of delay, so does any other traffic in that direction, so
         | interactive traffic will timeout, net_adm ping will take
         | minutes or hours, etc. I guess technically the connection ticks
         | must not quite suffer the same queuing, because the connections
         | would not be severed by tick timeouts.
         | The other issue related to WAN that we'd see is when you start
         | a mnesia node, it loads all of the tables from peers if peers
         | have copies of the tables, but out of the box it doesn't have a
         | concept of LAN vs WAN peers, so it may load your half a
         | terrabyte or whatever worth of data from WAN instead of LAN.
         | Loading all that data from LAN might be undesirable too, but
         | that's another story; you could probably maybe come up with a
         | way to store and later replicate changelogs for offline mnesia
         | peers, but that doesn't come out of the box, and WA didn't
         | build it either.
         | The community at large often reported maximum dist cluster
         | sizes that were way less than what we ran in production, and
         | comments about WAN distribution that didn't match our
         | experience either. _shrug_ It does help to have a very solid
         | private network between nodes though. Dist in general, but
         | mnesia specifically, don 't like for nodes to disappear. pg2
         | has some quirks too, but pg resolves them, afaik, as I
         | mentioned earlier. Some of pg2's issues were rooted in global
         | locks, you've got to be careful about those if node lists are
         | rapidly changing and there's contention on the locks.
         | hosh wrote:
         | Dist Erlang worked fine in today's environments for the
         | application we were working on -- nothing like real time audio.
         | (Although people are using Elixir for real-time audio and video
         | processing and muxing).
         | I saw an example of something OTP is also good at --
         | coordination across _unreliable_ nodes and networks. IoT is
         | obvious ... but so are mobile point-of-sale and payment systems
         | on food trucks.
         | keep_reading wrote:
         | They epmd protocol is designed to be replaceable and that's
         | what Partisan is for
         | https://partisan.dev/
       | freedomben wrote:
       | > _My hot take about most dynamic languages is that they are a
       | poor fit for startups who have intentions of being long-term
       | businesses: you 've created an environment that's optimized for
       | your founding engineers to build something quickly in the first 7
       | months, but the price is a set of recurring obstacles which your
       | engineers will pay down over the next 7 years._
       | I've been saying this for years, so it feels really good to the
       | confirmation bias to see it said by someone else!
       | Though, the language and frameworks definitely matter, but you
       | can easily write short-term-over-long-term code in any
       | language/framework. Founding engineers tend to be the worst as
       | well, because they love and sometimes only ever experienced
       | greenfield development, and they are trying to move _fast_. That
       | 's not a bad thing as without that the startup may die on the
       | vine, but it is something that I wish more founding engineers
       | would be cognisant of, because little things (json schemas, and
       | unit/integration tests for example!) can make a big difference.
       | Elixir (and Phoenix) really do get the best of both worlds. It's
       | highly productive like Rails, but the built-in way of doing
       | things will give you validations on your data in and there are
       | plenty of tools like Ecto schemas that can be used anywhere and
       | everywhere the data matters. Tests are also first-class citizens
       | and have to be actively ignored to avoid them.
       | The one area where IMHO the jury is still out is LiveView. It
       | takes a lot of battle-hardened approaches of React, and my
       | initial feelings on it are very good. However I've not yet had a
       | natural organization structure emerge with it, so I'm not sure
       | how maintainable it will be in the future for people that didn't
       | write it. Anybody have experience with that?
         | imachine1980_ wrote:
         | does elixir have type checking like typescript does ?( you can
         | add types ?)
           | hmmokidk wrote:
           | The hottest news in the Elixir community is that it is
           | currently experimenting with set theoretic type / gradual
           | typing. Some french PHD is working on it.
           | It is past the RND phase and in development at the moment.
           | It is highly experimental and not guaranteed to ship with the
           | next version of Elixir. Right now the idea is to see if it
           | offers any value in the first place. There are a lot of
           | statements about what types offer. What the Elixir team wants
           | to do is actually experiment to see if there's a benefit.
           | Which is a really neat thing for a lang to do...to actually
           | experiment like that is incredible.
           | As for right now, in a sense yes. It has this thing called
           | Dialyzer - https://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/dialyzer/dialyzer_
           | chapter.ht... which is a static analysis tool. This offers
           | some non runtime type guarantees. But it is still a
           | dynamically typed language. And the community is split on it
           | IME. The errors are cryptic and there are some other issues.
           | There's also Norm.
           | There are some things you can do to guarantee types during
           | runtime, like match a function to a type. So when called with
           | a string the implementation is different than with a boolean.
           | So there are some run time type guarantees.
           | example of matching (return a diff string if bool or if nil):
           | def do_thing(n) when is_bool(n): "some boolean"
           | def do_thing(n) when is_nil(n): "nil"
           | There's also the concept of a struct which is like a typed
           | object / map / key value pair thing.
         | hmmokidk wrote:
         | I feel the same way about OO tbh. When everything is just
         | functions + data types it's all much more easy to reason about
         | and maintain.
         | I have no clue have LV scales. But I have yet to see a React
         | application that doesn't drive me crazy with the amount of
         | indirection and complexity!
           | judicious wrote:
           | Totally agree, when is everything is functions and data, it
           | makes life a lot easier. I especially find it useful when
           | refactoring code while trying to keep an existing function
           | signature.
         | pphysch wrote:
         | >> _My hot take about most dynamic languages is that they are a
         | poor fit for startups who have intentions of being long-term
         | businesses_
         | If you know _exactly_ what you are building, down to the
         | datatypes, sure, use static typing. But 99% of startups aren 't
         | like that. Business development is a highly dynamic process.
         | Once you hit $1M revenue, rewrite it in Rust or whatever.
           | judicious wrote:
           | This is unironically my plan/playbook with ideas I have for
           | startups. Start with Python, node, or whatever. Then go to
           | Rust once product-market fit has been established.
           | Rust really hits that sweet spot with memory-management,
           | programming paradigm flexibility, and speed. It's precisely
           | great for what I need because it's essentially an ML with
           | good imperative constructs.
         | elbasti wrote:
         | > The one area where IMHO the jury is still out is LiveView.
         | Agree 100%. Unfortunately LiveView is quickly becoming _the_
         | way of doing things, which I think is ill-advised. It makes the
         | language larger, and is still too much in flux (it 's not even
         | v1 yet).
         | LiveView is great, but it's not perfect and has real drawbacks.
       | hellozomo wrote:
       | As a user, Ramp's web interface is absolute trash. I've submitted
       | reimbursement requests only to get an error message and then have
       | them go through later, creating duplicates.
       | CC transactions queue up, requiring a response and there's no way
       | to go through them efficiently. The UI pops up a weird modal and
       | is horrible to use.
       | It feels like a legacy enterprise application and it's basically
       | a new product. I wish my company didn't use it.
       (page generated 2023-11-24 23:00 UTC)