[HN Gopher] Hacking my filter coffee machine
       Hacking my filter coffee machine
       Author : edward
       Score  : 29 points
       Date   : 2023-11-28 20:10 UTC (2 hours ago)
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       | sokoloff wrote:
       | As soon as I read "I originally used the Arduino IDE, writing my
       | program in C. I had a bad time with that and rewrote it in Rust,"
       | I was pretty sure that I'd be reading the root cause as being
       | "Arduino C has 16-bit ints" (as I'd had the same experience in
       | some delay-based relay control code I wrote a decade ago). Sure
       | enough, that was the issue.
       | As a long-time C programmer and Rust newbie, it seems like a
       | really long way 'round to switch languages just to avoid using
       | longs, but for a hobby/learning project (or a C novice and
       | experienced Rust dev), Rust makes more sense.
         | fanf2 wrote:
         | My reading of the root cause is that the Arduino IDE doesn't
         | provide the kind of debugging facilities that C programmers
         | expect, like decent compiler warnings and support for static
         | analysis and runtime sanitizers (at least for off-device test
         | builds). It also does not work well with proper development
         | tooling, in particular git.
         | The 16 bitness would have been OK if the dev environment had
         | been tolerable. Tho, to be fair, although Ian is an experienced
         | C programmer (he wrote dpkg) he has very little patience for C
         | any more, so it would not have taken much adversity to make him
         | switch to Rust. [I know Ian personally.]
           | sokoloff wrote:
           | The Arduino IDE definitely sucks for experienced programmers.
           | I feel like they did a great job making the "zero to seven-
           | eighths" experience pretty good for non-developers, but many
           | of those same choices mean that the tooling drives SWEs
           | batty.
       | kubindurion wrote:
       | I wonder how many here remember the OG coffee HOWTO
       | http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Coffee.html
         | m463 wrote:
         | _" If you only want a simple circuit, you can use Motorola's
         | triac driver MOC301[012], together with a general purpose TRIAC
         | like SC141D."_
         | lol
         | (though I guess compared to MQTT + ATTiny85 + GPIO it is of its
         | time)
       | Kirby64 wrote:
       | As much as I admire DIY'ing issues to fix... this seems like a
       | lot of effort and cost that could be easily fixed by buying a
       | different coffee maker. The author even says the UI sucks, which
       | is not the case for many other options on the market.
       | Buy one with a thermal carafe (so you don't have a hot plate at
       | all, and also your coffee will taste much better than sitting on
       | the hot plate all day...), and buy one that has a proper timer
       | that has AM/PM.
       | The reason hot plates turn off is twofold: safety, and the longer
       | its on a hot plate the worse the coffee tastes.
         | dfxm12 wrote:
         | This is more of a hacking log and less of a discussion about
         | good coffee machines.
         | The author was trying to see if they could.
         | mewse-hn wrote:
         | Yep hotplates burn the coffee and I cringe when people say they
         | need them on longer than 25m
           | jtriangle wrote:
           | By many measures, drip coffee comes out of the machine pre-
           | ruined, so I don't see the real problem with ruining it
           | further when you have to drown it in heavy cream and sugar to
           | make it palatable in the first place.
           | But I'm probably a different person, I like the ritual of
           | making my morning hot beverage of choice. It takes some time,
           | sure, maybe even time that could be spent sleeping, but it
           | also makes my day better to kick my sleep addled mind into
           | gear doing a task it's done a thousand times instead of
           | something actually challenging or important.
         | cush wrote:
         | Conversely, use any $5 dripper with a physical on/off switch,
         | then plug it into a smart plug. Keep the dripper always turned
         | on, and use the plug to do all the smart stuff. I do this, and
         | it's so much easier to manage than whatever janky UI Breville
         | came up with.
       | nerdponx wrote:
       | Meanwhile the Technivorm Moccamaster has a simple on/off switch
       | that you could probably toggle with a relay, a motor, some gears,
       | and a chopstick. It also makes just about the best coffee you're
       | going to get with an automatic drip/filter machine.
       | The bigger challenge of course is that, if you want actually good
       | coffee in the morning, you need to automate the weighing,
       | grinding, and depositing of fresh coffee into a rinsed filter.
       | That's going to look like Factorio in your kitchen.
         | linsomniac wrote:
         | I had a Oxo "Barrista Brain" that I really liked, partly
         | because it would remind me when it needed cleaning, and could
         | be scheduled to start brewing at a particular time. However,
         | those fancy electronics ended up being the primary failure
         | point 4 years down the line, the dial control failed.
         | I ended up replacing it with a Moccamaster and a Zigbee "smart
         | outlet". Because the Moccamaster is so dead simple, I just
         | leave it switched on, and use the button on the outlet to turn
         | it off. To brew in the morning, I have a button on my headboard
         | that if I hold it for 2 seconds starts the brewing. The "start
         | brewing at X:YY" on the Oxo didn't end up working that great
         | for me, because I get up at varying times (half an hour before
         | my alarm this morning, for example).
         | So, I'd recommend anything with a rocker "on" switch and a
         | smart plug, for sure.
         | m463 wrote:
         | I have a mocchamaster and when I switched to cold-brew, I
         | couldn't go back.
         | After reading a friend's copy of "modernist cuisine" I was
         | intrigued and tried the toddy system. A little clunky but the
         | coffee was wonderfully mellow.
         | Since then I caved a little to practicality and use a cold
         | brewer that is a 1/2 gallon mason jar with a perforated steel
         | filter. The only difference I've ever heard about steel vs
         | paper filters is that paper filters out the coffee oils (which
         | could mean lower cholesterol).
       | RockRobotRock wrote:
       | i did this when i was young and still kinda new to programming
       | and hardware. it was fun :)
       | https://alexyancey.com/coffeemaker
       | roomey wrote:
       | I had one of them drip coffee makers that ground the beans into a
       | filter.
       | You could set it with an alarm.
       | Problem was the hot plate turned off after about 25 mins (and I
       | wanted the jug warm a good bit longer).
       | I found if I switched the power off (at the wall) and back on
       | again quickly, the hot plate would stay hot indefinitely.
       | I think this is a common way to bypass a certain type of timer, I
       | can't even remember why I tried it out, but it works!
       | snthd wrote:
       | Technology Connections has a great video on Drip Coffee
       | makers[0].
       | [0] https://youtube.com/watch?v=Sp9H0MO-qS8
         | Night_Thastus wrote:
         | Always love to see TC mentioned. Very informative and
         | entertaining videos on a variety of technology.
       | duped wrote:
       | Seems like a lot of effort for bad coffee, why not just use an
       | insulated carafe?
       | rerdavies wrote:
       | > I hope Andy's ok.
       | If his house did burn down, at least he died an Internet hero.
       | throwaway81523 wrote:
       | I think it's not good for the coffee machine to keep the coffee
       | warm. Coffee that has been kept warm for hours tastes awful. It's
       | better to let it cool down, then warm it in a microwave when you
       | want to drink it. If I've had enough coffee for the day and there
       | is some left in the pot, I save it in the fridge for the next
       | day, then re-heat it. Its flavor is not snob quality after that,
       | but it's better than keeping it hot for that long.
         | dtgriscom wrote:
         | Cheap coffee makers have a single heater that heats both the
         | water and the hot plate. Since the water needs to be brought to
         | a boil, the heater's thermostat needs to be above boiling, so
         | the hot plate will also eventually hit boiling, which is really
         | bad for the coffee.
       | quickthrower2 wrote:
       | You not a coffee enthusiast if you haven't hacked your machine
       | :-). I did the OPV mod to get that 9 bar pressure on my machine.
       | Yes I have steered the conversation to espresso. The downside is
       | it wastes water (pressure is reduced by diverting water to
       | waste). But not having it jam the puck with too much pressure is
       | worth it!
       | fullspectrumdev wrote:
       | I love this
       | > My original feeling was "I can't be bothered dealing with the
       | coffee machine innards" so I thought I would make a mechanical
       | contraption to physically press the coffee machine's "on" button.
       | Cba disassembling so maybe making a Rube Goldberg button pushing
       | machine is first thought is _exactly_ how my design process often
       | goes!
       | graphe wrote:
       | Low tech way: cold brew a strong beverage, have hot water in
       | vacuum flask/thermos. Mix.
       | gumby wrote:
       | > In my house the neutral is about 2-3V away from true earth.
       | You seem quite blase about his. Where I live the city comes out
       | monthly to check the ground point for our section of the street.
       | I have seen them fiddle with it (salt it?) and at one point they
       | moved it a few feet (notifying all the houses, digging up the
       | steet slightly etc.
       | They really don't want any, well, potential problems.
       (page generated 2023-11-28 23:00 UTC)