[HN Gopher] The highly involved build process for my doctoral di...
       The highly involved build process for my doctoral dissertation
       Author : pabs3
       Score  : 37 points
       Date   : 2023-12-08 09:10 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (spwhitton.name)
 (TXT) w3m dump (spwhitton.name)
       | applied_heat wrote:
       | Does anyone know any library that can swap a page in the pdf with
       | another without destroying the metadata?
         | analog31 wrote:
         | I use a Python library called pdfrw to take PDFs apart, notably
         | to work with sheet music. I think when you ask it for a page,
         | it returns the whole thing, and the PDF files that get written
         | are still readable PDFs.
         | I assume that within the file structure are things that enable
         | an internal integrity check, such as maybe checksums or CRC's,
         | which would necessarily be different if the file contents are
         | different.
         | cozzyd wrote:
         | qpdf?
         | clankyclanker wrote:
         | pdftk?
         | agarsev wrote:
         | You can dump the metadata and then restore it, maybe that'll
         | work for you?
       | cozzyd wrote:
       | I too had a complicated Makefile for my dissertation, but since
       | then I've learned to use latexmk which seems to more or less do
       | everything for you...
       | (ok, I guess I still often have a Makefile that calls latexmk and
       | sometimes produces some figures from scripts)
       | tkiolp4 wrote:
       | I've known PhDs in philosophy who can barely create slides in
       | power point... while others (like OP) go and use latex, create
       | open source software and use emacs. I've never seen such a
       | drastic difference in any other field.
         | KeplerBoy wrote:
         | Latex is the norm in all natural sciences and engineering
         | fields. Most people however are happy with putting their
         | content in someone else's templates.
         | jacurtis wrote:
         | I'm not sure how its possible to get a PhD in the modern era
         | without learning LaTex. It is the required markup and
         | publishing tool for any respected research publication. Since
         | PhDs require (at least mine did) multiple published works in
         | respected journals and conferences, I feel like LaTex is table-
         | stakes for doctoral research and degrees.
         | Furthermore, outside of my dissertation work, the classes I
         | took often required you to produce other research works which
         | also had to be created with LaTex. Overleaf (a SaaS platform
         | for Latex collaboration and sharing) was essentially the
         | operating system of my PhD. I spent 75% of my time in there.
         | I feel like it would be impossible to get a Doctoral degree
         | without LaTex knowledge. Maybe it depends on the university?
           | rnadomvirlabe wrote:
           | Microsoft Word still reigns supreme in many fields. Some
           | journals still require it as the format for submission.
             | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
             | Yeah, my experience is that philosophy journals typically
             | expect word documents.
           | svara wrote:
           | This is all completely untrue in general. There are many
           | fields in which you'll be the annoying weirdo who tries to
           | force their tools on others if you insist on using latex.
           | For example, Nature is so kind as to accept final submissions
           | in latex, but they'll convert it to Word. So it's completely
           | pointless.
           | Frankly people using latex-beamer make me roll my eyes too.
           | It's a sign you care about tools more than outcome. If you're
           | making a presentation, your goal should be to produce the
           | ideal design to convey your message to the audience. Latex
           | always gets in the way of this. (Some latex wizards are going
           | to disagree obviously, but for the vast majority of users
           | it's true.)
             | light_hue_1 wrote:
             | > Frankly people using latex-beamer make me roll my eyes
             | too. It's a sign you care about tools more than outcome. If
             | you're making a presentation, your goal should be to
             | produce the ideal design to convey your message to the
             | audience. Latex always gets in the way of this. (Some latex
             | wizards are going to disagree obviously, but for the vast
             | majority of users it's true.)
             | It's a sign that I care about outcome and efficiency. I
             | want the minimum effort on my part to have the maximum
             | clarity and impact. Beamer is that tool.
             | I do roughly zero formatting, and in exchange I get
             | something that looks good, is very clear and simple for the
             | audience to understand, and has impact.
             | The beauty of LaTeX is that it gets out of the way. I don't
             | need to think about formatting, I can think about content.
             | rsa4046 wrote:
             | > For example, Nature is so kind as to accept final
             | submissions in latex, but they'll convert it to Word. So
             | it's completely pointless.
             | There is large gulf between submitting a paper (typically
             | limited to a few journal pages) to a well-equipped
             | organization like Springer Nature, and submitting a
             | manuscript hundreds of even thousands of pages in length to
             | a university dissertation office, when that document must
             | adhere scrupulously to various formatting requirements in
             | terms of tables, figures, pagination, citation, appendices,
             | cross-referencing, etc. Word is fine for memos, briefs,
             | letters, and other fairly short documents. But its
             | capabilities for creating complex documents that must
             | include cross-referencing, strict placement of tables,
             | figures, and other floats, citations, referencing, etc.
             | frankly suck. Students can't afford expensive typesetting
             | software: TeX and friends are high quality, stable, have a
             | large and knowledgeable user community, and most
             | importantly, are free. You can bet that publishing houses
             | aren't using Word and PowerPoint to produce anything beyond
             | email. They accept Word documents because of Microsoft's
             | market dominance, which is unrelated to the quality of
             | software they publish.
           | shpongled wrote:
           | Maybe in CS?
           | In the life sciences, practically no one knows how to use
           | LaTeX, or has even heard of it.
         | amelius wrote:
         | Latex coding is the favorite bike shedding project of many CS
         | students.
         | ezequiel-garzon wrote:
         | On the technically advanced end of the spectrum you'll find
         | John MacFarlane [1], professor of philosophy at Berkeley and
         | creator of pandoc [2]. Some people are just amazing.
         | [1] https://johnmacfarlane.net/
         | [2] https://pandoc.org/
           | slow_typist wrote:
           | Incredibly talented guy. Incredibly useful software.
       | nohuck13 wrote:
       | "goals: ... replace the second page with a scanned copy ...after
       | it was signed by the examiners... reproducibly."
       | Oh man, purist side quests like this are exactly how I would
       | procrastinate a philosophy dissertation. But building a complex
       | process for _reproducibly_ handling the once-in-a-lifetime event
       | of accepting your dissertation examiners' signatures is taking it
       | to a whole other level.
         | anonymouskimmer wrote:
         | For my M.S. I just looked up the relevant PDF merge utility for
         | Linux online. I can't even remember what it was now, but it
         | took the first x pages from the unsigned thesis, intercollated
         | the signed signing page, and then took the remaining pages from
         | the unsigned thesis, and output a single PDF.
         | Edit: .zsh_history had it:
         | > pdftk A=thesis.pdf B=approval.pdf cat A1-5 B1 A7-end output
         | signed_thesis.pdf
       | lapcat wrote:
       | What struck me was "Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Sean Whitton" on the
       | dissertation. 5 years? Ugh.
       | True story: While writing my philosophy dissertation, I dropped
       | out of grad school to become a Mac developer, and a key factor
       | was the open source Mac bibliography app BibDesk.
       | https://bibdesk.sourceforge.io/
         | dmd wrote:
         | Five years seems pretty normal? Shorter than that would be
         | extremely unusual. What are you saying here?
           | lapcat wrote:
           | I think you're confusing time spent in the doctoral program
           | vs. time spent writing the doctoral dissertation?
           | This appears to be your resume, according to which you spent
           | five years total in the doctoral program. I'm pretty sure you
           | didn't start writing your dissertation on day one, since
           | there are years of coursework and other requirements before
           | you start writing your dissertation.
           | https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielmdrucker
             | dmd wrote:
             | Ok, yeah, that's true. I'd guess "started working on stuff
             | that went into my thesis" to final product was about 3
             | years.
             | I actually remember the day I did "mkdir thesis" and then
             | said "WELP that's enough work for today!"
               | lapcat wrote:
               | Looks like 10 years in the program for the author. There
               | could have been a break before grad school, though he was
               | a teaching assistant as early as 2016.
               | https://spwhitton.name//philos/CV.pdf
               | Ph.D. Philosophy, University of Arizona (expected 2023)
               | MMathPhil, Mathematics and Philosophy, University of
               | Oxford (2013)
       | joosters wrote:
       | IMO, LaTeX is just a way for computer scientists to keep on
       | programming when they've finished their research project and are
       | writing it up.
       | ribit wrote:
       | My dissertation building process was similar. Only it also
       | involved a bunch of custom pandoc filters and the markdown had
       | runnable R code in it. Fun times. I didn't bother with replacing
       | the signed page though, because enough is enough.
       (page generated 2023-12-09 23:00 UTC)