[HN Gopher] FDA approves a CRISPR-based medicine for treatment o...
       FDA approves a CRISPR-based medicine for treatment of sickle cell
       Author : divbzero
       Score  : 503 points
       Date   : 2023-12-08 17:56 UTC (1 days ago)
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       | trident5000 wrote:
       | Pretty big news. I believe this is the first gene editing therapy
       | approved by the FDA and theres a large backlog thats been in the
       | works for many years. Id like to see the flood gates really open
       | up for gene editing for diseases, preventative treatments, and
       | even cosmetic.
         | csdvrx wrote:
         | > Id like to see the flood gates really open up for gene
         | editing for diseases, preventative treatments, and even
         | cosmetic.
         | Me too, because it's fun to consider DNA as some code we can
         | edit to get outcomes we want!
         | However, some people are ethically opposed to that - but
         | piggybacking on the preference people have for having children
         | should be able to move the Overton window!
           | trident5000 wrote:
           | It really is inspiring. Yeah I take the opposite side,
           | ethically speaking. I think its cruel to not allow people to
           | fix their bodies in the ways they want and in many cases
           | need. Im in the max body-editing camp. Also this should
           | resolve race issues once and for all which is fun to think
           | about.
             | lotsofpulp wrote:
             | > Also this should resolve race issues once and for all
             | which is fun to think about.
             | I doubt it. One of the root causes of "race" issues is
             | humans using prior probabilities. Unless that changes, then
             | the priors will simply move on from being skin tone based.
             | I would suggest they already have for some portions of the
             | population.
           | JumpCrisscross wrote:
           | > _some people are ethically opposed to that_
           | Body autonomy may be a fundamental right requiring legal
           | recognition. It curiously cuts across many protracted
           | debates: abortion, vaccine requirements, transgender rights
           | and now gene editing. (I suppose abortion and germ-line edits
           | are a special case.)
       | elektor wrote:
       | Now comes the hard question, how will the US payer system afford
       | it?
       | "An August report from the nonprofit Institute for Clinical and
       | Economic Review found that the treatment and similar gene-editing
       | therapies for sickle cell disease would be cost-effective if
       | priced between $1.35 million and $2.05 million. In the U.S.,
       | patients with the condition and their insurers pay on average
       | between $1.6 million and $1.7 million for disease management over
       | the course of a lifetime." Source:
       | https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/08/fda-gene-editing-th...
         | trident5000 wrote:
         | Any new product is going to start out as expensive and this
         | likely isnt a market realized price. This is the first of its
         | kind. It probably still wont be cheap but its not going to be
         | this absurdly priced in the future considering even the
         | insurance companies likely wont pay for this.
         | huytersd wrote:
         | You answered your own question. The taxpayer already pays the
         | same amount for lifetime treatment. This is just going to be
         | the same except the person can lead a completely normal life
         | after this. Also over time this will probably be much, much
         | cheaper than the current lifetime treatment. There's no reason
         | a lot of the process can't be easily automated.
           | elektor wrote:
           | No, I did not "answer my own question". These therapies are
           | priced at $2.2 and $3.1 million, much greater than their
           | calculated cost-effective price. And these are not small
           | molecules that can be easily made generic, so not likely to
           | get that much cheaper over time.
             | maxerickson wrote:
             | Plasmid production is pretty well industrialized. Lots of
             | biotech drugs/treatments ferment plasmids as a step in
             | their process (for example the Covid mRNA vaccines that
             | cost $25).
             | I imagine an expensive part of this process is incubating
             | the treated stem cells to increase their numbers, and then
             | just the cost of the hospital time while the new cells
             | establish and the patients immune system recovers from the
             | chemotherapy.
       | MiddleEndian wrote:
       | Lots of AI content recently (and I am working on AI-adjacent
       | stuff myself lol), but I am most excited for upcoming medical
       | changes. Cure every disease, then let people have designer bodies
       | if they like.
         | bigfishrunning wrote:
         | I can't wait to grow all those extra fingers and teeth!
         | evrimoztamur wrote:
         | You might enjoy Cronenberg's Crimes of the Future if that idea
         | is appealing to you. Very curious execution of a disease-free
         | bio-tech (organ-ic-tech?) future.
           | foco_tubi wrote:
           | I just wanna be able to digest plastic
             | numtel wrote:
             | I was wondering about new digestive capabilities recently
             | and wrote this blurb:
             | https://clonk.me/nft/137/0x8abd8d9fab3f711b16d15ce48747db49
             | 6...
             | If we could eat different things, we could give up
             | agriculture and save a bunch of land and energy.
             | MiddleEndian wrote:
             | Speaking of digesting random things, I found myself bored
             | in the shoe section of some store (I wanna say Nordstroms),
             | and I was curious if I could eat the leather shoes. Beef is
             | beef, right? Apparently you cannot digest leather due to
             | the chemicals involved in the curing process.
               | selcuka wrote:
               | > I was curious if I could eat the leather shoes. Beef is
               | beef, right?
               | This was a recurring theme in Lucky Luke [1]. The titular
               | hero cooks and eats his boots when he faces starvation,
               | usually when he gets lost in the desert.
               | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucky_Luke
             | huppeldepup wrote:
             | why digest plastic if you can photosynthesise
           | MiddleEndian wrote:
           | I'm a big Cronenberg fan but I haven't seen this one (these
           | ones? as there seem to be two). Would you recommend the 1970
           | or the 2022 version?
             | evrimoztamur wrote:
             | Sorry, I wasn't even aware of 1970.
             | They are apparently unrelated, it is 2022 that I was
             | referring to.
               | MiddleEndian wrote:
               | Excellent, thanks!
         | z7 wrote:
         | Why stop there?
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eradication_of_suffering
           | AmericanChopper wrote:
           | Why stop there?
           | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gattaca
         | __loam wrote:
         | I think we're pretty far away from designer bodies. We might
         | solve a lot of cancer in our lifetimes though.
       | neverrroot wrote:
       | Yet another first. Approved, looking forward to more such
       | products, in spite of everything and all the short-term issues,
       | long term is an absolute game changer across the board.
       | KyleSanderson wrote:
       | Lyfgenia's approval came with a black box warning about the
       | possibility that patients who receive the therapy might later
       | develop blood cancer and should be monitored for that risk. Two
       | patients in trials of the drug died of blood cancers, and studies
       | concluded that the cancers were caused by the chemotherapy
       | conditioning regimen for the treatment, not Lyfgenia itself.
         | confused_boner wrote:
         | >the cancers were caused by the chemotherapy conditioning
         | regimen for the treatment, not Lyfgenia itself.
         | I am certain some media group is going to conveniently leave
         | this part out of the title of their article, and surely no one
         | is gonna waste time reading the actual article and the rumors
         | will take off.
           | jorlow wrote:
           | The article says "patients must undergo a preparatory
           | treatment with a chemotherapy drug to remove any native stem
           | cells that might remain in their bone marrow." It doesn't
           | make much difference to the patient if it's the Lyfgenia
           | itself or the chemo drug, if the chemo drug is a requirement.
           | Right?
             | eszed wrote:
             | Fair enough, but there remains the possibility of finding
             | an alternate, safer chemotherapy drug.
             | Does anyone know if changing the drug would require a new
             | FDA approval for the entire regimen, or could the protocol
             | be easily changed?
               | firejake308 wrote:
               | It's reasonable to expect small improvements in the risk
               | profile, but I think blood cancer is going to be a side
               | effect for any drug following this basic idea. You will
               | always need some chemo to destroy the defective blood-
               | making stem cells before replacing them with the
               | genetically-modified blood-making stem cells, and any
               | chemo that is strong enough to kill all of the blood-
               | making stem cells in your body is necessarily going to
               | have a risk of damaging healthy cells and turning them
               | into pre-cancer cells. So the risk can be reduced but
               | probably not eliminated.
               | eszed wrote:
               | That makes sense. Thank you.
               | In theory, could a separate gene therapy target and knock
               | out the stem cells that carry the mutation?
               | skissane wrote:
               | > Does anyone know if changing the drug would require a
               | new FDA approval for the entire regimen, or could the
               | protocol be easily changed?
               | The FDA-approved prescribing information will recommend a
               | particular chemotherapy regimen, but clinicians will be
               | free to substitute alternatives if they believe those are
               | clinically superior. They won't need permission from the
               | FDA or the manufacturer to do that; clinicians deviate
               | from the FDA-approved manufacturer recommendations all
               | the time ("off-label prescribing").
               | If the manufacturer wants to update the official
               | recommendations in the prescribing information, then
               | they'll need FDA approval for that. But it is possible
               | for clinicians to publish their own treatment guidelines
               | (e.g. in medical journal articles), independent of the
               | manufacturer, and the FDA has no control over those.
               | eszed wrote:
               | What a weird system: there's something better, but the
               | manufacturer _isn 't allowed to tell you about it_. What
               | if they, like, slide the journal article across the desk,
               | whilst holding their finger alongside their nose and
               | winking?
               | skissane wrote:
               | > What a weird system: there's something better, but the
               | manufacturer isn't allowed to tell you about it.
               | It is the way medicine works - not just in the US, in
               | most countries worldwide. Not just about gene therapy,
               | about all drugs and devices.
               | The FDA and its international equivalents (the EMA in the
               | EU, the TGA in Australia, etc) regulate the
               | manufacturers, not the clinicians. They control what the
               | manufacturers sell and even what the manufacturers are
               | allowed to say about their products (in product
               | packaging, prescribing information, advertisements and
               | marketing collateral). They don't control what the
               | treating clinicians do with those products - to the
               | extent that is regulated, it is the job of other
               | regulatory agencies (e.g. professional licensing boards,
               | civil courts hearing medical malpractice claims, etc)
               | > What if they, like, slide the journal article across
               | the desk, whilst holding their finger alongside their
               | nose and winking?
               | What they'll do instead: there will be a conference where
               | (among other things) the journal article author will
               | present their findings/recommendations, and the
               | manufacturer will sponsor (and hence help pay for) the
               | conference. They never actually said anything, they just
               | made sure you were there to hear about it.
               | I'm not a doctor but my mother is. When I was a teenager,
               | she'd be invited to these free dinners at fancy
               | restaurants paid for by pharmaceutical companies, and a
               | couple of times they allowed her to take me along (she
               | was allowed to bring her spouse/partner to some of them,
               | so she just asked "can I bring my teenage son instead"?).
               | During the dinner, some academic would do a presentation
               | on their research into how wonderful one of the company's
               | drugs was, and also do some Q&A. So the manufacturer
               | wasn't technically saying anything, everything was said
               | by some academic (whose research they were funding). I
               | didn't understand it all, but I found it rather
               | interesting. Still didn't follow her footsteps into
               | medicine though (although my younger brother has).
               | But, she tells me the regulators have cracked down on
               | free perks from pharmaceutical companies, so they are
               | forced to be a lot less generous nowadays than they were
               | back in the 1990s. (This is not the US though, this is
               | Australia.)
             | confused_boner wrote:
             | I was thinking more that it could poison the reputation of
             | gene therapy by causing folks to falsely associate cancer
             | with gene therapy. And that false stigma could carry on
             | even if one day chemo was no longer needed.
             | skissane wrote:
             | There is active research on doing gene therapy without
             | requiring chemotherapy (or radiation) first. It has been
             | shown to work in mice, and they may eventually get it
             | working in humans too. It would likely require a
             | significant modification to these gene therapies though,
             | since one approach is to alter the method of growing the
             | stem cells to produce a significantly higher number, and
             | then transplant that, with the hope that the transplanted
             | edited cells outnumber and outnumber the original unedited
             | ones. So very likely the FDA would treat that as a new
             | therapy requiring a new approval process.
             | https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2019/05/radiation-
             | fre...
             | There is also ongoing research into immunotherapy for
             | killing stem cells, as an alternative to the existing
             | methods of chemotherapy and radiation. Potentially,
             | immunotherapy could have significantly reduced secondary
             | cancer risk.
             | https://jhoonline.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13045
             | -...
       | SamBam wrote:
       | > Vertex set the price of Casgevy at $2.2 million
       | > Patients must spend weeks, even months, in the hospital before
       | and after the therapy is administered.
       | Yoiks. So how many actual people are going to be able to get this
       | treatment?
         | coldpie wrote:
         | Indeed. The good news is, it actually turns out to be about the
         | same or cheaper than ongoing treatment of a untreated sickle
         | cell:
         | """Each treatment is an individualized "one-off" treatment. For
         | this reason, a single treatment for a single patient is
         | expensive. At present it is estimated that in the UK treatment
         | will cost PS1 million or more. In the US the estimated cost is
         | $2 million.
         | That may seem prohibitive, but we need to consider the overall
         | cost-effectiveness of the treatment, which means comparing the
         | cost of treatment to the cost of managing each disease without
         | the treatment. Sickle cell patient require frequent
         | hospitalization, which can be very expensive. One analysis
         | found that Casgevy can be cost effective at PS1.5 million or
         | $1.9 million. This is in range of the estimated cost. Also, the
         | longer the treatment benefits last, the more cost effective the
         | treatment becomes. A lifetime of transfusions or hospital
         | admissions adds up."""
         | https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/first-crispr-treatment-appr...
           | BurningFrog wrote:
           | Not quite true: Identical twins/triplets/etc, can reuse the
           | same cure.
           | thereisnospork wrote:
           | > it actually turns out to be about the same or cheaper than
           | ongoing treatment of a untreated sickle cell
           | If I were a betting man I'd wager the house that the above is
           | exactly why it costs what it does. 'Pay 2 million now, or pay
           | 2 million over the rest of the patient's life as they suffer'
           | is a pretty inarguable value proposition.
           | Of course once patents expire and processes refine prices
           | will come down. The wheel of progress rolls on (more of less)
           | as intended.
         | ericmay wrote:
         | This is Day 1 so the price and how well it works _today_ is
         | almost certainly the worst it will ever be. Insurance will
         | likely cover the cost. It 's a very bad, painful, and outright
         | deadly genetic mutation and $2.2 million is practically
         | _nothing_ compared to doubling someone 's lifespan or giving
         | them an extra 10 years.
         | More info I found relevant regarding cost for typical treatment
         | and out of pocket estimated costs:
         | https://www.hematology.org/newsroom/press-releases/2022/the-...
           | ponector wrote:
           | I don't agree that it is nothing. 2 millions, if applied
           | properly, could do good for many people. Take ten children
           | from poverty, give ten children chance to get a good
           | education, etc.
           | There is always a some kind of moral dilemma: should you
           | spent millions to try to extend extremely I'll person or help
           | with that money to some healthy poor children?
             | dopa42365 wrote:
             | It's possible to do both :)
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | How? Society does not have unlimited resources.
               | Especially the one that extremely ill people need,
               | humans.
               | huytersd wrote:
               | People with sickle cell already cost the taxpayer _a lot_
               | of money over their lifetimes. I wouldn't be surprised if
               | it cost more than this treatment.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | Of course, in that case it is simple. I imagine dopa42365
               | was referring to a scenario where there was an
               | alternative way to spend the money.
               | ponector wrote:
               | Possible in theory. But real life shows neither will be
               | done in enough quantities.
             | esturk wrote:
             | Such a crass statement. What if you're the patient? Would
             | you spend 2 million to live 30-40 more years? It's so easy
             | to step back and weight the lives of other as if you're
             | making the decision for others.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | The $2M represents a certain portion of society's
               | productivity, which is not unlimited.
               | dragonwriter wrote:
               | Yes, but spending it preventing debilitating disease that
               | would cost about the same amount over the lifetime of the
               | sufferer is a no-brainer, even in net econonic output,
               | terms.
               | ponector wrote:
               | But it is so only for few countries with ridiculously
               | high costs of medical services. What about other? If we
               | are talking about someone from south America?
               | 2m is much higher that either costs or economical output
               | the treated person could deliver through lifetime.
               | soulbadguy wrote:
               | > What if you're the patient?
               | What if you are on those 10 poor kids he mentioned ?
               | I don't agree that OP statement is "crass". It's a very
               | pragmatic and important question we have wrestle with.
               | esturk wrote:
               | Except those 10 poor kids aren't spending their own money
               | to save themselves. The patient is though which is the
               | point.
               | soulbadguy wrote:
               | if it's their own money sure.
               | But almost all care services end benefiting from some
               | sort of subsidies. Even if just by increasing the cost of
               | inssurance for the rest of the population
               | arcanemachiner wrote:
               | The median income in America is a little under $40000 per
               | person[1], so that $2.2 million pretty much represents
               | the entire financial income of the average American over
               | a working lifetime (55-60 years).
               | So in essence, you'd be trading the equivalent of one
               | person's entire lifetime of productivity in exchange for
               | the first generation of a radical new medicine whose
               | outcome is unknowable.
               | I don't think it's crass to err on the side of caution
               | for such a scenario.
               | [1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Per_capita_personal_i
               | ncome_i...
               | vidarh wrote:
               | These people mostly do get treatment now, for decades,
               | involving regular expensive long term hospital stays. So
               | you're trading already expensive treatments that cut
               | their earnings potential drastically both by cutting
               | number of productive years but also due to extensive sick
               | leave.
               | So if there even is an increase in the total cost of
               | treatments, it's not at all a given it's a a net increase
               | once account for decades of additional working life.
               | imtringued wrote:
               | I see you are a fan of the MAiD program in Canada.
               | ponector wrote:
               | Of course I will do anything to prolong life of myself
               | and my family, like any human being.
               | But as a society with limited resources we need to set
               | priorities. I hope everyone will be able to receive
               | treatment.
               | However, such treatment is only for rich people, or from
               | rich countries.
               | Even some countries in Europe are not reach enough to pay
               | for such medicine. Like Zolgensma, which also costs
               | around 2 millions USD to cure SMA.
               | ben_w wrote:
               | Crass, sure.
               | Not sure it's really easier though, economics and
               | emotional affect are often at odds. Ask people if a
               | hospital administrator should spend 100k on either a
               | single liver transplant for an 11 year old girl, or
               | spread over 100 less expensive life saving interventions
               | for 50 year olds, most people will say save the girl _and
               | demand the administrator be fired for even needing to
               | think about it_.
               | (Half remembered but apparently real scenario, though I'm
               | not sure where from)
               | imtringued wrote:
               | Why? The way health insurance works, all of those are
               | profitable treatments. There is no "choose one or the
               | other". Sick children/adults becoming healthy adults that
               | can pay for health insurance is not a moral dilemma.
               | ben_w wrote:
               | What are you asking "why" about, exactly?
             | dragonwriter wrote:
             | > 2 millions, if applied properly, could do good for many
             | people.
             | Its very close to the lifetime average financial cost of
             | medical services related to sickle cell disease for those
             | with it, from things posted elsewhere in the thread. So its
             | literally just paying the same (loosely) financial cost up
             | front and then _not_ having them suffer through the
             | disease.
             | An incentive structure that encourages mostly making the
             | wrong decisions on things like this when it comes to
             | cost/quality-of-life is why the US has the most expensive
             | healthcare system in the developed world on a per capita or
             | per GDP basis, and doesn't have better-than-typical general
             | outcomes to show for it.
               | twoodfin wrote:
               | To be fair, those incentive structures also encourage the
               | development of what everyone knows going in will be--
               | initially--absurdly expensive treatments.
               | Over-under on when the NHS agrees to pay for this?
             | monero-xmr wrote:
             | This is the effective altruism / utilitarianism insanity.
             | If we only thought about "what the best use of $2 million
             | is" we would still be living in huts.
               | refactor_master wrote:
               | Actually, utilitarianism and capitalism have been the
               | strongest growth factors for human prosperity and welfare
               | since forever.
               | Many societies with excessively strong opinions on morals
               | however are literally living in huts.
               | krapp wrote:
               | >Many societies with excessively strong opinions on
               | morals however are literally living in huts.
               | Setting aside that the US government is deeply influenced
               | by Christian conservatism and the culture by Puritan
               | ideals, to the point that no American President can be
               | elected without vocally professing faith in God, Christ,
               | or being seen with a Bible in hand, and thus is the most
               | moralizing culture within Western civilization by far
               | (particularly where sex and gender are concerned,) which
               | hut-dwelling societies are you talking about,
               | specifically?
               | refactor_master wrote:
               | Here's a graph showing the negative correlation between
               | "hut-dwelling" and "utilitarianism":
               | https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/05/01/with-
               | high...
               | The US can be said to be both. E.g. you won't find many
               | "huts" along the northeastern coast, but search and
               | you'll find them elsewhere:
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_ter
               | rit...
               | I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine
               | where the most "huts" are found.
               | So it's flat out wrong to claim that some sort of
               | perceived moral bankruptcy with regards to the value of
               | human life has left our society in the stone ages, when
               | all evidence points to the contrary.
               | Under utilitarian capitalism people are expendable, but
               | in the meantime they are less likely to dwell in huts
               | than morally superior societies.
               | Note that I've blatantly equated religion with moral
               | here.
               | ponector wrote:
               | What about real people who are living in huts right now?
               | With few million you can drastically improve thousands of
               | lives.
               | Are they not worth saving? Because they are far away and
               | have small purchasing power there is small sense to help
               | them.
             | ericmay wrote:
             | I understand the dilemma, but many of those same children
             | you are thinking of live in poverty in places such as
             | Africa _and_ with the misfortune of sickle cell disease.
             | If we prevented treatment because the money could be used
             | elsewhere, we likely wouldn't/won't develop a drug that we
             | could eventually[1] make cheap enough to cure these kids
             | and give them longer lives too. We can do better!
             | [1] There is a cynical take here about drug costs,
             | geopolitics, etc. but I am rejecting that cynicism.
               | robwwilliams wrote:
               | As mentioned above--this is day 1.
               | How much did the first human genome sequence cost?
               | (Effectively several billion dollars--now $1000.) How
               | much did the first organ transplant cost? How much did
               | the first electronic computer cost?
               | Yes, cost will slow widespread use but it will spur the.
               | next wave of innovation---some motivated by profit, some
               | motivated by social altruism.
               | ericmay wrote:
               | I wrote the OP :) I agree with you. What I was trying to
               | highlight is that many of the people the person who
               | originally responded to me was concerned about have the
               | exact disease! And we need continued development with
               | initial high costs to hopefully bring the costs down.
             | imtringued wrote:
             | I'm sorry but the "cure" for that requires political change
             | involving the stepping over of some people's corpses. You
             | can only do that once people are sufficiently angry.
             | Healthcare? People pay to be and stay healthy. The money
             | was earmarked specifically for this purpose. Also, in the
             | long run, you will be able to cure diseases even those
             | "healthy" children have.
           | _qua wrote:
           | Sadly, unlike tech, the price of drugs doesn't always go down
           | over time.
         | jimbob45 wrote:
         | The Hep C cure was 100k USD when it released in 2014. 10 years
         | later, it's 25k USD max before insurance.
         | The price you see now will likely shrink in the coming years.
         | Pretty good opportunity for an analysis on CRISPR pricing if
         | you have a well-trafficked blog and are willing to track this
         | for the next five years.
           | biomcgary wrote:
           | And much better than a liver transplant.
             | chimeracoder wrote:
             | > And much better than a liver transplant.
             | There are a lot of steps in between "acute HCV infection"
             | and "requiring a liver transplant", and many insurers, even
             | today, will require you to go through some or all of them
             | before considering paying for HCV antivirals.
           | chimeracoder wrote:
           | > The Hep C cure was 100k USD when it released in 2014. 10
           | years later, it's 25k USD max before insurance.
           | That's not a great comparison. There was a previous cure for
           | hepatitis C before the first antiviral-based cure 2013, and
           | the initial treatment regiment for the antiviral based
           | regimen was a hybrid of the two, before they settled on a
           | fully antiviral-based treatment.
           | The reason that the antivirals came down in price so quickly
           | was because so many nearly-identical ones came on the market
           | within a couple of years. That's due to the discovery of a
           | particular protein and corresponding class of inhibitors some
           | years earlier, which was not patented, opening the door for a
           | flood of drugs which are all functionally identical in
           | purpose and mechanism of action, but chemically distinct and
           | eligible for separate patent protections.
           | That came at a time when political and other pressures made
           | some private insurers more willing to approve treatment
           | (usually after a few rounds of denials and appeals) - but
           | again, with an emphasis on _some_ , because there are large
           | classes of people for whom it is difficult or impossible to
           | get treated for HCV today. (They're just not the ones likely
           | to comment on HN).
           | Contrast to this treatment, which is for a congenital
           | condition that does not have the same political pressure to
           | address, and for which a significant financial barrier to
           | access is not merely the costs of the drug, but the cost of
           | the associated care (chemotherapy, etc.) which is _not_
           | included in the quoted price. In addition the patent laws
           | function differently in this case, to the detriment of
           | patients.
           | The history of hepatitis C and its treatment is fairly
           | idiosyncratic and it would be a mistake to use the price
           | trajectory of HCV antivirals as a predictor for any other
           | treatment.
         | ajross wrote:
         | Collectively paying for rare but expensive treatments is
         | literally the problem that insurance solves. This isn't wildly
         | out of the expected range for this sort of thing. And it will
         | surely get cheaper as it evolves.
           | lotsofpulp wrote:
           | Since the collective probability of rare, but expensive
           | health issues is basically 100%, I would describe it less as
           | insurance and more as wealth redistribution. Hence the
           | (typical) requirement to purchase insurance and lack of
           | ability to price it based on risk.
           | Of course, insurance and taxation can be viewed as similar
           | things anyway, but it is different from things like term life
           | insurance or motor vehicle insurance or home owners
           | insurance.
             | soulbadguy wrote:
             | > Since the collective probability of rare, but expensive
             | health issues is basically 100%, I would describe it less
             | as insurance and more as wealth redistribution.
             | Humm no... It's just risk amortization...
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | If it was just that (in the US), then there would be no
               | need to prevent insurers from pricing based on health of
               | the insured. Or legislating a 3x cap on premiums between
               | highest and lowest premium. Or legislating out of pocket
               | maximums.
               | The premiums are very explicitly a subsidy from young to
               | old, which I view as a tax by a different name. Except
               | instead of it being based on one's income/wealth, it is
               | based on age.
               | BurningFrog wrote:
               | What we in the US call "health insurance" is today very
               | different from the textbook definition of insurance.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | I don't think any developed country in the world has an
               | alternative "health insurance" model. I believe
               | Switzerland and Germany require people to purchase health
               | insurance and it is not priced based on health risk.
               | Health risks in general are very predictable and very
               | high, especially as one ages.
               | soulbadguy wrote:
               | > If it was just that (in the US), then there would be
               | non need to prevent insurers from pricing based on health
               | of the insured. Or legislating a 3x cap on premiums
               | between highest and lowest premium. Or legislating out of
               | pocket maximums.
               | I do not follow the point you are making here. The
               | regulation and legislation around health insurance do not
               | change the nature of it.
               | I think you are assuming that insurers have perfect risk
               | assessments power and thus regulating them should be
               | unnecessary. But they don't and we have to.
               | > The premiums are very explicitly a subsidy from young
               | to old
               | You are just repeating your assertions here. I would love
               | some arguments.
               | > which I view as a tax by a different name. Except
               | instead of it being based on one's income/wealth, it is
               | based on age.
               | Sure, as long as we agree that is just your point view
               | and nothing rooted in reality.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | Sorry, I don't really know how else I can explain it. The
               | age rating factor itself is pretty self explanatory.
               | Instead of charging a sicker or older person $10,000 per
               | month and healthier or younger people $100 per month
               | because that is close to the expected loss in the
               | calendar year for the insurer, they are mandated to
               | charge younger/healthier people $1,000 per month so the
               | older person can only be charged $3,000 per month.
               | Imagine a similar law for motor vehicles. The car
               | insurance companies can only charge the worst and
               | riskiest drivers 3x what the safest driver pays.
               | Basically, you can keep getting into collisions and at
               | some point your premium will stop increasing. Where will
               | the money to pay for all the damages come?
               | > I think you are assuming that insurers have perfect
               | risk assessments power and thus regulating them should be
               | unnecessary.
               | I do not assume this. Insurance and tax/wealth
               | redistribution is a spectrum.
               | soulbadguy wrote:
               | Here what i am understanding of the point you are making
               | :
               | When we offer a service to a group of person, and somehow
               | mandate a flat price for that service. The people using
               | the service less are subsidizing the cost for the people
               | who use the service less.?
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | Yes, although I think you meant to type
               | > The people using the service less are subsidizing the
               | cost for the people who use the service more.?
               | Also, it is not a flat price, it is a capped price.
               | As an aside, think about how the optics would have been
               | if the politicians were transparent that a significant
               | portion of the tax liability to pay for the healthcare
               | would be levied based on age.
               | Then think about older, rich people taking advantage of
               | this and retiring early (between age 50 to 65), and
               | because they can afford to have very low income (but a
               | lot of assets), they qualify for even more subsidies
               | during their most expensive years to insure, without
               | negatively affecting their lifestyle.
               | https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/premium-tax-credit
               | eszed wrote:
               | Yes, if you strictly view it from a short time horizon.
               | If you think of it as an individual's risk over their
               | whole lifetime, then it looks a lot better. A young
               | person is "paying it forward" now, in exchange for having
               | their own expensive treatments covered once they are old.
               | This is the bargain that any social security or old-age
               | pension system strikes.
               | The trouble is, as social cohesion breaks down, and
               | demographic cliffs approach, people lose faith that long-
               | term programs will still be there for them as they age.
               | Perceptual time horizons shrink, and the arguments that
               | you have made begin to resonate.
               | I don't have a good answer for either of those problems.
               | Immigration solves the demographic cliff, but appears to
               | threaten social cohesion. We can get into tedious and
               | repetitious arguments about why that is, but let's please
               | not?
               | Scene_Cast2 wrote:
               | Is it risk amortization because we just can't predict
               | certain health issues? Let's suppose that we had a
               | "health oracle" (or something not too far off) to predict
               | medical issues in individuals. How would you structure
               | health insurance in that case?
               | soulbadguy wrote:
               | If we had a health oracle, what would be the point of
               | health insurance ? I think with a 100% health oracle,
               | health inssurance will become more like group buys for
               | negotiating better prices with health providers.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | That is why the industry term for health insurers in the
               | US is "managed care organizations" (MCOs).
               | When you (or your employer) buys a policy from UNH,
               | Elevance, Cigna, CVS, Humana, etc, part of what they pay
               | for is access to the MCOs pricing services. And vetting
               | services to minimize errors/fraud (a process which itself
               | is ridden with errors/fraud).
             | ajross wrote:
             | > the collective probability of rare, but expensive health
             | issues is basically 100%
             | Not really, no. Most people will die of something
             | expensive, but not $2M expensive. A quick google says that
             | per-capita lifetime health care expediture is ~$300k.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | If you are referencing this
               | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1361028/
               | That data is from the late 1990s, before the Affordable
               | Care Act greatly expanded access to healthcare, and many
               | new treatment options have become available since then.
               | What I meant, though, is that across a big population's
               | entire lifetime, there will be a ton of high healthcare
               | cost events. And with technological progress, new
               | treatments will always be coming out. Which is a great
               | thing, just not what is typically thought of as an
               | "insurable risk".
               | ajross wrote:
               | > What I meant, though, is that across a big population's
               | entire lifetime, there will be a ton of high healthcare
               | cost events. And with technological progress, new
               | treatments will always be coming out. Which is a great
               | thing, just not what is typically thought of as an
               | "insurable risk".
               | Sorry, how does that follow? Insurance works any time you
               | have a function with predictable average but high
               | variance. Is the total health care expenditure across a
               | relevant subscriber base in 2023 very close to 2022? Then
               | you can make insurance work. It's just math.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | Insurable risk as in charging someone an appropriate
               | premium that is based on their specific expected loss.
               | Property and casualty, term life, etc.
               | Non insurable risk as in charging someone a premium
               | unrelated to their specific expected loss (which is what
               | health "insurance" is).
               | ajross wrote:
               | How exactly are health insurance premiums "unrelated" to
               | care outflows (what you're calling "expected loss")? Are
               | you saying that health insurers books don't balance and
               | that they're losing money (they aren't) or making too
               | much profit (not unless they're criminally hiding it)?
               | What you're saying doesn't make sense. There's no
               | difference between health insurance and any other
               | insurance in the way it works. You collect reliable and
               | regular premiums from everyone, pay out unreliable/bursty
               | (but statistically very predictable in aggregate!) losses
               | as contracted, and pocket the remainder as profit. And it
               | works.
               | Really, I don't know what you're talking about here.
               | Health insurance is "expensive" in the US, sure. But it's
               | not failing.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | I meant the premium for a specific person is not related
               | to their expected loss.
               | For example, if you carelessly drive and get into car
               | collisions where you are at fault, your premiums go up,
               | because your expected loss goes up.
               | In health "insurance", it does not matter what you do,
               | because your premiums are not based on your expected
               | health costs. Hence it is more akin to a tax (or
               | subsidy).
               | ajross wrote:
               | You're really not understanding this. That's got nothing
               | to do with the insurance model. That's just a regulatory
               | thing. All those choices do is change the _specific
               | population_ that gets insured in a single pool, such that
               | their specific computed premiums are different. But for
               | _ANY_ such population, the total premiums paid == the
               | total loss outflow + a reasonable profit. And you can
               | tell that 's true because the accounting for those
               | companies appears in their SEC filings.
               | In practice, car insurers are allowed to partition their
               | customers this way because it's felt to be "fair" and
               | because it encourages safe driving. Trying to partition
               | health insurance customers like that feels "unfair", and
               | has minimal net benefit as health expenses aren't as
               | controllable-by-the-subscriber as car accidents are. So
               | we pass laws about how the partitioning gets done.
               | But again, "insurance" as a business model (and
               | mathematical model) works _EXACTLY THE SAME WAY_. The
               | only difference is how you draw the lines around who gets
               | insured at what rate.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | > All those choices do is change the specific population
               | that gets insured in a single pool, such that their
               | specific computed premiums are different. But for ANY
               | such population, the total premiums paid == the total
               | loss outflow + a reasonable profit. And you can tell
               | that's true because the accounting for those companies
               | appears in their SEC filings.
               | I do not dispute this. As I wrote in a sibling comment:
               | >Insurance and tax/wealth redistribution is a spectrum.
         | hanniabu wrote:
         | I'm assuming they're setting the price so high since insurance
         | will only approve payment of a fraction of that
         | seydor wrote:
         | i always find those prices unbelievable. What is the actual
         | cost of all the expense and workhours for making the treatment
           | quickthrower2 wrote:
           | Throw that stone in the SaaS glass house. $100/m for 10c of
           | compute and $1 of a devs time.
         | refurb wrote:
         | Sure. It's pretty typical for sickle cell patients to have to
         | go to the hospital severe times per year for "sickle cell
         | crisis".
         | If this is a cure (I haven't looked at the data), imagine the
         | NPV of a lifetime of multiple hospitalizations per year. It's
         | likely in the millions.
         | ufmace wrote:
         | That's how technological progress works. The first version is
         | expensive and not very good, so it isn't used much. But some
         | use proves that it works, lets the kinks get worked out, and
         | gives the makers funding and incentive to optimize the cost and
         | quality. Give them time for a few iterations and it'll be cheap
         | and plentiful. Just like the iPhone - the first one was super
         | expensive, harder to get, and pretty limited. Now there's lots
         | of cheap options and they're everywhere.
       | mritchie712 wrote:
       | Ohalo (the company Dave Friedberg is now CEO of) recently got
       | approval for a potato edited by CRISPR:
       | > Ohalo had two RSRs under consideration this year for its
       | potato, one which focuses on higher concentrations of beta
       | carotene - enhancing the overall health and nutrition value of
       | the potato - and another which results in reduced glucose and
       | fructose content in the potato, which, according to Ohalo, will
       | reduce the adverse side effects that lead to significant spoilage
       | during cold storage of potatoes.
       | https://thespoon.tech/gene-edited-food-startup-ohalo-emerges...
         | jabbany wrote:
         | Hmmm. That second one reminds me of the Flavr Savr
         | (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flavr_Savr).
         | More shelf life in exchange for likely worse taste...
           | huytersd wrote:
           | Worse taste but probably healthier in this case.
             | SoftTalker wrote:
             | Yeah potatoes will fill your stomach and better than
             | starving but they aren't really healthy food. Eat them in
             | moderation, and prefer sweet potatoes/yams.
               | pastor_bob wrote:
               | >prefer sweet potatoes/yams.
               | Sweet potatoes, as you might expect, have more sugar in
               | them. As do garnet yams.
               | The issue with potatoes isn't really their (low) sugar
               | content.
               | spondylosaurus wrote:
               | On the contrary, potatoes are full of good stuff:
               | https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-
               | health/speak...
               | Just make sure to go easy on the toppings!
               | 2devnull wrote:
               | That says,
               | " true that potatoes are high in starch or carbohydrates,
               | the nutrients that cause spikes in blood sugar. But
               | pairing them with foods high in protein, fiber and
               | unsaturated fats can slow digestion and lead to a
               | steadier release of glucose into the bloodstream."
               | Which suggests you should add toppings or else potatoes
               | are not very healthy if eaten on their own. (I think
               | they're fairly high up on the glycemic index).
         | freedomben wrote:
         | thanks that's neat, although I wish it wasn't with a Solanaceae
         | member. Do you know if they are working on other types of
         | produce or are they just working on potatoes?
           | biomcgary wrote:
           | Are you concerned about off-target edits activating toxin
           | producing pathways?
             | Modified3019 wrote:
             | Maybe they are referring to the small percentage of people
             | are sensitive to the whole family (potatoes, tomatoes,
             | peppers, tobacco, etc) and find any exposure produces
             | inflammation/digestion issues.
               | freedomben wrote:
               | yes it's both actually! Potatoes are wildly toxic to
               | humans when they have any green on them, and that can
               | actually happen _in the refrigerator_ if left to long and
               | then consumed. They have the capacity to really F us up.
               | Editing those strikes me as like threading a needle
               | between hair triggers. You don 't want to miss your
               | target.
               | But also yes exactly, the whole family can cause
               | inflammation and difficulties in people sensitive to them
               | (which tragically because I love spicy food, includes me
               | D-:). So that means that any cool stuff they do I won't
               | be able to try.
               | imtringued wrote:
               | Don't worry, once they figured it out they are going to
               | put this stuff in every food and you won't be able to eat
               | anything at the supermarket anymore.
         | pastor_bob wrote:
         | >and another which results in reduced glucose and fructose
         | content in the potato,
         | That's pretty amazing. Imagine if we can change apples to
         | produce Aspartame instead of sugars!
           | iwontberude wrote:
           | I don't see how a plant is supposed to metabolize the
           | aspartame for energy?
             | maxerickson wrote:
             | It would only be a successful reproductive strategy if some
             | external actor decided to propagate the plants that were
             | putting something not useful to the seeds into the fruit.
           | hedora wrote:
           | Unless you are diabetic, aspartame is much worse for you than
           | sugar. It causes metabolic issues, such as reduced metabolism
           | (leading to more weight gain than a subjectively equivalent
           | amount of sugar), migraines in some people, interacts with
           | drugs, is bad for your digestive tract, and probably has
           | other side effects.
           | Even if you are diabetic, you can already eat apples. They
           | have a low glycemic index.
             | liamwire wrote:
             | Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Can
             | you back any of this up, or provide a reason I should
             | believe what you're saying? Because it directly contradicts
             | decades of research on what is perhaps the most scrutinised
             | and studied dietary supplement in the world.
             | Aspartame is safe, and very well tolerated.
             | You're spreading misinformation.
             | BurningFrog wrote:
             | > * reduced metabolism (leading to more weight gain than a
             | subjectively equivalent amount of sugar),*
             | Doesn't that mean aspartame somehow contains more energy
             | than sugar?
             | I mean, assuming the increased weight is fat, that is
             | stored extra energy.
               | mpol wrote:
               | The idea works longterm. You take aspartame, which has a
               | sweet taste but no energy. Your body starts all kinds of
               | digestive functions and gets confused. After a lot of
               | aspartame it doesn't know how to respond to sweet food
               | anymore.
               | oaktrout wrote:
               | There is some evidence that artificial sweeteners
               | increase insulin resistance:
               | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7014832/
               | I have also heard that because artificial sweeteners
               | increase insulin levels without increasing blood glucose
               | to the same extent that sugars would, this leads to a
               | blood sugar drop which induces increased eating.
             | Lord-Jobo wrote:
             | Decades of research have found rare, but still very mildly
             | negative health results from aspartame, and an overwhelming
             | flood of direct evidence for strong negative health effects
             | from sugar.
             | Back up what you are saying with some studies. Because what
             | you are claiming is going against a LOT of modern medical
             | knowledge.
           | bborud wrote:
           | Regardless of whether aspartame is better or worse than
           | sugars (I neither know nor care) that sounds awful. I find
           | the taste of aspartame revolting.
         | seydor wrote:
         | monster-potato?
         | graphe wrote:
         | I would have bred them for more potato protein. It's a very
         | close meat protein substitute by essential amino acids. Might
         | be why it tastes so good.
         | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6245118/
         | >Of the ten plant-based proteins included in the current
         | analysis, potato protein is the only protein source containing
         | the WHO/FAO/UNU requirements for all essential amino acids.
         | Thus, when consuming potato protein as the only dietary protein
         | source at the recommended adult protein intake level of 0.66
         | g/kg/day, sufficient amounts of all essential amino acids
         | should be consumed. It remains to be investigated whether the
         | ingestion of a single meal-like amount of potato protein has
         | the capacity to stimulate muscle protein synthesis.
         | Anyone know about vegan protein profiles and best ones now?
           | gen220 wrote:
           | I supplement protein, filtered for vegan because my body
           | doesn't like whey, and Pea protein is pretty solid. It's a
           | "complete" protein and doesn't require any complicated
           | processing steps, just drying, pulverizing, and a centrifuge
           | step to spin out the fiber.
             | smt88 wrote:
             | Are you sure that's all they do? Peas aren't even close to
             | 100% protein, so you'd be eating a very high-carb powder if
             | that were the case.
               | gen220 wrote:
               | Yep, here's an article [1] describing the process. Here's
               | some youtube video I found showing the various steps [2].
               | They don't have to use any chemical solutions more exotic
               | than water and air. I bungled the explanation with
               | "centrifuge", it's more complicated than that, but the
               | fiber content is removed in that step.
               | [1]: https://gogood.co.nz/blogs/news/how-is-pea-protein-
               | manufactu...
               | [2]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbX_w0ZIunM
               | byproxy wrote:
               | Hence the "spinning out the fiber" bit. Likewise, whey
               | protein is a byproduct of cheesemaking where fat gets
               | separated from milk, otherwise it'd be a very high-fat
               | powder.
               | feoren wrote:
               | I'm assuming that's the point of the centrifuge?
           | mritchie712 wrote:
           | Not quite vegan, but I like cricket protein.
             | smt88 wrote:
             | Cricket protein is still insanely expensive though.
             | dsmmcken wrote:
             | Cricket protein can trigger shellfish allergies, fyi.
           | colordrops wrote:
           | I skimmed the article but it seems to contradict itself:
           | > Soy, brown rice, pea, corn, and potato protein have
           | essential amino acid contents that meet the requirements as
           | recommended by the WHO/FAO/UNU (WHO/FAO/UNU Expert
           | Consultation 2007) (Fig. 2).
           | hombre_fatal wrote:
           | 1. Soy, brown rice, pea, corn, and potato all hit their
           | EAA/total protein cut-off.
           | 2. I don't see how amino acid % of total protein is a useful
           | way to gauge a food's protein especially in this context.
           | Wouldn't you want to look at protein per calorie or EAA per
           | calorie?
           | For example the paper's chart might make you think that you
           | should eat potatoes and corn if you want to maximize plant-
           | based protein, but that's not the case at all.
           | - 500 calories of potatoes boiled: 10g protein (650g of food)
           | - 500 calories of rib-eye steak: 54g protein (200g of food)
           | - 500 calories of soy chunks (TVP): 75g protein (btw hits all
           | EAA objectives for the day) (150g of food)
           | - 500 calories of wheat gluten (seitan): 101g protein (135g
           | of food)
           | Potatoes are dense in other nutrients and a great part of a
           | healthy diet, but you definitely wouldn't use potatoes as a
           | "meat protein substitute". Even broccoli is 3x as protein
           | dense as potatoes.
           | On the other hand, seitan, tofu, and TVP are the trifecta of
           | plant-based protein that can actually substitute for meat.
             | runnerup wrote:
             | > Wouldn't you want to look at protein per calorie or EAA
             | per calorie?
             | PDCAAS is a reasonable standard to use, pro-rated against
             | total calories.
             | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_Digestibility_Corre
             | c...
             | graphe wrote:
             | Don't compare whole potato, it should be to potato protein
             | extract.
         | rcarr wrote:
         | Pretty cool, I wonder if it changes the chemical composition of
         | the soil in any way compared to a regular potato.
       | downWidOutaFite wrote:
       | How do the edited genes replace the body's genes?
         | Nasrudith wrote:
         | They technically never do the gene replacement within the body.
         | They take the marrow alter it, grow and produce an external
         | modified new marrow. Chemotherapy wipes out the old bone marrow
         | out and the modified marrow is introduced instead.
         | As breathtakingly advanced and unprecedented as CRISPR
         | treatment is, the execution is still radical and crude by
         | necessity. Not to diminish the accomplishments but to note that
         | we still have a great deal of room to grow.
         | Hopefully knowledge will eventually advance so that less
         | extreme and unpleasant methods will take its place. But that
         | would be a tough nut to crack.
         | robwwilliams wrote:
         | No replacement involved. The treatment edits and reactivates
         | the fetal version of HBB gene that is inactivated after birth.
       | pknerd wrote:
       | I wonder whether in the future doctors have a visual
       | designer(WYSIWYG) similar what programmers have in the form of
       | Visual Basic/QT to alter DNA. It'd be pretty interesting if it
       | happens
         | huytersd wrote:
         | Also terrifying in a sense. Instead of some wacko shooting up a
         | school, he's going to make an apocalyptic virus instead.
         | quickthrower2 wrote:
         | I wonder if they will have a natural language chat interface
       | w0mbat wrote:
       | The gene that causes sickle cell anaemia actually provides
       | partial immunity to malaria, which is why this gene has not been
       | bred out of the population over time.
         | lostlogin wrote:
         | > which is why this gene has not been bred out of the
         | population over time.
         | Is that why? Or is it just the people with it aren't sick
         | enough to die before procreating?
           | freeone3000 wrote:
           | In regions where malaria was endemic, this mutation was
           | selected _for_ , as malaria kills children.
           | SoftTalker wrote:
           | Malaria often kills people before they reach the age of being
           | able to procreate.
           | vidarh wrote:
           | Without access to modern hospital treatments it is fairly
           | normal to die very young from sickle cell disease - it causes
           | 100k+ deaths a year.
           | An in-law of an ex has it, and regularly spends days in
           | hospital during crises. Without access to a high quality
           | hospital he'd have been dead a long time ago.
           | The average life expectancy for someone with sickle-cell
           | disease _in developed countries_ is 40-60 years, and serious
           | crises tend to start from childhood.
           | That said, it's recessive, and so it's likely the reverse of
           | what you think: It's not primarily the people with full-blown
           | disease who contributes most to the long term survival of the
           | trait, but that the trait alone confers fairly significant
           | advantage in regions where Malaria is huge killer mostly
           | without causing health problems. So across the combined set
           | of carriers and those with the full disease, the life
           | expectancy in Malaria stricken areas tends to be higher.
           | Pattern of change of the prevalence of the trait correlating
           | with changes in prevalence of Malaria has been observed many
           | places. E.g. the prevalence among US black people is
           | significantly lower and dropping than in the areas their
           | ancestors came from.
             | interroboink wrote:
             | I think this is right, but just to spell out the recessive
             | gene implications for readers, here's the Punnnett
             | square[1] :                     R  | r         +----+----+
             | R | RR | Rr |       --+---------+       r | Rr | rr |
             | +---------+
             | The people with sickle cell disease are "rr" -- that's 1/4
             | the population.
             | The people who have some malaria resistance are all of the
             | ones with "r". In particular, the "Rr" folks have the
             | resistance, but not the anemia.
             | So basically, this gene screws over 1/4 of the population
             | and benefits 1/2. In areas with lots of malaria, this
             | tradeoff is worthwhile, evolutionarily speaking.
             | One of those harsh cases where evolution (if we personify
             | it) does not care about individuals -- only the species.
             | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punnett_square
               | __loam wrote:
               | Worth noting punnet squares are kind of bunk:
               | https://youtu.be/zpIqQ0pGs1E?si=SDRQP-PW2u_6Jq3d
               | Although sickle cell does seem to be one of the rare
               | cases where they work out.
               | wizzwizz4 wrote:
               | Punnet squares are as "bunk" as Ohm's Law.
           | ls612 wrote:
           | No the important part is that the mutation is recessive, but
           | being heterozygous for it is enough to confer malaria
           | resistance.
           | graphe wrote:
           | Africa wasn't colonized by Europe until vaccines and
           | treatments were invented because of malaria and other
           | tropical diseases. Quinine was one of the last ingredients
           | needed to conquer Africa.
           | CobrastanJorji wrote:
           | It's a recessive/heterozygous thing. If you get the gene from
           | neither parent, you're vulnerable to malaria. If you get the
           | gene from either parent, you're immune to malaria and don't
           | get sickle cell. If you get the gene from both parents, you
           | get sickle cell. A hypothetical future person who's going to
           | be born in an area with a lot of malaria would really want
           | exactly one parent with sickle cell and one parent lacking
           | the gene completely to guarantee the best personal outcome,
           | or they'd want exactly one heterozygous parent (for a 50%
           | chance of being immune to malaria with no downside), or they
           | might settle for the gamble of two heterozygous parents (50%
           | chance of immunity, 25% chance of sickle cell).
             | eszed wrote:
             | Can they do sperm (or egg) selection to change those odds
             | for IVF?
               | CobrastanJorji wrote:
               | In fact yes! https://punchng.com/value-of-ivf-in-
               | elimination-of-sickle-ce...
               | But practically, it'd be a huge challenge. Nigeria's one
               | of the main victims of malaria and, not by coincidence,
               | one of the main victims of sickle cell. There are IVF
               | clinics in Nigeria, but they're very expensive even
               | before you consider sickle cell testing. It likely
               | wouldn't scale to all of the births per day, and
               | something like a quarter of the country would need it.
               | But it's not IMPOSSIBLE. You'd need to do maybe 75 or so
               | per day to cover the 25% or so of the country that have
               | the gene and would need it. Hard and expensive and
               | impractical, but perhaps possible?
               | quickthrower2 wrote:
               | Or add the DNA tests to dating apps.
             | graphe wrote:
             | This sounds like Tay Sachs for Africans. Read that carriers
             | of Tay Sachs might have defended them against tuberculosis,
             | and they're also looking at gene therapy for it.
             | Prevention is the preferred method of passing this trait on
             | however.
             | Infinitesimus wrote:
             | (You already know this but for the general audience)
             | The train doesn't make you immune to malaria but it does
             | increase resistance after infection.
         | robwwilliams wrote:
         | Good point and thanks for being on-topic. Humans have three
         | variants of the HBB gene and having sickling mutations in the
         | variant expressed in adult is causal to SC disease.
         | The FDA-approved treatments reactivate the fetal HBB gene in
         | adults and this change in gene expression control effectively
         | prevents SCD.
         | Very cool and transformative work. Now we have to get the price
         | tag down from seven figures to four or five figures so that it
         | will be used widely. That may be a few decades. Let's hope that
         | more efficient alternatives are developed soon.
           | firejake308 wrote:
           | From an efficiency standpoint, I think having to harvest and
           | modify the patient's stem cells is probably the biggest choke
           | point, right? I would imagine that if you could inject
           | something once and be done with it (I'm thinking like
           | Zolgensma), you could mass produce it more effectively
         | firejake308 wrote:
         | Correct, but if we have good treatments for malaria (e.g.
         | hydroxychloroquine, atorvaquinone) then I would argue that we
         | no longer need that partial immunity
         | imtringued wrote:
         | That is true but even the unreliable malaria vaccines that are
         | out there are more effective and reliable against malaria than
         | sickle blood cells.
       | joshuamcginnis wrote:
       | Here's basically how the process works:
       | * Harvest stem cells from the patient.
       | * Prepare a DNA plasmid with the Cas9 gene, guide RNA for the
       | desired genetic modification, and an antibiotic resistance gene.
       | * Electroporate the plasmid into the harvested stem cells. Grow
       | the electroporated stem cells in antibiotic-containing nutrient
       | media. Only cells with the plasmid (and thus antibiotic
       | resistance) survive.
       | * Expand and freeze the genetically modified cells.
       | * Administer chemotherapy to the patient to eliminate defective
       | bone marrow stem cells.
       | * Inject the modified stem cells back into the patient, where
       | they repopulate the bone marrow with the CRISPR edits, aiming to
       | correct the genetic mutation.
       | This process isn't new but one of the biggest challenges is
       | propagating genetic modifications to all effected cells in the
       | body. This is why it's much easier to GMO an egg / sperm because
       | once the change is made there, it's replicated in every new cell
       | thereafter.
       | Other techniques utilize harmless viruses to transfect genetic
       | modifications to the body, but this has other trade-offs. mRNA
       | vaccines don't propagate to every cell, but the cells which do
       | successfully transcribe the mRNA are able to generate enough of
       | the target protein that the body can recognize it and develop an
       | immunity to it. Eventually, the modified cells will die and no
       | cells will be left to produce the mRNA vaccine protein.
         | sjkoelle wrote:
         | is crispr a big improvement here over AAVs or zinc fingies?
           | stanford_labrat wrote:
           | AAV or adeno-associated virus is a delivery method for
           | getting cas9 mRNA (the code that says, make cas9 protein and
           | do gene editing). Zinc finger nucleases are a similar class
           | of dna editing proteins.
           | In this specific experiment they chose to transfect cells
           | with plasmid directly rather than transduce with virus.
           | jryb wrote:
           | ZFNs are difficult and slow to engineer. There are certainly
           | tradeoffs but the fact that almost the entire industry is
           | using CRISPR-based approaches tells you where things lie on
           | balance
         | JumpCrisscross wrote:
         | Do you know why they're having the marrow synthesise fetal
         | hemoglobin versus hemoglobin A(2)? (Is it simply because HbF is
         | one molecule while HbA and HbA2 are two?)
           | joshuamcginnis wrote:
           | Fetal hemoglobin has a lot of biochemical advantages for
           | fighting sickle-cell disease on its own so this is leveraged
           | in the CRISPR solution - e.g. create more of the cells that
           | inhibit the disease in the first place.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetal_hemoglobin#Treatment_of_.
           | ..
       | 1letterunixname wrote:
       | And US patients won't be able to get it because they're going to
       | be overcharged and drowned in debt to the point of bankruptcy.
         | marcusverus wrote:
         | Compared to similarly developed countries, Americans are
         | actually in great shape when it comes to debt. See the OECD
         | Data: https://data.oecd.org/hha/household-debt.htm
           | matteoraso wrote:
           | Don't be facetious. Parent was obviously referring to medical
           | debt, which most first worlders never have to think about.
             | marcusverus wrote:
             | I wasn't being facetious, I (wrongly) assumed you could
             | infer the argument:
             | Americans have significantly less debt than Western
             | Europeans. Their average appears to be 50% higher than
             | ours. Including medical debt.
             | The idea, as per GP, that this treatment will inexplicably
             | drive Americans to bankruptcy, is stupid. It's offensively
             | dumb. It's the kind of uninformed doomer nonsense that runs
             | rampant online progressive echo chambers, but has no basis
             | in reality.
             | > ...which most first worlders never have to think about.
             | Those lucky bastards. With 50% more debt.
         | refurb wrote:
         | A very lazy reply.
         | Look at access to the cystic fibrosis therapies ($300,000 per
         | year). The US (including Medicaid) were paying for them from
         | launch in 2012.
         | The UK just came to an agreement for NHS to pay for it in 2020.
         | 8 years later.
         | In Canada, only 5 of the 12 provinces/territories pay for it
         | and only if your a child. Adults don't get it.
         | You actually stand the highest chance of getting it in the US.
       | dang wrote:
       | Recent and related:
       |  _FDA considers first CRISPR gene editing treatment that may cure
       | sickle cell_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38354939 -
       | Nov 2023 (124 comments)
       | thenerdhead wrote:
       | Historic. This opens the door for CRISPR. Very exciting to have
       | followed this in Science/Nature magazine till today.
       | EvanAnderson wrote:
       | The mechanism by which this treatment works is really neat (some
       | notes in [0]). The treatment increases the production of a fetal
       | version of hemoglobin. That fetal hemoglobin is unaffected by the
       | sickle cell mutation. Presumably everybody who is alive (and not
       | a fetus) has a good copy of this fetal hemoglobin gene and it
       | "just" needs re-activated.
       | [0] https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/first-crispr-treatment-
       | appr...
       | user3939382 wrote:
       | Does anyone who's more familiar with exactly how this works know
       | if this could be applied or potentially applied to thalassemia?
       | From what I understand those are also related to genetically-
       | driven misshapen red blood cells.
         | ryankuykendall wrote:
         | CRISPR Therapeutics also has a therapy for Beta Thalassemia in
         | human trials that is up for approval in February 2024.
         | "Editing Humanity" by Kevin Davies covers the history and near
         | future of CRISPR and includes a great chapter on describing
         | both of these therapies.
       | ezarowny wrote:
       | This is such good news! I bet a lot of monogenic disorders are on
       | the table now.
       | thinkcontext wrote:
       | My neighbor has 2 adult children with sickle cell. Its very tough
       | watching what the have to go through. Frequent ambulance visits
       | followed by multiple days in the hospital. Lots of pain in
       | everyday life. The daughter is legally blind from complications.
       | The son tried for a long time to hold a job but couldn't because
       | of how much time he would miss.
       | I hope they are able to get this.
       | renewiltord wrote:
       | Would be interesting if they could do this in embryos.
       | carabiner wrote:
       | Any status updates on the next gen CHEWR?
       | totorovirus wrote:
       | could we have a CRISPR based penis elongation medicine in future?
       | I would like to invest to that startup
         | ugh123 wrote:
         | Go for curing baldness first
       | fasteo wrote:
       | Every time I read[1] about CRISPR there seem to be concerns about
       | off-target editing, that might cause all kinds of trouble. Is
       | this a solved issue ?
       | Note: I am not a doctor, but I do have a genetic condition that
       | might benefit from CRISPR therapies, hence my interest.
       | [1]
       | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10034092/#:~:te....
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