[HN Gopher] Make Apps for Linux
       Make Apps for Linux
       Author : jay-barronville
       Score  : 181 points
       Date   : 2023-12-09 16:50 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (makealinux.app)
 (TXT) w3m dump (makealinux.app)
       | jstanley wrote:
       | The article could do with a few examples.
       | I'm not aware of anyone who is making a distro who should instead
       | be making an application. Maybe LinuxCNC if you squint?? But that
       | has very specific kernel requirements which are arguably best
       | served by a custom distro.
         | Barrin92 wrote:
         | any desktop environment is effectively just an application
         | that's trivially to install via one or two clicks or commands.
         | Never made sense to me why there's derivatives of derivatives
         | that just ship a different DE.
       | colesantiago wrote:
       | This has always been an issue for Linux adoption.
       | Somebody I know (not in tech) wanted to switch from Windows to
       | Linux and I said:
       | "Which one?"
       | It's the same as Mastodon.
       | "Which instance?"
       | The answer is usually the biggest / most popular instance or
       | distro, but not many applications the masses use are on Linux,
       | the same as there is not many interesting people on Mastodon for
       | people to switch over to it.
       | Applications are the barrier to mass adoption here for Linux
       | unfortunately, and the paralysis of choice is the double edged
       | sword for the massive amount of Linux distros.
       | Thousands of years of effort spread across many distributions
       | that not many people would use.
         | righthand wrote:
         | It's because the answer is "just pick one". Many people have
         | already made the decision before you and unless you have
         | special requirements. You'll probably be fine.
         | amne wrote:
         | Unfortunately it still takes a lot of effort to actually switch
         | and not just poke around to see what's what. Most things do
         | work these days but inevitably you will have to open the
         | dreaded terminal (or be forced into runlevel 3 because 4 now
         | fails as your new TV doesn't play well with your gpu)
         | dragontamer wrote:
         | Just say Download Ubuntu and sign up at Mastodon.world.
         | If they push back that's not a problem. If they're actually
         | noob, they got the info they wanted out of you, which was where
         | to start.
           | berkes wrote:
           | Why would people push back at that?
           | I'd personally say "use mastodon.social", but your advise is
           | just as good. Simply because it is a solid advise, offers a
           | single option and points people at where to _start_.
           | Ubuntu is good to _start_ 1, and if people say "but it's bad
           | at thingy foo" or "it has default bazoombas! default! on!":
           | no-one said it's where you must now commit yourself to
           | forever. Distro's aren't religions (and even religions can be
           | switched), they are just stuff that sits on your computer.
           | Your next re-install or next machine might be anything else.
           | 1edit: to be clear: it's also good for experienced people or
           | grumpy bearded linux-veterans like myself (24 years in and
           | counting). I use Ubuntu. It's hardly configured even, just
           | the defaults (well, my shell and vim have some 20+ years of
           | config tweaks).
             | dragontamer wrote:
             | > Why would people push back at that?
             | Because they already have an opinion on which Linux or
             | Fediverse thing to use.
             | Pay it no mind. People are allowed to be wishy-washy with
             | their opinions. Maybe its just a conversation starter, or
             | maybe they enjoy debate / feeling things out through words
             | and discussion.
         | cardanome wrote:
         | The Linux ecosystem isn't as splintered as people think it is.
         | Yes, there are technically lot's of distros but most of them
         | are really just derivatives that don't add much.
         | The vast majority of Desktop users just use Debian or Debian-
         | based distros like Ubuntu, Linux Mint and so on.
         | So in the end, it is just a matter of whatever pre-installed
         | software you get. It used to be that vanilla Debian was a bit
         | hard to use but I don't think that is true anymore. (Though I
         | still recommend Linux Mint for the absolute "just works"
         | experience.)
         | For 90% of users, they are not going wrong using Debian or one
         | of the popular Debian-based distros. After that is is basically
         | just a matter of specialized needs.
         | Want to make administering your system a hobby and part of your
         | personality? Have some Arch.
         | Need professional support? OpenSuse.
         | Need reproducible builds? Nix/Guix.
         | Need a minimalist distro that runts on potatoes? Puppy Linux
         | and whatever else.
         | Wayland vs X11? Systemd? If you know these words, you are
         | already way too deep in the rabbit hole.
           | timfsu wrote:
           | This is true for the user, but not good enough for
           | developers, who unfortunately need to stay on top of all of
           | this to build functioning software. If users report bugs you
           | can't repro, you may have to dive into all of these.
           | And that's the point of the article really, to try and get
           | more app developers onboard.
             | mcpackieh wrote:
             | Developers don't need to test in every distro, or even all
             | the most popular distros. All they need to do is test in
             | one distro. It will probably work in most of the rest and
             | linux users expect that if something breaks they'll be the
             | one tweaking things to make it work. Sometimes you'll get
             | bug reports from those users saying _" I had to do X on
             | distro Y for reason Z"_ and you can act on those reports,
             | or not. It doesn't matter.
             | Honestly, linux users don't expect more. There's tons of
             | proprietary software out there supporting linux in this
             | manner and it works out fine. Linux users are easy to
             | please. The hardest people to please are the developers
             | with Windows/Mac backgrounds who mistakenly believe they're
             | expected to test on every distro and rightly balk at that.
         | zlg_codes wrote:
         | What do you think we'll gain by putting every idea into the
         | same cookie jar?
         | This drive to create One True Linux is commercial behavior.
         | People that want One True Linux want to put products on there
         | to sell.
         | These people need to read the GNU Manifesto and realize they
         | are not in the correct social structures to push for
         | centralization.
       | zjp wrote:
       | Maybe I'm just too ignorant to know the pattern that determines
       | whether I need to specify 'dev' and 'version' on a package or
       | some random trailing '1' or '0', but the first linux distro with
       | a sensible and consistent naming scheme for packages is the one
       | that wins my heart.
       | `libgnutls-dev` `libgtk-3-0` `libwayland-server0` `libxcb1`
       | `libx11-6` `libffi-dev` `libncurses5-dev`
         | juunpp wrote:
         | Separating binaries from sources is a Debian convention. If
         | you're just using a library, non-dev is sufficient. If you're
         | developing with that library, you'll also want -dev, which will
         | install the headers.
         | Nothing special about the trailing 1 or 0; that's just part of
         | the package name/version.
         | tasn wrote:
         | Arch and its derivatives (mostly) don't have any of that.
         | Though -dev means stuff only needed when developing against it.
         | Number means major version number (so compatibility number).
         | This way you can easily install multiple major versions as
         | dependencies for different packages without clashing or
         | breaking.
         | o11c wrote:
         | If you are building a program, install the -dev package.
         | Numbered -dev packages are usually not relevant; there should
         | be an unnumbered one that forwards if needed.
         | During the build of a program, you record which numbered suffix
         | (= ABI version, should be the same as the .so.N suffix but
         | that's not how you look it up; this allows you to install
         | multiple incompatible copies of the library and they will be
         | used by the appropriate, though distros usually prune these
         | after each major release) is used. This should be automatic.
         | (if there's more than one number, all but the last are part of
         | the library name itself. There might be exceptions for BSD-
         | style libraries?)
         | When installing, you should be automatically using the
         | dependency you recorded during the build.
         | everforward wrote:
         | -dev contains the headers, that ones pretty easy.
         | The number is a version for when they provide more than one
         | that can be installed at once (excepting where it's part of the
         | library name, presumably like xcb1).
         | I.e. at some point you could probably install libgtk-3-0 and
         | libgtk-2-$something at the same time. They likely leave it that
         | way when they get rid of libgtk-2 so that existing tutorials
         | that reference libgtk-3-0 don't fail because the package is now
         | libgtk.
         | The libwayland-server0 one does get me, I don't know why
         | there's a 0 at the end. I do know that in /var/lib there is
         | often the same library with various .$number endings, but I've
         | never looked into what that accomplishes.
           | seba_dos1 wrote:
           | > but I've never looked into what that accomplishes
           | ABI versioning.
             | tesdinger wrote:
             | ABI stands for application breakage interface
       | deafpolygon wrote:
       | This is one of the biggest issues holding the Linux platform as a
       | whole. It's often cited as a strength, but I don't see it as
       | such. Many times, the plethora of choice is pushed forward by
       | devs as an advantage of Linux ("you have so many choices to pick
       | from!") but for many users this presents the paradox of choice -
       | and pushes many people back to the platform they came from.
       | You get less choice on macOS and Windows, but the choices
       | available are much more polished and less fragmented.
       | i.e. How many different tiling window managers do we need? Can't
       | we take the best tiling wm's and start developing better docks
       | and applets for them? How about apps and launchers that integrate
       | with the tiling WM paradigm? Instead we end up with 10 different
       | varieties of tiling wms and half-baked half-assed workarounds and
       | programs for them.
         | cycomanic wrote:
         | I would say there are even more launchers and docks then tiling
         | WMs.
         | Also I don't know what would need to be better about them.
         | Something like ulaucher or Albert is much more powerful than
         | what is available in other platforms and I don't know how one
         | would improve their UI.
           | deafpolygon wrote:
           | Maybe the work needs to go into developing better UX, not so
           | much UI or what the various tools can do. Look at PySimpleGUI
           | (of which I was reminded of from a recent post here) for a
           | good example of a nice project for the masses - we need
           | better software for users.
           | We need better applications that have better UX.
         | Muromec wrote:
         | But writing a tiling wm is fun. Writing software
         | collaboratively is the point in itself, not just the means of
         | getting some kind of artifact in the end.
         | Being an open source developer means having agency over your
         | goals and means to get to them, which you often don't have when
         | doing commercial software development.
         | You sure end up with roughly edges, but the. IKEA-effect kicks
         | in and you like it anyway.
           | deafpolygon wrote:
           | Right and this holds the platform back. I'm all for hobby
           | development- I've been an supporter of open source software
           | for over 2 decades. But nothing much has changed since that
           | time in terms of UX and user-friendliness. (Yes I am aware a
           | lot of things have changed, but as much as things have
           | changed - much of it is still the same.)
             | michaelmrose wrote:
             | It doesn't hold the platform back because if the hobbyist
             | didn't scratch his own itch he was never going to spend
             | 1000x as much development effort creating a Photoshop
             | competitor or even yet join the effort to triage gnome
             | bugs. We would almost certainly just be less their
             | contribution for no benefit. This whole faulty analysis
             | relies on treating open source developers as a fungible
             | resource like employees of a firm that ought to be tasked
             | with something different. It's not so.
               | zlg_codes wrote:
               | Agreed. If I couldn't write my own packages for my OS and
               | scratch my own itch, I'd never bother contributing to the
               | big stuff.
               | The appeal behind libre software is the power to go your
               | own way. If the only way to access it was to interact
               | with groups and get your things added through a political
               | process, I'd have found some other thing. Too much of our
               | world is wrapped up in processes and busywork and other
               | empty interaction, it's a waste of time.
               | Give me the code, the license, a text editor, and a nice
               | cup of coffee, and I'm good. Hold the interpersonal
               | drama. :P
         | michaelmrose wrote:
         | People don't make choices by exhaustive analysis they consider
         | a small quantity of options and by popularity or proximity
         | select one and run with it. Successful ecosystems make it
         | reasonably to pick a highly visible option and come out with
         | something good enough. The proliferation of Linux distros is
         | largely small difference that don't meaningfully decrease
         | fitness because only a tiny minority who themselves had little
         | problem finding a distro think its an issue.
         | By contrast issues like Wayland wherein your plumbing and
         | hardware suddenly matter and you have to become at least
         | somewhat familiar with the plumbing in order to select a usable
         | set of options DO matter because they increase the chance of
         | crapping out when you stroll down the aisle metaphorically and
         | pick a box and end up somewhat satisfied.
         | It honestly makes little sense to compare Mac or Windows to
         | Linux. In the eyes of 95% of consumers an OS either an
         | immutable characteristic of a computer or a feature thereof and
         | they aren't interested in it as a separate product. They might
         | well buy a computer with that OS if the overall package makes
         | sense but they sure as hell wont install it on their windows or
         | mac machine. Those who are technically literate enough to be
         | satisfied are unlikely to be confused if people add 3 more
         | Ubuntu derivatives and 2 more arch ones.
         | zlg_codes wrote:
         | This is a problem that is meant to be solved by distros. People
         | who don't want many choices should be using a distro that makes
         | a bunch of choices for them, instead of pushing to remove
         | choice from the ecosysytem altogether.
         | Everybody using the same software creates a monoculture which
         | is more prone to attack than a diverse ecosystem. There's a
         | reason Windows was targeted so much by viruses: not only was
         | the target BIG, but it was also _consistent_. If you broke into
         | one normie 's Windows machine, you could probably break into
         | the rest. You're going to have a harder time of that if you
         | target Linux.
         | Also, it's libre software. Unless you pay someone to do
         | something for you, most of it is volunteer activity. And who
         | are we to tell someone what they should do with their volunteer
         | time?
         | It's also an indictment of the dominant social structures if
         | there are all these groups and nobody wants to join them. They
         | could start by getting rid of Codes of Conduct that give them
         | permission to punish you for out-of-project behavior. Try that.
           | deafpolygon wrote:
           | > People who don't want many choices should be using a distro
           | that makes a bunch of choices for them, instead of pushing to
           | remove choice from the ecosystem altogether.
           | You don't need to remove choice to push better UX and
           | software. It's not a zero-sum game here; we can foster better
           | conversations with people in the Linux community and start
           | talking about what would make the experience better for the
           | average user, not just technically proficient power-users.
           | > Everybody using the same software creates a monoculture
           | which is more prone to attack than a diverse ecosystem.
           | That's wrong - you're using a sort of strawman argument. What
           | makes Windows a monoculture? There's a much larger, thriving
           | developer community on that platform with many more
           | developers making free and/or open-source software.
           | > You're going to have a harder time of that if you target
           | Linux.
           | "Achkshully..." Linux has had some serious bugs, but the
           | damage was relatively low to end users because of it's low
           | adoption rates. It has very little to do with "Linux is more
           | secure because we're diverse" and everything to do with "1%
           | of end users use Linux, so the target is less likely to be
           | worth my time." And furthermore, that 1% - the majority will
           | be more technically proficient and less likely to be tricked
           | into running arbitrary software.
           | > one normie's Windows machine
           | This. Is. The. Problem. Framing an end-user as a mentally
           | deficient 'normie'. Why? What's the point and what's to be
           | gained from this?
           | > And who are we to tell someone what they should do with
           | their volunteer time?
           | No one is suggesting we tell hobbyists / volunteers what to
           | do with their time. What people _are_ suggesting is that we
           | spend a little time talking about tackling common problems
           | together, rather than re-inventing the wheel every single
           | time.
             | zlg_codes wrote:
             | It's how the Bazaar model of development works. You're free
             | to join a Cathedral and follow their policies if you want.
             | zlg_codes wrote:
             | Missed a few things, my bad.
             | > This. Is. The. Problem. Framing an end-user as a mentally
             | deficient 'normie'. Why? What's the point and what's to be
             | gained from this?
             | Most end-users are, okay? If _anything_ unusual happens at
             | the computer they come running for the nearest nerd, poorly
             | explain the problem, waste the nerd 's time when it turns
             | out it was simple, and the most important part, _they don
             | 't learn from the experience_.
             | It also serves as a useful distinction between types of
             | users. Normies browse the web, maybe use an e-mail client,
             | some office software, maybe Steam or Zoom, etc.
             | Power users want to explore the fullest capabilities of
             | their computer. They're going to want different software
             | and different experiences from the normies.
             | Developers will want to explore how much they can do and
             | control. That's _another_ type of user with different needs
             | and software preferences.
             | Frankly, I'm not interested in talking about the needs of
             | average users, because more average users will cause
             | communities to believe their software doesn't need advanced
             | features because there are greater numbers of simple users.
             | Flooding Linux with normies won't make the software any
             | better. It will create an Eternal September problem where
             | you'll get loads of criticism and bug reports and problems,
             | but almost nobody from that crowd will have the insight
             | necessary to help devs decide on solutions.
             | There really isn't any third option. Everyman software ends
             | up toddler-fied, and bespoke software overloads the
             | normies. Both groups cannot be served by the same software.
             | I challenge you to find any piece of software that
             | adequately serves both groups.
       | Kalanos wrote:
       | I recently switched from Mac to Linux so that I can use beefy
       | refurbished machines as my daily driver. I've installed Linux on
       | lots of different machines previously, but this time it's not
       | just a hobby.
       | Ubuntu has great support for my hardware and peripherals, but the
       | app store feels unfinished and forced. Pretty much everything
       | works as expected.
       | I'm interested in checking out Mint (also Debian) and Arch, but
       | it feels like there's a lot of software written with Ubuntu in
       | mind, so I'm wary.
         | garrisonhh wrote:
         | There is almost nothing written for ubuntu that won't work on
         | arch or really most current distros. When I ran arch I did have
         | to get familiar with assumptions people make due to ubuntu, but
         | this would never be more than patching a config file or
         | configuring some environment variable. And those are useful and
         | transferable skills.
           | Kalanos wrote:
           | hmm. thanks for sharing. that's the kind of stuff I don't
           | want to do though. i already have my own software to write
           | and use a wide array of tools. i can't afford to lose a
           | morning on that kind of stuff. plus i want to be able to tear
           | down and rebuild without a ton of custom config
         | cardanome wrote:
         | Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu. You can use all Ubuntu packages
         | just fine. It is really just a strictly better Ubuntu.
         | There is a Debian-based Mint version as well but that is more
         | as a security so that they are not deadly dependent on the
         | Ubuntu people.
         | Though these days, even using exotic distros isn't that
         | problematic, as you can always use appimage/flatpack/snap if
         | you native package manager doesn't have the specific app you
         | need.
         | znpy wrote:
         | Do yourself a favor and give Fedora a try.
         | I wish I had done that earlier.
           | Kalanos wrote:
           | I used AWS Workspaces for a while and that ran Fedora. It was
           | nice, but I wasn't blown away. I seem to remember not being
           | able to find some yum packages where there were apt
           | counterparts.
       | seba_dos1 wrote:
       | > Stop making Linux distributions, make applications instead.
       | Stop listening to people trying to tell you what you should do or
       | not.
         | whitepaint wrote:
         | Stop listening to people who say to stop listening to people
         | trying to tell you what you should do or not. It is not all
         | relative, there are good and bad choices.
           | seba_dos1 wrote:
           | Not hacking on a distro because someone thinks there are too
           | many is one of those bad choices.
           | If you actually manage to get a distribution rolling with a
           | viable community around it, it means enough people have
           | decided that there _weren 't_ too many.
           | SantalBlush wrote:
           | "Gotcha" replies like this aren't helpful. The GP comment is
           | just a pithy retort to the title that uses the same language
           | for effect.
             | whitepaint wrote:
             | Agreed.
         | berkes wrote:
         | Yea, the tone was off-putting to me too.
         | But the message and information is good though.
         | I'd personally word it something like "Linux users don't want
         | more distributions. They want software". At least, this is the
         | case for me.
       | rubymamis wrote:
       | The problem is OSS software not even trying to compete with the
       | market. People using OSS software taking it for granted that the
       | UX is going to be subpar, and it really is. Regular propriety
       | software faces the risk of their users not paying, therefore
       | adapting to make end user experience great. OSS usually doesn't
       | have that risk. Open source needs to be exposed to risk from end
       | users.
       | I tried to change that with Notes[1] but I find it hard to live
       | on solely on ads. I tried to incorporate paying for some premium
       | features (like Kanban) but the app is still fully FOSS therefore
       | everyone can compile it from source easily.
       | I think I'll close-source my next app[2] before it launches. I
       | just can't risk not being paid for my hard work. I also believe
       | the Linux community will benefit from that, since getting paid
       | will allow me to invest more in making UX-focused apps on Linux.
       | I might open source some parts of it tho (or maybe all of it in
       | the far future).
       | [1] https://github.com/nuttyartist/notes
       | [2] https://www.get-plume.com
         | thebigspacefuck wrote:
         | What does this have that Joplin doesn't have?
           | 360MustangScope wrote:
           | For one thing, it's a lot prettier than Joplin
             | thebigspacefuck wrote:
             | Personally I think Joplin looks better and this looks like
             | a poor macOS clone that lacks many of the features like
             | markdown support or synchronizing across devices including
             | mobile. IMO if Joplin's problem is the UI, or even just
             | something OP is passionate about, why not contribute and
             | open a PR? Why is the pattern "I care about this one thing
             | so I reimplemented it in a new app from scratch"?
               | rubymamis wrote:
               | - Plume supports Markdown (plus additional plaintext
               | syntax).
               | - Plume is a block editor, unlike Joplin. Therefore plume
               | can have advanced views inside the editor itself (like
               | Kanban, image handling, columns, etc)
               | - Plume is faster than Joplin's non-native editor (the
               | one that renders your Markdown)
               | - IMO Plume is way prettier with far more attention to
               | detail.
         | beebmam wrote:
         | The CLI is peak UX for anyone technically competent.
           | Gualdrapo wrote:
           | I agree but CLI just can't cover all use cases - just on top
           | of my head are graphics, animation software, video editing,
           | circuit making...
           | throw10920 wrote:
           | Well, they think it is. Most of the time, it's not. Command-
           | line tools have terrible ergonomics for many workflows and
           | use-cases.
           | nvy wrote:
           | For a subset of tasks, maybe. But I'd rather use Firefox than
           | lynx. And I'd rather use Thunderbird than mutt or pine.
             | worksonmine wrote:
             | I get Firefox (with keyboard navigation) over Lynx but Mutt
             | has been fantastic for my productivity.
           | IshKebab wrote:
           | Utter nonsense. The CLI lets you do complex custom things
           | that you _sometimes_ can 't do with a GUI. But it is pretty
           | awful from a UX point of view. Terrible discoverability,
           | terrible UI, very unfriendly, no contextual help, etc. etc. I
           | can't think of a worse interface from a UX perspective.
             | nilsherzig wrote:
             | Terrible discoverability? A shell with tab completion is
             | (in my opinion) a lot easier to navigate than for example
             | Photoshops menus.
             | olddustytrail wrote:
             | Really? Do you communicate with ChatGPT by pointing at
             | pictures?
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | That is a REPL, not a CLI.
               | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
               | A shell _is_ a REPL. Though I do I agree there 's
               | something to using one with good features (ex. I would
               | completely understand someone using exclusively zsh just
               | for the better tab-completion).
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | A traditional UNIX shell is more of a poor man's REPL,
               | hence the difference in wording.
               | fragmede wrote:
               | Conversation mode, where you talk with it, is quite an
               | improvement over having to type at it, especially for
               | slow, hunt and peck typers.
               | IshKebab wrote:
               | What has ChatGPT got to do with it? We're talking about
               | Unix style CLIs.
             | worksonmine wrote:
             | The manual exists for a reason. I find it much easier to
             | type `man program` then `/whatever` until I find what I'm
             | looking for rather than scanning the screen for the correct
             | icon. There are also some conventions and after a while you
             | get to a point where it's intuitive to use any new program.
             | Just like with a GUI and icons, what does the wand do?
               | IshKebab wrote:
               | "You just have to read the manual" and "you get used to
               | it" are basically synonyms for "the UX is bad".
               | 1 second of googling: https://fstoppers.com/opinion/stop-
               | telling-people-read-manua...
               | I'm sure there are better articles if you search more. If
               | you have time for a book, I highly recommend "The design
               | of everyday things". If you don't agree with me that book
               | will change your mind.
               | worksonmine wrote:
               | You get used to it as in "used to how CLI programs are
               | usually designed". Just as you get used to what the
               | select icon in a GUI does. Without any prior experience
               | in any both seem like alien technology, but coming from
               | GUI to CLI you have the bias of already knowing one when
               | comparing.
               | People claim macOS is intuitive and everything works the
               | same, but I'm handicapped in it. I just call it
               | inexperience not being bad UX.
               | Regarding the manual, does GUI programs have a unified
               | way to access guides and documentation? Can I scroll to
               | the bottom with G and find the configuration files and
               | example uses?
               | curt15 wrote:
               | That assumes that you can already articulate the action
               | you are looking for in the program's vocabulary. For
               | people who think more pictorially, they may have a sense
               | of what they want but benefit from visual cues.
               | worksonmine wrote:
               | I don't target specific options, but different words of
               | what I'm trying to achieve, crop/cut/extract as a pretty
               | bad example. It takes me to the description of the option
               | I'm looking for where it will also have useful extra
               | options to combine.
               | I can't say the same for GUI icons, many times hidden
               | behind dropdowns. If I hover it will say select, then I
               | have to find how to crop that selection, behind another
               | dropdown, probably a few levels deep. And none of them
               | searchable. If I need help there's no one place to find a
               | guide, my best bet is google or the website.
               | For both an intuition has to be learned from use, but GUI
               | people act like they were born with computer literacy. I
               | used to think the CLI was stupid as well, but now that
               | I've seen the light I can't imagine going back.
           | lupusreal wrote:
           | In principle maybe, but all present implementations fall a
           | bit short. Why can't I use my mouse to position the cursor in
           | any shell? Placing the cursor with the mouse is something
           | people commonly do in terminal editors like vim or emacs; the
           | efficiency arguments against it fall flat because this is
           | entirely optional and besides, many people use laptops with
           | either a track-point directly in the middle of the home row
           | keys or with a touchpad directly below the keyboard.
           | And there's no technical reason it couldn't be done; years
           | ago I once did it as a proof of concept. It just hasn't made
           | it into any major shell yet.. besides eshell anyway. It does
           | work on eshell.
           | Anyway, it's not really a big deal, not important enough for
           | me to pursue, but I do think it counts as a counterexample to
           | disprove the "peak UX" claim. Command line interfaces in
           | principle are great but in practice we're doing it by
           | emulating hardware that went obsolete decades ago and piling
           | cludges and hacks on top of that to make it feel a bit more
           | modern.
           | Another example; there are a few ways to inline images in a
           | terminal emulator but they're all kind of shit in their own
           | ways; graphical thumbnails have clear utility when listing
           | some directories; every serious file manager supports it but
           | to do this in a terminal emulator is cludgy hacks.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | We should have kept using MS-DOS...
           | chefandy wrote:
           | That's what people who gained their technical competence in a
           | CL environment always think: we're always most productive in
           | the interfaces we are familiar with. I'll agree that most
           | technically competent people probably prefer using the
           | command line for many tasks, but _correlation != causation_.
           | It 's really easy to mistake our own preferences for being
           | objectively good, generally... which is why designers exist,
           | why most user-facing commercial software doesn't require
           | reading a single line of documentation, and why most FOSS
           | projects-- almost entirely indifferent to or hostile towards
           | deliberate design-- are only useful to people who have a
           | working mental model of what's happening under the hood.
           | I was strictly a vim guy for a decade and a half... my
           | coworkers occasional snicker merely steeled my resolve, but I
           | _knew_ I was doing the _pure_ and _efficient_ and
           | _technically correct_ thing by sticking to barebones vim.
           | Lots of vim stuff and ex commands are beneficial to my
           | workflow, but after a coworker convinced me to try out some
           | more modern options with vim modes, I realized that my
           | attachment to vim as an editor was driven by my emotional
           | investment in how many times I struggled with vim 's
           | clunkiness. I wore it as a badge of honor. I thought it gave
           | me cred. In reality it just showed how utterly inflexible I
           | was. The Jetbrains editors, for example, offered more
           | functionality out of the box than I could practically cram
           | into my vim setup, yet was completely configurable, and the
           | features were generally intuitive and discoverable. I didn't
           | have to look up how to do some relatively obscure thing in
           | ex-- there was probably a menu option for it so I just didn't
           | have to keep it in my head. Sure, vim is and always will be
           | my default editor for light editing, and there are obviously
           | people whose use cases are perfectly satisfied by using it.
           | However, assuming for _years_ that I was more technically
           | competent for doing intensive professional work in complex
           | codebases using that clunky old editor was plain old self-
           | indulgent arrogance, like most other nerd badge-of-honor
           | things are.
           | I've been using command line environments daily for decades,
           | and usually head there first to do many tasks, but many of
           | these archaic tools only persist because of a reverse
           | eternal-September problem. By the time someone gets
           | technically advanced enough to start influencing how our
           | technical environments work, the curse of expertise
           | obfuscates their downsides and they mistake their own comfort
           | with something for it being objectively good.
           | curt15 wrote:
           | The best CLI will never have the discoverability of any
           | competently designed GUI.
         | SushiHippie wrote:
         | What's the difference between "notes" and "plume"?
           | godelski wrote:
           | Hows it different from Obsidian or any other note taking app
           | that has a larger community. I'm sure OP put in lots of hard
           | work and it looks good, but it's not apparent to me why I
           | should abandon my existing platform (stickiness) for another
           | one. There are a lot of note apps out there already which
           | probably makes it hard to sell.
           | rubymamis wrote:
           | Plume's editor is a block-editor I wrote completely from
           | scratch using C++ (model) and QML (view). This allows me to
           | create an advance editor that can have complex elements (like
           | Kanban, Columns, advance image components, etc) within the
           | text. The performance using Qt C++ compared to Electron is a
           | mssive improvement over current web apps (like Notion and the
           | likes), and actually, i's even faster than native apps on
           | macOS (Craft, Bike) and apps made in Flutter (AppFlowy).
           | Example: https://imgur.com/wajSjbn (I'll implement the Kanban
           | feature next week (:)
         | alwayslikethis wrote:
         | There is a large intersection of Linux users and people who
         | cherish their freedoms. For many people, using non-open source
         | note taking software is a non starter because of the vendor
         | lock-in and privacy concerns. Thus, you'll probably lose out
         | more by not open sourcing the program than by open sourcing it
         | and risk having some people not pay. I wager a lot more people
         | is willing to pay than use proprietary software. Also note that
         | open sourcing doesn't require you to distribute the code to
         | everyone, you can give source code only to paying users if you
         | are charging them money, though they will have the right to
         | modify and redistribute. If they don't care about open source,
         | they might as well just use Notion or Evernote. If someone is
         | looking for an open source state of the art note taking
         | program, I recommend Logseq.
           | lupusreal wrote:
           | There are some programs that sell binaries but also give away
           | the code.
           | The premier pixel art editor Aseprite is free (source
           | available, not open source) if you're willing to build it
           | from source yourself, but most users buy the prebuilt
           | binaries. I think this way you satisfy both the privacy
           | conscious / cheapskates, and also the developer's economic
           | needs. RMS doesn't approve I'm sure, but you can't please
           | them all.
           | rubymamis wrote:
           | I'm a big believer in open source software. I've had
           | wonderful contributors and I'm using qutie a few open source
           | libraries/components in my own apps. That's why I open
           | sourced my own app.
           | I've tried many different options so I could make a living
           | with it (ads, donations, premium features). There are
           | definitely more ways to explore. But for now, I need to
           | ensure that my financial situation is stable before anything
           | else. Then, maybe in the future I'll be able to afford
           | tinkering with a sustainable way of open sourcing.
           | I've also started to notice many VCs starting to invest in
           | open source software (just today saw Godot featured on HN).
           | So that can also be a potential route.
         | throw10920 wrote:
         | I think you're making the right decision. Open-source is
         | extremely difficult to make even a living wage off of - the
         | number of people who do is orders of magnitude smaller than
         | those who make a living off of commercial software.
           | lovelyviking wrote:
           | >Open-source is extremely difficult to make even a living
           | wage off of...
           | So are you saying it's even possible? I wish to learn at
           | least one option to do it. Few is even better. How at all you
           | can realistically make living this way?
           | Ok, not living , just partial income. Ok not partial. Some
           | income?
           | I am not making fun of I honestly look some way .
           | I understand that if you maintain 10 years some essential
           | part of essential software project then people eventually
           | come to you for consulting or will pay you to shift this part
           | toward their requirements.
           | But other then that? Like can you write useful free software
           | program and really have some money from it ?
             | throw10920 wrote:
             | The main options that I'm aware of are: selling support
             | (RedHat), donations (I can't recall examples but they do
             | exist), open-core (GitLab), and paid hosting (WordPress).
             | In the past, there was also the option of selling physical
             | media (which the FSF did for GNU projects, for instance)
             | but that's been killed by the Internet.
             | All of these models are very hard to get working (e.g. the
             | donations model requires that you have a very large number
             | of people interested in your work who are generous with
             | their money, kind of like Twitch streaming), but they _can_
             | work. They 're not an option for the majority of
             | programmers, though.
             | shwouchk wrote:
             | Joey Hess (https://joeyh.name/) did, at least partially. I
             | remember him raising money to develop git annex.
           | rubymamis wrote:
           | It's definitely possible to make a decent living with FOSS
           | software. One of the main contributors to my note-taking app
           | is @bjorn[1] who developed the awesome Tiled editor[2] and
           | managed to figure out a sustainable way to earn a living from
           | donations/sponsorships. There are probably more instances of
           | that. I tried to go the same route, but other than a $5
           | monthly payment on Patreaon (thank you awesome contributor!)
           | I couldn't figure it out.
           | I hate serving shitty Google ads. They are also not a stable
           | source of income and the revenue is low in my case. It's time
           | for me to move on.
           | [1] https://github.com/bjorn
           | [2] https://github.com/mapeditor/tiled
             | throw10920 wrote:
             | Oh, yeah, it's totally possible - just do a HN search and
             | you'll find people who are doing it (e.g. Andrew Kelley,
             | the Zig designer - and he's making a _programming language_
             | , which nobody will pay for in this day and age!).
             | However, like being a social media "influencer" (e.g.
             | Twitch streamer), it requires a lot of both hard work and
             | luck, has a limited amount of "capacity", and isn't a
             | viable source of income for most people.
         | tomcam wrote:
         | Thanks for sharing. Appreciate your fighting the good fight,
         | and sorry for the results so far. Maybe apply for a Futo
         | scholarship for one? But definitely close source for Plume.
           | rubymamis wrote:
           | No need to be sorry, really. I'm just learning how to
           | navigate this world. I've been pretty lucky so far. Notes is
           | one of the top results in Google (for the keyword "notes").
           | So I get a lot of traffic and a nice passive income. But it's
           | not something I can fully live on (plus it's unstable and I
           | hate serving ads).
         | hnlmorg wrote:
         | Personally I think KDE is light years ahead of macOS and
         | Windows.
         | In fact I find macOS to have been be of the worst window
         | managers of all the popular platforms (sure it's pretty and
         | easy to use, but trying to do anything beyond the basics
         | requires magical incantations that are impossible to discover
         | organically).
         | Each to their own though.
           | rubymamis wrote:
           | Well, I'm a Qt programmer (and love it!), so I know a bit
           | about this ecosystem. Unfortunately in terms of UX and
           | aesthetics, KDE apps don't come even close to the macOS
           | ecosystem.
           | But that's alright. I'm here to change that.
             | lovelyviking wrote:
             | Can you share some of this 'love' to me? Because my
             | experience with QT so far was : it does 'who knows what',
             | 'who knows when' and 'who knows why' And if you wish it to
             | work the best tactic is "do not change anything, it will
             | surprise you and there will be no way to go back" :)
             | May be I am missing something important in understanding? I
             | was trying to tweak some projects for my needs. I
             | successfully did it but it was a nightmare.
               | rubymamis wrote:
               | If you learn how to separate your logic in C++ and your
               | views (GUI) in QML you can achieve the best of both
               | worlds. C++ is fast and I love programming with it. QML
               | is easy and powerful you can create slick looking apps
               | with it with beautiful (and easy!) animations.
               | I bought the Udemy course of Bryan[1] and learned QML in
               | one day. The next day I already had a prototype for a
               | Kanban[2] that is based on Markdown.
               | [1] https://www.udemy.com/course/qml-for-beginners/
               | [2] https://rubymamistvalove.com/notes/kanban.mp4
           | lovelyviking wrote:
           | Can you elaborate more? What features you are talking about?
           | I can criticise Mac OS endlessly and was even actively
           | downvoted here when reported facts of my personal experience
           | with bugs on newly purchased M1 (you can dig the history if
           | you wish). I was shocked how quality degraded in my opinion.
           | People here were even claiming that it's my specific faulty
           | machine was to blame. This 'faulty' machine by the way works
           | to this very day without any hardware problems except
           | flickering of the monitor which is idiotic in my opinion
           | design decision (to use PWM).
           | So as you can see I am very critical of macOS and consider
           | using Windows after macOS like completely unbearable. And yet
           | your comment have puzzled me.
           | When I was learning macOS after years with Windows I remember
           | that certain things were like you say "impossible to
           | discover". Yet with all that being said I find other GUI
           | implementations in GNU/Linux not any better.
           | Perhaps I've missed something in KDE? What did I miss? What
           | "doing anything beyond basic" means in your usage? What kind
           | of tasks/workflows are those ? How KDE better in those?
           | askonomm wrote:
           | KDE _functions_ well, but my god does it need someone with an
           | actual design education to help out.
         | lovelyviking wrote:
         | on your 'com' site mentioned in github page download button
         | does not offer (near by) payed options. Why? Why it is only in
         | the separated Pricing link? Why not to present the same choice
         | in download ?
           | rubymamis wrote:
           | Thanks for your remark! I never thought about it. I suspect
           | it will drive down the number of downloads? How do you think
           | it will be beneficial?
         | bachmeier wrote:
         | A few thoughts:
         | 1. I've never heard of your app, and I follow this space
         | closely. It's _extremely_ competitive.
         | 2. I clicked to check how much you're asking for premium. It's
         | reasonable on an annual basis, but I only saw an option for a
         | monthly subscription. That's not happening.
         | 3. I'd be more likely to give you a donation than to pay for a
         | premium version for an app like this. That model has worked
         | well for Obsidian. I don't think getting early access to
         | features is worth much, but a lot of people have paid them to
         | support their work.
         | 4. My observation is that a closed core product with a large
         | open source ecosystem around it gives folks a reason to pay.
           | rubymamis wrote:
           | Hi! Thanks for your comment.
           | > but I only saw an option for a monthly subscription.
           | What do you mean? The annual subscription doesn't work? Or
           | something else?
           | > I'd be more likely to give you a donation than to pay for a
           | premium version for an app like this.
           | Well, for my Notes app, I can understand. Hopefully you will
           | find my new app as a breath of fresh air in this space. Sign
           | up to get an update please! I would love to hear what you
           | think when the app is out.
           | > My observation is that a closed core product with a large
           | open source ecosystem around it gives folks a reason to pay.
           | Overall, I think people will pay if an app gives them enough
           | value.
         | freedomben wrote:
         | There are definitely some challenges with getting people to pay
         | for OSS, but I wouldn't be so quick to blame that all on what
         | happened in this situation. I think you'd be experiencing the
         | same (or worse) if your app was closed source for reasons I'll
         | mention in a minute.
         | I'm the exact type of person who would be in your target market
         | and likely to pay, but aside from having never heard of your
         | app (which may be your biggest problem), these are the reasons
         | I'm not buying. I'm only sharing this in the hopes that it
         | helps you, not trying to make you feel bad or anything like
         | that. Overall I think you're _awesome_ for making your app open
         | source, and I have a mountain of respect for you for doing
         | that.
         | 1. You're targeting a very crowded and competitive market where
         | top-quality options are 100% free. This would be a huge
         | challenge regardless of whether you're open source or not.
         | 2. Your app is still very young/new. Winning in such a
         | saturated area is going to take some time to even build
         | awareness, let alone get mature/feature complete enough to get
         | people to change.
         | 3. With something like notes, you're looking at people with
         | substantial pre-existing sources. Migration is not trivial
         | either, so there's a big barrier of entry there for people to
         | use your software.
         | I wish you the best, but I think you'd only be harming yourself
         | by closing your next app. You definitely lose people like me
         | for whom my notes are incredibly important and I won't risk
         | losing them to a proprietary tool. Open is mandatory for me to
         | even consider it.
         | I'm pretty happy (maybe even in love) with Logseq, but the
         | performance is definitely a downside and the idea of a C++ app
         | is highly appealing to me, so I'm going to give your app a try.
         | Side note: If your GUI was compatible with logseq's on-disk
         | format, that would make your app quite compelling to me
           | rubymamis wrote:
           | I appreciate your opinion.
           | Notes has been quite a success for me. With over 1,300,000
           | downloads[1], and being featured in awesome tech websites[2].
           | Just on Ubuntu alone there are 7000 weekly active users (that
           | have downloaded it from the Ubuntu Store).
           | My new app Plume is going to be a big improvement over Notes.
           | First, your data is and will always be as simple as
           | Markdown/plaintext. My new block editor is based completely
           | on plain text while still offering advance views (with a
           | minimalistic syntax). It's also faster than any other in its
           | category, even faster than native apps on macOS! I'll soon
           | put benchmarks on the website.
           | All I can say is, sign up to get an email update and check it
           | out when it's ready. Most of the features will be free with
           | only some advance features paid.
           | BTW, what do you mean by "logseq's on-disk format"? That it's
           | local-first? If so, Plume is also.
           | [1] https://tooomm.github.io/github-release-
           | stats/?username=nutt...
           | [2] https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/09/open-source-qt-notes-
           | app...
         | kilolima wrote:
         | I really like the functionality of your notes app, but I don't
         | think emulating Apple UI design is the solution to subpar UI on
         | Linux.
         | Linux users expect basic desktop conventions like toolbars,
         | dropdown menus, and not mobile design concepts like cramming
         | everything into a hamburger menu.
           | rubymamis wrote:
           | Have you even tried using my app? It doesn't have any of the
           | "mobile design concepts" that you're talking about.
           | > cramming everything into a hamburger menu
           | - Import/Export
           | - Check for updates
           | - Start automatically
           | - Hide to tray
           | - Change database path
           | - About Notes
           | - Quit
           | Is that EVERYTHING?
           | No. It's not. I don't like using hamburger menus for
           | everything myself. This is why the options are minimalistic.
           | Look at other Gnome apps using hamburger menus, no need to go
           | as far as "Apple UI" (which actually discourages hamburger
           | menus for desktops apps).
         | vcg3rd wrote:
         | I understand your frustration, but I have a couple of counter-
         | examples, and I don't offer them in any derogatory way.
         | 1) Notes looks a lot like Standard Notes. If you built Notes
         | using copy-left, OSS it's hard to complain unless you pay
         | "royalties" to all the programmers whose work was incorporated
         | into yours.
         | 2) I am probably atypical. I have used Linux for over 20 years,
         | but I can't write so much as a Bash script or a Perl one-liner.
         | Yet I have spent a whole lot more money on software than I
         | would have (or most individuals do) on other platforms. Because
         | I can't code and appreciate the work of others and the freedom
         | it gives me I support the following (not exclusive):
         | * Kaisen (my distro) and Debian (the distro Kaisen is built on)
         | both
         | * tFSF for both core utilities and Emacs
         | * My DE (KDE), and even if I prefer the UI of other
         | applications I mostly try to use those provided by KDE,tFSF,
         | Debian, or Kaisen (e.g Akregator over RSSGuard) unless I
         | donate, like:
         | * Mozilla (for Firefox), but
         | * Betterbird for my email client
         | * Syncthing
         | * LaGrange (gopher/gemini)
         | * Joplin
         | * ClipTo
         | * and more, including services (e.g. SoulSeek, envs.net)
         | Some annually, some monthly, some one-time.
         | In fact, when Standard Notes first came out I paid for a seven
         | year subscription, and then ended up using it for about 2
         | months before becoming dissatisfied. There are some, like
         | Alacritty, that I use extensively but which I have found no way
         | to donate to, but I try to keep it to a minimum.
           | rubymamis wrote:
           | There are some amazing people that valued what I'm doing. One
           | person even donated $1000 years ago. But that doesn't make it
           | sustainable.
           | I think it's time for me to compete on the market. I believe
           | Plume is going to be a good addition to the pool of
           | productivity apps today, but I'll let people judge that when
           | it's released. I hope you will sign up to get an update[2]
           | and let me know what you think of it when it is released.
           | BTW, are you suggesting I copied Standard Notes? Not really,
           | I don't like their design. Notes is in active development
           | since 2014 (first commit on GitHub in 2015), back then I
           | didn't even know about Standard Notes and the core design
           | barely changed.
           | [1] https://github.com/nuttyartist/notes/releases/tag/v0.8.0-
           | bet...
           | [2] https://www.get-plume.com/
       | blt wrote:
       | It's not an attractive scene for GUI developers on Linux. Gnome,
       | Qt, and Electron all have some unappealing aspects. Many people
       | who get the itch to make a Linux GUI app will immediately be
       | discouraged by having to choose between them.
         | 360MustangScope wrote:
         | Imo, I think that Flutter is one of the best ways to make
         | native Linux applications at the moment. It can look just like
         | a GTK, macOS and Windows app and you have a more enjoyable
         | experience.
           | blt wrote:
           | Don't know it, but from the website it looks mobile-first and
           | intended for simple apps like Spotify. Don't get the
           | impression that I could build something like Blender or
           | Kdenlive with it. Maybe my impression is wrong, but I would
           | hesitate to use a framework for a purpose that the developers
           | consider fringe.
         | alwayslikethis wrote:
         | What's wrong with Qt? It works well enough if you want to write
         | C++ or Python. Electron works on Linux the same way it does on
         | Windows. GTK has some more issues on other platforms, but
         | mostly works on Linux too.
           | blt wrote:
           | I should have said "Many people" instead of "Anyone" in my
           | original comment -- edited.
           | I would use it myself, but a lot of developers don't want to
           | use C++ (too complicated) or Python (too slow, dynamicness
           | becomes unwieldy for large projects). Languages in between -
           | like Swift and C# - are the sweet spot for desktop GUI apps.
           | nektro wrote:
           | > What's wrong with Qt? It works well enough if you want to
           | write C++ or Python.
           | answered your own question
         | sprash wrote:
         | Have you tried WebUI? It's like a ultra minimalist version of
         | electron. It uses available browsers instead of shipping its
         | own. You simply write your App in html/js and everything that
         | goes beyond (e.g. file access) is delegated to C with a simple
         | callback mechanism.
       | underseacables wrote:
       | Segmentation has been tough for a Linux newbie like myself. I
       | hope there can be greater unification some day so that
       | applications have one install type, and come with greater
       | predictability.
         | seabrookmx wrote:
         | It's still annoying even if you're experienced with Linux.
         | Especially if there's multiple install methods for the same app
         | with different levels of support.
         | Flatpak is the closest thing thus far, but certainly hasn't
         | "won" yet.
           | michaelmrose wrote:
           | This is actually a solvable problem. You provide a single
           | store interface where you install flatpaks and traditional
           | packages. Linux Mint does a pretty good job of this.
           | With Arch you can basically rely on system packages and the
           | AUR for 99.9% of everything.
           | Either way wrapping an interface around 1 or more method is a
           | fairly trivial matter.
       | zer0zzz wrote:
       | I think the premise is wrong when there still doesn't exist a
       | core set of frameworks that are abi stable on Linux. On competing
       | platforms there are way more frameworks out of the box
       | (CoreImage, CoreAudio, CodeML, SceneKit, AppKit, etc) and they
       | don't break as often.
       | I know in Linux they have fun things like snap and flatpak but it
       | is really solving the problem using a bit of infrastructure and
       | package management instead of doing it in the frameworks and
       | programming languages themselves (which are what you are asking
       | people to write apps in).
         | smoldesu wrote:
         | Stuff like Flatpak and Snap exists because the framework side
         | kinda _is_ built-out. Isolation technology had matured, newer
         | desktops emphasized per-window security and needed APIs to
         | portal in and out of each instance. The desktops needed a
         | packaging /infrastructure solution to tie that together and
         | make it presentable to the user.
           | zer0zzz wrote:
           | Yet I still can't compile an app on some arbitrary release of
           | some arbitrary distro and just run the darn exe on another
           | and be 100% sure it will work.
             | smoldesu wrote:
             | On a large enough timescale I don't think you can
             | reasonably expect this on _any_ of this big 3 OSes. From a
             | less macro perspective, I think tools like Appimage and
             | Flatpak will fill that role.
               | zer0zzz wrote:
               | On a long enough time scale we are all dead, and Linux
               | doesn't exist. That doesn't mean that in the decades that
               | computer software has to be useful to actual people that
               | things have to suck this badly right now.
               | smoldesu wrote:
               | The "actual people" using Linux on the desktop are not
               | running .so files off the internet. I get what you're
               | saying, but you know it's facetious to pretend that
               | packaging is simple on Mac and Windows too.
               | api wrote:
               | Packaging is fairly simple on Mac and Windows if you use
               | the dev tools for the platform and are not doing things
               | like installing services or drivers or changing OS
               | configuration.
               | Your packaged app will almost always work too. There are
               | not 50 distributions of these OSes.
               | zer0zzz wrote:
               | exactly
               | zer0zzz wrote:
               | > The "actual people" using Linux on the desktop are not
               | running .so files off the internet.
               | They do this all day every day when they use a little
               | something called Steam or when they install Google
               | Chrome.
               | > I get what you're saying, but you know it's facetious
               | to pretend that packaging is simple on Mac and Windows
               | too.
               | It is...
         | sylware wrote:
         | Cuplrits are mostly glibc devs with their manic abuse of
         | version names (and very recently, a GENIUS who added a new ELF
         | relocation type): this is a pain for game developers to provide
         | binaries which span a reasonable set of distros in time. Basic
         | game devs install one of the latest mainstream and massive
         | distros, build there, and throw the binaries on steam... but
         | that recent distro had a glibc 2.36 and now their binaries have
         | version names requiring at least a glibc 2.36 (often, rarely
         | not). They have to force the right version names with... the
         | binutils gas symver directive (see binutils manual) until all
         | their version names are compatible with a glibc reasonably
         | "old" (I would go for a reasonable 5 years... 7/8 years?):
         | https://sourceware.org/glibc/wiki/Glibc%20Timeline
         | Of course normal game devs have not the slightest idea of those
         | issues, and even so, they won't do it because it is a pain,
         | that for 1% of their market. Not to mention they better
         | statically link libgcc (and libstdc++ if they use c++) to avoid
         | the ABI issues of those abominations (the word is fair) which
         | have been plagging game binaries for TEN F.... YEARS ! (getting
         | better has more and more game binaries default to -static-
         | libgcc and -static-libstdc++, if c++, gcc/clang options).
         | There is light at the end of the tunnel though as godot engine
         | is providing build containers which are very careful of all
         | that (unity seems clean there too, dunno for UT5.x though).
         | But you have engines really not ready, for instance electron
         | based games: you don't have the right version of the GTK+
         | toolkit installed on your enlightenment/Qt/raw X11/wayland/etc
         | distro? Nah, won't run. And packaging properly a full google
         | blink engine for binary distribution targetting a wide spectum
         | of elf/linux distros? Yeah... good luck with that.
         | elf/linux is hostile to anything binary only, that due to manic
         | ABI breakage all over the board, all the time (accute in the
         | SDK and core libs).
         | If it is already that hard for game binaries, good luck with
         | apps. I can hear already their devs saying: "we don't care,
         | just use and install microsoft suze gnu/linux, every else is
         | unsupported"... I think you get the picture where all that is
         | going.
           | zer0zzz wrote:
           | I agree. I recall a talk from Linux Torvalds on how bad the
           | glibc folks break things and why he won't ship a binary
           | version of his scuba tool. If the binary breakages start with
           | the darn C lib, you're gonna have recurring problems all the
           | way up the stack on a regular basis I feel.
             | sylware wrote:
             | This has the case for 10 years with games on steam. The
             | worst being libstdc++ ABI issues still around because many
             | devs forget to statically link their c++ libs with -static-
             | libstdc++. Because in windows, ABI stability is really good
             | and then devs are used to that.
               | zer0zzz wrote:
               | As far as I understand, Windows solves this libc++
               | versioning issue using the side by side cache. I guess
               | this is a little bit like flatpack.
               | sylware wrote:
               | I think there are very few c++ ABI versions on windows
               | and it is easy to select the one you want until it is
               | installed, they can be there side by side.
               | p_l wrote:
               | Windows solves this issue by not making language runtime
               | part of the OS libraries in a way that pollutes other
               | libraries.
               | That means that you can have your application linked with
               | library A version X, and load another library that is
               | linked with library A version Y, and so long as certain
               | practices are followed, everything works because you're
               | not getting cross-contamination of symbols.
               | Meanwhile on Linux the defaults are quite different, and
               | I can't load OpenGL ICD driver that depends on GLIBC_2.38
               | symbol on application that was loaded with glibc-2.37.
               | Moreso, a lot of APIs will use malloc() and free()
               | instead of language-independent allocator, unless the
               | allocation comes from kernel. And no, you can't mix and
               | match those.
               | zlg_codes wrote:
               | _What_ language independent allocator? I 'm unaware of
               | any memory interfaces in programming languages that
               | aren't specific to that language.
               | What would you use instead of malloc and free?
               | sylware wrote:
               | This what the "pressure-vessel" container from collabora
               | (used by valve on dota2/cs2), is trying to solve... but
               | now the issue is the container itself as it does _NOT_
               | follow fully the elf loading rules for all elf binaries
               | and does ignore many configuration parameters of many
               | software packages (data files location, pertinent
               | environment variables, etc), basically presuming "ubuntu"
               | to be there.
               | Basically, I have my vulkan driver requiring fstat from
               | 2.33 but the "pressure-vessel" (sniper version), has a
               | glibc 2.31, then it does parse partially my global elf
               | loading configuration and the configuration of some
               | packages to import that driver and all its
               | dependencies... including my glibc elf loader... ooof!
               | That level of convolution will have a very high price all
               | over the board.
               | I have arguments often with one of "pressure-vessel" devs
               | because of some shortcuts they took which do break my
               | distro (which is really basic and very vanilla, but not
               | "ubuntu"). It took weeks to get the fixes in (I guess all
               | of them are in... until the glibc devs manage to do
               | something which will wreak havock on "pressure-vessel").
               | Oh... that makes me think I need to warn them about that
               | super new and recent ELF relocation type they will have
               | to parse and detect in host drivers...
               | On my side, I am investigating some excrutiatingly simple
               | modern file format which should help a lot fighting those
               | issues, there will be technical trade-offs obviously (but
               | would run-ish on "old" kernels anyway with elf "capsules"
               | and an orthogonal runtime). Like json is for xml, but for
               | elf/pe.
               | It seems only the linux ABI can be trusted... til Linus
               | T. is able to hold the line.
               | okanat wrote:
               | Windows standard C and C++ ABI is stable since 2017. So
               | the last 3 releases of the Visual C Compiler and C
               | runtime hasn't changed the ABI.
               | However Windows also has a lower level system API / ABI
               | i.e. Win32 that's always stable all the way to Win 95.
               | WinSXS sometimes helps for certain legacy apps too. This
               | allows apps using different C libraries to work together.
               | Win32 contains everything about the OS interface.
               | Creating windows, drawing things, basic text, allocating
               | pages from the OS, querying users, getting info about
               | files is all stable. Win32 is the lower level of the C
               | library. There is also a better separation of the
               | functions in different DLLs. Win32 has multiple DLLs that
               | has different jobs and they are mostly orthogonal.
               | Kernel32 contains core almost system call stuff. Shell32
               | contains interactions with the OS shell i.e. creating
               | windows, message boxes, triggering different UIs.
               | The surrounding libraries like DirectX / DirectPlay /
               | DirectWrite that are also used by the games are also part
               | of the system libs starting from 7. They are also stable.
               | On Linux world there is no separation of the system level
               | libraries and normal user libraries. Glibc is just
               | another library that one depends on. It contains the
               | entire lower level interface to kernel, all the network
               | stuff and POSIX user access stuff. It also contains a
               | component that has no job in a C library: the dynamic
               | executable loader. Unlike Windows on the Unix systems the
               | C library is at the lowest level and Glibc being the
               | default libc for Linux and making itself the default
               | provider of the dynamic executable loader makes writing
               | stable ABI almost impossible. Since other libraries
               | depend on Glibc and executables depend on Glibc's dynamic
               | loader everything is affected by the domino effect.
           | jancsika wrote:
           | > But you have engines really not ready, for instance
           | electron based games: you don't have the right version of the
           | GTK+ toolkit installed on your enlightenment/Qt/raw
           | X11/wayland/etc distro? Nah, won't run.
           | Hm, not sure what you mean here.
           | At least with the nw.js toolkit (from which Electron was
           | forked IIRC) I've never gotten a report of a distro where it
           | would refuse to run because of an incompatible GTK version.
           | zlg_codes wrote:
           | > If it is already that hard for game binaries, good luck
           | with apps.
           | Video games are some of the most complex and most difficult
           | pieces of software both to build and to get right. Modern
           | games are coded so poorly that driver makers have to release
           | patches for specific games.
           | It's the gamedev world that can't get its shit together.
           | Valve settled on an Arch-based distro for the Deck. The
           | specific distro doesn't matter since Steam already
           | establishes its system requirements and comes with a runtime.
           | Beyond that, I really don't see the issues you're talking
           | about. Generally, any issues you have are fixed by symlinking
           | the correct .so files. This is a side effect of targeting a
           | specific version of software instead of keeping to its more
           | base features. That's on the dev, not the user or distro.
           | You act like Windows has never had ABI breakage or versioning
           | problems. I'd like to see the specific issues you ran into;
           | maybe there's an easy fix like a symlink.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | That core would be GNOME or KDE frameworks, coupled with the
         | FreeDesktop standards, at least that was the plan about 20
         | years ago.
         | However as the site says doing distributions is what most folks
         | keep doing, and naturally there isn't a single stack that can
         | keep up with snowflake distributions.
         | In the end, Google took the Linux kernel, placed two core set
         | of frameworks, one in Java, and the other in JavaScript, and
         | naturally those are the winning Linux distributions for regular
         | consumers.
           | zer0zzz wrote:
           | None of that core is standardized across even a hand full of
           | distros.
             | fragmede wrote:
             | Chrome/Chromium is quite standardized, across many distros.
               | zer0zzz wrote:
               | Name one distro that ships with chrome out of the box? I
               | dont even think ubuntu comes with a chromium browser.
               | That means devs cant write apps against it and just hand
               | out exes like they do on Mac and windows.
               | charcircuit wrote:
               | Play Protect Certified Android and ChromeOS are popular
               | ones among consumers
               | zer0zzz wrote:
               | Nice. Maybe more desktop distros should build on android
               | as a core. That could solve a lot of problems.
               | fragmede wrote:
               | Chromium is the default browser on Raspberry Pi OS.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | Naturally, you missed the part I mentioned it was the plan
             | 20 years ago, not how it looks like today.
               | zer0zzz wrote:
               | tldr
         | znpy wrote:
         | > and they don't break as often.
         | Meh, kinda.
         | It's not a case that proprietary software vendors only target
         | RHEL, Suse and Ubuntu.
         | RHEL is a perfect target for stable software and Ubuntu might
         | be as well if you decide to only support LTS releases.
           | zer0zzz wrote:
           | Targeting only a hand full of frozen releases is not abi
           | stability. Abi stability is when any app can be compiled off
           | any release and run on any future release (and ideally older
           | releases too).
             | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
             | > Abi stability is when any app can be compiled off any
             | release and run on any future release (and ideally older
             | releases too).
             | Hang on, if that's the standard why is MacOS getting a
             | pass? I'd believe that Windows meets that bar, but I see
             | posts on a routine enough basis about Apple forcing
             | rewrites, unless I really misunderstood something there.
               | zer0zzz wrote:
               | Apple's actually quite good at this, but they do break
               | things on purpose from time to time for reasons which
               | they announce pretty publicly at WWDC when they do
               | (32->64bit, deprecating GL, etc).
               | So, for example a dev can target an app at iOS 8 and it
               | still works fine on iOS 17. Thats almost a decade of OS
               | updates that didn't affect an app. Here's an example:
               | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bebot-robot-
               | synth/id300309944
             | zlg_codes wrote:
             | Such a platform is doomed to never take a step forward
             | because "oh no, something changed and now I have to
             | increment my dependencies".
         | abhinavk wrote:
         | I had read somewhere that Win32 (via Wine or Proton) is the
         | most stable target for Linux right now.
           | zer0zzz wrote:
           | Yeah exactly!
           | FirmwareBurner wrote:
           | _> Win32 (via Wine or Proton) is the most stable target for
           | Linux right now_
           | Tangential, Winamp 2.xx from the '90s runs and plays MP3s
           | just fine on Windows 11 today. There are better apps for that
           | today, but I still use it because nostalgia really whips the
           | llama's ass.
           | Pretty wild that the same thing is not the norm in other OSs.
           | Even wilder is that I still have my installed copy of Unreal
           | Tournament 99 from my childhood PC copied over to my current
           | Win 11 machine, and guess what, it just works out of the box,
           | 3D graphics, sound, everything. That's nearly 25 years of
           | backwards compatibility at this point.
           | If that's not stable, I don't know what is.
             | zer0zzz wrote:
             | The most underrated feature of windows probably ever.
               | Dalewyn wrote:
               | It really is mindblowing that Windows 11 is still capable
               | of running 32-bit programs written for _Windows 95_ ,
               | that's _28~29 years_ of backwards compatibility and
               | environmental stability.
               | If we look back to programs written for Windows NT 3.1,
               | released in _1993_ , and assume they run on Windows 11
               | (because why not?) then that's _30_ years of backwards
               | compatibility.
               | Did I say mindblowing? It's downright mythological what
               | Microsoft achieves and continues to do.
               | EvanAnderson wrote:
               | NTVDM could have been ported to 64-bit Windows, but MSFT
               | declined to do so. Leaked Windows source code shows it
               | would have worked[0].
               | That would have given 16, 32, and 64 bit compatibility.
               | [0] https://github.com/leecher1337/ntvdmx64
               | FirmwareBurner wrote:
               | There's no guarantee that all the older apps from the
               | Windows 9x/XP days will work today, as some apps back
               | then, especially games, made use of non-
               | public/undocumented APIs or just straight up hacked the
               | OS with various hooks for the sake of performance
               | optimizations. Those are the apps guarantee not to work
               | today even if you turn on compatibility mode.
             | pizza234 wrote:
             | > If that's not stable, I don't know what is.
             | What is? An immense amount of resources (developers) poured
             | into developing live patches to make applications work on
             | newer version of Windows (or anyway, helping the
             | application developers).
             | It's an interesting conceptual grey area - it's not
             | backward compatibility in the common sense.
             | This is documented in the book "The old new thing" by
             | Raymond Chen (it's possible also to read the blog, but the
             | book gives an organic view).
             | It's fascinating to observe how far-sighted Microsoft was;
             | this approach, clearly very expensive, has been fundamental
             | in making Windows the dominant O/S (for desktop computers).
         | chefandy wrote:
         | People like to shit on tools like Electron, but there's a
         | reason they're popular. If you need to reach a broad audience
         | with a native tool, using heavy-handed web-based plumbing is a
         | bigger win for Linux users than supporting only windows and
         | macos where like 97% of desktop users are.
           | FirmwareBurner wrote:
           | Hold on mate, isn't that what Java was supposed to solve. I
           | remember before the days of electron when I was a wee lad in
           | the 2000s, all cross platforms apps were Java.
           | Look at Ghidra, it's a Java app for Windows, Linux and Mac.
           | The "holy trinity" of operating systems, covered with one
           | language and framework.
           | So what happened? Did devs forgot Java exists and felt like
           | reinventing the wheel but worse this time?
             | zer0zzz wrote:
             | Java is objectively terrible for writing good apps on
             | modern personal computers. The one platform that did adopt
             | it (android) had to practically rework the entire byte code
             | and VM as well as the set of APIs for writing apps to make
             | it work.
               | FirmwareBurner wrote:
               | Why is it terrible? Asking for real.
               | LeoNatan25 wrote:
               | Because it's not "sexy" anymore. Now "sexiness" lies with
               | web crap, so Electron is a "great tool", while Java is
               | "terrible".
               | zer0zzz wrote:
               | Well, so I can only tell you as much as I know and
               | understand. Some of this pulls in some outdated
               | information too.
               | So, JVMs and languages that abstract the underlying
               | machine are always going to have overhead. The original
               | interpreted stack-based JVM model is really bad for
               | performance because you can't do great optimizations on
               | the code because you can't have a great view of the
               | operands that are being defined and then subsequently
               | used, on top of that you have to either JIT or interpret
               | code which also has overhead. This is why Android's
               | original Dalvik VM originally started by converting the
               | Sun byte code format to a register based format. So, now
               | you have a format you can do some optimizations on:
               | great. But you still depend on a VM to generate and
               | optimize for native code: that means code-caches and that
               | means using excess memory to store the fast optimized
               | code you want to run (which could have been evicted, so
               | more overhead when you have to regenerate). Next you have
               | frameworks like the classic Swing in Java that were
               | frankly implemented with priorities that did not include
               | having a really great and responsive experience even
               | though its platform agnostic as far as the way it draws
               | widgets. These days we can take GPUs for granted to make
               | this approach work, but a lot of the Java UI stuff came
               | from another era.
               | I am not really sure if I am right here, but to me all
               | this means that to have made the Java system work well
               | for modern PCs and mobile it would have required a ton of
               | investment. As it turns out, a lot of that investment
               | went into the web and android instead of polishing Sun
               | and Oracle's uh... product.
               | Java's also kinda been sidelined because for years Oracle
               | threatened to sue anyone that dared fork it as Google
               | had, and Microsoft kinda spent a decade making C# and
               | .NET more confusing than it already was so theres that
               | too.
               | FirmwareBurner wrote:
               | _> The original interpreted stack-based JVM model is
               | really bad for performance _
               | And we addressed that today by launching a copy of Chrome
               | with every app?
               | zer0zzz wrote:
               | yes
               | I think it's hard to beat the tide that is the web as a
               | content and app delivery system. The web is also getting
               | all the billions in investment from every massive faang.
               | mikrotikker wrote:
               | It's got more security holes than Swiss cheese.
             | creesch wrote:
             | Java simply has a much higher barrier of entry. Not only in
             | regards to figuring out the language and resources
             | available but also the fact that creating a GUI still
             | requires external dependencies.
             | Electron isn't just cross platform, it is cross platform
             | based on technologies (html, css and javascript) that also
             | by a huge margin have the largest amount of developers
             | available.
               | whartung wrote:
               | > Not only in regards to figuring out the language and
               | resources available but also the fact that creating a GUI
               | still requires external dependencies.
               | What external dependencies does Java need that's not in
               | the JDK itself? I have an app with Mac and Windows
               | installers (and thus bundles JDKs), it also runs on Linux
               | (via a fat jar), I tested it on Ubuntu, but for the life
               | of me I couldn't figure out how to package it properly.
               | It was more complicated that I cared to invest it at the
               | time.
               | As for the barrier to entry, I feel the same way about
               | the web. I find the JS and Web ecosystem to be utterly
               | overwhelming, one reason I stuck with Java over something
               | like Electron, and the installers/footprint of the app
               | are smaller to boot.
               | creesch wrote:
               | > What external dependencies does Java need that's not in
               | the JDK itself?
               | I mean that it doesn't come with Java itself, but you as
               | a developer need to pick a UI framework and not all of
               | them actually work all that well cross platform or will
               | get you an actual modern interface.
               | Edit: I should also note that the threshold for entry I
               | am talking about is for people just generally starting
               | out. There simply are way more resources available for
               | web related development than there are for java.
               | Also, when you start bundling your JDKs I am not sure you
               | can talk about a smaller footprint anymore.
               | ElectricalUnion wrote:
               | > Also, when you start bundling your JDKs I am not sure
               | you can talk about a smaller footprint anymore.
               | What, do you bundle Electron source and Electron build
               | environment with your Electron app?
               | Why would you do the same and bundle Java source code +
               | Java compilers in your Java app?
               | Why would you do the same and bundle <any language>
               | source code + <any language> compilers in your <any
               | language> app?
               | If you need to create a "just works without dependency
               | b.s." experience in Java, you use the correct tooling for
               | that, jlink.
             | zlg_codes wrote:
             | It's the JS kiddies. They got Node and then decided the
             | whole world should be written in Javascript, lol.
             | chefandy wrote:
             | Java is great for making huge well-organized codebases with
             | a lot of developers, especially if you've got good tooling
             | support or a rich ecosystem of existing code to work with.
             | Outside of that... If it was a good development ecosystem
             | for native gui-based apps targeted at end users, why
             | wouldn't the preponderance of native user-facing apps be
             | written in Java, anyway? Ask nearly any experienced mobile
             | app developer if they're more productive in Java on Android
             | or Swift on iOS-- it's not even close. Sure, some of that
             | is the OS itself, but a whole lot of it isn't. On the
             | desktop, the one time I tried to make something with
             | _Swing_ I wanted to _Fling_ my computer out the window.
             | Clunky.
           | zlg_codes wrote:
           | As someone who uses Linux as a daily driver, I can recognize
           | these gargantuan apps a mile away and stay away from them.
           | They are absolute hogs of system resources, and for something
           | simple like Etcher there's no excuse.
           | Things like Electron are good for devs but bad for users. We
           | have more computation power than ever and yet programs
           | _still_ run slow.
             | FirmwareBurner wrote:
             | Oh, it gets better. Even the default Weather app shipping
             | with Windows 11 is also an Electron pile of trash that uses
             | ~520 MB of RAM. Just let that sink in. 500MB of RAM just to
             | show you the weather forecast for the day and week. That
             | was my entire system RAM of my Windows XP gaming rig.
             | Same for the Widgets app, it's not only bad because it
             | shows you news and ads when you open it, it's worse because
             | it's also, you guessed it, an Electron app.
             | Some VP in Redmond must be off their meds.
             | I assume Microsoft just can't find devs to write C#, their
             | own damn programing language for their own OS, and one of
             | the dozens of frameworks they have for Windows GUI, that
             | they need to resort to using Electron for what are just
             | Windows-only apps.
               | ziml77 wrote:
               | The Weather app in Windows 11 a UWP .NET Native wrapper
               | around WebView2 controls. It's exceptionally silly that
               | it's basically just a web browser with predefined tabs
               | and that it uses so much RAM, but it's not Electron.
               | FirmwareBurner wrote:
               | Oh my bad. I think I saw it call Edge and I assumed it
               | must be Electron.
             | chefandy wrote:
             | Worse for users than nothing? IT shouldn't be a default,
             | but if it's that or nothing-- as it often is when it comes
             | down to limited resources-- I think it's better than
             | nothing. If you're looking to make a useful tool for a
             | broad audience that must run locally, you _have_ to support
             | windows because that 's where 80% of the users are. You
             | _should_ support OSX because that 's where 15% of the users
             | are. That's two codebases with dramatically diminishing
             | returns. You need a damn good reason to justify adding
             | ANOTHER codebase on there to scoop up the remaining handful
             | of users on Linux.
             | Also, aside from startup time, I don't have any trouble
             | with electron apps running slow on my machines. I think
             | many developers are conceptually annoyed with the absurd,
             | bloated architectural underpinnings rather than the
             | experience that translates into when using them. Perception
             | means a lot when judging performance, and I'll bet with
             | most end users using, say, slack, the speed of their
             | internet connection affects the speed of their work more
             | than the speed of the application.
               | prmoustache wrote:
               | Your postulate that it is electron or nothing is wrong
               | from the very start.
               | chefandy wrote:
               | You postulate that I said that, which is wrong.
               | > IT shouldn't be a default, but if it's that or
               | nothing-- as it often is when it comes down to limited
               | resources-- I think it's better than nothing.
               |  _Sometimes_ it is. _Sometimes_ it 's not. It's certainly
               | an option that's very efficient for dev resources, which
               | is often the primary limiting factor. It's certainly the
               | only real option if you've already got a team of web
               | developers, which is very common.
               | The current state of commercial software supporting linux
               | with native apps is a pretty good indicator of how
               | companies are viewing this equation. The amount of
               | resources it takes to make a native java app is vastly
               | different than the amount of resources it takes to make a
               | native electron app. If you don't understand how that
               | would be something that would open the possibility of
               | supporting linux in many cases, I'm not sure what to tell
               | you.
         | jwells89 wrote:
         | If I could have that spread of frameworks that macOS offers on
         | Linux, I'd be targeting Linux with my side projects yesterday.
         | Having such a wide selection of tools to readily reach for with
         | zero consideration about how long it'll be supported, which
         | fork is best, how well it meshes with a pile of other third
         | party libraries, etc is amazing. It reduces friction massively
         | and you just build stuff.
         | The KDE Qt ecosystem and its GNOME/GTK analogue are closest but
         | still aren't quite there.
         | tempodox wrote:
         | And on a lower level, `fgetwc()` gets crashed deliberately in
         | `libc` when applied to a stream created with `fopencookie()`.
         | It should be incredible, but Linux `libc` is not Unicode-
         | capable in 2023.
           | zlg_codes wrote:
           | Which libc?
           | There's glibc, musl libc, etc. Also consider you may be using
           | the functions incorrectly.
       | squarefoot wrote:
       | More software? Wonderful! I'm all for it, but before starting
       | something from scratch why not contribute to something that
       | already exists, or possibly pick some project that was abandoned
       | or simply needs to be worked on for example to be built with
       | newer compilers, run on newer hardware, etc. Which makes me
       | wonder if there is somewhere a database of dormant/dead projects
       | that would deserve to be resurrected.
         | nmstoker wrote:
         | Yes, I would echo this. In most categories there are loads of
         | subpar efforts when putting all that effort behind the top few
         | would yield a handful of excellent apps.
         | Collaboration can seem daunting and hard work, but it's work
         | that will yield results which is time better spent than that
         | devoted to projects that end up abandoned.
           | zlg_codes wrote:
           | Who gets to take the credit?
           | I'm not convinced these efforts to put everyone's ideas in
           | one place and one software are good. Often, design
           | disagreements arise which are incompatible. Under this model
           | of "everybody love everybody" lameshit, if you can't get the
           | group to accept your idea, it doesn't happen.
           | You don't run into this problem when you write alone.
         | zlg_codes wrote:
         | That something that already exists may not be built in the way
         | you are aiming for.
         | That other something might be led by a dickhead that you can't
         | get along with, or a community that's not receptive to your
         | suggestions or patches.
         | Social processes and blockages can lead to losing motivation to
         | contribute. Not everyone is cut out to be this happy-go-lucky
         | team player that has no personality.
         | As for myself, I'd rather start from scratch because 1) I'll
         | control every variable, 2) I don't have to mess around with
         | some existing social and tech infra, 3) I don't have to talk to
         | anyone and convince them my ideas are good, 4) who wants to
         | spend more time arguing or discussing than writing code?
         | The solodev experience is just better. You're not hamstrung by
         | politics and social process. Being a team player has only led
         | to misery for me.
       | pjmlp wrote:
       | > Too often they fall into the trap of creating more Linux
       | distributions. We don't need more Linux distributions. Stop
       | making Linux distributions, make applications instead.
       | Right on the spot.
         | dwattttt wrote:
         | If you consider a container to be a limited distro, we turned
         | one into the other
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | I consider a container, shipping the developer's computer
           | into production, or the revenge of microkernels, take your
           | pick.
             | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
             | I mean, kind of? But "shipping the developer's computer
             | into production" implies a lot of things that really
             | _shouldn 't_ be happening even with containers - the images
             | you ship in prod should always come from git (or such) by
             | way of CI, and shouldn't include ex. compilers. So I'd
             | argue we managed to mostly get the upsides of just shipping
             | the dev's machine but without the downsides.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | There are plenty of blog posts about how containers work
               | in Linux is still dependent on external resources, unless
               | care was taken when creating those images.
       | danans wrote:
       | > Target All The Linux Distributions
       | If you are going through the trouble of targeting _all Linux
       | distributions_ , why not just target _all platforms_ by using a
       | framework like Flutter or React?
         | zb3 wrote:
         | I hope nobody will take your comment seriously, because the
         | performance of these is horrible compared to "truly" native
         | apps
           | danans wrote:
           | I've seen few apps anymore whose performance is bounded it by
           | the choice of UI framework.
           | If they're slow, it's usually because of design choices, like
           | making common user interactions wait to retrieve data.
           | Yes, games are an exception. But for the majority of software
           | that is concerned with displaying text, it doesn't matter a
           | hill of beans if you use a cross platform framework. We're
           | far past the days of slow Java AWT apps.
         | fullspectrumdev wrote:
         | Then you are stuck using basically a browser wrapper for your
         | UI, which frankly _sucks_ for performance and native
         | integration most of the time.
         | The move to making everything a webapp is great for development
         | velocity right until you smash into one of the many, many
         | corner cases where it sucks.
           | danans wrote:
           | > Then you are stuck using basically a browser wrapper for
           | your UI,
           | AFAIK, Flutter compiles to native code, no browser needed.
       | rafram wrote:
       | > Target All The Linux Distributions
       | > Unlike other platforms, Linux is a very diverse target. There
       | are hundreds of Linux distributions, some more popular than
       | others. Once published though, applications can generally work
       | everywhere.
       | > There are well documented software packaging and distribution
       | systems which enable developers to get their applications into
       | the hands of users.
       | > Each developer framework and Linux distribution will have their
       | own recommended route to users. When you're ready to share your
       | creation, the development documentation will signpost their
       | suggested packaging guides.
       | "Your apps will generally work everywhere" and "there are
       | hundreds of distros and you have to do work to support each one
       | individually" are essentially contradictory, no?
         | worksonmine wrote:
         | Most of them work the same way though. In reality there are
         | like 3 big distributions to target, Arch, Debian and Fedora and
         | from there it will trickle down. Linux and the *BSDs generally
         | work the same, put the executable in the $PATH and you're good.
         | Where this is may differ but not by much and these days the FHS
         | is adopted pretty much everywhere I know.
       | zb3 wrote:
       | Why would anyone do this given a) it's harder and b) linux users
       | don't pay for stuff not worth paying for?
       | oooyay wrote:
       | There's also wails.io that is a much better alternative to
       | Electron, imo, and uses native APIs for OS functionality. Added
       | benefit: Wails is also cross platform.
       | georgeoliver wrote:
       | I'm definitely for more guided resources on making Linux apps
       | from idea -> release, which I wish TFA was more of.
       | I think there's a common misconception that if the developers of
       | ten similar apps would just pool their resources, then one great
       | app would result. Fragmentation certainly can be a problem but I
       | feel like this is some kind of corollary to the mythical man-
       | month.
       | jay_kyburz wrote:
       | Does anybody have much experience with the difference between
       | Electron and NW.js.
       | Electron seems to get all the limelight, but from reading the two
       | websites, nw.js sounds like a better solution to me.
       | tumdum_ wrote:
       | Is this a parody site?
       | nektro wrote:
       | instead of getting more people to make new apps, gnome and kde
       | should be trying to coral developers to improve the existing ones
       | germandiago wrote:
       | Looks nice but in my experience, developing apps only for Linux
       | is not cost-effective.
       | I would choose WxWidgets or Qt and add some extension points
       | where needed via interfaces to keep the codebase portable.
       | Sticking to just native APIs is just locking yourself down into
       | Linux.
       | emptysongglass wrote:
       | There's a lot of complaints that there isn't much in the way of
       | tooling to create cross-OS compatible apps but I disagree. Just
       | looking at solutions which aren't Electron:
       | - Telegram uses Qt and ships a performant native app across all
       | three OSes
       | - Flutter compiles down to native code across all three (and
       | mobile)
       | - Kirigami is a QtQuick framework that will give you an
       | executable app across all mobile and desktop targets
       | Go and build your app. There's no reason this needs to an excuse
       | to flame on Linux.
       (page generated 2023-12-09 23:00 UTC)