[HN Gopher] Mozilla expands extension support for Firefox for An...
       Mozilla expands extension support for Firefox for Android
       Author : rebelwebmaster
       Score  : 283 points
       Date   : 2023-12-14 17:58 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.mozilla.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.mozilla.org)
       | briffle wrote:
       | I wish they would push hard for proper support in IOS for running
       | extensions (or their own engine, etc)
         | ivanjermakov wrote:
         | I think it's still against Apple's TOS, stating that every web
         | browser must be based on WebKit.
           | capitainenemo wrote:
           | Indeed. Mozilla can complain about it (and they have) but
           | blaming them for the situation serves little purpose. It's
           | entirely in Apple's court.
             | bluGill wrote:
             | There are probably laws in some country they can use to
             | fight this, but that is a hard legal battle.
               | fngjdflmdflg wrote:
               | The US may be one of those countries depending on the
               | result of the current Epic vs. Apple & Google
               | cases.[0][1]
               | [0] https://www.theverge.com/23994174/epic-google-trial-
               | jury-ver...
               | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38607424
           | temp0826 wrote:
           | Why can Kagi's Orion browser support extensions on iOS? I
           | recently switched from Firefox because lack of uBO caused
           | huge beef for me and have zero regrets. I'm not paying for
           | Kagi's search service (happy enough with DDG for the majority
           | of my searches), but I can really appreciate their business
           | model and mission (they seem genuine afaict).
             | mod50ack wrote:
             | Orion is built on webkit, both on desktop and mobile. It's
             | possible to build WebExt support into a WebKit browser, as
             | they've done.
             | While I definitely prefer FF and Android, I can support the
             | notion of Mozilla integrating extension support into WebKit
             | on their iOS version of FF. But it would take a lot of
             | effort to do that, and Firefox for iOS is ultimately just
             | totally separate from any other Firefox (whereas Android
             | and Desktop Firefox share the same innards).
               | tiltowait wrote:
               | Orion on desktop supports Firefox extensions, so is
               | integration possible? (Not all are compatible.)
               | lxgr wrote:
               | Browsers on macOS can use custom rendering engines. On
               | iOS, they have to all use Apple's provided version of it
               | (which does not support WebExtensions by itself), so the
               | two are not comparable at all.
               | temp0826 wrote:
               | Interesting, I always thought the holdup was that third
               | party things used in-app were expressly forbidden because
               | they're not vetted by the app store onboarding process
               | (in addition to the requirement of using webkit). Didn't
               | occur to me that webkit could be extended to support
               | webext either.
               | wharvle wrote:
               | There's _long_ been a grey area for downloading new
               | program logic as e.g. Javascript--the distinction between
               | content and program can be rather fuzzy--and IIRC they
               | made an explicit exception years back for certain
               | categories.
               | lxgr wrote:
               | Yeah, Apple likes to say that (and reject apps for
               | violating that rule!), but then there's also things like
               | Linux x86 userspace emulators in the app store that can
               | run unmodified ELF binaries downloaded via curl from any
               | random website...
               | At this point it's just a polite fiction, maintained
               | jointly by Apple and app developers, that allows Apple to
               | maintain a somewhat straight face when saying things like
               | "you can't download third-party code at all" or "all code
               | extending app functionality must be downloaded through
               | our designated mechanism".
               | iSH is one such app, this blog post is very interesting:
               | https://ish.app/blog/default-repository-update
               | Given the current regulatory scrutiny of their app store,
               | I believe they just don't want to open yet another can of
               | worms by rejecting "browsers" (which are really WebKit
               | wrappers) for injecting third-party JavaScript into all
               | web pages displayed within them, even though by their own
               | rules, they arguably totally should.
               | bad_user wrote:
               | Not sure what "userspace emulators" you're speaking of,
               | but the apps I tried, for running a programming language
               | (for education purposes) are rubbish due to limitations
               | (you can only interpret, you can't compile). And the
               | restrictions are mostly in place; otherwise, for example,
               | there would be apps that allowed you to download
               | torrents, or do other forbidden activities.
               | Even if what you're saying is true, businesses that can't
               | afford a ban from the App Store, can't afford to bend the
               | rules. If Mozilla developed Firefox for iOS, with its
               | engine, and Apple banned it from the App Store, the
               | consequence would be millions of dollars going down the
               | drain. And Mozilla would let their current users down,
               | too, since the current Firefox for iOS is somewhat
               | useful.
               | lxgr wrote:
               | I've linked one (iSH) in my comment. It really does run
               | most completely unmodified x86 binaries for Linux,
               | including CPython and Java.
               | aShell [1] is very similar. It takes another approach -
               | it compiles POSIX C source code to WASM and runs that
               | using iOS's JIT-enabled web engine, which gives it much
               | better performance than x86 software emulation. There's
               | another one that uses lldb to interpret LLVM IR. In other
               | words, if Apple doesn't want that type of app, they sure
               | have been explicitly enabling the use case for a long
               | time now.
               | > And the restrictions are mostly in place; otherwise,
               | for example, there would be apps that allowed you to
               | download torrents, or do other forbidden activities.
               | App store reviews don't exist to "prevent forbidden
               | activities" in the legal sense; they are there to
               | maintain their walled garden ecosystem financially, as
               | well as protect their platform and products from
               | reputational or legal harm.
               | The issue of legality and passing the App Store review
               | process are largely orthogonal: Just like you can already
               | do plenty of illegal things using stock iOS (e.g. writing
               | threatening emails, downloading copyrighted material
               | using WebTorrent etc.), you can do infinitely many legal
               | things using Turing-complete computing as enabled by
               | first and third party apps on iOS.
               | Now if you start offering an app that features a big
               | button labeled "click here to dynamically load software
               | facilitating copyright infringement", and Apple
               | distributes it in their App Store after having reviewed
               | it, that could get them into a tricky situation; offering
               | a full-featured browser or OS emulator very likely
               | doesn't, given that Google has been allowing these types
               | of apps in their Play Store for more than a decade now.
               | [1] https://holzschu.github.io/a-Shell_iOS/
               | jwells89 wrote:
               | It would be interesting to see how Mozilla approaches
               | implementing Gecko on iOS, with how the engine stripped
               | support for embedding years ago (prior to which they
               | could've used an approach similar to that seen in
               | Camino[0]).
               | I guess they could take the approach of drawing the whole
               | screen themselves but that's going to make Gecko-based
               | Firefox for iOS feel noticeably worse than the current
               | WebKit/UIKit version in terms of responsiveness and such
               | and might require some legwork to properly support VRR on
               | 120hz iPhones (which is critical for battery life on
               | those models).
               | [0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camino_(web_browser)
               | saagarjha wrote:
               | This would currently be against the App Store guidelines,
               | which do not permit the use of a third party browser
               | engine. Also, Firefox has ProMotion support.
               | SSLy wrote:
               | Luckily that provision is going to be illegal under DMA
               | within half a year.
             | lxgr wrote:
             | WebExtensions are (or at least can be) ultimately just a
             | weird type of HTML+JS app, as far as I understand, so I
             | suspect it's possible to run that in one WebView context on
             | iOS and bridge the required APIs between the extension and
             | browser context using content scripts.
               | saagarjha wrote:
               | That is indeed what Orion does, to the extent that this
               | is possible.
           | thomastjeffery wrote:
           | That's incredible. Just write anti-competitive behavior
           | directly into the contract. No one will care.
             | nikeee wrote:
             | Actually, it has been mandated by the EU (and other
             | regulators) that they have to allow other browser engines
             | and AFAIK there are already teams at Mozilla/Google that
             | are porting their respective engine to iOS.
             | https://9to5mac.com/2023/02/07/new-iphone-browsers/
         | gloryjulio wrote:
         | They can't push for that. Even chrome didn't get the engine
         | deal.
         | But EU is pushing for sideloading
       | firebot wrote:
       | > where we're the only major Android browser to support an open
       | extension ecosystem
       | Uhm, Kiwi browser is Chrome-based and supports Chrome-extensions
       | on Android and has for years. It's pretty great.
         | mod50ack wrote:
         | While I respect Kiwi for implementing extension support,
         | they've often fell far behind the upstream Chromium codebase
         | and they're significantly smaller than even Firefox for
         | Android. So I don't think they'd really be a "major" Android
         | browser.
         | Then again, Firefox could easily be said to not be a major
         | Android browser either!
           | xnx wrote:
           | > they've often fell far behind the upstream Chromium
           | codebase
           | I don't pay consistent attention, but these are the version
           | numbers I currently see:
           | Kiwi: 120.0.6099.26
           | Chrome: 120.0.6099.110
             | ajayyy wrote:
             | Kiwi has historically faked the version number to prevent
             | websites from telling you to update your browser. I would
             | assume that number is not legitimate.
           | firebot wrote:
           | I wouldn't say that far, maybe a month. It gets regular
           | updates.
             | mod50ack wrote:
             | Historically, it's gotten much further behind, but they've
             | gotten better recently.
         | xnx wrote:
         | I was a longtime Firefox on Android user until the extension
         | situation got increasingly fragile and complicated. I've been
         | very happy since switching to Kiwi. It's faster, more
         | frequently updated, and supports all the extensions I want.
         | Highly recommended.
         | gruez wrote:
         | According to their github repo, it was last rebased with
         | chromium version 105.0.5195.24, which was from August 2022.
         | Using a 15 month old browser seems hilariously insecure.
         | https://github.com/kiwibrowser/src.next
           | davidy123 wrote:
           | I use Kiwi, I take the risk for the ability to run my own
           | extensions (though I use a two-fisted approach where I use
           | Chrome for deep accounts). It's a shame it's not updated more
           | often, it's an open source project I would support.
             | AzzyHN wrote:
             | You are vulnerable to the webp exploit
             | (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-4863)
           | firebot wrote:
           | Mine states 120.0.6099.26, which was released a month ago,
           | https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/2023/11/chrome-beta-
           | fo...
             | zamadatix wrote:
             | Your user agent string or the actual browser code? The
             | former is notoriously just set to whatever makes websites
             | happy. An easy way to test is see if a current feature
             | actually works as expected e.g.
             | https://jsfiddle.net/fxc9a8uc/1 "test1" should be green at
             | the top right.
               | gruez wrote:
               | It's also possible that they updated the code but didn't
               | push the changes to the repo, which I guess is better
               | than running 15 month old code, but also is kinda
               | suspicious because they're not honoring their commitment
               | to open source.
               | p1mrx wrote:
               | I just tried this on Android. "test1" is green on Chrome
               | 120 and Firefox 121, black on Kiwi 120.
         | troyvit wrote:
         | I was about to be like, "Yah well is Kiwi a 'major' browser?"
         | Then I looked at android browser share[1] and realized that
         | Firefox certainly isn't either.
         | [1] https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-
         | share/mobile/world...
           | Ridj48dhsnsh wrote:
           | How does Opera have 3-4x the market share of Firefox? Is it
           | installed by default anywhere?
       | ChrisArchitect wrote:
       | We've had lots of news about this coming for months, but with
       | Mozilla's quite low market share, and the share of those users
       | that use extensions - who's really caring about this other than
       | some power users?
         | capitainenemo wrote:
         | Well, you might be right that it is power users, but I know
         | that extensions and greater extension freedom are one of the
         | things that is the draw that keeps the remaining Mozilla
         | Firefox users (like me) loyal. Basically I'm arguing power
         | users are a disproportionate percentage of the remaining
         | Mozilla Firefox user base, which is why things like supporting
         | tracking protection and privacy measures also makes sense for
         | them to focus on, even if the majority of people online might
         | not care about this.
         | So, I'm glad they are expanding the extensions available. I
         | just hope that this isn't tied to creating an account still.
         | [EDIT] I was overjoyed to see that I was able to add an
         | extension without creating an account. Yay!
         | emestifs wrote:
         | The Firefox paradox:
         | People b***h about Firefox's (lack of) market share, Mozilla
         | doing stupid things (fair criticism), Firefox not having X
         | (extension support on Mobile, moving from legacy extensions to
         | standard manifest format)
         | Then people will still bring up this baggage even when
         | something good happens, will refuse to move away from the
         | browser monoculture/monopoly, s**t on Firefox devs
         | FFS, something good happened. No other browser has this. Yet
         | people will find a way to lessen it. For what? What benefit?
           | dmix wrote:
           | "Why even try"
           | dblohm7 wrote:
           | Former Firefox dev for both desktop and Android here: I can
           | definitely confirm that being constantly shit on wore me down
           | a lot.
             | emestifs wrote:
             | Thank you and everyone else working on the Firefox browser
             | and adjacent projects for your hard work. Don't let the
             | noise of the internet lessen what you and the team have
             | done and continue to do.
             | MiddleEndian wrote:
             | Gotta say, I fucking love Firefox. Be proud of your work.
             | coldpie wrote:
             | I'm sorry that happened. I wish there was some way to solve
             | the "one jerk outweighs a thousand happy users" problem. I
             | still vividly remember one guy being an asshole about my
             | work on the Wine bug tracker a decade ago, regardless of
             | how many happy users I know there were.
               | wolverine876 wrote:
               | > I wish there was some way to solve the "one jerk
               | outweighs a thousand happy users" problem.
               | We could downvote all that stuff to oblivion. Instead,
               | comments like it are voted to the top comment on almost
               | every page.
               | pcwalton wrote:
               | It's human nature, unfortunately. Reality television
               | producers have known this for ages: the episodes that
               | feature people who come off as irredeemable jerks always
               | garner the highest ratings.
               | wolverine876 wrote:
               | > It's human nature, unfortunately.
               | If that ever really meant something, it has been so
               | overused in the last few years that it's impossible to
               | pick out any needles of serious use from the general
               | default trendy grain silos of despair.
               | I'm not trying to get all of humanity to give up sex. I
               | believe we can do better, here on HN, in this one regard.
               | I am that insanely optimistic!
             | dandanua wrote:
             | Haters gonna hate
             | bloopernova wrote:
             | I am very thankful for Firefox. It keeps the web sane for
             | me, and I very much appreciate everyone who contributed to
             | it.
             | Thank you for your work!
             | wolverine876 wrote:
             | Sorry. You did good things for everyone and deserve much
             | better, but I hope you give yourself the recognition.
             | Thanks for everything.
             | HN should have an annual Appreciation Day, with no
             | enshittification of threads.
           | MaxBarraclough wrote:
           | > s*t on Firefox devs
           | The nerd rage is targeted at Mozilla's dishonest and
           | incompetent managers, no? The actual dev work is top notch.
             | emestifs wrote:
             | No, people go after the devs too. I was specific about
             | distinguishing Firefox and Mozilla in my post. Firefox in
             | too often caught in the political/flame crossfire.
             | coldpie wrote:
             | > dishonest and incompetent managers
             | Even if it is, that kind of language doesn't help. These
             | are all people you're talking about, trying their best to
             | do a job they care about. Nothing gets better by your being
             | a jerk.
               | Ridj48dhsnsh wrote:
               | > trying their best to do a job they care about
               | I would not take that as a given for Mozilla's upper
               | management. Many of their decisions seem to ignore what
               | users want in deference to Google or other motivations.
               | wolverine876 wrote:
               | Comments like yours are exactly the problem. Do you have
               | any real knowledge anyway? Have you worked there? It's
               | just spreading toxic sludge.
           | toyg wrote:
           | _> For what? What benefit?_
           | Trolling used to be an amateur sport, but these days it's
           | largely a professional endeavour. Astroturfing is an everyday
           | occurrence on any decently-sized social media site, including
           | this very one.
         | squidbeak wrote:
         | Those who care about competition among browser engines. Share
         | is more likely to stay low if potential new users can't find
         | the extensions they need.
         | LegitShady wrote:
         | you don't need to be a power user to do any of this. its just
         | like using any other browser.
         | neilv wrote:
         | Techies and power users often create network effects, in how
         | they contribute to and promote what they use.
         | This is one of the reasons it's so troubling when some techies
         | latch onto some very closed platform (sometimes by a known-
         | underhanded company) and start making it more attractive to
         | others, by making open source software specific to it, making
         | tutorials on hot employability topics that implicitly use the
         | platform, etc. When open platforms exist, and could also
         | benefit from this contribution and promotion.
         | At first it was "Jeebus, I wonder what's going on with that one
         | person, who normally uses open source, stabbing themself in the
         | back like that." Then it became "Jeebus, are we losing open
         | platform ground with the majority of an entire generation of
         | techies, after we'd finally won." (I have good guesses about
         | why, and I also know at least a couple early maneuvers that I
         | can't talk about, but it's still dismaying how vapid the
         | collective behavior can be.)
         | smilliken wrote:
         | May I remind you that Firefox has over 300M users. If that's
         | not worthy of admiration, scarcely anything is.
         | ChrisArchitect wrote:
         | Sensitive power users.
         | I didn't say it was sh*t. I'm saying it's not newsworthy.
         | Clap for the devs. And install all the extensions. But we don't
         | need a hundred posts about it. This isn't the big story Firefox
         | marketing might think it is.
           | emestifs wrote:
           | You got downvoted and now you're original comment is greyed
           | out. Now you're mocking people and calling them "sensitive".
           | The fact news about Firefox gets upvoted clearly indicates it
           | is newsworthy. You don't get to decide. The users of HN and
           | their votes do.
         | nix0n wrote:
         | Power users matter a lot for web browsers, because web
         | developers are power users of web browsers.
         | Firefox's loss of market share in general is a direct
         | consequence of its loss in market share among web developers,
         | because web developers stopped testing their websites in
         | Firefox.
         | Any time Firefox does something good for power users, it's a
         | good thing for the whole web ecosystem.
         | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
         | This is _Hacker_ News - if you don 't want things that are
         | interesting, even primarily, to power users, this is a terrible
         | forum to frequent.
       | mod50ack wrote:
       | This is good. Now, all extensions marked by the developer as
       | being compatible with Android are shown on AMO. (If you toggle to
       | Desktop mode, you can actually install any other extension on
       | AMO, too.)
       | The baffling thing is why this took so damn long. FF for Android
       | supported add-ons from the beginning. That's the best thing about
       | Firefox for Android! They decided to rewrite the UI in 2020, and
       | there were fair reasons to do that. Obviously this required some
       | reimplementation time for extension support.
       | But they then launched the rewrite of FF for Android with
       | extension support... but hidden. Only a small set of recommended
       | extensions were enabled, and a few were drip-fed over time (that
       | is, added to the list). Thankfully, this included the single most
       | important extension, uBlock Origin, from the very beginning. (The
       | lack of uBO why Chrome for Android is borderline unusable for
       | me!)
       | But from almost the very beginning, we've also had the ability to
       | activate custom extension collections in Nightly (and in Fennec
       | F-Droid, which is a rebuild of stable Firefox). The vast majority
       | of extensions worked fine for... well, years now.
       | So why in the world was this delayed the whole time?
         | gruez wrote:
         | AFAIK it was because firefox for android was on a slightly
         | different codebase than desktop firefox, and thus had supported
         | a different set of webextension apis. The user contexts api
         | (container tabs) was missing entirely, for instance.
           | dblohm7 wrote:
           | (I used to work on this stuff)
           | It was more complicated than that. Yes, GeckoView needed a
           | separate WebExtension implementation, but that work was
           | pretty much at parity with Fennec (the previous Firefox for
           | Android that supported more extensions) when I left in 2021.
           | It was a product management decision that held off on more
           | complete WebExtension parity with desktop, as well as any
           | artificial limits as to which extensions were supported in
           | release.
             | Zak wrote:
             | Can you elaborate on the product management motivations?
             | It seems to me projects like Iceraven demonstrated years
             | ago that a great many extensions were usable without any
             | changes. Why not just slap a "here there be dragons"
             | warning on untested extensions and let users have at it?
             | To be clear, I'm not asking you to justify decisions you
             | didn't make, just to provide some visibility into the
             | process if you can. Mozilla was pretty opaque about it.
               | toyg wrote:
               | Probably fear that bad extensions would tank performance,
               | tarnishing the reputation of the overall browser. Now
               | that such reputation is more or less established (i.e.
               | people use FF on Android without big problems, it's not
               | considered particularly slow etc), they can dare a bit
               | more.
               | cubefox wrote:
               | That fear was obviously unjustified. Extensions that
               | would tank performance would have gotten bad user
               | ratings.
               | Vinnl wrote:
               | I believe it's that, and that with extensions living in
               | their own processes, Android can at any moment decide to
               | kill it (like it can do with any mobile app). With the
               | changes required for Manifest V3, extensions are able to
               | deal with that gracefully, rather than causing a deluge
               | of bug reports.
               | athrowaway3z wrote:
               | This is speculation based only on press releases but:
               | - Google pays Mozilla more than 400m per year.
               | - Its in Google's interests to not have good Firefox add-
               | ons. (For both Ads and Chrome's market share).
               | Google's negotiator could easily added some incentive for
               | Mozilla's management to set the focus somewhere else.
               | In fact, given what Google's team is likely earning, they
               | wouldn't be doing a good job if Firefox's mobile strategy
               | wasn't discussed before signing such deals.
               | mod50ack wrote:
               | Firefox for Android had add-ons before, and even during
               | the past few years, they're fully supported the
               | collection of recommended add-ons, including uBlock
               | Origin from day one. So I don't see how it could be about
               | preventing ad blocking.
               | pcwalton wrote:
               | The idea that Google has some secret underhanded deal
               | with Mozilla to sabotage Firefox comes up here repeatedly
               | and makes no sense. If Google wanted to prevent ad
               | blocking on Android it would be much simpler to just ban
               | ad blockers from the Play Store outright.
               | There is a much simpler potential explanation for such a
               | product management decision. Suppose Mozilla determines
               | that 90% (made-up number) of users want addons because
               | they want uBlock Origin. It then seems sensible to
               | prioritize that addon and not others when determining how
               | to spend limited engineering resources. Reasonable people
               | can of course disagree with that decision, but there's no
               | need to bring conspiracies into it.
               | (NB: Even though I worked at Mozilla I have zero insight
               | into this particular issue; it's entirely speculation.)
               | asadotzler wrote:
               | This is just silly. Firefox on Android has had uBlock
               | Origin, the world's most effective ad blocker, since day
               | one. But sure, go invent conspiracies rather than do a
               | little research.
         | mvdtnz wrote:
         | For those who are wondering, I _think_ AMO is supposed to mean
         | "addons.mozilla.org" although neither the author of the article
         | nor this comment define the acronym.
           | jraph wrote:
           | Yes, indeed, AMO means addons.mozilla.org
           | vallode wrote:
           | I was also somehow aware of this acronym. Turns out the about
           | page of Mozilla's add-ons page also uses it[1], so it's
           | "official" so to speak.
           | [1]: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/about
           | zerocrates wrote:
           | The article currently does define it, but maybe that was
           | changed.
         | akdor1154 wrote:
         | My crank unevidenced theory is that
         | 1. they wanted an Apple-level of verified review process for
         | AMO, because the Chrome store and even Android app store have
         | problems with malicious content.
         | 2. This costs money.
         | 3. They didn't want to open a free for all because they didn't
         | know exactly how to go about solving 2. yet, and if they
         | introduced some payment system then it would be easier to do
         | from a clean slate, without an AMO full of existing extensions
         | to somehow grandfather through.
         | As said before, this is fully unfounded and probably unfair
         | speculation. I like it more than the 'google conspiracy against
         | adblockers' though because Mozilla's motivations in this case
         | are quite reasonable and can be taken in good faith. Keeping
         | credit card skimmers out of AMO at the cost of restricting
         | access to 'Firefox Pro'/'AMO Pro'/author-pays would honestly be
         | quite a good thing for Mozilla to consider imo.
         | In any case it's great to see them allowing things now!
         | wolverine876 wrote:
         | > The baffling thing is why this took so damn long.
         | I'm surprised it's baffling in a community of developers and
         | other IT professionals.
         | It's not baffling to me that two significantly (wholly?)
         | different applications on different platforms and form factors
         | would require quite a bit of work to both be generally
         | compatible with the same third-party software via the same API
         | - and all while maintaining the same compatibility with another
         | application, made by another company, completely outside
         | Mozilla's control.
         | And it needs to work reliably enough to release to a world of
         | developers - of every skill level, motivation, writing every
         | kind of software (within the domain of browser add-ons) - with
         | confidence that it will work for them and users.
         | And you need a way to maintain all that over the long term.
         | I'm impressed Mozilla!
           | LeoNatan25 wrote:
           | Did you read past that sentence you quoted?
       | bad_user wrote:
       | You could get extensions working on FF for Android, for some time
       | now, by setting a custom collection ID, allowed in the Beta
       | version.
       | The problem is that many extensions have been incompatible with
       | Android. And of those compatible, many have poor UX. For example,
       | LeechBlock has been compatible and listed as available for some
       | time, but its settings page isn't mobile-friendly. And LeechBlock
       | can't restore settings from "sync storage", you have to load them
       | from a local file (on mobile, having local files is a challenge
       | in itself). Many people may have a bad experience.
       | On the other hand, extensions are the primary reason to use
       | Firefox on Android. Therefore, I'm glad about this news.
       | neilv wrote:
       | This is great news. On GrapheneOS, every time I use the stock
       | browser without the benefit of my uBlock Origin setup, I feel a
       | bit creeped-out and violated.
         | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
         | In fairness, uBo has been supported even when most extensions
         | were being artificially left out.
       | Night_Thastus wrote:
       | I'm so grateful that FF for Android exists with addon support.
       | Using it with uBlock is the only way to make mobile not an awful
       | experience for me.
       | commoner wrote:
       | This is progress, but Mozilla needs to do more. Firefox for
       | Android still lacks the ability to sideload add-ons, a feature
       | that works on the desktop version of Firefox. This means Android
       | users aren't able to install extensions outside
       | addons.mozilla.org (AMO) unless they switch to a Firefox
       | alternative that supports it, such as Iceraven[1] or
       | SmartCookieWeb-Preview.[2]
       | For me, the most important add-on that has been removed from AMO
       | is Bypass Paywalls Clean, which is the easiest way to bypass
       | paywalls on popular news sites. In April of this year, a French
       | website filed a DMCA copyright takedown notice, causing Mozilla
       | to remove the extension from AMO.[3] The add-on developer
       | (magnolia1234) did not want to challenge the DMCA notice,
       | probably because it would require them to break anonymity and be
       | subject to legal liability.[4]
       | Fortunately, in September, another developer (dbmiller) was
       | willing to reupload the add-on to AMO as "Bypass Paywalls Clean
       | (D)" with no changes.[5] The hope is that dbmiller will keep this
       | add-on up to date with the source and challenge any DMCA notices
       | filed against this new upload.
       | However, the fact remains that Bypass Paywalls Clean was
       | unavailable on Firefox for Android for 5 months because the
       | browser did not allow sideloading. In the announcement, Mozilla
       | says their mission is to maintain "an open and accessible
       | internet for all" and that extensions are meant to help users
       | obtain "more personal agency out of their online experience". To
       | achieve this mission and better distinguish Firefox from browsers
       | that gate add-ons through app stores (Safari on iOS), Mozilla
       | should allow users to enable sideloading on Firefox for Android
       | as an option.
       | [1] Iceraven: https://github.com/fork-maintainers/iceraven-
       | browser
       | [2] SmartCookieWeb-Preview:
       | https://github.com/CookieJarApps/SmartCookieWeb-preview
       | [3] https://www.ghacks.net/2023/04/20/mozilla-removes-bypass-
       | pay...
       | [4] https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-firefox-
       | clea...
       | [5] Bypass Paywalls Clean (D): https://addons.mozilla.org/en-
       | US/firefox/addon/bypass-paywal...
         | DistractionRect wrote:
         | AFAIK, it was available in nightly. You could curate your own
         | add on list which you could then install on Firefox for Android
         | Nightly, and I'm fairly certain you can still do that if you
         | want something that isn't in this new, expanded list.
           | mdaniel wrote:
           | I can confirm that sideloading .xpi does not work in Nightly
           | (at least the one from the Play store -- I've never worked up
           | the energy to build the apk from source and don't feel like
           | using the F-Droid because reasons)
           | I even tried creating my own collection to include
           | Violentmonkey and it didn't work but I don't this second
           | recall why
           | jeffchien wrote:
           | You can also directly sideload .xpi by tapping the Nightly
           | logo in the About page a few times. I'm not sure when they
           | added this back.
       | Ikatza wrote:
       | Extensions are nice to have, but pointless as long as FF for
       | Android doesn't render most pages correctly (HN, for example).
         | Aardwolf wrote:
         | I've never seen HN rendered incorrectly in any desktop or
         | android FF version, what do you mean?
         | novemp wrote:
         | I'm using HN on Firefox for Android right now and it looks
         | totally normal. What are you talking about?
         | scottbez1 wrote:
         | Care to expand a bit?
         | I've been daily driving FF Android for a few years now and I've
         | had the opposite experience: the vast majority of pages work
         | and render fine (including HN) and it's an extremely rare
         | occasion that I switch to Chrome to use a website. Even then, I
         | often find that Chrome isn't any better and the underlying
         | issue was the website's mobile handling in general (e.g. touch
         | events working differently than mouse events, or just a
         | completely broken mobile-only component swaps)
         | emestifs wrote:
         | Firefox paradox strikes again. User brings up an unrelated
         | thing, even if valid, to lessen something positive.
         | You seen this pattern again and again in Firefox news threads.
       | leaf-node wrote:
       | Iceraven, a fork of Firefox, already has these features.
       | autoexec wrote:
       | Nice! Now add about:config to stable releases
         | Ridj48dhsnsh wrote:
         | As an alternative, you can get a stable release with
         | about:config by installing Firefox (or Mull) from F-Droid.
         | yoavm wrote:
         | curious, what do you want to do with about:config on FF for
         | Android?
           | autoexec wrote:
           | Mostly, basic security things like disabling prefetch,
           | disabling WebRTC, disabling redirects, disabling SVG,
           | preventing sites from reading my battery level, preventing
           | firefox from changing what I type in the address bar (fixup),
           | etc
       | kungfufrog wrote:
       | This was a clincher for me that made me switch from
       | Chrome/Chromium on my Pixel. Previously, I was using Kiwi Browser
       | because it supported Chrome extensions however while it works it
       | has a lot of annoying quirks. I just couldn't stomach the
       | experience of browsing the web without an ad blocker though. Now
       | Firefox and UBlock work on Android, Firefox has quickly become my
       | preferred browser. Still using Chrome on desktop though for now..
       | maybe that'll change too!
         | Vinnl wrote:
         | Give it a shot! It can import your bookmarks, passwords, etc.
         | from Chrome, and it's great to be able to quickly send a tab
         | from desktop to mobile, or vice versa.
       | cubefox wrote:
       | Thanks to Firefox extensions I get an automatic dark mode on HN,
       | and almost any other website, as soon as my device is switched to
       | dark mode. Normally this would have to be supported explicitly in
       | the website CSS.
       | pentagrama wrote:
       | Great! Now I can finally install an extension to autodelete
       | cookies for certain domains. This feature is available on stock
       | Firefox Desktop but not Mobile.
         | ixmerof wrote:
         | Can you please link the extension you use for that purpose?
       | summm wrote:
       | The 2nd most important addon after unlock origin is Multi-
       | Account-Containers: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-
       | US/firefox/addon/multi-account...
       | This would enable proper isolation between browsing contexts, and
       | therefore make progressive web apps truly usable and a good
       | alternative to native apps. Currently PWAs leak cookies to the
       | browser, therefore you cannot login on the PWA while browsing
       | "anonymously" in the browser.
       | peoplefromibiza wrote:
       | Best news in the mobile browsers' space since Firefox supported
       | extensions!
       | If Firefox goes back to being THE browser of choice for tech
       | savvy people, I'll stop thinking I made a bad choice supporting
       | it everyday since it came out.
       | Sometimes a joy.
       (page generated 2023-12-14 23:00 UTC)