[HN Gopher] Otter, Fastest Go in-memory cache based on S3-FIFO a...
       Otter, Fastest Go in-memory cache based on S3-FIFO algorithm
       Author : rickette
       Score  : 122 points
       Date   : 2023-12-23 15:49 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | tedunangst wrote:
       | I was curious what function was used for hashing (how do you
       | write a generic hash function in go?) and it's pretty disgusting.
       | https://github.com/dolthub/maphash/blob/main/runtime.go
         | lukevp wrote:
         | Could you provide more context on what's disgusting? I'm not a
         | go programmer but this looks like it's just a wrapper around a
         | library called 'maphash' and doesn't do any of the hashing
         | here? This is more of a service wrapper around that lib so that
         | it can have a consistent seed value etc.?
           | brabel wrote:
           | I suppose the use of unsafe pointers liberally is disgusting
           | to some.
           | sidlls wrote:
           | I wouldn't call it disgusting. It's just typical unsafe go
           | code. The named return parameter in `getRuntimeHasher` is
           | irritating, as all such parameters in go code are. If you're
           | going to return values, do so explicitly in the return
           | statement. In go code, seeing `return` at the end of a
           | function _does not_ mean that the function doesn 't return
           | any values, and that can lead to harder-to-read code.
             | insanitybit wrote:
             | > It's just typical unsafe go code.
             | But... just to hash something?
               | sidlls wrote:
               | Go has a lot of lower level internal implementations of
               | things that unsafe code like this serves as a thin shim
               | for. It's an almost zero-cost abstraction to use such a
               | builtin.
               | I'm not saying it's good: it just is what it is. It's
               | silly: but so is most of go. I've worked with this
               | language for several years now: I don't like it at all.
               | It presents a facade of simplicity, but has all sorts of
               | hidden issues that affect performance and behavior in
               | surprising ways.
               | insanitybit wrote:
               | I think we're all saying the same thing then.
           | tedunangst wrote:
           | Constructing a map (an opaque type) just so you cast it to a
           | carefully duplicated struct so you can steal the function
           | pointer is kinda nutso.
           | Did you look at the linked code in maphash?
         | oooyay wrote:
         | Disgusting is a word, but I'm guessing you'd say the same about
         | most unsupported feature code (aka unsafe). You can make code
         | like this reliable in the ways it needs to be while still being
         | "unsafe". That's kind of table stakes when you start dabbling
         | in unsupported things.
           | tedunangst wrote:
           | And what does this code do to make itself reliable in the
           | event the go authors change the internal structure of a map?
             | rad_gruchalski wrote:
             | Nothing. That's the trade off. What is not clear about
             | "unsafe" in that context?
               | tedunangst wrote:
               | The part about making it reliable in the ways it needs to
               | be.
               | oooyay wrote:
               | It's pinned to a Go version and these: https://github.com
               | /dolthub/maphash/blob/main/hasher_test.go
       | falsandtru wrote:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36434358
       | Note that S3-FIFO has no loop resistance. Nevertheless, the
       | result that this library is functioning in a loop indicates that
       | some important changes have been made. Also, the result that
       | Ristretto, which has loop resistance, is not functioning in a
       | loop is clearly an anomaly and likely not being measured
       | correctly. Ristretto's benchmark results on S3, DS1, and OLTP
       | differ markedly from the official ones
       | (https://github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto). Otter's benchmark
       | results are quite suspicious.
         | NovaX wrote:
         | I think you may be right. The library author said he made many
         | changes because implementing the eviction policy following the
         | paper's design was pretty awful.
         | > First, I tried to implement cache on hash table and lock free
         | queues, as the authors wrote. I was annoyed, s3-fifo was indeed
         | many times faster than lru cache implemented on hash table with
         | global mutex, but still lost to ristretto and theine, which use
         | bp-wrapper techniques. The profiler also showed that it was the
         | eviction policy that was spending the bulk of the time. And I
         | was only able to beat ristretto and theine after rewriting the
         | implementation using bp-wrapper.
         | > In summary, I completely disagree about the scalability
         | advantage of S3-FIFO over the other policies
         | > Though to be honest, what was causing the hit ratio to go
         | down in DS1 I still don't understand
         | https://github.com/Yiling-J/theine-go/issues/29#issuecomment...
         | medler wrote:
         | Could you share some pointers where I can read more on "loop
         | resistance?" Does that just refer to whether it does well on a
         | looping access pattern?
           | senderista wrote:
           | The usual phrase is "scan resistance", which is especially
           | important for databases. A pure LRU policy does poorly on
           | scans; LFU does better but performs worse than LRU on other
           | workloads. The original ARC paper[0] has a good discussion of
           | the tradeoffs.
           | [0] https://www.usenix.org/legacy/events/fast03/tech/full_pap
           | ers...
             | falsandtru wrote:
             | Scan resistance and loop resistance are completely
             | different. They are also distinguished in the papers. Note
             | that ARC has scan resistance but no loop resistance.
               | medler wrote:
               | None of the papers linked above or linked in the GitHub
               | repo mention "loop resistance."
               | senderista wrote:
               | Not _completely_ different; they 're both sequential
               | access patterns and equivalent whenever the loop size
               | exceeds cache size.
               | falsandtru wrote:
               | Not equivalent completely. Scan is a one-time access, so
               | it never hits in scanning. Loop is multi-time accesses,
               | so it can get many hits in looping if it has loop
               | resistance. No hits on scan resistance in looping. Over.
           | falsandtru wrote:
           | Sometimes referred to as tolerance. There is no established
           | terminology, so the only way to find out is to use scan or
           | loop as keywords.
             | someplaceguy wrote:
             | So why did you say S3-FIFO has no loop resistance (or loop
             | tolerance)?
               | falsandtru wrote:
               | There is an established benchmark for testing loop
               | resistance (GLI, Loop). S3-FIFO has not passed this test.
               | And I have already confirmed that S3-FIFO does not pass
               | the test.
               | someplaceguy wrote:
               | The design of S3-FIFO seems to imply it should handle all
               | loops less than 90% of the cache size pretty well,
               | perhaps even up to 100%.
               | Did you figure out why it did not pass the test? Was
               | there a bug in the implementation, perhaps?
               | Also, where can I find the benchmark you speak of? My web
               | search did not find anything.
               | falsandtru wrote:
               | My implementation is reviewed and linked from the
               | official S3-FIFO page.
               | https://s3fifo.com
               | A benchmark is as follows.
               | https://github.com/ben-manes/caffeine/wiki/Efficiency
               | I can't deal with you any longer. Over.
               | NovaX wrote:
               | /u/someplaceguy,
               | Those LIRS traces, along with many others, available at
               | this page [1]. I did a cursory review using their traces
               | using Caffeine's and the author's simulators to avoid
               | bias or a mistaken implementation. In their target
               | workloads Caffeine was on par or better [2]. I have not
               | seen anything novel in this or their previous works and
               | find their claims to be easily disproven, so I have not
               | implement this policy in Caffeine simulator yet.
               | [1]: https://github.com/ben-manes/caffeine/wiki/Simulator
               | [2]:
               | https://github.com/1a1a11a/libCacheSim/discussions/20
         | someplaceguy wrote:
         | S3-FIFO has scan resistance. What do you mean by "loop
         | resistance" and why do you say S3-FIFO doesn't have it?
       | almost_usual wrote:
       | Pretty much 2Q without the LRU.
         | jeffbee wrote:
         | I never really understood why anyone wants to maintain LRU
         | properties in caches. It doesn't make sense today and it didn't
         | make sense decades ago, either. You do need some rational basis
         | for eviction, but ranking your hot set on every access was
         | always just weird. I am glad this is being fixed in the
         | literature lately.
       | tomalaci wrote:
       | For a long time Go did not expose their super efficient internal
       | map hashing algorithm that, if possible, would use AES
       | instructions from the processor to hash even faster. That is,
       | they did not expose it as an official API. People usually did
       | some "unsafe" usage to link to that internal hashing function for
       | their own super-fast map implementations.
       | That was changed some time ago. They released official maphash
       | package: https://pkg.go.dev/hash/maphash
       | Otter author could probably look into replacing their 3rd party
       | hashing dependency (https://github.com/dolthub/maphash) with the
       | official one and knock off an unneeded dependency :)
         | tedunangst wrote:
         | hash/maphash isn't a very good replacement if you're trying to
         | hash simple structs, since they still require conversion to
         | byte slice by some means.
           | Thaxll wrote:
           | Hash functions all work on bytes sequence or string, hashing
           | a struct/class/object is a different use case.
       | michalmatczuk wrote:
       | The issue is Go stdlib does not have parallel hash map.
       | We have https://github.com/puzpuzpuz/xsync#map a different Cache
       | line hashmap impl.
         | 1f60c wrote:
         | What about https://pkg.go.dev/sync#Map?
       | mvcalder wrote:
       | I wrote up this analysis of cache one-hits after reading the FIFO
       | is all you need paper.
       | https://www.polyscale.ai/blog/one-hit-expectation
       | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
       | I didn't know what the S3-FIFO algorithm was. https://s3fifo.com/
       | gives a great overview with some good visuals.
         | 1f60c wrote:
         | This entire time, I thought it had something to do with Amazon
         | S3.
       | coxley wrote:
       | Sorry if I missed it, but does Otter do anything special to limit
       | GC-impact when caching lots of references? That's the main
       | selling point for bigcache and freecache.
       | neonsunset wrote:
       | You may want to vet this as a third-party dependency due to
       | supply chain attack risks.
       (page generated 2023-12-23 23:00 UTC)