[HN Gopher] What's up Python? Epic CPython commit, Django 5 and ...
       What's up Python? Epic CPython commit, Django 5 and 2FA for PyPI
       Author : BiteCode_dev
       Score  : 99 points
       Date   : 2023-12-27 18:18 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.bitecode.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.bitecode.dev)
       | scrapcode wrote:
       | I'm excited about some of these Django updates - especially
       | models.GeneratedField()
       | evrimoztamur wrote:
       | Is there a PEP 8106 alternative coming for the unittest module
       | too? The naming scheme really looks odd.
         | nerdponx wrote:
         | Unlikely: https://discuss.python.org/t/enhance-logging-api-
         | with-pep-8-...
           | appplication wrote:
           | It is interesting to see just how conservative the core devs
           | are against even the most benign way forward (including more
           | consistent aliases without immediate deprecation).
           | Indeed, not a hill worth dying on either way but it's a
           | little wild the counter argument is "increased support costs"
           | when, let's be real, there is no significant increased
           | support beyond the initial scope of work.
           | If core Python _ever_ plans on consistency, introducing these
           | aliases early is the main way for them to achieve it. Even if
           | there is no direct plan for deprecation. Something something
           | about the best time to plant a tree.
       | ath0 wrote:
       | If you read nothing else, the commit message adding JIT support
       | is worth your time: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/113465
         | shevis wrote:
         | Wow I underestimated how good it would be
           | dist-epoch wrote:
           | That's because it's not written by a human.
             | simonw wrote:
             | I'm certain it was.
             | Arnavion wrote:
             | I guess you didn't realize it's a riff on an existing poem.
             | https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43171/a-visit-from-
             | st...
         | vincnetas wrote:
         | Yeah, I'm getting old. I would prefer TLDR formal version and
         | then the fun xmas version for people that feel festive. But hey
         | I'm not paying for this so who am I to complain :)
           | dist-epoch wrote:
           | Me too. I suspect the poetry was GPT generated. So I asked
           | GPT to summarize and remove the poetry:
           | A new Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler was introduced to the
           | codebase. The JIT compiler was implemented using mostly
           | build-time Python with strict static typing for easy
           | maintenance. It passed all tests and had no runtime
           | dependencies. The JIT compiler was faster than interpretation
           | and used a copy-and-patch approach for every stencil.
           | However, the JIT compiler still needed optimization and the
           | code it was JIT'ing needed thinning. Despite its large size
           | and being parsed straight out of the ELFs, it was configured
           | and built successfully with the flag --enable-experimental-
           | jit. The JIT compiler was not much faster yet, but
           | improvements were expected in the future.
             | simonw wrote:
             | I'm certain the poetry wasn't GPT generated.
             | ajkjk wrote:
             | Why do you suspect that? I really doubt it, because it's
             | actually good. Do you think that nobody is able to write
             | good poetry without help from machine? Like... I've written
             | stuff like that in my life. It's not even particularly
             | hard, if you believe you can do it and workshop it for a
             | while.
             | RheingoldRiver wrote:
             | _No way_ an LLM came up with  "Now cache away, cache away,
             | cache away all!"
             | https://chat.openai.com/share/9f701679-43b1-45b7-9f70-9b1c2
             | 6...
         | Uptrenda wrote:
         | To the guy who said the pull was horrible:
         | IMO, the most important thing about a pull request is to...
         | actually be productive. I've worked with people in the past who
         | would nit-pick my commit messages wanting me to waste hours of
         | my time trying to use arcane Git commands. Any of which might
         | and probably will clobber my work.
         | If you're doing Git reviews a good use of resources is to look
         | for security problems, performance issues, and general
         | engineering problems with someone's code, etc.
         | A BAD use of Git reviews is to spend the time making stylistic
         | comments 'I would have written it like this, it looks much
         | better', being overly pedantic about code formatting, or
         | forcing your OCD on someone for their Git history. The reason
         | people hate code reviews is somehow they're always done by this
         | latter group of person.
         | If you're forcing people to waste time for silly reasons then
         | you can count that they'll eventually leave your silly company.
         | I know I have. I was once about to work at a company but saw
         | that they literally used a committee of people to review every
         | commit message wherein they would force every engineer to
         | rewrite code for reasons that seemed to make astrology seem
         | like a hard science. Consider not doing that.
       | niux wrote:
       | Do we have any idea how the introduction of the JIT compiler in
       | CPython 3.13 will impact the performance?
         | acqq wrote:
         | "Only 35% slower overall than LuaJIT" as per video from a month
         | ago.
         | No idea which kind of tests are these "overall" though.
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxSHIpEQRjs
         | Slides (pg. 31 performance):
         | https://github.com/brandtbucher/brandtbucher/blob/master/202...
           | dralley wrote:
           | I think that was a from an application of the technique to
           | Lua from the original research paper.
         | dataking wrote:
         | The paper on copy-and-patch compilation [0] may give you a
         | general idea although they didn't apply their technique to
         | CPython.
         | [0] https://fredrikbk.com/publications/copy-and-patch.pdf
         | dist-epoch wrote:
         | From the youtube talk it will be a small improvement (5-10%).
         | It's more of a proof of concept for future things.
       | japanman185 wrote:
       | You know the old, right tool for the right job kinda thing. Why
       | are we trying to force python to work as a general purpose
       | programming language? It is a scripting language. I have seen
       | many many many codebases in large orgs small orgs, faang,
       | startups etc.. and any time I see python in the mix other than
       | tooling config or orchestration I know I am in for a hard time.
         | simonw wrote:
         | What does the term "scripting language" mean to you?
           | kstrauser wrote:
           | To me, it means that the person who wrote "scripting
           | language" probably doesn't know what they're talking about.
           | wiseowise wrote:
           | Probably something along the lines of "something I don't
           | like, but don't have any objective reasons to prove why it is
           | bad".
           | grumpyprole wrote:
           | Not the original poster, but to me it usually refers to a
           | language that is expressive and high-level but usually not
           | fast or efficient enough to implement the actual heavy
           | lifting. It seems fair to call Python a scripting language.
           | This is not a derogatory term, rather it actually describes a
           | great way to build software and explains Python's success.
         | fasterik wrote:
         | I prefer compiled and statically typed languages myself, but it
         | seems a bit absurd to not consider Python a general purpose
         | programming language. It's Turing complete, has one of the most
         | fully-featured standard libraries in existence, and can
         | interface with native libraries.
         | Uptrenda wrote:
         | Python is like anything in that it rewards experience. If you
         | know about asyncio you can write beautiful, performant code
         | that can deal with networking, files, and other blocking
         | resources without halting the program every time. If you know
         | about processor executor pools -- you can easily execute CPU-
         | intensive operations on different cores even though your main
         | program is single-threaded. If you know a little about
         | databases you can write highly portable and simple queries with
         | SQLite.
         | You can use Python in the same way that other languages allow
         | you to write performant servers, desktop applications,
         | websites, and even software that runs on phone. But you need to
         | know what the best approaches are. The thing about Python is
         | that its a very old language. It didn't always have things like
         | asyncio which is now arguably the best approach for dealing
         | with concurrency and the modern challenges of blocking I/O. New
         | libraries appear all the time, and the language and tooling
         | continue to evolve. I think older developers who may have only
         | dabbled in Python might have out-dated views about the language
         | because there definitely were times in Python's history where
         | it lagged far behind other languages.
         | pkkm wrote:
         | Can you elaborate on the issues you've seen? Was the code
         | haphazardly thrown together, or did it follow the usual modern
         | practices (pip-tools or Poetry, dataclasses, type checking,
         | Pydantic, etc.) and still suffer the problems?
         | syndicatedjelly wrote:
         | Python is not a scripting language, it's a weakly-typed
         | general-purpose programming language. I too dislike the lack of
         | strong-typing, but there are dozens of good options if that's
         | what I need in a codebase.
         | It sounds like your problem is with people who write Python,
         | not Python itself. Not every person who writes code has the
         | time or ability to learn all the nuances of strongly-typed
         | functional languages. In my opinion, people outside of software
         | engineering shouldn't bother with such esoteric domain
         | knowledge. "Real" programmers like yourself are there for that
         | reason - to rewrite their prototyped code in whatever style you
         | see fit.
         | Complaining that they don't know how to program is a great way
         | to alienate smart people in other domains. Knowledge of
         | computer science tends to blow up people's egos in a way that I
         | have observed in few other fields.
           | kstrauser wrote:
           | Python's strongly, dynamically typed. Try adding "12"+3 and
           | it will throw a TypeError at you.
         | bityard wrote:
         | Found the rust dev
       | cuu508 wrote:
       | If you use UUIDField and MariaDB >= 10.7, read Django 5 release
       | notes carefully. Other than that, smooth upgrade :-)
       | perlgeek wrote:
       | The deprecation of "crypt" could have been handled a bit better,
       | IMHO.
       | It recommends to use "hashlib" instead, which isn't API
       | compatible to crypt, and if you load it on a new enough python...
       | triggers a deprecation warning about "crypt" being deprecated.
       | Oh, and it seems unmaintained.
         | ptx wrote:
         | Did you mean "passlib", the third-party module they link to?
         | The built-in "hashlib" doesn't generate any warnings for me on
         | Python 3.11 and is presumably maintained as part of Python.
         | Anyway, the PEP mentions that "crypt" is not secure, not
         | thread-safe, not cross-platform and not useful for modifying
         | the system password database... so it sounds like you really
         | shouldn't use it for much of anything. What's your usecase?
       | woodruffw wrote:
       | I'm very excited to see 2FA become mandatory.
       | It's worth noting that that 2FA requirement will have (virtuous)
       | knock-on effects: package uploads will require an API token
       | instead of allowing a password, meaning one less place where a
       | user can accidentally expose control over their entire account.
       | For packages published through GitHub Actions, PyPI's Trusted
       | Publishing goes a step further and removes the need for a shared
       | API token entirely[1].
       | [1]: https://docs.pypi.org/trusted-publishers/
       | IshKebab wrote:
       | 2FA but still no namespaces? Dependency confusion attacks are
       | still trivial on PyPI.
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | Namespacing does not prevent (or even significantly complicate)
         | dependency confusion, unless we think that there's some
         | difference in confusability between these two errors:
         | requestss
         | and                   requestss/requests
         | (I think namespacing is a good idea in general, but dependency
         | confusion is mostly a _disjoint_ namespaces problem, not a
         | _depth_ problem. Python could solve the former by doing what Go
         | does and make the source repository itself be the namespace,
         | but this a significant incompatible breakage.)
           | tczMUFlmoNk wrote:
           | It helps in some cases. If I type `npm i @google/cloud-
           | sotrage`, I'm still safe. Same with `@google/gcs` (typo vs.
           | misremembering the name). I just have to get the organization
           | name right.
           | ptx wrote:
           | It does help in some cases.
           | For example, I know that "kotlin-stdlib-jdk8" in Maven
           | Central is the official package for Kotlin standard library,
           | but what about "kotlin-stdlib-wasm-wasi", "kotlin-jdk-
           | annotations" and "kotlin-native-compiler-embeddable"? Here it
           | helps to know that they're all in the "org.jetbrains.kotlin"
           | group.
       | motiejus wrote:
       | OK, a Django update from me.
       | I heavily used Django since version 0.96 (2007) until 1.5 (2014)
       | (with Python 3)! Then came a long break with lower-level
       | infrastructure work: linux kernel, perf tuning, some C, some Go
       | and zig.
       | Last week I picked up Django again. After 10 years (!!!) of not
       | even looking at it. It felt like meeting a good old friend: they
       | are the same, but older and more mature. Conversations are the
       | same. But better.
       | Things change in the tech world, often for the worse. Django
       | changes, as it matures, for the better. The website layout,
       | tutorial, colors, excellent release notes, `./manage.py
       | runserver` are all the same as I remember them.
       | Except today it's easier, since I am much wiser in deploying and
       | maintaining things than I was a decade ago. :)
         | tcdent wrote:
         | Similar experience. Started on 0.96, used daily until about 2.x
         | and then took a break. Came back last year and was delighted to
         | find most of the API remained stable. Before reading the
         | release notes for Django 5 I was expecting at least a few
         | breaking changes for my 4.2 apps, but there's almost none.
         | Part of the reason I took a break from tech in the first place
         | was the relentless upgrade cycle. Thrilled that we've solved at
         | least a few of the problems in sustainable ways.
       | aftbit wrote:
       | I'm still annoyed that they are deprecating
       | datetime.datetime.utcnow(). I have over 1000 references to that
       | function in my projects folder. I understand the footguns that
       | naive datetimes present to the unwary, and yet I still prefer to
       | work with naive always-UTC datetimes. Alas I will end up doing
       | some kind of crazy find-and-replace (at least in the Python 3
       | code) to something like
       | `datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.UTC).replace(tz=None)`. Then
       | of course I'll have to track down all of the bugs from other
       | people doing `from datetime import datetime` and refactor so I
       | now import the whole module just to get a reference to UTC. Grr.
         | dragonwriter wrote:
         | Wouldn't it be easier just to write a utcnow() function of your
         | own in a support module and do a find-and-replace to use that?
         | amelius wrote:
         | Another solution is to make a file called "my_patches.py":
         | import datetime              class
         | my_datetime(datetime.datetime):             @staticmethod
         | def utcnow():                 return datetime.datetime.now(tz=d
         | atetime.timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
         | datetime.datetime = my_datetime
         | And then in your codebase make sure you import my_patches
         | whenever you use datetime. E.g.:                   import
         | my_patches         import datetime
         | print(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
           | kstrauser wrote:
           | That solves the specific problem, but if you were my
           | coworker, I'd have to toss you off the nearest bridge.
           | Don't monkeypatch Python, m'kay?
             | js2 wrote:
             | [delayed]
         | Karellen wrote:
         | > I still prefer to work with naive always-UTC datetimes.
         | Why prefer to work with naive UTC datetimes, rather than
         | explicit UTC datetimes?
         | What's wrong with plain `datetime.datetime.now(datetime.UTC)`?
       | jurassic wrote:
       | While I'm not against security and 2FA in general, making PyPI
       | 2FA mandatory ahead of any kind of org support is a major pain
       | for big projects with more than one maintainer. This week I was
       | forced to link my company's pypi account to a personal device to
       | unblock our latest release and now none of the dozen other
       | maintainers I work with can get access. Things will get spicy if
       | someone in my position were to die, leave the company on bad
       | terms, etc and a big project can no longer be managed.
       | PyPI announced orgs back in April, but it seems they still
       | haven't figured out the details on pricing, etc. No telling when
       | those will roll out, but I sure hope it's soon. I'm cynical, but
       | the sequencing of work here very much feels like somebody at
       | Google (or wherever) wanted to push a big open source security
       | project to advance their personal promo case rather than thinking
       | through the needs of serious project maintainers.
         | sakjur wrote:
         | You can have centralized TOTP too, I believe e.g. Vault or
         | 1password can do that?
           | jurassic wrote:
           | Good to know, I wasn't aware. But if you're storing
           | passwords, TOTP seed, and recovery codes all in the same
           | shared password vault, it's not really multi-factor anymore.
           | It's security theatre.
             | xkcd-sucks wrote:
             | _financial_ security if you can pin it all on your paid
             | password manager service and they remain solvent enough to
             | juice
             | coder543 wrote:
             | No, it's not theater.
             | 2FA was not created as a defense against password manager
             | compromise. That is not its purpose. It protects against
             | password reuse attacks and helps to protect against total
             | compromise of people who have been phished.
             | Even better, a password manager can avoid giving up a TOTP
             | code to a phisher in the first place because it is checking
             | the domain.
             | If your password manager is compromised, you've got big
             | problems regardless of 2FA tokens being in there or not.
             | The extremely marginal security benefit of storing the 2FA
             | tokens separate from your password manager is just not even
             | worth discussing in most scenarios. It exists, but so does
             | the additional risk of losing access to your 2FA token or
             | having your 2FA code phished, both of which seem a lot more
             | likely than your password manager being compromised. At
             | least, as long as you're not using LastPass.
             | Long term, the goal is to get rid of passwords and 2FA
             | altogether by switching to Passkeys. Each Passkey will
             | naturally be stored in a single place, since they can't be
             | split into multiple parts anyways.
             | sakjur wrote:
             | You should probably not do that, but as coder543 says in
             | another comment, there are reasons why even that is
             | preferable to not having TOTP. And assuming you enforce
             | multi-factor authentication to access your vault, it is
             | sort of transitively multiple factors (except for security
             | vulnerabilities affecting the vault).
             | It's not ideal, individual accounts seems like the only
             | reasonable solution for legal and auditing reasons, but at
             | least it's possible to conveniently share users with 2FA
             | enabled if you need to.
       (page generated 2023-12-27 23:00 UTC)