[HN Gopher] Archive (2023-12-28) - Page 1
 (DIR) Formally modeled Dreidel for no good reason
       100 points by JNRowe (32 comments)
 (DIR) Hexcodle
       36 points by chat (9 comments)
 (DIR) Cold-blooded software
       262 points by arbesman (100 comments)
 (DIR) Particle Life
       146 points by hyperific (46 comments)
 (DIR) Liero - Sling'n'shoot Worms Game
       139 points by damir (65 comments)
 (DIR) Foundations (1997-2000)
       141 points by ColinWright (40 comments)
 (DIR) OsmAPP - A Universal OpenStreetMap App
       51 points by maelito (25 comments)
 (DIR) A Claxonomy of Mexico City's Traffic
       41 points by tintinnabula (5 comments)
 (DIR) Single-celled protists in the guts of animals thrive without mit...
       21 points by PaulHoule (7 comments)
 (DIR) BCHS software stack: BSD, C, httpd, SQLite
       9 points by edward (0 comments)
 (DIR) Technological innovations that produced the shale revolution
       28 points by bilsbie (1 comments)
 (DIR) Comedian Tom Smothers has died
       36 points by h2odragon (27 comments)
 (DIR) 4B If Statements
       1132 points by r4um (389 comments)
 (DIR) Lode Runner (HTML5 Remake)
       252 points by memalign (64 comments)
 (DIR) How to (and how not to) fix color banding
       101 points by asicsp (19 comments)
 (DIR) Doola a "Business-in-a-Box" (YC S20) Is Hiring a CPA
       1 points (job listing)
 (DIR) Remote controlling an HP 1670G logic analyzer with a Linux PC X ...
       50 points by zdw (15 comments)
 (DIR) IDEs we had 30 years ago
       378 points by titaniumtown (342 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: Rem: Remember Everything (open source)
       321 points by jasonjmcghee (131 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: Anytype - local-first, P2P knowledge management
       109 points by sharipova (54 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2023-12-28 23:00 UTC)