[HN Gopher] Why are Apple Silicon VMs so different?
       Why are Apple Silicon VMs so different?
       Author : ingve
       Score  : 256 points
       Date   : 2023-12-29 10:29 UTC (12 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (eclecticlight.co)
 (TXT) w3m dump (eclecticlight.co)
       | tbenst wrote:
       | Does anyone know the state of running Windows / Linux x86-64
       | virtualization on Apple Silicon? This article is super
       | interesting but dances around the most important application for
       | VMs on Mac.
         | vbezhenar wrote:
         | Very slow using qemu. You can run arm64 Linux and run x86_x64
         | apps inside using Rosetta, if your virtual machine uses
         | Virtualization.Framework (does not work with qemu, AFAIK). I
         | suppose you can do the same with arm64 Windows and Microsoft
         | x86_64 translation technology, but not really sure.
           | rincebrain wrote:
           | You can use qemu -accel hvf.
         | deergomoo wrote:
         | You can use Rosetta to run x86 Linux binaries with good
         | performance under a virtualised ARM Linux [0], but if you want
         | to run fully x86 Windows or Linux you'll need to emulate, not
         | virtualise. It's possible, but there's a big performance hit as
         | you might expect.
         | [0]
         | https://developer.apple.com/documentation/virtualization/run...
           | kamilner wrote:
           | I'm not sure how OrbStack does it, but it can run a fully x64
           | Linux using Rosetta with quite good performance.
             | AkshitGarg wrote:
             | IIRC that runs a x86_64 userland (using Rosetta) on a arm64
             | kernel.
               | kamilner wrote:
               | Interesting. uname -a reports x86_64, and lscpu also
               | reports x86_64, although perhaps that's just the kernel
               | being patched to lie about the architecture.
         | timenova wrote:
         | YMMV, but from my own experiments, on an M1 Macbook Air, it did
         | not work well for me. I was trying to compile an Elixir
         | codebase on x86-64 Alpine Linux. Elixir does not have cross-
         | compiling. I tried it in a Docker container, and in a Linux VM
         | using OrbStack. Both approaches fail, as it just segfaults,
         | even on the first `mix compile` of a blank project.
         | This problem does not exist in ARM containers or VMs, as the
         | same project compiles perfectly in an ARM Alpine Linux
         | container/VM.
         | It's definitely not plug-and-play for all scenarios. If anyone
         | knows workarounds, let me know.
           | cschmatzler wrote:
           | That's an underlying QEMU bug, which is used by Lima [1]. Add
           | `ENV ERL_FLAGS="+JPperf true"` to your Dockerfile and it will
           | build just fine cross platform. The flag just changes some
           | things during build time and won't affect runtime
           | performance.
           | [1] https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu/-/issues/1034
             | timenova wrote:
             | Thanks. I can confirm that this works. Compiling a new
             | project no longer segfaults, and `Mix.install()` works in
             | `iex` too.
               | plufz wrote:
               | HN just turned into Stack Overflow. :)
               | giantrobot wrote:
               | In that case can this whole thread be deleted and
               | replaced by a link to an almost completely unrelated
               | issue that used some of the same English words in the
               | description? Just trying to get the full effect here.
           | toast0 wrote:
           | > Elixir does not have cross-compiling.
           | Elixir compiles to beam files, like Erlang, right?
           | I was pretty sure beam files are bytecode and not platform
           | specific?
             | timenova wrote:
             | You're right that Elixir source code compiles to BEAM
             | bytecode, however, if you run `mix release`, you need to
             | ensure that the release runs on the same target OS and
             | OpenSSL version. My aim was to build a `mix release` on my
             | M1 Mac to run it on an x86-64 server.
             | From the docs [0]:
             | > Once a release is assembled, it can be packaged and
             | deployed to a target, as long as the target runs on the
             | same operating system (OS) distribution and version as the
             | machine running the mix release command.
             | The `mix release` command outputs a directory containing
             | your compiled Elixir bytecode files, along with the ERTS
             | (Erlang Runtime System). The ERTS it bundles is only for
             | your host machine's architecture. Another point to remember
             | is that some dependencies use native NIFs, which means they
             | need to be cross-compiled too. Hence it's not as easy as
             | replacing the ERTS folder with one for another architecture
             | in most circumstances.
             | There's a project that aims to alleviate these issues
             | called Burrito [1], but when I tried it, I had mixed
             | success with it, and decided not to use it for my
             | deployment approach. It looks like Burrito has matured
             | since then, so it would be worth taking a look into if you
             | need to cross-compile.
             | The gist is, while possible, its significantly harder to
             | get an Elixir release running on another architecture than
             | say is the case for Go.
             | [0] https://hexdocs.pm/mix/1.16.0/Mix.Tasks.Release.html
             | [1] https://github.com/burrito-elixir/burrito
           | thejosh wrote:
           | For anything that doesn't need a UI, you're FAR better off
           | having some remote server than trying to emulate, it's far to
           | slow for ARM64<>x86-64 in both directions..
           | Many things are just so much easier with a remote
           | server/workstation somewhere than trying to deal with VM
           | shenanigans.
           | ARM64 visualised on the otherhand (Linux works great, macos
           | seems good(?), haven't tried Windows) with UTM is pretty
           | great.
             | timenova wrote:
             | I absolutely agree! I finally went in that direction. The
             | only reason I was trying this whole ordeal was because I
             | was trying to get some private dependencies included in the
             | build without going through the whole hassle of git
             | submodules. Now I just include those deps as a path include
             | in mix.exs. Not a great solution I know...
           | travisgriggs wrote:
           | I've been able to do this (build x86/ubuntu targeted elixir)
           | with UTM on my M1 Mac. It ain't fast, that's for sure. But it
           | works. Which is interesting because sibling responses to your
           | Lima experience claim it's because of a qemu "bug", but utm
           | runs qemu as well.
         | donatj wrote:
         | Your mileage may vary, but I've been quite happy running x86-64
         | software in an ARM build of Windows 11 in UTM.
         | Nothing graphical or all that intensive though, just some
         | productivity tools I can't live without.
           | hypercube33 wrote:
           | What hardware are you running this on out of curiosity?
             | donatj wrote:
             | M1 Macbook Pro
         | tecleandor wrote:
         | For Linux, and if you only need to run CLI tools, I've been
         | very happy with Lima [0]. It runs x86-64 and ARM VMs using
         | QEMU, but can also run ARM VMs using vz [1] (Apple
         | virtualization framework[2]) that is very performant. Also,
         | along with the project colima [3] you can easily start
         | Docker/Podman/Kubernetes instances, totally substituting Docker
         | Desktop for me.
         | For desktop environments (Linux/Windows) I've used UTM [4] with
         | mixed success. Although it's been almost a year since last time
         | I used it, so maybe it runs better now
         | There's also Parallels, and people say it's a good product, but
         | it's around USD/EUR 100, and I haven't tested it as I don't
         | have that need.
         | And there's VMWare Fusion but... who likes VMWare? ;)
         | [0] - https://lima-vm.io       [1] - https://lima-
         | vm.io/docs/config/vmtype/#vz       [2] - https://developer.appl
         | e.com/documentation/virtualization?language=objc       [3] -
         | https://lima-vm.io/docs/faq/colima/       [4] -
         | https://mac.getutm.app/       [5] -
         | https://www.parallels.com/products/desktop/
           | cangeroo wrote:
           | Parallels has a bad desktop user experience using Linux
           | because of poor support for continuous scrolling. Lots of
           | users have complained on their forums for years, but they
           | refuse to do anything about it. I bought it for one year, and
           | regretted the experience. It works well with Windows though.
           | Generally, the experience with MacOS is mediocre thanks to
           | Apple and their Virtualization Framework, with many basic
           | features missing for years.
             | a_vanderbilt wrote:
             | Can you elaborate on the continuous scrolling? I've
             | actually never noticed anything off about the scrolling.
             | deaddodo wrote:
             | This is ironic, considering Parallels was originally an
             | Apple first product designed specifically for virtualizing
             | Windows and running it's apps "seamlessly" alongside native
             | Mac ones.
               | kergonath wrote:
               | Why is it ironic? The parent says that it works well with
               | Windows, which you say is the original use case. Linux
               | has nothing to do with this.
         | kamilner wrote:
         | I regularly use Orbstack to develop for x64 Linux (including
         | kernel development). It works transparently as an x64 linux
         | command line that uses Rosetta under the hood, so performance
         | is reasonably good.
         | It can also run docker containers, apparently faster than the
         | normal docker client, although I haven't used that feature much
         | so I'm not sure.
         | selimnairb wrote:
         | I run full AMD64 containers using Docker Desktop, which uses
         | Rosetta under the hood. On my M1 Pro they were a bit slow
         | (maybe 25% slower than my work laptop, which is a 12th gen.
         | i9), but good enough in general. I have since upgraded to an M3
         | Max and AMD64 VMs seem to be a lot faster, maybe even faster
         | than my 12th gen. i9. I really hope Apple doesn't get rid of
         | Rosetta support in VMs, ever. It's just too useful.
         | nxobject wrote:
         | I wish there was a good GUI-based solution for Windows
         | emulation via Rosetta. My use case isn't development - it's
         | running software with an x64-only proprietary driver! (The
         | Oculus remote link drivers, FWIW.) Fusion and Parallels don't
         | have that feature, so I'm wondering whether there are technical
         | difficulties/blockers there.
         | jxdxbx wrote:
         | ARM Windows runs well with Parallels. And it can run x86 apps.
           | stephen_g wrote:
           | Yes, this is the best way to do it if possible in my
           | experience. I use some fairly heavy x86_64 apps in the Arm
           | for Windows in Parallels, using Windows' translation system
           | (rosetta 2 equivalent), and it's been quite good.
           | Trying to emulate the whole x86_64 version of an OS (I tried
           | some Docker images that only came in x86 before finding
           | instructions to rebuild them on the ARM base OS) has been
           | super slow on the other hand. This is on a quite decent M2
           | Pro.
           | cangeroo wrote:
           | Some x86 apps refuse to run on ARM, having platform detection
           | built-in to their installer.
             | zerkten wrote:
             | If it's an MSI-based installer, it's pretty easy to edit
             | the MSI with Orca to remove the check. This is similar to
             | how you'd get client software installs unblocked on Windows
             | Server. In other cases, there are often ways to trick it,
             | but it's contextual.
         | dada78641 wrote:
         | My personal experience is that Windows 11 for ARM runs
         | extremely well on Parallels. It includes an emulation layer for
         | x86 apps that's completely invisible and just works. I can even
         | still run Cakewalk, a program originally from the 90s, on my M1
         | Mac to edit midi files.
         | With that being said, this is just my view as someone who uses
         | simple consumer oriented programs, and I'm not sure how well
         | it'll work for more serious purposes.
           | sydbarrett74 wrote:
           | Have you tried any Windows games on Apple Silicon? What kinds
           | of Windows apps do you tend to run? I've used the macOS
           | version of World of Warcraft on my '20 Mac Mini (16GB RAM)
           | and even with utilities that adjust the mouse acceleration
           | curve, I still find game play clunky. I was hoping I could
           | run WoW under a VM and have it be somewhat performant.
             | rogual wrote:
             | Not OP, but I use Parallels on M2 and gaming is a bit hit-
             | or-miss. I'd say maybe 80% of games work flawlessly, and
             | 20% have some sort of issue ranging from the annoying to
             | the unplayable.
             | For non-gaming, Parallels is extremely solid. I use Visual
             | Studio and various productivity apps and they all work
             | perfectly -- although Parallels is enshittified scumware
             | that pops up ads at every available opportunity, so if that
             | kind of thing bothers you, it's worth considering it before
             | buying.
               | plufz wrote:
               | Ads about what? Upgrading to a more expensive tier or
               | like third party ads?
             | solardev wrote:
             | For gaming, you want to use Crossover or the FOSS Whisky
             | app. Parallels only runs Arm Windows which then emulates
             | x86. This is much much slower than using Wine to translate
             | system calls and Apple's Game Porting Toolkit to handle the
             | Vulkan or DirectX graphics. Crossover and Whisky take care
             | of the internals of those for you. Give those a shot, I
             | think you'll find it much better than a full VM. In my
             | experience some games do run better this way than the MacOS
             | versions, though that's usually because the Mac client
             | wasn't compiled for Apple Silicon and so Rosetta is
             | emulating. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure WOW is already
             | Apple Silicon native, so you probably won't get better
             | performance this way.
             | Crossover is paid but has better compatibility:
             | https://www.codeweavers.com/crossover/ (or see
             | https://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility for compatible
             | games)
             | Whisky is free, and will work just as well for games it
             | supports, but has compatibility with fewer games (no
             | official list, so you just have to download it and try
             | yourself): https://github.com/Whisky-App/Whisky
             | For the mouse stuff, try a USB mouse if you're not already
             | using one, combined with
             | https://github.com/ther0n/UnnaturalScrollWheels to disable
             | acceleration and fix the scroll wheel.
             | That works really well for me to get a Windows-like mouse
             | curve.
             | TLDR skip the emulation and go for translation layers via
             | Crossover, Whisky, and GPT. It'll be much faster. The mouse
             | thing is separate and has nothing to do with the graphics
             | layer.
             | ------
             | Personally though, I'd just pay $20 a month for Geforce
             | Now. It is much much faster than even the highest end Mac.
             | I don't think WOW is on there, but for supported games,
             | it's a phenomenal experience... sold my 3080 desktop and
             | replaced it with GFN on my Macbook. It's fantastic.
             | Supported games: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce-
             | now/games/
               | ngcc_hk wrote:
               | What is the bandwidth requirement I wonder. Seems too
               | cheap to be true ... must have some other catch. Latency
               | as well?
               | solardev wrote:
               | For GeForce Now? Not much:
               | From https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce-now/system-
               | reqs/:
               | - 15 Mbps for 720p @ 60FPS
               | - 25 Mbps for 1080p
               | - Up to 35 Mbps for 4k/120 FPS
               | Input latency is there, yes, but it's not too bad
               | especially if you turn on Nvidia Reflex and use the
               | hardware cursor. Totally unnoticeable in many games. For
               | first-person shooters it's definitely noticeable, but IMO
               | still playable as long as you're not doing it
               | competitively. I play shooters on it from time to time...
               | and put it this way, I would much rather do that (on max
               | graphics) and deal with the minor input lag, than to try
               | to get them running on my Mac, all to get super low
               | graphics with low draw distance, etc.
               | It's never going to beat a 4090 on your desk, but for
               | $20/mo...? It's an incredible value.
               | I don't know that there really is a "catch" beyond basic
               | network principles/limitations. Game streaming has been
               | developed for more than a decade now... when OnLive first
               | came out, the technology (home internet and hardware
               | encoding) wasn't quite there. Now 35Mbps is commonplace,
               | Nvidia has hardware encoding in all their cards, AND they
               | control the entire stack of their data center like no one
               | else can. Stadia's failure was IMO a Google management
               | problem more than any technical limitation. GeForce Now
               | is a much much better service, both using your existing
               | Steam library and supporting way more games.
               | The pricing does seem really good, especially compared to
               | Shadow.tech (where you rent a whole gaming VM with a 3070
               | Ti for $50/mo, but can run anything you want) or AirGPU
               | (similar service). But the games-as-a-service platforms
               | like Amazon Luna, Xbox Cloud Streaming, and PS Plus are
               | all comparably priced ($10-$20/mo). There are other third
               | party services like Boosteroid too. Cloud gaming is a
               | maturing technology that's largely already "there", in my
               | experience (have tried nearly all of them over the last
               | 10+ years).
               | I think Nvidia is uniquely positioned as the only company
               | in this space who can provide the graphics cards first-
               | party instead of needing to buy them from, well, Nvidia.
               | It's possible that the current pricing is a loss leader,
               | but they've already raised the prices from the Founders
               | pricing they had a few years ago, and it's still not too
               | bad. It's not like Nvidia is hurting for cash anyway. My
               | main fear is not that there's a "catch", but that they'll
               | gradually move out of the gaming segment and focus on AI.
               | In the meantime, while it lasts, GeForce Now really is
               | wonderfully, uh, game-changing :)
               | ----------
               | Edit: PS they have a free tier, and you can even use it
               | in a browser tab, no client download needed. That's
               | enough to give you a taste for free, no commitment. If
               | you decide you like it, the Ultimate plan is very much
               | worth it, and the desktop (or mobile) clients offer
               | slightly better UX than the browser tab and higher
               | resolutions.
             | swozey wrote:
             | When I first got it I tested a few games on my 2022 M1 Max
             | 64GB 16" MBP both natively and in Windows ARM.
             | The only one that I remember is Crusader Kings II. It has a
             | native MacOS version which I tried and it ran pretty rough.
             | Very, very choppy on the map. I didn't tweak any graphics
             | settings from the defaults and put no effort into making it
             | run better, FWIW.
             | Next, I ran it via Windows ARM in Parallels. Now that I'm
             | writing this I have no idea what I did to test it. I feel
             | like it just ran but I don't think I did anything specific
             | to make an x86 process run on ARM. Maybe Windows ARM does
             | that for you, I forget.
             | Anyway, it ran really well. Absolutely much, much better
             | than the native app. It felt completely smooth navigating
             | the map, etc. I did NOT play it in a big game that lasted
             | hundreds of years. I probably did 5 turns, mostly checking
             | to see how smooth scrolling the map and the UI/UX stuff
             | was.
             | I have a 4090'd gaming desktop so it wasn't a big deal to
             | me to be able to game on the mac which is why I put as much
             | effort into this as you can see. lmao.
             | It's amazing at everything else!
               | solardev wrote:
               | > I feel like it just ran but I don't think I did
               | anything specific to make an x86 process run on ARM.
               | Maybe Windows ARM does that for you, I forget.
               | Yeah, Microsoft doesn't get nearly enough credit for
               | this, but Windows for Arm just automagically emulates x86
               | for you! Kinda like Rosetta, but for Windows.
               | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/arm/apps-on-
               | arm-x8...
         | fulafel wrote:
         | The article is about virtualization, not emulating x86-64, so
         | I'd disagree it's dancing around that. (Also, Windows and Linux
         | have their own x86 emulations - if you boot virtualized
         | Windows/ARM or Linux/ARM, you can get to the native emulation
         | functionalities)
         | outcoldman wrote:
         | I do my work on Apple Silicon laptops since the first M1 came
         | out.
         | I use Docker Desktop that can run for me amd64 images as well.
         | I do run Splunk in it (which is a very enterprise product,
         | written mostly in C++), I was so shocked to see that I was able
         | to run it on Rosetta pretty much from day 1. Splunk worked on
         | macOS with Rosetta from day 1, but had some issues in Docker
         | running under QEMU, now Docker uses Rosetta for Linux, which
         | allows me to run Splunk for Linux in Docker as well.
         | I use RedHat CodeReady Containers (local OpenShift), which
         | works great as well.
         | And I use Parallels to run mostly headless Linux to run
         | Kubernetes. And sometimes Windows just to look at it.
         | In a first two years of Apple Silicon architecture I definitely
         | had to find some workaround to make things work. Right now I am
         | 100% rely only on Apple Silicon, and deliver my software to
         | large enterprise companies who use it on amd64/arm64
         | architectures.
         | maldev wrote:
         | I'm a big windows guy, pretty much windows only. Recently
         | bought a macbook. I love windows so much that I set up my shell
         | on the mac to be powershell and use Windows Terminal to SSH
         | into the mac.
         | I'm REALLY happy with parallel desktop. It runs any
         | productivity or programming app I've needed. It also makes it
         | as if it's running natively on the mac, you can just open up
         | some windows app and it pops up like a mac one. It works
         | amazingly fast, and I can develop both x64, x32, ARM apps in
         | visual studio on my VM. Games don't work because of DRM, but I
         | just use Parsec to stream my desktop if I want to game anyways,
         | so it doesn't affect my workflow. And any game I would actually
         | play while traveling is on the mac natively.
         | For linux I only emulate Kali, and it works good, I love how
         | the VM's pop up as a "Virtual desktop" so I can side swipe it,
         | but linux vm's don't have the native integration like Windows.
         | Once nested virtualization is enabled, i'll probably stick it
         | in WSL, I personally don't use Linux that much since I think
         | it's shit.
         | The only downside is some asshole at Apple won't put in nested
         | virtualization for the VM's, even though M2 and M3 have support
         | for it on linux.
           | freedomben wrote:
           | If you don't mind me asking, why did you buy a macbook?
             | maldev wrote:
             | It's my first Mac, and I bought it because the actual
             | machine is magical. It's so well built and has so many
             | little things that make it great. I thought it was dumb and
             | overhyped until my girlfriend got a M2. I then looked up
             | the virtualization and played around with it a bit, and bar
             | games, it's the best laptop for running Windows apps. And
             | even then, it runs every game I would play on the road.
             | I also really liked the memory layout they have. I have
             | been messing around a ton with ML/AI, it's able to do local
             | models faster than chatgpt and get like 70% the accuracy. I
             | have a pretty beastly desktop setup, and it's a joy to use
             | such a solid machine in bed while i'm watching TV.
         | LASR wrote:
         | I was able to get a fully functional Windows 11 install using
         | UTM on my M1 MBP. This really helped with some Windows-only
         | android tools with USB passthrough.
         | I've not tried Linux.
         | Note: I am not associated with UTM in any way, just a satisfied
         | user.
         | [1] https://mac.getutm.app/
           | xvector wrote:
           | I've always wondered what the security posture is of UTM,
           | QEMU, etc. Is an escape trivial or is there thought put into
           | security?
           | sneed_chucker wrote:
           | Probably ARM Win 11 though right?
       | gnatolf wrote:
       | What's the progress, or who's behind a virtio layer for windows?
       | Any hope that this will work in the foreseeable future?
         | virtioliker wrote:
         | There's mature VirtIO drivers for just about everything
         | already, under the virtio-win umbrella:
         | https://github.com/virtio-win/kvm-guest-drivers-windows
         | My desktop PC is using libvirt+qemu (on an Arch host. I use
         | Arch, btw) to PCI passthru my RTX 4090 GPU to a Windows guest.
         | I installed the guest initially with emulated SATA for the main
         | drive. Once Windows was up and running, I installed virtio-win
         | and the guest is now using virtIO accelerated drivers for the
         | network interface + main disk. I'm also sharing some
         | filesystems using virtio-fs.
           | ComputerGuru wrote:
           | Did you have to use any hacks to get a regular GTX/RTX card
           | to pass through? Last time I tried this with ESXi, it was
           | insanely difficult and poorly documented to get non-Quadro
           | cards to do pass thru (admittedly on a Windows guest).
             | my123 wrote:
             | NVIDIA changed this in 2021: https://nvidia.custhelp.com/ap
             | p/answers/detail/a_id/5173/~/g...
               | ComputerGuru wrote:
               | Thanks; that was after I tried to make things work and
               | gave up.
         | virtioliker wrote:
         | (oh and to answer the other part of your question: I believe
         | Red Hat contribute a lot to virtio-win)
           | gnatolf wrote:
           | Thanks. I'm sorry if my question wasn't particularly complex
           | to answer ; - )
         | diffeomorphism wrote:
         | Do you mean windows using virtio? Then the answer would be red
         | hat and since many years ago:
         | https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Windows_VirtIO_Drivers
       | cactusplant7374 wrote:
       | Is it possible to virtualize 32 bit?
         | zamadatix wrote:
         | Virtualize no, there is no hardware support for 32 bit ARM on
         | Apple Silicon. You can emulate it (32 bit ARM or x86) just fine
         | though. Emulating the whole OS will be relatively slow compared
         | to emulating just a userspace binary.
       | sergiomattei wrote:
       | Great post. This is a massive change: now we get macOS VMs with
       | full graphics performance and QE/CI.
       | This was impossible on Intel machines without PCI passthrough of
       | a compatible GPU (on a Hackintosh).
       | nsteel wrote:
       | Could the title of this piece also be "Why are arm VMs so
       | different?" or is this actually specific to Apple's chips?
       | Wouldn't anyone transitioning between two architectures while
       | maintaining compatibility be in the exact same situation?
       | I'm just curious what's special in this case (if anything).
         | neilalexander wrote:
         | The post is more about VirtIO than it is about the processor
         | architecture. VirtIO is not ARM-specific.
           | IMcD23 wrote:
           | It's not Apple Silicon specific either. I don't understand
           | the title. Maybe it should have been "Apple's virtualization
           | API and VirtIO driver support on Apple Silucon"
             | JohnBooty wrote:
             | Technically, no. Effectively, sort of. When they
             | transitioned to Apple Silicon they simultaneously
             | transitioned to Virtio.
               | bonzini wrote:
               | Indeed, Virtualization.framework already supported virtio
               | in guests before, but that's when they added host
               | drivers. By the way this:
               | > In the Virtio model, providing such support is the task
               | of the operating system, not the virtualiser.
               | is wrong. Virtualization.framework is a standard
               | implementation of a virtualiser that is shipped with
               | macOS, and while it includes virtio, it does not have to
               | be part of the OS; the same task can be done by anyone
               | (for example QEMU).
               | The low-level, OS-dependent part of virtualization
               | support is called Hypervisor.framework and it does not
               | have any knowledge of virtio.
       | mschuster91 wrote:
       | > Running older versions of macOS in a VM enables users to run
       | Intel-only apps long after Rosetta 2 support is dropped from the
       | current macOS
       | Now if they'd offer that _for x86 Windows guests_... I mean,
       | games are the obvious thing but I guess the architectural
       | differences between Apple 's PowerVR-family GPU and NV/AMD are
       | just too large, but there's a ton of software that only has
       | Windows binaries available and which I still need either an Intel
       | macOS device or an outright Windows device to run.
       | Yes I know UTM exists but it's unusably slow and the Windows
       | virtio drivers it ships are outright broken.
         | mort96 wrote:
         | Even if you could get Windows working, what good would ARM
         | Windows do?
         | Honestly, running virtualized x86_64 Steam (using something
         | like FEX) under Asahi Linux and using Proton seems like the
         | most fruitful way to play Windows games on Apple Silicon
         | hardware (at least once the GPU drivers mature).
           | nxobject wrote:
           | There's one obscure use case that won't work, sadly - people
           | who have to use proprietary binary only drivers! I've been
           | through hell trying to get Oculus Link to work.
           | mschuster91 wrote:
           | I meant x86 Windows of course. No other way to flash Samsung
           | or Mediatek phones, for example - the tools are all
           | proprietary and only run on Windows.
           | zamadatix wrote:
           | ARM Windows probably already does better than future
           | Asahi+Proton+FEX in that it includes a Rosetta2/FEX like
           | layer of it's own, is otherwise the native Windows without
           | needing to fake that interface, and e.g. Parallels already
           | has DX11 working through Metal without the need for a future
           | version of Asahi drivers combined with the layer in Proton.
           | The downside to either approach is anticheats. Games without
           | them can run great today, games with them can't run at all
           | because they are kernel level x86 code and emulating the
           | kernel architecture is too slow for games. It looks like
           | Windows is doing another ARM push with higher end chips and
           | less vendor exclusivity this time around - maybe that'll
           | finally get enough market penetration to make this less of an
           | issue going forward, at which point virtualized ARM Windows
           | could be nearly fully viable.
         | nottorp wrote:
         | > > Running older versions of macOS in a VM enables users to
         | run Intel-only apps long after Rosetta 2 support is dropped
         | from the current macOS
         | > Now if they'd offer that for x86 Windows guests...
         | Hmm the way i read it they're running older ARM versions of Mac
         | OS in the VMs. Not x86 versions. The virtualization
         | infrastructure doesn't do architecture translation, that is
         | done in software by the OS running inside the VM.
         | As for x86 games... they run pretty well with x86 crossover
         | emulating x86 windows that is then translated by rosetta 2 to
         | arm... is your head spinning yet?
       | andix wrote:
       | Doesn't Windows do it more or less the same?
       | A lot of Windows features depend on Hyper-V, once enabled Windows
       | is not booted directly any more, Hyper-V is started and the main
       | Windows system runs in a privileged VM.
       | All other VMs need to utilize the Hyper-V hypervisor, because
       | nested virtualization is not that well supported. So even VMware
       | then is just a front-end for Hyper-V.
         | neilalexander wrote:
         | You are right that Windows itself runs under Hyper-V as a guest
         | when virtualisation-based security is enabled and it even has
         | paravirtual devices that are not massively different to VirtIO.
         | I think your statement about VMware Workstation is right as of
         | today too with recent versions, although for a long time older
         | versions would simply refuse to start if it detected that
         | Hyper-V was enabled, presumably because it made assumptions
         | about the host virtualisation support.
           | andix wrote:
           | It's not just security features that need Hyper-V. Also WSL
           | (Linux on Windows) or the Android Subsystem (run any side
           | loaded app or anything from the Amazon App Store) need
           | Hyper-V. Both of them are super useful for me, more and more
           | things are iOS/Android App based only. Linux should speak for
           | itself.
             | ComputerGuru wrote:
             | Only WSLv2 needs (or uses) Hyper-V.
               | andix wrote:
               | But WSL1 is de-facto dead, although it is still
               | supported.
         | josephg wrote:
         | > Hyper-V is started and the main Windows system runs in a
         | privileged VM.
         | What are the performance implications of that?
           | abhinavk wrote:
           | Minor performance loss. 5% fps on average. MS recommends
           | turning it off if gaming is your primary use.
             | overstay8930 wrote:
             | Even then it's really not that much of a hit if you have
             | half-decent hardware, I've kept it on and I think the only
             | issue I saw was launch day BG3 and it would use much more
             | power from the wall than when I turned it off.
               | therein wrote:
               | Make sure to have Intel VT-x or AMD-V enabled too.
               | There are now a lot of BIOS flags that you can have set
               | to off by default that'll silently hinder performance.
         | RandomBK wrote:
         | Back when I ran Windows in a KVM VM for gaming, a lot of anti-
         | cheat systems didn't take kindly to running in a virtualized
         | environment.
         | Turning on HyperV to go KVM->HyperV->Windows effectively
         | 'laundered' my VM signature enough to satisfy the anticheats,
         | though the overall perf hit was ~10-15%.
           | beebeepka wrote:
           | Very interesting. I wonder what sort of (available) CPU would
           | be ideal for such a setup. A 7800x3D or 7950x. Also, was
           | there any hit on the GPU side?
             | declaredapple wrote:
             | Yeah I'm very curious as to how this effected 99%
             | framerates and frame pacing.
             | I suspect only a modest hit to average framerate, but I can
             | only imagine it hurt the actual max frametimes which make
             | it "feel choppy" even if the framerate is still higher then
             | your monitor's refresh rate.
             | RandomBK wrote:
             | More cache never hurts. I'd imagine there were GPU perf
             | gaps, though they were hard to distinguish from CPU-based
             | performance hits. The most notable issues were random
             | latency spikes caused by the multiple layers of
             | hypervisors, which interfered with some games and
             | occasionally caused audio/video desync on Youtube.
             | I ultimately tore down that setup and just swapped to dual-
             | boot. The steps needed to set up high-performance VFIO
             | (i.e. clearing enough contiguous RAM for 1GB Hugepages)
             | meant most of the benefits of VFIO never really
             | materialized for me.
         | rdedev wrote:
         | Is it possible to use hyper v directly? Like could I boot into
         | linux but switch over to Windows with just a key press? I'm
         | guessing no since its not in Microsoft interest to do so
           | ComputerGuru wrote:
           | Not with Hyper-V but the thing to be aware of is there is no
           | difference which you initially "boot into" since each is
           | essentially run at the same level.
           | You can install ESXi (free) to do what you are asking,
           | though.
             | andix wrote:
             | ESXi is a completely headless system, except some minimal
             | management UI/CLI there is no possibility to directly
             | interact with the VMs on the host system. At least that's
             | my understanding.
             | And I think a very similar thing can be archived with
             | Windows Server Core. Running Hyper-V with just a minimal
             | Windows installation for management, without the full
             | Windows UI.
               | ComputerGuru wrote:
               | Yeah, but it's configurable. I have it pull up the core
               | on a VGA card and then boot up my primary VM on a GPU.
           | andix wrote:
           | That's an interesting idea, to run Hyper-V completely without
           | Windows. I think it's not possible, at least not without some
           | substantial amount of hacking.
           | But it's no problem to run Linux on Hyper-V. It's a
           | hypervisor, off course you can start nearly any operating
           | system as a VM. You can also give the VM access to some
           | hardware components. But I don't think it's possible to get a
           | full native Linux desktop experience, with GPU/Screen,
           | Keyboard and Mouse connected to the host system.
           | Edit: this post seems to answer your question, not sure if
           | it's correct: https://superuser.com/a/1531799
             | als0 wrote:
             | You can soon run Linux on Hyper-V without Windows: https://
             | www.theregister.com/2021/02/17/linux_as_root_partiti...
         | moffkalast wrote:
         | > Hyper-V is started and the main Windows system runs in a
         | privileged VM
         | Wait it's all VMs? Always has been?! That is actual one
         | sentence horror.
           | lodovic wrote:
           | Sometimes it's hard to tell how many VMs there are between my
           | code and the actual hardware. It seems to be VMs all the way
           | down.
           | deaddodo wrote:
           | It hasn't always been, nor is it necessarily now. If you
           | enable Hyper-V, that will act as Hypervisor for your machine
           | and boot Windows by default. Applications that use it
           | (VMWare, for instance, or Microsoft ones like WSL2) will add
           | their own guests to the Hypervisor.
           | It is not the default configuration. And it wasn't even
           | installed before Windows 8.
             | andix wrote:
             | Isn't virtualization based security the default for Windows
             | 11? I only have upgraded Win 11 systems, so no idea what's
             | the default on a fresh installation.
         | edude03 wrote:
         | > A lot of Windows features depend on Hyper-V, once enabled
         | Windows is not booted directly any more, Hyper-V is started and
         | the main Windows system runs in a privileged VM.
         | Got a source for this? Not that I don't believe you but other
         | than for the Xbox I haven't seen/can't find any details about
         | this.
           | dgellow wrote:
           | Surprised you didn't find the information, it's covered in
           | details in Microsoft own docs:
           | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/hyper-v-
           | on-...
           | quote:
           | " In addition, if you have Hyper-V enabled, those latency-
           | sensitive, high-precision applications may also have issues
           | running in the host. This is because with virtualization
           | enabled, the host OS also runs on top of the Hyper-V
           | virtualization layer, just as guest operating systems do.
           | However, unlike guests, the host OS is special in that it has
           | direct access to all the hardware, which means that
           | applications with special hardware requirements can still run
           | without issues in the host OS."
           | From https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/hyper-
           | v-on-...
           | marshray wrote:
           | "Virtualization-Based Security: Enabled by Default"
           | https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/virtualization/virtua.
           | ..
       | transpute wrote:
       | Apple Silicon M2+ has hardware support for nested virtualization.
       | It's rumored [1] that 2024 iPad Pro will see price hikes of
       | $500-$700 to cover the OLED screen and increases in base
       | memory/storage. If a new iPad Magic Keyboard gains [2] an
       | aluminum shell that looks like a Macbook, that could put iPad Pro
       | into the price tier of Macbook Pros.
       | If 2024 iPad Pro + Magic Keyboard costs > Macbook Air + Mac Mini,
       | that may allow Apple to untie iPad Pro M3 nested virt for iOS,
       | macOS and Linux VMs.
       | [1] https://www.tomsguide.com/news/ipad-pro-2024
       | [2] https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/3/23857409/ipad-aluminum-
       | mag...
         | raccoonDivider wrote:
         | I don't understand why they're trying to turn iPads into
         | laptops. Just start from their existing laptops and make them
         | more mobile instead of trying to inflate a phone OS into
         | something that does the job? Is this about control over the
         | apps people can run?
           | transpute wrote:
           | Perhaps they are turning laptops into iPads. The
           | price/performance of Apple Silicon laptops was a descendant
           | of early iPad Pro SoCs, with current iPad Pros on M2. A
           | couple of years ago, MacOS on Apple Silicon gained the
           | ability to run iOS apps, either via the Mac appstore or by
           | copying .ipa files.
           | neilalexander wrote:
           | In many ways, an iPad with a keyboard is probably the perfect
           | home computer for people who don't really care about
           | computers and just have simple requirements. The apps that
           | people generally expect to find are there and a keyboard just
           | makes it that bit more comfortable to sit and bash out an
           | email or letter.
             | chongli wrote:
             | Yeah not to mention it's way easier to use than macOS.
             | Macs used to be so easy to use on Classic Mac OS. Mac OS X
             | really left a lot of people behind on the usability front.
             | It became much more of a power user OS. Then iPads came
             | along and stole that group (of ordinary users) away.
             | But now it seems they're adding more and more power user
             | features to iOS, complicating things again (with even less
             | discoverability due to complex gestures). History seems to
             | be repeating itself.
               | user_7832 wrote:
               | As someone who's never used MacOS fulltime, what did OS9
               | do better than X? I've found modern MacOS fairly similar
               | to windows in common tasks and interface.
               | nottorp wrote:
               | That's the problem. For example modern MacOS has in your
               | face notifications and allows applications in the
               | background to steal focus.
               | I gather classic Mac OS was done so you can get on with
               | whatever you're doing and nothing bothered you.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | This is easily remedied.
               | https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/turn-a-focus-on-
               | or-...
               | nottorp wrote:
               | No. It should be the default. And I bet it only refers to
               | notifications, not to other applications stealing focus
               | (as in bring themselves to the foreground) from the one
               | you're into because they think they're damn important.
               | raccoonDivider wrote:
               | Do Not Disturb by default is a question of taste and use
               | case, they probably brought to the desktop what people
               | seemed to like on mobile devices.
               | Applications stealing focus is a plague though. Maybe
               | Apple will finally figure out that it's not worth having
               | in their API.
               | neilalexander wrote:
               | Going somewhat off-topic here but classic Mac OS had very
               | precise human interface guidelines[1] which strongly
               | emphasised repeatable behaviours and recognisable
               | patterns. For that matter, so did earlier versions of
               | Windows[2]. A lot of thought went into visual cues and
               | design elements so that things looked and acted
               | predictably system-wide and they were designed so that it
               | would always be obvious which elements were and weren't
               | interactive.
               | Both Apple and Microsoft have regressed in this respect.
               | Minimalism and prettiness have taken priority over
               | usability in both modern macOS and modern Windows and
               | they are far more inconsistent and harder to learn to use
               | as a result. Often something that you learn in one place
               | place or app now doesn't work in another.
               | In Apple's case this has been mostly as a result of their
               | efforts to make macOS and iOS more alike and to share
               | applications/components across the two, which often
               | creates weird-feeling results and awkward app designs. In
               | Microsoft's case this is mostly because they have more UI
               | frameworks than sense and each new one introduces more
               | problems than solutions. Electron-adjacent apps probably
               | don't help matters either, since they also generally
               | break all of the platform rules and implement their own
               | UI controls anyway.
               | [1] https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.5555/573097 [2]
               | https://ics.uci.edu/~kobsa/courses/ICS104/course-
               | notes/Micro...
             | beeboobaa wrote:
             | Sure, if you want to breed even more generations of
             | computer illiterates. We should be encouraging people to
             | learn about the computers they use so they can do actually
             | useful stuff with it later in their life. Not just "hey
             | here's an app, now go make me more money by looking at ads"
               | matwood wrote:
               | Someone using their phone or tablet with a keyboard to
               | get things done is far from computer illiterate. For the
               | majority of the population computers are a tool. Knowing
               | deeply how they work is about as important as knowing
               | deeply how their car works.
               | beeboobaa wrote:
               | If all they ever have access to is phones then their
               | world consists solely of software they have been allowed
               | to install by their platform overlords. Even if they had
               | the urge to try and create something themselves, they
               | would be forbidden from doing so.
               | Just keep consuming those ads and don't think about it.
               | anonymousab wrote:
               | > their world consists solely of software they have been
               | allowed to install by their platform overlords
               | The same will be true of most cars within a generation,
               | and is effectively true for most car owners now; they do
               | not really know how to do much with their car beyond
               | drive it, use the infotainment as-is and bring it in for
               | repair when anything seems off.
               | beeboobaa wrote:
               | Yes, everything is being fucked by the drive for profit.
               | nottorp wrote:
               | > Someone using their phone or tablet with a keyboard to
               | get things done
               | ... if you don't get a lot of things done.
               | The main quality of a laptop is the keyboard is solidly
               | attached to the screen. That means you can use it
               | anywhere and you don't need to dedicate a desk like space
               | for the keyboard.
               | With an iPad you need a stand, space for the keyboard and
               | then you're close to the space taken by a monitor with
               | peripherals and a desktop under the desk. Might as well
               | get a desktop then since it's more powerful.
               | It may be useful for tasks that only need a keyboard 1%
               | of the time though.
               | RunSet wrote:
               | > Someone using their phone or tablet with a keyboard to
               | get things done is far from computer illiterate.
               | Full literacy involves writing, not just reading. At one
               | point the same held for computer literacy. I would not
               | call someone "literate" if they could only read words
               | they already recognized from viewing forms and their
               | writing ability was limited to filling out those forms
               | using a limited but appropriate vocabulary. I would
               | likewise not consider someone computer literate if they
               | were limited to using software written by others.
               | For more eloquent words in this vein:
               | https://citejournal.org/volume-2/issue-3-02/seminal-
               | articles...
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | Does this apply to cars/appliances/medical equipment/any
               | other tools?
               | I don't see anything wrong with people excelling at some
               | tasks, such as CAD/medicine/construction/editing
               | media/law/etc, and not excelling at understanding all the
               | details about how their tools work.
               | beeboobaa wrote:
               | Yes. Cars are turning into pieces of shit that need a
               | subscription because techbros made them too complicated
               | for an average person to understand. Appliances, same
               | story. Techbros are turning goddamn printers into a
               | subscription service.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | I guess I will have to disagree. My cars have been
               | lasting longer and longer, and the cost per mile keeps
               | going down.
               | My appliances have also been working fine for 5+ years.
               | LG inverter motor is dead silent in my fridge, and I get
               | the benefits of having a French door fridge on top and
               | freezer drawer on the bottom. Same for all the other
               | appliances I have too. I don't expect them to last 20
               | years, but as long as I get 5 to 10, I'm ok with it
               | considering the price I paid.
               | My brother printers have been working fine for many
               | years, and at least as of 2021, the MFC printers did not
               | need a subscription.
               | Maybe things have changed and I haven't needed to buy
               | anything in the last couple years.
               | beeboobaa wrote:
               | > Maybe things have changed and I haven't needed to buy
               | anything in the last couple years.
               | It has. Good luck finding a new printer that doesn't
               | (figuratively) spit in your face repeatedly.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | I have this one and it works great. No subscription
               | needed or any funny business.
               | https://www.brother-usa.com/products/mfcl2710dw
           | ako wrote:
           | How would you make a laptop more mobile? I think they've gone
           | too small and too thin in the past, now settling on larger
           | laptops.
           | If i didn't need to program on my computer, i'd use an ipad
           | as a single computing device for everything. It's perfect for
           | couch consumption, and with stage manager, an external
           | bluetooth keyboard and mouse, it's more than adequate for
           | anything else you'd expect from a computer: office, photo and
           | video editing and watching, internet browsing, email, etc.
           | For 95% of all use cases, the ipad already is the best
           | laptop.
           | rtpg wrote:
           | ipad touchscreen is good for reading documents and the like.
           | While I've been a bit of a "make Macbooks with touchscreens
           | you cowards" person, iOS (iPad OS but w/e) has a _lot_ of
           | nice affordances that are centered around getting you quickly
           | to your work in a couple of taps, and not futzing about with
           | typing things in.
           | The thing I always think about: how fast it is to play an MP3
           | from "device in pocket" state with an MP3 player vs a
           | computer (or my phone!). iOS affordances around that are
           | good.
           | Having said that... maybe there's a new shell that MacOS
           | could use to get there. They seem to be trying with some
           | changes though I don't really enjoy the changes so far
             | gumby wrote:
             | > The thing I always think about: how fast it is to play an
             | MP3 from "device in pocket" state with an MP3 player vs a
             | computer (or my phone!). iOS affordances around that are
             | good.
             | This is a very important metric! Jeff Hawkins famously
             | walked around with a piece of wood in his pocket the
             | planned size of the Palm Pilot, and when he wanted to do
             | something (write down a note) he would work through how
             | many key presses it would take on the new device. His limit
             | was three.
             | When I tried a BlackBerry I was infuriated by how many key
             | presses everything took. What a horrible experience.
             | > Having said that... maybe there's a new shell that MacOS
             | could use to get there
             | Like it or not, Apple's plan for this remains Siri.
           | jxdxbx wrote:
           | I use a combo of desktop computers with giant screens and an
           | iPad. I like this better than having a laptop. I don't think
           | the traditional multi-window paradigm works well on a very
           | small screen (though I am aware it was invented for tiny
           | screens!). When I'm mobile I prefer to have just one app at a
           | time, or at most Stage Manager.
           | The biggest problems I run into with iPadOS are not related
           | to the OS, but stripped-down apps, or apps that don't use the
           | file picker and other iPad features. In a few cases I have to
           | use web apps (which work perfectly) instead of iPad apps, for
           | example with Google Docs, since the iPad apps are more like
           | stripped-down phone apps.
             | jwells89 wrote:
             | Agree that my biggest gripe with iPadOS is third party apps
             | that don't take advantage of the platform. Cross-platform
             | apps are the most notorious, usually being stretched out
             | phone apps rather than proper tablet apps.
             | It's still a far sight better than the Android tablet
             | situation though, where stretched out phone apps are the
             | norm instead of the exception.
         | danieldk wrote:
         | _It 's rumored [1] that 2024 iPad Pro will see price hikes of
         | $500-$700 to cover the OLED screen and increases in base
         | memory/storage._
         | I am surprised that such a price hike is necessary. You can buy
         | a new Galaxy Tab S9 with an excellent OLED screen from Amazon
         | for $740.
         |  _If 2024 iPad Pro + Magic Keyboard costs as much as Macbook
         | Air + Mac Mini, hopefully that will allow Apple to untie the
         | iPad and allow it to run iOS, macOS and Linux VMs._
         | Unlikely. Apple is in the business of selling you a MacBook,
         | iPhone and iPad. Even more now update cycles are slowing down.
         | So, it's pretty unlikely that they'd go the route of Samsung
         | DeX (which allows you to use a phone or tablet as a desktop).
         | (Yes, I know that you can hook up an iPad to an external
         | screen, but it is not really a full desktop experience.)
           | transpute wrote:
           | _> I am surprised that such a price hike is necessary._
           | They are adding a 12.9 inch iPad Air, so they have an
           | opportunity to differentiate iPad Pros from Air to justify
           | the price difference, https://www.imore.com/ipad/ipad-
           | air/129-inch-ipad-air-on-tra...                 The grand
           | plans include a supersized iPad Air for the first time, and
           | it seems like we're on track to see it launch in March 2024.
           | Display analyst Ross Young has confirmed that the display
           | shipments of the 12.9-inch iPad Air began in December.
           | _> you can hook up an iPad to an external screen, but it is
           | not really a full desktop experience._
           | Stage Manager does inch closer to a desktop experience, with
           | apps in movable windows. Imagine a macOS VM in a large window
           | on external monitor, alongside a small iOS app/VM window.
           | With a cheap USB-C capture card, an external video or camera
           | input can appear in an app window.
           |  _> Apple is in the business of selling you a Macbook, iPhone
           | and iPad_
           | If Apple can get same-or-better margins/revenue than
           | Macbook+iPad with an iPad Pro, with less physical hardware
           | thanks to virtualization, why not save on atoms and shipping?
           | The iPad Pro has long been overpowered for the few iOS-
           | approved use cases. Virtualization would finally unlock that
           | power. Avoids carrying multiple devices. Eliminates any
           | dependency on sidecar Raspberry Pi or cloud VM for Linux
           | workloads.
           | jwells89 wrote:
           | It's rumored that the OLED panel used in the new iPad
           | revision won't be a bog standard OLED, but instead a variant
           | that emphasizes longevity and burn-in resistance by stacking
           | two OLED layers atop each other (on top of the usual binning
           | Apple does). That makes the price hike sound more plausible.
           | Xylakant wrote:
           | > (Yes, I know that you can hook up an iPad to an external
           | screen, but it is not really a full desktop experience.)
           | I have defaulted to iPad as mobile computer for a while now,
           | instead of carrying a laptop around. It works well enough for
           | most office tasks, with some trickery even for light on-call
           | support. And it's definitely improving over time. The major
           | pain point for me is currently file management.
             | overstay8930 wrote:
             | Why not just use a MacBook Air or something? It's basically
             | the same price.
             | I tried switching to iPad and the only thing I keep
             | thinking about was "this is just my Mac, but worse in every
             | single way"
               | Xylakant wrote:
               | I use the small iPad Pro, even the MacBook Air doesn't
               | come close in terms of weight and form factor. I did use
               | the tiny MacBook Air, and I'd love a 12" MacBook, but
               | they no longer exist.
               | On top of that, the combination of iPad, pen and
               | paperlike screen protector is really nice for taking
               | notes. The option to undock from the keyboard and just
               | take the tablet is also nice.
               | I agree that it's worse on pretty much every other metric
               | and that it's an optimization for one specific metric,
               | but it's workable.
               | And plugged into a decent screen, it's pretty ok for most
               | office tasks.
               | Marsymars wrote:
               | > Why not just use a MacBook Air or something? It's
               | basically the same price.
               | Not the person you posed the question to, but my
               | reasoning is mostly that my MacBook Air is docked with my
               | desktop peripherals when I'm home, and it's cumbersome to
               | undock/redock it all the time, so I use my iPad if I'm
               | not at my desk. If I need to do something that I can't do
               | on my iPad, then I walk to my desk where I have a proper
               | mouse/keyboard/monitor. I only undock my MacBook every
               | few months when I'm travelling and need a real computer
               | on the go.
           | beeboobaa wrote:
           | Of course it's not necessary, but when apple sees a way to
           | gouge for more money, they do it.
         | rafaelmn wrote:
         | > hopefully that will allow Apple to untie the iPad and allow
         | it to run iOS, macOS and Linux VMs.
         | Why would they do that ? They want their 30% on everything you
         | install on iOS.
           | transpute wrote:
           | _> 30% on everything you install on iOS_
           | That's likely changing soon in EU and Japan.
           | https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Technology/Japan-to-
           | crack-d...
           |  _> The Japanese government sees this model as solidifying
           | the companies ' dominance in the mobile market. The
           | legislation aims to force them to allow third-party app
           | stores and payment systems as long as they are secure and
           | protect user privacy. Japanese companies would be able to run
           | dedicated game stores on iOS devices, as well as use payment
           | systems with lower fees from Japanese fintech companies._
           | https://www.computerworld.com/article/3711375/coming-soon-
           | to...
           |  _> You download an app from Apple's App Store and then use
           | it to access the enterprise app store. There's still a step
           | where Apple inserts itself -- the enterprise app store is
           | itself an app that Apple has vetted and allowed in its own
           | App Store. Most likely Apple will want alternatives to its
           | App Store to work the same way._
           | ink404 wrote:
           | likely they want to support using Xcode to develop apps on
           | iPad
           | MissTake wrote:
           | That changed years ago.
           | Most developers now see a 15% hit, only going to 30% once
           | they've hit certain thresholds.
             | zamadatix wrote:
             | While that's somewhat not as horrible for new developers I
             | wonder how far that actually puts Apple's average cut from
             | 30% (in terms of revenue not developer count) or how much
             | it changes the point that it's nowhere near 0%.
         | NikolaNovak wrote:
         | I am a person outside of apple ecosystem that has to use iPhone
         | and occasionally iPad for work.
         | Question : how do you manage your files?
         | My wife hears a primeval scream from our home office every 3
         | months when I determine to try to get files off my iPhone
         | (voice memos, photos, downloads, whatever) or God forbid put
         | files _on_.
         | Even worse screams when I try to manage files on device such as
         | "delete all photos" (cannot.be.done).
         | And I degenerate into gurgles when I try to find or manage
         | different files (a downloaded jpeg is "not" a photo and cannot
         | be found via photos app,has been my bitterly learned
         | experience. Because reasons).
         | I know modern generations are more comfy outside of
         | hierarchical folder / file structure and treat their device
         | like a massive database, which, fine in principle. But after 4
         | years of iphone usage I still see it as a massive black hole
         | where files go in but don't come out. So I... Cringe with
         | terrified shakes when people talk about iPads for work. How do
         | your organize your files on them? How do you manage and
         | transfer and version control?
         | Or am I a dinosaur and everybody's files are emephereally in
         | the google or apple cloud and it's just not a problem, things
         | are magically right and where they need to be?
           | matwood wrote:
           | For photos, either Photos app or Lightroom cloud is what I
           | have used. I have a usb-c sd card reader that I use to upload
           | photos onto the iPad. From there they end up on all my
           | devices. The nice thing is this works if I instead upload
           | them onto my MBP or took pictures with my iPhone.
           | For files, iCloud has worked fine.
           | Personally, I don't want to think about moving files from one
           | device to another. I want them available on all devices
           | regardless of where they were created/added.
           | oblio wrote:
           | No, people just suffer in silence.
           | There are famous Youtubers like MKBHD that more or less every
           | year say:
           | "The new iPad is great, the hardware is awesome, I use the
           | iPad a ton, but I can't use it to replace a laptop because of
           | the lack of file management/window management/...".
           | I have heard this text in similar forms for at least 3 years.
           | You can make do, but it is as awkward as you'd expect.
           | The only winning entity is Apple, that gets people to also
           | buy laptops and to be even more locked into this crippled
           | setup, since as you said, younger generations aren't as aware
           | of the possibilities, anymore.
             | teaearlgraycold wrote:
             | I don't think MacOS is a crippled system. Agreed that
             | trying to use an iPad as a primary device is torture. But,
             | compared to Windows, MacOS is comparably accommodating of
             | my needs as a developer.
               | rjzzleep wrote:
               | Is it though? I mean, I do remember the same, but I just
               | booted into Win 11 after buying a GPD Win and it looks
               | nice. Microsoft seems to have resigned itself to the fact
               | that as a developer you should use WSL2.
               | If you do any kind of docker related development you will
               | inevitably install something similar to WSL2 using docker
               | desktop or whatever. Technically it now supports native
               | containers, but we're not there yet.
               | nottorp wrote:
               | WSL2 is also a virtual machine isn't it? It virtualizes
               | x86 linux on x86 windows, kinda seamlessly, but still
               | that's all it is.
               | rjzzleep wrote:
               | Which is exactly what docker desktop on macOS does as
               | well. Unless you're doing iOS or macOS development,
               | contrary to common belief WSL2 is actually integrated
               | better than it's mac counterparts. You can even mount
               | other linux partitions into WSL.
               | nottorp wrote:
               | Docker desktop is a piece of crap on macOS. It allocates
               | half your ram for a linux VM and then allocates other
               | linux VMs inside it. If you're doing servers, that's 7+
               | Gb of ram wasted since your work VMs will at most use
               | hundreds of megabytes.
               | I sure hope WSL does better :)
               | teaearlgraycold wrote:
               | I like the MBP hardware. I think once I feel comfortable
               | relying on Asahi it would be nice to run that instead of
               | MacOS.
           | jxdxbx wrote:
           | I manage files on my iPad (and iPhone) with Files and iCloud
           | Drive. It's been around for a while! The problem is that many
           | apps are still stuck in 2015. But for apps that support it,
           | using the Files file picker is no different than using the
           | Mac file picker and Finder. You open files, you save them,
           | they sync. Some apps do default to their own folder in iCloud
           | Drive, but that folder can be accessed by any other app and
           | is also available on the desktop.
           | Sadly third-party support for Files plugins is not what it
           | should be (Google Drive is so incomplete I don't know why
           | they even bother). The major cloud services want you using
           | their apps, I guess.
           | But Secure Shellfish does it perfectly so my Windows media
           | server is available as a "file system" on my iPhone and iPad
           | via SFTP.
           | overstay8930 wrote:
           | Why would you use an iPhone if you don't want to use iCloud?
           | That is the entire point of buying into the Apple ecosystem.
             | r3d0c wrote:
             | so you have to pay apple an ongoing fee to be able to
             | manage your own files?
             | does that seem rational?
             | also such a weird line of thought that buying a single
             | apple product isn't enough to be able to use it properly,
             | and that any criticism of apple is just "us plebs using it
             | wrong and not paying them more money"
               | DavidPastrnak wrote:
               | You don't have to pay Apple to manage your files. You can
               | manage them with a traditional file manager if you'd like
               | akin to any other device.
               | If you want cloud storage, Apple provides free iCloud
               | storage that will keep everything synced across your
               | devices. There is an upper limit to the free tier space,
               | at which you can purchase additional storage or move to a
               | cloud platform of your choice.
               | nottorp wrote:
               | Considering how much of a premium you pay for the
               | iPhones, that upper limit is stingy like hell.
               | And Apple's marketing ain't great either. They push your
               | photos to iCloud by default, which fills the free space
               | instantly, then when you try to turn that off they give
               | you a vague and threatening message that your photos will
               | be lost.
               | Marketing by threats will make me to at best give money
               | to the competition.
               | DavidPastrnak wrote:
               | Do you have the text from the message that says all of
               | your photos will be lost? I've never seen it.
               | nottorp wrote:
               | Yeah right, I'm hallucinating and so is my wife. More
               | likely, you consider this type of sales copy normal and
               | didn't notice it.
               | DavidPastrnak wrote:
               | I use the Apple one family plan which is 2TB of storage
               | so I've likely simply never seen it.
             | NikolaNovak wrote:
             | But I do have and pay for Icloud.
             | And then what? There's a dozen messages here that say
             | "Icloud" and I guess that's the point, people use cloud and
             | done care for details. But I do! I want to offload the
             | files and put them on my NAS and on my backup off site
             | drive and manage and organize them. Icloud is not a step in
             | that direction (maybe it is if you have a Mac laptop but
             | while point here is discussing iphone and iPad as their own
             | devices.).
           | alberth wrote:
           | iCloud.
           | Dropbox is a close 2nd, but won't do everything you described
           | (like download folder) - but iCloud will.
             | r3d0c wrote:
             | pay apple again to be able to manage your own files, lol..
               | alberth wrote:
               | iCloud is free (up to 5GB). That seems fair.
               | https://www.apple.com/icloud/#:~:text=Is%20there%20a%20fr
               | ee%....
               | Which mobile platform provides unlimited/better for no
               | cost?
               | InCityDreams wrote:
               | >Which mobile platform provides unlimited/better for no
               | cost?
               | Could you explain how it is free?
               | I mean, could it be possible that the _actual cost_ of
               | the  'free' icloud is built into the prices/ cost of the
               | device(s) you originally purchased (so that you can store
               | your stuff in the icloud)?
               | smoldesu wrote:
               | > Which mobile platform provides unlimited/better for no
               | cost?
               | For one, Android. I use Syncthing; my phone reports that
               | I've synced 27gb of local state to my PC and laptop
               | without me paying a dime.
               | Caveat being, you have to use a mobile platform that
               | doesn't prevent third-parties from integrating with the
               | OS. iCloud's quality is almost besides the point when
               | Apple uses their software control to ensure a feature-
               | complete alternative can't exist.
               | ylk wrote:
               | Your phone manufacturer gave you a box with syncthing +
               | storage for free with purchase of your device?
               | Nextcloud also works on iOS, integrates with the Files
               | app and was always able to sync photos right after I took
               | them.
             | foobiekr wrote:
             | I spent yesterday recovering some files that had silently
             | reverted to October 2023 versions on - no kidding -
             | December 24th. I only noticed it yesterday morning when I
             | opened a spreadsheet and was absolutely baffled.
             | This is the second time iCloud has fucked me. As much as I
             | want to use it I no longer trust it.
             | NikolaNovak wrote:
             | "Icloud" and... Then what? I pay for Icloud and I still
             | cannot manage files or offload them easily. I have 50k
             | photos by now because I've struggled for years, so any tip
             | that starts with "drag select photos and then..." can
             | bugger off :-))))
             | I've installed the monster of iTunes on my windows and that
             | shucked remaining life out of me. Then I installed Icloud
             | for Windows or whatever it was called and I oscillated
             | between murdering myself and others. It just doesn't work.
             | At best I was able to slowly drag and select 1000 photos at
             | a time to get crippled small version of the files.
           | DavidPastrnak wrote:
           | icloud keeps everything synced across my devices seamlessly -
           | M1 Air, iPhone, and iPad.
           | zx8080 wrote:
           | Why do you need files out? Just buy more iCloud storage. Or
           | how is it supposed to work in iEcoSystem?
             | NikolaNovak wrote:
             | I assume you're sarcastic but I already pay for Icloud and
             | it doesn't help me meaningfully manage files or move them
             | out of apple ecosystem :-(
           | GeekyBear wrote:
           | The Files app can connect to various cloud services / local
           | servers by adding locations.
           | For example, you can add a location for a folder shared via
           | SMB from your Windows based computer.
           | https://osxdaily.com/2019/11/04/how-connect-smb-share-
           | iphone...
           | TheCoreh wrote:
           | The Files app allows storing files locally, and mounting
           | network shares. You can also seamlessly copy and paste files
           | (via handoff) between macOS and iOS.
           | I typically just hit Cmd+C on the Mac and long press+Paste on
           | Files on the iPhone. If you are using the iPad with an
           | external mouse or trackpad you can also drag and drop it
           | directly to the Mac.
           | As for the distinction between random JPEG files and the
           | Photos app, I think that's actually quite good. I don't get
           | my gallery littered with random images, and it also supports
           | non destructive editing, among other features. Moving between
           | the two is also fairly easy, you can use the Share sheet or
           | just drag and drop.
           | The one thing I would change is that screenshots end up in
           | Photos.app by default, I'd rather have them go to Files.
             | NikolaNovak wrote:
             | Thx for your reply!
             | >> As for the distinction between random JPEG files and the
             | Photos app, I think that's actually quite good.
             | Please don't take this personally, but that always
             | terrifies me. It's like modern apple owner "sour grapes"
             | fable - "I actually love this random limits tion, it makes
             | my life much easier " and I hear it a lot! If I right click
             | and save photo in some apps or websites it is in photos
             | app, but in random other apps _that same file_ is no longer
             | a photo. How 's that good? There are a million ways to "not
             | clutter" that are better. Folder might be one but if that's
             | anathema, then albums or tags. It's a completely random
             | subset of things that end up being photos vs not, seemingly
             | based on location or tags that arr neither visible or
             | accessible to me as a user. I get that this is "good" for
             | some people, I am clearly not in that group though.
             | Re ease of copying files, does _any_ of that work if you
             | don 't have a Mac? Context of conversation here is iPhone /
             | iPad as independent working devices and ability to transfer
             | files without a Mac OS device. I am readily convinced that
             | if I bought whole heartedly into apple ecosystem and only
             | apple,my life would be easier along some axis, but that's
             | not a life I lead - I have the black box of iphone and I
             | cannot for example delete all photos on it in any way that
             | I could find including in the app, in the settings, via
             | apple support or apple store creepily smiling people :-/.
               | TheCoreh wrote:
               | Not taking it personally, :-) I 100% understand why you
               | might also prefer it the other way.
               | The weird "some apps save it to Photos while others save
               | it to Files" situation is a consequence of Files being a
               | relatively late addition to the iOS ecosystem. A lot of
               | apps are poorly maintained, use some cross platform
               | framework that doesn't support the Files feature well, or
               | the developers are simply unaware of the distinction. It
               | will probably get better over time.
               | One thing Apple could do in the mean time is to also
               | expose Photos as a folder view inside of Files (they do
               | this on macOS, to some extent, on the file pickers. I've
               | never actually used it)
               | Re: Transferring it to a PC, the one thing that won't
               | work is the seamless copy and paste via handoff. You can
               | plug in a USB stick into an iPad or iPhone (using an
               | adapter for pre-15 models, or if the USB stick is USB-A)
               | formatted as exFAT and it should just work.
               | AFAIK, there isn't a single button to delete all photos,
               | probably to avoid people doing it accidentally. You'll
               | need to manually select all photos and hit delete. Or you
               | can also write a small script via the Shortcuts app to
               | delete them for you.
           | PlunderBunny wrote:
           | Re: delete all photos, did you know that - if you are viewing
           | a list of photos in an 'album' - you can click the Select
           | button at the top right corner of the screen and then drag-
           | select all the files? It's quite tricky to do - you have to
           | tap to select the first file, then touch and immediately drag
           | to do the second file onwards. Took me years to discover this
           | by accident - it's the most fiddly/weird/hidden feature in an
           | operating system that has become increasingly full of them.
             | NikolaNovak wrote:
             | I thank you for your reply, but are you trying to tell me
             | drag selecting 50k photos is the way to go?
             | (And if people start screaming "why do you have 50k on your
             | phone??!?", I'll start screaming right back "because I
             | cannot offload or manage or delete them!!!" :-)
           | jahewson wrote:
           | > Or am I a dinosaur and everybody's files are emephereally
           | in the google or apple cloud and it's just not a problem,
           | things are magically right and where they need to be?
           | Yep! Use iCloud and unburden yourself from ever thinking
           | about files again.
           | callalex wrote:
           | I have a shared iCloud folder with my dad with a few .mp4s in
           | it that will consistently cause a hard crash on any iOS
           | device by just...viewing the folder in Files. It crashes so
           | hard that the entire system locks up and you can't close the
           | app, and holding down the power button doesn't work to
           | restart. You have to wait for the device to actually overheat
           | and then shut itself off to cool down before you can bring it
           | up again.
         | zamadatix wrote:
         | $500-$700 rumour sounds like something to get you to click and
         | share their article rather than an honest estimate. Their logic
         | for the two numbers is the panel is estimated to cost $250-$350
         | (depending on size) and they estimate a 50% profit margin on
         | the iPads so the base model will be 2*$[250,350]=$[500,700]
         | more... which means they must calculate the existing screen to
         | be completely free? They don't mention anything about the base
         | specs increasing in that root article but even if they did
         | that's not clear to be an actual increase in production cost.
         | It's a newer device after all.
         | I expect a price increase of some sort, it's the safe thing to
         | bet on and anybody else could safely write about that too, but
         | I'm already disappointed how much time I've spent talking about
         | a clickbait future Apple device rumour news article which
         | attempts to create the worst possible number they think they
         | can get away with claiming as realistic.
       | blikdak wrote:
       | AI generated nonsense, transition from intel to arm architecture
       | has nothing to do with virtio.
         | Klonoar wrote:
         | ...you actually think a notable Apple-centric blog is AI-
         | generated nonsense?
         | Am I reading this right?
           | bonzini wrote:
           | It does have a lot of confusing or downright wrong content.
           | Saying that it's hallucinations is in some sense a compliment
           | to the author...
         | AshamedCaptain wrote:
         | The article is literally contentless. It doesn't answer its own
         | question. I don't know if its AI generated or a marketing fluff
         | piece. Virtio is nothing but an interface/protocol and won't
         | magically make your VMs any different -- in fact it was already
         | commonly used in x86 VMs.
       | WanderPanda wrote:
       | My great confusion is why docker ---platform linux/amd64 is so
       | much faster (almost native performance) than x86 UTM VMs. Can
       | docker somehow leverage Rosetta?
         | koenigdavidmj wrote:
         | Docker runs an ARM kernel and uses qemu in user mode on the
         | individual binary level. Anything CPU-bound is emulated, but as
         | soon as you do a system call, you're back in native land, so
         | I/O bound stuff should run decently.
         | jbverschoor wrote:
         | Ditch Docket.. Orbstack is fast..
         | steeve wrote:
         | It does yes, Apple provides Rosetta for Linux:
         | https://developer.apple.com/documentation/virtualization/run...
         | cpuguy83 wrote:
         | Yes, Docker can leverage Rosetta. I haven't used Docker Desktop
         | in a bit (b/c I end up doing my work in a VM on Azure since I
         | work on Azure), but not too long ago there was an option to
         | enable it in the settings panel, not sure if it's default or
         | not these days.
         | Any Linux VM can use Rosetta[1] you just need to enable it when
         | booting the vm. This creates a shared directory in the vm that
         | you need to mount and then register Rosetta with binfmt_misc
         | (same way Docker uses qemu).
         | [1]
         | https://developer.apple.com/documentation/virtualization/run...
           | MBCook wrote:
           | I remember seeing it was out of beta in the release notes of
           | Docker Desktop not too long ago.
         | arianvanp wrote:
         | Note that UTM also supports rosetta. Boot up an aarch64 image
         | with Rosetta support and then load the mounted binfmt handler.
         | Now you can run x86 binaries on your aarch64 UTM VM. Works
         | flawlessly.
         | If you use NixOS you can simply enable
         | https://search.nixos.org/options?channel=23.11&show=virtuali...
       | eptcyka wrote:
       | Daily reminders that apple only allows 2 concurrent virtualised
       | instances of macOS to run on their hardware.
         | arianvanp wrote:
         | Is that a technical or a contractual limitation?
         | edit: I fucked around and found out:
         | The number of virtual machines exceeds the limit. The maximum
         | supported number of active virtual machines has been reached.
           | ComputerGuru wrote:
           | Use a better hypervisor like ESXi (but I don't think a
           | different hyoervisor is available for Apple silicon).
       | caycep wrote:
       | Do all commercial desktop VMs - VMWare fusion/parallels/UTM/Vimy
       | now use this virtio model?
       | in theory win arm64 should run roughtly the same for all?
       | janandonly wrote:
       | Owh waawh. I see this article mentions drivers written by Rusty
       | Russell, who I encourage everyone to follow on twitter (he is
       | @rusty_twit) for his deep insights into software development.
       | svdr wrote:
       | I wanted to use a MacOS VM with Parallels for development. It is
       | very easy to install and runs fast, but it's impossible to sign
       | in with an Apple ID, which severely limits its use.
         | sneak wrote:
         | Severely? I use macOS directly on hardware without an Apple ID
         | as my daily driver.
         | It works fine.
       | chaxor wrote:
       | Man is this the case.
       | I have been trying to figure out how to have a single command to
       | make a Qemu VM on an M2 Apple silicon chip for like a _year_
       | without much luck.
       | All I want is to run something like Alpine Linux + Sway WM on
       | Qemu while on macOS or AsahiLinux with one command on cli.
       | On x86-64 its fairly simple :(
         | hinkley wrote:
         | I think this is basically what Colima is doing, if you're
         | willing to run docker containers to get it
           | chaxor wrote:
           | It would be silly to install Colima for this though.
           | If the argument is that Colima --calls--> Lima --calls--> {a
           | ton of different things including kubernetes and docker and
           | ...} --calls--> a QEMU command somewhere deep in the code,
           | then the _only_ thing that is required here is QEMU. Not
           | kubernetes or any other junk on top that just adds complexity
           | and potential insecurity.
           | One QEMU command should be all that's required.
         | r-bar wrote:
         | Lima (1) is a project that packages Linux distros for MacOS and
         | executes them via qemu in the backend. Maybe you could solve
         | your problem by launching one of their vms and inspecting the
         | command line it generates. You might find an option you were
         | missing.
         | (1) https://github.com/lima-vm/lima
           | chaxor wrote:
           | I'll check this out. There are many different systems out
           | there like UTM and such, but I want the most basic /
           | _minimal_ amount of dependencies, which will work basically
           | anywhere - which is just QEMU. Not UTM, or maybe parallels,
           | sometimes Lima, for Mac and then virtualbox for windows, and
           | QEMU Linux type of nonsense. Just QEMU should suffice
           | everywhere, and it 's much more secure that way.
       | Erratic6576 wrote:
       | I wish every OS user logged in their isolated VM of the OS. This
       | way, Adobe could install all their bloatware and take control of
       | their user and I could keep ownership of my Apple's computer
         | curt15 wrote:
         | Isn't that roughly what Qubes OS provides?
           | deusum wrote:
           | Qubes does allow creating a VM for just about any program or
           | service. But, in my experience, it suffers from latency. So,
           | while fine for web browsing, it wasn't too keen on playing
           | videos. YMMV of course, but Adobe products are already hogs
           | without the emu layer.
         | jdewerd wrote:
         | What's sad is that processes are already virtual machines, they
         | just need to have a better permissions system. What's _really_
         | sad is that for the most part those better permissions systems
         | have been built (namespaces /cgroups on linux, gatekeeper on
         | Mac OS) but nobody figured out how to expose that to end users
         | before the business people figured out that there were
         | trillions of dollars available if you charged rent to centrally
         | manage it.
         | We were so close. Sigh.
           | lox wrote:
           | Is this not essentially what docker did with cgroups? It's
           | incredibly tricky securing containers, I'm not at all
           | confident process only sandboxes would be adequate.
             | theossuary wrote:
             | There's a big difference between securing containers, and
             | using them to prevent Adobe from polluting they entire
             | system. Containers are an excellent way to provide lower
             | guarantees of security (though still more than is there
             | currently), with higher usability. Microvms also fit into
             | the model very cleanly and could be used transparently when
             | higher security was required.
             | The fact that VMs are necessary has shown how much OSes
             | have failed. That we need to take an OS and package it into
             | multiple VMs to get any real isolation is a problem that
             | OSes should solve for.
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