[HN Gopher] Happy New Year HN!
       Happy New Year HN!
       I spend too much time on HN. But of all the places on the internet,
       this is the only place which feels worth visiting multiple times a
       day!  Wishing everyone a great 2024!
       Author : thunderbong
       Score  : 742 points
       Date   : 2023-12-31 18:33 UTC (4 hours ago)
       | block_dagger wrote:
       | Thanks for being a great community we can all escape to
       | throughout the day. Best wishes for intellectual riches in 2024.
         | Simon_ORourke wrote:
         | Seconded! Happy MMXXIV
       | utybo wrote:
       | I discovered HN this year, and my takeaway from it all is: great
       | links, questionable debates in the comments.
       | Happy new year everyone!
       | klelatti wrote:
       | And huge thanks to dang for all his work over the year!
         | bookofjoe wrote:
         | I second that emotion.
           | tomcam wrote:
           | Heartily thirded!
             | sjfjsjdjwvwvc wrote:
             | Fourthed from free feelings
       | dimpalo wrote:
       | happy new year -3H
       | pylua wrote:
       | Thanks everyone. I have learned so much here and have a backlog
       | of interesting articles to consume. All the best to everyone in
       | 2024.
       | sidcool wrote:
       | Happy new year fellow hackers. Hope 2024 brings less bugs and
       | more mental peace.
       | AISnakeOil wrote:
       | Thanks for making my work day better :)
       | naitgacem wrote:
       | I used to have friends in uni with whom i could share very
       | nerdy/technical conversations. near graduation we no longer get
       | together sadly. this has taken a toll on me. HN is a place that
       | feels like home, even if I'm usually just lurking around and
       | overhearing conversations. Thanks everyone for sharing!
         | erikaww wrote:
         | why don't you start something where you live?
           | naitgacem wrote:
           | > something
           | can you elaborate?
             | datadrivenangel wrote:
             | Tech Meetup groups!
             | mooreds wrote:
             | Monthly lunches?
             | Meet up to play a tabletop game?
             | Go for a hike?
             | Have a group receive a tech presentation once a quarter?
             | Lots of options, most just take your time and
             | emails/contacting possibly interested folks.
               | naitgacem wrote:
               | I think the biggest issue here is "possibly interested
               | folks". although I'll keep that as a food for thought.
               | mooreds wrote:
               | Yes, that's the crux, for sure. Meetup or local
               | slacks/discords are where I'd start looking. You could
               | also email current or former coworkers, if you have that
               | info.
               | baz00 wrote:
               | If it's like around here (London, UK) the last thing
               | people want to talk about is the day job!
               | zer00eyz wrote:
               | The Bay Area in the early 2000's and even into the early
               | 2000-teens was NOT like this.
               | You could go out to lunch and have a technical chat and
               | the people at the table next to you might chime in with a
               | solution!
               | When you get enough passionate people and pack them into
               | one location things get interesting for them (networking,
               | friendships etc)... Much of the passion is gone (lots of
               | people see tech as a path to a paycheck), and everyone
               | wants to WFH.
               | mooreds wrote:
               | There's still good stuff going on at local meet ups. I
               | have experienced it myself.
               | Honest truth is there were always folks without passion
               | in tech.
               | baz00 wrote:
               | Meetups are bloody amazing. I keep meeting middle aged
               | divorced women there with loose sense of morals and a
               | drinking problem, which is perfect :)
               | baz00 wrote:
               | That's because it's not a good vision for the future,
               | it's literally either building shit that everyone knows
               | doesn't matter or plugging away at pointless automation
               | on overcomplicated piles of steaming crap. Or the next
               | fad.
               | People have lost the _vision_ and do not understand the
               | _soul of the machine_ is to improve our state of
               | existence not enslave us further.
               | Fuck 'em. I'm taking the money and doing what makes me
               | feel good (wine, floozies and travel).
               | d0mine wrote:
               | I can't talk with my colleagues exactly because I'd like
               | to talk about tech 24/7. HN helps.
               | baz00 wrote:
               | Been there. Wears off when you get to your early 40s.
               | jll29 wrote:
               | How about starting a reading group, say a Linux kernel
               | and device driver source code reading group? ;)
             | eatonphil wrote:
             | I've run a few book clubs online and in NYC this last year.
             | And a Discord for folks in the area in systems programming.
             | And a systems programming coffee meetup in NYC. Stuff like
             | that is what I might guess Erik means! :)
           | ethbr1 wrote:
           | Parent should if they can! But there's also a big difference
           | in intentionality between meeting someone on the quad /
           | outside your room and starting a meetup with friends (or new
           | friends!) scattered across town.
           | Would also suggest looking for social clubs. I've found the
           | "general social hangouts + minimal focus on a shared
           | interest" are great for people time.
           | Avoids the monomaniacal over-focus of a single-interest
           | activity, while still providing a bridge with random
           | strangers ("You like thing? I like thing!").
           | apwell23 wrote:
           | social anxiety.
         | passwordoops wrote:
         | Same happened to me. We drifted apart, live in different
         | cities. But nearly 20 years later, with life settled and kids
         | grown we're rekindling via messaging. I hope firstly, you get
         | your group back, and second it doesn't take 20 years
         | toomuchtodo wrote:
         | > HN is a place that feels like home
         | Indeed, the only third place I feel worth participating in (for
         | me of course, ymmv) and enjoy. Appreciate y'all. Thank you dang
         | for all of the hard work.
         | theusus wrote:
         | On the same page
         | op00to wrote:
         | I had a solid email thread with friends from college going for
         | these types of conversations for about 10 years after
         | graduation, but with kids and moving around that all ended.
         | koliber wrote:
         | If you're ever in need to geek out, hit up someone who posted
         | something interesting and ask them if they're up for chatting.
         | It's not the most comfortable thing to do, but I've had a some
         | great conversations with random people from HN. You'd be
         | surprised how often it works out.
         | Btw, open invite. Contact info in profile.
         | AlbertCory wrote:
         | I think sometimes you have to realize that it's OKAY if you're
         | always the one to keep in touch, and no one else seems to make
         | any effort.
         | As long as they're happy to talk when you call, or they show up
         | at the group event when you badger them enough: that's fine.
         | Some people are just not initiators, and it's either _you_ make
         | the effort, or you lose touch with them. You can 't insist on
         | reciprocity.
           | WhackyIdeas wrote:
           | I don't have any friends anymore because of things like this.
           | And although I feel loss. At least I never need to deal with
           | crappy humans again - because they always let you down. Even
           | the ones who seem great always end up showing their true
           | colours in the end and show a poisonous nasty side.
           | When you have a tonne of hobbies and never enough time, it
           | helps deal with the dilemma. As soon as I stop being
           | interested in hobbies and learning - it's game over here!
           | Happy new year and all the best to the people who don't have
           | people (and who don't need them!)
       | sportstuff wrote:
       | Cheers
       | bozhark wrote:
       | Cheers HN
       | mtmail wrote:
       | The 6th 'Happy new year' submission today made it. The first 5
       | from other users didn't get enough upvotes. You won the karma
       | lottery.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | It takes some time for the New Year to build up momentum,
         | starting from the international date line.
       | mckirk wrote:
       | I can only second that.
       | And by the way, it always makes me happy to see a 'thunderbong'
       | submission reach the front page. To me that's a reassuring sign
       | that we haven't been gentrified yet ;)
       | defend wrote:
       | Time to ship 2024 to production. Happy new year, fellow hackers.
       | May your code always work on the first try and never regress.
         | datadrivenangel wrote:
         | Midnight deploys are such a pain, why can't we deploy the new
         | year during business hours?
           | ethbr1 wrote:
           | We tried delaying new year deployment in 2020, 2021, and
           | 2022... it didn't go so well.
           | So back to the tried and true pipeline!
         | layer8 wrote:
         | It feels more like an eternal beta to be honest.
       | 1f60c wrote:
       | Happy                 sum(n**3 for n in range(2, 10))
       | to all! May we continue to learn from one another.
         | avmich wrote:
         | +/ ^&3 [ 2 + i. 8
         | Happy New Year from J language :)
       | tus666 wrote:
       | So will _this_ be the year of the Linux desktop?
         | maxrf wrote:
         | -\\_(tsu)_/-
         | moffkalast wrote:
         | Every year is the year of Linux desktop :P
         | layer8 wrote:
         | Nope, I've been informed it's the year of the dragon. Looking
         | at the list, there doesn't seem to be a year of the Linux
         | desktop.
           | gigglesupstairs wrote:
           | So, Dragon Linux?
         | diggan wrote:
         | I'm fairly confident that yes, _this_ will be the year of the
         | Linux desktop:
         | 2024 = 20 | 24
         | 20 x 3 + 16 = 76, which is the ASCII value of 'L'.
         | 24 x 3 + 12 = 84, which is the ASCII value of 'T'.
         | = LT = Linux Torvalds
           | seanthemon wrote:
           | I'm so thankful for the mathematicians of HN! Hear hear! Year
           | of Linux!
         | SushiHippie wrote:
         | Maybe the decade of linux desktop
       | fortran77 wrote:
       | ...to those who observe New Year's Day on January 1st.
       | maxboone wrote:
       | Happy New Year everyone, huge thanks dang for your work and
       | everyone for the civil and interesting discussions.
       | HN feels like one of the few places similar to how early internet
       | was.
       | drexlspivey wrote:
       | I was expecting this at midnight UTC
       | nhatcher wrote:
       | Happy new year! I have learned a lot from this community and plan
       | on continuing so
       | seydor wrote:
       | i'll be extremely cautious on underdetermined wishes and will
       | request a new year that s better than last year.
       | mmaunder wrote:
       | Agreed. Happy new year to you and the community here. Have an
       | excellent and lucky 2024.
       | chris-orgmenta wrote:
       | Here's to a year ahead of compassion and progress.
       | Hope y'all have fun, and thanks for everything positive that you
       | do, whatever it is.
       | dylukes wrote:
       | Happy new year to all! Cheers!
       | nobrains wrote:
       | Happy new year from UAE.
       | Lukeisun wrote:
       | Happy New Years! I have visiting here regularly since August and
       | it has been great :)
       | TriangleEdge wrote:
       | Happy New Year <3
       | matanyall wrote:
       | Yeehaw, here's to another year gone by!
       | parvatzar wrote:
       | Wishing Everyone a very Happy New Year 2024. Looking forward to
       | more new learnings on HN as before!
       | vpjosh wrote:
       | HN is my favorite place on the web. Happy NYE HN!
       | josh :)
       | fernandotakai wrote:
       | happy new year!
       | it was a great year for me, and i totally hope it was a great
       | year for all of you.
       | PIPO115 wrote:
       | Happy New Year
       | sangupta wrote:
       | Happy New Year everyone - wishing you all a healthy and happy
       | 2024.
       | moneywoes wrote:
       | luckily set the bar really low for 2023.
       | can only go up from here
       | kerv wrote:
       | Happy new year!
       | api wrote:
       | This is one of the only places I still post. I post a little on
       | Mastodon and occasionally lobste.rs but that's about it.
       | I attribute its retaining of quality to banning memes and other
       | low-effort junk and severely limiting (both as policy and
       | culturally) politics and culture war flame wars. Also _being text
       | only_ helps a lot.
       | zerojames wrote:
       | Happy new year, everyone!
       | Thank you dang for all the work you do to help maintain HN!
       | ErikAugust wrote:
       | Here's a countdown for those on the East Coast:
       | https://cronster.app/@erik/new-years-day-2024/?1
       | baz00 wrote:
       | HNY to everyone here. While I don't agree with some of you this
       | is probably one of the finest communities left on the net. Hat
       | tip to you all.
       | TimCTRL wrote:
       | Happy New Year HN! From Uganda!
       | wdfx wrote:
       | Happy new year from a Londoner currently in Reykjavik :fireworks:
         | nixass wrote:
         | You got some real natural fireworks over there. Hope the sight
         | is nice (have no idea if Grindavik is still erupting)
           | wdfx wrote:
           | I think it calmed down the last week or so but tourism isn't
           | exactly encouraged around that area.
           | We're in the capital with plenty of man made fireworks :)
         | joisig wrote:
         | Happy New Year from an Icelander in Gardabaer (10 minutes by
         | car south of Reykjavik... our definition of a suburb )
       | Chio wrote:
       | Happy new year! Committed to making this new year my, and your,
       | best year so far!
       | Thanks for being a great community.
       | gigatexal wrote:
       | HN has literally changed my life -- it was the who's hiring a few
       | years back that got me my first startup job here in Germany and
       | the rest is history.
       | I do spend too much time here but I tend to learn a lot.
       | asabla wrote:
       | I still find it a bit crazy how familiar HN still feels after so
       | many years I've been reading posts here. Most of that time was me
       | lurking and latter me starting to interact with the community.
       | It's always nice to get your world view shattered by someone more
       | knowledgeable or getting a point of view you wouldn't get
       | anywhere else. Stay the same HN and kudos to dang for keeping up
       | with all the comments and posts being submitted.
       | Happy new years y'all
       | ericmay wrote:
       | Happy New Year!
       | gessha wrote:
       | Happy New Year!
       | I hope this year brings (physical and financial) health to you
       | and your family as well as fun times.
       | upmostly wrote:
       | I have a fantastic feeling about 2024...
       | HN is somewhere that feels like home to me. As it does for a lot
       | of people. I'm grateful to have it in my life.
       | All the best.
       | tunnuz wrote:
       | And to you.
       | crims0n wrote:
       | Happy New Year! This is my favorite community, and in a lot of
       | ways feels like a last bastion for our kind.
       | marginalia_nu wrote:
       | 2023 was a good one for me, let 2024 be a great one for all!
       | SnowingXIV wrote:
       | Happy new year! Likewise, this is generally the only remaining
       | site that I feel better after I leave it and more informed. No
       | ads, excellent moderation, useful discussion and links. No
       | gamification and chasing the modern web. Years of lurking and
       | then years of sparse posting it still feels the same.
       | Here is to hoping this doesn't change. Keep it up dang.
         | danieldk wrote:
         | Happy New Year to you too!
         |  _Likewise, this is generally the only remaining site that I
         | feel better after I leave it and more informed._
         | Hacker News, but also lobster.rs
       | brador wrote:
       | HN and Skimfeed, my two dailies after quitting social media.
       | FredPret wrote:
       | I love HN. Dang does an amazing job moderating this place.
       | My new-years resolution: to not post a single political thing;
       | interesting technical things only. Let's see how that goes in a
       | US election year!
       | testplzignore wrote:
       | No leap seconds in 2023. Here's hoping that IERS blesses us again
       | in 2024!
       | artiscode wrote:
       | Happy New Year everyone! HN will always remain in my heart and
       | mind. 5 years ago I moved to Amsterdam to work on a super
       | interesting R&D project that taught me a lot about GPS,
       | coordinate systems, algorithms, and sadly the importance of
       | having a short commute. I spent an hour and a half to get in
       | either direction. That was demotivating and made me depressed and
       | tired. HN was how I passed time, first on the train, then on the
       | bus, reading curated articles and through thoughtful comments. I
       | couldn't have managed without you all. Once again, I wish you all
       | a Happy New Year and luck in all your endeavours!
         | mooreds wrote:
         | Are you still doing that commute?
           | artiscode wrote:
           | No. I got homesick after a year and a half and moved back.
           | I've been working remotely ever since with no commute, which
           | I find awesome!
       | kjuulh wrote:
       | Happy new years everyone.
       | I started regularly browsing Hacker News around the start of
       | corona when I graduated from university as well. It has been an
       | amazing few years, and I look forward to the coming year.
       | A lot has changed these last years, but somehow Hacker News
       | always remains a solid place to procrastinate and/or learn new
       | things.
       | When I tell other developers that if they want to keep up to date
       | with tech, I tell them about Hacker News, it always goes like
       | this: Come for the articles stay for the community. Thanks to
       | everyone making Hacker News both an interesting and welcoming
       | space to hang out!
       | replwoacause wrote:
       | This is the only social media I use, but the special thing about
       | it is that it doesn't really feel like social media. The content
       | is edifying and the community is well run thanks to dang. Happy
       | New Year everyone!
       | MarcusE1W wrote:
       | Happy new Year from Germany, we are not quite there yet, but in
       | the other years it always worked and so I am confident we will
       | make it this year as well.
       | Time for one more Dinner For One ;-)
       | grumblepeet wrote:
       | Happy New Year all. HN has been there for me to read, learn, get
       | cross with comments, and generally entertaining me for several
       | years. I may not always agree with or understand articles that
       | are linked, but I come back every day. So Happy New Year and
       | thanks all. Esp dang for keeping the place civil.
       | blameitonme wrote:
       | Happy New Year Everyone.
       | this was the best year in my life, hope the next is even better
       | for me as well as y'all <3
       | antoineMoPa wrote:
       | Happy new year!
       | 2f0ja wrote:
       | happy ny everyone, thanks for making this a wonderful community
       | lagrange77 wrote:
       | Happy successful solar orbit revolution, fellow space travellers!
         | xbar wrote:
         | Let's go round again!
       | tiberius_p wrote:
       | HN is my goto place whenever I feel bored, sad, lonely, without
       | purpose, lacking inspiration etc. It's amazing how a single
       | website with such a minimalistic design can condense so much
       | quality content and quality people in a single place for the
       | whole world to enjoy free of charge. Thanks and Happy New Year!
       | razor6ack wrote:
       | (HN)y 2024 everyone!
       | go2europa wrote:
       | Happy new year, from Connecticut in USA. A fellow lurker on here,
       | this is the only news source I've deemed worthwhile to
       | consistently follow since I first learned about it from my
       | college roommate. More than that, the content and community here
       | is always amazing.
       | Much appreciation to dang and the people who help make this place
       | what it is.
       | tomcam wrote:
       | dang is the Philippe Petit of moderators. This place is what it
       | is almost solely due to the tightrope act he performs as the best
       | moderator on the Web.
       | vinniepukh wrote:
       | I learn so much here every year! Next year, I want to contribute
       | more.
       | ta-run wrote:
       | Happy New Year everyone!
       | HN has been very insightful and although I don't post often, just
       | lurking and reading the articles/comments makes me realise how
       | shit I am
       | And although I'm not in the best frame of mind right now, I hope
       | 2024 will be a year where I can change my career around. Much
       | love to everyone here
       | sgammon wrote:
       | I love HN! Happy new year everybody.
       | jmkni wrote:
       | Happy New Year pal!
       | achempion wrote:
       | Happy New Year Everyone! HN is amazing, good luck everyone in
       | 2024
       | ChrisArchitect wrote:
       | Despite increasing piles of duplicate content HN remains my
       | favourite place to stay on top of news and get into the nitty
       | gritty of topics via discussions on new and old things,
       | especially all our classic tech humour and insights. Cheers all
       | denysvitali wrote:
       | Happy New Year everyone!
       | tamimio wrote:
       | Happy new year everyone, been lurking in this site since 2009? I
       | think, so hope everyone has a wonderful year!
       | op00to wrote:
       | This is the place where I consistently leave in a better mood
       | than I arrived. Thank you everyone for showing me I don't have to
       | be an asshole to get my point across!
       | arjonagelhout wrote:
       | Happy new year everyone! Everyone who posts and comments here has
       | inspired me in so many ways.
       | Books, programming tricks, views on life, interesting blog posts,
       | and all that without any distractions.
       | hn.algolia.com and news.ycombinator.com are my go to, everyday.
       | monkeydust wrote:
       | Happy new year. Like OP I'm here multiple times a day and take a
       | lot out and try to give back. Here's to more of this next year.
       | koliber wrote:
       | Happy 2024. This year was full of surprises. Hard to tell which
       | way they will go. Be curious, be adaptive, smile, and spread the
       | love. Everything else will fall into place.
       | bloopernova wrote:
       | Here's to another year of:                 Emacs, and org-mode
       | Firefox, and the inexplicable lack of vertical tabs adoption in
       | Chrome       zsh, fzf, ripgrep awesomeness, fd, asdf/rtx, btop,
       | and cool shell stuff       Rust everywhere       Factorio!
       | Frivolous Nerdery!       Oh and some LLM/AI stuff might also be
       | popular
       | hackernj wrote:
       | Happy 10 - 9 + 8 * 7 * 6! / 5 / 4 + 3 * 2 + 1!
       | sjfjsjdjwvwvc wrote:
       | Happy new year from Brazil <3 HN is really the only social media
       | that is worth visiting
       | jviotti wrote:
       | Happy New Year everybody from Argentina, and may your wildest
       | dreams come true!
       | szundi wrote:
       | HNY!
       | shreezus wrote:
       | We're incredibly fortunate to be living through one of the
       | greatest time periods imaginable right now. Happy 2024, onwards
       | and upwards
       | norparsec wrote:
       | Happy New Year Everyone! Thanks for building awesome projects,
       | sharing interesting articles, and always helping out.
       | eointierney wrote:
       | The logs show how often I F5 this page.
       | The logs don't show how much pleasure your spiky erudition gives
       | me.
       | I look forward to ever better creativity and cristicism.
       | Happy New Year HN! You make this the best site on the web for me
       | :)
       | whisper_yb wrote:
       | Happy new year!
       | jasoneckert wrote:
       | DIS chu' DatIvjaj! (Happy New Year in Klingon).
       | EGreg wrote:
       | Let's do some great things this coming year!
       | If you're reading this, I'm curious what you plan to accomplish
       | in this coming year. Write a comment below and tell us a little
       | bit about your main goals to accomplish by this time next year!
       | ninjamayo wrote:
       | Happy New Year to everyone!
       | knaik94 wrote:
       | happy New Year
       | jll29 wrote:
       | Happy New Year, all!
       | $ xlock # ...about to go to the balcony now to watch the
       | fireworks
       | phtrivier wrote:
       | We learned the value of immutability, so I don't celebrate new
       | year any more, I just append days to each other and celeb OOM
       | digitalbreed wrote:
       | Happy New Year HN!
       (page generated 2023-12-31 23:00 UTC)