[HN Gopher] Generating SVG for the prime knots
       Generating SVG for the prime knots
       Author : prideout
       Score  : 131 points
       Date   : 2024-01-11 18:50 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (prideout.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (prideout.net)
       | l0b0 wrote:
       | Love the double hearts in
       | https://prideout.net/blog/svg_knots/knots/8_5.svg
         | gilleain wrote:
         | Also known as the 'true lovers knot' I believe:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_lover%27s_knot
         | (It isn't the smallest non-alternating knot. This page says
         | 8_19 is the smallest.
         | https://mathworld.wolfram.com/NonalternatingKnot.html)
       | phkahler wrote:
       | I've never studied knots, but understanding the algorithms used
       | here seems like a really good starting point.
       | OscarCunningham wrote:
       | The unknot isn't a prime knot for the same reason that 1 isn't a
       | prime number.
       | dekhn wrote:
       | There's some fun stuff here (I'm reminded of the algorithms used
       | to render planar drawings of proteins, which are similar to
       | knots).
       | My real interest which I haven't seen much literature about is
       | generating real-world knots that have good properties. For
       | example if you look at the various knots, some knots have nice
       | properties like "easy to untie" and "does not get tighter under
       | load", which has huge impacts. These properties derive from the
       | topology but also the physics of the knot. Would be nice to find
       | a new hitch knot that worked better.
         | gilleain wrote:
         | > I'm reminded of the algorithms used to render planar drawings
         | of proteins, which are similar to knots
         | Yes, like the PTGL - https://bio.tools/ptgl - or, er, TOPS
         | diagrams. The main relationship to knot diagrams is really the
         | chirality of beta-alpha-beta motifs (the majority of which are
         | right handed).
           | dekhn wrote:
           | Thanks! I was searching for this citation to include in my
           | comment: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/protein-
           | science/arti...
           | (I have no idea how my brain can remember a paper from 20+
           | years ago but not enough to find it in the literature)
         | contingencies wrote:
         | A lot of knot books and websites provide property-based
         | classifications.
           | dekhn wrote:
           | Yes. my goal would be to identify those properties from 3d
           | models of knots, and a mechanism to generate plausible 3d
           | models.
             | contingencies wrote:
             | The general properties of knot categories are already
             | known. Real world factors such as the diameter of the line,
             | its mechanical properties and environmental considerations
             | (eg. presence of powder/dust, oil, rain, etc.) will
             | significantly affect the actual deployment properties of a
             | given knot. In addition, there are infinite places within a
             | given knot that forces can be applied. Lines will also
             | degrade over time, and factors such as complexity, time and
             | fingers/hands/tools required-to-reliably tie/untie will
             | also often be practical concerns in selection for
             | deployment. Therefore, while your interest in the
             | algorithmic exploration is interesting, if the goal is to
             | generate novel practical results then there is a lot more
             | complexity to add to the modeling before a useful result
             | might be obtained, and any such result would have to be
             | clearly based in assumptions around deployment scenario.
               | dekhn wrote:
               | Sure. you're not telling me (a person who used to model
               | knots in proteins using molecular dynamics, and works
               | with FEA and other mechanical engineering tools) anything
               | really novel.
               | Humans discovered hundreds of knots just playing around,
               | and developed excellent knots in the past 400 years; new
               | knots, never before tied, were invented some ~100 years
               | ago. One imagines that a bit of searching with a computer
               | might find a few cases that were overlooked.
               | For example, take a look at
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_loop and
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_bend and
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter%27s_bend and
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ashley_Book_of_Knots
         | dexwiz wrote:
         | Mathematics has probably already classified all knots that are
         | human tieable. So from there you could iterate these knots in
         | different physical positions, and perform different tests on
         | them. The topological space has been investigated, now you need
         | to decide between a teacup and a doughnut. This would be a
         | mechanical engineering question, not a math question. Maybe
         | look elsewhere?
           | dekhn wrote:
           | math knots and real knots aren't the same thing and I don't
           | think all possible human tieable knots have been enumerated
           | and classified although I am happy to be pointed to evidence.
           | Math knots embed circles while real knots are typically made
           | with free ended ropes (although some knots are not). Math
           | knots ignore friction and the width of the rope; real knots
           | can't ignore friction and the width (and other phyhsical
           | properties) matter. See the comment in this article
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overhand_knot
           | While researching my answer I found out there's a term for
           | what I wanted to do,
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_knot_theory
           | I've had this discussion with mathematicians a few times now
           | and they don't see the difference, so maybe I'm just missing
           | something important.
             | whatshisface wrote:
             | A knot with free ends can be turned into an embedded circle
             | by connecting the ends far away from the knot. That's why
             | they share a classification scheme.
       | zokier wrote:
       | Neat visualization. I noticed though that the images (when
       | enlarged) have some awkward angles etc to them, they are not
       | super rounded and smooth shapes... maybe the width modulation
       | could use some easing or interpolation or something?
         | mlyle wrote:
         | I feel like that would be nice. It also might be nice to have a
         | slight change in hue over the length of the knot, so that there
         | is more contrast on crossings and things are a little clearer.
       | dexwiz wrote:
       | Very cool. I have been trying to do something similar with
       | tilings, but there is more information to be encoded. I am
       | targeting something similar to the ability to render the
       | tessellation catalog [1] and perform searches. Turns out there
       | are multiple notations, and most of them use some level of
       | implied knowledge. Also seems like rendering of knots is more
       | open ended, while tilings are essentially their rendering. But
       | they all do use a similar approach of Notation > Half Edge Data
       | Structure > Render.
       | [1] https://zenorogue.github.io/tes-catalog/?c=
         | lovegrenoble wrote:
         | Not sure I learned anything about "Knot Theory" from playing
         | this, but that was fun. Knot theory game:
         | https://knots.netlify.app
       | samstave wrote:
       | As a knotable person myself, this is AMAZING.
       | Some thoughts on application of this knowledge would be to look
       | at the patterns as you have described as cross-sections of rope
       | weaving with the circular looming as the individual
       | bobbins/spinny-things in an industrial loom - so rather that just
       | woven-sheeth and full spin style cabling, one might achieve some
       | really incredible properties in the woven elements along a axis
       | such as these represent.
       | Especially if you further differentiate btwn material and woven
       | state (Are you weaving in an already spun set of filiments? What
       | are the materials for the various inputs, and even further -
       | imagine you have a set of elements in the loom where youre
       | certain threads are the static, more rigid scaffold - like woven
       | titanium strands which then feed into another loom which is
       | weaving in the kevlar or other materials including a core of
       | optics which is protected by the outer woven sheath from these
       | patterns of 2D knots stretched out along an axis - certain
       | elements can be printed such like the articulating spine of a
       | snake.
       | It could make a machinable-high-tensile strength cable with an
       | optical core with protected turn radii (titanium snake spine)
       | See here for reference to advanced cabling:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD5aAd8Oy84
       (page generated 2024-01-11 23:00 UTC)