[HN Gopher] Daniel Dennett: What If I'm Wrong?
       Daniel Dennett: What If I'm Wrong?
       Author : jrlocke
       Score  : 40 points
       Date   : 2024-02-12 22:06 UTC (53 minutes ago)
 (HTM) web link (behavioralscientist.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (behavioralscientist.org)
       | delichon wrote:
       | Ptolemy was wrong. But he was wrong with a large pile of actual
       | measurements of celestial bodies, and a falsifiable theory. That
       | made him wrong in the positive sense of wrong in the phrase "not
       | even wrong", where wrong is just the first step of the ladder.
       | I wish I could say the same about Freud, but that ladder is
       | distressingly horizontal.
       (page generated 2024-02-12 23:00 UTC)