[HN Gopher] Archive (2024-03-10) - Page 1
 (DIR) Monte-Carlo Graph Search from First Principles
       53 points by bumbledraven (1 comments)
 (DIR) The Best Essay
       63 points by tosh (35 comments)
 (DIR) Rebuilding memchess.com from its archive
       92 points by grondilu (13 comments)
 (DIR) Controlling 3.6kW of Solar EV Charging with an Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi
       25 points by PaulHoule (19 comments)
 (DIR) The Fashion Police in 16th-century Italy (2014)
       42 points by ohjeez (7 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: LlamaGym - fine-tune LLM agents with online reinforceme...
       140 points by KhoomeiK (10 comments)
 (DIR) Moore on Moore - The past, present and uncertain future of Moore...
       49 points by klelatti (12 comments)
 (DIR) DBeaver - open-source database client
       183 points by saikatsg (47 comments)
 (DIR) Kernel Hardening - Protect Linux User Accounts Against Brute For...
       27 points by CHEF-KOCH (8 comments)
 (DIR) My Guide to Software Engineering Contracting in UK
       50 points by codedeep (35 comments)
 (DIR) Mandala: A little plaground for testing pixel logic patterns
       46 points by surprisetalk (9 comments)
 (DIR) A neural code for time and space in the human brain [pdf]
       44 points by bookofjoe (5 comments)
 (DIR) Two scammers, a web of betrayal, and Europe's fraud of the century
       61 points by samclemens (24 comments)
 (DIR) PaperMC/Paper: The most widely used, high performance Minecraft ...
       79 points by notamy (26 comments)
 (DIR) Using PostgreSQL for military geoanalytics tasks
       45 points by PaulHoule (4 comments)
 (DIR) Serving Astro with Rust
       39 points by skwee357 (7 comments)
 (DIR) Yi: Open Foundation Models by 01.AI
       161 points by pama (71 comments)
 (DIR) Iris (Infra-Red, in Situ) Silicon Verification Project Updates
       68 points by pabs3 (5 comments)
 (DIR) Tenstorrent unveils Grayskull, its RISC-V answer to GPUs
       212 points by Brajeshwar (97 comments)
 (DIR) Kakapo - A web bundler for Nix strings with context
       80 points by todsacerdoti (19 comments)
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       (page generated 2024-03-10 23:00 UTC)