[HN Gopher] Archive (2024-03-11) - Page 1
 (DIR) Webb and Hubble confirm Universe's expansion rate
       180 points by thunderbong (55 comments)
 (DIR) JSON Canvas - An open file format for infinite canvas data
       435 points by nickmain (101 comments)
 (DIR) Diffusion models from scratch, from a new theoretical perspective
       116 points by jxmorris12 (12 comments)
 (DIR) Google's threat model for post-quantum cryptography
       45 points by yuedongze (4 comments)
 (DIR) OpenPlotter
       59 points by slow_typist (24 comments)
 (DIR) Launch HN: Onedoc (YC W24) - A better way to create PDFs
       167 points by AugusteLef (132 comments)
 (DIR) The later we meet someone in a sequence, the more negatively we ...
       89 points by amichail (47 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: Prompts as WASM Programs
       110 points by mmoskal (23 comments)
 (DIR) Speedometer 3.0: A shared browser benchmark for web application ...
       128 points by cpeterso (104 comments)
 (DIR) See 'horned' comet 12P/Pons-Brooks in the night sky
       4 points by T-A (0 comments)
 (DIR) Vegetable stock: my secret lover (2011)
       80 points by surprisetalk (49 comments)
 (DIR) Building an Open Source Decentralized E-Book Search Engine
       216 points by j2qk3b (28 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: I made Vinlo - Spinning artwork video for your music
       37 points by wayoverthecloud (14 comments)
 (DIR) gh-116167: Allow disabling the GIL
       348 points by freediver (162 comments)
 (DIR) Kdenlive 24.02 open source video editor released
       175 points by jrepinc (28 comments)
 (DIR) GrapheneOS finds Bluetooth memory corruption via ARM MTE
       245 points by gaul (152 comments)
 (DIR) Deepnote (YC S19) is hiring engineers to build an AI-powered dat...
       1 points (job listing)
 (DIR) Breakthrough in nanostructure technology for real-time color dis...
       56 points by wglb (18 comments)
 (DIR) (How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (In Python)) (2010)
       167 points by selvan (67 comments)
 (DIR) The Secret Life of XY Monitors (2001)
       79 points by ibobev (66 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2024-03-11 23:00 UTC)