[HN Gopher] Fuzzing Ladybird with tools from Google Project Zero
       Fuzzing Ladybird with tools from Google Project Zero
       Author : awesomekling
       Score  : 362 points
       Date   : 2024-03-16 11:49 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (awesomekling.substack.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (awesomekling.substack.com)
       | tetris11 wrote:
       | They've implemented SVG? This project is coming along faster than
       | I thought. I watch enraptured
         | awesomekling wrote:
         | Yes, we have implemented a decent chunk of the SVG
         | specification, although lots of things are still missing
         | (animations is a big one) :)
           | jancsika wrote:
           | I'm curious how you handle the things that are between SVG
           | specs 1.1 and 2. Because AFAICT both Chrome and Firefox
           | decided not to implement SVG 2. Yet both have grabbed a
           | common selection of changes from SVG 2 and implemented them.
           | E.g., myRect.style.x = '50px' will work in both Chrome and
           | Firefox, even though SVG 1.1 doesn't allow for this because
           | "x" isn't a presentation attribute (and only presentation
           | attributes are supposed to have corresponding CSS
           | properties).
           | Relevant to animations-- the fact that Chrome and Firefox
           | allow most (all?) SVG attributes as css props lets the user
           | do a nice end run around SVG animations. They can just treat
           | the SVG objects as if they were HTML and use the web
           | animations API to animate them.
             | awesomekling wrote:
             | We're working based on SVG 2 and basically ignoring SVG
             | 1.1.
             | I was unsure about the best approach here, so I asked
             | Nikolas Zimmermann (original author of SVG support in
             | WebKit) and his advice was to do exactly this. :)
               | jancsika wrote:
               | That makes sense.
               | I was going to ask if you were prioritizing the SVG 2
               | features that are already implemented in Chrome and
               | Firefox. But it appears the W3C has removed a lot of the
               | new ones I remember from the spec (path data bearings,
               | mesh gradients), _and_ that both Chrome and Firefox have
               | implemented a good amount of the existing spec like
               | tabindex and friends.
               | (Ok, here's one-- "inline-size" and others for doing
               | auto-wrapping text in SVG. Looks to be unimplemented
               | anywhere.)
       | classichasclass wrote:
       | And thus demonstrated is the value of lots of different
       | implementations of a spec. Already one hole found in the spec in
       | just this article, and I'm sure there will be/were more.
         | awesomekling wrote:
         | Yes indeed! We've found and reported lots of issues in the
         | various HTML, CSS and JS specs.
         | Multiple independent implementations are crucial for the long-
         | term health of the web platform, so we're trying to do our
         | part! :)
           | Avamander wrote:
           | > Multiple independent implementations are crucial for the
           | long-term health of the web platform, so we're trying to do
           | our part! :)
           | It's really great that you're doing this work. This principle
           | also applies to many other specs. I've implemented a few and
           | found multiple issues with real-world impact.
           | de4np wrote:
           | Awesome! Thank you for being the change you want to see.
           | Inspiring to say the least, great work!
       | holsta wrote:
       | I am secretly hopeful Ladybird can take over the world some day.
       | Don't tell anyone.
       | tflol wrote:
       | "fuzzing ladybird" is such a delightfully barbaric combination of
       | words
         | riwsky wrote:
         | Like some vaguely un-PC insult from an alternate-reality
         | Scotland
       | DustinBrett wrote:
       | I love that this project keeps showing how possible it is for a
       | small group to make something amazing. This would be very hard to
       | do in a company with stakeholders.
         | pvg wrote:
         | The project is cool but this post makes me wonder whether this
         | particular approach - starting with something that "does an
         | okay job with well-formed web content" and then trying to work
         | backwards to fix spec and de facto browser behaviour _and_
         | potential security issues can actually result in a production
         | browser. Which is fine, one can always go back and redo things,
         | especially in a hobby project but it 's hard to escape the
         | vague feeling some of this stuff might need to be architected
         | in from the get go.
           | ramijames wrote:
           | I don't know. It kind of feels like they are replicating real
           | user (developer) behavior by producing lots and lots of
           | weird, low-quality, and not-to-spec code that a parser will
           | likely have to deal with. By doing so they are simply
           | exposing bugs that real users (bad developers) would have
           | done anyway. Seems like a totally legit way to test a complex
           | product. No assumptions. Just lots of randomized nonsense
           | that shows reality.
             | pvg wrote:
             | I'm not talking about the fuzzing but the design approach.
             | As in, can you make a real browser starting with a kind of
             | 'happy path' implementation and then retrofitting it do be
             | a real browser. That part I'm somewhat skeptical of. It's a
             | totally sensible way to learn to make a real browser, no
             | doubt.
               | DontSignAnytng wrote:
               | What a weird comment on their progress and being
               | transparent. Better have a demo working and itterate on
               | it right? By your way how one even finish anything?
               | Sammi wrote:
               | "real browser" is doing a lot of work in your comment.
               | Feels like you're about to make a no true scotsman
               | argument.
               | After all what is a browser other than something that
               | browses? What other characteristics make it "real"?
               | If Ladybird browses, then it must be a browser.
               | pvg wrote:
               | _" real browser" is doing a lot of work in your comment._
               | It's not doing nearly as much work as real browsers do!
               |  _After all what is a browser other than something that
               | browses? What other characteristics make it "real"?_
               | A real browser is a browser that aspires to be a web
               | browser that can reasonably be used by a (let's say even
               | fairly technical) user to browse the real web. That means
               | handling handling outright adversarial inputs and my
               | point is this is so central to a real browser, it seems
               | it might be hard to retrofit in later.
               | I gave one example with the null thing, another one would
               | be the section on how the JS API can break the
               | assumptions made by the DOM parser - it similarly sounds
               | like a bug that's really a bug class and a real browser
               | would need a systemic/architecture fix for.
               | derefr wrote:
               | I would say that a "real browser" -- which I think is
               | being used here to mean a "production-quality" browser,
               | in contrast to a "toy" browser -- would be a _robust_ and
               | _efficient_ browser with a _maintainable_ codebase.
               | jcelerier wrote:
               | > robust and efficient browser with a maintainable
               | codebase.
               | i would say neither chrome or firefox score particularly
               | high in any of these
               | refulgentis wrote:
               | We're well past absurdity on this line of argument.
               | Given:
               | A = a goal of just implementing just the latest and most
               | important specs
               | B = shipping something they want people to use
               | There is no browser team, Ladybird or otherwise, that is
               | A and not B, or, A and B.
               | For clarity's sake: Ladybird doesn't claim A.
               | Let's pretend they do, as I think that'll be hard for
               | people arguing in this thread to accept they don't.
               | Then, we know they most certainly aren't claiming B.
               | Landing page says it's too unstable to provide builds
               | for. Outside of that, we well-understand it's not
               | "shipping" or intended to be seen as such.
             | l72 wrote:
             | As a developer I would love to have a browser that strictly
             | follows specs and doesn't deal with any historic
             | compatibility issues. I would focus on making sure my web
             | app works best there which _should_ give best compatibility
             | across a wide range of browsers.
               | ramijames wrote:
               | ABSOLUTELY.
               | But, and this is the crucial part, AS A USER YOU WOULD
               | NOT because a large portion of the web is broken.
               | We don't live in a perfect, sanitary world, and the
               | software we build and use reflects that.
               | csande17 wrote:
               | These days, a lot of the historic compatibility issues
               | are either baked directly into the spec (eg
               | https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-document-quirks) or
               | hard-coded to only apply on specific websites (eg https:/
               | /github.com/WebKit/WebKit/blob/main/Source/WebCore/pa...)
               | . Unless you work for a company that's too big to fail,
               | you're unlikely to encounter the latter.
           | trashburger wrote:
           | > it's hard to escape the vague feeling some of this stuff
           | might need to be architected in from the get go.
           | When I'm developing something, work or otherwise, I find that
           | I often write my worst code when I'm writing something
           | bottom-up i.e. designed, because it usually turns out that
           | the user of that particular code has completely different
           | needs, and the point of integration becomes a point of
           | refactor. I think the top-down approach applied at the
           | project level is much nicer because it allows you to _start
           | from somewhere_ and then iteratively improve things.
           | That is not to say you shouldn't take precautions. In
           | Ladybird, stuff like image decoding and webpage rendering/JS
           | execution are isolated to their own processes, with OpenBSD
           | style pledge/unveil sandboxing. They aren't perfect of
           | course, but it allows for the kind of development that
           | Ladybird has without much worry about those aspects.
             | pvg wrote:
             | I'm not really suggesting Ladybird is doing something
             | "wrong" or should do something else. Reading something
             | like:
             |  _The fix is to make Document::window() return a nullable
             | value, and then handle null in a bajillion places._
             | makes me think you're going to find something like this and
             | do this kind of fix maybe once, twice, five times and then
             | probably decide you need a more fundamental fix of some
             | sort. Another way of thinking about it is 'What would, say,
             | the Google Chrome team, wish they could do were they
             | starting from scratch?' i.e. aiming for the state of the
             | art, rather than trying to catch up to it later which may
             | turn out to be overwhelming.
               | UncleEntity wrote:
               | Even if they did 'something else' and produced a bullet-
               | proof implementation they are still dealing with a buggy
               | spec in the first place.
               | If someone thought their dev chops were 100% infallible
               | why would they bother to fuzz the spec?
               | pvg wrote:
               | I think you're misunderstanding my point, it's not about
               | implementation or spec bugs but design. Forget Ladybird
               | for a moment and think of Firefox. Its core design was
               | something along the lines of 'x-platform toolkit for
               | making enterprise groupware apps' where one of the apps
               | was a web browser. Kind of neat for 1998, by 2008 it was
               | clear that's no longer a good fit for making a browser.
               | Despite heroic efforts and many advances, Firefox has
               | never really been able to close the gap to more recent
               | browsers. And (statistically) nobody makes new browsers
               | based on Firefox, it's effectively a design dead end.
               | It can be hard to retrofit 'complicated but decent parser
               | with a js runtime attached' to something like 'safe
               | parser of arbitrarily adversarial inputs connected to an
               | open RCE' (i.e. something akin to a modern browser) if
               | the latter wasn't a fundamental design goal to start
               | with.
       | yafetn wrote:
       | A little off topic: what happened to the hacking videos on
       | YouTube? Used to look forward to them but I haven't seen a new
       | one in a while.
         | awesomekling wrote:
         | To be perfectly honest, after uploading well over 1000 videos,
         | I got a little tired of it. I still post monthly update videos,
         | but it's been months since the last hacking video.
         | I'm still working on Ladybird every day, and I also manage two
         | full time engineers now, thanks to the generous sponsorships we
         | got from Shopify & others last year. :)
           | yafetn wrote:
           | Fair enough, and that totally makes sense. I guess I just
           | miss the "Well, hello friends..." :)
           | slekker wrote:
           | I absolutely loved the JIT series, but fair enough!
             | bjc wrote:
             | Me too. I'm currently watching the emulator hacking
             | playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMOpZvQB55b
             | fk92aBKZ8p...
           | dsshakey wrote:
           | Glad to hear you're doing the right thing by yourself. I
           | regularly go back and watch some of the mini series, or
           | porting videos. I refer many graduate engineers to learn from
           | your high display of clarity and pragmatism that you
           | constantly display.
           | If the hacking comes back some day, I'll be delighted, but
           | just wanted to say thanks for the fact that we have such a
           | wonderful backlog thanks to your long term efforts.
           | tredre3 wrote:
           | Thank you for all the videos! I particularly enjoyed the
           | porting and profiling/optimization videos and I still
           | occasionally rewatch them to this day. :)
           | Your overall pragmatism and no nonsense C++ style is
           | something more developers should aim to replicate imho.
       | aapoalas wrote:
       | Will Ladybird make an appearance in Web Engines Hackfest this
       | year?
       | beefnugs wrote:
       | Interesting thanks. What bothers me though is that almost all
       | developers do exactly what you see in issue #1: We found it! fix
       | committed done! Nope, you should understand exactly what went
       | wrong: assuming parents must exist... Now search the entire
       | codebase for the same kind of mistakes. Use your creative brain
       | to figure out where else same thing can happen. It will never be
       | in just done place. All modern software is unreliable bug ridden
       | nightmare, mostly because of capitalism constraints yes... but it
       | is possible to do better
       (page generated 2024-03-16 23:00 UTC)